* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Interface to Browser for handling embedded system info requests.
#include <e32std.h>
#include <npupp.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <utf.h>
#include <MProfileEngine.h>
#include <MProfile.h>
#include "SystemInfoPlugin.h"
#include "NetworkObserver.h"
#include "PowerObserver.h"
#include "SystemInfoMisc.h"
enum TIdentifiersNames
const NPUTF8 *systemInfoPluginIdentifierNames[EIdLast] =
const TBool IsMethod[EIdLast] =
EFalse, // "chargelevel"
EFalse, // "onchargelevel"
EFalse, // "chargerconnected"
EFalse, // "onchargerconnected"
EFalse, // "signalbars"
EFalse, // "networkname"
EFalse, // "networkregistrationstatus"
EFalse, // "onnetworkregistrationstatus"
EFalse, // "lightminintensity"
EFalse, // "lightmaxintensity"
EFalse, // "lightdefaultintensity"
EFalse, // "lightinfiniteduration"
EFalse, // "lightmaxduration"
EFalse, // "lightdefaultcycletime"
EFalse, // "lighttargetprimarydisplayandkeyboard"
EFalse, // "lighttargetsystem"
ETrue, // "lighton"
ETrue, // "lightblink"
ETrue, // "lightoff"
EFalse, // "vibraminintensity"
EFalse, // "vibramaxintensity"
EFalse, // "vibramaxduration"
EFalse, // "vibrasettings"
ETrue, // "startvibra"
ETrue, // "stopvibra"
ETrue, // "beep"
EFalse, // "totalram"
EFalse, // "freeram"
EFalse, // "drivelist"
ETrue, // "drivesize"
ETrue, // "drivefree"
EFalse // "language"
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSystemInfoPlugin::CSystemInfoPlugin
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSystemInfoPlugin::ConstructL
// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSystemInfoPlugin::ConstructL()
iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers = new (ELeave) NPIdentifier[EIdLast];
NPN_GetStringIdentifiers( systemInfoPluginIdentifierNames, EIdLast,
iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers );
iUid = RProcess().SecureId();
// need profile to determine silent mode for beep control
iProfileEngine = CreateProfileEngineL();
// sysinfo feature class instances
iPowerObserver = CPowerObserver::NewL( this );
iNetworkObserver = CNetworkObserver::NewL( this );
iSystemInfoMisc = CSystemInfoMisc::NewL();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSystemInfoPlugin::NewL
// Two-phased constructor.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSystemInfoPlugin* CSystemInfoPlugin::NewL()
CSystemInfoPlugin* self = new (ELeave) CSystemInfoPlugin;
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSystemInfoPlugin::Destructor
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
delete [] iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers;
if (iProfileEngine != NULL)
// sysinfo feature class instances
delete iPowerObserver;
delete iNetworkObserver;
delete iSystemInfoMisc;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSystemInfoPlugin::Deallocate
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSystemInfoPlugin::Deallocate()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSystemInfoPlugin::InvokeCallback
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CSystemInfoPlugin::InvokeCallback( TDesC8& name, const NPVariant *args, uint32_t argCount )
CSystemInfoPluginEcomMain* lSystemInfoPPluginEcomMain
= (CSystemInfoPluginEcomMain*) Dll::Tls();
NPNetscapeFuncs* lNetscapeFuncs = lSystemInfoPPluginEcomMain->Funcs();
if ( lNetscapeFuncs && iInstanceHandle )
void* value = 0;
NPError npErr = lNetscapeFuncs->getvalue( iInstanceHandle, NPNVWindowNPObject,
(void*)&value );
if ( npErr == NPERR_NO_ERROR )
NPVariant resultVariant;
VOID_TO_NPVARIANT( resultVariant );
NPIdentifier ident = NPN_GetStringIdentifier( (const NPUTF8 *)(name.Ptr()) );
return NPN_Invoke( iInstanceHandle, (NPObject*)value, ident,
args, argCount, &resultVariant );
return false;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSystemInfoPlugin::HasMethod
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CSystemInfoPlugin::HasMethod( NPIdentifier name )
for (TInt i= 0; i < EIdLast; i++)
if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[i] )
return IsMethod[i];
return false;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSystemInfoPlugin::VariantToInt
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSystemInfoPlugin::VariantToInt( NPVariant& v, TInt& i )
if ( NPVARIANT_IS_INT32( v ) )
i = NPVARIANT_TO_INT32( v );
else if ( NPVARIANT_IS_DOUBLE( v ) )
double d = NPVARIANT_TO_DOUBLE( v );
i = d;
// leave unchanged if some other type tag on variant
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSystemInfoPlugin::Invoke
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CSystemInfoPlugin::Invoke( NPIdentifier name,
NPVariant* args,
uint32_t argCount,
NPVariant *result )
bool ret = false;
if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdBeep] )
// don't beep if profile is silent
MProfile* profile = NULL;
TRAPD( error,
profile = iProfileEngine->ActiveProfileL() );
if ( KErrNone != error )
return true;
if ( EFalse == profile->IsSilent() )
TInt f = 440; // default 440 hertz
TInt d = 500; // default 0.5 seconds (in milliseconds)
if ( argCount > 0 ) VariantToInt( args[0], f );
if ( argCount > 1 ) VariantToInt( args[1], d );
// convert duration from milliseconds to microseconds, the
// underlying functionality doesn't really handle microseconds
// even though the interface specs it as microseconds
d = d * 1000;
// Note that d = 0 seems to mean "forever". Also, there
// are max and min frequencies but they are not defined.
