changeset 64 6385c4c93049
parent 63 4baee4f15982
child 65 8e6fa1719340
equal deleted inserted replaced
63:4baee4f15982 64:6385c4c93049
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *       Implementation of CBrowserPopupList and CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup
    16 *
    17 *
    18 */
    21 #include <e32std.h>
    22 #include <AknPopup.h>
    23 #include <AknListQueryDialog.h>
    24 #include <AknIconArray.h>
    25 #include <recenturlstore.h>
    26 #include <AknsUtils.h>
    27 #include <AknsListBoxBackgroundControlContext.h>
    28 #include <AppApacLayout.cdl.h>
    29 #include <AppLayout.cdl.h>
    30 #include <AknLayout.cdl.h>
    31 #include <SkinLayout.cdl.h>
    32 #include <AknLayout2ScalableDef.h>
    33 #include <AknLayoutScalable_Avkon.cdl.h>
    34 #include <AknLayoutScalable_Apps.cdl.h>
    35 #include <LayoutMetaData.cdl.h>
    36 #include <AknEnv.h>
    37 #include <aknsdrawutils.h>
    38 #include <browser.mbg>
    39 #include "BrowserContentView.h"
    40 #include "BrowserAdaptiveListPopup.h"
    41 #include "BrowserAppUi.h"
    42 #include "CommonConstants.h"
    43 #include "BrowserAppViewBase.h"
    44 #include <data_caging_path_literals.hrh>
    45 #include <Uri8.h>
    46 #include <utf.h>
    48 #include "eikon.hrh"
    50 // CONSTANTS
    51 const TInt KMaxIcons = 2;
    52 const TInt KListLengthToShow = 64;//the length of the string in the list
    53 _LIT( KItemTab, "1\t");//prefix for items
    54 _LIT( KDirTab, "0\t");//prefix for directories
    55 const TInt KArrayGranularity = 10;
    56 _LIT( KProtocolIdentifier,"://" );
    57 const TUint KSlash('/');
    58 const TUint KPeriod('.');
    59 const TInt KListHeight = 36;
    60 const TInt KLandscapeListItems = 5;
    61 const TInt KFontHeight = 150;
    63 static void TextPos(TPoint *aResultArray, const TAknTextLineLayout
    64 &aLayout, TSize aItemSize)
    65     {
    66     TRect itemRect(TPoint(0,0), aItemSize);
    67     TAknLayoutText textLayout;
    68     textLayout.LayoutText(itemRect, aLayout);
    69     aResultArray[0] = textLayout.TextRect().iTl;
    70     aResultArray[1] = textLayout.TextRect().iTl +
    71 textLayout.TextRect().Size();
    72     }
    74 static void GfxPos(TPoint *aResultArray, const TAknWindowLineLayout
    75 &aLayout, TSize aItemSize)
    76     {
    77     TRect itemRect(TPoint(0,0), aItemSize);
    78     TAknLayoutRect layout;
    79     layout.LayoutRect(itemRect, aLayout);
    80     aResultArray[0] = layout.Rect().iTl;
    81     aResultArray[1] = layout.Rect().iTl + layout.Rect().Size();
    82     }
    84 TSize ListBoxItemSize(CEikListBox &aListBox, CFormattedCellListBoxItemDrawer *aItemDrawer)
    85     {
    86     TSize size = TSize( aItemDrawer->LafItemSize().iWidth, aListBox.View()->ItemSize().iHeight );
    87     return size;
    88     }
    90 // ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
    92 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    93 // CBrowserPopupList::CBrowserPopupList()
    94 //
    95 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    96 //
    97 CBrowserPopupList::CBrowserPopupList(TParentType aParentType):CAknSingleGraphicPopupMenuStyleListBox()
    98     {
    99     iParentType = aParentType;
   100     }
   102 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   103 // CBrowserPopupList::~CBrowserPopupList()
   104 //
   105 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   106 //
   107 CBrowserPopupList::~CBrowserPopupList()
   108     {
   109     }
   111 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   112 // CBrowserPopupList::ConstructL
   113 //
   114 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   115 //
   116 void CBrowserPopupList::ConstructL(const CCoeControl* aParent, TInt aFlags)
   117     {
   118     CAknSingleGraphicPopupMenuStyleListBox::ConstructL( aParent, aFlags);
   119     }
   121 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   122 // CBrowserPopupList::SetHighLight
   123 // Sets the highlight of the list
   124 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   125 //
   126 void CBrowserPopupList::SetHighLight(TBool aHighLight)
   127     {
   129     iItemDrawer->SetFlags( CListItemDrawer::ESingleClickEnabled );
   130 #endif    
   131     iListBoxFlags = ( aHighLight ?  iListBoxFlags &~ CEikListBox::EDisableHighlight : iListBoxFlags | CEikListBox::EDisableHighlight );
   132     if ( aHighLight )
   133         {
   134         iItemDrawer->ClearFlags( CListItemDrawer::EDisableHighlight );
   135         }
   136     else
   137         {
   138         iItemDrawer->SetFlags( CListItemDrawer::EDisableHighlight );
   139         }
   140     }
   142 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   143 // CBrowserPopupList::HighLightEnabled()
   144 // Enables the highlight in the list
   145 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   146 //
   147 TBool CBrowserPopupList::HighLightEnabled()
   148     {
   149     return !( iItemDrawer->Flags() & CListItemDrawer::EDisableHighlight );
   150     }
   152 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   153 // CBrowserPopupList::SizeChanged()
   154 // sets the inner layout
   155 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   156 //
   157 void CBrowserPopupList::SizeChanged()
   158     {
   159     CAknSingleGraphicPopupMenuStyleListBox::SizeChanged();
   160     TAknWindowLineLayout windowLineLayout;
   161     TAknWindowLineLayout windowLineLayoutTmp;
   162     TAknWindowLineLayout windowLineLayoutTmp2;
   163     TAknLayoutRect layoutRect;
   164     TPoint area[2] ;
   165     TRgb color;
   166     CEikFormattedCellListBox &aListBox = *this;
   167     CFormattedCellListBoxItemDrawer *itemDrawer = aListBox.ItemDrawer();
   168     AknListBoxLayouts::SetupStandardListBox(aListBox);
   170     AknListBoxLayouts::SetupListboxPos( aListBox, AppLayout::list_single_graphic_popup_wml_pane( 0 ));
   172     GfxPos(area,
   173     AknLayoutScalable_Apps::list_single_graphic_popup_wml_pane_g1(),
   174     ListBoxItemSize(*this, ItemDrawer()) );
   176     AknListBoxLayouts::SetupFormGfxCell(aListBox,
   177                                         itemDrawer,
   178                                         0,
   179                                         AknLayoutScalable_Apps::list_single_graphic_popup_wml_pane_g2(),
   180                                         area[0],
   181                                         area[1]);
   183     //sets the rectangle of the text
