changeset 4 510c70acdbf6
parent 3 1972d8c2e329
child 5 8ccc39f9d787
--- a/adaptationlayer/tsy/nokiatsy_dll/internal/test/nokiatsy_test_tool/nwe/src/nweblocks.cpp	Mon Nov 09 10:31:01 2009 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,2992 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:   Specific class for NWE tests
-#include "nwe.h"
-#include <e32svr.h>
-#include <stifparser.h>
-#include <stiftestinterface.h>
-#include <mmlist.h>
-const TPtrC BooleanFlag[] =
-    {
-    _L("EFalse"),
-    _L("ETrue")
-    };
-const TPtrC NetworkMode[] =
-    {
-    _L("ENetworkModeUnknown"),
-    _L("ENetworkModeUnregistered"),
-    _L("ENetworkModeGsm"),
-    _L("ENetworkModeAmps"),
-    _L("ENetworkModeCdma95"),
-    _L("ENetworkModeCdma2000"),
-    _L("ENetworkModeWcdma")
-    };
-const TPtrC NetworkStatus[] =
-    {
-    _L("ENetworkStatusUnknown"),
-    _L("ENetworkStatusAvailable"),
-    _L("ENetworkStatusCurrent"),
-    _L("ENetworkStatusForbidden")
-    };
-const TPtrC RegistrationStatus[] =
-    {
-    _L("ERegistrationUnknown"),
-    _L("ENotRegisteredNoService"),
-    _L("ENotRegisteredEmergencyOnly"),
-    _L("ENotRegisteredSearching"),
-    _L("ERegisteredBusy"),
-    _L("ERegisteredOnHomeNetwork"),
-    _L("ERegistrationDenied"),
-    _L("ERegisteredRoaming")
-    };
-const TPtrC MobilePhoneSelectionMethod[] =
-    {
-    _L("ENetworkSelectionUnknown"),
-    _L("ENetworkSelectionAutomatic"),
-    _L("ENetworkSelectionManual"),
-    _L("ENetworkSelectionHomeOnly")
-    };
-const TPtrC TMobilePhoneBandClass[] =
-    {
-    _L("ENetworkBandClassUnknown"),
-    _L("ENetworkBandClassAOnly"),
-    _L("ENetworkBandClassBOnly"),
-    _L("ENetworkBandClassAPreferred"),
-    _L("ENetworkBandClassBPreferred")
-    };
-const TPtrC TMobilePhoneOperation[] =
-    {
-    _L("ENetworkOperationUnknown"),
-    _L("ENetworkOperationAnalogOnly"),
-    _L("ENetworkOperationDigitalOnly"),
-    _L("ENetworkOperationAnalogPreferred"),
-    _L("ENetworkOperationDigitalPreferred")
-    };
-const TPtrC TMobileCallCipheringIndicator[] =
-    {
-    _L("ECipheringDisplayOff"),
-    _L("ECipheringDisplayOn")
-    };
-const TPtrC TOperatorNameType[] =
-    {
-    _L("EOperatorNameNitzFull"),
-    _L("EOperatorNameNitzShort"),
-    _L("EOperatorNameProgrammableUcs2"),
-    _L("EOperatorNameProgrammableLatin"),
-    _L("EOperatorNameHardcodedUcs2"),
-    _L("EOperatorNameHardcodedLatin"),
-    _L("EOperatorNameCountryMcn"),
-    _L("EOperatorNameMccMnc"),
-    _L("EOperatorNameFlexiblePlmn"),
-    _L("EOperatorNameHighestPriority")
-    };
-const TPtrC TMobilePhoneNetworkSecurity[] =
-    {
-    _L("ECipheringOff"),
-    _L("ECipheringGSM"),
-    _L("ECipheringWCDMA"),
-    _L("ECipheringCDMA")
-    };
-_LIT8( KLine, "---------------------------------" );
-// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::Delete
-// Delete here all resources allocated and opened from test methods.
-// Called from destructor.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNWE::Delete()
-    {
-    _LIT8 (KDelete, "CNWE::Delete" );
-    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KDelete );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::RunMethodL
-// Run specified method. Contains also table of test mothods and their names.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CNWE::RunMethodL(
-    CStifItemParser& aItem )
-    {
-    _LIT8( KLog, "CNWE: RunMethodL" );
-    iNWELog->Log( ( TDesC8 ) KLog );
-    static TStifFunctionInfo const KFunctions[] =
-        {
-        // Copy this line for every implemented function.
-        // First string is the function name used in TestScripter script file.
-        // Second is the actual implementation member function.
-        ENTRY( "RunIscTestCase",                       CCore::RunIscTestCase ),
-        ENTRY( "SyncIscTestCase",                      CCore::SyncIscTestCase ),
-        ENTRY( "RunIscTestCaseStartNTSYAfterTestToolStart",
-                CCore::RunIscTestCaseStartNTSYAfterTestToolStart),
-        ENTRY( "SyncIscTestCaseStartNTSYAfterTestToolStart", 
-                CCore::SyncIscTestCaseStartNTSYAfterTestToolStart),
-        ENTRY( "SetNetworkSelectionSetting",           CNWE::SetNetworkSelectionSettingL ),
-        ENTRY( "GetHomeNetwork",                       CNWE::GetHomeNetworkL ),
-        ENTRY( "GetNetworkRegistrationStatus",         CNWE::GetNetworkRegistrationStatusL ),
-        ENTRY( "GetCipheringIndicatorStatus",          CNWE::GetCipheringIndicatorStatusL ),
-        ENTRY( "CustomGetCipheringInfo",               CNWE::CustomGetCipheringInfoL ),
-        ENTRY( "CustomNetWakeup",                      CNWE::CustomNetWakeupL ),
-        ENTRY( "CustomGetOperatorName",                CNWE::CustomGetOperatorNameL ),
-        ENTRY( "CustomResetNetworkRegistrationStatus", CNWE::CustomResetNetworkRegistrationStatusL ),
-        ENTRY( "CustomGetSystemNetworkModes",          CNWE::CustomGetSystemNetworkModesL ),
-        ENTRY( "CustomSetSystemNetworkMode",           CNWE::CustomSetSystemNetworkModeL ),
-        ENTRY( "CustomGetCurrentSystemNetworkModes",   CNWE::CustomGetCurrentSystemNetworkModesL ),
-// not suppoted for S60 ver 3.2
-        ENTRY( "CustomSetBandSelection",               CNWE::CustomSetBandSelectionL ),
-        ENTRY( "CustomGetBandSelection",               CNWE::CustomGetBandSelectionL ),
-        ENTRY( "ManualNetworkSearch",                  CNWE::ManualNetworkSearchL ),
-        ENTRY( "ManualNetworkSearchCancel",            CNWE::ManualNetworkSearchCancelL ),
-        ENTRY( "ManualNetworkSelection",               CNWE::ManualNetworkSelectionL ),
-        ENTRY( "ManualNetworkSelectionCancel",         CNWE::ManualNetworkSelectionCancelL ),
-        ENTRY( "NotifyNetworkConnectionFailure",       CNWE::NotifyNetworkConnectionFailure ),
-        ENTRY( "GetNetworkInfo",                       CNWE::GetNetworkInfo ),
-        ENTRY( "SetNetworkInfo",                       CNWE::SetNetworkInfo ),
-        ENTRY( "WaitForCallStatusChange",              CNWE::WaitForCallStatusChange ),
-        ENTRY( "RunIscTestCaseIgnoreXMLsWhenRealCellmoInUseFlagIsDefined",
-            CCore::RunIscTestCaseIgnoreXMLsWhenRealCellmoInUseFlagIsDefined ),
-        ENTRY( "SyncIscTestCaseDoNotSyncIfRealCellmoInUseFlagIsDefined",
-            CCore::SyncIscTestCaseDoNotSyncIfRealCellmoInUseFlagIsDefined ),
-        ENTRY( "SetOperInfoAPAC",                      CCore::SetOperInfoAPAC ),
-        ENTRY( "GetCellInfo",                          CNWE::GetCellInfo ),
-        ENTRY( "NotifyNWRegStatusChangeCompareParameterSetting",
-            CNWE::NotifyNWRegStatusChangeCompareParameterSettingL ),
-        ENTRY( "NotifyNetworkSelectionSettingChangeCompareParameterSetting",
-            CNWE::NotifyNetworkSelectionSettingChangeCompareParameterSettingL ),
-        ENTRY( "NotifyCurrentNetworkChangeCompareParameterSetting",
-            CNWE::NotifyCurrentNetworkChangeCompareParameterSettingL ),
-        ENTRY( "SetShortAndLongOperName",              CNWE::SetShortAndLongOperNameL ),
-        ENTRY( "HandleSpecifiedRequests",              CCore::HandleSpecifiedRequests),
-        ENTRY( "InitializeIPCRequestTable",            CCore::InitializeIPCRequestTable),
-        ENTRY( "SetExpectedCompleteIPC",               CCore::SetExpectedCompleteIPC),
-        };
-    const TInt count = sizeof( KFunctions ) / sizeof( TStifFunctionInfo );
-    return RunInternalL( KFunctions, count, aItem );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::SetNetworkSelectionSettingL
-// SetNetworkSelection method function.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CNWE::SetNetworkSelectionSettingL( CStifItemParser& aItem )
-    {
-    _LIT8(KSetNetworkSelectionSetting, "CNWE::SetNetworkSelectionSettingL");
-    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KSetNetworkSelectionSetting);
-    TInt ret( KErrNotFound );
-    TBool selection = ETrue;
-    TPtrC string;
-    aItem.GetNextString( string );
-    // Set NetworkSelection
-    if ( _L("Manual") == string )
-        {
-        iNWELog->Log( _L("NetworkSelectionManual.") );
-        iNWSelSetting.iMethod = RMobilePhone::ENetworkSelectionManual;
-        }
-    else if ( _L("Automatic") == string )
-        {
-        iNWELog->Log( _L("NetworkSelectionAutomatic.") );
-        iNWSelSetting.iMethod = RMobilePhone::ENetworkSelectionAutomatic;
-        }
-    else if ( _L("Unknown") == string )
-        {
-        iNWELog->Log( _L("NetworkSelectionUnknown.") );
-        iNWSelSetting.iMethod = RMobilePhone::ENetworkSelectionUnknown;
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        iNWELog->Log( _L("Set NetworkSelection not possible: %d"), ret );
-        selection = EFalse;
-        }
-    if ( selection )
-        {
-        CMmDataPackage dataPackage;
-        dataPackage.PackData(&iNWSelSetting);
-        ret = HandleRequestL( EMobilePhoneSetNetworkSelectionSetting,
-            &dataPackage );
-        if ( !iHandleSpecifiedRequests )
-            {
-            iSetNetworkSelectionSettingOngoing = ETrue;
-            }
-        if ( KErrNone == ret )
-            {
-            _LIT8( KSendOk, "Set NetworkSelectionSetting request send ok" );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KSendOk );
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            _LIT8( KSendFailed, "Set NetworkSelectionSetting request send failed: %d" );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KSendFailed, ret );
-            }
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        ret = KErrNotSupported;
-        }
-    return ret;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::CompleteSetNetworkSelectionSetting
-// Complete SetNetworkSelection method function.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNWE::CompleteSetNetworkSelectionSetting( TInt aResult )
-    {
-    _LIT8( KResult, "CNWE::CompleteSetNetworkSelectionSetting result: %d" );
-    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResult, aResult );
-    if ( ( iSetNetworkSelectionSettingOngoing ) ||
-        ( iHandleSpecifiedRequests ) )
-        {
-        iSetNetworkSelectionSettingOngoing = EFalse;
-        _LIT8( KResultComplete, "SetNetworkSelectionSetting Completed" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultComplete );
-        Signal( aResult );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::GetHomeNetworkL
-// GetHomeNetwork method function.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CNWE::GetHomeNetworkL( CStifItemParser& aItem )
-    {
-    _LIT8(KGetHomeNetwork, "CNWE::GetHomeNetworkL");
-    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KGetHomeNetwork);
-    TInt ret( KErrNotFound );
-    TPtrC string;
-    aItem.SetParsingType( CStifItemParser::EQuoteStyleParsing );
-    iSavedDisplayTagForComparison[0].Zero();
-    aItem.GetNextString( string );
-    // Hard coded APAC name string:
-    // - Operator name: CSL
-    // - Unicode name: 0x8A0A, 0x806F, 0x96FB, 0x4FE1
-    // - MCC 454, MNC 18
-    if ( _L("APAC_NAME") == string )
-        {
-        iSavedDisplayTagForComparison[0].Append( 0x8A0A );
-        iSavedDisplayTagForComparison[0].Append( 0x806F );
-        iSavedDisplayTagForComparison[0].Append( 0x96FB );
-        iSavedDisplayTagForComparison[0].Append( 0x4FE1 );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        iSavedDisplayTagForComparison[0].Append( string );
-        }
-    aItem.GetNextString( string );
-    iSavedShortNameForComparison[0].Zero();
-    if ( _L("NO_SHORT_NAME") != string )
-        {
-        iSavedShortNameForComparison[0].Append( string );
-        }
-    aItem.GetNextString( string );
-    iSavedLongNameForComparison[0].Zero();
-    if ( _L("NO_LONG_NAME") != string )
-        {
-        iSavedLongNameForComparison[0].Append( string );
-        }
-    ret = HandleRequestL( EMobilePhoneGetHomeNetwork );