// Below min there is silence, above max the equation
// seems to be f = min( max_freq, f)
iSystemInfoMisc->Beep( f, d );
ret = true;
else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdLightOn] )
TInt l = iSystemInfoMisc->LightTargetSystem();
TInt d = iSystemInfoMisc->LightInfiniteDuration();
TInt i = iSystemInfoMisc->LightDefaultIntensity();
TInt f = 1;
if ( argCount > 0 ) VariantToInt( args[0], l );
if ( argCount > 1 ) VariantToInt( args[1], d );
if ( argCount > 2 ) VariantToInt( args[2], i );
if ( argCount > 3 ) VariantToInt( args[3], f );
iSystemInfoMisc->LightOn( l, d, i, f );
ret = true;
else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdLightBlink] )
TInt l = iSystemInfoMisc->LightTargetSystem();
TInt d = iSystemInfoMisc->LightInfiniteDuration();
TInt don = iSystemInfoMisc->LightDefaultCycleTime();
TInt doff = iSystemInfoMisc->LightDefaultCycleTime();
TInt i = iSystemInfoMisc->LightDefaultIntensity();
if ( argCount > 0 ) VariantToInt( args[0], l );
if ( argCount > 1 ) VariantToInt( args[1], d );
if ( argCount > 2 ) VariantToInt( args[2], don );
if ( argCount > 3 ) VariantToInt( args[3], doff );
if ( argCount > 4 ) VariantToInt( args[4], i );
iSystemInfoMisc->LightBlink( l, d, don, doff, i );
ret = true;
else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdLightOff] )
TInt l = iSystemInfoMisc->LightTargetSystem();
TInt d = iSystemInfoMisc->LightInfiniteDuration();
TInt f = 1;
if ( argCount > 0 ) VariantToInt( args[0], l );
if ( argCount > 1 ) VariantToInt( args[1], d );
if ( argCount > 2 ) VariantToInt( args[2], f );
iSystemInfoMisc->LightOff( l, d, f );
ret = true;
else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdStartVibra] )
TInt d = iSystemInfoMisc->VibraMaxDuration();
TInt i = iSystemInfoMisc->VibraMaxIntensity();
if ( argCount > 0 ) VariantToInt( args[0], d );
if ( argCount > 1 ) VariantToInt( args[1], i );
iSystemInfoMisc->StartVibra( d, i );
ret = true;
else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdStopVibra] )
ret = true;
else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdDriveSize] )
TUint c = 0;
if ( argCount > 0 && NPVARIANT_IS_STRING( args[0] ) )
NPString nps = NPVARIANT_TO_STRING( args[0] );
if ( nps.UTF8Characters ) c = nps.UTF8Characters[0];
if ( c > 0 )
TChar drive( c );
TReal size = iSystemInfoMisc->DriveSize( drive );
DOUBLE_TO_NPVARIANT( size, *result );
ret = true;
else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdDriveFree] )
TUint c = 0;
if ( argCount > 0 && NPVARIANT_IS_STRING( args[0] ) )
NPString nps = NPVARIANT_TO_STRING( args[0] );
if ( nps.UTF8Characters ) c = nps.UTF8Characters[0];
if ( c > 0 )
TChar drive( c );
TReal free = iSystemInfoMisc->DriveFree( drive );
DOUBLE_TO_NPVARIANT( free, *result );
ret = true;
return ret;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSystemInfoPlugin::HasProperty
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CSystemInfoPlugin::HasProperty (NPIdentifier name)
for ( TInt i= 0; i < EIdLast; i++ )
if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[i] )
return !IsMethod[i];
return false;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSystemInfoPlugin::GetProperty
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CSystemInfoPlugin::GetProperty( NPIdentifier name, NPVariant *variant )
// default variant value maps to javascript undefined
VOID_TO_NPVARIANT( *variant );
if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdChargeLevel] )
INT32_TO_NPVARIANT( iPowerObserver->ChargeLevel(), *variant );
else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdChargerConnected] )
INT32_TO_NPVARIANT( iPowerObserver->ChargerConnected(), *variant );
else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdSignalBars] )
INT32_TO_NPVARIANT( iNetworkObserver->SignalBars(), *variant );
else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdNetworkRegistrationStatus] )
INT32_TO_NPVARIANT( iNetworkObserver->RegistrationStatus(), *variant );
else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdNetworkName] )
const TDesC& inBuf = iNetworkObserver->NetworkName();
HBufC8* outBuf = HBufC8::New( inBuf.Length() + 1 );
if ( outBuf )
TPtr8 ptr( outBuf->Des() );
TInt ret = CnvUtfConverter::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8( ptr, inBuf );
DesToNpvariant(ptr, variant);
delete outBuf;
else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdLightMinIntensity] )
INT32_TO_NPVARIANT( iSystemInfoMisc->LightMinIntensity(), *variant );
else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdLightMaxIntensity] )
