changeset 0 63b37f68c1ce
child 9 8486d82aef45
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/connectivitylayer/isce/p2prouter_dll/src/p2pkernelchannel.cpp	Fri Nov 06 17:28:23 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,642 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+#include <nk_priv.h>       // For __ASSERT_NO_FAST_MUTEX published partner
+#include <kern_priv.h>     // For __ASSERT_CRITICAL published partner
+#include <dfcs.h>               // For TDfc
+#include "memapi.h"             // For MemApi
+#include "p2pkernelchannel.h"   // For DP2PKernelChannel
+#include "p2proutertrace.h"     // For TRACEs
+#include "p2pdefs.h"            // For EP2PAmountOfProtocols
+#include "msgqueue.h"           // For DMsgQueue 
+#include "p2pinternaldefs.h"    // For EP2P...
+const TInt KFirstParam( 0 );
+const TInt KSecondParam( 1 );
+const TInt KThirdParam( 2 );
+const TInt KDestroyChannelMsg( 0xff );
+const TInt KP2PKernelChannelMsgQueDfcPrio( 2 ); // LDD FW has one
+const TInt KP2PKernelEmptyRxQueuePrio( 1 );
+enum TP2PKernelChannelFaults
+    {
+    EP2PKernelChannelMemAllocFailure = 0x00,
+    EP2PKernelChannelMemAllocFailure2,
+    EP2PKernelChannelNotThreadContext,
+    EP2PKernelChannelNotThreadContext2,
+    EP2PKernelChannelNotThreadContext3,
+    EP2PKernelChannelNullParam,
+    EP2PKernelChannelNullParam2,
+    EP2PKernelChannelNullParam3,
+    EP2PKernelChannelNullParam4,
+    EP2PKernelChannelNullParam5,
+    EP2PKernelChannelNullParam6,
+    EP2PKernelChannelWrongParam,
+    EP2PKernelChannelWrongParam2,
+    EP2PKernelChannelWrongParam3,
+    EP2PKernelChannelWrongResponse,
+    EP2PKernelChannelNullPtr,
+    EP2PKernelChannelWrongRequest,
+    EP2PKernelChannelWrongRequest2,
+    EP2PKernelChannelWrongRequest3,
+    EP2PKernelChannelWrongRequest4,
+    EP2PKernelChannelOverTheLimits,
+    EP2PKernelChannelOverTheLimits2,
+    EP2PKernelChannelOverTheLimits3,
+    EP2PKernelChannelOverTheLimits4,
+    EP2PKernelChannelSameRequestTwice,
+    EP2PKernelChannelDfcAlreadyQueued,
+    EP2PKernelChannelRxBufferNotReleased,
+    };
+// TODO: Create a common Kernel channel FW (P2P, ISI, etc..) after APIs are locked
+        // None
+        ) :
+        iP2PProtocolId( EP2PAmountOfProtocols ),
+        iKernelChMsgQue( MsgQDfc, this, NULL, KP2PKernelChannelMsgQueDfcPrio )
+    {
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::DP2PKernelChannel 0x%x 0x%x>" ), this, iP2PProtocolId ) );
+    iRouterIf = MP2PChRouterIf::GetIf();
+    ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( iRouterIf, ( EP2PKernelChannelMemAllocFailure | EDP2PKernelChannelId << KClassIdentifierShift ) );
+    iRequests = new DP2PKernelAsyncRequests( EP2PLastAsyncRequest );
+    iRx = new DMsgQueue( KP2PLddRxQueuSize );
+    iEmptyRxDfc = new TDfc( EmptyRxDfc, this, iRouterIf->GetDfcThread( MP2PChRouterIf::EP2PDfcThread ), KP2PKernelEmptyRxQueuePrio );
+    ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( ( iEmptyRxDfc && iRequests && iRx ), ( EP2PKernelChannelMemAllocFailure2 | EDP2PKernelChannelId << KClassIdentifierShift ) );
+    iKernelChMsgQue.SetDfcQ( iRouterIf->GetDfcThread( MP2PChRouterIf::EP2PDfcThread ) );
+    iKernelChMsgQue.Receive();
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::DP2PKernelChannel 0x%x 0x%x<" ), this, iP2PProtocolId ) );
+    }
+        // None
+        )
+    {
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::~DP2PKernelChannel 0x%x 0x%x>" ), this, iP2PProtocolId ) );
+    // Send channel destroyed message to complete with EFalse.