-    iGetHomeNetworkOngoing = ETrue;
-    if ( KErrNone == ret )
-        {
-        _LIT8( KOk, "GetHomeNetwork request send ok: %d" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KOk, ret );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        _LIT8( KFail, "GetHomeNetwork request send fails: %d" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KFail, ret );
-        }
-    return ret;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::CompleteGetHomeNetwork
-// Complete GetHomeNetwork method function.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNWE::CompleteGetHomeNetwork(
-    TInt aResult,
-    CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage )
-    {
-    _LIT8( KResult, "CNWE::CompleteGetHomeNetwork result: %d" );
-    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResult, aResult );
-    if ( KErrNone == aResult )
-        {
-        aDataPackage->UnPackData( iNWInfo );
-        PrintCurrentNetworkInfo( iNWInfo );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        _LIT8( KFail, "CompleteGetHomeNetwork Failed: %d" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KFail, aResult );
-        }
-    if ( ( 0 != iSavedDisplayTagForComparison[0].Compare( _L( "DONT_CARE_NETWORK_NAME" ) ) ) &&
-        ( KErrNone == aResult ) )
-        {
-        if ( ( iSavedDisplayTagForComparison[0] != iNWInfo.iDisplayTag ) ||
-            ( iSavedShortNameForComparison[0] != iNWInfo.iShortName ) ||
-            ( iSavedLongNameForComparison[0] != iNWInfo.iLongName ) )
-            {
-            _LIT8( KResultFail, "CompleteGetHomeNetwork - operator names do not match" );
-            aResult = KErrGeneral;
-            }
-        }
-    if ( ( iGetHomeNetworkOngoing ) ||
-        ( iHandleSpecifiedRequests ) )
-        {
-        iGetHomeNetworkOngoing = EFalse;
-        _LIT8( KResultComplete, "GetHomeNetwork Completed" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultComplete );
-        Signal( aResult );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::PrintCurrentNetworkInfo
-// Prints current network info
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNWE::PrintCurrentNetworkInfo(
-    RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkInfoV5 aNetworkInfo )
-    {
-    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KLine );
-    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KText );
-    _LIT8( KMode, "Mode: " );
-    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KMode );
-    iNWELog->Log( NetworkMode[aNetworkInfo.iMode] );
-    _LIT8( KStatus, "Status: " );
-    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KStatus );
-    iNWELog->Log( NetworkStatus[aNetworkInfo.iStatus] );
-    _LIT8( KCountry, "Country Code: " );
-    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KCountry );
-    iNWELog->Log( aNetworkInfo.iCountryCode );
-    _LIT8( KNetworkId, "NetworkId: " );
-    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KNetworkId );
-    iNWELog->Log( aNetworkInfo.iNetworkId );
-    _LIT8( KHsdpaCellIndicator, "HSDPA available in cell: " );
-    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KHsdpaCellIndicator );
-    iNWELog->Log( BooleanFlag[aNetworkInfo.iHsdpaAvailableIndicator] );
-    _LIT8( KDisplayTag, "DisplayTag: " );
-    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KDisplayTag );
-    iNWELog->Log( aNetworkInfo.iDisplayTag );
-    _LIT8( KShortName, "ShortName: " );
-    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KShortName );
-    iNWELog->Log( aNetworkInfo.iShortName );
-    _LIT8( KLongName, "LongName: " );
-    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KLongName );
-    iNWELog->Log( aNetworkInfo.iLongName );
-    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KLine );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::GetNetworkRegistrationStatusL
-// GetNetworkRegistrationStatus method function.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CNWE::GetNetworkRegistrationStatusL( CStifItemParser& aItem )
-    {
-    _LIT8(KGetNetworkRegistrationStatus, "CNWE::GetNetworkRegistrationStatusL" );
-    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KGetNetworkRegistrationStatus );
-    TInt ret( KErrNotFound );
-    iHSXPATestOngoing = EFalse;
-    TPtrC string;
-    aItem.GetNextString( string );
-    iSavedDisplayTagForComparison[0].Zero();
-    // Hard coded APAC name string:
-    // - Operator name: CSL
-    // - Unicode name: 0x8A0A, 0x806F, 0x96FB, 0x4FE1
-    // - MCC 454, MNC 18
-    if ( _L("APAC_NAME") == string )
-        {
-        iSavedDisplayTagForComparison[0].Append( 0x8A0A );
-        iSavedDisplayTagForComparison[0].Append( 0x806F );
-        iSavedDisplayTagForComparison[0].Append( 0x96FB );
-        iSavedDisplayTagForComparison[0].Append( 0x4FE1 );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        iSavedDisplayTagForComparison[0].Append( string );
-        }
-    aItem.GetNextString( string );
-    iSavedShortNameForComparison[0].Zero();
-    if ( _L("NO_SHORT_NAME") != string )
-        {
-        iSavedShortNameForComparison[0].Append( string );
-        }
-    aItem.GetNextString( string );
-    iSavedLongNameForComparison[0].Zero();
-    if ( _L("NO_LONG_NAME") != string )
-        {
-        iSavedLongNameForComparison[0].Append( string );
-        }
-    aItem.GetNextString( string );
-    if ( _L("HSXPATest") == string )
-        {
-        iHSXPATestOngoing = ETrue;
-        aItem.GetNextString( string );
-        if ( _L("HSUPA") == string || _L("HSDPA") == string || _L("HSDPAandHSUPA") == string )
-            {
-            iSavedNetworkInfo.iHsdpaAvailableIndicator = ETrue;
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            iSavedNetworkInfo.iHsdpaAvailableIndicator = EFalse;
-            }
-        }
-    ret = HandleRequestL( EMobilePhoneGetNetworkRegistrationStatus );
-    iGetNetworkRegistrationStatusOngoing = ETrue;
-    if ( KErrNone == ret )
-        {
-        _LIT8(KResultOk, "GetNetworkRegistrationStatus request send ok" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultOk);
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        _LIT8(KResultFail, "GetNetworkRegistrationStatus request send fails: %d" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultFail, ret );
-        }
-    return ret;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::CompleteGetNetworkRegistrationStatus
-// Complete GetNetworkRegistrationStatus method function.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNWE::CompleteGetNetworkRegistrationStatus( TInt aResult )
-    {
-    _LIT8(KResult, "CNWE::CompleteGetNetworkRegistrationStatus result: %d" );
-    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResult, aResult );
-    if ( ( iGetNetworkRegistrationStatusOngoing ) ||
-        ( iHandleSpecifiedRequests ) )
-        {
-        if ( iHandleSpecifiedRequests )
-            {
-            if ( iHSXPATestOngoing )
-                {
-                if ( ( iSavedNetworkInfo.iHsdpaAvailableIndicator != iNetworkInfo.iHsdpaAvailableIndicator ) &&
-                    ( KErrNone == aResult ) )
-                    {
-                    aResult = KErrGeneral;
-                    }
-                }
-            else
-                {
-                if ( ( iNWRegStatusForComparison != iRegistrationStatus ) &&
-                    ( KErrNone == aResult ) )
-                    {
-                    aResult = KErrGeneral;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        iGetNetworkRegistrationStatusOngoing = EFalse;
-        _LIT8( KResultComplete, "GetNetworkRegistrationStatus Completed" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultComplete );
-        Signal( aResult );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::NotifyNWRegStatusChangeCompareParameterSettingL
-// NotifyNWRegStatusChangeCompareParameterSetting method function.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CNWE::NotifyNWRegStatusChangeCompareParameterSettingL(
-    CStifItemParser& aItem )
-    {
-    _LIT8( KNotifyNWRegStatusChangeCompareParameterSettingL,
-        "CNWE::NotifyNWRegStatusChangeCompareParameterSettingL");
-    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KNotifyNWRegStatusChangeCompareParameterSettingL);
-    TPtrC string;
-    iNWRegStatusForComparison = RMobilePhone::ERegistrationUnknown;
-    iNetworkStatusForComparison = RMobilePhone::ENetworkStatusUnknown;
-    aItem.GetNextString( string );
-    if ( _L("ERegisteredOnHomeNetwork") == string )
-        {
-        iNWRegStatusForComparison = RMobilePhone::ERegisteredOnHomeNetwork;
-        }
-    else if ( _L("ERegistrationDenied") == string )
-        {
-        iNWRegStatusForComparison = RMobilePhone::ERegistrationDenied;
-        }
-    else if ( _L("ERegisteredRoaming") == string )
-        {
-        iNWRegStatusForComparison = RMobilePhone::ERegisteredRoaming;
-        }
-    aItem.GetNextString( string );
-    if ( _L("ENetworkStatusCurrent") == string )
-        {
-        iNetworkStatusForComparison = RMobilePhone::ENetworkStatusCurrent;
-        }
-    aItem.GetNextString( string );
-    if ( _L("ALLOW_ALSO_NOK_RESULT_FROM_TSY") == string )
-        {
-        iAllowAlsoNokStatusFromTSY = ETrue;
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        iAllowAlsoNokStatusFromTSY = EFalse;
-        }
-    return KErrNone;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::NotifyNetworkRegistrationStatusChange
-// Notify Change of Network Registration Status
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNWE::NotifyNetworkRegistrationStatusChange(
-    TInt aResult,
-    CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage )
-    {
-    if ( ( iNotifyList[ENotifyNetworkRegistrationStatusChange] ) ||
-        ( iHandleSpecifiedRequests ) )
-        {
-        _LIT8(KRegStatusChange, "CNWE::NotifyNetworkRegistrationStatusChange" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KRegStatusChange);
-        if ( ( KErrNone == aResult ) ||
-             ( iAllowAlsoNokStatusFromTSY ) )
-            {
-            aDataPackage->UnPackData( iRegistrationStatus, iNetworkStatus );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KLine );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KRegStatusChange);
-            _LIT8(KRegStatus, "Registration Status: " );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KRegStatus );
-            iNWELog->Log( RegistrationStatus[iRegistrationStatus] );
-            _LIT8(KNetWorkStatus, "Network Status: " );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KNetWorkStatus );
-            iNWELog->Log( NetworkStatus[iNetworkStatus] );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KLine );
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            _LIT8(KFailed, "NotifyNetworkRegistrationStatusChange Failed" );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KFailed);
-            }
-        }
-    if ( iHandleSpecifiedRequests )
-        {
-        if ( ( iNWRegStatusForComparison != iRegistrationStatus ) ||
-            ( iNetworkStatusForComparison != iNetworkStatus ) )
-            {
-            aResult = KErrGeneral;
-            }
-        Signal( aResult );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::NotifyNetworkSelectionSettingChangeCompareParameterSettingL
-// NotifyNetworkSelectionSettingChangeCompareParameterSetting method function.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CNWE::NotifyNetworkSelectionSettingChangeCompareParameterSettingL(
-    CStifItemParser& aItem )
-    {
-    _LIT8( KNetworkRegistrationStatusChangeCompareParameterSetting,
-        "CNWE::NotifyNetworkSelectionSettingChangeCompareParameterSettingL");
-    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KNetworkRegistrationStatusChangeCompareParameterSetting);
