changeset 0 63b37f68c1ce
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/connectivitylayer/isce/isaaccessextension_dll/inc/pep.h	Fri Nov 06 17:28:23 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+#include <e32def.h>                     // For TUint16
+#include <e32cmn.h>                     // For TDesC8
+#include <klib.h>                       // For DBase
+#include "iadinternaldefinitions.h"
+#include "peptransceiver.h"
+#include "iadtrace.h"                   // For ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS
+class DRouter;
+class MIAD2ChannelApi;
+class DPep;
+class DPipeHandler;
+enum TPipeState
+        {
+        ECreating,
+        ECreatingEnabled,
+        EDisabled,
+        EDisabling,
+        EEnabling,
+        EEnabled,
+        EEnableEnabled,
+        EDisabledDisabled,
+        EDisabledEnabled,
+        EEnabledDisabled,
+        EEnabledEnabled,
+        EDisconnected,
+        };
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(DPipeState) : public DBase
+    {
+    public:
+        DPipeState(DPep& aPep);
+        //virtual ~DPipeState();
+        void NextState(TPipeState aNextState);
+        virtual void EnterState();
+        // Pipe events 
+        virtual void PnsPipeCreatedInd(){ ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( 0, 0 ); };
+        virtual void PnsPipeEnabledInd(){ ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( 0, 0 ); };
+        virtual void PnsPipeRedirectedInd(){ ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( 0, 0 ); };
+        virtual void PnsPipeResetInd(){ ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( 0, 0 ); };
+        virtual void PnsPipeDisabledInd(){ ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( 0, 0 ); };
+        virtual TInt PnsPepConnectReq( const TDesC8& aData ){ aData;ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( 0, 0 ); return KErrNotFound; };
+        virtual TInt PnsPepResetReq( const TDesC8& aData ){ aData;ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( 0, 0 ); return KErrNotFound; };
+        virtual TInt PnsPepDisconnectReq(const TDesC8& aData);
+        virtual TInt PnsPepEnableReq( const TDesC8& aData ){ aData;ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( 0, 0 ); return KErrNotFound; };
+        virtual TInt PnsPepDisableReq( const TDesC8& aData ){ aData;ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( 0, 0 ); return KErrNotFound; };
+        virtual TInt RxPnsPipeData( const TDesC8& aData ){ aData;ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( 0, 0 ); return KErrNotFound; };
+        virtual TInt TxPnsPipeData( TDes8& aData );
+        DPep& iPep;// TODO: public?
+    };
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(DDisconnected) : public DPipeState
+    {
+    public:
+        DDisconnected(DPep& aPep);
+        // Override base class functions cause should not be allowed to do nothing at all, just to be removed.
+        TInt PnsPepDisconnectReq( const TDesC8& aData ){ aData;ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( 0, 0 ); return KErrNotFound; };
+        // TxPnsPipeData in base class already appropriate returns KErrOverFlow.
+    };
+// Creating state comes when pep is created, use cases pipe creation and pipe redirection (new pep).
+// Default is disabled.
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS( DCreating ) : public DPipeState
+    {
+    public:
+        DCreating( DPep& aPep );
+        TInt PnsPepConnectReq( const TDesC8& aReq );
+        void PnsPipeCreatedInd();
+        void PnsPipeRedirectedInd();
+    };
+// Creating / redirecting an enabled pipe.