   184     TextPos(area,
   185     AknLayoutScalable_Apps::list_single_graphic_popup_wml_pane_t1( ),
   186     ListBoxItemSize(*this, ItemDrawer()) );
   187     AknListBoxLayouts::SetupFormAntiFlickerTextCell(aListBox,
   188                                                     itemDrawer,
   189                                                     1,
   190                                                     AknLayoutScalable_Apps::list_single_graphic_popup_wml_pane_t1( ),
   191                                                     area[0],
   192                                                     area[1]);
   193     }
   195 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   196 // CBrowserPopupList::Draw()
   197 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   198 //
   199 void CBrowserPopupList::Draw(const TRect& /*aRect*/) const
   200     {
   201     TRect windowRect = this->Rect();
   202     CEikFormattedCellListBox::Draw( windowRect );
   203     return;
   204     }
   207 // ================= CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup =======================
   210 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   211 // CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup::CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup()
   212 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   213 //
   214 CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup::CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup( CEikEdwin* aGotoPaneEdit, 
   215         CCoeControl* aParent, TParentType aParentType, TBool aSearchFeature): 
   216         iEditor( aGotoPaneEdit ), iParent( aParent ),
   217         iParentType( aParentType ), iSearchFeature( aSearchFeature )
   218     {
   219     iTouchSupported = AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled();
   220     }
   222 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   223 // CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup::ConstructL(const TRect& aRect)
   224 // EPOC two-phased constructor
   225 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   226 void CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup::ConstructL( )
   227     {
   228     CreateWindowL();
   229 //-------- list ------
   230     iList = new(ELeave) CBrowserPopupList( iParentType );
   232     iList->ConstructL( this , CEikListBox::EDisableItemSpecificMenu );
   233 #else
   234     iList->ConstructL( this , CEikListBox::ELeftDownInViewRect );
   235 #endif
   236     iList->SetContainerWindowL( *this );
   237     if (iTouchSupported)
   238         {
   239         iList->SetListBoxObserver( this );
   240         }
   241     iList->CreateScrollBarFrameL( ETrue );
   242     iList->SetMopParent(iParent);
   243     iList->ScrollBarFrame()->SetScrollBarVisibilityL(
   244                                 CEikScrollBarFrame::EOff,
   245                                 CEikScrollBarFrame::EAuto);
   246     iList->ScrollBarFrame()->SetTypeOfVScrollBar( CEikScrollBarFrame::EDoubleSpan );
   247     iList->UpdateScrollBarsL();
   248     iList->SetBorder(TGulBorder::ESingleBlack);
   249     iList->ItemDrawer()->FormattedCellData()->EnableMarqueeL( ETrue );
   250 //---------- items storing arrays ---------
   251     iItems = new(ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat(KArrayGranularity);
   252     iItemNames = new(ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat(KArrayGranularity);
   253     iItemNamesToShow = new(ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat(KArrayGranularity);
   254 //---------- model ----------
   255     CTextListBoxModel* model = iList->Model();
   256     model->SetItemTextArray( iItemNamesToShow );
   257     model->SetOwnershipType( ELbmDoesNotOwnItemArray );
   258 //---------- icons -----------
   259     SetIconsL();
   260 //--------- other --------
   261     iFirstGotoContent = KNullDesC().AllocL();
   262     iPrevGotoContent = KNullDesC().AllocL();
   263     iPoppedUp = EFalse;
   264     iDirectoryMode = ETrue;
   265     iOpenCBA=EFalse;
   266     iItemDrawer = iList->ItemDrawer();
   267     iPrevItem = -2;
   268     iUrlCompletionMode = EFalse;
   269     iRecentUrlStore = CBrowserAppUi::Static()->RecentUrlStore();
   270     if (!iRecentUrlStore)
   271         {
   272         User::Leave(KErrCouldNotConnect);
   273         }
   274     iListScrollTimer = CPeriodic::NewL(CActive::EPriorityIdle);
   275     }
   277 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   278 // CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup::~CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup()
   279 // Destructor
   280 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   281 CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup::~CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup()
   282     {
   283     delete iList;
   284     delete iItems;
   285     delete iItemNames;
   286     delete iItemNamesToShow;
   287     delete iPrevGotoContent;
   288     delete iFirstGotoContent;
   289     if(iListScrollTimer)
   290     {
   291     iListScrollTimer->Cancel();
   292     delete iListScrollTimer;
   293     }
   294 }
   296 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   297 // CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup::SetOrdinalPosition
   298 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   299 //
   300 void CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup::SetOrdinalPosition( TInt aPos )
   301     {
   302     Window().SetOrdinalPosition( aPos );
   303     }
   305 void CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup::HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent)
   306     {
   307     if (iList && iTouchSupported)
   308         {
   309         //using ComponentControl(0) instead of iList because need access to a
   310         //protected function
   311         ComponentControl(0)->HandlePointerEventL( aPointerEvent );
   312         }
   313     }
   315 void CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup::HandleListBoxEventL(CEikListBox* aListBox,TListBoxEvent aEventType)
   316     {
   317     if (iList && aListBox == iList && iTouchSupported)
   318         {
   319         switch (aEventType)
   320             {
   321             case MEikListBoxObserver::EEventItemDoubleClicked:
   322                 {
   323                 TKeyEvent keyEvent;
   324                 keyEvent.iModifiers = 0;
   325                 keyEvent.iRepeats = 0;
