* Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: It manages Browser's preferences.
#include <e32base.h>
#include <ActiveApDb.h>
#include <brctldefs.h>
#include "Browser.hrh"
#include "Preferences.h"
#include <BrowserNG.rsg>
#include "BrowserUiPrivateCRKeys.h"
#include <browseruisdkcrkeys.h>
#include <centralrepository.h>
#include <bldvariant.hrh>
class MCommsModel;
class MApiProvider;
class CRepository;
// class CBrCtlInterface;
class TBrowserOverriddenSettings;
class CApDataHandler;
class CVpnApItem;
class CVpnApEngine;
* Stores Browser settings.
* @lib Browser.app
* @since Series60 1.2
class CBrowserPreferences : public CBase,
public MPreferences,
public MActiveApDbObserver
public: // construction
* Two-phased constructor.
* @since Series60 1.2
* @param aCommsModel Comms model
* @return The constructed preferences object
static CBrowserPreferences* NewLC( MCommsModel& aCommsModel,
MApiProvider& aApiProvider,
TBrowserOverriddenSettings* aSettings);
* Two-phased constructor.
* @since Series60 1.2
* @param aCommsModel Comms model
* @return The constructed preferences object
static CBrowserPreferences* NewL( MCommsModel& aCommsModel,
MApiProvider& aApiProvider ,
TBrowserOverriddenSettings* aSettings );
public: // destruction
* Destructor.
virtual ~CBrowserPreferences();
public: // observation
* Adds an observer to the list of observers to be notified about changes.
* @since Series60 1.2
* @param anObserver Observer to be notified about events
void AddObserverL( MPreferencesObserver* anObserver );
* Removes an observer.
* @since Series60 1.2
* @param anObserver The observer
void RemoveObserver( MPreferencesObserver* anObserver );
* Notify all observers about change.
* @since Series60 1.2 (updated in 3.0)
void NotifyObserversL( TPreferencesEvent aEvent,
TBrCtlDefs::TBrCtlSettings aSettingType );
public: // From MActiveApDbObserver
* Derived classes should implement this method, and act accordingly
* to database events.
* @since Series60 1.2
* @param anEvent Database-related event
void HandleApDbEventL( TEvent anEvent );
public: // New functions
* Stores preferences into shared data db.
* @since Series60 1.2
void StoreSettingsL() const;
* Returns a structure containing all of the settings according to the
* central repository values
* @since Series60 3.0
const TPreferencesValues& AllPreferencesL();
* To access an int value key in ini file
* @param aKey the ini file key to read
* @return the value of the given key
* @since Series60 2.0
TInt GetIntValue( TUint32 aKey) const;
* To access an string value key in ini file
* @param aKey the ini file key to read
* @return the value of the given key
* @since Series60 2.0
TInt GetStringValueL ( TUint32 aKey, TInt aMaxBufSize, TDes& aBuf ) const;
private: // New functions
* restores preferences from shared data db. If fails, it uses defaults.
* @since Series60 1.2
void RestoreSettingsL();
private: //Utility functions for accessing shared data
* To set an int value key in ini file
* @param aKey the ini file key to write
* @param aValue new value for the key
* @return ETrue if successful
* @since Series60 2.0
TBool SetIntValueL ( TUint32 aKey, const TInt& aValue);
* To access an string value key in ini file
* @param aKey the ini file key to read
* @return the value of the given key
* @since Series60 2.0
HBufC* GetStringValueL ( TUint32 aKey ) const;
* To set an int value key in ini file
* @param aKey the ini file key to write
* @param aValue new value for the key
* @return ETrue if successful
* @since Series60 2.0
TBool SetStringValueL( TUint32 aKey, const TDesC& aValue );
private: // New functions
* Enables access to functions in CBrowserAppUi
inline MApiProvider& ApiProvider() { return iApiProvider; }
public: // New functions
* To set overriden values
* @param aSettings settings to verride
* @return void
* @since Series60 2.0
void SetOverriddenSettingsL(TBrowserOverriddenSettings* aSettings);
* To set embedded mode
* @param aEmbeddedMode true if embedded mode is on
* @return void
* @since Series60 2.0
void SetEmbeddedModeL(TBool aEmbeddedMode);
* To get embedded mode
* @return TBool
* @since Series60 3.0
inline TBool EmbeddedMode() const { return iEmbeddedMode; }
* To access DefaultAccessPoint setting.