-    TPtrC string;
-    iNetworkSelectionForComparison.iMethod = RMobilePhone::ENetworkSelectionUnknown;
-    iNetworkSelectionForComparison.iBandClass = RMobilePhone::ENetworkBandClassUnknown;
-    iNetworkSelectionForComparison.iOperationMode = RMobilePhone::ENetworkOperationUnknown;
-    aItem.GetNextString( string );
-    if ( _L("ENetworkSelectionAutomatic") == string )
-        {
-        iNetworkSelectionForComparison.iMethod =
-            RMobilePhone::ENetworkSelectionAutomatic;
-        }
-    else if ( _L("ENetworkSelectionUnknown") == string )
-        {
-        iNetworkSelectionForComparison.iMethod =
-            RMobilePhone::ENetworkSelectionUnknown;
-        }
-    else if ( _L("ENetworkSelectionManual") == string )
-        {
-        iNetworkSelectionForComparison.iMethod =
-            RMobilePhone::ENetworkSelectionManual;
-        }
-    aItem.GetNextString( string );
-    if ( _L("ENetworkBandClassUnknown") == string )
-        {
-        iNetworkSelectionForComparison.iBandClass =
-            RMobilePhone::ENetworkBandClassUnknown;
-        }
-    aItem.GetNextString( string );
-    if ( _L("ENetworkOperationUnknown") == string )
-        {
-        iNetworkSelectionForComparison.iOperationMode =
-            RMobilePhone::ENetworkOperationUnknown;
-        }
-    return KErrNone;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::NotifyNetworkSelectionSettingChange
-// Notify Change of Network Selection Setting
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNWE::NotifyNetworkSelectionSettingChange(
-    TInt aResult,
-    CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage )
-    {
-    if ( ( iNotifyList[ENotifyNetworkSelectionSettingChange] ) ||
-        ( iHandleSpecifiedRequests ) )
-        {
-        _LIT8(KNotifyNWSelSetChange, "CNWE::NotifyNetworkSelectionSettingChange" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KNotifyNWSelSetChange );
-        if ( ( KErrNone == aResult ) ||
-             ( iAllowAlsoNokStatusFromTSY ) )
-            {
-            aDataPackage->UnPackData( iNetworkSelection );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KLine );
-            _LIT8(KSelectionSettingChange, "NotifyNetworkSelectionSettingChange" );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KSelectionSettingChange );
-            _LIT8(KMethod, "Selection Method: " );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KMethod );
-            iNWELog->Log( MobilePhoneSelectionMethod[iNetworkSelection.iMethod] );
-            _LIT8(KBand, "Band Class: " );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KBand );
-            iNWELog->Log( TMobilePhoneBandClass[iNetworkSelection.iBandClass] );
-            _LIT8(KOperation, "Operation: " );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KOperation );
-            iNWELog->Log( TMobilePhoneOperation[iNetworkSelection.iOperationMode] );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KLine );
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            _LIT8(KFailed, "NotifyNetworkSelectionSettingChange Failed" );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KFailed);
-            }
-        }
-    if ( iHandleSpecifiedRequests )
-        {
-        if ( ( iNetworkSelection.iMethod != iNetworkSelectionForComparison.iMethod ) ||
-            ( iNetworkSelection.iBandClass != iNetworkSelectionForComparison.iBandClass ) ||
-            ( iNetworkSelection.iOperationMode != iNetworkSelectionForComparison.iOperationMode ) )
-            {
-            aResult = KErrGeneral;
-            }
-        Signal( aResult );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::NotifyCurrentNetworkChangeCompareParameterSettingL
-// NotifyCurrentNetworkChangeCompareParameterSetting method function.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CNWE::NotifyCurrentNetworkChangeCompareParameterSettingL(
-    CStifItemParser& aItem )
-    {
-    _LIT8(KNotifyCurrentNetworkChangeCompareParameterSetting,
-        "CNWE::NotifyCurrentNetworkChangeCompareParameterSettingL");
-    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KNotifyCurrentNetworkChangeCompareParameterSetting);
-    aItem.GetNextInt( iLocationAreaForComparison.iAreaKnown );
-    aItem.GetNextInt( iLocationAreaForComparison.iLocationAreaCode );
-    aItem.GetNextInt( iLocationAreaForComparison.iCellId );
-    TPtrC string;
-    aItem.GetNextString( string );
-    if ( _L("DONT_CARE_NETWORK_NAME") == string )
-        {
-        iSavedDisplayTagForComparison[0].Zero();
-        iSavedDisplayTagForComparison[0].Append( string );
-        iSavedShortNameForComparison[0].Zero();
-        iSavedShortNameForComparison[0].Append( string );
-        iSavedLongNameForComparison[0].Zero();
-        iSavedLongNameForComparison[0].Append( string );
-        }
-    return KErrNone;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::NotifyCurrentNetworkChange
-// NotifyChange of Current Network
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNWE::NotifyCurrentNetworkChange(
-    TInt aResult,
-    CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage )
-    {
-    if ( ( iNotifyList[ENotifyCurrentNetworkChange] ) ||
-        ( iHandleSpecifiedRequests ) )
-        {
-        _LIT8(KNotifyCurrentNetworkChange, "CNWE::NotifyCurrentNetworkChange" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KNotifyCurrentNetworkChange );
-        if ( KErrNone == aResult )
-            {
-            aDataPackage->UnPackData( iNetworkInfo, iLocationArea );
-            PrintCurrentNetworkInfo( iNetworkInfo );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KLine );
-            _LIT8(KLocationArea, "LOCATION AREA INFO" );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KLocationArea);
-            _LIT8(KAreaKnown, "Area Known:" );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KAreaKnown );
-            iNWELog->Log( BooleanFlag[iLocationArea.iAreaKnown] );
-            _LIT8(KLocationAreaCode, "Location Area Code: %d" );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KLocationAreaCode, iLocationArea.iLocationAreaCode );
-            _LIT8(KCellId, "Cell Id: %d" );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KCellId, iLocationArea.iCellId);
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KLine );
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            _LIT8(Fail, "NotifyCurrentNetworkChange Failed" );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)Fail);
-            }
-        }
-    if ( ( 0 != iSavedDisplayTagForComparison[0].Compare( _L( "DONT_CARE_NETWORK_NAME" ) ) ) &&
-        ( KErrNone == aResult ) )
-        {
-        if ( ( iSavedDisplayTagForComparison[0] != iNetworkInfo.iDisplayTag ) ||
-            ( iSavedShortNameForComparison[0] != iNetworkInfo.iShortName ) ||
-            ( iSavedLongNameForComparison[0] != iNetworkInfo.iLongName ) )
-            {
-            _LIT8( KResultFail, "NotifyCurrentNetworkChange - operator names do not match" );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultFail);
-            aResult = KErrGeneral;
-            }
-        }
-    if ( iHandleSpecifiedRequests )
-        {
-        if ( ( iLocationArea.iAreaKnown != iLocationAreaForComparison.iAreaKnown ) ||
-            ( iLocationArea.iLocationAreaCode != iLocationAreaForComparison.iLocationAreaCode ) ||
-            ( iLocationArea.iCellId != iLocationAreaForComparison.iCellId ) )
-            {
-            aResult = KErrGeneral;
-            }
-        Signal( aResult );
-        }
-    if ( iNetworkModeTestOnGoing )
-        {
-        SetNetworkInfo( aResult, aDataPackage, EMobilePhoneNotifyCurrentNetworkChange );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::NotifyModeChange
-// Notify Change of Mode
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNWE::NotifyModeChange(
-    TInt aResult,
-    CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage )
-    {
-    if ( ( iNotifyList[ENotifyModeChange] ) ||
-        ( iHandleSpecifiedRequests ) )
-        {
-        _LIT8(KNotifyModeChange, "CNWE::NotifyModeChange" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KNotifyModeChange );
-        if ( KErrNone == aResult )
-            {
-            aDataPackage->UnPackData( iNetworkMode );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KLine );
-            _LIT8(KText, "ModeChange" );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KText);
-            _LIT8(KMode, "Mode: " );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KMode );
-            iNWELog->Log( NetworkMode[iNetworkMode] );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KLine );
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            _LIT8(KFail, "NotifyModeChange Failed" );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KFail);
-            }
-        }
-    if ( iHandleSpecifiedRequests )
-        {
-        if ( iNetworkModeStatus[0] != iNetworkMode )
-            {
-            aResult = KErrGeneral;
-            }
-        Signal( aResult );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::GetCipheringIndicatorStatusL
-// GetCipheringIndicatorStatus method function.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CNWE::GetCipheringIndicatorStatusL( CStifItemParser& aItem )
-    {
-    _LIT8(KGetCipheringIndicatorStatus, "CNWE::GetCipheringIndicatorStatusL" );
-    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KGetCipheringIndicatorStatus );
-    TInt ret( KErrNotFound );
-    TPtrC string;
-    aItem.GetNextString( string );
-        {
-        iCipherIndicatorStatusForComparison = RMobilePhone::ECipheringDisplayOn;
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        iCipherIndicatorStatusForComparison = RMobilePhone::ECipheringDisplayOff;
-        }
-    aItem.GetNextString( string );
-    if ( _L("SET_ONLY_COMPARISON_VALUE") == string )
-        {
-        // Do nothing, but set ret value, because iCipherIndicatorStatusForComparison
-        // is set for comparison when EMobilePhoneGetCipheringIndicatorStatus has been
-        // received after sequence:
-        // NET_CIPHERING_IND received (cmmnetmesshandler and cmmcustommesshandler
-        // SIM_READ_CI_REQ is sent from cmmcustommesshandler
-        // SIM_READ_CI_RESP has been received and that response causes complete
-        // with IPC EMobilePhoneGetCipheringIndicatorStatus
-        ret = KErrNone;
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        ret = HandleRequestL( EMobilePhoneGetCipheringIndicatorStatus );
-        iGetCipheringIndicatorStatusOngoing = ETrue;
-        if ( KErrNone == ret )
-            {
-            _LIT8( KResultOk, "GetCipheringIndicatorStatus request send ok" );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultOk);
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            _LIT8( KResultFail, "GetCipheringIndicatorStatus request send fails: %d" );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultFail, ret );
-            }
-        }
-    return ret;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::CompleteGetCipheringIndicatorStatus
-// Complete GetCipheringIndicatorStatus method function.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNWE::CompleteGetCipheringIndicatorStatus
-    (
-    TInt aResult, // Completion result value
-    CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage // pointer to DataPackage
-    )
-    {
-    // checking results and unpacking message
-    _LIT8( KResult, "CNWE::CompleteGetCipheringIndicatorStatus result: %d" );
-    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResult, aResult );
-    if ( KErrNone == aResult )
-        {
-        aDataPackage->UnPackData( &iCipherIndicatorStatus );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KLine );
-        _LIT8( KCipIndStatus, "Ciphering Indicator Status: " );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KCipIndStatus );