   326                 keyEvent.iCode = EKeyDevice3;
   327                 keyEvent.iScanCode = EStdKeyDevice3;
   328                 if ( iParentType == EBookmarksGotoPane )
   329                     {
   330                     CCoeEnv::Static()->SimulateKeyEventL( keyEvent, EEventKeyDown );
   331                     }
   332                 CCoeEnv::Static()->SimulateKeyEventL( keyEvent, EEventKey );
   333                 if ( iParentType == EBookmarksGotoPane )
   334                     {
   335                     CCoeEnv::Static()->SimulateKeyEventL( keyEvent, EEventKeyUp );
   336                     }
   337                 }
   338                 break;
   339             case  MEikListBoxObserver::EEventItemClicked:
   340 #ifdef BRDO_SINGLE_CLICK_ENABLED_FF                
   341             case  MEikListBoxObserver::EEventItemSingleClicked:      
   342 #endif                
   343                 HandleItemClickedL( aListBox );
   344                 break;
   345             default:
   346                 break;
   347             }
   348         }
   349     }
   351 void CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup::HandleItemClickedL( CEikListBox* aListBox )
   352     {
   353     //the first time
   354    if ( !iList->HighLightEnabled() )
   355        {
   356        iList->SetHighLight( ETrue );
   358        //save the original content
   359        if ( !iFirstGotoContent )
   360            {
   361            delete iFirstGotoContent;
   362            iFirstGotoContent = NULL;
   363            }
   364        iFirstGotoContent = iEditor->GetTextInHBufL();
   365        if ( !iFirstGotoContent )
   366            {
   367            iFirstGotoContent = KNullDesC().AllocL();
   368            }
   369        }
   370     TInt index = aListBox->CurrentItemIndex();
   371     index = iItems->Count() - index - 1;
   372     TPtrC16 item((*iItems)[ index ] );
   373     TPtrC rightSide;
   375     //cut the slash from the end if needed
   376     //permanent sollution until AHLE does not
   377     //solve this problem related to ID: TMCN-5TTRXV error
   378     if ( item[item.Length() - 1] != KSlash )
   379       {
   380       rightSide.Set( item.Left( item.Length() ) );
   381       }
   382     else
   383       {
   384       rightSide.Set( item.Left( item.Length() - 1 ) );
   385       }
   387     //if true then append the suffix(rightSide), to the
   388     //user-typed data
   389     //else just use the recent URLs text(rightSide) only
   390     if ( iUrlCompletionMode )
   391       {
   392       HBufC* currentCompletion = HBufC::NewLC(
   393           iFirstGotoContent->Des().Length() + rightSide.Length() + 1 );
   394       TPtr currentCompletionPtr = currentCompletion->Des();
   396       currentCompletionPtr.Copy( iFirstGotoContent->Des() );
   397       currentCompletionPtr.Append( rightSide );
   398       currentCompletionPtr.ZeroTerminate();
   399       iEditor->SetTextL( currentCompletion );
   400       iEditor->SetCursorPosL( currentCompletionPtr.Length(), EFalse );
   401       CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( currentCompletion );
   402       }
   403     else
   404       {
   405       iEditor->SetTextL( &rightSide );
   406       iEditor->SetCursorPosL( rightSide.Length(), EFalse );
   407       }
   408     iEditor->HandleTextChangedL();
   410     delete iPrevGotoContent;
   411     iPrevGotoContent = NULL;
   412     iPrevGotoContent = item.AllocL();
   413     iEditor->DrawNow();
   414     //change the CBA depending on whether the highlight is
   415     //on url or domain
   416     CBrowserAppUi::Static()->UpdateCbaL();
   417     }
   420 //------------------------------------------------------------------
   421 // CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup::ShowSingleItemPopupListWithGraphicsL(TBool aShowTitle)
   422 // shows "List pane for single item with graphic"
   423 //------------------------------------------------------------------
   424 void CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup::ShowPopupListL(TBool aRelayout)
   425     {
   426     TAknWindowLineLayout windowLineLayout;
   427     TAknWindowLineLayout windowLineLayoutTmp;
   428     TAknWindowLineLayout windowLineLayoutMain;
   429     TAknWindowLineLayout windowLineLayoutMainTmp;
   430     TAknWindowLineLayout windowLineLayoutLW;
   431     TAknWindowLineLayout windowLineLayoutLWTmp;
   432     TAknWindowLineLayout windowLineLayoutSLW;
   433     TAknWindowLineLayout windowLineLayoutSLWTmp;
   434     TAknLayoutRect layoutRect;
   435     TAknLayoutRect layoutMainRect;
   436     TAknLayoutRect layoutLWRect;
   437     TAknLayoutRect layoutSLWRect;
   439     //turn of the highlight
   440     iList->SetHighLight( EFalse );
   441     //clear arrays
   442     iItems->Reset();
   443     iItemNames->Reset();
   444     iItemNamesToShow->Reset();
   446     TInt offset;
   447     HBufC* newText;
   448     //get create and get the string from the edit field
   449     if ( iEditor->TextLength() > 0 )
   450         {
   451         newText = iEditor->GetTextInHBufL();
   452         CleanupStack::PushL( newText );
   453         //cut the protokolidentifier from the string
   454         offset = newText->Find( KProtocolIdentifier );
   455         if ( offset == KErrNotFound )
   456             {
   457             offset = newText->Length();
   458             }
   459         else
   460             {
   461             offset = newText->Length() - offset - 3;
   462             }
   463         }
   464     else
   465         {
   466              offset = 0;
   467              newText = KNullDesC().AllocLC();
   468         }
   469     TPtrC trimmedContent( newText->Right( offset ) );
   470     TBuf<KListLengthToShow> buf;
   472     //find out if the user typed a ".", if so, bring up the url completion list
   473     TInt periodPos = trimmedContent.LocateReverse( TChar(KPeriod) );
   474     if ((periodPos != KErrNotFound) && ((periodPos + 1) == trimmedContent.Length()))
   475         {
   476         //add the url completion entries to the popup list
   477         iUrlCompletionMode = ETrue;
   478         CreateURLCompletionListL();
   479         }
   480     else
   481         {
   482         iUrlCompletionMode = EFalse;
   483         //only include recent URLs if not including the url completion items
   484         iRecentUrlStore->GetData( *iItems, *iItemNames, trimmedContent );
   486         //sort alphabetically and...