INT32_TO_NPVARIANT( iSystemInfoMisc->LightMaxIntensity(), *variant );
else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdLightDefaultIntensity] )
INT32_TO_NPVARIANT( iSystemInfoMisc->LightDefaultIntensity(), *variant );
else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdLightInfiniteDuration] )
INT32_TO_NPVARIANT( iSystemInfoMisc->LightInfiniteDuration(), *variant );
else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdLightMaxDuration] )
INT32_TO_NPVARIANT( iSystemInfoMisc->LightMaxDuration(), *variant );
else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdLightDefaultCycleTime] )
INT32_TO_NPVARIANT( iSystemInfoMisc->LightDefaultCycleTime(), *variant );
else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdLightTargetPrimaryDisplayAndKeyboard] )
INT32_TO_NPVARIANT( iSystemInfoMisc->LightTargetPrimaryDisplayAndKeyboard(), *variant );
else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdLightTargetSystem] )
INT32_TO_NPVARIANT( iSystemInfoMisc->LightTargetSystem(), *variant );
else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdVibraMinIntensity] )
INT32_TO_NPVARIANT( iSystemInfoMisc->VibraMinIntensity(), *variant );
else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdVibraMaxIntensity] )
INT32_TO_NPVARIANT( iSystemInfoMisc->VibraMaxIntensity(), *variant );
else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdVibraMaxDuration] )
INT32_TO_NPVARIANT( iSystemInfoMisc->VibraMaxDuration(), *variant );
else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdVibraSettings] )
INT32_TO_NPVARIANT( iSystemInfoMisc->VibraSettings(), *variant );
else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdTotalRam] )
INT32_TO_NPVARIANT( iSystemInfoMisc->TotalRam(), *variant );
else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdFreeRam] )
INT32_TO_NPVARIANT( iSystemInfoMisc->FreeRam(), *variant );
else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdDriveList] )
HBufC8* drives = HBufC8::New( KMaxDrives*2 );
if ( drives )
TPtr8 ptr( drives->Des() );
iSystemInfoMisc->DriveList( ptr );
DesToNpvariant(ptr, variant);
delete drives;
else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdLanguage] )
TBuf<64> langCode;
iSystemInfoMisc->Language( langCode );
HBufC8* outBuf = HBufC8::New( langCode.Length() + 1 );
if ( outBuf )
TPtr8 ptr( outBuf->Des() );
ptr.SetLength( 0 );
// Note: the copy below goes from 16-bit to 8-bit by
// dropping the high 8-bits. This will work since all
// codes are made from 7-bit ASCII characters see
// http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4646.txt section 7
// "Character Set Considerations". Also see
// http://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-lang-2or3
ptr.Copy( langCode );
DesToNpvariant( ptr, variant );
delete outBuf;
return EFalse;
return ETrue;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSystemInfoPlugin::SetProperty
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CSystemInfoPlugin::SetPropertyL( NPIdentifier name, NPVariant *variant )
// all writeable properties are names of callback functions
HBufC8* pFunctionText = NULL;
// anything but a string will result in nulling out the callback
if ( NPVARIANT_IS_STRING( *variant ) )
// canonicalize function name string: only fname (no args) and zero terminate
NPString str = NPVARIANT_TO_STRING( *variant );
if ( (const TUint8 *)str.UTF8Characters )
// allocate a copy
TInt length = str.UTF8Length;
pFunctionText = HBufC8::NewL( length+1 );
TPtr8 tptr = pFunctionText->Des();
tptr.Copy( (const TUint8 *)str.UTF8Characters, length );
//Remove any arguments passed in the with the function name
TInt pos = pFunctionText->Locate(TChar('('));
if ( pos != KErrNotFound )
length = pos;
// NOTE: pFunctionText can be NULL
if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdOnChargeLevel] )
iPowerObserver->RequestNotificationL( CPowerObserver::EIdBatteryInfo,
pFunctionText );
else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdOnChargerConnected] )
iPowerObserver->RequestNotificationL( CPowerObserver::EIdIndicator,
pFunctionText );
else if ( name == iSystemInfoPluginIdentifiers[EIdOnNetworkRegistrationStatus] )
iNetworkObserver->RequestNotificationL( CNetworkObserver::EIdRegistrationStatus,
pFunctionText );
delete pFunctionText;
return EFalse;
return ETrue;
void CSystemInfoPlugin::DesToNpvariant(TPtr8& string, NPVariant*& variant)
char* newString = NULL;
if (string.Length()) {
newString = new char(string.Length());
if (newString) {
Mem::Copy(newString, string.Ptr(), string.Length());
STRINGN_TO_NPVARIANT(newString, string.Length(), *variant);
// End of File