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS( DCreatingEnabled ) : public DPipeState
+    {
+    public:
+        DCreatingEnabled( DPep& aPep );
+        void PnsPipeCreatedInd();
+        void PnsPipeRedirectedInd();
+    };
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(DDisabled) : public DPipeState
+    {
+    public:
+        DDisabled(DPep& aPep);
+        void EnterState();
+        TInt PnsPepEnableReq(const TDesC8& aData);
+        TInt PnsPepResetReq(const TDesC8& aData);
+        TInt PnsPepDisableReq(const TDesC8& aData);
+        void PnsPipeRedirectedInd(); 
+        void PnsPipeDisabledInd();
+    };
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS( DDisabling ) : public DPipeState
+    {
+    public:
+        DDisabling( DPep& aPep );
+        void EnterState();
+        void PnsPipeDisabledInd();
+    };
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS( DEnabled ) : public DPipeState
+    {
+    public:
+        DEnabled(DPep& aPep);
+        void EnterState();
+        TInt PnsPepEnableReq(const TDesC8& aData);
+        TInt RxPnsPipeData( const TDesC8& aData );
+        TInt TxPnsPipeData( TDes8& aData );
+        TInt PnsPepResetReq(const TDesC8& aData);
+        TInt PnsPepDisableReq(const TDesC8& aData);
+        void PnsPipeEnabledInd();
+    };
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS( DEnabling ) : public DPipeState
+    {
+    public:
+        DEnabling( DPep& aPep );
+        void PnsPipeEnabledInd();
+        void PnsPipeRedirectedInd();
+    };
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS( DEnableEnabled ) : public DEnabled
+    {
+    public:
+        DEnableEnabled( DPep& aPep );
+        void EnterState();
+    };
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS( DEnabledEnabled ) : public DPipeState
+    {
+    public:
+        DEnabledEnabled( DPep& aPep);
+        void PnsPipeResetInd();
+    };
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS( DEnabledDisabled ) : public DPipeState
+    {
+    public:
+        DEnabledDisabled( DPep& aPep);
+        void EnterState();
+        void PnsPipeResetInd();
+    };
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS( DDisabledEnabled ) : public DPipeState
+    {
+    public:
+        DDisabledEnabled( DPep& aPep);
+        void PnsPipeResetInd();
+    };
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS( DDisabledDisabled ) : public DPipeState
+    {
+    public:
+        DDisabledDisabled( DPep& aPep);
+        void PnsPipeResetInd();
+    };
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS( DPep ) : public DBase
+    DPep( DRouter* aDl, MIAD2ChannelApi* aUl, TUint16 aChannelId, DPipeHandler& aHandler  );
+    ~DPep();
+    TUint8 GetPipeHandle()
+        {
+        return iPipeHandle;
+        };
+    TUint16 ChannelId()
+        {
+        return iChannelId;
+        }
+    void NextState(TPipeState aState);
+    virtual TInt ReceiveMessage(const TDesC8& aMsg, MIAD2ChannelApi* aToCb);
+    virtual TInt SendMessage(TDes8& aMsg, TUint16 aFromChannel);
+    TInt SendPepConnectResp(const TDesC8& aData);
+    TInt SendPepResetResp(const TDesC8& aData);
+    TInt SendPepDisconnectResp(const TDesC8& aData);
+    TInt SendPepEnableResp(const TDesC8& aData);
+    TInt SendPepDisableResp(const TDesC8& aData);
+    TInt RxPipeData(const TDesC8& aData);
+    TInt TxPipeData(TDes8& aData);
+    void PipeDisabling();
+    void PipeDisabled();
+    void PipeEnabled();
+    void PipeDisableDisabled();
+    void PipeEnableEnabled();
+    void SetLoaned( MIAD2ChannelApi* aCh );
+    void SetLoanReturned( MIAD2ChannelApi* aOldCh );
+    void HandlePnPipeSbNegotiatedFC( const TDesC8& aMessage );
+    DRouter*                iRouter;
+    TUint8                  iPipeHandle;
+    TUint8                  iChannelId;
+    DPipeHandler&           iPipeHandler;
+    MIAD2ChannelApi*        iChannel; // must be pointer due to it is not always available
+    DPepTransceiver*        iDecoratedRx;
+    DPepTransceiver*        iDecoratedTx;
+    DPepTransceiver         iMainTxRx; // the one having pointers other classes
+// StateMachine states:
+    DCreating                   iCreating;
+    DCreatingEnabled            iCreatingEnabled;
+    DDisabled                   iDisabled;
+    DDisabling                  iDisabling;
+    DEnabling                   iEnabling;
+    DEnabled                    iEnabled;
+    DEnableEnabled              iEnableEnabled;
+    DDisabledDisabled           iDisabledDisabled;
+    DDisabledEnabled            iDisabledEnabled;
+    DEnabledDisabled            iEnabledDisabled;
+    DEnabledEnabled             iEnabledEnabled;
+    DDisconnected               iDisconnected;
+    DPipeState*                 iCurrentState;