* @since Series60 1.2
* @return UID for default accesspoint
inline TUint DefaultAccessPoint() const;
* Get the default snap id
* @since Series60 1.2
* @return
inline TUint DefaultSnapId() const;
* To access Accossiated VPN if exist setting.
* @since Series60 1.2
* @return UID for Accossiated VPN or KWmlNoDefaultAccessPoint
inline TUint AssociatedVpn() const;
* To access deafult AP details if exist setting.
* @since Series60 1.2
* @return CApAccessPointItem* or NULL
inline CApAccessPointItem* DefaultAPDetails();
* To access vpn item if exists.
* aDefaultAccessPoint
* aVpnItem
* @since Series60 1.2
* @return TBool - if vpn item is valid
TBool VpnDataL( TUint aDefaultAccessPoint, CVpnApItem& aVpnItem );
* To access AutoLoadContent setting.
* @since Series60 1.2
* @return Value of setting
inline TInt AutoLoadContent() const;
* To access PageOverview setting.
* @return Value of setting
inline TBool PageOverview() const;
* To access BackList setting.
* @return Value of setting
inline TBool BackList() const;
* To access AutoRefresh setting.
* @return Value of setting
inline TBool AutoRefresh() const;
* Sets the automatic updating access point of Web Feeds
void SetAutomaticUpdatingApL( TUint aAutomaticUpdatingAP );
* Sets the automatic updating while roaming of News & Blogs
void SetAutomaticUpdatingWhileRoamingL( TBool aAutoUpdateRoaming ) ;
* To access user-defined URL suffix list (.com, org, .net)
inline HBufC* URLSuffixList( ) const;
* To modify user-defined URL suffix list (.com, .org, .net)
void SetURLSuffixList( HBufC* aValue );
* automatic updating access point of Web Feeds
inline TUint AutomaticUpdatingAP() const;
* automatic updating while roaming of News & Blogs
inline TBool AutomaticUpdatingWhileRoaming() const;
* To access TextWrap setting
* @since Series60 1.2
* @return setting item value
inline TBool TextWrap() const;
* To access FontSize setting
* @since Series60 1.2
* @return Font size
inline TInt FontSize() const;
* To access Encoding setting
* @since Series60 1.2
* @return Default Encoding
inline TUint32 Encoding() const;
* To access Adaptive Bookmarks setting
* @since Series60 1.2
* @return TWmlSettingsAdaptiveBookmarks
inline TWmlSettingsAdaptiveBookmarks AdaptiveBookmarks() const;
* To access FullScreen setting
* @since Series60 2.1
* @return TWmlSettingsFullScreen
inline TWmlSettingsFullScreen FullScreen() const;
* To access Cookies setting
* @since Series60 1.2
* @return TWmlSettingsCookies
inline TWmlSettingsCookies Cookies() const;
* To access ECMA setting
* @since Series60 2.x
* @return TWmlSettingsECMA
inline TWmlSettingsECMA Ecma() const;
* To access SCRIPTLOG setting
* @since Series60 3.2
* @return TUint32
inline TUint32 ScriptLog() const;
* To access HTTP security warnings setting
* @since Series60 1.2S
* @return ETrue if security warnings are enabled
inline TBool HttpSecurityWarnings() const;
* To access IMEI notification setting
* @since Series60 2.6
* @return ETrue if notification is enabled
inline TWmlSettingsIMEI IMEINotification() const;
* Call this to check whether Http
inline TBool HttpSecurityWarningsStatSupressed() const;
* To access Downloads Open setting
* @since Series60 3.x
* @return TBool
inline TBool DownloadsOpen() const;
* To access user-defined homepage URL setting
TInt HomePageUrlL( TDes& aUrl, TBool aForceLoadFromSD = EFalse ) const;
* Get the home page URL from belongs to the access point.
