changeset 65 8e6fa1719340
equal deleted inserted replaced
64:6385c4c93049 65:8e6fa1719340
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Implementation of CBrowserBookmarksView.
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include <cdownloadmgruidownloadslist.h>
    20 #include <cdownloadmgruidownloadmenu.h>
    21 #include <eikmenup.h>
    22 #include <aknsfld.h>
    23 #include <smut.h>
    24 #include <IrcMTM.h>
    27     #include <btmsgtypeuid.h>
    28 #endif
    30 #include <irmsgtypeuid.h>
    31 #include <favouritesdb.h>
    33 #include <BrowserNG.rsg>
    35 #include <favouritesitem.h>
    36 #include <favouritesitemlist.h>
    37 #include <ApEngineConsts.h>
    38 #include <ApListItem.h>
    39 #include <ApListItemList.h>
    40 #include <StringLoader.h>
    41 #include <FeatMgr.h>
    42 #include <Uri16.h>
    43 #include <akntoolbar.h>
    44 #ifdef RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2
    45 #include <akntoolbarextension.h>
    46 #endif
    49 #include "BrowserDialogs.h"
    50 #include "BrowserBookmarksView.h"
    51 #include "BrowserBookmarksContainer.h"
    52 #include "BrowserBookmarksModel.h"
    53 #include "BrowserFavouritesListbox.h"
    54 #include "BrowserBookmarksEditDialog.h"
    55 #include "BrowserBookmarksGotoPane.h"
    56 #include "CommonConstants.h"
    57 #include "BrowserUtil.h"
    58 #include "BrowserAppUi.h"
    59 #include "Browser.hrh"
    60 #include "CommandVisibility.h"
    61 #include "BrowserBmOTABinSender.h"
    62 #include "CommsModel.h"
    63 #include <mconnection.h>
    64 #include "BrowserUiVariant.hrh"
    65 #include "BrowserWindowManager.h"
    66 #include "BrowserWindow.h"
    67 #include "BrowserDownloadUtil.h"
    68 #include "Display.h"
    69 #include "logger.h"
    71 #include "eikon.hrh"
    74 // CONSTANTS
    75 const TInt KAdaptiveBookmarksFirstPositionInBMView = 0;
    76 const TInt KAdaptiveBookmarksSecondPositionInBMView = 1;
    78 const TInt KBrowserDesCArrayGranularity = 8;
    80 // ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
    82 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    83 // CBrowserBookmarksView::NewLC
    84 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    85 //
    86 CBrowserBookmarksView* CBrowserBookmarksView::NewLC(
    87         MApiProvider& aApiProvider,
    88         CRecentUrlStore& aRecentUrlStore,
    89         TInt aInitialFolderUid )
    90     {
    91     CBrowserBookmarksView* view = new (ELeave) CBrowserBookmarksView( aApiProvider,
    92                         aRecentUrlStore,
    93                         aInitialFolderUid );
    94     CleanupStack::PushL( view );
    96     view->ConstructL( R_BROWSER_BOOKMARKS_VIEW );
    98     return view;
    99     }
   101 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   102 // CBrowserBookmarksView::~CBrowserBookmarksView
   103 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   104 //
   105 CBrowserBookmarksView::~CBrowserBookmarksView()
   106     {
   107 LOG_ENTERFN("CBrowserBookmarksView::~CBrowserBookmarksView");
   108     delete iDownloadsListExecuter;
   109     iDownloadsListExecuter = 0;
   111     if ( !ApiProvider().ExitInProgress() )
   112         {
   113         // Remove observers only in destructor. See comment in ConstructL why.
   114         ApiProvider().Preferences().RemoveObserver( this );
   115         ApiProvider().Connection().UnsetApChangeObserver();
   116         }
   117     CBrowserBookmarksContainer* container = TheContainer();
   118     if ( container )
   119         {
   120         container->GotoPane()->SetGPObserver( NULL );
   121         if( ApiProvider().Preferences().SearchFeature() )
   122             container->SearchPane()->SetGPObserver( NULL );
   123         }
   124     delete iDomainFolderName;
   125     delete iItemsToMove;
   126     delete iCurrentOrder;
   127     delete iEnteredURL;
   128     delete iAsyncComplete;
   129 BROWSER_LOG( ( _L("delete iEnteredUrl 1") ) );
   130     iCursorPos = -1;
   131     }
   133 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   134 // CBrowserBookmarksView::UpdateGotoPaneL
   135 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   136 //
   137 void CBrowserBookmarksView::UpdateGotoPaneL()
   138     {
   139 LOG_ENTERFN("BookmarksView::UpdateGotoPaneL");
   140     // Simulate cursor movement; that will cancel editing (if editing)
   141     // and refresh Goto Pane.
   142     if ( Container() )
   143         {
   144         if ( iEnteredURL )
   145             {
   146             BROWSER_LOG( ( _L("iEnteredUrl exists") ) );
   147             if ( iCursorPos >=0 )  // update pane only once!
   148                 {
   149                 TheContainer()->GotoPane()->SetTextL(   iEnteredURL->Des(),
   150                                                         EFalse,
   151                                                         EFalse );
   153                 CEikEdwin* editor = STATIC_CAST( CEikEdwin*,
   154                         TheContainer()->GotoPane()->ComponentControl( 1 ) );
   155                 editor->SetCursorPosL( iCursorPos, EFalse );
   156                 iCursorPos = -1;
   157                 TheContainer()->GotoPane()->SetFocus( ETrue );
   158                 }
   159             }
   160         else
   161             {
   162             Container()->HandleCursorChangedL( Container()->Listbox() );
   163             }
   164         }
   165     }
   167 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   168 // CBrowserBookmarksView::DeleteItems
   169 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   170 //
   171 void CBrowserBookmarksView::DeleteItems( TInt aCommand )
   172     {
   174     if (iHandleDeleteInProgress)
   175         return;
   177     iHandleDeleteInProgress = ETrue;
   179     const CFavouritesItem* item = Container()->Listbox()->CurrentItem();
   181     if (!item)
   182         {
   183         return;
   184         }
   186     if ( item->ParentFolder() == KFavouritesAdaptiveItemsFolderUid )
   187         {
   188         TBool confirm;
   189         CArrayPtr<const CFavouritesItem>* items =  Container()->Listbox()->SelectedItemsLC();
   191         if ( items->Count() == 1 )
   192             {
   193             confirm = TBrowserDialogs::ConfirmQueryYesNoL( R_BROWSER_FAVOURITES_TEXT_QUERY_COMMON_CONF_DELETE, (*items)[0]->Name());
   194             }
   195         else if (items->Count() > 1)
   196             {
   197             confirm = TBrowserDialogs::ConfirmQueryYesNoL( R_BROWSER_FAVOURITES_TEXT_DEL_ITEMS_QUERY, items->Count());
   198             }
   199         else
   200             {
   201             confirm = EFalse;
   202             }
   204         if (confirm)
   205             {
   206             for ( TInt i = 0; i < items->Count(); i++ )
   207                 {
   208                 iRecentUrlStore.DeleteData(items->At( i )->Url());
   209                 }
   210             Container()->Listbox()->View()->ClearSelection();
   211             iSaveBMOrder = ETrue;
   212             RefreshL();
   213             }
   215         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();//items
   216         }
   217     else
   218         {
   219         iSaveBMOrder = ETrue;
   220         CBrowserFavouritesView::HandleCommandL( aCommand );
   221         }
   223     iHandleDeleteInProgress = EFalse;
   225     }
   227 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   228 // CBrowserBookmarksView::HandleCommandL
   229 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   230 //
   231 void CBrowserBookmarksView::HandleCommandL( TInt aCommand )
   232     {
   233 LOG_ENTERFN("BookmarksView::HandleCommandL");
   234     //
   235     // FIRST SWITCH Generic CBA commands to original commands
   236     // use ProcessCommandL to route through akn to make sure
   237     // command gets routed to the right place
   238     //
   239     //
   241     // Assume generic command unless default case, below.
   242     TBool genericCmdHandled = ETrue;
   244     switch ( aCommand )
   245         {
   246         case EBrowserBookmarksCmdCancel:
   247             {
   248             if ( iManualItemMovingGoingOn )
   249                 {
   250                 ProcessCommandL(EWmlCmdMoveCancel);
   251                 }
   252 			else if( TheContainer() 
   253 			        && ( TheContainer()->GotoPane()->IsEditing() 
   254 			        || TheContainer()->SearchPane()->IsEditing()))
   255                 {
   256                 ProcessCommandL(EWmlCmdGotoPaneCancel);
   257                 }
   258             break;
   259             }
   260         case EBrowserBookmarksCmdOpen:
   261             {
   262             const CFavouritesItem* item = NULL;
   263             if (Container())
   264             {
   265                 item = Container()->Listbox()->CurrentItem();
   266             }
   268             if ( item && item->IsFolder() )
   269                 {
   270                 ProcessCommandL(EWmlCmdOpenFolder);
   271                 }
   272             else
   273                 {
   274                 ProcessCommandL(EWmlCmdDownload);
   275                 }
   277             break;
   278             }
   279         case EBrowserBookmarksCmdBack:
   280             {
   281             // default remap is to say back from folder
   282             TInt cmd = EWmlCmdBackFromFolder;
   284             // unless we have these conditions
   285             if ( !iInAdaptiveBookmarksFolder )
   286                 {
   287                 if ( iCurrentFolder == KFavouritesRootUid )
   288                     {
   289                     if ( ApiProvider().IsPageLoaded() || ApiProvider().Fetching() )
   290                         {
   291                         cmd = EWmlCmdBackToPage;
   292                         }
   293                     }
   294                 }
   295         ProcessCommandL(cmd);
   296         break;
   297             }
   298         default:
   299             {
   300             genericCmdHandled = EFalse;
   301             break;
   302             }
   303         }
   305     if (genericCmdHandled)
   306         {
   307         return;
   308         }
   310     //
   311     // EXISTING (regular) command set
   312     //
   313     if ( TheContainer() )
   314     {
   315         switch ( aCommand )
   316         {
   317         // CBA commands.
   318         case EWmlCmdGotoPaneGoTo:
   319             {
   320             if( TheContainer()->GotoPaneActive() )
   321                 {
   322                 if (TheContainer()->GotoPane()->Editor()->TextLength()!= 0)
   323                     {
   324                     // Cancel editing and sets Goto Pane text back.
   325                     if (TheContainer()->GotoPane()->PopupList() != NULL)
   326                         {
   327                         TheContainer()->GotoPane()->PopupList()->SetDirectoryModeL( ETrue );
   328                         TheContainer()->GotoPane()->PopupList()->HidePopupL();
   329                         }
   330                     GotoUrlInGotoPaneL();
   331                     }
   332                 }
   333             else // it was from searchpane 
   334                 {
   335                 if (TheContainer()->SearchPane()->Editor()->TextLength()!= 0)
   336                     {
   337                     // Launch Search application with search parameters
   338                     // and cancel editing of search and goto.
   339                     // Dim Toolbar buttons
   340                     DimToolbarButtons(EFalse);
   341                     HBufC* searchString = TheContainer()->SearchPane()->GetTextL();
   342                     CleanupStack::PushL( searchString );
   343                     if( searchString )
   344                         {
   345                         UpdateCbaL();
   346                         // Set GoTo/Search Inactive
   347                         TheContainer()->SetGotoInactiveL();
   348                         LaunchSearchApplicationL( *searchString );
   349                         }
   350                     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( searchString );
   351                     }
   352                 // set LSK to GOTO now
   353                 UpdateCbaL();
   354                 }
   355             break;
   356             }
   357         case EWmlCmdGotoPaneSelect:
   358             {
   359             if (TheContainer()->GotoPane()->Editor()->TextLength()!= 0)
   360                 {
   361                 // Cancel editing and sets Goto Pane text back.
   362                 if (TheContainer()->GotoPane()->PopupList() != NULL)
   363                     {
   364                     TheContainer()->GotoPane()->PopupList()->SetDirectoryModeL( ETrue );
   365                     TheContainer()->GotoPane()->PopupList()->HidePopupL();
   366                     }
   367                 // set LSK to GOTO now
   368                 UpdateCbaL();
   369                 }
   370             break;
   371             }
   374         case EWmlCmdNewFolder:
   375             {
   376             TInt uid = CBrowserFavouritesView::AddNewFolderL( );
   378             AddUidToLastPlaceToCurrentListL(uid);
   379             iRefresh = EFalse;
   380             Model().Database().SetData( CurrentFolder() , *iCurrentOrder );
   381             break;
   382             }
   383         case EWmlCmdMove:
   384             {
   385             StartMoveItemsL();
   386             break;
   387             }
   388         case EWmlCmdMoveOk:
   389             {
   390             MoveItemsL();
   391             break;
   392             }
   393         case EWmlCmdMoveCancel:
   394             {
   395             CancelMoveItemsL();
   396             break;
   397             }
   399         case EWmlCmdMoveToFolder:
   400             {
   401             iSaveBMOrder = ETrue;
   402             CBrowserFavouritesView::HandleCommandL(aCommand);
   403             break;
   404             }
   406         case EWmlCmdGotoPaneCancel:
   407             {
   408             // Cancel editing and sets Goto Pane text back.
   409             if (TheContainer()->GotoPane()->PopupList() != NULL)
   410                 {
   411                 TheContainer()->GotoPane()->PopupList()->SetDirectoryModeL( ETrue );
   412                 TheContainer()->GotoPane()->PopupList()->HidePopupL();
   413                 }
   414             delete iEnteredURL;
   415             iEnteredURL = NULL;
   416             BROWSER_LOG( ( _L("delete iEnteredUrl 2") ) );
   417             iCursorPos = -1;
   419             TheContainer()->SetGotoInactiveL();
   421             DimToolbarButtons(EFalse);
   423             break;
   424             }
   426         // Menu commands.