-        iNWELog->Log( TMobileCallCipheringIndicator[*iCipherIndicatorStatus] );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KLine );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        _LIT8( KResultFail, "CompleteGetCipheringIndicatorStatus Failed: %d" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultFail, aResult );
-        }
-    if ( ( iGetCipheringIndicatorStatusOngoing ) ||
-        ( iHandleSpecifiedRequests ) )
-        {
-        iGetCipheringIndicatorStatusOngoing = EFalse;
-        _LIT8( KResultComplete, "GetCipheringIndicatorStatus Completed" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultComplete );
-        if ( ( iCipherIndicatorStatusForComparison != *iCipherIndicatorStatus ) &&
-            ( KErrNone == aResult ) &&
-            ( iHandleSpecifiedRequests ) )
-            {
-            aResult = KErrGeneral;
-            }
-        Signal( aResult );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::CustomGetCipheringInfoL
-// CustomGetCipheringInfo method function.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CNWE::CustomGetCipheringInfoL( CStifItemParser& aItem )
-    {
-    _LIT8(KCustomGetCipheringInfo, "CNWE::CustomGetCipheringInfoL" );
-    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KCustomGetCipheringInfo );
-    TInt ret( KErrNotFound );
-    TPtrC string;
-    aItem.GetNextString( string );
-        {
-        iCipherIndicatorOnOff = ETrue;
-        iCipherIndicatorStatusForComparison = RMobilePhone::ECipheringDisplayOn;
-        }
-    ret = HandleRequestL( ECustomGetCipheringInfoIPC );
-    iCustomGetCipheringInfoOngoing = ETrue;
-    if ( KErrNone == ret )
-        {
-        _LIT8( KResultOk, "CustomGetCipheringInfo request send ok" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultOk);
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        _LIT8( KResultFail, "CustomGetCipheringInfo request send fails: %d" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultFail, ret );
-        }
-    return ret;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::CompleteCustomGetCipheringInfo
-// Complete CustomGetCipheringInfo method function.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNWE::CompleteCustomGetCipheringInfo
-    (
-    TInt aResult, // Completion result value
-    CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage // pointer to DataPackage
-    )
-    {
-    // checking results and unpacking message
-    _LIT8( KResult, "CNWE::CompleteCustomGetCipheringInfo result: %d" );
-    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResult, aResult );
-    TBool cipherInfo(EFalse);
-    if ( KErrNone == aResult )
-        {
-        aDataPackage->UnPackData( cipherInfo );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KLine );
-        _LIT8( KCipInfo, "Status of the Ciphering indication: %d" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KCipInfo, ( TInt ) cipherInfo );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KLine );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        _LIT8( KResultFail, "CompleteCustomGetCipheringInfo Failed: %d" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultFail, aResult );
-        }
-    if ( ( iCustomGetCipheringInfoOngoing ) ||
-        ( iHandleSpecifiedRequests ) )
-        {
-        iCustomGetCipheringInfoOngoing = EFalse;
-        _LIT8( KResultComplete, "CustomGetCipheringInfo Completed" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultComplete );
-        if ( ( iCipherIndicatorOnOff != cipherInfo ) &&
-            ( KErrNone == aResult ) &&
-            ( iHandleSpecifiedRequests ) )
-            {
-            aResult = KErrGeneral;
-            }
-        Signal( aResult );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::CustomNetWakeupL
-// CustomNetWakeup method function.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CNWE::CustomNetWakeupL( CStifItemParser& /*aItem*/ )
-    {
-    _LIT8(KCustomNetWakeup, "CNWE::CustomNetWakeupL" );
-    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KCustomNetWakeup );
-    TInt ret( KErrNotFound );
-    ret = HandleRequestL( ECustomNetWakeupIPC );
-    iCustomNetWakeupOngoing = ETrue;
-    if ( KErrNone == ret )
-        {
-        _LIT8( KResultOk, "CustomNetWakeup request send ok" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultOk);
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        _LIT8( KResultFail, "CustomNetWakeup request send fails: %d" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultFail, ret );
-        }
-    return ret;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::CompleteCustomNetWakeup
-// Complete CustomNetWakeup method function.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNWE::CompleteCustomNetWakeup
-    (
-    TInt aResult // Completion result value
-    )
-    {
-    _LIT8( KResult, "CNWE::CompleteCustomNetWakeup result: %d" );
-    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResult, aResult );
-    if ( ( iCustomNetWakeupOngoing ) ||
-        ( iHandleSpecifiedRequests ) )
-        {
-        iCustomNetWakeupOngoing = EFalse;
-        _LIT8( KResultComplete, "CustomNetWakeup Completed" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultComplete );
-        Signal( aResult );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::CustomGetOperatorNameL
-// CustomGetOperatorName method function.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CNWE::CustomGetOperatorNameL( CStifItemParser& aItem )
-    {
-    _LIT8(KCustomGetOperatorName, "CNWE::CustomGetOperatorNameL" );
-    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KCustomGetOperatorName );
-    TPtrC string;
-    aItem.SetParsingType( CStifItemParser::EQuoteStyleParsing );
-    aItem.GetNextString( string );
-    iSavedDisplayTagForComparison[0].Zero();
-    // Hard coded APAC name string:
-    // - Operator name: CSL
-    // - Unicode name: 0x8A0A, 0x806F, 0x96FB, 0x4FE1
-    // - MCC 454, MNC 18
-    if ( _L("APAC_NAME") == string )
-        {
-        iSavedDisplayTagForComparison[0].Append( 0x8A0A );
-        iSavedDisplayTagForComparison[0].Append( 0x806F );
-        iSavedDisplayTagForComparison[0].Append( 0x96FB );
-        iSavedDisplayTagForComparison[0].Append( 0x4FE1 );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        iSavedDisplayTagForComparison[0].Append( string );
-        }
-    aItem.GetNextString( string );
-    iSavedShortNameForComparison[0].Zero();
-    if ( _L("NO_SHORT_NAME") != string )
-        {
-        iSavedShortNameForComparison[0].Append( string );
-        }
-    aItem.GetNextString( string );
-    iSavedLongNameForComparison[0].Zero();
-    if ( _L("NO_LONG_NAME") != string )
-        {
-        iSavedLongNameForComparison[0].Append( string );
-        }
-    aItem.GetNextString( string );
-    iSavedOperNameForComparison.Zero();
-    // Hard coded APAC name string:
-    // - Operator name: CSL
-    // - Unicode name: 0x8A0A, 0x806F, 0x96FB, 0x4FE1
-    // - MCC 454, MNC 18
-    if ( _L("APAC_NAME") == string )
-        {
-        iSavedOperNameForComparison.Append( 0x8A0A );
-        iSavedOperNameForComparison.Append( 0x806F );
-        iSavedOperNameForComparison.Append( 0x96FB );
-        iSavedOperNameForComparison.Append( 0x4FE1 );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        iSavedOperNameForComparison.Append( string );
-        }
-    aItem.GetNextString( string );
-    iSavedOperNameTypeForComparison.Zero();
-    iSavedOperNameTypeForComparison.Append( string );
-    TInt ret( KErrNotFound );
-    aItem.GetNextString( string );
-    if ( _L("SET_ONLY_COMPARISON_VALUE") == string )
-        {
-        // Set only expected values for comparison
-        ret = KErrNone;
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        ret = HandleRequestL( ECustomGetOperatorNameIPC );
-        iCustomGetOperatorNameOngoing = ETrue;
-        if ( KErrNone == ret )
-            {
-            _LIT8( KResultOk, "CustomGetOperatorName request send ok" );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultOk);
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            _LIT8( KResultFail, "CustomGetOperatorName request send fails: %d" );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultFail, ret );
-            }
-        }
-    return ret;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::CompleteCustomGetOperatorName
-// Complete CustomGetOperatorName method function.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNWE::CompleteCustomGetOperatorName
-    (
-    TInt aResult, // Completion result value
-    CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage // pointer to DataPackage
-    )
-    {
-    // checking results and unpacking message
-    _LIT8( KResult, "CNWE::CompleteCustomGetOperatorName result: %d" );
-    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResult, aResult );
-    RMmCustomAPI::TOperatorNameType operNameType;
-    if ( KErrNone == aResult )
-        {
-        aDataPackage->UnPackData( iOperatorName );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KLine );
-        _LIT8( KOperatorNameType, "Operator name type: " );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KOperatorNameType );
-        iNWELog->Log( TOperatorNameType[iOperatorName.iType] );
-        _LIT8( KOperatorName, "Operator name: " );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KOperatorName );
-        iNWELog->Log( iOperatorName.iName );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KLine );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        _LIT8( KResultFail, "CompleteCustomGetOperatorName Failed: %d" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultFail, aResult );
-        }
-    if ( ( 0 != iSavedOperNameForComparison.Compare( _L( "DONT_CARE_NETWORK_NAME" ) ) ) &&
-        ( KErrNone == aResult ) )
-        {
-        if ( iSavedOperNameForComparison != iOperatorName.iName )
-            {
-            aResult = KErrGeneral;
-            _LIT8( KResultFail, "CompleteCustomGetOperatorName - operator names do not match" );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultFail, aResult );
-            }
-        if ( 0 == iSavedOperNameTypeForComparison.Compare( _L( "EOperatorNameHardcodedLatin" ) ) )
-            {
-            operNameType = RMmCustomAPI::EOperatorNameHardcodedLatin;
-            }
-        else if ( 0 == iSavedOperNameTypeForComparison.Compare( _L( "EOperatorNameHardcodedUcs2" ) ) )
-            {
-            operNameType = RMmCustomAPI::EOperatorNameHardcodedUcs2;
-            }
-        else if ( 0 == iSavedOperNameTypeForComparison.Compare( _L( "EOperatorNameNitzFull" ) ) )
-            {
-            operNameType = RMmCustomAPI::EOperatorNameNitzFull;
-            }
-        else if ( 0 == iSavedOperNameTypeForComparison.Compare( _L( "EOperatorNameNitzShort" ) ) )
-            {
-            operNameType = RMmCustomAPI::EOperatorNameNitzShort;
-            }
-        else if ( 0 == iSavedOperNameTypeForComparison.Compare( _L( "EOperatorNameFlexiblePlmn" ) ) )
-            {
-            operNameType = RMmCustomAPI::EOperatorNameFlexiblePlmn;
-            }
-        else if ( 0 == iSavedOperNameTypeForComparison.Compare( _L( "EOperatorNameCountryMcn" ) ) )
-            {
-            operNameType = RMmCustomAPI::EOperatorNameCountryMcn;
-            }
-        else if ( 0 == iSavedOperNameTypeForComparison.Compare( _L( "EOperatorNameMccMnc" ) ) )
-            {
-            operNameType = RMmCustomAPI::EOperatorNameMccMnc;
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            // Default value for comparison if any of values above hasn't been given in the function
-            // CustomGetOperatorName call and will cause test case fail if typical operator name type
-            // have been received from network (latin or ucs2).