+    TThreadMessage& m=Kern::Message();
+    m.iValue = KDestroyChannelMsg;
+    m.SendReceive( &iKernelChMsgQue );
+    iP2PProtocolId = EP2PAmountOfProtocols;
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::~DP2PKernelChannel iRx 0x%x" ), iRx ) );
+    // Only modified in constructor, if not created already reseted.
+    delete iRx;
+    iRx = NULL;
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::~DP2PKernelChannel iEmptyRxDfc 0x%x" ), iEmptyRxDfc ) );
+    // Only modified in constructor, if not created already reseted.
+    iEmptyRxDfc->Cancel();
+    delete iEmptyRxDfc;
+    iEmptyRxDfc = NULL;
+    iPtrPtrToRxBuf = NULL;
+    iRouterIf = NULL;
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::~DP2PKernelChannel iRequests 0x%x" ), iEmptyRxDfc ) );
+    // Only modified in constructor, if not created already reseted.
+    delete iRequests;
+    iRequests = NULL;
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::~DP2PKernelChannel 0x%x 0x%x<" ), this, iP2PProtocolId ) );
+    }
+// Handling of the request from kernel api
+// Puts calling thread waiting until TThreadMessage::SendReceive is completed
+TInt DP2PKernelChannel::HandleRequest(
+        TThreadMessage& aMsg
+        )
+    {
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::HandleRequest 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x>" ), this, iP2PProtocolId, aMsg.iValue ) );
+    // TODO : similar__NK_ASSERT_UNLOCKED;
+    __ASSERT_CRITICAL;      // From kern_priv.h published partner
+    __ASSERT_NO_FAST_MUTEX; // From nk_priv.h published partner.
+    ASSERT_THREAD_CONTEXT_ALWAYS( ( EP2PKernelChannelNotThreadContext | EDP2PKernelChannelId << KClassIdentifierShift ) );
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::HandleRequest 0x%x == 0x%x " ), iP2PProtocolId, EP2PAmountOfProtocols ) );
+    TInt valueToReturn( KErrAlreadyExists );
+    // Channel is not open, either still closed or open is pending.
+    if( EP2PAmountOfProtocols <= iP2PProtocolId )
+        {
+        // Accept only open and close calls
+        switch( aMsg.iValue )
+            {
+            // Open and close calls are legal
+            case EP2PAsyncOpen:
+            case EP2PClose:
+                {
+                C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::HandleRequest open or close 0x%x" ), this ) );
+                valueToReturn = aMsg.SendReceive( &iKernelChMsgQue );
+                break;
+                }
+            case KMaxTInt:
+                {
+                // Accept only open cancellation when channel is not open.
+                ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( ( KMaxTInt & aMsg.Int0() == EP2PAsyncOpen ), ( EP2PKernelChannelWrongParam3 | EDP2PKernelChannelId << KClassIdentifierShift ) );
+                C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::HandleRequest open cancel 0x%x" ), this ) );
+                valueToReturn = aMsg.SendReceive( &iKernelChMsgQue );
+                break;
+                }
+            default:
+                {
+                ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( ( 0 ), ( EP2PKernelChannelWrongParam | EDP2PKernelChannelId << KClassIdentifierShift ) );
+                break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    // Channel is open.
+    else
+        {
+        // Accept all calls except open.
+        if( EP2PAsyncOpen != aMsg.iValue )
+            {
+            valueToReturn = aMsg.SendReceive( &iKernelChMsgQue );
+            }
+        }
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::HandleRequest 0x%x 0x%x %d<" ), this, iP2PProtocolId, valueToReturn ) );
+    return valueToReturn;
+    }
+// From MP2PRouterChIf start
+// Called only in router extension thread context.
+void DP2PKernelChannel::ConnectionLost()
+    {
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::ConnectionLost 0x%x 0x%x %d %d 0x%x>" ), this, iP2PProtocolId ) );
+    EnqueChannelRequestCompleteDfc( EP2PAsyncConnectionLost, KErrNotReady );
+    ResetQueues();
+    //Closing( iP2PProtocolId );
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::ConnectionLost 0x%x 0x%x %d %d 0x%x<" ), this, iP2PProtocolId ) );
+    }
+// Called only in router extension thread context.