TInt HomePageFromIapL( TDes& aUrl, TUint aIap ) const;
* To access user-defined search page URL setting
TPtrC SearchPageUrlL();
* To determine that is there an overridden default access point defined or not
TBool CustomAccessPointDefined();
* Shows/Hides the query on exit dialog
* 0 = Not show the dialog
* 1 = Show the dialog
* @since Series60 2.7
* @return ETrue if query on exit is enabled
inline TBool QueryOnExit() const;
* Sends/Don not send the referrer header
* 0 = Do not send the referrer header
* 1 = Send the referrer header
* @since Series60 2.7
* @return ETrue if Send referrer header is enabled
inline TBool SendReferrer() const;
* To access ShowConnectionDialogs setting
* @since Series60 2.0
* @return value of setting
inline TBool ShowConnectionDialogs() const;
* To check that an engine local feature is supported or not
* @since Series60 2.1
* @return Returns ETrue if feature is supported
* @param aBitmask Feature to check
inline TBool EngineLocalFeatureSupported( const TInt aFeature ) const;
* To check that a ui local feature is supported or not
* @since Series60 2.1
* @return Returns ETrue if feature is supported
* @param aBitmask Feature to check
inline TBool UiLocalFeatureSupported( const TInt aFeature ) const;
* To access MediaVolume setting
* @since Series60 2.6
* @return TInt
inline TInt MediaVolume() const;
* To access home page's type: AP/user defined.
* @since Series60 2.6
* @return value of setting
inline TWmlSettingsHomePage HomePageType() const;
* To access Popup Blocking Enabled setting.
* @since Series60 3.0
* @return value of setting
inline TBool PopupBlocking() const;
* To access Form Data Saving setting.
* @since Series60 3.1
* @return value of setting
inline TWmlSettingsFormData FormDataSaving() const;
* To access Access Keys setting.
* @since Series60 3.2
* @return value of setting: 1-Enabled, 0-Disabled
inline TBool AccessKeys() const;
* To modify DefaultAccessPoint setting
* @since Series60 1.2
* @param aDefaultAccessPoint Id of default accesspoint
void SetDefaultAccessPointL( TUint aDefaultAccessPoint, TUint aAssocVpn = KWmlNoDefaultAccessPoint );
* Set default snapid
* @since Series60 1.2
* @param
void SetDefaultSnapId (TUint aSnapId);
* To modify AutoLoadContent setting
* @since Series60 1.2
* @param aAutoLoadContent Change the setting on/off
void SetAutoLoadContentL( TInt aAutoLoadContent );
* To modify PageOverview setting
* @param aPageOverview Change the setting on/off
void SetPageOverviewL( TBool aPageOverview );
* To modify BackList setting
* @param aBackList Change the setting on/off
void SetBackListL( TBool aBackList );
* To modify AutoRefresh setting
* @param aAutoRefresh Change the setting on/off
void SetAutoRefreshL( TBool aAutoRefresh );
* To modify TextWrap setting
* @since Series60 1.2
* @param aTextWrap Change the setting on/off
void SetTextWrapL( TBool aTextWrap );
* To modify FontSize setting
* @since Series60 1.2
* @param aFontSize Set new font size
void SetFontSizeL( TInt aFontSize );
* To modify Encoding setting
* @since Series60 1.2
* @param aEncoding Set new font size
void SetEncodingL( TUint32 aEncoding );
* To modify Adaptive Bookmarks setting
* @since Series60 1.2
* @param aAdaptiveBookmarks
void SetAdaptiveBookmarksL( TWmlSettingsAdaptiveBookmarks aAdaptiveBookmarks );
* To modify FullScreen setting
* @since Series60 2.1
* @param aFullScreen
void SetFullScreenL( TWmlSettingsFullScreen aFullScreen );
* To modify Cookies setting
* @since Series60 1.2
* @param aCookies
void SetCookiesL( TWmlSettingsCookies aCookies );
* To modify ECMA setting
* @since Series60 2.x
* @param aEcma
void SetEcmaL( TWmlSettingsECMA aEcma );
* To modify ScriptLog setting
* @since Series60 3.2
* @param aScriptLog
void SetScriptLogL( TUint32 aScriptLog );
* To modify HTTP security warnings setting
* @since Series60 1.2S
* @param aWarningsOn True to enable security warnings, false to disable
void SetHttpSecurityWarningsL( TBool aWarningsOn );
* To modify IMEI notification setting
* @since Series60 2.6
* @param aIMEINotification True to enable IMEI notification
void SetIMEINotificationL( TWmlSettingsIMEI aIMEINotification );
* To modify MediaVolume setting
* @since Series60 2.6
* @param aMediaVolume Change the media volume value
void SetMediaVolumeL( TInt aMediaVolume );
* To modify Downloads Open setting
* @since Series60 3.x
* @param aOpen True to enable download open
void SetDownloadsOpenL( TBool aOpen );
* To flush all the shared data key settings
* @since Series60 2.6
void FlushSD();
* To modify HomePage's type setting
* @since Series60 2.6
* @param aHomePageType Change the home page type: AP/user defined.