-            operNameType = RMmCustomAPI::EOperatorNameHighestPriority;
-            }
-        if ( operNameType != iOperatorName.iType )
-            {
-            aResult = KErrGeneral;
-            _LIT8( KResultFail, "CompleteCustomGetOperatorName - operator name type doesn't match" );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultFail, aResult );
-            }
-        }
-    if ( ( iCustomGetOperatorNameOngoing ) ||
-        ( iHandleSpecifiedRequests ) )
-        {
-        iCustomGetOperatorNameOngoing = EFalse;
-        _LIT8( KResultComplete, "CustomGetOperatorName Completed" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultComplete );
-        Signal( aResult );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::CustomResetNetworkRegistrationStatusL
-// CustomResetNetworkRegistrationStatus method function.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CNWE::CustomResetNetworkRegistrationStatusL( CStifItemParser& /*aItem*/ )
-    {
-    _LIT8(KCustomResetNetRegStat, "CNWE::CustomResetNetworkRegistrationStatusL" );
-    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KCustomResetNetRegStat );
-    TInt ret( KErrNotFound );
-    ret = HandleRequestL( ECustomResetNetServerIPC );
-    iCustomResetNetworkRegistrationStatusOngoing = ETrue;
-    if ( KErrNone == ret )
-        {
-        _LIT8( KResultOk, "CustomResetNetworkRegistrationStatus request send ok" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultOk);
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        _LIT8( KResultFail, "CustomResetNetworkRegistrationStatus request send fails: %d" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultFail, ret );
-        }
-    return ret;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::CompleteCustomResetNetworkRegistrationStatus
-// Complete CustomResetNetworkRegistrationStatus method function.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNWE::CompleteCustomResetNetworkRegistrationStatus( TInt aResult )
-    {
-    _LIT8( KResult, "CNWE::CompleteCustomResetNetworkRegistrationStatus result: %d" );
-    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResult, aResult );
-    if ( ( iCustomResetNetworkRegistrationStatusOngoing ) ||
-        ( iHandleSpecifiedRequests ) )
-        {
-        iCustomResetNetworkRegistrationStatusOngoing = EFalse;
-        _LIT8( KResultComplete, "CustomResetNetworkRegistrationStatus Completed" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultComplete );
-        Signal( aResult );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::CustomGetSystemNetworkModesL
-// CustomGetSystemNetworkModes method function.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CNWE::CustomGetSystemNetworkModesL( CStifItemParser& aItem )
-    {
-    _LIT8(KCustomGetSystemNetworkModes, "CNWE::CustomGetSystemNetworkModesL" );
-    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KCustomGetSystemNetworkModes );
-    TInt ret( KErrNotFound );
-    TPtrC string;
-    aItem.GetNextString( string );
-    iNetworkModeForComparison = 3; // KCapsNetworkModeDual
-    if ( _L("NET_GSM_RAT") == string )
-        {
-        iNetworkModeForComparison = 1;
-        }
-    if ( _L("NET_UMTS_RAT") == string )
-        {
-        iNetworkModeForComparison = 2;
-        }
-    TBool useCurrentRats = EFalse;
-    CMmDataPackage dataPackage;
-    dataPackage.PackData(&useCurrentRats);
-    ret = HandleRequestL(
-        ECustomGetSystemNetworkModesIPC,
-        &dataPackage );
-    iCustomGetSystemNetworkModesOngoing = ETrue;
-    if ( KErrNone == ret )
-        {
-        _LIT8( KResultOk, "CustomGetSystemNetworkModes request send ok" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultOk);
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        _LIT8( KResultFail, "CustomGetSystemNetworkModes request send fails: %d" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultFail, ret );
-        }
-    return ret;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::CompleteCustomGetSystemNetworkModes
-// Complete CustomGetSystemNetworkModes method function.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNWE::CompleteCustomGetSystemNetworkModes
-    (
-    TInt aResult, // Completion result value
-    CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage // pointer to DataPackage
-    )
-    {
-    // checking results and unpacking message
-    _LIT8( KResult, "CNWE::CompleteCustomGetSystemNetworkModes result: %d" );
-    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResult, aResult );
-    TInt networkMode;
-    if ( KErrNone == aResult )
-        {
-        aDataPackage->UnPackData( networkMode );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KLine );
-        _LIT8( KNetworkMode, "System Network mode: %d" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KNetworkMode, networkMode );
-        if ( networkMode == 1 )
-            {
-            _LIT8( KNetworkMode, "KCapsNetworkModeGsm" );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KNetworkMode );
-            }
-        else if ( networkMode == 2 )
-            {
-            _LIT8( KNetworkMode, "KCapsNetworkModeUmts" );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KNetworkMode );
-            }
-        else if ( networkMode == 3 )
-            {
-            _LIT8( KNetworkMode, "KCapsNetworkModeDual" );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KNetworkMode );
-            }
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KLine );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        _LIT8( KResultFail, "CompleteCustomGetSystemNetworkModes Failed: %d" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultFail, aResult );
-        }
-    if ( ( iCustomGetSystemNetworkModesOngoing )  ||
-        ( iHandleSpecifiedRequests ) )
-        {
-        iCustomGetSystemNetworkModesOngoing = EFalse;
-        _LIT8( KResultComplete, "CustomGetSystemNetworkModes Completed" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultComplete );
-        if ( ( iNetworkModeForComparison != networkMode ) &&
-            ( iHandleSpecifiedRequests ) )
-            {
-            aResult = KErrGeneral;
-            }
-        Signal( aResult );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::CustomSetSystemNetworkModeL
-// CustomSetSystemNetworkMode method function.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CNWE::CustomSetSystemNetworkModeL( CStifItemParser& aItem )
-    {
-    _LIT8(KCustomSetSystemNetworkMode, "CNWE::CustomSetSystemNetworkModeL" );
-    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KCustomSetSystemNetworkMode );
-    TInt ret( KErrNotFound );
-    TBool selection = ETrue;
-    TPtrC string;
-    aItem.GetNextString( string );
-    if ( _L( "NetworkGsm" ) == string )
-        {
-        _LIT8( KNetworkGsm, "KCapsNetworkModeGsm" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KNetworkGsm );
-        iNetworkModeCaps = RMmCustomAPI::KCapsNetworkModeGsm;
-        }
-    else if ( _L ( "NetworkUmts" ) == string )
-        {
-        _LIT8( KNetworkUmts, "KCapsNetworkModeUmts" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KNetworkUmts );
-        iNetworkModeCaps = RMmCustomAPI::KCapsNetworkModeUmts;
-        }
-    else if ( _L ( "NetworkDual" ) == string )
-        {
-        _LIT8( KNetworkDual, "KCapsNetworkModeDual" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KNetworkDual );
-        iNetworkModeCaps = RMmCustomAPI::KCapsNetworkModeDual;
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        _LIT8( KFail, "Set CustomSetCapsNetworkMode not possible: %d" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KFail, ret );
-        selection = EFalse;
-        }
-    if ( selection )
-        {
-        CMmDataPackage dataPackage;
-        dataPackage.PackData(&iNetworkModeCaps);
-        ret = HandleRequestL(
-            ECustomSetSystemNetworkModeIPC,
-            &dataPackage );
-        iCustomSetSystemNetworkModeOngoing = ETrue;
-        if ( KErrNone == ret )
-            {
-            _LIT8( KResultOk, "CustomSetSystemNetworkMode request send ok" );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultOk);
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            _LIT8( KResultFail, "CustomSetSystemNetworkMode request send fails: %d" );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultFail, ret );
-            }
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        ret = KErrNotSupported;
-        }
-    return ret;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::CompleteCustomSetSystemNetworkMode
-// Complete CustomSetSystemNetworkMode method function.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNWE::CompleteCustomSetSystemNetworkMode( TInt aResult )
-    {
-    _LIT8( KResult, "CNWE::CompleteCustomSetSystemNetworkMode result: %d" );
-    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResult, aResult );
-    if ( ( iCustomSetSystemNetworkModeOngoing )  ||
-        ( iHandleSpecifiedRequests ) )
-        {
-        iCustomSetSystemNetworkModeOngoing = EFalse;
-        _LIT8( KResultComplete, "CustomSetSystemNetworkMode Completed" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultComplete );
-        Signal( aResult );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::CustomGetCurrentSystemNetworkModesL
-// CustomGetCurrentSystemNetworkModes method function.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CNWE::CustomGetCurrentSystemNetworkModesL( CStifItemParser& aItem )
-    {
-    _LIT8(KCustomGetCurrentSystemNetworkModes,
-        "CNWE::CustomGetCurrentSystemNetworkModesL" );
-    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KCustomGetCurrentSystemNetworkModes );
-    TInt ret( KErrNotFound );
-    TPtrC string;
-    aItem.GetNextString( string );
-    iNetworkModeForComparison = 4; // KCapsNetworkModeDual
-    if ( _L("MTC_GSM_RAT") == string )
-        {
-        iNetworkModeForComparison = 1;
-        }
-    if ( _L("MTC_UMTS_RAT") == string )
-        {
-        iNetworkModeForComparison = 2;
-        }
-    ret = HandleRequestL( ECustomGetCurrentSystemNetworkModesIPC );
-    iCustomGetCurrentSystemNetworkModesOngoing = ETrue;
-    if ( KErrNone == ret )
-        {
-        _LIT8( KResultOk, "CustomGetCurrentSystemNetworkModes request send ok" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultOk);
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        _LIT8( KResultFail, "CustomGetCurrentSystemNetworkModes request send fails: %d" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultFail, ret );
-        }
-    return ret;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::CompleteCustomGetCurrentSystemNetworkModes
-// Complete CustomGetCurrentSystemNetworkModes method function.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNWE::CompleteCustomGetCurrentSystemNetworkModes
-    (
-    TInt aResult, // Completion result value
-    CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage // pointer to DataPackage
-    )
-    {
-    // checking results and unpacking message
-    _LIT8( KResult, "CNWE::CompleteCustomGetCurrentSystemNetworkModes result: %d" );
-    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResult, aResult );
-    TInt networkMode;
-    if ( KErrNone == aResult )
-        {
-        aDataPackage->UnPackData( networkMode );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KLine );
-        _LIT8( KNetworkMode, "Current System Network mode: %d" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KNetworkMode, networkMode );
-        if ( networkMode == 1 )
-            {
-            _LIT8( KNetworkMode, "KCapsNetworkModeGsm" );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KNetworkMode );
-            }
-        else if ( networkMode == 2 )
-            {
-            _LIT8( KNetworkMode, "KCapsNetworkModeUmts" );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KNetworkMode );
-            }
-        else if ( networkMode == 4 )
-            {
-            _LIT8( KNetworkMode, "KCapsNetworkModeDual" );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KNetworkMode );
-            }
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KLine );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        _LIT8( KResultFail, "CompleteCustomGetCurrentSystemNetworkModes Failed: %d" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultFail, aResult );
-        }
-    if ( ( iCustomGetCurrentSystemNetworkModesOngoing ) ||
-        ( iHandleSpecifiedRequests ) )
-        {
-        iCustomGetCurrentSystemNetworkModesOngoing = EFalse;
-        _LIT8( KResultComplete, "CustomGetCurrentSystemNetworkModes Completed" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultComplete );
-        if ( ( iNetworkModeForComparison != networkMode ) &&
-            ( iHandleSpecifiedRequests ) )
-            {
-            aResult = KErrGeneral;
-            }
-        Signal( aResult );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::NotifySignalStrengthChange
-// NotifyChange of Signal Strength
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNWE::NotifySignalStrengthChange
-    (
-    TInt aResult, // Completion result value
-    CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage // pointer to DataPackage
-    )
-    {
-    if ( ( iNotifyList[ENotifySignalStrengthChange] ) ||
-        ( iHandleSpecifiedRequests ) )
-        {
-        _LIT8(KSignalStrengthChange, "CNWE::NotifySignalStrengthChange" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KSignalStrengthChange );
-        TInt8 signalBars;
-        TInt32 signalStrength;
-        // checking results and unpacking message
-        if ( KErrNone == aResult )
-            {
-            aDataPackage->UnPackData( signalBars, signalStrength );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KLine );
-            _LIT8(KSignalBars, "Signal Bars: %d" );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KSignalBars, signalBars );
-            _LIT8(KSignalStrength, "Signal Strength in dBm: %d" );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KSignalStrength, signalStrength );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KLine );
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            _LIT8(Fail, "NotifySignalStrengthChange Failed" );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)Fail);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::NotifyNITZInfoChange
-// NotifyChange of NITZ Info
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNWE::NotifyNITZInfoChange
-    (
-    TInt aResult, // Completion result value
-    CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage // pointer to DataPackage
-    )
-    {
-    if ( ( iNotifyList[ENotifyNITZInfoChange] ) ||
-        ( iHandleSpecifiedRequests ) )
-        {
-        _LIT8(KNITZInfoChange, "CNWE::NotifyNITZInfoChange" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KNITZInfoChange );
-        // checking results and unpacking message
-        if ( KErrNone == aResult )
-            {
-            aDataPackage->UnPackData( iNITZInfo );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KLine );
-            _LIT8(KNITZInfo, "NITZ Info and Zone Information" );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KNITZInfo );
-            _LIT8(KDate, "Date info = Year, Month, Day: %d %d %d" );
-            // Month: Offset from zero, so add one before displaying the month number.
-            // Day: Offset from zero, so add one before displaying the day number.