   427         case EWmlCmdFavourites:
   428             {
   429             if ( iInAdaptiveBookmarksFolder )
   430                 {
   431                 ExitAdaptiveBookmarks();
   432                 }
   433             ApiProvider().SetViewToBeActivatedIfNeededL( KUidBrowserBookmarksViewId );
   434             break;
   435             }
   437         case EWmlCmdBackToPage:
   438             {
   439             ApiProvider().SetViewToReturnOnClose( KUidBrowserBookmarksViewId );
   440             ApiProvider().SetViewToBeActivatedIfNeededL( KUidBrowserContentViewId );
   441             break;
   442             }
   444         case EWmlCmdDownload:
   445         case EWmlCmdDownloadPage:
   446             {
   447             ActivateCurrentBookmarkL();
   448             break;
   449             }
   451 #ifdef __RSS_FEEDS
   452         case EWmlCmdOpenFeedsFolder:
   453             {
   454             //complete remaining startup in Browser and then proceed
   455             if ( !ApiProvider().StartedUp() )
   456                 ApiProvider().CompleteDelayedInit();
   457             ApiProvider().FeedsClientUtilities().ShowFolderViewL();
   458             break;
   459             }
   460 #endif  // __RSS_FEEDS
   463         case EWmlCmdLaunchHomePage:
   464             {
   465             AppUi()->HandleCommandL( aCommand );
   466             break;
   467             }
   469         case EWmlCmdOpenItem:
   470             {
   471             // re-handle the open item command depending on whether a folder or an
   472             // item is selected.
   473             if ( Container() && Container()->Listbox() )
   474                 {
   475                 const CFavouritesItem* item = Container()->Listbox()->CurrentItem();
   476                 if ( item && item->IsFolder() )
   477                     {
   478                     HandleCommandL(EWmlCmdOpenFolder);
   479                     }
   480                 else
   481                     {
   482                     HandleCommandL(EWmlCmdDownload);
   483                     }
   484                 }
   485             break;
   486             }
   488         case EWmlCmdAddBookmark:
   489             {
   490             AddNewBookmarkL();
   491             break;
   492             }
   494         case EWmlCmdGoToAddressAndSearch:    
   495         case EWmlCmdGoToAddress: // MSK for Recent Url page
   496         case EWmlCmdSwitchToGotoActive:
   497             {
   498             DimToolbarButtons(ETrue);
   499 #ifdef BRDO_SINGLE_CLICK_ENABLED_FF            
   500             CEikButtonGroupContainer* cba = Cba()->Current();
   501             CEikCba* eikCba = static_cast<CEikCba*>( cba->ButtonGroup() );
   502             if( eikCba )
   503                 {
   504                 eikCba->EnableItemSpecificSoftkey( EFalse );
   505                 }
   506 #endif            
   507             TheContainer()->SetGotoActiveL();
   508             break;
   509             }
   511         case EIsCmdSearchWeb:
   512         	{
   513         	DimToolbarButtons(ETrue);
   515             CEikButtonGroupContainer* cba = Cba()->Current();
   516             CEikCba* eikCba = static_cast<CEikCba*>( cba->ButtonGroup() );
   517             if( eikCba )
   518                 {
   519                 eikCba->EnableItemSpecificSoftkey( EFalse );
   520                 }
   521 #endif
   522         	TheContainer()->SetSearchActiveL();
   523         	break;
   524         	}
   526         case EWmlCmdEditBookmark:
   527             {
   528             EditCurrentBookmarkL();
   529             break;
   530             }
   532         case EWmlCmdSetAsHomePage:
   533             {
   534             if ( Container() && Container()->Listbox() )
   535                 {
   536                 const CFavouritesItem* item =
   537                                         Container()->Listbox()->CurrentItem();
   538                 if ( item && item->IsItem() &&
   539                     TBrowserDialogs::ConfirmQueryYesNoL(
   540                                     R_QTN_BROWSERBM_QUERY_SET_AS_HOME_PAGE ) )
   541                     {
   542                     ApiProvider().Preferences().SetHomePageUrlL( item->Url() );
   543                     ApiProvider().Preferences().SetHomePageTypeL( EWmlSettingsHomePageAddress );
   544                     }
   545                 }
   546             break;
   547             }
   549         case EWmlCmdPreferences:
   550             {
   551             CBrowserFavouritesView::HandleCommandL( aCommand );
   552             break;
   553             }
   555         case EWmlCmdCopyToBookmarks:
   556             {
   557             CArrayPtr<const CFavouritesItem>* items =
   558             Container()->Listbox()->SelectedItemsLC();
   559             if (items->Count())
   560                 {
   561                 // Set WAP AP.
   562                 CFavouritesItem* item;
   563                 for (TInt i=0;i<items->Count();i++)
   564                     {
   565                     item = CFavouritesItem::NewL();
   566                     *item = *( items->At( i ) );
   567                     CleanupStack::PushL( item );
   568                     item->SetParentFolder( KFavouritesRootUid );
   569                     Model().AddL( *item, EFalse, CBrowserFavouritesModel::EAutoRename );
   570                     AddUidToLastPlaceToCurrentListL( item->Uid() );
   571                     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();//item
   572                     }
   573                 iRefresh = EFalse;
   574                 Model().Database().SetData( CurrentFolder() , *iCurrentOrder );
   575                 Container()->Listbox()->View()->ClearSelection();
   576                 if (items->Count()==1)
   577                     {
   578                     TBrowserDialogs::InfoNoteL
   579                         (
   580                         R_BROWSER_INFO_NOTE,
   582                         );
   583                     }
   584                  else
   585                     {
   586                     TBrowserDialogs::InfoNoteL(
   587                         R_BROWSER_INFO_NOTE,
   589                         items->Count() );
   590                     }
   591                 }
   592             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();//items
   593             break;
   594             }
   596         case EWmlCmdRename:
   597             {
   598             // NO rename on menu
   599                 {
   600                 CBrowserFavouritesView::HandleCommandL( aCommand );
   601                 }
   602             break;
   603             }
   605         case EWmlCmdDelete:
   606             {
   607       DeleteItems( aCommand );
   608       break;
   609       } // case
   612         case EWmlCmdClearAdaptiveBookmarks:
   613             {
   614             if ( TBrowserDialogs::ConfirmQueryYesNoL(
   616                 {
   617                 ClearAdaptiveBookmarksL();
   618                 }
   619             break;
   620             }
   622         case EWmlCmdClearAdaptiveBookmarksNoPrompt:
   623             {
   624             ClearAdaptiveBookmarksL();
   625             break;
   626             }
   628         case EWmlCmdOpenFolder:
   629             {
   630             if ( TheContainer()->GotoPane()->PopupList() )
   631                 {
   632                 if ( TheContainer()->GotoPane()->PopupList()->IsPoppedUp() )
   633                     {
   634                     TheContainer()->GotoPane()->PopupList()->SetDirectoryModeL(
   635                                                                     EFalse );
   636                     break; // This case is supposed to fall through into the next case in certain
   637                            // conditions.
   638                     }
   639                 }
   640             }
   642         case EWmlCmdOpenMarkedFolder:
   643             {
   644             SetEmptyTextL();
   645             if (Container()->Listbox()->CurrentItem()->Uid() ==
   646                                             KFavouritesAdaptiveItemsFolderUid )
   647                 {
   648                 iAdaptiveBookmarksFolderSelected = ETrue;
   649                 iInAdaptiveBookmarksFolder = ETrue;
   650                 SetEmptyTextL();
   651                 RefreshL();
   652                 }
   653             else
   654                 {
   655                 CBrowserFavouritesView::HandleCommandL( aCommand );
   656                 UpdateToolbarButtonsState();
   657                 }
   658             break;
   659             }
   661         case EWmlCmdBackFromFolder:
   662             {
   663             Container()->Listbox()->ClearSelection();
   664             if ( iDomainFolderName )
   665                 {
   666                 HBufC* domainFolderNameToHighlight;
   667                 domainFolderNameToHighlight = HBufC::NewL(
   668                                             iDomainFolderName->Length() );
   669                 CleanupStack::PushL( domainFolderNameToHighlight );
   671                 domainFolderNameToHighlight->Des().Append( *iDomainFolderName );
   672                 delete iDomainFolderName;
   673                 iDomainFolderName = NULL;
   675                 CFavouritesItemList* items =
   676                             GetItemsLC( KFavouritesAdaptiveItemsFolderUid );
   677                 TInt indexToHighlight = 0;
   679                 for ( TInt i = 0; i < items->Count(); i++ )
   680                     {
   681                     if ( (*items)[i]->Name() == (*domainFolderNameToHighlight) )
   682                         {
   683                         indexToHighlight = i;
   684                         }
   685                     }
   687                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();  // items
   688                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();  // domainFolderNameToHighlight
   690                 HBufC* title;
   691                 title=iCoeEnv->AllocReadResourceLC(
   692                                         R_BROWSER_ADAPTIVE_BOOKMARKS_TITLE );
   693                 ApiProvider().Display().SetTitleL( *title );
   694                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();  // title
   695                 RefreshL();
   696                 Container()->Listbox()->SetCurrentItemIndexAndDraw(
   697                                                             indexToHighlight );
   698                 }
   699             else
   700                 {
   701                 if ( iInAdaptiveBookmarksFolder )
   702                     {
   703                     iAdaptiveBookmarksFolderSelected = EFalse;
   704                     iInAdaptiveBookmarksFolder=EFalse;
   705                     SetEmptyTextL();
   706                     HBufC* title;
   707                     title=iCoeEnv->AllocReadResourceLC(
   708                                         TheContainer()->TitleResourceId() );
   709                     UpdateNaviPaneL();
   710                     ApiProvider().Display().SetTitleL( *title );
   711                     iPreferredHighlightUid=KFavouritesAdaptiveItemsFolderUid;
   712                     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();  // title
   713                     RefreshL();
   714                     }
   715                 else
   716                     {
   717                     CBrowserFavouritesView::HandleCommandL( aCommand );
   718                     }
   719                 }
   720             // Back from a folder may require change in toolbar button state
   721             UpdateToolbarButtonsState();
   722             break;
   723             }
   725         case EWmlCmdSendBookmarkViaUnifiedMessage:
   726             {
   727             // Both case can be handled alike - SendBookmarksL
   728             // uses SelectedItemsLC - this always what we want (if there is
   729             // something marked, those; if no marked, the highlighted one).
   730             SendBookmarksL( );
   731             break;
   732             }
   735 #ifdef __SERIES60_HELP
   736         case EAknCmdHelp:
   737             {
   738             STATIC_CAST(CBrowserAppUi*, AppUi())->HandleCommandL(EAknCmdHelp);
   739             break;
   740             }
   741 #endif //__SERIES60_HELP
   743         case EWmlCmdDownloads:
   744             {
   745             ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().HandleCommandL(
   746                                             (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandShowDownloads +
   747                                             (TInt)TBrCtlDefs::ECommandIdBase );
   748             break;
   749             }
   751         case EWmlCmdDownloadPageNewWindow:
   752             {
   753             const CFavouritesItem* item = Container()->Listbox()->CurrentItem();
   754             if ( item )
   755                 {
   756                 CBrowserAppUi::Static()->OpenLinkInNewWindowL( *item );
   757                 }
   758             break;
   759             }
   761         default:
   762             {
   763             if (aCommand == EWmlCmdDelete &&
   764                   (Container()->Listbox()->CurrentItem()->ParentFolder()==KFavouritesAdaptiveItemsFolderUid))
   765                {
   766                DeleteItems( aCommand );
   767                break;
   768                }
   769             CBrowserFavouritesView::HandleCommandL( aCommand );
   770             break;
   771             }
   772         }
   773     }
   774     }
   776 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   777 // CBrowserBookmarksView::SetEmptyTextL
   778 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   779 //
   780 void CBrowserBookmarksView::SetEmptyTextL()
   781     {
   782     HBufC* buf;
   783     if (iInAdaptiveBookmarksFolder)
   784         {
   785         HBufC* title;
   786         if (iDomainFolderName != NULL)
   787             {
   788             ApiProvider().Display().SetTitleL( *iDomainFolderName );
   789             }
   790         else
   791             {
   792             title=iCoeEnv->AllocReadResourceLC( R_BROWSER_ADAPTIVE_BOOKMARKS_TITLE );
   793             ApiProvider().Display().SetTitleL( *title );
   794             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();  // title
   795             }
   796         buf = iCoeEnv->AllocReadResourceLC( R_BROWSER_ADAPTIVE_BOOKMARKS_NO_ADAPTIVE_BOOKMARKS );
   797         }
   798     else
   799         {
   800         buf = iCoeEnv->AllocReadResourceLC( TheContainer()->ListboxEmptyTextResourceId() );
   801         }
   802     TheContainer()->Listbox()->View()->SetListEmptyTextL( *buf );
   803     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();  // buf
   804     }
   806 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   807 // CBrowserBookmarksView::Id
   808 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   809 //
   810 TUid CBrowserBookmarksView::Id() const
   811     {
   812     return KUidBrowserBookmarksViewId;
   813     }
   815 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   816 // CBrowserBookmarksView::CommandSetResourceIdL
   817 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   818 //
   819 TInt CBrowserBookmarksView::CommandSetResourceIdL()
   820     {
   821     // massive re-work for 5.0, to dynamically assign CBA
   823     }
   825 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   826 // CBrowserBookmarksView::CommandSetResourceDynL
   827 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   828 //
   830 void CBrowserBookmarksView::CommandSetResourceDynL(TSKPair& aLsk, TSKPair& aRsk, TSKPair& aMsk)
   831 {
   832     //
   833     // Get gotoPane pointer and appropriate Container pointer.