   487         for(TInt i=0; i<iItems->Count(); i++)
   488             {
   489             for(TInt j=0; j<iItems->Count()-1; j++)
   490                 {
   491                     if ((*iItems)[j].CompareF((*iItems)[j+1]) > 0)
   492                     {  
   493                        RBuf tmp;
   494                        CleanupClosePushL(tmp);
   495                        tmp.Create((*iItems)[j]);
   496                        iItems->Delete(j);
   497                        iItems->InsertL( j+1, tmp );
   498                        tmp.Close();
   499                        tmp.Create((*iItemNames)[j]);
   500                        iItemNames->Delete(j);
   501                        iItemNames->InsertL( j+1, tmp );
   502                        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &tmp );                   
   503                     }          
   504                 }
   505             }  
   506         //and move url with params i.e do the back of list
   507         TInt i = 0;                 //iterator
   508         TInt j = 0;                 //counter
   509         while (i < (iItems->Count()-1) && j < iItems->Count())
   510             {
   511                 TUriParser8 parser;
   512                 RBuf8 out;
   513                 CleanupClosePushL( out );
   514                 out.Create( (*iItems)[i].Length() );
   515                 RBuf in;
   516                 CleanupClosePushL( in );              
   517                 in.Create( (*iItems)[i] );
   519                 CnvUtfConverter::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8(out, in );
   521                 if (( parser.Parse( out ) == KErrNone ) &&       //if parse ok and 
   522                     ( parser.Extract( EUriPath ).Length() > 0 || //url contains path
   523                       parser.Extract( EUriQuery ).Length() > 0 )) //or query item
   524                     {
   525                     iItems->AppendL( (*iItems)[i] );//move item to back of the list
   526                     iItems->Delete( i );
   527                     iItemNames->AppendL( (*iItemNames)[i] );
   528                     iItemNames->Delete( i );
   529                     }
   530                 else
   531                     {
   532                     i++;
   533                     }
   534                 j++;
   536                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &in );
   537                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &out );
   538             };   
   541         }
   542     iDirectoryMode = EFalse;
   543     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();//newText
   544     TInt k;
   545     k = iItems->Count();
   546     iItemNo = k;
   547     TInt length = KListLengthToShow - 2;
   548     if ( k > 0 )
   549         {
   550         TInt j;
   551         TPtrC textToShow;
   552         TPtrC itemJ;
   553         //changeing the order
   554         for (j=k-1; j>-1; j--)
   555             {
   556             itemJ.Set( (*iItems)[j] );
   557             textToShow.Set( itemJ.Left( length ) );
   558             if ( iDirectoryMode )
   559                 {
   560             //directories and items
   561                 if ( itemJ[ itemJ.Length() - 1 ] == KSlash )
   562                     {
   563                 //item
   564                     buf.Format( _L( "%S%S" ), &KItemTab, &textToShow );
   565                     }
   566                 else
   567                     {
   568                     //directory
   569                     buf.Format( _L( "%S%S" ), &KDirTab, &textToShow );
   570                     }
   571                 }
   572             else
   573                 {
   574             //items only
   575                 buf.Format( _L( "%S%S" ), &KItemTab, &textToShow );
   576                 }
   577             iItemNamesToShow->AppendL( buf );
   578             }
   579         //set how many item will be shown
   581 #ifdef BRDO_TOUCH_ENABLED_FF        
   582         TInt appWidth = iEikonEnv->EikAppUi()->ApplicationRect().Width();
   583         TInt appHeight = iEikonEnv->EikAppUi()->ApplicationRect().Height();
   584         //For landscape mode only 5 items can be shown on the screen
   585         if(appWidth > appHeight) 
   586             iMaxRecentUrlsToShow = KLandscapeListItems;
   587 #endif     
   588         TInt itemstoshow;
   589         if ( k >  iMaxRecentUrlsToShow)
   590             {
   591             itemstoshow = iMaxRecentUrlsToShow;
   592             }
   593         else
   594             {
   595             itemstoshow = k;
   596             }
   597         //resetting to original value
   598         iMaxRecentUrlsToShow = CBrowserAppUi::Static()->ContentView()->ApiProvider().Preferences().MaxRecentUrls(); 
   600         //set the main rect of the window
   601         // fixing bug RFON-7E2PPV, don't use ApplicationRect()
   602         TRect  rect;
   603         AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsRect(AknLayoutUtils::EMainPane, rect);
   604         windowLineLayoutMain = AknLayout::main_pane( rect, 0, 2, 1 );
   605         windowLineLayoutMainTmp = windowLineLayoutMain;
   606         layoutMainRect.LayoutRect( rect, windowLineLayoutMainTmp );
   609         windowLineLayoutLW = AppLayout::popup_wml_address_window( 1, itemstoshow );
   611         windowLineLayoutLWTmp = windowLineLayoutLW;
   612         layoutLWRect.LayoutRect( layoutMainRect.Rect(), windowLineLayoutLWTmp );
   613         windowLineLayoutSLW = AknLayoutScalable_Apps::listscroll_popup_wml_pane();
   614         windowLineLayoutSLWTmp = windowLineLayoutSLW;
   615         layoutSLWRect.LayoutRect( layoutLWRect.Rect(), windowLineLayoutSLWTmp );
   616         windowLineLayout = AppLayout::list_wml_pane( itemstoshow - 1 );
   617         windowLineLayoutTmp = windowLineLayout;
   618         layoutRect.LayoutRect( layoutLWRect.Rect(), windowLineLayoutTmp );
   620         TRect rectTemp(layoutSLWRect.Rect());
   621         // force listbox on top of goto pane
   622         rectTemp.iBr.iY = iParent->PositionRelativeToScreen().iY;
   623         rectTemp.iTl.iX = iParent->PositionRelativeToScreen().iX;
   624         // shrink list box to size of list  
   626         TInt listH = KListHeight;
   627 #else
   628         TInt listH = AppLayout::list_single_graphic_popup_wml_pane( 0 ).iH;
   629 #endif
   630         rectTemp.iTl.iY =  rectTemp.iBr.iY - (listH * itemstoshow);
   631         // set bottom right x axis to full width
   632         rectTemp.iBr.iX = rect.iBr.iX;
   634         // we only want to call SetRect() when we have a relayout, otherwise just
   635         // scroll the list to the correct position. Doing this will reduce the amount
   636         // of flicker seen while typing into the gotopane
   637         if ((rectTemp.Size() != Rect().Size()) || aRelayout)
   638             {
   639             //set the window rect
   640             SetRect( rectTemp );
   641             }
   642         rectTemp = TRect( 0, 0, Rect().Width(), Rect().Height() );
   643         if ( rectTemp!=iList->Rect() )
   644             {
   645             //set the rect of the list
   646             iList->SetRect( rectTemp );
   647             }
   648         else
   649             {
