changeset 0 84ad3b177aa3
child 18 4530440261a8
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:84ad3b177aa3
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Interface to Browser for handling embedded system info requests.
    15 *
    16 */
    20 #include <e32std.h>
    21 #include <npupp.h>
    22 #include <string.h>
    23 #include <utf.h>
    24 #include <MProfileEngine.h>
    25 #include <MProfile.h>
    26 #include "SystemInfoPlugin.h"
    27 #include "NetworkObserver.h"
    28 #include "PowerObserver.h"
    29 #include "SystemInfoMisc.h"
    31 // CONSTANTS
    33 enum TIdentifiersNames
    34     {
    35     EIdChargeLevel,
    36     EIdOnChargeLevel,
    37     EIdChargerConnected,
    38     EIdOnChargerConnected,
    39     EIdSignalBars,
    40     EIdNetworkName,
    41     EIdNetworkRegistrationStatus,
    42     EIdOnNetworkRegistrationStatus,
    43     EIdLightMinIntensity,
    44     EIdLightMaxIntensity,
    45     EIdLightDefaultIntensity,
    46     EIdLightInfiniteDuration,
    47     EIdLightMaxDuration,
    48     EIdLightDefaultCycleTime,
    49     EIdLightTargetPrimaryDisplayAndKeyboard,
    50     EIdLightTargetSystem,
    51     EIdLightOn,
    52     EIdLightBlink,
    53     EIdLightOff,
    54     EIdVibraMinIntensity,
    55     EIdVibraMaxIntensity,
    56     EIdVibraMaxDuration,
    57     EIdVibraSettings,
    58     EIdStartVibra,
    59     EIdStopVibra,
    60     EIdBeep,
    61     EIdTotalRam,
    62     EIdFreeRam,
    63     EIdDriveList,
    64     EIdDriveSize,
    65     EIdDriveFree,
    66     EIdLanguage,
    67     EIdLast
    68     };
    70 const NPUTF8 *systemInfoPluginIdentifierNames[EIdLast] =
    71     {
    72     "chargelevel",
    73     "onchargelevel",
    74     "chargerconnected",
    75     "onchargerconnected",
    76     "signalbars",
    77     "networkname",
    78     "networkregistrationstatus",
    79     "onnetworkregistrationstatus",
    80     "lightminintensity",
    81     "lightmaxintensity",
    82     "lightdefaultintensity",
    83     "lightinfiniteduration",
    84     "lightmaxduration",
    85     "lightdefaultcycletime",
    86     "lighttargetprimarydisplayandkeyboard",
    87     "lighttargetsystem",
    88     "lighton",
    89     "lightblink",
    90     "lightoff",
    91     "vibraminintensity",
    92     "vibramaxintensity",
    93     "vibramaxduration",
    94     "vibrasettings",
    95     "startvibra",
    96     "stopvibra",
    97     "beep",
    98     "totalram",
    99     "freeram",
   100     "drivelist",
   101     "drivesize",
   102     "drivefree",
   103     "language"
   104     };
   106 const TBool IsMethod[EIdLast] =
   107     {
   108     EFalse, // "chargelevel"
   109     EFalse, // "onchargelevel"
   110     EFalse, // "chargerconnected"
   111     EFalse, // "onchargerconnected"
   112     EFalse, // "signalbars"
   113     EFalse, // "networkname"
   114     EFalse, // "networkregistrationstatus"
   115     EFalse, // "onnetworkregistrationstatus"
   116     EFalse, // "lightminintensity"
   117     EFalse, // "lightmaxintensity"
   118     EFalse, // "lightdefaultintensity"
   119     EFalse, // "lightinfiniteduration"
   120     EFalse, // "lightmaxduration"
   121     EFalse, // "lightdefaultcycletime"
   122     EFalse, // "lighttargetprimarydisplayandkeyboard"
   123     EFalse, // "lighttargetsystem"
   124     ETrue, // "lighton"
   125     ETrue, // "lightblink"
   126     ETrue, // "lightoff"
   127     EFalse, // "vibraminintensity"
   128     EFalse, // "vibramaxintensity"
   129     EFalse, // "vibramaxduration"
   130     EFalse, // "vibrasettings"
   131     ETrue, // "startvibra"
   132     ETrue, // "stopvibra"
   133     ETrue, // "beep"
   134     EFalse, // "totalram"
   135     EFalse, // "freeram"
   136     EFalse, // "drivelist"
   137     ETrue, // "drivesize"
   138     ETrue, // "drivefree"
   139     EFalse  // "language"
   140     };
   143 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
   145 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   146 // CSystemInfoPlugin::CSystemInfoPlugin
   147 // C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
   148 // might leave.