+void DP2PKernelChannel::EnqueChannelRequestCompleteDfc(
+        TInt aRequest,
+        TInt aStatusToComplete
+        )
+    {
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::EnqueChannelRequestCompleteDfc 0x%x 0x%x %d %d 0x%x>" ), this, iP2PProtocolId, aRequest, aStatusToComplete ) );
+    ASSERT_THREAD_CONTEXT_ALWAYS( ( EP2PKernelChannelNotThreadContext2 | EDP2PKernelChannelId << KClassIdentifierShift ) );
+    // TODO: assert router ext thread context
+    if( aRequest == EP2PAsyncOpen )
+        {
+        iP2PProtocolId = ( KErrNone == aStatusToComplete || KErrInUse == aStatusToComplete ) ? ~iP2PProtocolId : EP2PAmountOfProtocols;
+        }
+    iRequests->Complete( aRequest, aStatusToComplete );
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::EnqueChannelRequestCompleteDfc 0x%x 0x%x %d %d 0x%x<" ), this, iP2PProtocolId, aRequest, aStatusToComplete ) );
+    }
+// Called in 1...N transceivers thread context
+void DP2PKernelChannel::ReceiveMsg(
+        const TDesC8& aMessage
+        )
+    {
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::ReceiveMsg 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x>" ), this, iP2PProtocolId, &aMessage ) );
+    ASSERT_THREAD_CONTEXT_ALWAYS( ( EP2PKernelChannelNotThreadContext3 | EDP2PKernelChannelId << KClassIdentifierShift ) );
+    iRx->Add( aMessage );
+    iEmptyRxDfc->Enque();
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::ReceiveMsg 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x<" ), this, iP2PProtocolId, &aMessage ) );
+    }
+// From MP2PRouterChIf end
+// Internal functions
+void DP2PKernelChannel::EmptyRxDfc(
+        TAny* aPtr // self
+        )
+    {
+    DP2PKernelChannel& chTmp = *reinterpret_cast<DP2PKernelChannel*>( aPtr );
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::EmptyRxDfc 0x%x 0x%x>" ), &chTmp, chTmp.iP2PProtocolId ) );
+    if( chTmp.iRequests->IsPending( EP2PAsyncReceive ) && chTmp.iRx->Count() > 0 )
+        {
+        C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::EmptyRxDfc 0x%x 0x%x writing to kernel client" ), &chTmp, chTmp.iP2PProtocolId ) );
+        TDes8*& tmpWrite = *chTmp.iPtrPtrToRxBuf;
+        tmpWrite = &chTmp.iRx->Get();
+        C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::EmptyRxDfc 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x clientRx 0x%x " ), &chTmp, chTmp.iP2PProtocolId, chTmp.iPtrPtrToRxBuf, &chTmp.iPtrPtrToRxBuf, *chTmp.iPtrPtrToRxBuf ) );
+        chTmp.EnqueChannelRequestCompleteDfc( EP2PAsyncReceive, KErrNone );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::EmptyRxDfc 0x%x 0x%x no receive active or no message" ), &chTmp, chTmp.iP2PProtocolId ) );
+        }
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::EmptyRxDfc 0x%x 0x%x <" ), &chTmp, chTmp.iP2PProtocolId ) );
+    }
+void DP2PKernelChannel::MsgQDfc(
+        TAny* aPtr
+        )
+    {
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::MsgQDfc>" ) ) );
+    DP2PKernelChannel* tmp = reinterpret_cast<DP2PKernelChannel*>( aPtr );
+    tmp->HandleThreadMsg( static_cast<TThreadMessage&>(*tmp->iKernelChMsgQue.iMessage ) );
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::MsgQDfc<" ) ) );
+    }
+void DP2PKernelChannel::HandleThreadMsg(
+         TThreadMessage& aMsg
+        )
+    {
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::HandleThreadMsg 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x>" ), this, iP2PProtocolId, &aMsg ) );
+    TThreadMessage& m = ( aMsg );
+    TInt completeValue( KErrNone );
+    TBool complete( ETrue );
+    switch( m.iValue )
+        {
+        // All asynchronous requests. Return result after DFC function is run.
