__WEB_WIDGETS configuration is now done within the component's bld.inf files, not the top/mid level bld.infs
* Copyright (c) 2002-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* Declaration of class CBrowserBookmarksView.
#include "BrowserFavouritesView.h"
#include "BrowserBookmarksGotoPane.h"
#include "Preferences.h"
#include <apchangeobserver.h>
#include <brctlinterface.h>
#include <AknToolbarObserver.h>
class CBrowserBookmarksContainer;
class CRecentUrlStore;
class CAsyncDownloadsListExecuter;
* Bookmarks View of the WML browser. Derived from CBrowserFavouritesView;
* new methods mostly process Bookmark View specific commands.
class CBrowserBookmarksView:
public CBrowserFavouritesView,
public MBookmarksGotoPaneObserver,
public MApChangeObserver,
public MPreferencesObserver,
public MBrCtlLoadEventObserver,
public MAknToolbarObserver
public: // construction
* Two-phased constructor. Leaves on failure.
* @param aApiProvider The API provider.
* @return The constructed view.
static CBrowserBookmarksView* NewLC( MApiProvider& aApiProvider, CRecentUrlStore& aRecentUrlStore, TInt aInitialFolderUid = KFavouritesRootUid);
* Destructor.
virtual ~CBrowserBookmarksView();
public: // new methods
* Force updating the Goto Pane. Does nothing if Goto Pane is not
* visible.
* @since 1.2
void UpdateGotoPaneL();
* Exits Adaptive Bookmarks folder. Called also from BrowserAppUi when a page is
* downloaded from Adaptive Bookmarks.
* @since 2.1
void ExitAdaptiveBookmarks();
* Opens Adaptive Bookmarks folder.
* @since 3.1
inline void OpenAdaptiveBookmarksWhenActivated( )
{ iOpenAdaptiveBookmarksWhenActivated = ETrue; }
* Gets the status of selection of the adaptive bookmarks folder.
* @since 3.1
inline TBool GetAdaptiveBookmarksFolderSelected( )
{ return iAdaptiveBookmarksFolderSelected; }
inline TBool GetAdaptiveBookmarksFolderWasActive( )
{ return iAdaptiveBookmarksFolderWasActive; }
void DimToolbarButtons(TBool aDimButtons);
public: // public methods from CBrowserFavouritesView
* Handle command.
* @since 1.2
* @param aCommand Command id.
void HandleCommandL( TInt aCommand );
* Get view id.
* @since 1.2
* @return The view id for this view.
TUid Id() const;
public: // From MCbaSetter (CBrowserViewBase)
* Return command set id, to be displayed.
* @since 1.2
* @return The command set's resource id.
virtual TInt CommandSetResourceIdL();
* Set command set lsk,rsk,msk dynamically via pointers.
* Derived classes should implement, though it can be empty.
* If it does nothing, empty softkeys will be assigned
* @since 5.0
void CommandSetResourceDynL(TSKPair& /*lsk*/, TSKPair& /*rsk*/, TSKPair& /*msk*/);
* Helper function to dynamically set LSK
* @since 5.0
void SetLSKDynL(TSKPair& aLsk,
CBrowserBookmarksGotoPane* aTheGotoPane);
* Helper function to dynamically set RSK
* @since 5.0
void SetRSKDynL(TSKPair& aRsk,
CBrowserBookmarksGotoPane* aTheGotoPane);
* Helper function to dynamically set MSK
* @since 5.0
void SetMSKDynL(TSKPair& aMsk, const TSKPair aLsk,
CBrowserFavouritesContainer* aTheContainer,
CBrowserBookmarksGotoPane* aTheGotoPane);
public: // from MBookmarksGotoPaneObserver
* Handle Goto Pane event.
* @since 1.2
* @param aGotoPane The Goto Pane in which the event occurred.
* @param aEvent Goto Pane event.
virtual void HandleBookmarksGotoPaneEventL
CBrowserBookmarksGotoPane* aGotoPane,
MBookmarksGotoPaneObserver::TEvent aEvent
public: // MAknToolbarObserver
* Called when toolbar events occur
* @since 5.0
* @return void
void OfferToolbarEventL( TInt aCommand ) { HandleCommandL(aCommand); }
protected: // construction
* Constructor.
* @param aApiProvider The API provider.
CBrowserBookmarksView( MApiProvider& aApiProvider, CRecentUrlStore& aRecentUrlStore, TInt aInitialFolderUid = KFavouritesRootUid );
* Second phase constructor. Leaves on failure.
* @param aViewResourceId Resource id for this view.