   650             // this scrolls list to the correct position, probably still does too much work
   651             AknListBoxLayouts::SetupListboxPos( *iList, AppLayout::list_single_graphic_popup_wml_pane( 0 ));
   652             }
   653         //the last item is visible
   654         //ScrollToMakeItemVisible scrolls only after some delay        
   655         if(!iListScrollTimer->IsActive())
   656             {
   657 	        iListScrollTimer->Start(20, 0, 
   658 	                TCallBack(ListScrollTimerCallBack, this));
   659             }
   662         const CFont* pFont = AknLayoutUtils::FontFromId(EAknLogicalFontPrimaryFont);
   663         TFontSpec fontSpec = pFont->FontSpecInTwips();
   664         fontSpec.iHeight =KFontHeight; 
   666         CFont* fontNew;
   667         CEikonEnv::Static()->ScreenDevice()->GetNearestFontInTwips( ( CFont*&)fontNew, fontSpec );
   668         CFormattedCellListBoxData *pLBData = iList->ItemDrawer()->ColumnData();
   669         iList->SetItemHeightL(KListHeight);
   671         if(pLBData && pFont)
   672         {
   673             pLBData->SetSubCellFontL(1,fontNew);
   674         }        
   676         CEikonEnv::Static()->ScreenDevice()->ReleaseFont(fontNew);
   677 #endif        
   679         MakeVisible( ETrue );
   680         iPoppedUp = ETrue;
   681         DrawNow();
   682         iList->Draw(rectTemp);
   683         }
   684     else
   685         {
   686         MakeVisible( EFalse );
   687         iPoppedUp = EFalse;
   688         CBrowserAppUi::Static()->UpdateCbaL();
   689         }
   690     if (!IsActivated())
   691         {
   692         ActivateL();
   693         }
   694     iPrevItem = -2;
   695     }
   697 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   698 // CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup::CreateURLCompletionListL
   699 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   700 //
   701 void CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup::CreateURLCompletionListL()
   702     {
   703     _LIT(KSeparator, ",");
   705     if (iUrlSuffixBuf)
   706         {
   707         TPtrC urlSuffix(iUrlSuffixBuf->Des());
   708         TInt index(urlSuffix.FindF(KSeparator));
   709         TInt offset = 0;
   711         while (index != KErrNotFound)
   712             {
   713             // Omit empty string
   714             if (index > 0)
   715                 {
   716                 iItems->AppendL( urlSuffix.Mid(offset,index) );
   717                 }
   719             offset += (index + 1);
   720             TPtrC remainder(urlSuffix.Mid(offset));
   721             index = remainder.FindF(KSeparator);
   722             }
   724         // Cover the cases where we only have one suffix in the list and/or
   725         // the last suffix in the list does not have a comma
   726         if (offset < urlSuffix.Length())
   727             {
   728             TPtrC remainderB(urlSuffix.Mid(offset, urlSuffix.Length() - offset));
   729             iItems->AppendL( remainderB );
   730             }
   731         }
   732     }
   734 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   735 // CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup::HandleControlEventL
   736 // if the content of the edit box changes
   737 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   738 //
   739 void CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup::HandleControlEventL(CCoeControl* aControl,enum MCoeControlObserver::TCoeEvent aEventType)
   740     {
   741     CEikEdwin* edwin = ( CEikEdwin* )aControl;
   742     // the content of the edit box changes
   743     if ( MCoeControlObserver::EEventStateChanged == aEventType )
   744         {
   745         HBufC* newText = edwin->GetTextInHBufL();
   746         if (!newText)
   747             {
   748             newText = KNullDesC().AllocL();
   749             }
   750         CleanupStack::PushL( newText );
   751         //check whether the last content is different to the one in the editbox
   752         if ( !iPrevGotoContent || iPrevGotoContent->Compare( *newText ) )
   753             {
   754             ShowPopupListL();
   755             delete iPrevGotoContent;
   756             iPrevGotoContent = NULL;
   757             iPrevGotoContent = newText;
   758             CleanupStack::Pop( newText );//ownership is taken
   759             }
   760         else
   761             {
   762             if ( !iPrevGotoContent )
   763                 {
   764                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( newText );
   765                 }
   766             else
   767                 {
   768                 ShowPopupListL();
   769                 delete iPrevGotoContent;
   770                 iPrevGotoContent = NULL;
   771                 iPrevGotoContent = newText;
   772                 CleanupStack::Pop( newText );//ownership is taken
   773                 }
   774             }
   775         //change the CBA
   776         if ( iOpenCBA )
   777             {
   778             iOpenCBA = EFalse;
   779             CBrowserAppUi::Static()->UpdateCbaL();
   780             }
   781         }
   782     }
   784 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   785 // CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup::CountComponentControls
   786 //
   787 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   788 //
   789 TInt CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup::CountComponentControls() const
   790     {
   791     if ( iList == NULL )
   792         {
   793         return 0;
   794         }
   795     return 1;
   796     }
   798 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   799 // CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup::ComponentControl
   800 //
   801 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   802 //
   803 CCoeControl* CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup::ComponentControl(TInt aIndex) const
   804     {
   805     if (aIndex==0)
   806         {
   807         return iList;
   808         }
   809     else
   810         {
   811         return NULL;
   812         }
   813     }
   815 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   816 // CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup::OfferKeyEventL
   817 // Handles key events
   818 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   819 //
   820 TKeyResponse CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup::OfferKeyEventL
   821 ( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType )
   822     {
   823     TKeyResponse resp = EKeyWasNotConsumed;
   824     if (( iPoppedUp &&
   825     !CBrowserAppUi::Static()->ContentView()->MenuBar()->MenuPane()->IsVisible() &&
   826     (CBrowserAppUi::Static()->LastActiveViewId() == KUidBrowserContentViewId) ) || (( iPoppedUp ) &&
   827     (CBrowserAppUi::Static()->LastActiveViewId() != KUidBrowserContentViewId)))
   828         {
   829         TInt currIndex = iItems->Count() - iList->CurrentItemIndex() - 1;
   831         //the joystick is pressed
   832         if ( aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyOK )
   833             {
   834             if ( ( iList->HighLightEnabled() )
   835               && ( iDirectoryMode )
   836               && ( (*iItems)[ currIndex ][(*iItems)[ currIndex ].Length() - 1] != KSlash ) )