void SetHomePageTypeL( TWmlSettingsHomePage aHomePageType );
* To modify user-defined HomePage.
* @since Series60 2.6
* @param aHomePageURL Change the home page's url.
void SetHomePageUrlL( const TDesC& aHomePageURL );
* To modify user-defined Search Page URL
* @since Series60 2.6
* @param aSearchPageURL Change the search page's url.
void SetSearchPageUrlL( const TDesC& aSearchPageURL );
* To modify user-defined Pop-up blocking enabled setting
* @since Series60 3.0
* @param aPopupBlocking Change setting on/off
void SetPopupBlockingL( TBool aPopupBlocking );
* To modify Form Data Saving setting
* @since Series60 3.1
* @param aFormDataSaving Change setting off/form data only/ form data plus password
void SetFormDataSavingL( TWmlSettingsFormData aFormDataSaving );
* To access to the list of self download content types.
* See CBrCtlInterface::SetSelfDownloadContentTypesL()!
TPtrC SelfDownloadContentTypesL();
* To access Default Access Point selection mode settings.
TCmSettingSelectionMode AccessPointSelectionMode();
* To modify Default Access Point Settings
void SetAccessPointSelectionModeL( TCmSettingSelectionMode aAccessPointSelectionMode );
* To access pre defined short cut keys
inline HBufC* ShortCutFuncHomePg() const;
* To access pre defined short cut keys
inline HBufC* ShortCutFuncBkMark() const;
* To access pre defined short cut keys
inline HBufC* ShortCutFuncFindKeyWord() const;
* To access pre defined short cut keys
inline HBufC* ShortCutFuncPrePage() const;
* To access pre defined short cut keys
inline HBufC* ShortCutFuncSwitchWin() const;
* To access pre defined short cut keys
inline HBufC* ShortCutFuncMiniImage() const;
* To access pre defined short cut keys
inline HBufC* ShortCutFuncFullScreen() const;
* To access pre defined short cut keys
inline HBufC* ShortCutFuncGoAddr() const;
* To access pre defined short cut keys
inline HBufC* ShortCutFuncZoomIn() const;
* To access pre defined short cut keys
inline HBufC* ShortCutFuncZoomOut() const;
* To access pre defined short cut keys
inline HBufC* ShortCutFuncZoomMode() const;
* To access rotate display setting
inline TBool RotateDisplay() const;
* To get Toolbar On/Off value
inline TInt ShowToolbarOnOff() const;
* To get Toolbar Button 1 command value
inline TInt ShowToolbarButton1Cmd() const;
* To set Toolbar On/Off value
void SetToolbarOnOffL(TInt aCommand);
* To set Toolbar Button 1 command value
void SetToolbarButton1CmdL(TInt aCommand);
* To get Toolbar Button 2 command value
inline TInt ShowToolbarButton2Cmd() const;
* To set Toolbar Button 2 command value
void SetToolbarButton2CmdL(TInt aCommand);
* To get Toolbar Button 3 command value
inline TInt ShowToolbarButton3Cmd() const;
* To set Toolbar Button 3 command value
void SetToolbarButton3CmdL(TInt aCommand);
* To get Toolbar Button 4 command value
inline TInt ShowToolbarButton4Cmd() const;
* To set Toolbar Button 4 command value
void SetToolbarButton4CmdL(TInt aCommand);
* To get Toolbar Button 5 command value
inline TInt ShowToolbarButton5Cmd() const;
* To set Toolbar Button 5 command value
void SetToolbarButton5CmdL(TInt aCommand);
* To get Toolbar Button 6 command value
inline TInt ShowToolbarButton6Cmd() const;
* To set Toolbar Button 6 command value
void SetToolbarButton6CmdL(TInt aCommand);
* To get Toolbar Button 7 command value
inline TInt ShowToolbarButton7Cmd() const;
