changeset 0 63b37f68c1ce
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/adaptationlayer/tsy/simatktsy_dll/inc/satutil.h	Fri Nov 06 17:28:23 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+#ifndef SATUTIL_H
+#define SATUTIL_H
+#include <etelsat.h>    // etel sat api
+#include <etelmm.h>     // etel multimode api
+//UCS2 coding
+const TUint8 KUCS2ArabicCoding                  = 0x80;
+const TUint8 KUCS2GreekCoding                   = 0x81;
+const TUint8 KUCS2TurkishCoding                 = 0x82;
+// USIM Status words
+const TUint8 KAtkSwDataNtfSw1NormalEnding       = 0x90;
+const TUint8 KAtkSwDataNtfSw2NormalEnding       = 0x00;
+const TUint8 KAtkSwDataNtfSw1busy               = 0x93;
+const TUint8 KAllowed                           = 0x01;
+const TUint8 KModified                          = 0x02;
+const TUint8 KChanged                           = 0x03;
+const TUint8 KRejected                          = 0x04;
+const TUint8 KError                             = 0x08;
+const TUint8 KNoTonNpi                          = 0xFF;
+const TUint8 KTonNpiInternational               = 0x91;
+const TUint8 KTonNpiUnknown                     = 0x81;
+// Sms data coding schemes
+enum TSmsDcs
+    {
+    ESmsUnknownOrReservedDcs    = 0xFF,
+    ESms7BitDcs                 = 0x00,
+    ESms8BitDcs                 = 0x04,
+    ESms16BitDcs                = 0x08
+    };
+class CBerTlv;
+class CTlv;
+*  SAT Transaction Id Message class.
+*  Handles and stores the current ID of SAT messages, and
+*  transaction ID setting and verifying.
+*  @lib simatktsy.lib
+*  @since Series60_ver 2.6
+class TTransIdMessage
+    {
+    public:
+        /**
+        * C++ default constructor.
+        */
+        TTransIdMessage();
+    public: // New functions
+        /**
+        * Gets a new transaction id and saves it to transaction id
+        * table.
+        * @since Series60_ver 2.6
+        * @return none
+        */
+        TUint8 GetTransactionId();
+    protected: // Data
+        TUint8              iTransNum;
+    };
+*  SAT Utility class.
+*  This class includes small aid fuctions
+*  for MMSAT specific use.
+*  @lib ?library
+*  @since Series60_ver 2.6
+class TSatUtility
+    {
+    private:    // Constructors
+        /**
+        * C++ default constructor. Static utility library isn't meant to be
+        * instanced
+        * @since NCP 5.0
+        */
+        TSatUtility();
+    public: // New functions
+        /**
+        * Map TON and NPI to RSat TON and NPI values
+        * @since Series60_ver 2.6
+        * @param aTonAndNpi: Source TON and NPI
+        * @param aTon: Mapped Type of number
+        * @param aNpi: Mapped Numbering plan
+        * @return void: none
+        */
+        static void GetTonAndNpi( TInt aTonAndNpi, RSat::TTypeOfNumber* aTon,
+            RSat::TNumberingPlan* aNpi );
+        /**
+        * Map TON and NPI to Etel MM TON and NPI values
+        * @since NCP 5.0
+        * @param aTonAndNpi: Source TON and NPI
+        * @param aTon: Mapped Type of number
+        * @param aNpi: Mapped Numbering plan
+        * @return void: none
+        */
+        static void GetTonAndNpi( TInt aTonAndNpi,
+            RMobilePhone::TMobileTON& aTon, RMobilePhone::TMobileNPI& aNpi );
+        /**
+        * Converts 7-bit packed string to 8-bit unpacked format
+        * @since Series60_ver 2.6
+        * @param aString is source
+        * @param aOutput converted 8-bit unpacked string
+        * @return void: none
+        */
+        static void Packed7to8Unpacked( TPtrC8 aString, TDes8& aOutput );
+        /**
+        * Converts UCS2 string to 7-bit packed format
+        * @since Series60_ver 2.6
+        * @param aString: is source
+        * @param aOutput: converted 7-bit packed string
+        * @return void: none
+        */
+        static void UCSToPacket7( TPtrC aString, TDes8& aOutput );
+        /**
+        * Converts Binary Coded Decimal to ASCII
+        * @since Series60_ver 2.6
+        * @param aTring is source
+        * @param aOutput converted 8-bit string
+        * @return void: none
+        */
+        static void BCDToAscii( TPtrC8 aString, TDes8& aOutput );
+        /**
+        * Converts Ascii string to Binary Coded Decimal
+        * @since Series60_ver 2.6
+        * @param aString is source
+        * @param aOutput converted 8-bit string
+        */
+        static void AsciiToBCD(const TDesC8& aString, TDes8& aOutput );
+        /**
+        * Remove expansion digit '.' from phone number string if present.