   149 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   150 CSystemInfoPlugin::CSystemInfoPlugin()
   151     {
   152     }
   154 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   155 // CSystemInfoPlugin::ConstructL
   156 // Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
   157 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   158 void CSystemInfoPlugin::ConstructL()
   159     {
   160     iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers = new (ELeave) NPIdentifier[EIdLast];
   161     NPN_GetStringIdentifiers( systemInfoPluginIdentifierNames, EIdLast,
   162                               iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers );
   163     iUid = RProcess().SecureId();
   165     // need profile to determine silent mode for beep control
   166     iProfileEngine = CreateProfileEngineL();
   168     // sysinfo feature class instances
   169     iPowerObserver = CPowerObserver::NewL( this );
   170     iNetworkObserver = CNetworkObserver::NewL( this );
   171     iSystemInfoMisc = CSystemInfoMisc::NewL();
   172     }
   174 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   175 // CSystemInfoPlugin::NewL
   176 // Two-phased constructor.
   177 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   178 CSystemInfoPlugin* CSystemInfoPlugin::NewL()
   180     {
   181     CSystemInfoPlugin* self = new (ELeave) CSystemInfoPlugin;
   182     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   183     self->ConstructL();
   184     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
   185     return self;
   186     }
   188 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   189 // CSystemInfoPlugin::Destructor
   190 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   191 CSystemInfoPlugin::~CSystemInfoPlugin()
   192     {
   193     delete [] iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers;
   195     if (iProfileEngine != NULL)
   196         {
   197         iProfileEngine->Release();
   198         }
   199     // sysinfo feature class instances
   200     delete iPowerObserver;
   201     delete iNetworkObserver;
   202     delete iSystemInfoMisc;
   203     }
   205 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   206 // CSystemInfoPlugin::Deallocate
   207 //
   208 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   209 void CSystemInfoPlugin::Deallocate()
   210     {
   211     }
   213 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   214 // CSystemInfoPlugin::InvokeCallback
   215 //
   216 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   217 bool CSystemInfoPlugin::InvokeCallback( TDesC8& name, const NPVariant *args, uint32_t argCount )
   218     {
   219     CSystemInfoPluginEcomMain* lSystemInfoPPluginEcomMain
   220         = (CSystemInfoPluginEcomMain*) Dll::Tls();
   221     NPNetscapeFuncs* lNetscapeFuncs = lSystemInfoPPluginEcomMain->Funcs();
   222     if ( lNetscapeFuncs && iInstanceHandle )
   223         {
   224         void* value = 0;
   225         NPError npErr = lNetscapeFuncs->getvalue( iInstanceHandle, NPNVWindowNPObject,
   226                                                  (void*)&value );
   227         if ( npErr == NPERR_NO_ERROR )
   228             {
   229             NPVariant resultVariant;
   230             VOID_TO_NPVARIANT( resultVariant );
   231             NPIdentifier ident = NPN_GetStringIdentifier( (const NPUTF8 *)(name.Ptr()) );
   232             return NPN_Invoke( iInstanceHandle, (NPObject*)value, ident,
   233                                args, argCount, &resultVariant );
   234             }
   235         }
   236     return false;
   237     }
   239 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   240 // CSystemInfoPlugin::HasMethod
   241 //
   242 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   243 bool CSystemInfoPlugin::HasMethod( NPIdentifier name )
   244     {
   245     for (TInt i= 0; i < EIdLast; i++)
   246         {
   247         if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[i] )
   248             {
   249             return IsMethod[i];
   250             }
   251         }
   252     return false;
   253     }
   255 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   256 // CSystemInfoPlugin::VariantToInt
   257 //
   258 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   259 void CSystemInfoPlugin::VariantToInt( NPVariant& v, TInt& i )
   260     {
   261     if ( NPVARIANT_IS_INT32( v ) )
   262         {
   263         i = NPVARIANT_TO_INT32( v );
   264         }
   265     else if ( NPVARIANT_IS_DOUBLE( v ) )
   266         {
   267         double d = NPVARIANT_TO_DOUBLE( v );
   268         i = d;
   269         }
   270     // leave unchanged if some other type tag on variant
   271     }
   273 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   274 // CSystemInfoPlugin::Invoke
   275 //
   276 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   277 bool CSystemInfoPlugin::Invoke( NPIdentifier name,
   278                                 NPVariant* args,
   279                                 uint32_t argCount,
   280                                 NPVariant *result )
   281     {
   282     bool ret = false;
   283     VOID_TO_NPVARIANT( *result );
   285     if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdBeep] )
   286         {
   287         // don't beep if profile is silent
   288         MProfile* profile = NULL;
   289         TRAPD( error,
   290                profile = iProfileEngine->ActiveProfileL() );
   291         if ( KErrNone != error )
   292             {
   293             return true;
   294             }
   295         if ( EFalse == profile->IsSilent() )
   296             {
   297             TInt f = 440; // default 440 hertz
   298             TInt d = 500; // default 0.5 seconds (in milliseconds)
   299             if ( argCount > 0 ) VariantToInt( args[0], f );
   300             if ( argCount > 1 ) VariantToInt( args[1], d );
   301             // convert duration from milliseconds to microseconds, the
   302             // underlying functionality doesn't really handle microseconds
   303             // even though the interface specs it as microseconds
   304             d = d * 1000;
   305             // Note that d = 0 seems to mean "forever". Also, there
   306             // are max and min frequencies but they are not defined.