   834     //
   835     // These are passed in to the LSK, RSK, MSK dynamic setting functions
   836     // and used to help chose the appropriate softkeys
   837     //
   838     CBrowserBookmarksGotoPane* gotoPanePtr = NULL;
   839     CBrowserBookmarksContainer* theContainer = TheContainer();
   841     // if the container doesn't exist, leave gotoPanePtr at NULL
   842     if (theContainer)
   843         {
   844         gotoPanePtr = theContainer->GotoPane();
   845         }
   847     // set LSK, RSK, MSK respectively
   848     SetLSKDynL(aLsk, gotoPanePtr);
   849     SetRSKDynL(aRsk, gotoPanePtr);
   850     SetMSKDynL(aMsk, aLsk, theContainer, gotoPanePtr);
   852     //
   853     // Finally, if the contextual menu command was assigned to the MSK,
   854     // we need to set up the menu now
   855     //
   856     if ( == EAknSoftkeyContextOptions )
   857     {
   858         ConfigContextMenu();
   859     }
   860 }
   862 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   863 // CBrowserBookmarksView::SetLSKDynL
   864 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   865 //
   867 void CBrowserBookmarksView::SetLSKDynL(TSKPair& aLsk,
   868     CBrowserBookmarksGotoPane* aGotoPane)
   869 {
   870     CBrowserBookmarksContainer* theContainer = TheContainer();
   871     CBrowserBookmarksGotoPane* searchPane = NULL;
   872     if( theContainer )
   873         {
   874         searchPane = theContainer->SearchPane();
   875         }
   876     // Default lsk is option
   877     aLsk.setPair(EAknSoftkeyOptions, R_BROWSER_BOOKMARKS_DYN_SK_TEXT_SOFTKEY_OPTION);
   879     if ( iManualItemMovingGoingOn )
   880         {
   881         aLsk.setPair(EWmlCmdMoveOk, R_BROWSER_BOOKMARKS_DYN_SK_TEXT_SOFTKEY_OK);
   882         }
   883     else if ( aGotoPane && aGotoPane->IsEditing() )
   884         {
   885         // default for goto is go
   886         aLsk.setPair(EWmlCmdGotoPaneGoTo, R_BROWSER_BOOKMARKS_DYN_SK_QTN_WML_SOFTK_GO);
   888          if (aGotoPane->PopupList() &&
   889                 aGotoPane->PopupList()->IsOpenDirToShow() )
   890             {
   891             aLsk.setPair(EBrowserBookmarksCmdOpen, R_BROWSER_BOOKMARKS_DYN_SK_TEXT_SOFTKEY_OPEN);
   892             }
   893         else if (aGotoPane->PopupList() &&
   894                 aGotoPane->PopupList()->IsPoppedUp() &&
   895                 !iPenEnabled)
   896             {
   897             // LSK Select is only for non-touch devices
   898             aLsk.setPair(EWmlCmdGotoPaneSelect, R_BROWSER_BOOKMARKS_DYN_SK_TEXT_SOFTKEY_SELECT);
   899             }
   900 		}
   901 	else if(  searchPane && searchPane->IsEditing()  )
   902 		{
   903         aLsk.setPair(EWmlCmdGotoPaneGoTo, R_BROWSER_BOOKMARKS_DYN_SK_QTN_IS_SOFTK_SEARCH);
   904 	    }
   905 }
   907 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   908 // CBrowserBookmarksView::SetRSKDynL
   909 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   910 //
   912 void CBrowserBookmarksView::SetRSKDynL(TSKPair& aRsk,
   913     CBrowserBookmarksGotoPane* aGotoPane)
   914 {
   915     CBrowserBookmarksContainer* theContainer = TheContainer();
   916     CBrowserBookmarksGotoPane* searchPane = NULL;
   917     if( theContainer )
   918         {
   919         searchPane = theContainer->SearchPane();
   920         }
   921     if ( iManualItemMovingGoingOn )
   922         {
   923         aRsk.setPair(EBrowserBookmarksCmdCancel, R_BROWSER_BOOKMARKS_DYN_SK_TEXT_SOFTKEY_CANCEL);
   924         }
   925 	else if( (aGotoPane && aGotoPane->IsEditing()) || (searchPane && searchPane->IsEditing()) )
   926         {
   927         // default for goto is cancel
   928         aRsk.setPair(EBrowserBookmarksCmdCancel, R_BROWSER_BOOKMARKS_DYN_SK_TEXT_SOFTKEY_CANCEL);
   929         }
   930     else
   931         {
   932         // default case for everything else is Back
   933         aRsk.setPair(EBrowserBookmarksCmdBack, R_BROWSER_BOOKMARKS_DYN_SK_TEXT_SOFTKEY_BACK);
   935         // OR, it could be exit under these conditions
   936         if ( (!iInAdaptiveBookmarksFolder && !ApiProvider().IsPageLoaded() && !ApiProvider().Fetching())  )
   937             {
   938             if ( iCurrentFolder == KFavouritesRootUid )
   939                 {
   940                 aRsk.setPair(EAknSoftkeyExit, R_BROWSER_BOOKMARKS_DYN_SK_TEXT_SOFTKEY_EXIT);
   941                 }
   942             }
   943         }
   944     }
   946 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   947 // CBrowserBookmarksView::SetMSKDynL
   948 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   949 //
   951 void CBrowserBookmarksView::SetMSKDynL(TSKPair& aMsk, const TSKPair aLsk,
   952     CBrowserFavouritesContainer* aContainer,
   953     CBrowserBookmarksGotoPane* aGotoPane)
   954     {
   955     // setup any marked items flag for convenience
   956     // also verify that container is defined
   957     TBool anyMarkedItems = EFalse;
   958     if ( aContainer)
   959         {
   960         anyMarkedItems = aContainer->Listbox()->SelectionStateL().AnyMarked();
   961         }
   962     else
   963         {
   964         return;
   965         }
   967     //
   968     // Usually, MSK is context menu if marked items.
   969     // The exception is if moving is in progress (and marked items).. then its the dot (in place of OK).
   970     // Otherwise, the Open Command is thrown.
   971     //
   972     if ( anyMarkedItems )
   973         {
   974         if ( iManualItemMovingGoingOn )
   975             {
   976             aMsk.setPair(EWmlCmdMoveOk, R_BROWSER_BOOKMARKS_DYN_SK_TEXT_SOFTKEY_OK);
   977             }
   978         else
   979             {
   980             aMsk.setPair(EAknSoftkeyContextOptions, R_BROWSER_BOOKMARKS_DYN_SK_TEXT_SOFTKEY_OPTION);
   981             }
   982         }
   983     else
   984         {
   985         aMsk.setPair(EBrowserBookmarksCmdOpen, R_BROWSER_BOOKMARKS_DYN_SK_TEXT_SOFTKEY_OPEN);
   986         }
   988 	CBrowserBookmarksContainer* theContainer = TheContainer();
   989     CBrowserBookmarksGotoPane* searchPane = NULL;
   990 	if( theContainer )
   991 	    {
   992 	    searchPane = theContainer->SearchPane();
   993 	    }
   994     //
   995     // UNDER these special conditions, the msk is set differently:
   996     //
   997     if ( aGotoPane && aGotoPane->IsEditing() )
   998 	    {
   999 		// follow whatever the lsk is set to
  1000 		aMsk = aLsk;
  1001 	    }
  1002 	else if(  searchPane && searchPane->IsEditing() )
  1003         {
  1004         // follow whatever the lsk is set to
  1005         aMsk = aLsk;
  1006         }
  1007     else
  1008         {
  1009         if ( iInAdaptiveBookmarksFolder )
  1010             {
  1011             if ( aContainer->Listbox()->UnfilteredNumberOfItems() <= 0 )
  1012                 {
  1013                 aMsk.setPair( EWmlCmdGoToAddress, R_BROWSER_BOOKMARKS_DYN_SK_QTN_BROWSER_MSK_GOTO );
  1014                 }
  1015             }
  1016         else
  1017             {
  1018             if ( (reinterpret_cast <CBrowserAppUi*>(AppUi())->IsEmbeddedModeOn()) ||
  1019                 iCurrentFolder == KFavouritesRootUid )
  1020                 {
  1021                 if ( aContainer->Listbox()->UnfilteredNumberOfItems() <= 0 )
  1022                     {
  1023                     aMsk.setPair( EWmlCmdAddBookmark, R_BROWSER_BOOKMARKS_DYN_SK_QTN_MSK_ADD );
  1024                     }
  1025                 }
  1026             else
  1027                 {
  1028                 if ( aContainer->Listbox()->UnfilteredNumberOfItems() <= 0 )
  1029                     {
  1030                     aMsk.setPair( EWmlCmdAddBookmark, R_BROWSER_BOOKMARKS_DYN_SK_QTN_MSK_ADD );
  1031                     }
  1032                 }
  1033             }
  1034         }
  1035     }
  1037 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1038 // CBrowserBookmarksView::HandleBookmarksGotoPaneEventL
  1039 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1040 //
  1041 void CBrowserBookmarksView::HandleBookmarksGotoPaneEventL
  1042         (
  1043         CBrowserBookmarksGotoPane*
  1044 #ifdef _DEBUG
  1045         aGotoPane  // used only for debugging purposes
  1046 #endif
  1047         ,
  1048         MBookmarksGotoPaneObserver::TEvent aEvent
  1049         )
  1050     {
  1051 #ifdef _DEBUG
  1052     __ASSERT_DEBUG( aGotoPane == TheContainer()->GotoPane() ||
  1053             aGotoPane == TheContainer()->SearchPane(), \
  1054         Util::Panic( Util::EFavouritesInternal ) );
  1055 #endif
  1057     switch ( aEvent )
  1058         {
  1059         case MBookmarksGotoPaneObserver::EEventEnterKeyPressed:
  1060             {
  1061             HandleCommandL( EWmlCmdGotoPaneGoTo );
  1062             break;
  1063             }
  1065         case MBookmarksGotoPaneObserver::EEventEditingModeChanged:
  1066             {
  1067             UpdateCbaL();
  1068             break;
  1069             }
  1071         default:
  1072             {
  1073             break;
  1074             }
  1075         }
  1076     }
  1078 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1079 // CBrowserBookmarksView::CBrowserBookmarksView
  1080 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1081 //
  1082 CBrowserBookmarksView::CBrowserBookmarksView (  MApiProvider& aApiProvider,
  1083                                                 CRecentUrlStore& aRecentUrlStore,
  1084                                                 TInt aInitialFolderUid )
  1085     : CBrowserFavouritesView( aApiProvider, aInitialFolderUid ),
  1086         iFetchInit( EFalse ),
  1088         iRecentUrlStore (aRecentUrlStore)
  1092     {
  1093     // Initially start with default AP as Start Page AP.
  1094     iCurrentDefaultAp = iStartPageApUid =
  1095                         ApiProvider().Preferences().DefaultAccessPoint();
  1096     iPenEnabled = AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled();
  1097     iHandleDeleteInProgress = EFalse;
  1098     }
  1100 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1101 // CBrowserBookmarksView::ConstructL
  1102 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1103 //
  1104 void CBrowserBookmarksView::ConstructL( TInt aViewResourceId )
  1105     {
  1106 LOG_ENTERFN("BookmarksView::ConstructL");
  1107     CBrowserFavouritesView::ConstructL( aViewResourceId );
  1108     // Begin observing changes in active AP and default AP. Note that we
  1109     // set/unset observers here, not in DoActivateL/DoDeactivate: we do the
  1110     // observing even if the view is not active. This is needed, because
  1111     // preferences and the active AP can be changed from other views also.
  1112     // If notification kicks in when the view is not active, display RefreshL
  1113     // is, of course, suppressed (in base class).
  1114     ApiProvider().Preferences().AddObserverL( this );
  1115     ApiProvider().Connection().SetApChangeObserver( *this );
  1116     iOpenAdaptiveBookmarksWhenActivated = EFalse;
  1117     iAdaptiveBookmarksFolderSelected = EFalse;
  1118     iInAdaptiveBookmarksFolder=EFalse;
  1119     iAdaptiveBookmarksCurrentSetting =
  1120                             ApiProvider().Preferences().AdaptiveBookmarks();
  1121     iEnteredURL = NULL;
  1122 BROWSER_LOG( ( _L("delete iEnteredUrl 3") ) );
  1123     iCursorPos = -1;
  1125     //Since the webcore will be reading the bookmark information in background
  1126     //thread, its important to refresh when the thread notifies the fresh data.