+        * @since NCP 3.1
+        * @param aPhoneNumber Number to be converted
+        * @return void: none
+        */
+        static void RemoveExpansionDigit( TDes8& aPhoneNumber );
+        /**
+        * Set Alpha identifier as a Unicode text string
+        * and according to the alphabet used
+        * @since Series60_ver 2.6
+        * @param aRawData input data that was extracted with
+        * ETLV_AlphaIdentifier
+        * @param aAlphaId output
+        * @return void: none
+        */
+        static void SetAlphaId( TPtrC8 aRawData, TDes& aAlphaId );
+        /**
+        * Convert integer to BCD format. If number is more than 100 only last
+        * two digits is converted.
+        * @since Series60_ver 2.6
+        * @param aTime time
+        * @return TUint8 converted BCD value
+        */
+        static TUint8 ConvertToSemiOctet( TInt aTime );
+        /**
+        * Browse a text in Unicode format, and for some specific characters
+        * replace with the correct byte value
+        * @since Series60_ver 2.6
+        * @param aOutput unicode format string
+        * @param aInput input
+        * @return None
+        */
+        static void ConvertSms7ToUnicode16( TDes16& aOutput, TDesC8& aInput);
+        /**
+        * Converts unicode16 string to sms 7
+        * @since Series60_ver 2.6
+        * @param sms 7 string
+        * @param unicode 16
+        * @return None
+        */
+        static void ConvertUnicode16ToSms7( TDes8& aOutput, TDesC16& aInput);
+        /**
+        * Fill in a TDuration structure
+        * @since Series60_ver 2.6
+        * @param aBerTlv tlv containing duration data
+        * @param aTDuration duration structure
+        * @return None
+        */
+        static void FillDurationStructure( CBerTlv& aBerTlv,
+            RSat::TDuration& aTDuration );
+        /**
+        * Fill in a TIconId structure
+        * @since Series60_ver 2.6
+        * @param tlv data containing icon address data
+        * @param icon id structure
+        * @param item number
+        * @return None
+        */
+        static void FillIconStructure( CBerTlv& aBerTlv,
+            RSat::TIconId& aTIconId, TInt aItemNmb = 0 );
+        /**
+        * Checks Sw1 and Sw2 bytes coming from Sim server
+        * @since Series60_ver 2.6
+        * @param aSw1 status word 1
+        * @param aSw2 status word 2
+        * @return TInt8 Type of sim atk error
+        */
+        static TInt8 Sw1Sw2Check( TUint8 aSw1, TUint8 aSw2 );
+        /**
+        * Set Text string as a Unicode text string
+        * @since Series60_ver 2.6
+        * @param aTextString text string
+        * @param aText unicode output text string
+        * @return None
+        */
+        static void SetText( CTlv& aTextString, TDes& aText );
+        /**
+        * Convert Alpha field text string to a Unicode text string.
+        * @since Series60_ver 2.6
+        * @param aSource text string
+        * @param aText unicode output text string
+        * @return None
+        */
+        static void ConvertAlphaFieldsToUnicode( TDesC8& aSource,
+            TDes& aText );
+        /**
+        * Finds whether the data coding scheme, coded in CBS format,
+        * is 7-bit, 8-bit or 16-bit
+        * @since Series60_ver 2.6
+        * @param aDcs Input data coding scheme
+        * @param aIs7bit Output boolean indicating 7-bit DCS
+        * @param aIs8bit Output boolean indicating 8-bit DCS
+        * @param aIs16bit Output boolean indicating 16-bit DCS
+        * @return None
+        */
+        static TSmsDcs DecodeCbsDcs( const TUint8 aDcs );
+        /**
+        * Get 16-bit word from descriptor
+        * @since NCP 5.0
+        * @param aTarget 16-bit unsigned descriptor
+        * @param aSource
+        * @param aIndex to point location in descriptor from where to copy word
+        * @return None
+        */
+        static void GetWord( TUint16& aTarget, TDesC8& aSource, TInt aIndex );
+        /**
+        * Set 16-bit word to descriptor
+        * @since NCP 5.0
+        * @param aSource 16-bit unsigned descriptor
+        * @param aTarget
+        * @return None
+        */
+        static void AppendWord( TUint16 aWord, TDes8& aTarget );
+        /**
+        * Set Text string User Login and User Password data
+        * @since PP 5.2
+        * @param aBerTlv tlv containing User Login and User Password data
+        * @param aUserLogin User Login data
+        * @param aUserPassword User Password data
+        * @return None
+        */
+        static void SetUserLoginAndUserPassword( CBerTlv& aBerTlv,
+            RSat::TTextString& aUserLogin,
+            RSat::TTextString& aUserPassword );
+    };
+#endif // SATUTIL_H
+// End of File