   307             // Below min there is silence, above max the equation
   308             // seems to be f = min( max_freq, f)
   309             iSystemInfoMisc->Beep( f, d );
   310             }
   311         profile->Release();
   312         ret = true;
   313         }
   314     else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdLightOn] )
   315         {
   316         TInt l = iSystemInfoMisc->LightTargetSystem();
   317         TInt d = iSystemInfoMisc->LightInfiniteDuration();
   318         TInt i = iSystemInfoMisc->LightDefaultIntensity();
   319         TInt f = 1;
   320         if ( argCount > 0 ) VariantToInt( args[0], l );
   321         if ( argCount > 1 ) VariantToInt( args[1], d );
   322         if ( argCount > 2 ) VariantToInt( args[2], i );
   323         if ( argCount > 3 ) VariantToInt( args[3], f );
   324         iSystemInfoMisc->LightOn( l, d, i, f );
   325         ret = true;
   326         }
   327     else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdLightBlink] )
   328         {
   329         TInt l = iSystemInfoMisc->LightTargetSystem();
   330         TInt d = iSystemInfoMisc->LightInfiniteDuration();
   331         TInt don = iSystemInfoMisc->LightDefaultCycleTime();
   332         TInt doff = iSystemInfoMisc->LightDefaultCycleTime();
   333         TInt i = iSystemInfoMisc->LightDefaultIntensity();
   334         if ( argCount > 0 ) VariantToInt( args[0], l );
   335         if ( argCount > 1 ) VariantToInt( args[1], d );
   336         if ( argCount > 2 ) VariantToInt( args[2], don );
   337         if ( argCount > 3 ) VariantToInt( args[3], doff );
   338         if ( argCount > 4 ) VariantToInt( args[4], i );
   339         iSystemInfoMisc->LightBlink( l, d, don, doff, i );
   340         ret = true;
   341         }
   342     else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdLightOff] )
   343         {
   344         TInt l = iSystemInfoMisc->LightTargetSystem();
   345         TInt d = iSystemInfoMisc->LightInfiniteDuration();
   346         TInt f = 1;
   347         if ( argCount > 0 ) VariantToInt( args[0], l );
   348         if ( argCount > 1 ) VariantToInt( args[1], d );
   349         if ( argCount > 2 ) VariantToInt( args[2], f );
   350         iSystemInfoMisc->LightOff( l, d, f );
   351         ret = true;
   352         }
   353     else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdStartVibra] )
   354         {
   355         TInt d = iSystemInfoMisc->VibraMaxDuration();
   356         TInt i = iSystemInfoMisc->VibraMaxIntensity();
   357         if ( argCount > 0 ) VariantToInt( args[0], d );
   358         if ( argCount > 1 ) VariantToInt( args[1], i );
   359         iSystemInfoMisc->StartVibra( d, i );
   360         ret = true;
   361         }
   362     else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdStopVibra] )
   363         {
   364         iSystemInfoMisc->StopVibra();
   365         ret = true;
   366         }
   367     else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdDriveSize] )
   368         {
   369         TUint c = 0;
   370         if ( argCount > 0 && NPVARIANT_IS_STRING( args[0] ) )
   371             {
   372             NPString nps = NPVARIANT_TO_STRING( args[0] );
   373             if ( nps.UTF8Characters ) c = nps.UTF8Characters[0];
   374             }
   375         if ( c > 0 )
   376             {
   377             TChar drive( c );
   378             TReal size = iSystemInfoMisc->DriveSize( drive );
   379             DOUBLE_TO_NPVARIANT( size, *result );
   380             ret = true;
   381             }
   382         }
   383     else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdDriveFree] )
   384         {
   385         TUint c = 0;
   386         if ( argCount > 0 && NPVARIANT_IS_STRING( args[0] ) )
   387             {
   388             NPString nps = NPVARIANT_TO_STRING( args[0] );
   389             if ( nps.UTF8Characters ) c = nps.UTF8Characters[0];
   390             }
   391         if ( c > 0 )
   392             {
   393             TChar drive( c );
   394             TReal free = iSystemInfoMisc->DriveFree( drive );
   395             DOUBLE_TO_NPVARIANT( free, *result );
   396             ret = true;
   397             }
   398         }
   400     return ret;
   401     }
   403 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   404 // CSystemInfoPlugin::HasProperty
   405 //
   406 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   407 bool CSystemInfoPlugin::HasProperty (NPIdentifier name)
   408     {
   409     for ( TInt i= 0; i < EIdLast; i++ )
   410         {