* To set Toolbar Button 7 command value
void SetToolbarButton7CmdL(TInt aCommand);
* To get Shortcut Key 1 command value
inline TInt ShortcutKey1Cmd() const;
* To set Shortcut Key 1 command value
void SetShortcutKey1CmdL(TInt aCommand);
* To get Shortcut Key 2 command value
inline TInt ShortcutKey2Cmd() const;
* To set Shortcut Key 2 command value
void SetShortcutKey2CmdL(TInt aCommand);
* To get Shortcut Key 3 command value
inline TInt ShortcutKey3Cmd() const;
* To set Shortcut Key 3 command value
void SetShortcutKey3CmdL(TInt aCommand);
* To get Shortcut Key 4 command value
inline TInt ShortcutKey4Cmd() const;
* To set Shortcut Key 4 command value
void SetShortcutKey4CmdL(TInt aCommand);
* To get Shortcut Key 5 command value
inline TInt ShortcutKey5Cmd() const;
* To set Shortcut Key 5 command value
void SetShortcutKey5CmdL(TInt aCommand);
* To get Shortcut Key 6 command value
inline TInt ShortcutKey6Cmd() const;
* To set Shortcut Key 6 command value
void SetShortcutKey6CmdL(TInt aCommand);
* To get Shortcut Key 7 command value
inline TInt ShortcutKey7Cmd() const;
* To set Shortcut Key 7 command value
void SetShortcutKey7CmdL(TInt aCommand);
* To get Shortcut Key 8 command value
inline TInt ShortcutKey8Cmd() const;
* To set Shortcut Key 8 command value
void SetShortcutKey8CmdL(TInt aCommand);
* To get Shortcut Key 9 command value
inline TInt ShortcutKey9Cmd() const;
* To set Shortcut Key 9 command value
void SetShortcutKey9CmdL(TInt aCommand);
* To get Shortcut Key 0 command value
inline TInt ShortcutKey0Cmd() const;
* To set Shortcut Key 0 command value
void SetShortcutKey0CmdL(TInt aCommand);
* To get Shortcut Key Star command value
inline TInt ShortcutKeyStarCmd() const;
* To set Shortcut Key Star command value
void SetShortcutKeyStarCmdL(TInt aCommand);
* To get Shortcut Key Hash command value
inline TInt ShortcutKeyHashCmd() const;
* To set Shortcut Key Hash command value
void SetShortcutKeyHashCmdL(TInt aCommand);
* To get Shortcut Key for Qwerty command value
inline TInt ShortcutKeysForQwerty() const;
* To get Zoom Level minimum value
inline TUint32 ZoomLevelMinimum() const;
* To get Zoom Level maximum value
inline TUint32 ZoomLevelMaximum() const;
* To get Zoom Level default value
inline TUint32 ZoomLevelDefault() const;
* To get Maximum number of Recent URLs to be displayed in pop up
inline TInt MaxRecentUrls() const;
* To get Search Feature Flag.
inline TInt SearchFeature() const;
* To get Service Feature Flag.
inline TInt ServiceFeature() const;
* To get cursor show mode
inline TBrCtlDefs::TCursorSettings CursorShowMode() const;
inline TBrCtlDefs::TEnterKeySettings EnterKeyMode() const;
* Constructor.
* @param aCommsModel Comms model.
CBrowserPreferences( MCommsModel& aCommsModel, MApiProvider& aApiProvider );
* By default constructor is private.
void ConstructL( TBrowserOverriddenSettings* aSettings );
TInt GetSearchFeatureStatusL( TUint32 aKey, RApaLsSession& aLs );
MApiProvider& iApiProvider; // enables access to CBrowserAppUi
// Application settings to store in file
TUint iCustomAp;
enum ///< Text font size
} TFontSize;
// Observers
CArrayPtrFlat< MPreferencesObserver >* iObservers;
MCommsModel& iCommsModel;
CRepository* iRepository;
CApDataHandler* iApDH;
CVpnApItem* iVpnItem;
CVpnApEngine* iVpnEngine;
// OSS needs a separate repository for non shared settings.