   837                 {
   838                 SetDirectoryModeL( EFalse );
   839                 resp = EKeyWasConsumed;
   840                 }
   841             else
   842                 {
   843                 if (iEditor->TextLength()!=0)
   844                     {
   845                     HidePopupL();
   846                     }
   847                 }
   848             }
   850         //the joystick is pressed up
   851         else if (    aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyLeftUpArrow      // Northwest
   852                   || aKeyEvent.iCode == EStdKeyDevice10      //   : Extra KeyEvent supports diagonal event simulator wedge
   853                   || aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyUpArrow          // North
   854                   || aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyRightUpArrow     // Northeast
   855                   || aKeyEvent.iCode == EStdKeyDevice11 )    //   : Extra KeyEvent supports diagonal event simulator wedge
   856             {
   857             resp = EKeyWasConsumed;
   858             //the first time
   859             if ( !iList->HighLightEnabled() )
   860                 {
   861                 iList->SetHighLight( ETrue );
   862                 currIndex = iList->Model()->NumberOfItems()-1;
   863                 iList->ScrollToMakeItemVisible( currIndex );
   864                 iList->SetCurrentItemIndex( currIndex );
   865                 DrawNow();
   866                 //save the original content
   867                 if ( iFirstGotoContent != NULL )
   868                     {
   869                     delete iFirstGotoContent;
   870                     iFirstGotoContent = NULL;
   871                     }
   872                 iFirstGotoContent = iEditor->GetTextInHBufL();
   873                 if (iFirstGotoContent == NULL)
   874                     {
   875                     iFirstGotoContent = KNullDesC().AllocL();
   876                     }
   877                 }
   878             else
   879                 {
   880                 if(  iSearchFeature )
   881                     {
   882                     if( iList->CurrentItemIndex() == 0 )
   883                         {
   884                         resp = EKeyWasConsumed;
   885                         return resp;
   886                         }
   887                     }
   888                 resp=iList->OfferKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aType );
   889                 }
   890             if ( currIndex > -1 )
   891                 {
   892                 //copy the selected item to edit field
   893                 TPtrC16 item;
   894                 TPtrC rightSide;
   895                 TInt newIndex;
   896                 newIndex = iItems->Count() - iList->CurrentItemIndex() - 1;
   897                 item.Set( (*iItems)[ newIndex ] );
   898                 //cut the slash from the end if needed
   899                 //permanent sollution until AHLE does not
   900                 //solve this problem related to ID: TMCN-5TTRXV error
   902                 //if URL completion, then we want to append the item to the item in the edit field
   903                 if (iUrlCompletionMode)
   904                     {
   905                     TPtr16 ptr = iFirstGotoContent->Des();
   907                     HBufC* buf = HBufC::NewLC(ptr.Length() + item.Length() + 1);
   909                     buf->Des().Copy(ptr);
   910                     buf->Des().Append(item);
   911                     buf->Des().ZeroTerminate();
   914                     rightSide.Set(buf->Des());
   916                     iEditor->SetTextL( &rightSide );
   917                     iEditor->SetCursorPosL( rightSide.Length(), EFalse );
   919                     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //buf
   920                     }
   921                 else
   922                     {
   923                     if ( (*iItems)[ newIndex ][(*iItems)[ newIndex ].Length() - 1] != KSlash )
   924                         {
   925                         rightSide.Set( item.Left( item.Length() ) );
   926                         }
   927                     else
   928                         {
   929                         rightSide.Set( item.Left( item.Length() - 1 ) );
   930                         }
   931                     iEditor->SetTextL( &rightSide );
   932                     iEditor->SetCursorPosL( rightSide.Length(), EFalse );
   933                     }
   934                 delete iPrevGotoContent;
   935                 iPrevGotoContent = NULL;
   936                 iPrevGotoContent = item.AllocL();
   937                 iEditor->DrawNow();
   938                 //change the CBA depending on whether the highlight is
   939                 //on url or domain
   940                 if ( ( (*iItems)[ newIndex ][(*iItems)[ newIndex ].Length() - 1] != KSlash ) && iDirectoryMode )
   941                     {
   942                     iOpenCBA = ETrue;
   943                     }
   944                 else
   945                     {
   946                     iOpenCBA = EFalse;
   947                     }
   948                 CBrowserAppUi::Static()->UpdateCbaL();
   949                 }
   950             }
   952         //the joystisk is pressed down
   953         else if (    aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyLeftDownArrow    // Southwest
   954                   || aKeyEvent.iCode == EStdKeyDevice13      //   : Extra KeyEvent supports diagonal event simulator wedge
   955                   || aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyDownArrow        // South
   956                   || aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyRightDownArrow   // Southeast
   957                   || aKeyEvent.iCode == EStdKeyDevice12 )    //   : Extra KeyEvent supports diagonal event simulator wedge
   958             {
   959             resp = EKeyWasConsumed;
   960             if(  iSearchFeature )
   961                 {
   962                 if ( iPrevItem <= 0 )
   963                     {
   964                     if(! iList->HighLightEnabled() )
   965                         {
   966                         resp = EKeyWasNotConsumed;
   967                         return resp;
   968                         }
   969                     }
   970                 }
   971             //it was the last item
   972             if ( iPrevItem == 0 )
   973                 {
   974                 //write back the original string
   975                 iList->SetHighLight( EFalse );
   976                 iEditor->SetTextL( iFirstGotoContent );
   977                 iEditor->HandleTextChangedL();
   978                 iEditor->SetCursorPosL( iFirstGotoContent->Length(), EFalse );
   979                 delete iPrevGotoContent;
   980                 iPrevGotoContent = NULL;
   981                 iPrevGotoContent = iFirstGotoContent->AllocL();
   982                 iEditor->DrawNow();
   983                 DrawNow();
   984                 //change the CBA
   985                 if ( iOpenCBA )
   986                     {
   987                     iOpenCBA = EFalse;
   988                     CBrowserAppUi::Static()->UpdateCbaL();