  1127     //Call to GetItemsLC above, which inturn calls ManualBMSortL will set iRefresh to false
  1128     //Make it true so that latest FavIcon db info is shown     
  1129     iRefresh = ETrue;
  1132     if ( ApiProvider().Preferences().SearchFeature() ) // hide the button which is not needed
  1133         Toolbar()->HideItem( EWmlCmdGoToAddress, ETrue , EFalse);
  1134     else
  1135         Toolbar()->HideItem( EWmlCmdGoToAddressAndSearch, ETrue , EFalse);
  1136 #else
  1137     Toolbar()->HideItem( EWmlCmdAddBookmark, ETrue , EFalse);
  1139     //disable both the goto items and activate one of them depending on availability of search feature during bookmarks activation 
  1140     Toolbar()->HideItem( EWmlCmdGoToAddress, ETrue , EFalse);
  1141     Toolbar()->HideItem( EWmlCmdGoToAddressAndSearch, ETrue , EFalse ); 
  1144     Toolbar()->HideItem( EWmlCmdDelete, ETrue , EFalse);
  1145 #else
  1146     Toolbar()->HideItem( EWmlCmdPreferences, ETrue , EFalse);
  1147 #endif
  1149     Cba()->MakeVisible( EFalse);
  1150     StatusPane()->MakeVisible( EFalse );
  1151 #endif
  1153     if (iPenEnabled)
  1154         {
  1155         Toolbar()->SetToolbarObserver(this);
  1156         }      
  1157     }
  1159 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1160 // CBrowserBookmarksView::HandleListBoxEventL
  1161 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1162 //
  1163 void CBrowserBookmarksView::HandleListBoxEventL(
  1164                                 CEikListBox* aListBox,
  1165                                 MEikListBoxObserver::TListBoxEvent aEventType )
  1166     {
  1167     if ( aListBox == Container()->Listbox() )
  1168         {
  1169         switch ( aEventType )
  1170             {
  1172             case MEikListBoxObserver::EEventEmptyListClicked:
  1173                 return;
  1174 #endif
  1175             case MEikListBoxObserver::EEventEnterKeyPressed:
  1176             case MEikListBoxObserver::EEventItemDoubleClicked:
  1178             case MEikListBoxObserver::EEventItemSingleClicked:
  1179 #endif                
  1180                 {
  1181                 if ( iManualItemMovingGoingOn )
  1182                     {
  1183                     MoveItemsL();
  1184                     return;
  1185                     }
  1186                 else if ( Container()->Listbox()->CurrentItem() )
  1187                     {
  1188                     //complete remaining startup in Browser and then proceed
  1189                     if ( !ApiProvider().StartedUp() )
  1190                         ApiProvider().CompleteDelayedInit();
  1192                     if ( Container()->Listbox()->CurrentItem()->IsItem())
  1193                         {
  1194                         ActivateCurrentBookmarkL();
  1195                         return;
  1196                         }
  1197                     else
  1198                         {
  1199                         if (Container()->Listbox()->CurrentItem()->Uid()==KFavouritesAdaptiveItemsFolderUid)
  1200                             {
  1201                             iAdaptiveBookmarksFolderSelected = ETrue;
  1202                             iInAdaptiveBookmarksFolder=ETrue;
  1203                             SetEmptyTextL();
  1204                             RefreshL();
  1206                             iPreviousViewID = KUidBrowserBookmarksViewId;
  1207                             return;
  1208                             }
  1209                         }
  1210                     }
  1211                 break;
  1212                 }
  1213             default:
  1214                 {
  1215                 break;
  1216                 }
  1217             }
  1218         }
  1220     if ( TheContainer()->Listbox()->CurrentItem() && TheContainer()->Listbox()->CurrentItem()->IsFolder() )
  1221         {
  1222         SetEmptyTextL();
  1223         }
  1225     CBrowserFavouritesView::HandleListBoxEventL( aListBox, aEventType );
  1226     UpdateToolbarButtonsState();
  1227     }
  1229 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1230 // CBrowserBookmarksView::DynInitMenuPaneL
  1231 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1232 //
  1233 void CBrowserBookmarksView::DynInitMenuPaneL
  1234                                 (
  1235                                 TInt aResourceId,
  1236                                 CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane,
  1237                                 TCommandVisibility::TIndex /*aIndex */,
  1238                                 const TBrowserFavouritesSelectionState& aState
  1239                                 )
  1240     {
  1241     LOG_ENTERFN("CBrowserBookmarksView::DynInitMenuPaneL");
  1243     __ASSERT_DEBUG( (aMenuPane != NULL), Util::Panic( Util::EUninitializedData ));
  1245     const CFavouritesItem* item =  TheContainer()->Listbox()->CurrentItem();
  1247     switch ( aResourceId )
  1248         {
  1249         case R_BROWSER_BOOKMARKS_MENU_PANE:
  1250             {
  1251 #ifdef BRDO_SINGLE_CLICK_ENABLED_FF            
  1252             if(iItemsToMove )
  1253                 {
  1254                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdMove, ETrue );
  1255                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdMoveToFolder, ETrue );
  1256                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdDelete, ETrue );
  1257                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdSendAddressViaUnifiedMessage, ETrue );
  1258                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdSendBookmarkViaUnifiedMessage, ETrue );
  1259                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdSetAsHomePage, ETrue );
  1260                 }
  1261             else
  1262                 {
  1263                 if ( ApiProvider().Preferences().UiLocalFeatureSupported( KBrowserUiHomePageSetting ) )
  1264                     {
  1265                     TBool dimSaveAsHomePage = EFalse;
  1267                     if ( (item && (item->IsFolder() ||
  1268                           item->Uid() == KFavouritesAdaptiveItemsFolderUid ||
  1269                           item->ContextId())))
  1270                         {
  1271                         dimSaveAsHomePage = ETrue;
  1272                         }
  1273                     else
  1274                         {
  1275                         dimSaveAsHomePage = ApiProvider().IsEmbeddedModeOn() || !aState.CurrentIsItem()
  1276                          || ( aState.MarkedCount() > 1 );
  1277                         }
  1279                     aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdSetAsHomePage, dimSaveAsHomePage );
  1280                     }
  1281                 if (!item)
  1282                     {
  1283                     aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdSendBookmarkViaUnifiedMessage, ETrue );
  1284                     }
  1285                 else if ( (item && (item->IsFolder() ||
  1286                      item->Uid() == KFavouritesAdaptiveItemsFolderUid ||
  1287                      item->ContextId())))
  1288                     {
  1289                     aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdSendBookmarkViaUnifiedMessage, ETrue );
  1290                     }
  1291                 }
  1293             aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdSendAddressViaUnifiedMessage, ETrue );
  1295             if(iInAdaptiveBookmarksFolder)
  1296                 {
  1297                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdMove, ETrue );
  1298                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdMoveToFolder, ETrue );
  1299                 }
  1300             if  ( ( item ) &&
  1301                               ( ( item->Uid() == KFavouritesAdaptiveItemsFolderUid ) ||
  1302                                 ( item->ContextId() != NULL ) || 
  1303                                 (item->IsReadOnly()) )  //If the bookmarks are the default provided by operator
  1304                 )
  1305                 {
  1306                 // We can't delete adaptive bookmarks folder,
  1307                 //   or seamless folders
  1308                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdDelete, ETrue );
  1309                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdMoveToFolder, ETrue );
  1310                 }
  1311             if( item && item->IsFolder())
  1312                 {
  1313                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdMoveToFolder, ETrue );
  1314                 }
  1316 #endif                    
  1317             // downloads
  1318             if(ApiProvider().StartedUp())
  1319                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdDownloads, !ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().BrowserSettingL( TBrCtlDefs::ESettingsNumOfDownloads ) );
  1321             // edit
  1322             if ( !item || (iInAdaptiveBookmarksFolder && aState.IsEmpty() ))
  1323                 {
  1324                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdManageBookmarks, ETrue );
  1325                 }
  1327             // add bookmark
  1328             if ( iInAdaptiveBookmarksFolder )
  1329                 {
  1330                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdAddBookmark, ETrue );
  1331                 }
  1333             // create folder
  1334             if ( iCurrentFolder != KFavouritesRootUid || iInAdaptiveBookmarksFolder )
  1335                 {
  1336                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdNewFolder, ETrue );
  1337                 }
  1338 #endif    
  1340             if ( iInAdaptiveBookmarksFolder && aState.IsEmpty() )
  1341                 {
  1342                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdBmActions, ETrue );
  1343                 }
  1345             if (!item)
  1346                 {
  1347                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdMarkUnmark, ETrue );
  1348                 }
  1349 #endif				
  1350 /*
  1351             if (BRDO_BROWSER_UPDATE_UI_FF)
  1352                {
  1353                aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EAknCmdHelp, ETrue );
  1354                }
  1355             else
  1356                {
  1357                aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdHelpMenu, ETrue );
  1358                }
  1359 */
  1360             break;
  1361             }
  1362         case R_GOTO_SUBMENU:
  1363             {
  1364             // back to page
  1365             if ( !ApiProvider().IsPageLoaded() && !ApiProvider().Fetching())
  1366                 {
  1367                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdBackToPage, ETrue );
  1368                 }
  1370             // bookmarks
  1371             aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdFavourites, ETrue );
  1373             // web feeds
  1374             if (ApiProvider().IsEmbeddedModeOn())
  1375                 {
  1376                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdOpenFeedsFolder, ETrue );
  1377                 }
  1379             // history
  1380             aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdHistory, ETrue );
  1382             // home
  1383             aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdLaunchHomePage, ETrue );
  1384             //search 
  1385             if ( ! ApiProvider().Preferences().SearchFeature() )
  1386                 {
  1387                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EIsCmdSearchWeb, ETrue );
  1388                 }
  1389             break;
  1390             }
  1391         case R_BMACTIONS_SUBMENU:
  1392             {
  1393 #ifndef BRDO_SINGLE_CLICK_ENABLED_FF            
  1394             // send
  1395             aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdSendAddressViaUnifiedMessage, ETrue );
  1397             if (!item)
  1398                 {
  1399                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdSendBookmarkViaUnifiedMessage, ETrue );
  1400                 }
  1401             else if ( (item && (item->IsFolder() ||
  1402                  item->Uid() == KFavouritesAdaptiveItemsFolderUid ||
  1403                  item->ContextId())))
  1404                 {
  1405                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdSendBookmarkViaUnifiedMessage, ETrue );
  1406                 }
  1407 #endif            
  1408             // copy to bookmarks
  1409             if ( !iInAdaptiveBookmarksFolder )
  1410                 {
  1411                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdCopyToBookmarks, ETrue );
  1412                 }
  1414             // set as homepage
  1415             if ( ApiProvider().Preferences().UiLocalFeatureSupported( KBrowserUiHomePageSetting ) )
  1416                 {
  1417                 TBool dimSaveAsHomePage = EFalse;
  1419                 if ( (item && (item->IsFolder() ||
  1420                       item->Uid() == KFavouritesAdaptiveItemsFolderUid ||
  1421                       item->ContextId())))
  1422                     {
  1423                     dimSaveAsHomePage = ETrue;
  1424                     }
  1425                 else
  1426                     {
  1427                     dimSaveAsHomePage = ApiProvider().IsEmbeddedModeOn() || !aState.CurrentIsItem()
  1428                      || ( aState.MarkedCount() > 1 );
  1429                     }
  1431                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdSetAsHomePage, dimSaveAsHomePage );
  1432                 }
  1433             // add bookmark
  1434             if ( iInAdaptiveBookmarksFolder )
  1435                 {
  1436                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdAddBookmark, ETrue );
  1437                 }
  1438 #endif            
  1439             // set preferred/unpreferred
  1440             if ( !iContainer->Listbox()->CurrentItem() )
  1441                 {
  1442                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdSetPreferredBookmark, ETrue );
  1443                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdSetUnPreferredBookmark, ETrue );
  1444                 }
  1445             else
  1446                 {
  1447                 if ( ( iCurrentFolder == KFavouritesRootUid )||
  1448                     !iContainer->Listbox()->GetDefaultData().iInSeamlessFolder ||
  1449                         ( iContainer->Listbox()->GetDefaultData().iPreferedId ==
  1450                                     iContainer->Listbox()->CurrentItem()->Uid() )
  1451                   )
  1452                     {
  1453                     aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdSetPreferredBookmark, ETrue );
  1454                     }
  1456                 if ( ( iCurrentFolder == KFavouritesRootUid ) ||
  1457                     !iContainer->Listbox()->GetDefaultData().iInSeamlessFolder ||
  1458                     !( iContainer->Listbox()->GetDefaultData().iPreferedId ==
  1459                                 iContainer->Listbox()->CurrentItem()->Uid() )
  1460                    )
  1461                     {
  1462                     aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdSetUnPreferredBookmark,
  1463                                                                     ETrue );
  1464                     }
  1465                 }
  1467             break;
  1468             }
  1469         case R_BOOKMARKS_EDIT_SUBMENU:
  1470             {
  1471             // edit bookmark
  1472             if (!item || aState.MarkedCount() > 0)
  1473                 {
  1474                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdEditBookmark, ETrue );
  1475                 }
  1476             else if (( (item && (item->IsFolder() ||
  1477                  item->Uid() == KFavouritesAdaptiveItemsFolderUid ||
  1478                  item->ContextId() || aState.CurrentIsSpecial() || iInAdaptiveBookmarksFolder)))
  1479 #ifdef BRDO_SINGLE_CLICK_ENABLED_FF                 
  1480                  ||(item->IsReadOnly())//If the bookmarks are readonly(set by the operator)
  1481 #endif              
  1482                  )
  1483                 {
  1484                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdEditBookmark, ETrue );
  1485                 }
  1487             // rename
  1489             // Can't rename recent urls and seamless folders - can only rename basic folders
  1490             if ( item->IsFolder() &&
  1491                 (item->Uid() != KFavouritesAdaptiveItemsFolderUid) &&
  1492                 (item->ContextId() == NULL)  )
  1493                 {
  1494                 // more item is marked -> dim rename
  1495                 if ( aState.MarkedCount() > 0 )
  1496                     {
  1497                     aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdRename, ETrue );
  1498                     }
  1499                 }
  1500             else
  1501                 {
  1502                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdRename, ETrue );
  1503                 }
  1506             // delete
  1507             if (!item)
  1508                 {
  1509                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdDelete, ETrue );
  1510                 }
  1511             else if ( item->Uid() == KFavouritesAdaptiveItemsFolderUid ||
  1512                  item->ContextId() ||
  1513                  !aState.AnyDeletable() )
  1514                 {
  1515                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdDelete, ETrue );
  1516                 }
  1518             // move
  1519             if ( iInAdaptiveBookmarksFolder || (TheContainer()->Listbox()->UnfilteredNumberOfItems() < 2 ) )
  1520                 {
  1521                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdMove, ETrue );
  1522                 }
  1524             // move to folder
  1525             if ( !aState.AnyPlainItem() || (iCurrentFolder == KFavouritesRootUid &&
  1526                  iContainer && iContainer->Listbox() && !iContainer->Listbox()->AnyFoldersL()) )
  1527                 {
  1528                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdMoveToFolder, ETrue );
  1529                 }
  1530             // create folder
  1531             if ( iCurrentFolder != KFavouritesRootUid || iInAdaptiveBookmarksFolder )
  1532                 {
  1533                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdNewFolder, ETrue );
  1534                 }
  1535 #endif            
  1537             break;
  1538             }
  1540             {
  1541             // For items and folders, show "Mark" or "Unmark".
  1542             aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed ( aState.CurrentIsMarked() ? EWmlCmdMark : EWmlCmdUnmark, ETrue );
  1543     #ifndef SHOW_UNMARK_ALL_ALWAYS
  1545             // We must show "Unmark all", even if nothing is marked.
  1546             //
  1547             // The case when there are no items at all, is not handled here:
  1548             // in that case we don't have "Edit list" menu.
  1549             if ( aState.NoneIsMarked() )
  1550                 {
  1551                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdUnmarkAll, ETrue );
  1552                 }
  1553     #endif  // SHOW_UNMARK_ALL_ALWAYS
  1555     #ifndef SHOW_MARK_ALL_ALWAYS
  1556             // As for "mark all", consider items only.