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KDate, iNITZInfo.Year(), iNITZInfo.Month()+1, iNITZInfo.Day()+1 );
-            _LIT8(KTime, "Time info = Hour, Minute, Second, Microsecond: %d %d %d %d" );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KTime, iNITZInfo.Hour(), iNITZInfo.Minute(), iNITZInfo.Second(), iNITZInfo.MicroSecond() );
-            _LIT8(KDST, "Daylight Saving Time adjustment for summer time: %d" );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KDST, iNITZInfo.iDST );
-            _LIT8(KTimeZone, "Time zone, expressed in +/- 15 minute offsets from GMT: %d" );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KTimeZone, iNITZInfo.iTimeZone );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KLine );
-            }
-        if ( ( iHandleSpecifiedRequests ) &&
-            ( ( 2008 != iNITZInfo.Year() ) ||
-            ( EFebruary != iNITZInfo.Month() ) ||
-            ( 2 != iNITZInfo.Day() ) ||
-            ( 20 != iNITZInfo.Hour() ) ||
-            ( 24 != iNITZInfo.Minute() ) ||
-            ( 0 != iNITZInfo.Second() ) ||
-            ( 0 != iNITZInfo.MicroSecond() ) ||
-            ( 0 != iNITZInfo.iDST ) ||
-            ( 0 != iNITZInfo.iTimeZone ) ) )
-            {
-            aResult = KErrGeneral;
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            _LIT8(Fail, "NotifyNITZInfoChange Failed" );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)Fail);
-            }
-        Signal( aResult );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::NotifyNetworkSecurityLevelChange
-// NotifyChange of NetworkSecurityLevel
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNWE::NotifyNetworkSecurityLevelChange
-    (
-    TInt aResult, // Completion result value
-    CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage // pointer to DataPackage
-    )
-    {
-    if ( ( iNotifyList[ENotifyNetworkSecurityLevelChange] ) ||
-        ( iHandleSpecifiedRequests ) )
-        {
-        _LIT8(KNetworkSecLevelChange, "CNWE::NotifyNetworkSecurityLevelChange" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KNetworkSecLevelChange );
-        // checking results and unpacking message
-        if ( KErrNone == aResult )
-            {
-            aDataPackage->UnPackData( &iNetworkSecurityLevel );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KLine );
-            _LIT8(KNetworkSecurityLevel, "Network Security Level Change Information: " );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KNetworkSecurityLevel );
-            iNWELog->Log( TMobilePhoneNetworkSecurity[*iNetworkSecurityLevel] );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KLine );
-            if ( ( iHandleSpecifiedRequests ) &&
-                ( RMobilePhone::ECipheringGSM != *iNetworkSecurityLevel ) )
-                {
-                aResult = KErrGeneral;
-                }
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            _LIT8(Fail, "NotifyNetworkSecurityLevelChange Failed: %d" );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)Fail, aResult );
-            }
-        Signal( aResult );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::ManualNetworkSearchL
-// ManualNetworkSearch method function.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CNWE::ManualNetworkSearchL( CStifItemParser& aItem )
-    {
-    _LIT8(KManualNetworkSearch, "CNWE::ManualNetworkSearchL" );
-    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KManualNetworkSearch );
-    TPtrC string;
-    aItem.GetNextString( string );
-    iSavedDisplayTagForComparison[0].Zero();
-    iSavedDisplayTagForComparison[0].Append( string );
-    iSavedShortNameForComparison[0].Zero();
-    iSavedShortNameForComparison[0].Append( string );
-    iSavedLongNameForComparison[0].Zero();
-    iSavedLongNameForComparison[0].Append( string );
-    aItem.GetNextString( string );
-    iSavedDisplayTagForComparison[1].Zero();
-    iSavedDisplayTagForComparison[1].Append( string );
-    iSavedShortNameForComparison[1].Zero();
-    iSavedShortNameForComparison[1].Append( string );
-    iSavedLongNameForComparison[1].Zero();
-    iSavedLongNameForComparison[1].Append( string );
-    aItem.GetNextString( string );
-    iSavedDisplayTagForComparison[2].Zero();
-    iSavedDisplayTagForComparison[2].Append( string );
-    iSavedShortNameForComparison[2].Zero();
-    iSavedShortNameForComparison[2].Append( string );
-    iSavedLongNameForComparison[2].Zero();
-    iSavedLongNameForComparison[2].Append( string );
-    aItem.GetNextString( string );
-    iSavedDisplayTagForComparison[3].Zero();
-    iSavedDisplayTagForComparison[3].Append( string );
-    iSavedShortNameForComparison[3].Zero();
-    iSavedShortNameForComparison[3].Append( string );
-    iSavedLongNameForComparison[3].Zero();
-    iSavedLongNameForComparison[3].Append( string );
-    if ( ( iHandleSpecifiedRequests ) &&
-        ( 0 != iSavedDisplayTagForComparison[0].Compare ( _L( "DONT_CARE_NETWORK_NAME" ) ) ) )
-        {
-        aItem.GetNextString( string );
-        iNetworkIdForComparison[0].Zero();
-        iNetworkIdForComparison[0].Append( string );
-        aItem.GetNextString( string );
-        iCountryCodeForComparison[0].Zero();
-        iCountryCodeForComparison[0].Append( string );
-        aItem.GetNextString( string );
-        iNetworkIdForComparison[1].Zero();
-        iNetworkIdForComparison[1].Append( string );
-        aItem.GetNextString( string );
-        iCountryCodeForComparison[1].Zero();
-        iCountryCodeForComparison[1].Append( string );
-        aItem.GetNextString( string );
-        iNetworkIdForComparison[2].Zero();
-        iNetworkIdForComparison[2].Append( string );
-        aItem.GetNextString( string );
-        iCountryCodeForComparison[2].Zero();
-        iCountryCodeForComparison[2].Append( string );
-        aItem.GetNextString( string );
-        iNetworkIdForComparison[3].Zero();
-        iNetworkIdForComparison[3].Append( string );
-        aItem.GetNextString( string );
-        iCountryCodeForComparison[3].Zero();
-        iCountryCodeForComparison[3].Append( string );
-        }
-    TInt ret( KErrNotFound );
-    ret = HandleRequestL( EMobilePhoneGetDetectedNetworksV2Phase1 );
-    iManualNetworkSearchOngoing = ETrue;
-    if ( KErrNone == ret )
-        {
-        _LIT8( KResultOk, "ManualNetworkSearch request send ok" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultOk);
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        _LIT8( KResultFail, "ManualNetworkSearch request send fails: %d" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultFail, ret );
-        }
-    return ret;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::CompleteManualNetworkSearch
-// Complete ManualNetworkSearch method function.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNWE::CompleteManualNetworkSearch
-    (
-    TInt aResult, // Completion result value
-    CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage // pointer to DataPackage
-    )
-    {
-    // checking results and unpacking message
-    _LIT8( KResult, "CNWE::CompleteManualNetworkSearch result: %d" );
-    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResult, aResult );
-    if ( KErrNone == aResult )
-        {
-        CMobilePhoneNetworkListV2* list = NULL;
-        aDataPackage->UnPackData ( list );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KLine );
-        _LIT8( KNetworkList, "Searched Network List: " );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KNetworkList );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KLine );
-        for ( TInt i=0; i<list->Enumerate(); i++)
-            {
-            const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkInfoV2& entry = list->GetEntryL(i);
-            _LIT8( KNetworkId, "Network ID: " );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KNetworkId );
-            iNWELog->Log( entry.iNetworkId );
-            _LIT8( KCountryCode, "Country Code: " );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KCountryCode );
-            iNWELog->Log( entry.iCountryCode );
-            _LIT8( KDisplayTag, "Display Tag: " );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KDisplayTag );
-            iNWELog->Log( entry.iDisplayTag );
-            _LIT8( KLongName, "Long Name: " );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KLongName );
-            iNWELog->Log( entry.iLongName );
-            _LIT8( KShortName, "Short Name: " );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KShortName );
-            iNWELog->Log( entry.iShortName );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KLine );
-            if ( ( 0 != iSavedDisplayTagForComparison[i].Compare ( _L( "DONT_CARE_NETWORK_NAME" ) ) ) &&
-                ( KErrNone == aResult ) )
-                {
-                if ( ( iSavedDisplayTagForComparison[i] != entry.iDisplayTag ) ||
-                    ( iSavedShortNameForComparison[i] != entry.iShortName ) ||
-                    ( iSavedLongNameForComparison[i] != entry.iLongName ) )
-                    {
-                    _LIT8( KResultFail, "CompleteManualNetworkSearch - operator names do not match" );
-                    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultFail);
-                    aResult = KErrGeneral;
-                    }
-                if ( ( iHandleSpecifiedRequests ) &&
-                    ( ( iNetworkIdForComparison[i] != entry.iNetworkId ) ||
-                    ( iCountryCodeForComparison[i] != entry.iCountryCode ) ) )
-                    {
-                    _LIT8( KResultFail, "CompleteManualNetworkSearch - Network ID or Country Code don't match" );
-                    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultFail);
-                    aResult = KErrGeneral;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        _LIT8( KNetworkListEnd, "Searched Network List Ended" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KNetworkListEnd );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KLine );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        _LIT8( KResultFail, "CompleteManualNetworkSearch, Error case: %d" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultFail, aResult );
-        if ( KErrCancel == aResult
-            && iManualNetworkSearchOngoing
-            && iManualNetworkSearchCancelOngoing )
-            {
-            iManualNetworkSearchOngoing = EFalse;
-            _LIT8( KResultComplete, "ManualNetworkSearch Completed with Cancel" );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultComplete );
-            Signal( aResult );
-            }
-        }
-    if ( iManualNetworkSearchOngoing && !iManualNetworkSearchCancelOngoing )
-        {
-        iManualNetworkSearchOngoing = EFalse;
-        _LIT8( KResultComplete, "ManualNetworkSearch Completed" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultComplete );
-        Signal( aResult );
-        }
-    if ( iNetworkModeTestOnGoing )
-        {
-        SetNetworkInfo( aResult, aDataPackage, EMobilePhoneGetDetectedNetworksV2Phase1 );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::ManualNetworkSearchCancelL
-// ManualNetworkSearchCancel method function.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CNWE::ManualNetworkSearchCancelL( CStifItemParser& /*aItem*/ )
-    {
-    _LIT8(KManualNetworkSearchCancel, "CNWE::ManualNetworkSearchCancelL" );
-    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KManualNetworkSearchCancel );
-    TInt ret( KErrNotFound );
-    ret = HandleRequestL( EMobilePhoneGetDetectedNetworksCancel );
-    iManualNetworkSearchCancelOngoing = ETrue;
-    if ( KErrNone == ret )
-        {
-        _LIT8( KResultOk, "ManualNetworkSearchCancel request send ok" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultOk);
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        _LIT8( KResultFail, "ManualNetworkSearchCancel request send fails: %d" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultFail, ret );
-        }
-    return ret;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::CompleteManualNetworkSearchCancel
-// Complete ManualNetworkSearchCancel method function.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNWE::CompleteManualNetworkSearchCancel( TInt aResult )
-    {
-    _LIT8( KResult, "CNWE::CompleteManualNetworkSearchCancel result: %d" );
-    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResult, aResult );
-    if ( ( iManualNetworkSearchCancelOngoing ) ||
-        ( iHandleSpecifiedRequests ) )
-        {
-        iManualNetworkSearchCancelOngoing = EFalse;
-        _LIT8( KResultComplete, "ManualNetworkSearchCancel Completed" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultComplete );
-        Signal( aResult );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::ManualNetworkSelectionL
-// ManualNetworkSelection method function.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CNWE::ManualNetworkSelectionL( CStifItemParser& aItem )
-    {
-    _LIT8(KManualNetworkSelection, "CNWE::ManualNetworkSelectionL" );
-    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KManualNetworkSelection );
-    TInt ret( KErrNotFound );
-    TPtrC string;
-    RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkManualSelection manualSelection;
-    aItem.GetNextString( string );
-    manualSelection.iNetwork.Copy( string );
-    aItem.GetNextString( string );
-    manualSelection.iCountry.Copy( string );
-    TBool isManual = ETrue;
-    CMmDataPackage dataPackage;
-    dataPackage.PackData( &isManual, &manualSelection );
-    ret = HandleRequestL( EMobilePhoneSelectNetwork, &dataPackage );
-    iManualNetworkSelectionOngoing = ETrue;
-    if ( KErrNone == ret )
-        {
-        _LIT8( KResultOk, "ManualNetworkSelection request send ok" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultOk);
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        _LIT8( KResultFail, "ManualNetworkSelection request send fails: %d" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultFail, ret );
-        }
-    return ret;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::CompleteManualNetworkSelection
-// Complete ManualNetworkSearchCancel method function.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNWE::CompleteManualNetworkSelection( TInt aResult )
-    {
-    _LIT8( KResult, "CNWE::CompleteManualNetworkSelection result: %d" );
-    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResult, aResult );
-    if ( iManualNetworkSelectionOngoing && !iManualNetworkSelectionCancelOngoing )
-        {
-        iManualNetworkSelectionOngoing = EFalse;
-        _LIT8( KResultComplete, "ManualNetworkSelection Completed" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultComplete );
-        Signal( aResult );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::ManualNetworkSelectionCancelL
-// ManualNetworkSelectionCancel method function.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CNWE::ManualNetworkSelectionCancelL( CStifItemParser& /*aItem*/ )
-    {
-    _LIT8(KManualNetworkSelectionCancel, "CNWE::ManualNetworkSelectionCancelL" );
-    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KManualNetworkSelectionCancel );
-    TInt ret( KErrNotFound );
-    ret = HandleRequestL( EMobilePhoneSelectNetworkCancel );
-    iManualNetworkSelectionCancelOngoing = ETrue;
-    if ( KErrNone == ret )
-        {
-        _LIT8( KResultOk, "ManualNetworkSelectionCancel request send ok" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultOk);
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        _LIT8( KResultFail, "ManualNetworkSelectionCancel request send fails: %d" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultFail, ret );
-        }
-    return ret;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::CompleteManualNetworkSelectionCancel
-// Complete ManualNetworkSelectionCancel method function.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNWE::CompleteManualNetworkSelectionCancel( TInt aResult )
-    {
-    _LIT8( KResult, "CNWE::CompleteManualNetworkSelectionCancel result: %d" );
-    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResult, aResult );
-    if ( ( iManualNetworkSelectionCancelOngoing ) ||
-        ( iHandleSpecifiedRequests ) )
-        {
-        iManualNetworkSelectionCancelOngoing = EFalse;
-        _LIT8( KResultComplete, "ManualNetworkSelectionCancel Completed" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultComplete );
-        Signal( aResult );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::Notify network connection failure
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CNWE::NotifyNetworkConnectionFailure( CStifItemParser& aItem )
-    {
-    iNWELog->Log(_L8("CNWE::NotifyNetworkConnectionFailure") );
-    iNetworkFailureTestOnGoing = ETrue;
-    if ( iHandleSpecifiedRequests )
-        {
-        TPtrC string;
-        aItem.GetNextString( string );
-        nspsIsOffOnForComparison = EFalse;
-        if ( _L("NSPS_IS_ON") == string )
-            {
-            nspsIsOffOnForComparison = ETrue;
-            }
-        aItem.GetNextString( string );
-        if ( ( _L("NET_REG_STATUS_NOSERV_NOSIM") == string ) ||
-            ( _L("NET_REG_STATUS_NOSERV_SIM_REJECTED_BY_NW") == string ) )
-            {
-            iNWRegStatusForComparison = RMobilePhone::ERegistrationDenied;
-            }
-        }
-    return KErrNone;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::Complete NotifyNetworkConnectionFailure
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNWE::CompleteNotifyNetworkConnectionFailure( TInt aResult/*, CMmDataPackage&*/ /*aData*/)
-    {
-    iNWELog->Log(_L8("CNWE::CompleteNotifyNetworkConnectionFailure, err=%d"),aResult);
-    if ( ( iNetworkFailureTestOnGoing ) ||
-        ( iHandleSpecifiedRequests ) )
-        {
-        iNetworkFailureTestOnGoing = EFalse;
-        iNWELog->Log(_L8("CNWE::CompleteNotifyNetworkConnectionFailure") );
-        Signal( aResult );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::GetNetworkInfo
-// GetNetworkInfo method function.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CNWE::GetNetworkInfo( CStifItemParser& aItem )
-    {
-    _LIT8(KGetNetworkInfo, "CNWE::GetNetworkInfo" );
-    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KGetNetworkInfo );
-    TInt ret( KErrNotFound );
-    iNetworkModeTestOnGoing = ETrue;
-    TBool supported( ETrue );
-    TPtrC function;
-    TPtrC mode;
-    TPtrC onlyComparisonValue;
-    aItem.GetNextString( function );
-    aItem.GetNextString( mode );
-    aItem.GetNextString( onlyComparisonValue );
-    // Set "supported" as "EFalse" so comparison value for complete value checking
-    // is set.