   411         if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[i] )
   412             {
   413             return !IsMethod[i];
   414             }
   415         }
   416     return false;
   417     }
   420 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   421 // CSystemInfoPlugin::GetProperty
   422 //
   423 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   424 bool CSystemInfoPlugin::GetProperty( NPIdentifier name, NPVariant *variant )
   425     {
   426     // default variant value maps to javascript undefined
   427     VOID_TO_NPVARIANT( *variant );
   429     if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdChargeLevel] )
   430         {
   431         INT32_TO_NPVARIANT( iPowerObserver->ChargeLevel(), *variant );
   432         }
   433     else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdChargerConnected] )
   434         {
   435         INT32_TO_NPVARIANT( iPowerObserver->ChargerConnected(), *variant );
   436         }
   437     else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdSignalBars] )
   438         {
   439         INT32_TO_NPVARIANT( iNetworkObserver->SignalBars(), *variant );
   440         }
   441     else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdNetworkRegistrationStatus] )
   442         {
   443         INT32_TO_NPVARIANT( iNetworkObserver->RegistrationStatus(), *variant );
   444         }
   445     else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdNetworkName] )
   446         {
   447         const TDesC& inBuf = iNetworkObserver->NetworkName();
   448         HBufC8* outBuf = HBufC8::New( inBuf.Length() + 1 );
   449         if ( outBuf )
   450             {
   451             TPtr8 ptr( outBuf->Des() );
   452             TInt ret = CnvUtfConverter::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8( ptr, inBuf );
   453             DesToNpvariant(ptr, variant);
   454             delete outBuf;
   455             }
   456         }
   457     else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdLightMinIntensity] )
   458         {
   459         INT32_TO_NPVARIANT( iSystemInfoMisc->LightMinIntensity(), *variant );
   460         }
   461     else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdLightMaxIntensity] )
   462         {
   463         INT32_TO_NPVARIANT( iSystemInfoMisc->LightMaxIntensity(), *variant );
   464         }
   465     else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdLightDefaultIntensity] )
   466         {
   467         INT32_TO_NPVARIANT( iSystemInfoMisc->LightDefaultIntensity(), *variant );
   468         }
   469     else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdLightInfiniteDuration] )
   470         {
   471         INT32_TO_NPVARIANT( iSystemInfoMisc->LightInfiniteDuration(), *variant );
   472         }
   473     else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdLightMaxDuration] )
   474         {
   475         INT32_TO_NPVARIANT( iSystemInfoMisc->LightMaxDuration(), *variant );
   476         }
   477     else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdLightDefaultCycleTime] )
   478         {
   479         INT32_TO_NPVARIANT( iSystemInfoMisc->LightDefaultCycleTime(), *variant );
   480         }
   481     else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdLightTargetPrimaryDisplayAndKeyboard] )
   482         {
   483         INT32_TO_NPVARIANT( iSystemInfoMisc->LightTargetPrimaryDisplayAndKeyboard(), *variant );
   484         }
   485     else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdLightTargetSystem] )
   486         {
   487         INT32_TO_NPVARIANT( iSystemInfoMisc->LightTargetSystem(), *variant );
   488         }
   489     else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdVibraMinIntensity] )
   490         {
   491         INT32_TO_NPVARIANT( iSystemInfoMisc->VibraMinIntensity(), *variant );
   492         }
   493     else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdVibraMaxIntensity] )
   494         {
   495         INT32_TO_NPVARIANT( iSystemInfoMisc->VibraMaxIntensity(), *variant );
   496         }
   497     else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdVibraMaxDuration] )
   498         {
   499         INT32_TO_NPVARIANT( iSystemInfoMisc->VibraMaxDuration(), *variant );
   500         }
   501     else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdVibraSettings] )
   502         {
   503         INT32_TO_NPVARIANT( iSystemInfoMisc->VibraSettings(), *variant );
   504         }
   505     else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdTotalRam] )
   506         {