  1557             if ( (aState.iVisibleItemCount == aState.iMarkedItemCount) && (aState.iVisibleFolderCount == aState.iMarkedFolderCount) )
  1558                 {
  1559                 //Checking for both items and folders
  1560                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdMarkAll, ETrue );
  1561                 }
  1562            else if( (aState.iVisibleItemCount == 0) && (aState.iVisibleFolderCount < 2))//Only one folder is present and no items
  1563                 {
  1564                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdMarkAll, ETrue );
  1565                 }
  1566     #endif  // SHOW_MARK_ALL_ALWAYS
  1567             break;
  1568             }
  1570             {
  1571             // Bookmark-specific handling.
  1572             if ( aState.IsEmpty() || (TheContainer()->Listbox()->UnfilteredNumberOfItems() < 2)||iInAdaptiveBookmarksFolder)
  1573                 {
  1574                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdMove, ETrue );
  1575                 }
  1576             else
  1577                 {
  1578                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdMove, EFalse );
  1579                 }
  1581             //Disable MoveToFolder option if you are in RecentlyVisitedUrl folder
  1582             if( iInAdaptiveBookmarksFolder )
  1583                 {
  1584                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdMoveToFolder, ETrue );
  1585                 // These options are not required when user press MSK
  1586                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdAddBookmark, ETrue );
  1587                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdCopyToBookmarks, ETrue );
  1588                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdSwitchToGotoActive, ETrue );
  1589                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdNewFolder, ETrue );
  1590                 }
  1592             if( iContainer && iContainer->Listbox() && !iContainer->Listbox()->AnyFoldersL() )
  1593                 {
  1594                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdMoveToFolder, ETrue );
  1595                 }
  1596             const CFavouritesItem* item = NULL;
  1597             if(TheContainer() && TheContainer()->Listbox()) 
  1598                item =  TheContainer()->Listbox()->CurrentItem();
  1600             if  ( ( item ) &&
  1601                   ( ( item->Uid() == KFavouritesAdaptiveItemsFolderUid ) ||
  1602                     ( item->ContextId() != NULL ) )
  1603                 )
  1604                 {
  1605                 // We can't delete adaptive bookmarks folder,
  1606                 //   or seamless folders
  1607                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdDelete, ETrue );
  1608                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdMoveToFolder, ETrue );
  1609                 }
  1611             //Enable CopyToBookmarks option if you are in RecentlyVisitedUrl folder
  1612             if( iInAdaptiveBookmarksFolder )
  1613             	{
  1614             	aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdCopyToBookmarks, EFalse );
  1615             	}
  1616             //judge the selected items include RecentlyVisitedUrl folder or not, if include set "copy to bookmarks" dim
  1617             CArrayPtr<const CFavouritesItem>* items = Container()->Listbox()->SelectedItemsLC();
  1618             if (items->Count())
  1619                 {
  1620                 for (TInt i=0;i<items->Count();i++)
  1621 				    {
  1622 				    if((*items)[i]->Uid() == KFavouritesAdaptiveItemsFolderUid )
  1623 				        {
  1624 			            aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdCopyToBookmarks, ETrue );
  1625 			            }
  1626 			        }
  1627                 }
  1628             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();//items
  1629             break;
  1630             }
  1631         default:
  1632             {
  1633             break;
  1634             }
  1635         }
  1636     }
  1638 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1639 // CBrowserBookmarksView::RootTitleResourceId
  1640 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1641 //
  1642 TInt CBrowserBookmarksView::RootTitleResourceId() const
  1643     {
  1644     if ( iOpenAdaptiveBookmarksWhenActivated )
  1645         {
  1647         }
  1648     else
  1649         {
  1650         return R_BROWSER_OPTION_BOOKMARKS;
  1651         }
  1652     }
  1654 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1655 // CBrowserBookmarksView::OptionsMenuResourceId
  1656 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1657 //
  1658 TInt CBrowserBookmarksView::OptionsMenuResourceId() const
  1659     {
  1660     return ( R_BROWSER_BOOKMARKS_MENU_BAR );
  1661     }
  1663 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1664 // CBrowserBookmarksView::OkOptionsMenuResourceId
  1665 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1666 //
  1667 TInt CBrowserBookmarksView::OkOptionsMenuResourceId() const
  1668     {
  1670     }
  1672 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1673 // CBrowserBookmarksView::CreateModelL
  1674 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1675 //
  1676 CBrowserFavouritesModel* CBrowserBookmarksView::CreateModelL()
  1677     {
  1678     return CBrowserBookmarksModel::NewL(ApiProvider());
  1679     }
  1681 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1682 // CBrowserBookmarksView::CreateContainerL
  1683 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1685 CBrowserFavouritesContainer* CBrowserBookmarksView::CreateContainerL()
  1686     {
  1687     CBrowserBookmarksContainer* container =
  1688         CBrowserBookmarksContainer::NewL( ClientRect(), *this );
  1689     container->GotoPane()->SetGPObserver( this );
  1690     if(  ApiProvider().Preferences().SearchFeature() )
  1691         container->SearchPane()->SetGPObserver( this );
  1692     return container;
  1693     }
  1695 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1696 // CBrowserBookmarksView::MoveItemsL
  1697 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1698 void CBrowserBookmarksView::MoveItemsL()
  1699     {
  1701     // Get the Uid of currently highlighted bookmark item from listbox.
  1702     // NOTE: Listbox indexes is based on "visible" items in list box, our order
  1703     // array has visible and invisible items, we have to use Uid to find items.
  1704     const CFavouritesItem* toItem = Container()->Listbox()->CurrentItem();
  1705     TInt toUid(NULL);
  1706     if ( toItem ) {
  1707         toUid = toItem->Uid();
  1708         if (toUid == (*iItemsToMove)[0])
  1709             { // Moving to same location so change nothing, cleanup, & exit
  1710             CancelMoveItemsL();
  1711             return;
  1712             }
  1713     }    
  1715 	// Get a copy of the ordered array, it may contain visible and hidden items.
  1716     CArrayFixFlat<TInt>* orderArray =
  1717                             new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TInt>(KGranularityHigh);
  1718     CleanupStack::PushL( orderArray );
  1720     orderArray->AppendL( & ( iCurrentOrder->GetBookMarksOrder()[0] ),
  1721                              iCurrentOrder->GetBookMarksOrder().Count() );
  1723     if ( toUid == NULL ) {
  1724         toUid = (*orderArray)[orderArray->Count()-1] ;
  1725     }
  1728 	// Create a sorted "bookmarks to be moved" array
  1729     CArrayFixFlat<TInt>* sortedItemsToMove =
  1730                             new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TInt>(KGranularityHigh);
  1731     CleanupStack::PushL( sortedItemsToMove );
  1734 	// Walk our copy of the ordered bookmark array and
  1735 	// 1. Delete the bookmark items to be moved from the ordered array
  1736 	// 2. Sort the bookmark items to be moved to match the visible order of the list
  1737     TInt i( 0 );	// index into order bookmark list
  1738     TInt j( 0 );	// index into sorted iItemsToMove
  1739     for ( i=0; i < orderArray->Count(); i++ ) {
  1740     	TInt orderArrayUid = (*orderArray)[i];
  1742         // Find bookmark to be moved, sort and remove
  1743         for ( j=0; j < iItemsToMove->Count(); j++ ) {
  1744 	        if ( (*iItemsToMove)[j] == orderArrayUid ) {
  1745 				sortedItemsToMove->AppendL( (*iItemsToMove)[j] );
  1746 				orderArray->Delete( i );
  1747 				i--;
  1748 				break;
  1749 	        }
  1750         }
  1752 		// Stop sorting, if we're done
  1753 		if ( iItemsToMove->Count() == sortedItemsToMove->Count() ) {
  1754 			break;
  1755 		}
  1756     }
  1758 	// Find the highlighted bookmark item and insert the newly ordered
  1759 	// "bookmark items to be moved" in there
  1760     for ( i=0; i < orderArray->Count(); i++ ) {
  1761     	if ( toUid == (*orderArray)[ i ] ) {
  1762 			for ( j=0; j < sortedItemsToMove->Count(); j++ ) {
  1763 				orderArray->InsertL( i+j, (*sortedItemsToMove)[j] );
  1764 			}
  1765 			break;
  1766     	}
  1767     }
  1769     iCurrentOrder->SetBookMarksOrderL( *orderArray );
  1770     Model().Database().SetData( CurrentFolder(), *iCurrentOrder );
  1772     iManualItemMovingGoingOn = EFalse;
  1773     Container()->Listbox()->ClearSelection();
  1774     iPreferredHighlightUid = (*sortedItemsToMove)[0];
  1776 	// Delete our arrays sortedItemsToMove, orderArray
  1777     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 );
  1778     delete iItemsToMove;
  1779     iItemsToMove = NULL;
  1781     UpdateCbaL();
  1782     // UnDim Toolbar buttons
  1783     DimToolbarButtons(EFalse);
  1785     }
  1787 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1788 // CBrowserBookmarksView::CancelMoveItems
  1789 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1790 //
  1791 void CBrowserBookmarksView::CancelMoveItemsL()
  1792     {
  1793     iManualItemMovingGoingOn = EFalse;
  1794     HandleCommandL(EWmlCmdUnmarkAll);
  1795     UpdateCbaL();
  1796     // UnDim Toolbar buttons
  1797     DimToolbarButtons(EFalse);
  1798     iPreferredHighlightUid = ( *iItemsToMove )[0];
  1799     delete iItemsToMove;
  1800     iItemsToMove = NULL;
  1801     RefreshL();
  1802     }
  1805 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1806 // CBrowserBookmarksView::StartMoveItems
  1807 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1808 //
  1809 void CBrowserBookmarksView::StartMoveItemsL()
  1810     {
  1811     iManualItemMovingGoingOn = ETrue;
  1813     TInt moveFrom = ( *Container()->Listbox()->SelectedRealIndexesLC() )[0];
  1814     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //SelectedRealIndexesLC
  1815     TInt count = Container()->Listbox()->SelectedRealIndexesLC()->Count();
  1816     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //SelectedRealIndexesLC
  1817     if ( ( count == 1 )
  1818         && ( Container()->Listbox()->CurrentItemRealIndex() == moveFrom ) )
  1819         {
  1820         HandleCommandL(EWmlCmdMark);
  1821         }
  1824     if (iItemsToMove)
  1825         {
  1826         delete iItemsToMove;
  1827         iItemsToMove = NULL;
  1828         }
  1829     iItemsToMove = new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TInt>( KGranularityHigh );
  1831     CArrayPtr<const CFavouritesItem>* items =
  1832                                     Container()->Listbox()->SelectedItemsLC();
  1834     for ( TInt i = 0; i < items->Count(); i++ )
  1835         {
  1836         iItemsToMove->AppendL( (*(*items)[i]).Uid() );
  1837         }
  1838     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(items);
  1839     UpdateCbaL();
  1840     // Dim Toolbar buttons
  1841     DimToolbarButtons(ETrue);
  1842     }
  1844 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1845 // CBrowserBookmarksView::ManualBMSortL
  1846 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1847 //
  1848 TBool CBrowserBookmarksView::ManualBMSortL( TInt aFolder,
  1849                                             CFavouritesItemList* aItems )
  1850     {
  1851      __ASSERT_DEBUG( (aItems != NULL), Util::Panic( Util::EUninitializedData ));
  1853     delete iCurrentOrder;
  1854     iCurrentOrder = NULL;
  1855     iCurrentOrder = CBrowserBookmarksOrder::NewLC();
  1856     CleanupStack::Pop();
  1857     if ( aItems->Count() )
  1858     {
  1859     CArrayFixFlat<TInt>* orderArray = new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TInt>(KGranularityHigh);
  1860     CleanupStack::PushL(orderArray);
  1862     if ( !Model().Database().GetData( aFolder ,*iCurrentOrder ) )
  1863         {
  1864         if ( iCurrentOrder->GetBookMarksOrder().Count() > 0 )
  1865             {
  1866             orderArray->AppendL( & ( iCurrentOrder->GetBookMarksOrder()[0] ),
  1867                                     iCurrentOrder->GetBookMarksOrder().Count());
  1869             if ( aFolder == KFavouritesRootUid )
  1870                 {
  1871                 TInt i = 0;
  1873                 while (  i < orderArray->Count() &&
  1874                             !( (*orderArray)[i] == KFavouritesStartPageUid ))
  1875                     {
  1876                     i++;
  1877                     }
  1879                 if ( i == orderArray->Count() )
  1880                     {
  1881                     if ( iStartPagePresent )
  1882                         {
  1883                         orderArray->InsertL( 0, KFavouritesStartPageUid );
  1884                         iSaveBMOrder = ETrue;
  1885                         }
  1886                     }
  1887                 else
  1888                     {
  1889                     if ( !iStartPagePresent )
  1890                         {
  1891                         orderArray->Delete(i);
  1892                         iSaveBMOrder = ETrue;
  1893                         }
  1894                     }
  1895                 if ( iInsertAdaptiveBookmarksFolder )
  1896                     {
  1897                     iInsertAdaptiveBookmarksFolder = EFalse;
  1898                     i = 0;
  1900                     while (  i < orderArray->Count() &&
  1901                                 !( (*orderArray)[i] ==
  1902                                             KFavouritesAdaptiveItemsFolderUid ))
  1903                         {
  1904                         i++;
  1905                         }
  1907                     if ( i < orderArray->Count() )
  1908                         {
  1909                         orderArray->Delete(i);
  1910                         }
  1911                     if ( orderArray->Count() )
  1912                         {
  1913                         if ( (*orderArray)[0] == KFavouritesStartPageUid )
  1914                             {
  1915                             orderArray->InsertL( 1,
  1916                                         KFavouritesAdaptiveItemsFolderUid );
  1917                             }
  1918                         else
  1919                             {
  1920                             orderArray->InsertL( 0,
  1921                                         KFavouritesAdaptiveItemsFolderUid );
  1922                             }
  1923                         }
  1924                     }
  1925                 else
  1926                     if ( (ADAPTIVEBOOKMARKS) &&
  1927                         ( ApiProvider().Preferences().AdaptiveBookmarks() ==
  1928                                             EWmlSettingsAdaptiveBookmarksOn ) )
  1929                         {
  1930                         i = 0;
  1932                         while (  i < orderArray->Count() &&
  1933                                         !( (*orderArray)[i] ==
  1934                                             KFavouritesAdaptiveItemsFolderUid ))
  1935                             {