-    if ( _L("SET_ONLY_COMPARISON_VALUE") == onlyComparisonValue )
-        {
-        supported = EFalse;
-        ret = KErrNone;
-        iNetworkModeTestOnGoing = EFalse;
-        }
-    if ( function == _L( "NetworkMode" ) )
-        {
-        if ( _L( "NetworkModeUnknown" ) == mode )
-            {
-            iNetworkModeStatus[0] = RMobilePhone::ENetworkModeUnknown;
-            }
-        else if ( _L( "NetworkModeUnregistered" ) == mode )
-            {
-            iNetworkModeStatus[0] = RMobilePhone::ENetworkModeUnregistered;
-            }
-        else if ( _L( "NetworkModeGsm" ) == mode )
-            {
-            iNetworkModeStatus[0] = RMobilePhone::ENetworkModeGsm;
-            }
-        else if ( _L( "NetworkModeAmps" ) == mode )
-            {
-            iNetworkModeStatus[0] = RMobilePhone::ENetworkModeAmps;
-            }
-        else if ( _L( "NetworkModeCdma95" ) == mode )
-            {
-            iNetworkModeStatus[0] = RMobilePhone::ENetworkModeCdma95;
-            }
-        else if ( _L( "NetworkModeCdma2000" ) == mode )
-            {
-            iNetworkModeStatus[0] = RMobilePhone::ENetworkModeCdma2000;
-            }
-        else if ( _L( "NetworkModeWcdma" ) == mode )
-            {
-            iNetworkModeStatus[0] = RMobilePhone::ENetworkModeWcdma;
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            iNWELog->Log( _L8("Selected network mode not supported") );
-            supported = EFalse;
-            }
-        }
-    else if ( function == _L( "LocationArea" ) )
-        {
-        if ( _L( "True" ) == mode )
-            {
-            iLocationAreaKnown[0] = ETrue;
-            }
-        else if ( _L( "False" ) == mode )
-            {
-            iLocationAreaKnown[0] = EFalse;
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            iNWELog->Log( _L8("Selected area mode not supported") );
-            supported = EFalse;
-            }
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        iNWELog->Log( _L8("Selected mode not supported") );
-        supported = EFalse;
-        }
-    if ( supported )
-        {
-        if ( function == _L( "NetworkMode" ) )
-            {
-            ret = HandleRequestL( EMobilePhoneGetNetworkRegistrationStatus );
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            ret = HandleRequestL( ECustomGetOperatorNameIPC );
-            }
-        if ( KErrNone == ret )
-            {
-            _LIT8( KResultOk, "GetNetworkInfo request send ok" );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultOk);
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            _LIT8( KResultFail, "GetNetworkInfo request send fails: %d" );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultFail, ret );
-            }
-        }
-    return ret;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::SetNetworkInfo
-// Setting network info
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNWE::SetNetworkInfo(
-    TInt aResult,
-    CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage,
-    TInt aCompletedIpc )
-    {
-    _LIT8(KSetNetworkInfo, "CNWE::SetNetworkInfo" );
-    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KSetNetworkInfo );
-    iNetworkModeTestOnGoing = EFalse;
-    RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkInfoV5 networkInfo;
-    RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneLocationAreaV1 locationArea;
-    if ( aCompletedIpc == EMobilePhoneNotifyCurrentNetworkChange )
-        {
-        aDataPackage->UnPackData( networkInfo, locationArea );
-        _LIT8(KWAreaInfo, "Received location area known: %d" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KWAreaInfo, locationArea.iAreaKnown );
-        iLocationAreaKnown[1] = locationArea.iAreaKnown;
-        _LIT8(KDAreaInfo, "Expected location area known: %d" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KDAreaInfo, iLocationAreaKnown[0] );
-        //if received values correspond to the values given manually
-        if ( iNetworkModeStatus[0] == iNetworkModeStatus[1] && iLocationAreaKnown[0] == iLocationAreaKnown[1] )
-            {
-            iNWELog->Log( _L8("Values from the network match to the ones been set") );
-            Signal( KErrNone );
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            iNWELog->Log( _L8("Values from the network doesn't match to the ones been set") );
-            //self made error code that can be easily noticed
-            Signal( -1111 );
-            }
-        }
-    else if ( aCompletedIpc == EMobilePhoneNotifyModeChange )
-        {
-        aDataPackage->UnPackData( iNetworkModeStatus[1] );
-        _LIT8(KWNetworkInfo, "Received network mode : %d" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KWNetworkInfo, iNetworkModeStatus[1] );
-        _LIT8(KDNetworkInfo, "Expected network mode : %d" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KDNetworkInfo, iNetworkModeStatus[0] );
-        //initialize values for a new test
-        iNetworkModeStatus[0] = RMobilePhone::ENetworkModeUnknown;
-        iNetworkModeStatus[1] = RMobilePhone::ENetworkModeUnknown;
-        iLocationAreaKnown[0] = EFalse;
-        iLocationAreaKnown[1] = EFalse;
-        Signal( aResult );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::WaitForCallStatusChange
-// WaitForCallStatusChange method function.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CNWE::WaitForCallStatusChange( CStifItemParser& /*aItem*/ )
-    {
-    _LIT8(KManualNetworkSelection, "CNWE::WaitForCallStatusChange" );
-    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KManualNetworkSelection );
-    TInt ret( KErrNone );
-    return ret;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::CompleteCallStatusChange
-// Comolete call status change
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNWE::CompleteCallStatusChange(
-    TInt aResult,
-    CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage )
-    {
-    iNWELog->Log(_L8("CNWE::CompleteCallStatusChange, err=%d"),aResult);
-    RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus* callStatus;
-    aDataPackage->UnPackData( &callStatus );
-    switch( *callStatus )
-        {
-        case RMobileCall::EStatusConnected:
-            {
-            _LIT8(KConnected, "Call Status: Connected" );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KConnected );
-            Signal( aResult );
-            break;
-            }
-        case RMobileCall::EStatusIdle:
-            {
-            _LIT8(KIdle, "Call Status: Idle" );
-            iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KIdle );
-            Signal( aResult );
-            break;
-            }
-        default:
-            {
-            break;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::GetCellInfo
-// GetCellInfo method function.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CNWE::GetCellInfo( CStifItemParser& aItem )
-    {
-    _LIT8(KGetCellInfo, "CNWE::GetCellInfo" );
-    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KGetCellInfo );
-    TInt ret( KErrNotFound );
-    TInt temp;
-    // Indexes used in parameter validation
-    aItem.GetNextInt( iNmrListIndex );
-    aItem.GetNextInt( iDetailedCellInfoIndex );
-    // Store given parameters
-    aItem.GetNextInt(
-        iRefECIDInfo.iCellInfo.iWcdmaCellInfo.iPrimaryScrambilingCode );
-    aItem.GetNextInt(
-        iRefECIDInfo.iCellInfo.iWcdmaCellInfo.iFrequencyInfo.iFddDL );
-    aItem.GetNextInt( temp );
-    iRefECIDInfo.iCellInfo.iWcdmaCellInfo.iNwkMeasureReport[iNmrListIndex].
-        iCarrierRSSI = temp;
-    aItem.GetNextInt( temp );
-    iRefECIDInfo.iCellInfo.iWcdmaCellInfo.iNwkMeasureReport[iNmrListIndex].
-        iCellMeasuredResult[iDetailedCellInfoIndex].iCID = temp;
-    ret = HandleRequestL( ECustomGetCellInfoIPC );
-    if ( KErrNone == ret )
-        {
-        _LIT8( KResultOk, "GetCellInfo request send ok" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultOk);
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        _LIT8( KResultFail, "GetCellInfo request send fails: %d" );
-        iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KResultFail, ret );
-        }
-    return ret;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::CompleteGetCellInfo
-// Complete GetCellInfo method function.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNWE::CompleteGetCellInfo( TInt aResult, CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage )
-    {
-    _LIT8( KResult, "CNWE::CompleteGetCellInfo, result: %d" );
-    iNWELog->Log( ( TDesC8 ) KResult, aResult );
-    TECIDInfo tempECIDInfo;
-    aDataPackage->UnPackData( tempECIDInfo.iCellInfo );
-    // Check parameters
-    if ( tempECIDInfo.iCellInfo.iWcdmaCellInfo.iPrimaryScrambilingCode !=
-            iRefECIDInfo.iCellInfo.iWcdmaCellInfo.iPrimaryScrambilingCode ||
-        tempECIDInfo.iCellInfo.iWcdmaCellInfo.iFrequencyInfo.iFddDL !=
-            iRefECIDInfo.iCellInfo.iWcdmaCellInfo.iFrequencyInfo.iFddDL ||
-        tempECIDInfo.iCellInfo.iWcdmaCellInfo.iNwkMeasureReport[iNmrListIndex].
-            iCarrierRSSI !=
-                iRefECIDInfo.iCellInfo.iWcdmaCellInfo.
-                    iNwkMeasureReport[iNmrListIndex].iCarrierRSSI ||
-        tempECIDInfo.iCellInfo.iWcdmaCellInfo.iNwkMeasureReport[iNmrListIndex].
-            iCellMeasuredResult[iDetailedCellInfoIndex].iCID !=
-                iRefECIDInfo.iCellInfo.iWcdmaCellInfo.
-                    iNwkMeasureReport[iNmrListIndex].