* Derived classes should call this first during construction.
void ConstructL( TInt aViewResourceId );
protected: // protected CBrowserFavouritesView
* Handle listbox event.
* @since 1.2
* @param aListBox Listbox in which the event occurred.
* @param aEventType Event.
void HandleListBoxEventL(
CEikListBox* aListBox,
MEikListBoxObserver::TListBoxEvent aEventType );
* Initialize context-sensitive menu.
* @since 1.2
* @param aResourceId Resource id of the menu pane.
* @param aMenuPane Menu pane object being initialized.
* @param aIndex Index into the visibility map.
* @param aState Selection state.
virtual void DynInitMenuPaneL
TInt aResourceId,
CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane,
TCommandVisibility::TIndex /*aIndex*/,
const TBrowserFavouritesSelectionState& aState
* Get resource id of text to be displayed in navi pane when
* root folder is shown (TBUF).
* @since 1.2
* @return Resource id.
TInt RootTitleResourceId() const;
* Get resource id of Options menu (RESOURCE MENU_BAR).
* @since 1.2
* @return Resource id.
TInt OptionsMenuResourceId() const;
* Get resource id of OK-Options menu (RESOURCE MENU_BAR).
* @since 1.2
* @return Resource id.
TInt OkOptionsMenuResourceId() const;
* Create the model. Leave on failure. The model is owned by the
* caller (this view, base class). The created model is really
* a CBrowserBokmarksModel.
* @since 1.2
* @return The constructed model.
virtual CBrowserFavouritesModel* CreateModelL();
* Create the container (the main control of the view). The container
* is owned by the caller (this view, base class). The created container
* is really a CBrowserBookmarksContainer.
* Leave on failure.
* @since 1.2
* @return The constructed main control.
virtual CBrowserFavouritesContainer* CreateContainerL();
* Get items to be displayed in a folder. Expects the model's db be
* open.
* @since 1.2
* @param aFolder Folder which contains the items.
* @return List of items. Pushed on the cleanup stack.
virtual CFavouritesItemList* GetItemsLC( TInt aFolder );
* Some displayed data has changed (Favourites database, AP-s, etc).
* Update the view so changes become visible. Safe to call if the view
* is not active; in this case it does nothing.
* This method should not be called if the data change is due to direct
* user activity (opening folders etc.); only for notification
* processing.
* (Same as base class method, except active Goto Pane is not reset if
* downloading is in progress.)
* @since 1.2
* @param aDbErrorNote If ETrue, unsuccesful database access will bring
* up an error note.
virtual void RefreshL( TBool aDbErrorNote = EFalse );
void HandleForegroundEventL( TBool aForeground );
protected: // protected methods from CAknView
* Activate the view.
* @since 1.2
* @param aCustomMessageId Custom Message Id.
* @param aCustomMessage Custom Message.
virtual void DoActivateL
const TVwsViewId& aPrevViewId,
TUid aCustomMessageId,
const TDesC8& aCustomMessage
* Deactivate the view.
* @since 1.2
virtual void DoDeactivate();
private: // command handling (additional commands)
* Available only to process EWmlCmdDelete and EWmlCmdDeleteItems commands.Command "Go to" when the user is editing in the Goto Pane.
void DeleteItems( TInt aCommand );
* Command "Go to" when the user is editing in the Goto Pane.
* Go to the URL found in Goto Pane.
* Does nothing if no Goto Pane.
void GotoUrlInGotoPaneL();
* Command "Activate". Activate highlighted bookmark.
* Does nothing if no bookmark is highlighted.
void ActivateCurrentBookmarkL();
* Command "Add bookmark". Create new bookmark and launch
* Edit bookmark dialog.
void AddNewBookmarkL();
* Command "Edit bookmark". Edit highlighted bookmark.
* Does nothing if no bookmark is highlighted.
void EditCurrentBookmarkL();
* Command "Send via Unified Messaging".
* Send selected bookmark(s).
void SendBookmarksL( );
private: // new methods
* Get the container (as CBrowserBookmarksContainer).
* @return The container.
CBrowserBookmarksContainer* TheContainer();
private: // from MApChangeObserver
* Handle change in currently used Access Point.
void ApChangedL( TUint32 aNewAPId );
private: // from MPreferencesObserver
* Handle preferences change.
void HandlePreferencesChangeL(
const TPreferencesEvent aEvent,
TPreferencesValues& aValues,
TBrCtlDefs::TBrCtlSettings aSettingType );
* Create Start Page bookmark. Db needs not be open (not used).
* @return The Start Page bookmark, or NULL if no such.
* Ownership passed to caller.