  1936                             i++;
  1937                             }
  1939                         if ( i == orderArray->Count() != 0 )
  1940                             {
  1941                                 if ( (*orderArray)[0] == KFavouritesStartPageUid )
  1942                                     {
  1943                                     orderArray->InsertL( 1,
  1944                                         KFavouritesAdaptiveItemsFolderUid );
  1945                                     }
  1946                                 else
  1947                                     {
  1948                                     orderArray->InsertL( 0,
  1949                                         KFavouritesAdaptiveItemsFolderUid );
  1950                                     }
  1951                             }
  1952                         }
  1954                 //add new items to the beginning of the list, if there is any
  1955                 for ( TInt j = 0; j < aItems->Count(); j++ )
  1956                     {
  1957                     i = 0;
  1958                     while ( i < orderArray->Count() &&
  1959                                 !( (*orderArray)[i] == aItems->At(j)->Uid() ))
  1960                         {
  1961                         i++;
  1962                         }
  1964                     if ( i == orderArray->Count() &&
  1965                         !(aItems->At(j)->IsFactoryItem() ) &&
  1966                         !(aItems->At(j)->Uid() ==
  1967                                     KFavouritesAdaptiveItemsFolderUid) &&
  1968                         !(aItems->At(j)->Uid() == KFavouritesStartPageUid) )
  1969                         {
  1970                         Model().AddUidToLastPlaceL( aItems->At(j)->Uid(),
  1971                                                     orderArray, iCurrentOrder );
  1972                         }
  1973                     }
  1974                 }
  1975             Model().ManualSortL(aFolder, iCurrentOrder, orderArray, aItems);
  1976             orderArray->Reset();
  1977             }
  1978         }
  1980     orderArray->Reset();
  1982     if ( aItems->Count() )
  1983         {
  1984         for ( TInt i = 0; i < aItems->Count(); i++ )
  1985             {
  1986             orderArray->AppendL( (*aItems)[i]->Uid() );
  1987             }
  1988         iCurrentOrder->SetBookMarksOrderL( *orderArray );
  1989         }
  1990     if ( iSaveBMOrder )
  1991         {
  1992         iSaveBMOrder = EFalse;
  1993         Model().Database().SetData( aFolder, *iCurrentOrder );
  1994         }
  1995     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( orderArray );
  1996     }
  1997     return ETrue;
  1998     }
  2000 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2001 // CBrowserBookmarksView::GetItemsL
  2002 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2003 //
  2004 CFavouritesItemList* CBrowserBookmarksView::GetItemsLC( TInt aFolder )
  2005     {
  2008     CFavouritesItemList* items;
  2009     if ( iInAdaptiveBookmarksFolder )
  2010         {
  2011         items= new (ELeave) CFavouritesItemList();
  2012         CleanupStack::PushL(items);//1
  2013         CDesCArrayFlat* aditems = new ( ELeave )
  2014                                 CDesCArrayFlat( KBrowserDesCArrayGranularity );
  2015         aditems->Reset();
  2016         CleanupStack::PushL(aditems);//2
  2018         CDesCArrayFlat* adnames = new ( ELeave )
  2019                                 CDesCArrayFlat( KBrowserDesCArrayGranularity );
  2020         adnames->Reset();
  2021         CleanupStack::PushL(adnames);//3
  2023         CFavouritesItem* adaptiveItem;
  2025         if ( !iRecentUrlStore.GetData( *aditems, *adnames) )
  2026             {
  2027             for (TInt i=0;i<aditems->MdcaCount(); i++)
  2028                 {
  2029                 adaptiveItem= CFavouritesItem::NewL();
  2030                 CleanupStack::PushL(adaptiveItem);//4
  2031                 adaptiveItem->SetUrlL( aditems->MdcaPoint(i) );
  2032                 adaptiveItem->SetNameL(adnames->MdcaPoint(i).Left(KFavouritesMaxName));
  2033                 adaptiveItem->SetType(CFavouritesItem::EItem);
  2034                 adaptiveItem->SetParentFolder(KFavouritesAdaptiveItemsFolderUid);
  2035                 items->AppendL(adaptiveItem);
  2036                 CleanupStack::Pop();    // adaptiveItem
  2037                 }
  2038             }
  2039         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 );// aditems, adnames
  2040         }
  2041     else
  2042         {
  2043         items = new (ELeave) CFavouritesItemList();
  2044         CleanupStack::PushL( items );
  2045         Model().Database().GetAll( *items, aFolder );
  2046         TInt aBMPosition = KAdaptiveBookmarksFirstPositionInBMView; // Adaptive BM folder is first if there is no startpage
  2047         if ( aFolder == KFavouritesRootUid )
  2048             {
  2049             // Create Start Page item to be displayed in root folder (if exist).
  2050             // (Start Page does not really exist in the database.)
  2051             CFavouritesItem* startPage = CreateStartPageBookmarkL();
  2052             if ( startPage )
  2053                 {
  2054                 if (!iStartPagePresent)
  2055                     {
  2056                     iStartPagePresent = ETrue;
  2057                     iSaveBMOrder = ETrue;
  2058                     }
  2059                 CleanupStack::PushL( startPage );   // ownersip is here.
  2060                 items->InsertL( 0, startPage );
  2061                 CleanupStack::Pop();    // startPage: owner is the list now.
  2062                 aBMPosition=KAdaptiveBookmarksSecondPositionInBMView; // Adaptive BM folder is second if there is a startpage item
  2063                 }
  2064             else
  2065                 {
  2066                 if (iStartPagePresent)
  2067                     {
  2068                     iStartPagePresent = EFalse;
  2069                     iSaveBMOrder = ETrue;
  2070                     }
  2071                 }
  2072             }
  2074         if ( aFolder == KFavouritesRootUid )
  2075             {
  2076             // Create Adaptive Items Folder item to be displayed in root folder (if exist).
  2077             // (Start Page does not really exist in the database.)
  2078             if ( ( ADAPTIVEBOOKMARKS ) &&
  2079                     ( ApiProvider().Preferences().AdaptiveBookmarks() ==
  2080                                         EWmlSettingsAdaptiveBookmarksOn ))
  2081                 {
  2082                 CFavouritesItem* adaptiveItemsFolder =
  2083                             Model().Database().CreateAdaptiveItemsFolderL();
  2084                 CleanupStack::PushL(adaptiveItemsFolder);
  2085                 HBufC* folderName=StringLoader::LoadLC(
  2086                                     R_BROWSER_ADAPTIVE_BOOKMARKS_FOLDER);
  2087                 adaptiveItemsFolder->SetNameL(*folderName);
  2089                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();//folderName
  2090                 items->InsertL( aBMPosition , adaptiveItemsFolder );
  2091                 CleanupStack::Pop();    // adaptiveItemsFolder: owner is the list now.
  2092                 }
  2093             }
  2094         ManualBMSortL( aFolder, items );
  2095         }
  2096 PERFLOG_STOP_WRITE("\t\t\t\t BM View GetItemsLC" );
  2097     return items;
  2098     }
  2100 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2101 // CBrowserBookmarksView::RefreshL
  2102 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2103 //
  2104 void CBrowserBookmarksView::RefreshL( TBool aDbErrorNote )
  2105     {
  2106     // Same as base class method, except that refreshing Goto Pane is
  2107     // disallowed when fetching is in progress.
  2108     // Base class call is TRAP-ped to make sure that frozen state of the Goto
  2109     // Pane does not stay in due to a leave; but after removing the frozen
  2110     // state, we trow up the catched leave again (if any).
  2111     TBool fetching = ApiProvider().Fetching();
  2113     if ( (fetching && TheContainer() && TheContainer()->GotoPane() )
  2114         || ( TheContainer() && TheContainer()->GotoPane() && TheContainer()->GotoPane()->IsEditing() ))
  2115         {
  2116         TheContainer()->GotoPane()->Freeze( ETrue );
  2117         }
  2119     TRAPD( err, CBrowserFavouritesView::RefreshL( aDbErrorNote ) );
  2122     if ( TheContainer() && TheContainer()->GotoPane() )
  2123         {
  2124         TheContainer()->GotoPane()->Freeze( EFalse );
  2125         }
  2126     User::LeaveIfError( err );
  2127     // Refresh (i.e. bookmark creation in an empty folder) may cause the need
  2128     // for toolbar button state to change.
  2129     UpdateToolbarButtonsState();
  2130     }
  2132 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2133 // CBrowserBookmarksView::DoActivateL
  2134 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2135 //
  2136 void CBrowserBookmarksView::DoActivateL (
  2137                                         const TVwsViewId& aPrevViewId,
  2138                                         TUid aCustomMessageId,
  2139                                         const TDesC8& aCustomMessage
  2140                                         )
  2141     {
  2144     LOG_ENTERFN("CBrowserBookmarksView::DoActivateL");
  2145     LOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" aCustomMessageId: %d", aCustomMessageId);
  2148     // Quick activation for first time only to show bookmarks view fast
  2149     if(!ApiProvider().StartedUp()) 
  2150         {
  2151         CBrowserFavouritesView::DoActivateL( aPrevViewId, aCustomMessageId, aCustomMessage );
  2152         if ( aCustomMessageId == KUidCustomMsgDownloadsList )
  2153             {
  2154             iShowDownlods = ETrue;
  2155             // Show the downloads later since contentview has not initialized yet
  2156             }
  2158         // complete remaining application launch process, aynchronously
  2159         // complete remaining init as soon as possible, otherwise it can be dangerous (crash)
  2160         // since UI code (views) are interdependent
  2161         iAsyncComplete  = CIdle::NewL( CActive::EPriorityHigh );
  2162         iAsyncComplete->Start( TCallBack( CompleteAppInitCallback, &iApiProvider ) );
  2163         return;
  2164         }
  2165 #endif
  2167     Toolbar()->HideItem( EWmlCmdAddBookmark, EFalse , ETrue);
  2170     Toolbar()->HideItem( EWmlCmdDelete, EFalse , ETrue);
  2171 #else
  2172     Toolbar()->HideItem( EWmlCmdPreferences, EFalse , ETrue);
  2173 #endif    
  2175     if ( ApiProvider().Preferences().SearchFeature() )
  2176         {
  2177         Toolbar()->HideItem( EWmlCmdGoToAddressAndSearch, EFalse, ETrue);
  2178         }
  2179     else
  2180         {
  2181         Toolbar()->HideItem( EWmlCmdGoToAddress, EFalse, ETrue);
  2182         }
  2184     Cba()->MakeVisible( ETrue);
  2186     StatusPane()->SwitchLayoutL( R_AVKON_STATUS_PANE_LAYOUT_USUAL );
  2187     StatusPane()->MakeVisible( ETrue );
  2188     ApiProvider().Display().ClearMessageInfo();
  2190     iAdaptiveBookmarksFolderWasActive = EFalse;
  2192     if ( iOpenAdaptiveBookmarksWhenActivated )
  2193         {
  2194         iInAdaptiveBookmarksFolder = ETrue;
  2195         }
  2196     CBrowserFavouritesView::DoActivateL
  2197                             ( aPrevViewId, aCustomMessageId, aCustomMessage );
  2198     ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().AddLoadEventObserverL( this );
  2200     if ( iPreferencesChanged )
  2201         {
  2202         iPreferencesChanged=EFalse;
  2203         if ( iInAdaptiveBookmarksFolder )
  2204             {
  2205             SetEmptyTextL();
  2206             RefreshL();
  2207             }
  2208         }
  2210     if ( aCustomMessageId == KUidCustomMsgDownloadsList )
  2211         {
  2212         LOG_WRITE(" KUidCustomMsgDownloadsList");
  2213         // open the downloads list asynchronously not to block DoActivateL!
  2214         if ( iDownloadsListExecuter == 0 )
  2215             {
  2216             iDownloadsListExecuter = new (ELeave) CAsyncDownloadsListExecuter( ApiProvider() );
  2217             }
  2218         iDownloadsListExecuter->Start();
  2219         }
  2220     if ( iOpenAdaptiveBookmarksWhenActivated )
  2221         {
  2222         iInAdaptiveBookmarksFolder = ETrue;
  2223         SetEmptyTextL();
  2224         RefreshL();
  2225         iOpenAdaptiveBookmarksWhenActivated = EFalse;
  2226         }
  2228     UpdateToolbarButtonsState();
  2230 PERFLOG_STOP_WRITE("BMView DoActivate")
  2231 //  LOG_LEAVEFN("CBrowserBookmarksView::DoActivateL");
  2232     }
  2234 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2235 // CBrowserBookmarksView::CompleteAppInitCallback
  2236 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2237 //
  2238 TInt CBrowserBookmarksView::CompleteAppInitCallback( TAny* aProvider )
  2239     {
  2240     MApiProvider  *apiProvider = STATIC_CAST(MApiProvider*, aProvider);
  2241     TBool result = apiProvider->CompleteDelayedInit();
  2242     return result;
  2243     }
  2245 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2246 // CBrowserBookmarksView::UpdateFavIcons
  2247 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2248 //
  2249 void CBrowserBookmarksView::UpdateFavIconsL()
  2250     {
  2251     if ( Container() && Container()->Listbox() )
  2252         Container()->Listbox()->UpdateFavIconsL();
  2253     }
  2256 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2257 // CBrowserBookmarksView::CheckForDownloads
  2258 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2259 //
  2260 void CBrowserBookmarksView::CheckForDownloads()
  2261     {
  2262     if(iShowDownlods)
  2263         {
  2264         if ( iDownloadsListExecuter == 0 )
  2265             iDownloadsListExecuter = new (ELeave) CAsyncDownloadsListExecuter( ApiProvider() );
  2266         iDownloadsListExecuter->Start();
  2267         }
  2268     }
  2269 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2270 // CBrowserBookmarksView::DoDeactivate
  2271 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2272 //
  2273 void CBrowserBookmarksView::DoDeactivate()
  2274     {
  2275     if ( !iSaveStateOnDeactivate )
  2276         {
  2277         ExitAdaptiveBookmarks();
  2278         }
  2279     if ( !ApiProvider().ExitInProgress() )
  2280         {
  2281         if ( ApiProvider().StartedUp() )
  2282             ApiProvider().BrCtlInterface().RemoveLoadEventObserver( this );
  2283         }
  2284     CBrowserFavouritesView::DoDeactivate();
  2285     iManualItemMovingGoingOn = EFalse;
  2286     // UnDim Toolbar buttons
  2287     DimToolbarButtons(EFalse);
  2288     }
  2290 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2291 // CBrowserBookmarksView::GotoUrlInGotoPaneL
  2292 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2293 //
  2294 void CBrowserBookmarksView::GotoUrlInGotoPaneL()
  2295     {
  2296 LOG_ENTERFN("BookmarksView::GotoUrlInGotoPaneL");
  2297     CBrowserBookmarksContainer* container = TheContainer();
  2298     if ( container->GotoPane()->IsEditing() )
  2299         {
  2300         // Dim Toolbar buttons
  2301         DimToolbarButtons(EFalse);
  2303         delete iEnteredURL;
  2304         iEnteredURL = NULL;
  2305         BROWSER_LOG( ( _L("delete iEnteredUrl 4") ) );
  2307         iEnteredURL = container->GotoPane()->GetTextL();
  2308         if ( iEnteredURL )
  2309             {
  2310             iTrId = 0;
  2311             CEikEdwin* editor = STATIC_CAST(CEikEdwin*, container->GotoPane()->ComponentControl(1));
  2312             iCursorPos = editor->CursorPos();
  2314             UpdateCbaL();
  2315             // Cancel editing, but leave entered text in place.