   989                     }
   990                 return resp;
   991                 }
   992             else if ( ( currIndex > -1 ) && iList->HighLightEnabled() )
   993                 {
   994                 //write the selected items string to the editor
   995                 TPtrC16 item;
   996                 TPtrC rightSide;
   997                 TInt newIndex;
   998                 resp = iList->OfferKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aType );
   999                 newIndex = iItems->Count() - iList->CurrentItemIndex() - 1;
  1000                 item.Set( (*iItems)[ newIndex ] );
  1001                 //cut the slash from the end if needed
  1002                 //permanent sollution until AHLE does not
  1003                 //solve this problem related to ID: TMCN-5TTRXV error
  1004                 if ( (*iItems)[ newIndex ][(*iItems)[ newIndex ].Length() - 1] != KSlash )
  1005                     {
  1006                     rightSide.Set( item.Left( item.Length() ) );
  1007                     }
  1008                 else
  1009                     {
  1010                     rightSide.Set( item.Left( item.Length() - 1 ) );
  1011                     }
  1013                 //if true then append the suffix (rightSide), to the
  1014                 //user-typed data
  1015                 //else just use the recent URLs text(rightSide) only
  1016                 if ( iUrlCompletionMode )
  1017                     {
  1018                     HBufC* currentCompletion = HBufC::NewLC(
  1019                         iFirstGotoContent->Des().Length() + rightSide.Length() + 1 );
  1020                     TPtr currentCompletionPtr = currentCompletion->Des();
  1022                     currentCompletionPtr.Copy( iFirstGotoContent->Des() );
  1023                     currentCompletionPtr.Append( rightSide );
  1024                     currentCompletionPtr.ZeroTerminate();
  1025                     iEditor->SetTextL( currentCompletion );
  1026                     iEditor->SetCursorPosL( currentCompletionPtr.Length(), EFalse );
  1027                     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( currentCompletion );
  1028                     }
  1029                 else
  1030                     {
  1031                     iEditor->SetTextL( &rightSide );
  1032                     iEditor->SetCursorPosL( rightSide.Length(), EFalse );
  1033                     }
  1034                 iEditor->HandleTextChangedL();
  1036                 if ( iPrevGotoContent != NULL )
  1037                     {
  1038                     delete iPrevGotoContent;
  1039                     iPrevGotoContent = NULL;
  1040                     }
  1041                 iPrevGotoContent = item.AllocL();
  1042                 iEditor->DrawNow();
  1043                 //change the CBA depending on whether the highlight is
  1044                 //on url or domain
  1045                 if ( ( (*iItems)[ newIndex ][(*iItems)[ newIndex ].Length() - 1] != KSlash ) && iDirectoryMode )
  1046                     {
  1047                     iOpenCBA = ETrue;
  1048                     }
  1049                 else
  1050                     {
  1051                     iOpenCBA = EFalse;
  1052                     }
  1053                 CBrowserAppUi::Static()->UpdateCbaL();
  1054                 }
  1055             }
  1057         if ( iList->HighLightEnabled() )
  1058             {
  1059             iPrevItem = currIndex;
  1060             }
  1061         }
  1062     return resp;
  1063     }
  1066 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1067 // CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup::HidePopupL
  1068 // Hides the popup list
  1069 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1070 //
  1071 void CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup::HidePopupL()
  1072     {
  1073     //clear the lists
  1074     if ( iPoppedUp )
  1075         {
  1076         HBufC* newText = HBufC::NewLC( iEditor->TextLength() );
  1077         TPtr newTextDes = newText->Des();
  1078         iEditor->GetText( newTextDes );
  1079         iEditor->ClearSelectionL();
  1080         iEditor->SetTextL( newText );
  1081         iEditor->SetCursorPosL( iEditor->TextLength(), EFalse );
  1082         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( newText );
  1083         iItemNames->Reset();
  1084         iList->Reset();
  1085         if (!IsActivated())
  1086             {
  1087             ActivateL();
  1088             }
  1089         MakeVisible(EFalse);
  1090         DrawNow();
  1091         iPrevItem = -2;
  1092         iPoppedUp = EFalse;
  1093         // highlight a directory, cancel goto pane
  1094         // activate goto pane again -> softkey problem
  1095         iOpenCBA = EFalse;
  1096         CBrowserAppUi::Static()->UpdateCbaL();
  1097         }
  1098     }
  1100 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1101 // CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup::IsInDirectoryMode
  1102 // gives back the directory mode
  1103 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1104 //
  1105 TBool CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup::IsInDirectoryMode()
  1106     {
  1107     return iDirectoryMode;
  1108     }
  1110 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1111 // CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup::SetDirectoryMode
  1112 // Sets the directory mode
  1113 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1114 //
  1115 void CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup::SetDirectoryModeL(TBool aDirMode)
  1116     {
  1117     iDirectoryMode = aDirMode;
  1118     if ( aDirMode == EFalse )
  1119         {
  1120         //put the slash to the back of the editor fileds string
  1121         //it will show the directory mode
  1122         TInt length;
  1123         length = iEditor->TextLength() + 1;
  1124         HBufC* newText = HBufC::NewLC( length );
  1125         TPtr newTextDes = newText->Des();
  1126         iEditor->GetText( newTextDes );
  1127         newTextDes.Append( TChar(KSlash) );
  1128         iEditor->SetTextL( newText );
  1129         iEditor->SetCursorPosL( length, EFalse );
  1130         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( newText );
  1131         iEditor->DrawNow();
  1132         ShowPopupListL();
  1133         //change the CBA
  1134         if ( iOpenCBA )
  1135             {
  1136             iOpenCBA = EFalse;
  1137             CBrowserAppUi::Static()->UpdateCbaL();
  1138             }
  1139         }
  1140     return;
  1141     }
  1143 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1144 // CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup::IsOpenDirToShow
  1145 // Show which CBA is about to show
  1146 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1147 //
  1148 TBool CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup::IsOpenDirToShow()
  1149 {
  1150     return iOpenCBA;
  1151 }
  1153 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1154 // CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup::IsPoppedUp
  1155 // Show whether the list is popped up or not
  1156 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1157 //