CFavouritesItem* CreateStartPageBookmarkL();
private: // from MBrCtlLoadEventObserver
* A load events notification
* @since 2.8
* @param aLoadEvent The load event
* @param aSize Size depends on the event
* @param aTransactionId The transaction id of the transaction that had this event
* @return void
void HandleBrowserLoadEventL( TBrCtlDefs::TBrCtlLoadEvent aLoadEvent,
TUint aSize,
TUint16 aTransactionId );
* Clear all adaptive bookmarks
void ClearAdaptiveBookmarksL();
* To set empty text for folders. It is different in Adaptive Bookmarks
void SetEmptyTextL();
// from CBrowserFavouritesView
TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL
( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType );
//from CBrowserFavouritesView
* Open next folder.
* @param aForward Open next folder if ETrue, previous if EFalse.
void OpenNextFolderL( TBool aForward );
* Update and draw navi pane (show tabs for root, or "1/4" style text
* for subfolders).
* No sanity check; expects the model's table be open.
void UpdateNaviPaneL();
* Sorts bookmark items into the saved manual order
* associated to the given folder
* @param aFolder The folder in which the items are stored
* @param aItems The bookmark item list to sort
TBool ManualBMSortL( TInt aFolder, CFavouritesItemList* aItems );
* Starts 'item moving mode', when softkeys are ok/cancel
* and ok moves the selected items to the current position in
* bookmarks list
void StartMoveItemsL();
* moves the selected items to the current position in
* bookmarks list
void MoveItemsL();
* Cancels 'item moving mode', softkeys return to normal,
* focus returns to the first selected item
void CancelMoveItemsL();
* Adds the given uid to the last place in bookmarks list
* @param aUid The uid to add
void AddUidToLastPlaceToCurrentListL( TInt aUid );
* Dim or Un-dim Toolbar buttons.
void UpdateToolbarButtonsState();
* Check to show downloads.
void CheckForDownloads();
* Initiates update for favicons
void UpdateFavIconsL();
private: // data
* Callback for completing the Browser App init. Normally only
* BookmarksView is initialized first on startup. When bookmarks
* view is shown then this callback is scheduled to complete the
* remaining initialization.
static TInt CompleteAppInitCallback( TAny* aApiProvider );
* Uid of AP which is to be used for creating Start Page bookmark.
TUint32 iStartPageApUid;
* Storing current default AP, to be able to spot when it changes.
* (We get notification when preferences change; but don't know
* what changed in preferences. We are interested only in default AP
* change.)
TUint32 iCurrentDefaultAp;
* This flag is used in fetch observing: this differentiates events from
* the newly started fetch from events of ongoing fetches (being
* cancelled by the new one). It is ETrue when new fetch has been
* initiated but not yet started (existing fetches will be cancelled
* during this time).
TBool iFetchInit;
HBufC* iDomainFolderName;
CRecentUrlStore& iRecentUrlStore;
TBool iInAdaptiveBookmarksFolder;
TWmlSettingsAdaptiveBookmarks iAdaptiveBookmarksCurrentSetting;
// For Adaptive Bookmarks - to refresh title when
// coming back from Preferences
TBool iPreferencesChanged;
// For Manual BM Sorting
// Indicates item moving mode
TBool iManualItemMovingGoingOn;
// list of uids of items to move
CArrayFixFlat<TInt>* iItemsToMove;
// Current order of bookmarks
CBrowserBookmarksOrder* iCurrentOrder;
// Flag to indicate that Adaptive BM folder has just been inserted to BM list
TBool iInsertAdaptiveBookmarksFolder;
// Flag to indicate that current BM order needs to be saved
TBool iSaveBMOrder;
// Flag to indicate the presence of Start Page item
TBool iStartPagePresent;
// Goto Pane's entered URL and cursor's position
HBufC* iEnteredURL;
TInt iCursorPos;
TUint16 iTrId;
CAsyncDownloadsListExecuter* iDownloadsListExecuter; // Owned.
// True if the view will show the adaptive bookmarks folder
// on activation, otherwise false.
TBool iOpenAdaptiveBookmarksWhenActivated;
// True if the user opned the Adaptive Bookmarks folder,
// from bookmarks items, otherwise false.
TBool iAdaptiveBookmarksFolderSelected;
// True if the view was changed, and the adaptive bookmarks folder
// was currently acive.
TBool iAdaptiveBookmarksFolderWasActive;
// Pen enabled flag
TBool iPenEnabled;
// Re-Entry Gate flag for Delete Bookmark routine
TBool iHandleDeleteInProgress;
// Async callback object for delayed App init
CIdle *iAsyncComplete;
TBool iShowDownlods;
// End of file