TInt iEngineLocalFeaturesBitmask; //Engine Local Features Bitmask
TInt iUiLocalFeaturesBitmask; //Ui Local Features Bitmask
TBrowserOverriddenSettings* iOverridenSettings;
TBool iEmbeddedMode; //ETrue = the browser is in embedded mode
TInt iCdmaUiLocalFeaturesBitmask; // CDMA UI Local Features Bitmask
TBool iOverriden;//Settings were overriden or not
HBufC* iSelfDownloadContentTypes; ///< List of such content types. Owned.
// A buffer struct for holding each setting value
TPreferencesValues iAllPreferences;
#include "BrowserPreferences.inl"
// Toolbar button command translation matrix
// translates cenrep value to browser command and setting string resource id
// for each toolbar button
typedef const TInt TToolbarCommandDecodeEntry[1];
#define KToolbarCommandDecodeMatrixCount 23
#define KToolbarCommandDecodeMatrixStringId 0 // first entry is the Setting String Id
static const TToolbarCommandDecodeEntry ToolbarCommandDecodeMatrix[] =
// Index # Setting String Id
// = cenrep value
/* 17 */ { R_BROWSER_SETTING_RECENT_URLS }, // toolbar only - recent urls drop down list
/* 19 */ { R_BROWSER_SETTING_LIST_BOOKMARKS }, // toolbar only - bookmarks drop down list
// Shortcut Keys command translation matrix
// translates cenrep value to browser command and setting string resource id
// for each shortcut key
typedef const TInt TShortcutsCommandDecodeEntry[2];
#define KShortcutsCommandDecodeMatrixCount 22
#define KShortcutsCommandDecodeMatrixCmdVal 0 // First entry is the Command Value
#define KShortcutsCommandDecodeMatrixStringId 1 // Second entry is the Setting String Id
static const TShortcutsCommandDecodeEntry ShortcutsCommandDecodeMatrix[] =
// Index # Command Value Setting String Id
// = cenrep value
/* 0 */ { EWmlNoCmd, R_BROWSER_SETTING_NONE },
/* 2 */ { EWmlCmdSwitchWindow, R_BROWSER_SETTING_SWITCH_WINDOW },
/* 3 */ { EWmlCmdSavePage, R_BROWSER_SETTING_SAVE_PAGE },
/* 4 */ { EWmlCmdShowImages, R_BROWSER_SETTING_VIEW_IMAGES },
/* 7 */ { EWmlCmdShowSubscribeList, R_BROWSER_SETTING_SUBSCRIBE_TO_FEEDS },
/* 8 */ { EWmlCmdRotateDisplay, R_BROWSER_SETTING_ROTATE_SCREEN },
/* 9 */ { EWmlCmdPreferences, R_BROWSER_SETTING_SETTINGS },
/* 10 */ { EWmlCmdZoomOut, R_BROWSER_SETTING_ZOOM_OUT },
/* 11 */ { EWmlCmdZoomIn, R_BROWSER_SETTING_ZOOM_IN },
/* 12 */ { EWmlCmdLaunchHomePage, R_BROWSER_SETTING_GO_TO_HOMPAGE },
/* 14 */ { EWmlCmdShowMiniature, R_BROWSER_SETTING_MINIATURE_SHOW },
/* 15 */ { EWmlCmdReload, R_BROWSER_SETTING_RELOAD },
/* 16 */ { EWmlCmdFindKeyword, R_BROWSER_SETTING_FIND_KEYWORD },
/* 17 */ { EWmlCmdSaveAsBookmark, R_BROWSER_SETTING_SAVE_AS_BOOKMARK },
/* 19 */ { EWmlCmdShowToolBar, R_BROWSER_SETTING_SHOW_TOOLBAR },
/* 20 */ { EWmlCmdShowShortcutKeymap, R_BROWSER_SETTING_SHOW_KEYMAP },
/* 21 */ { EWmlCmdEnterFullScreenBrowsing, R_BROWSER_SETTING_FULL_SCREEN },
// End of File