  1158 TBool CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup::IsPoppedUp()
  1159 {
  1160     return iPoppedUp;
  1161 }
  1164 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1165 // CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup::HandleResourceChange
  1166 // If new skin is set the icons will be reloaded
  1167 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1168 //
  1169 void CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup::HandleResourceChange( TInt aType )
  1170     {
  1171     TRAP_IGNORE( HandleResourceChangeL( aType ) );
  1172     }
  1174 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1175 // CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup::HandleResourceChangeL
  1176 // If new skin is set the icons will be reloaded
  1177 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1178 //
  1179 void CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup::HandleResourceChangeL( TInt aType )
  1180     {
  1181     if (( aType == KAknsMessageSkinChange )||
  1182        ( aType == KEikDynamicLayoutVariantSwitch ) )
  1183         {
  1184         CArrayPtr<CGulIcon>* array =
  1185                             iList->ItemDrawer()->ColumnData()->IconArray();
  1187         array->ResetAndDestroy();
  1188         delete array;
  1189         SetIconsL();
  1190         }
  1192     CCoeControl::HandleResourceChange(aType);
  1193     if (aType == KEikDynamicLayoutVariantSwitch)
  1194         {
  1195         TRect  rect;
  1196         if (AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsRect(AknLayoutUtils::EMainPane, rect))
  1197             {
  1198             SetRect(rect);
  1199             }
  1200         }
  1202     if ( ( aType == KEikDynamicLayoutVariantSwitch ) && ( iPoppedUp ) )
  1203         {
  1205         if ( AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled() )
  1206             {
  1207             SetOrdinalPosition( 0 );
  1208             }
  1210         TInt selectionIndex = -1;
  1211         HBufC* originalText = NULL;
  1212         TInt popitem( 0 );
  1213         if ( iList->HighLightEnabled() )
  1214             {
  1215             selectionIndex = iList->CurrentItemIndex();
  1216             //save the editors content
  1217             originalText = iEditor->GetTextInHBufL();
  1218             if (originalText == NULL)
  1219                 {
  1220                 originalText = KNullDesC().AllocL();
  1221                 }
  1222             CleanupStack::PushL( originalText );
  1223             ++popitem;
  1224             //write back the first string
  1225             iEditor->SetTextL( iFirstGotoContent );
  1226             iEditor->HandleTextChangedL();
  1227             }
  1228         ShowPopupListL(ETrue);
  1229         if ( selectionIndex > -1)
  1230             {
  1231             iEditor->SetTextL( originalText );
  1232             iEditor->SetCursorPosL( originalText->Length(), EFalse );
  1233             iEditor->HandleTextChangedL();
  1234             iList->SetHighLight( ETrue );
  1235             iList->ScrollToMakeItemVisible( selectionIndex );
  1236             iList->SetCurrentItemIndex( selectionIndex );
  1237             DrawNow();
  1238             iEditor->DrawNow();
  1239             }
  1240         if ( popitem )
  1241             {
  1242             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( popitem );  // originalText
  1243             }
  1244         }
  1245     }
  1247 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1248 // CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup::SetIconsL()
  1249 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1250 //
  1251 void CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup::SetIconsL()
  1252 {
  1253     CArrayPtr<CGulIcon>* icons =
  1254     new(ELeave) CAknIconArray( KMaxIcons );
  1255     CleanupStack::PushL(icons); // PUSH Icon
  1256     CGulIcon* newIcon;
  1257     CFbsBitmap *newIconBmp;
  1258     CFbsBitmap *newIconMaskBmp;
  1260     TParse* fp = new(ELeave) TParse();
  1261     CleanupStack::PushL(fp);
  1262     TInt err = fp->Set(KBrowserDirAndFile, &KDC_APP_BITMAP_DIR, NULL);
  1263     if (err != KErrNone)
  1264         {
  1265         User::Leave(err);
  1266         }
  1267     TBuf<KMaxFileName> iconFile= fp->FullName();
  1268     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(fp);
  1270     MAknsSkinInstance* skinInstance = AknsUtils::SkinInstance();
  1271     AknsUtils::CreateIconLC( skinInstance,
  1272                                            KAknsIIDQgnPropWmlFolderAdap,
  1273                                            newIconBmp,
  1274                                            newIconMaskBmp,
  1275                                            iconFile,
  1276                                            EMbmBrowserQgn_prop_wml_folder_adap,
  1277                                            EMbmBrowserQgn_prop_wml_folder_adap_mask);
  1278     newIcon = CGulIcon::NewL( newIconBmp, newIconMaskBmp);
  1279     CleanupStack::Pop(2);
  1280     CleanupStack::PushL(newIcon);
  1281     icons->AppendL( newIcon );
  1282     CleanupStack::Pop(newIcon);
  1283     AknsUtils::CreateIconLC( skinInstance,
  1284                                            KAknsIIDQgnPropWmlBmAdap,
  1285                                            newIconBmp,
  1286                                            newIconMaskBmp,
  1287                                            iconFile,
  1288                                            EMbmBrowserQgn_prop_wml_bm_adap,
  1289                                            EMbmBrowserQgn_prop_wml_bm_adap_mask);
  1290     newIcon = CGulIcon::NewL( newIconBmp, newIconMaskBmp);
  1291     CleanupStack::Pop(2);
  1292     CleanupStack::PushL(newIcon);
  1293     icons->AppendL( newIcon );
  1294     CleanupStack::Pop(newIcon);
  1295     iList->ItemDrawer()->FormattedCellData()->SetIconArrayL(icons);
  1296     CleanupStack::Pop();    // POP Icon
  1297 }
  1299 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1300 // CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup::SetUrlSuffixList()
  1301 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1302 //
  1303 void CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup::SetUrlSuffixList(HBufC* urlSuffixList)
  1304     {
  1305     iUrlSuffixBuf = urlSuffixList;
  1306     }
  1308 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1309 // CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup::SetMaxRecentUrls()
  1310 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1311 //
  1312 void CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup::SetMaxRecentUrls (TInt maxRecentUrls)
  1313     {
  1314     iMaxRecentUrlsToShow = maxRecentUrls;
  1315     }
  1317 TInt CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup::ListScrollTimerCallBack(TAny* aAny)
  1318     {
  1319     CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup* self = static_cast<CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup*>( aAny ); 
  1320     self->DoListScrolling();    
  1321     self->iListScrollTimer->Cancel();
  1322     return KErrNone;
  1323     }
  1325 void CBrowserAdaptiveListPopup::DoListScrolling()
  1326     {
  1327     iList->ScrollToMakeItemVisible( iList->Model()->NumberOfItems()-1 );
  1328     }
  1330 // End of File