   507         INT32_TO_NPVARIANT( iSystemInfoMisc->TotalRam(), *variant );
   508         }
   509     else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdFreeRam] )
   510         {
   511         INT32_TO_NPVARIANT( iSystemInfoMisc->FreeRam(), *variant );
   512         }
   513     else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdDriveList] )
   514         {
   515         HBufC8* drives = HBufC8::New( KMaxDrives*2 );
   516         if ( drives )
   517             {
   518             TPtr8 ptr( drives->Des() );
   519             iSystemInfoMisc->DriveList( ptr );
   520             DesToNpvariant(ptr, variant);
   521             delete drives;
   522             }
   523         }
   524     else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdLanguage] )
   525         {
   526         TBuf<64> langCode;
   527         iSystemInfoMisc->Language( langCode );
   528         HBufC8* outBuf = HBufC8::New( langCode.Length() + 1 );
   529         if ( outBuf )
   530             {
   531             TPtr8 ptr( outBuf->Des() );
   532             ptr.SetLength( 0 );
   533             // Note: the copy below goes from 16-bit to 8-bit by
   534             // dropping the high 8-bits.  This will work since all
   535             // codes are made from 7-bit ASCII characters see
   536             // section 7
   537             // "Character Set Considerations".  Also see
   538             //
   539             ptr.Copy( langCode );
   540             ptr.ZeroTerminate();
   541             DesToNpvariant( ptr, variant );
   542             delete outBuf;
   543             }
   544         }
   545     else
   546         {
   547         return EFalse;
   548         }
   549     return ETrue;
   550     }
   552 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   553 // CSystemInfoPlugin::SetProperty
   554 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   555 bool CSystemInfoPlugin::SetPropertyL( NPIdentifier name, NPVariant *variant )
   556     {
   557     // all writeable properties are names of callback functions
   558     HBufC8* pFunctionText = NULL;
   560     // anything but a string will result in nulling out the callback
   561     if ( NPVARIANT_IS_STRING( *variant ) )
   562         {
   563         // canonicalize function name string: only fname (no args) and zero terminate
   564         NPString str = NPVARIANT_TO_STRING( *variant );
   566         if ( (const TUint8 *)str.UTF8Characters )
   567             {
   568             // allocate a copy
   569             TInt length = str.UTF8Length;
   570             pFunctionText = HBufC8::NewL( length+1 );
   571             TPtr8 tptr = pFunctionText->Des();
   572             tptr.Copy( (const TUint8 *)str.UTF8Characters, length );
   574             //Remove any arguments passed in the with the function name
   575             TInt pos = pFunctionText->Locate(TChar('('));
   576             if ( pos != KErrNotFound )
   577                 {
   578                 length = pos;
   579                 }
   580             tptr.SetLength(length);
   581             tptr.ZeroTerminate();
   582             }
   583         }
   585     // NOTE: pFunctionText can be NULL
   587     if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdOnChargeLevel] )
   588         {
   589         iPowerObserver->RequestNotificationL( CPowerObserver::EIdBatteryInfo,
   590                                               pFunctionText );
   591         }
   592     else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdOnChargerConnected] )
   593         {
   594         iPowerObserver->RequestNotificationL( CPowerObserver::EIdIndicator,
   595                                               pFunctionText );
   596         }
   597     else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdOnNetworkRegistrationStatus] )
   598         {
   599         iNetworkObserver->RequestNotificationL( CNetworkObserver::EIdRegistrationStatus,
   600                                                 pFunctionText );
   601         }
   602     else
   603         {
   604         delete pFunctionText;
   605         return EFalse;
   606         }
   607     return ETrue;
   608     }
   610 void CSystemInfoPlugin::DesToNpvariant(TPtr8& string, NPVariant*& variant)
   611 {
   612     char* newString = NULL;
   613     if (string.Length()) {
   614         newString = new char(string.Length());
   615     }
   616     if (newString) {
   617         Mem::Copy(newString, string.Ptr(), string.Length());
   618         STRINGN_TO_NPVARIANT(newString, string.Length(), *variant);
   619     }
   620 }
   624 //  End of File