  2316             container->GotoPane()->CancelEditingL();
  2318             ApiProvider().FetchL( iEnteredURL->Des(), CBrowserLoadObserver::ELoadUrlTypeOther );
  2319             if ( !ApiProvider().Fetching() )
  2320               {
  2321                   container->SetGotoInactiveL();
  2322               }
  2323             }
  2324         }
  2325     }
  2326 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2327 // CBrowserBookmarksView::ExitAdaptiveBookmarks()
  2328 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2329 //
  2330 void CBrowserBookmarksView::ExitAdaptiveBookmarks()
  2331     {
  2332     if (iInAdaptiveBookmarksFolder)
  2333         {
  2334         iAdaptiveBookmarksFolderWasActive = ETrue;
  2335         iInAdaptiveBookmarksFolder=EFalse;
  2336         delete iDomainFolderName;
  2337         iDomainFolderName=NULL;
  2338         }
  2339     }
  2341 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2342 // CBrowserBookmarksView::DimToolbarButtons()
  2343 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2344 //
  2345 void CBrowserBookmarksView::DimToolbarButtons(TBool aDimButtons)
  2346     {
  2347     Toolbar()->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdAddBookmark, aDimButtons , ETrue );
  2348     Toolbar()->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdGoToAddress, aDimButtons , ETrue );
  2349     Toolbar()->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdGoToAddressAndSearch, aDimButtons , ETrue );
  2351     Toolbar()->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdDelete, aDimButtons , ETrue );
  2352 #else
  2353     Toolbar()->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdPreferences, aDimButtons , ETrue );
  2354 #endif
  2355     if (!aDimButtons)
  2356         {
  2357         // when undimming buttons we may not want them all back on
  2358         UpdateToolbarButtonsState();
  2359         }
  2360     Toolbar()->DrawNow();
  2361     }
  2363 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2364 // CBrowserBookmarksView::ActivateCurrentBookmarkL
  2365 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2366 //
  2367 void CBrowserBookmarksView::ActivateCurrentBookmarkL()
  2368     {
  2369     if ( Container() && Container()->Listbox() )
  2370         {
  2371         const CFavouritesItem* item = Container()->Listbox()->CurrentItem();
  2372         if ( item && item->IsItem() )
  2373             {
  2374             ApiProvider().FetchBookmarkL( *item );
  2375             }
  2376         }
  2377     }
  2379 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2380 // CBrowserBookmarksView::AddNewBookmarkL
  2381 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2382 //
  2383 void CBrowserBookmarksView::AddNewBookmarkL()
  2384     {
  2385     // Make an item and fill it with default values.
  2386     CFavouritesItem* item = CFavouritesItem::NewLC();
  2387     item->SetType( CFavouritesItem::EItem );
  2388     item->SetParentFolder( CurrentFolder() );
  2389     item->SetUrlL( KHttpString );
  2390     Model().SetNameToDefaultL( *item );
  2391     TInt err = Model().MakeUniqueNameL( *item );
  2392     if ( !err )
  2393         {
  2394         // to prevent faded statuspane at the begining of dialog activation
  2395         CEikStatusPane* sp = STATIC_CAST( CAknAppUi*,
  2396                                   CEikonEnv::Static()->EikAppUi() )
  2397                                     ->StatusPane();
  2398         sp->DrawNow();
  2400         // Dim Toolbar buttons
  2401         DimToolbarButtons(ETrue);
  2403         // We have the item with a default unique name. Let the user edit it.
  2404         CBrowserBookmarkEditDialog* dialog =
  2405             CBrowserBookmarkEditDialog::NewL
  2406                 (
  2407                 *item,
  2408                 Model(),
  2409                 //ApiProvider().CommsModel()
  2410                 ApiProvider()
  2411                 );
  2412         dialog->ExecuteLD( R_BROWSER_BOOKMARKS_DIALOG_EDIT );
  2414         // Un-Dim Toolbar buttons
  2415         DimToolbarButtons(EFalse);
  2417         // If the bookmark was added to the database, highlight it.
  2418         // Unlike in AddNewFolderL, adding the item to the database
  2419         // and setting highlight uid (next line of code) runs in the RunL
  2420         // method of different active objects. So the database notification
  2421         // may have came in or may not by now.
  2422         // This way of doing the highlight (setting a preferred and calling
  2423         // HighlightPreferred works in both cases.
  2424         iPreferredHighlightUid = item->Uid();
  2425         // If not added, iPreferredHighlightUid is now KFavouritesNullUid,
  2426         // so the following does nothing.
  2427         if ( iPreferredHighlightUid != KFavouritesNullUid )
  2428             {
  2429             // Highlight newly added item.
  2430             HighlightPreferredL();
  2431             }
  2432         }
  2433     AddUidToLastPlaceToCurrentListL( item->Uid() );
  2434     iRefresh = EFalse;
  2435     Model().Database().SetData( CurrentFolder() , *iCurrentOrder );
  2436     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();  // item
  2437     Container()->Listbox()->ClearSelection();
  2438     }
  2441 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2442 // CBrowserBookmarksView::AddUidToLastPlaceToCurrentListL
  2443 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2444 //
  2445 void CBrowserBookmarksView::AddUidToLastPlaceToCurrentListL( TInt aUid )
  2446     {
  2447     if ( iCurrentOrder )
  2448         {
  2449         CArrayFixFlat<TInt>* orderArray = new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TInt>(KGranularityHigh);
  2450         CleanupStack::PushL( orderArray );
  2452         if (iCurrentOrder->GetBookMarksOrder().Count())
  2453             {
  2454             orderArray->AppendL( &( iCurrentOrder->GetBookMarksOrder()[0] ),
  2455                 iCurrentOrder->GetBookMarksOrder().Count());
  2456             }
  2458         Model().AddUidToLastPlaceL(aUid, orderArray, iCurrentOrder);
  2460         iCurrentOrder->SetBookMarksOrderL( *orderArray );
  2461         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( orderArray );
  2462         }
  2463     }
  2465 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2466 // CBrowserBookmarks::EditCurrentBookmarkL
  2467 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2468 //
  2469 void CBrowserBookmarksView::EditCurrentBookmarkL()
  2470     {
  2471     if ( Container() && Container()->Listbox() )
  2472         {
  2473         const CFavouritesItem* listboxItem =
  2474             Container()->Listbox()->CurrentItem();
  2475         if ( listboxItem && listboxItem->IsItem() )
  2476             {
  2477             // to prevent faded statuspane at the begining of dialog activation
  2478             CEikStatusPane* sp = STATIC_CAST( CAknAppUi*,
  2479                                   CEikonEnv::Static()->EikAppUi() )
  2480                                     ->StatusPane();
  2481             sp->DrawNow();
  2483             // Dim Toolbar buttons
  2484             DimToolbarButtons(ETrue);
  2486             CFavouritesItem* item = CFavouritesItem::NewLC();
  2487             *item = *listboxItem;
  2488             CBrowserBookmarkEditDialog* dialog =
  2489                 CBrowserBookmarkEditDialog::NewL
  2490                     (
  2491                     *item,
  2492                     Model(),
  2493                     ApiProvider(),
  2494                     listboxItem->Uid()
  2495                     );
  2496             dialog->ExecuteLD( R_BROWSER_BOOKMARKS_DIALOG_EDIT );
  2497             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();  // item
  2499             // unDim Toolbar buttons
  2500             DimToolbarButtons(EFalse);
  2502             iPreferredHighlightUid = item->Uid();
  2504             // Force a refresh of database changes.
  2505             iRefresh = ETrue;
  2506             }
  2507         }
  2508     }
  2510 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2511 // CBrowserBookmarksView::SendBookmarksL
  2512 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2513 //
  2514 void CBrowserBookmarksView::SendBookmarksL( )
  2515     {
  2516     CArrayPtr<const CFavouritesItem>* items =
  2517                                     Container()->Listbox()->SelectedItemsLC();
  2519     MBmOTABinSender& sender = ApiProvider().BmOTABinSenderL();
  2521     sender.ResetAndDestroy();
  2523     TBool result( ETrue );
  2524     TInt index( 0 );
  2525     TInt count( items->Count() );
  2527 #ifndef _BOOKMARK_SENT_ASCII
  2528     for ( index = 0; index < count; ++index )
  2529         {
  2530         if ( ( *items )[ index ]->Url().Length() > KMaxUrlLenghtInOTA )
  2531             {
  2532 #pragma message ( __FILE__ ": TODO: Length of bookmark address cannot exceed 255bytes!")
  2533             result = EFalse;
  2534             }
  2535         }
  2536 #endif  // _BOOKMARK_SENT_ASCII
  2538     if ( result )
  2539         {
  2540         for ( index = 0; index < count; ++index )
  2541             {
  2542             sender.AppendL( ( *items )[ index ]->Url(),
  2543                               ( *items )[ index ]->Name() );
  2544             }
  2545         }
  2547     // to save memory
  2548     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // items;
  2550     if ( result )
  2551         {
  2552         sender.SendAddressL( );
  2553         }
  2555     Container()->Listbox()->SetCurrentItemIndexAndDraw( Container()->Listbox()->CurrentItemIndex());
  2556     }
  2559 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2560 // CBrowserBookmarksView::TheContainer
  2561 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2562 //
  2563 CBrowserBookmarksContainer* CBrowserBookmarksView::TheContainer()
  2564     {
  2565     return STATIC_CAST( CBrowserBookmarksContainer*, Container() );
  2566     }
  2568 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2569 // CBrowserBookmarksView::ApChangedL
  2570 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2571 //
  2572 void CBrowserBookmarksView::ApChangedL( TUint32 aNewAPId )
  2573     {
  2574     if ( aNewAPId != iStartPageApUid )
  2575         {
  2576         // New AP has been taken into use. Set Start Page to that.
  2577         iStartPageApUid = aNewAPId;
  2578         // Redraw view. Note that this does nothing if view is not activated.
  2579         RefreshL( EFalse );
  2580         }
  2581     }
  2583 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2584 // CBrowserBookmarksView::HandlePreferencesChangeL
  2585 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2586 //
  2587 void CBrowserBookmarksView::HandlePreferencesChangeL(
  2588                                 const TPreferencesEvent /*aEvent*/,
  2589                                 TPreferencesValues& /*aValues*/,
  2590                                 TBrCtlDefs::TBrCtlSettings /*aSettingType*/ )
  2591     {
  2592     // adaptive bookmarks setting changed
  2593     if ( iAdaptiveBookmarksCurrentSetting !=
  2594                             ApiProvider().Preferences().AdaptiveBookmarks() )
  2595         {
  2596         iAdaptiveBookmarksCurrentSetting =
  2597                                 ApiProvider().Preferences().AdaptiveBookmarks();
  2599         if ( iAdaptiveBookmarksCurrentSetting !=
  2600                                             EWmlSettingsAdaptiveBookmarksOn )
  2601             {
  2602             if ( iPreferredHighlightUid == KFavouritesAdaptiveItemsFolderUid )
  2603                 {
  2604                 Container()->Listbox()->View()->SetCurrentItemIndex( 0 );
  2605                 }
  2607             ExitAdaptiveBookmarks();
  2609             if ( iAdaptiveBookmarksCurrentSetting ==
  2610                                             EWmlSettingsAdaptiveBookmarksOff )
  2611                 {
  2612                 if ( TBrowserDialogs::ConfirmQueryYesNoL(
  2614                     {
  2615                     iRecentUrlStore.ClearData();
  2616                     }
  2617                 }
  2618             }
  2619         else
  2620             {
  2621             iInsertAdaptiveBookmarksFolder = ETrue;
  2622             iSaveBMOrder = ETrue;
  2623             }
  2624         }
  2626     TUint32 defaultAp = ApiProvider().Preferences().DefaultAccessPoint();
  2628     if ( defaultAp != iCurrentDefaultAp )
  2629         {
  2630         // Default AP changed. Set Start Page bookmark to that.
  2631         iCurrentDefaultAp = iStartPageApUid = defaultAp;
  2632         // Redraw view. Note that this does nothing if view is not activated.