-                        iCellMeasuredResult[iDetailedCellInfoIndex].iCID )
-        {
-        aResult = KErrGeneral;
-        _LIT8( KResult, "CNWE::CompleteGetCellInfo, Error: Invalid parameter" );
-        iNWELog->Log( ( TDesC8 ) KResult );
-        }
-    Signal( aResult );
-    }
-// not suppoted for S60 ver 3.2
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::CustomSetBandSelectionL
-// CustomSetBandSelection method function.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CNWE::CustomSetBandSelectionL( CStifItemParser& aItem )
-    {
-    _LIT8( KCustomSetBandSelection, "CNWE::CustomSetBandSelectionL" );
-    iNWELog->Log( ( TDesC8 ) KCustomSetBandSelection );
-    TInt ret( KErrNone );
-    TPtrC modeString;
-    aItem.GetNextString( modeString );
-    TPtrC bandString;
-    aItem.GetNextString( bandString );
-    if ( _L( "NetworkUmts" ) == modeString )
-        {
-        _LIT8( KNetworkUmts, "KCapsNetworkModeUmts" );
-        iNWELog->Log( ( TDesC8 ) KNetworkUmts );
-        iNetworkModeCaps = RMmCustomAPI::KCapsNetworkModeUmts;
-        }
-    else if ( _L( "NetworkDual" ) == modeString )
-        {
-        _LIT8( KNetworkDual, "KCapsNetworkModeDual" );
-        iNWELog->Log( ( TDesC8 ) KNetworkDual );
-        iNetworkModeCaps = RMmCustomAPI::KCapsNetworkModeDual;
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        _LIT8( KFail, "CustomSetBandSelection, Unknown Mode" );
-        iNWELog->Log( ( TDesC8 ) KFail );
-        ret = KErrNotSupported;
-        }
-    if ( _L( "BandAny" ) == bandString )
-        {
-        _LIT8( KBandAny, "ENetworkBandAny" );
-        iNWELog->Log( ( TDesC8 ) KBandAny );
-        iNetworkBand = RMmCustomAPI::ENetworkBandAny;
-        }
-    else if ( _L( "Band850" ) == bandString )
-        {
-        _LIT8( KBand850, "ENetworkBandUmts850" );
-        iNWELog->Log( ( TDesC8 ) KBand850 );
-        iNetworkBand = RMmCustomAPI::ENetworkBandUmts850;
-        }
-    else if ( _L( "Band2100" ) == bandString )
-        {
-        _LIT8( KBand2100, "ENetworkBandUmts2100" );
-        iNWELog->Log( ( TDesC8 ) KBand2100 );
-        iNetworkBand = RMmCustomAPI::ENetworkBandUmts2100;
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        _LIT8( KFail, "CustomSetBandSelection, Unknown Band" );
-        iNWELog->Log( ( TDesC8 ) KFail );
-        ret = KErrNotSupported;
-        }
-    if ( KErrNone == ret )
-        {
-        CMmDataPackage dataPackage;
-        dataPackage.PackData( &iNetworkBand, &iNetworkModeCaps );
-        ret = HandleRequestL( ECustomSetBandSelectionIPC, &dataPackage );
-        iCustomSetBandSelectionOngoing = ETrue;
-        if ( KErrNone == ret )
-            {
-            _LIT8( KResultOk, "CustomSetBandSelection, Request send ok" );
-            iNWELog->Log( ( TDesC8 ) KResultOk );
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            _LIT8( KResultFail,
-                "CustomSetBandSelection, Request send failed: %d" );
-            iNWELog->Log( ( TDesC8 ) KResultFail, ret );
-            }
-        }
-    return ret;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::CompleteCustomSetBandSelection
-// Complete CustomSetBandSelection method function.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNWE::CompleteCustomSetBandSelection( TInt aResult )
-    {
-    _LIT8( KResult, "CNWE::CompleteCustomSetBandSelection, result: %d" );
-    iNWELog->Log( ( TDesC8 ) KResult, aResult );
-    if ( ( iCustomSetBandSelectionOngoing ) ||
-        ( iHandleSpecifiedRequests ) )
-        {
-        iCustomSetBandSelectionOngoing = EFalse;
-        _LIT8( KResultComplete, "CustomSetBandSelection, Completed" );
-        iNWELog->Log( ( TDesC8 ) KResultComplete );
-        iNWELog->Log( ( TDesC8 ) KLine );
-        Signal( aResult );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::CustomGetBandSelectionL
-// CustomGetBandSelection method function.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CNWE::CustomGetBandSelectionL( CStifItemParser& aItem )
-    {
-    _LIT8( KCustomGetBandSelection, "CNWE::CustomGetBandSelectionL" );
-    iNWELog->Log( ( TDesC8 ) KCustomGetBandSelection );
-    TPtrC modeString;
-    aItem.GetNextString( modeString );
-    TPtrC bandString;
-    aItem.GetNextString( bandString );
-    TInt ret( KErrNone );
-    if ( _L( "NetworkUmts" ) == modeString )
-        {
-        _LIT8( KNetworkUmts, "KCapsNetworkModeUmts" );
-        iNWELog->Log( ( TDesC8 ) KNetworkUmts );
-        iNetworkModeCaps = RMmCustomAPI::KCapsNetworkModeUmts;
-        }
-    else if ( _L( "NetworkDual" ) == modeString )
-        {
-        _LIT8( KNetworkDual, "KCapsNetworkModeDual" );
-        iNWELog->Log( ( TDesC8 ) KNetworkDual );
-        iNetworkModeCaps = RMmCustomAPI::KCapsNetworkModeDual;
-        }
-    else if ( _L( "NetworkGsm" ) == modeString )
-        {
-        _LIT8( KNetworkGsm, "KCapsNetworkModeGsm" );
-        iNWELog->Log( ( TDesC8 ) KNetworkGsm );
-        iNetworkModeCaps = RMmCustomAPI::KCapsNetworkModeGsm;
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        _LIT8( KFail, "CustomSetBandSelection, Unknown network mode" );
-        iNWELog->Log( ( TDesC8 ) KFail );
-        ret = KErrNotSupported;
-        }
-    if ( _L( "BandAny" ) == bandString )
-        {
-        _LIT8( KBandAny, "ENetworkBandAny" );
-        iNWELog->Log( ( TDesC8 ) KBandAny );
-        iNetworkBand = RMmCustomAPI::ENetworkBandAny;
-        }
-    else if ( _L( "Band850" ) == bandString )
-        {
-        _LIT8( KBand850, "ENetworkBandUmts850" );
-        iNWELog->Log( ( TDesC8 ) KBand850 );
-        iNetworkBand = RMmCustomAPI::ENetworkBandUmts850;
-        }
-    else if ( _L( "Band2100" ) == bandString )
-        {
-        _LIT8( KBand2100, "ENetworkBandUmts2100" );
-        iNWELog->Log( ( TDesC8 ) KBand2100 );
-        iNetworkBand = RMmCustomAPI::ENetworkBandUmts2100;
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        _LIT8( KFail, "CustomSetBandSelection, Unknown Band. Test case will not support type like this.");
-        iNWELog->Log( ( TDesC8 ) KFail );
-        ret = KErrNotSupported;
-        }
-    ret = HandleRequestL( ECustomGetBandSelectionIPC );
-    iCustomGetBandSelectionOngoing = ETrue;
-    if ( KErrNone == ret )
-        {
-        _LIT8( KResultOk, "CustomGetBandSelection, Request send ok" );
-        iNWELog->Log( ( TDesC8 ) KResultOk );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        _LIT8( KResultFail, "CustomGetBandSelection, Request failed: %d" );
-        iNWELog->Log( ( TDesC8 ) KResultFail, ret );
-        }
-    return ret;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::CompleteCustomGetBandSelection
-// Complete CustomGetBandSelection method function.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNWE::CompleteCustomGetBandSelection(
-    TInt aResult,
-    CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage )
-    {
-    // checking results and unpacking message
-    _LIT8( KResult, "CNWE::CompleteCustomGetBandSelection, result: %d" );
-    iNWELog->Log( ( TDesC8 ) KResult, aResult );
-    if ( KErrNone == aResult )
-        {
-        RMmCustomAPI::TNetworkModeCaps networkModeCaps;
-        RMmCustomAPI::TBandSelection networkBand;
-        aDataPackage->UnPackData( networkBand, networkModeCaps );
-        iNWELog->Log( ( TDesC8 ) KLine );
-        _LIT8( KBandSel, "Selected band: %d" );
-        iNWELog->Log( ( TDesC8 ) KBandSel, iNetworkBand );
-        if ( networkBand != iNetworkBand )
-            {
-            _LIT8( KNWBandError, "Network band mismatched" );
-            iNWELog->Log( ( TDesC8 ) KNWBandError );
-            aResult = KErrGeneral;
-            }
-        if ( networkModeCaps != iNetworkModeCaps )
-            {
-            _LIT8( KNWModeError, "Network band mode mismatched" );
-            iNWELog->Log( ( TDesC8 ) KNWModeError );
-            aResult = KErrArgument;
-            }
-        iNWELog->Log( ( TDesC8 ) KLine );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        _LIT8( KResultFail, "CompleteCustomGetBandSelection, Failed: %d" );
-        iNWELog->Log( ( TDesC8 ) KResultFail, aResult );
-        }
-    if ( ( iCustomGetBandSelectionOngoing ) ||
-        ( iHandleSpecifiedRequests ) )
-        {
-        iCustomGetBandSelectionOngoing = EFalse;
-        _LIT8( KResultComplete, "CustomGetBandSelection, Completed" );
-        iNWELog->Log( ( TDesC8 ) KResultComplete );
-        Signal( aResult );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::NotifyPrivacyConfirmation
-// EMobileCallNotifyPrivacyConfirmation
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNWE::NotifyPrivacyConfirmation(
-    TInt aResult, // Completion result value
-    CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage // pointer to DataPackage
-    )
-    {
-    _LIT8( KNotifyPrivacyConfirmation, "CNWE::NotifyPrivacyConfirmation" );
-    iNWELog->Log( ( TDesC8 ) KNotifyPrivacyConfirmation );
-    RMobilePhone::TMobilePhonePrivacy status;
-    aDataPackage->UnPackData( status );
-    if ( status != RMobilePhone::EPrivacyOn )
-        {
-        aResult = KErrGeneral;
-        }
-    Signal( aResult );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::NotifyCipheringInfoChangeIPC
-// ECustomNotifyCipheringInfoChangeIPC
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNWE::NotifyCipheringInfoChangeIPC(
-    TInt aResult, // Completion result value
-    CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage // pointer to DataPackage
-    )
-    {
-    _LIT8( KNotifyCipheringInfoChangeIPC, "CNWE::NotifyCipheringInfoChangeIPC" );
-    iNWELog->Log( ( TDesC8 ) KNotifyCipheringInfoChangeIPC );
-    TBool cipherIndicatorStatus( EFalse );
-    TBool cipheringOn( EFalse );
-    aDataPackage->UnPackData( cipherIndicatorStatus, cipheringOn );
-    // Expected that both are ETrue
-    if ( ( !cipherIndicatorStatus ) ||
-        ( !cipheringOn ) )
-        {
-        aResult = KErrGeneral;
-        }
-    Signal( aResult );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::NotifyNSPSStatusIPC
-// ECustomNotifyNSPSStatusIPC
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNWE::NotifyNSPSStatusIPC
-    (
-    TInt aResult, // Completion result value
-    CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage // pointer to DataPackage
-    )
-    {
-    _LIT8( KNotifyNSPSStatusIPC, "CNWE::NotifyNSPSStatusIPC" );
-    iNWELog->Log( ( TDesC8 ) KNotifyNSPSStatusIPC );
-    TBool nspsIsOn ( EFalse );
-    aDataPackage->UnPackData ( nspsIsOn );
-    if ( nspsIsOn != nspsIsOffOnForComparison )
-        {
-        aResult = KErrGeneral;
-        }
-    Signal( aResult );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNWE::SetShortAndLongOperNameL
-// SetShortAndLongOperName method function.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CNWE::SetShortAndLongOperNameL( CStifItemParser& aItem )
-    {
-    _LIT8( KSetShortAndLongOperName, "CNWE::SetShortAndLongOperNameL");
-    iNWELog->Log((TDesC8)KSetShortAndLongOperName);
-    TPtrC string;
-    aItem.GetNextString( string );
-    iSavedShortNameForComparison[0].Zero();
-    iSavedShortNameForComparison[0].Append( string );
-    aItem.GetNextString( string );
-    iSavedLongNameForComparison[0].Zero();
-    iSavedLongNameForComparison[0].Append( string );
-    return KErrNone;
-    }
-//  End of File