First drop of package_definition, obtained from the system model used in the platform build, along with a generic SystemBuild fragment (from TB91sf)
* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Class definition of CPushSettingsDialog.
#include "PushMtmSettings.h"
#include <AknForm.h>
#include <eiklbo.h>
#include <ConeResLoader.h>
class CMsvSession;
class CAknSettingStyleListBox;
class CEikImage;
* Avkon environment is required.
* Waiting dialog.
* Usage.
* #include "PushSettingsDialog.h"
* CPushSettingsDialog* dlg = new (ELeave) CPushSettingsDialog;
* dlg->ExecuteLD( msvSession );
* Note that we could use CMuiuSettingsArray defined in MuiuSettingsArray.h,
* but it seems that our PI list handling (Ignore services from) makes
* this dialog so complicated, that it is better not to use CMuiuSettingsArray,
* which would make the desing more complicated, because it does not support
* such functionality that PI list handling requires.
class CPushSettingsDialog : public CAknDialog,
public MEikListBoxObserver
public: // Constructors
* Constructor.
* @param aMsvSession Message Server session.
CPushSettingsDialog( CMsvSession& aMsvSession );
public: // New functions
* Execute the dialog with this member.
* @return None.
void ExecuteLD();
private: // New data types
enum TSettingType
EServiceReception, ///< On or Off
EServiceLoadingType ///< Automatic or Manual
private: // Constructors and destructor
* Symbian OS constructor.
void ConstructL();
* Destructor.
private: // New functions
* Set up title text.
* @return none
void SetUpStatusPaneL();
* Restore the previous title text.
* @return none
void RestoreStatusPaneL();
* Construct model.
* @return none
void ConstructModelL();
* Update setting page model.
* @return none
void UpdateSettingListBoxModelL();
* Update setting page view.
* @return none
void UpdateSettingListBoxViewL() const;
* Apply changes of the model.
* @return None.
void ApplyModelChangesL();
* Show radio button setting page for all
* items except for EIgnoreServicesFrom.
* @return none
void ShowRadioButtonSettingPageL( const TSettingType aSettingType );
* Show the confirmation dialog about the changing of the service loading
* type from 'manual' to 'automatic'.
* @return ETrue if the user confirmed. EFalse otherwise.
TBool ShowServiceLoadingTypeConfirmationL() const;
* Change current setting. No setting page usage is preferred.
* @return none
void ChangeCurrentSettingWithoutSettingPageL();
* Change current setting with the usage of setting page.
* @return none
void ChangeCurrentSettingL();
* Append an item to the list box' item text array.
* @param aSettingType Setting item type.
* @param aTitleResId Title resource id. If it is KErrNotFound,
* then aTitleText is used.
* @param aValueResId Value resource id. If it is KErrNotFound,
* then aValueText is used.
* @param aTitleText See above.
* @param aValueText See above.
* @return none
void ConstructAndAppendItemTextL
( const TSettingType aSettingType,
const TInt aTitleResId, const TInt aValueResId,
const TDesC& aTitleText = KNullDesC(),
const TDesC& aValueText = KNullDesC() );
* Construct the title text for a setting.
* param aSettingType Type of the setting.
* @return The constructed title text.
HBufC* ConstructSettingTitleL( const TSettingType aSettingType ) const;
* Get the resource ids of those strings that a given binary setting can have.
* Note. The following functions have strong relations:
* ConstructSettingValueArray, CurrentlySelectedSettingValueResId,
* ConstructSettingValueArrayL, UpdateSettingL!
* param aSettingType Type of the setting.
* param aVal1ResId The id of the first value string.
* param aVal2ResId The id of the second value string.
* @return None.
void ConstructSettingValueArray
( const TSettingType aSettingType, TInt& aVal1ResId, TInt& aVal2ResId ) const;
* Get the resource ids of the currently set value string.
* Note. The following functions have strong relations:
* ConstructSettingValueArray, CurrentlySelectedSettingValueResId,
* ConstructSettingValueArrayL, UpdateSettingL!
* param aSettingType Type of the setting.
* param aIndex The index of this currently selected value is also returned.
* @return Resource id.
TInt CurrentlySelectedSettingValueResId
( const TSettingType aSettingType, TInt& aIndex ) const;
* Get the value strings of those strings that a given binary setting can have.
* Note. The following functions have strong relations:
* ConstructSettingValueArray, CurrentlySelectedSettingValueResId,
* ConstructSettingValueArrayL, UpdateSettingL!
* param aSettingType Type of the setting.
* param aIndex The index of this currently selected value is also returned.
* @return The value array.
CDesCArrayFlat* ConstructSettingValueArrayL
( const TSettingType aSettingType, TInt& index ) const;
* Set in the model the right setting value using the given index.
* Note. The following functions have strong relations:
* ConstructSettingValueArray, CurrentlySelectedSettingValueResId,
* ConstructSettingValueArrayL, UpdateSettingL!
* param aSettingType Type of the setting.
* param aIndex The index of the selected value.
* @return None.
void UpdateSettingL
( const TSettingType aSettingType, const TInt index ) const;
private: // Functions from base classes
TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL
( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType );
void DynInitMenuPaneL( TInt aResourceId, CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane );
void PreLayoutDynInitL();
void ProcessCommandL( TInt aCommand );
TBool OkToExitL( TInt aButtonId );
void HandleListBoxEventL( CEikListBox* aListBox, TListBoxEvent aEventType );
#ifdef __SERIES60_HELP
void GetHelpContext( TCoeHelpContext& aContext ) const;
#endif //__SERIES60_HELP
private: // Data members
CPushMtmSettings* iModel; ///< Settings: the model. Has.
CMsvSession& iMsvSession; ///< Message Server session.
RConeResourceLoader iResourceLoader; ///< Resource file loader.
TFileName iResourceFile;
CAknSettingStyleListBox* iSettingListBox; ///< List box contained by the dialog. Uses.
CDesCArrayFlat* iSettingListBoxItemTextArray; ///< List box' item text array. Uses.
CArrayFixFlat<TSettingType>* iSettingType; /**< A given array item
* determines the type of
* the item of the list
* with the same index. Has.
TBool iNewTitleTextUsed; ///< Indicate if new title text is used.
HBufC* iPreviousTitleText; ///< Restore it on termination. Has.
TBool iRestoreSP; /**< EFalse, if it is not necessary
* to restore status pane. */
// End of file.