  2633         RefreshL( EFalse );
  2634         }
  2636     iPreferencesChanged=ETrue;
  2637     }
  2639 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2640 // CBrowserBookmarksView::CreateStartPageBookmarkL
  2641 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2642 //
  2643 CFavouritesItem* CBrowserBookmarksView::CreateStartPageBookmarkL()
  2644     {
  2645 LOG_ENTERFN("CBrowserBookmarksView::CreateStartPageBookmarkL");
  2646     // no HomePage if Type is Bookmarks
  2647     // or 'Always ask' feature is selected
  2648     TWmlSettingsHomePage pgtype = ApiProvider().Preferences().HomePageType();
  2649     TBool accessPointSelectionMode(
  2650         (ApiProvider().Preferences().AccessPointSelectionMode() == EAlwaysAsk) &&
  2651         ( EWmlSettingsHomePageAccessPoint == pgtype ) );
  2652 LOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" pgType: %d", pgtype );
  2653 LOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" selection mode: %d", accessPointSelectionMode );
  2654     if ( accessPointSelectionMode || (pgtype == EWmlSettingsHomePageBookmarks) )
  2655         {
  2656         return NULL;
  2657         }
  2659     CFavouritesItem* startPage = NULL;
  2660     TUint defaultAp = ApiProvider().Preferences().DefaultAccessPoint();
  2661 LOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" defaultAp: %d", defaultAp );
  2662     if ( defaultAp != KWmlNoDefaultAccessPoint ) // There is an access point defined
  2663         {
  2664         // Get pointer to Start Page AP (or NULL if no such);
  2665         /*
  2666         Modified by MOG
  2667         --------------------- Performance  Changes ----------------------
  2668          remove dependency from CommsModel becasue the cached list may not be pre
  2669         CApListItem* apItem =
  2670             ApiProvider().CommsModel().AccessPoints()->ItemForUid( defaultAp );
  2671         ---------------------- Performance Changes ----------------------
  2672         */
  2673         CApAccessPointItem* apItem = iApiProvider.Preferences().AllPreferencesL().iDefaultAPDetails;
  2674         if ( apItem )
  2675             {
  2676             const HBufC* defaultHP = apItem->ReadConstLongTextL( EApWapStartPage );
  2677             if ( defaultHP->Length() )
  2678                 {
  2679                 // Have AP and the AP has Start Page address. Hurray.
  2680                 startPage = Model().Database().CreateStartPageItemL();
  2681                 CleanupStack::PushL( startPage );
  2682                 TBuf<KFavouritesMaxName> name;
  2683                 apItem->ReadTextL(EApWapAccessPointName, name);
  2684                 startPage->SetNameL( name );
  2685                 startPage->SetUrlL( *defaultHP );
  2686                 TFavouritesWapAp ap;
  2687                 ap.SetApId( defaultAp );
  2688                 startPage->SetWapAp( ap );
  2689                 CleanupStack::Pop();    // startPage: owner is the caller.
  2690                 }
  2691             }
  2692         }
  2693 //LOG_LEAVEFN("CBrowserBookmarksView::CreateStartPageBookmarkL");
  2694     return startPage;
  2695     }
  2697 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2698 // CBrowserBookmarksView::OfferKeyEventL
  2699 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2700 //
  2701 TKeyResponse CBrowserBookmarksView::OfferKeyEventL(
  2702                                 const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType )
  2703     {
  2704     // This method is called back from the container, to process the keypresses
  2705     // that cannot be handled by the container. Those are (currently) the
  2706     // left/right arrow keypresses, since the container does not know anything
  2707     // about what folder is open, which knowledge is required to process
  2708     // arrow presses. So we do that here.
  2709     // Any other key processing is still in the container.
  2710     TKeyResponse result = EKeyWasNotConsumed;
  2711     switch ( aKeyEvent.iCode )
  2712         {
  2714         case EKeyLeftArrow:       // West
  2715             {
  2716             if ( ( CurrentFolder() != KFavouritesRootUid ) || ( iInAdaptiveBookmarksFolder ) )
  2717                 {
  2718                 // We are in some folder. Move between subfolders in the leftwards direction.
  2719                 if ( !ApiProvider().IsEmbeddedModeOn() && !iManualItemMovingGoingOn )
  2720                     {
  2721                     OpenNextFolderL( /*aForward=*/EFalse );
  2722                     }
  2723                 result = EKeyWasConsumed;
  2724                 }
  2725             break;
  2726             }
  2728         case EKeyRightArrow:       // East
  2729             {
  2730             if ( ( CurrentFolder() != KFavouritesRootUid ) || ( iInAdaptiveBookmarksFolder ) )
  2731                 {
  2732                 // We are in some folder. Move between subfolders in the rightwards direction.
  2733                 if ( !ApiProvider().IsEmbeddedModeOn() && !iManualItemMovingGoingOn )
  2734                     {
  2735                     OpenNextFolderL( /*aForward=*/ETrue );
  2736                     }
  2737                 result = EKeyWasConsumed;
  2738                 }
  2739             break;
  2740             }
  2742         case EKeyRightUpArrow:    // Northeast
  2743         case EStdKeyDevice11:     //   : Extra KeyEvent supports diagonal event simulator wedge
  2744         case EKeyRightDownArrow:  // Southeast
  2745         case EStdKeyDevice12:     //   : Extra KeyEvent supports diagonal event simulator wedge
  2746         case EKeyLeftDownArrow:   // Southwest
  2747         case EStdKeyDevice13:     //   : Extra KeyEvent supports diagonal event simulator wedge
  2748         case EKeyLeftUpArrow:     // Northwest
  2749         case EStdKeyDevice10:     //   : Extra KeyEvent supports diagonal event simulator wedge
  2750             {                     // Here, "eat" all of the diagonals so they have no effect
  2751             result = EKeyWasConsumed;
  2752             break;
  2753             }
  2755         case EKeyBackspace:
  2756         case EKeyDelete:
  2757             {
  2758             TBrowserFavouritesSelectionState state =
  2759                 iContainer->Listbox()->SelectionStateL();
  2760             const CFavouritesItem* item = Container()->Listbox()->CurrentItem();
  2762             if  ( ( state.AnyDeletable() ) &&
  2763                   // We can't delete adaptive bookmarks folder or seamless folders'
  2764                   ( item ) &&
  2765                   ( item->Uid() != KFavouritesAdaptiveItemsFolderUid ) &&
  2766                   ( item->ContextId() == NULL )
  2767                 )
  2768                 {
  2769                 // Clear key deletes the selection (or highlighted items).
  2770                 if (iInAdaptiveBookmarksFolder)
  2771                     {
  2772                     HandleCommandL(EWmlCmdDelete);
  2773                     result = EKeyWasConsumed;
  2774                     }
  2775                 else if (iManualItemMovingGoingOn)
  2776                     // Manual Move in progress -- disable delete key
  2777                     {
  2778                     result = EKeyWasConsumed;
  2779                     }
  2780                 else
  2781                     {
  2782                     result =CBrowserFavouritesView::OfferKeyEventL(aKeyEvent,aType);
  2783                     }
  2785                 }
  2786             break;
  2787             }
  2789         case EKeyOK:
  2790             // OK key is handled through MSK handling
  2791             result = EKeyWasConsumed;
  2792             break;
  2794         case EKeyEnter:
  2795             {
  2796             if ( iManualItemMovingGoingOn )
  2797                 {
  2798                 MoveItemsL();
  2799                 result = EKeyWasConsumed;
  2800                 }
  2801             else
  2802                 {
  2803                 result = CBrowserFavouritesView::OfferKeyEventL(aKeyEvent,aType);
  2804                 }
  2805             break;
  2806             }
  2808         default:
  2809             {
  2810             result =CBrowserFavouritesView::OfferKeyEventL(aKeyEvent,aType);
  2811             break;
  2812             }
  2813         }
  2815     return result;
  2816     }
  2818 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2819 // CBrowserBookmarksView::OpenNextFolderL
  2820 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2821 //
  2822 void CBrowserBookmarksView::OpenNextFolderL( TBool aForward )
  2823     {
  2824     if ( !Model().BeginL( EFalse, ETrue ) )
  2825         {
  2826         TInt nextFolder;
  2827         if ( iInAdaptiveBookmarksFolder )
  2828             {
  2829             // If in domain then forget about it
  2830             if (iDomainFolderName)
  2831                 {
  2832                 delete iDomainFolderName;
  2833                 iDomainFolderName = NULL;
  2834                 }
  2836             nextFolder = Model().NextFolderL( KFavouritesAdaptiveItemsFolderUid,
  2837                                                                     aForward );
  2838             if ( nextFolder != KFavouritesNullUid )
  2839                 {
  2840                 iInAdaptiveBookmarksFolder = EFalse;
  2841                 }
  2842             }
  2843         else
  2844             {
  2845             nextFolder = Model().NextFolderL( CurrentFolder(), aForward );
  2846             }
  2848         if ( nextFolder != KFavouritesNullUid )
  2849             {
  2850             if ( nextFolder != KFavouritesAdaptiveItemsFolderUid )
  2851                 {
  2852                 SetEmptyTextL();
  2853                 OpenFolderL( nextFolder );
  2854                 }
  2855             }
  2856         Model().CommitL();
  2857         if ( nextFolder == KFavouritesAdaptiveItemsFolderUid )
  2858             {
  2859             iInAdaptiveBookmarksFolder=ETrue;
  2860             SetEmptyTextL();
  2861             SetRootFolderForAdaptiveBookmarks();
  2862             SetEmptyTextL();
  2863             RefreshL();
  2864             }
  2865         }
  2866     // Changing folder may require change in toolbar button state
  2867     UpdateToolbarButtonsState();
  2868     }
  2870 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2871 // CBrowserBookmarksView::UpdateNaviPaneL
  2872 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2873 //
  2874 void CBrowserBookmarksView::UpdateNaviPaneL()
  2875     {
  2876     if (iInAdaptiveBookmarksFolder)
  2877         {
  2878         // In other folder, show "1/4" style text.
  2879         TInt folderIndex;
  2880         TInt folderCount;
  2881         TInt err;
  2882         err = Model().FolderInfoL( KFavouritesAdaptiveItemsFolderUid,
  2883                                                     folderCount, folderIndex );
  2884         if ( !err )
  2885             {
  2886                 TheContainer()->ShowFolderNaviPaneL( folderIndex, folderCount );
  2887             }
  2888         }
  2889     else
  2890         {
  2891         CBrowserFavouritesView::UpdateNaviPaneL();
  2892         }
  2893     }
  2895 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2896 // CBrowserBookmarksView::HandleBrowserLoadEventL
  2897 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2898 //
  2899 void CBrowserBookmarksView::HandleBrowserLoadEventL(
  2900         TBrCtlDefs::TBrCtlLoadEvent aLoadEvent,
  2901         TUint /* aSize */,
  2902         TUint16 aTransactionId )
  2903     {
  2904 LOG_ENTERFN("BookmarksView::HandleBrowserLoadEventL");
  2905     // only GotoPane is interested in LoadEvents!
  2906     if ( Container() )
  2907         {
  2908         if ( aLoadEvent != TBrCtlDefs::EEventThumbnailAvailable)
  2909         {
  2910             // If in bookmarks view, a background page load is in
  2911             // progress, just update the soft keys when page load is finished.
  2912             // (ie. RSK would be "Stop" while page loading but change to "Exit"
  2913             // when page load finished)
  2914             if ( aLoadEvent == TBrCtlDefs::EEventLoadFinished )
  2915                 {
  2916                 UpdateCbaL();
  2917                 }
  2918         }
  2919         // save transaction id
  2920         if ( aLoadEvent == TBrCtlDefs::EEventUrlLoadingStart && iTrId == 0 )
  2921             {
  2922             iTrId = aTransactionId;
  2923             }
  2924         // first content chunk arrived
  2925         else if ( aLoadEvent == TBrCtlDefs::EEventNewUrlContentArrived &&
  2926             iTrId == aTransactionId )
  2927             {
  2928             if ( iEnteredURL )
  2929                 {
  2930                 delete iEnteredURL;
  2931                 iEnteredURL = NULL;
  2932                 BROWSER_LOG( ( _L("delete iEnteredUrl 5") ) );
  2933                 }
  2934             iCursorPos = -1;
  2935             }
  2936         }
  2937     }
  2940 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2941 // CBrowserBookmarksView::ClearAdaptiveBookmarksL
  2942 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2943 //
  2944 void CBrowserBookmarksView::ClearAdaptiveBookmarksL()
  2945     {
  2946     iRecentUrlStore.ClearData();
  2947     Container()->Listbox()->View()->ClearSelection();
  2948     RefreshL();
  2949     }
  2951 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2952 // CBrowserBookmarksView::UpdateToolbarButtonsState
  2953 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2954 //
  2955 void CBrowserBookmarksView::UpdateToolbarButtonsState()
  2956     {
  2957     if ( Container() && Container()->Listbox() )
  2958         {
  2959         const CFavouritesItem* item = Container()->Listbox()->CurrentItem();
  2961         // Button: EWmlCmdDelete
  2962         // Default case: un-dim the delete Button
  2963         // Case: Not an item so dim delete button
  2964         // Special Case: dim button for adaptive folder and
  2965         // seamless links
  2966         TBrowserFavouritesSelectionState state = iContainer->Listbox()->SelectionStateL();
  2968         TBool needToDimDeleteBtn = !item
  2969                                 || ( item->Uid() == KFavouritesAdaptiveItemsFolderUid )
  2970                                 || ( item->ContextId() != NULL )
  2971                                 || (!state.AnyDeletable());
  2973         Toolbar()->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdDelete, needToDimDeleteBtn, ETrue );
  2974         //set EWmlCmdAddBookmark dim in RecentlyVisitedUrl Folder
  2975         Toolbar()->SetItemDimmed( EWmlCmdAddBookmark, iInAdaptiveBookmarksFolder, ETrue);
  2976         if(iManualItemMovingGoingOn)
  2977             {
  2978             DimToolbarButtons(ETrue);
  2979             }      
  2980         }
  2981     }
  2983 void CBrowserBookmarksView::HandleForegroundEventL( TBool aForeground )
  2984     {
  2985     // make sure we call base class function before proceeding
  2986     CBrowserFavouritesView::HandleForegroundEventL(aForeground);
  2987     if ( aForeground )
  2988         {
  2989         if ( TheContainer()->GotoPaneActive() && TheContainer()->GotoPane()->PopupList()->IsPoppedUp() )
  2990             {
  2991             // The pop up messes the screen when changing layouts
  2992             // So make sure to redraw the pane while coming to foreground 
  2993             TheContainer()->GotoPane()->PopupList()->HandleResourceChange(KEikDynamicLayoutVariantSwitch);
  2994             }
  2995         }
  2996     }
  2997 // End of File