+        case EP2PAsyncReceive:
+        case EP2PAsyncOpen:
+        case EP2PAsyncConnectionLost:
+            {
+            // No need to check return value in async functions, completed to client from DFC.
+            HandleDfcRequest( m );
+            break;
+            }
+        // From synchronized request return the result immediately
+        case EP2PClose:
+        case EP2PAllocateBlock:
+        case EP2PDeallocateBlock:
+        case EP2PSend:
+            {
+            completeValue = HandleSyncRequest( m );
+            break;
+            }
+        case KDestroyChannelMsg:
+            {
+            completeValue = KErrNone;
+            // Don't receive anymore messages.
+            complete = EFalse;
+            break;
+            }
+        case KMaxTInt:
+            {
+            completeValue = KErrNone;
+            DoCancel( KMaxTInt, m.Int0() );
+            break;
+            }
+        default:
+            {
+            ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( 0, ( EP2PKernelChannelWrongRequest | EDP2PKernelChannelId << KClassIdentifierShift ) );
+            break;
+            }
+        }
+    m.Complete( completeValue, complete );
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::HandleThreadMsg 0x%x 0x%x<" ), this, iP2PProtocolId ) );
+    }
+void DP2PKernelChannel::HandleDfcRequest(
+        TThreadMessage& aMsg
+        )
+    {
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::HandleDfcRequest 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x>" ), this, iP2PProtocolId, &aMsg ) );
+    TThreadMessage& m = ( aMsg );
+    TInt request( m.iValue );
+    ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( m.iArg, ( EP2PKernelChannelNullParam | EDP2PKernelChannelId << KClassIdentifierShift ) );
+    // If request already active.
+    ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( EP2PLastAsyncRequest > ( request ), ( EP2PKernelChannelWrongRequest4 | EDP2PKernelChannelId << KClassIdentifierShift ) );
+    if( iRequests->IsPending( request) )
+        {
+        C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::HandleDfcRequest existing 0x%x 0x%x request 0x%x" ), this, iP2PProtocolId, request ) );
+        TRACE_ASSERT_INFO( 0, ( (TUint8)iP2PProtocolId << KProtocolIdShift | (TUint8)request << KExtraInfoShift ) );
+        // Should not give same request object twice before completing the first one.
+        ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( 0, ( EP2PKernelChannelSameRequestTwice | static_cast<TUint8>( iP2PProtocolId ) << KProtocolIdShift | static_cast<TUint8>( request ) << KExtraInfoShift ) );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::HandleDfcRequest 0x%x 0x%x handling %d" ), this, iP2PProtocolId, request ) );
+        //NOTE! These are tight to parameter passing!!
+        TUint32* tablePtr = reinterpret_cast<TUint32*>( m.Ptr0() );
+        TInt* dfcStatus = reinterpret_cast<TInt*>( tablePtr[ 0 ] );
+        TDfc* dfc = reinterpret_cast<TDfc*>( tablePtr[ 1 ] );
+        ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( dfcStatus, ( EP2PKernelChannelNullParam2 | EDP2PKernelChannelId << KClassIdentifierShift ) );
+        ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( dfc, ( EP2PKernelChannelNullParam3 | EDP2PKernelChannelId << KClassIdentifierShift ) );
+        iRequests->SetPending( request, dfc, dfcStatus );
+        switch( request )
+            {
+            case EP2PAsyncOpen:
+                {
+                iP2PProtocolId = tablePtr[ KThirdParam ];
+                iP2PProtocolId = ~iP2PProtocolId;
+                C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::HandleDfcRequest EP2PNokiaKernelOpen 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x" ), this, iP2PProtocolId, ~iP2PProtocolId ) );
+                iRouterIf->Open( ~iP2PProtocolId, this );
+                break;
+                }
+            case EP2PAsyncReceive:
+                {
+                ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( !iPtrPtrToRxBuf, ( EP2PKernelChannelRxBufferNotReleased | EDP2PKernelChannelId << KClassIdentifierShift ) );
+                iPtrPtrToRxBuf = reinterpret_cast<TDes8**>( tablePtr[ KThirdParam ] );
+                C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::HandleDfcRequest EIADAsyncReceive 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x" ), this, iP2PProtocolId, iPtrPtrToRxBuf, &iPtrPtrToRxBuf ) );
+                iEmptyRxDfc->Enque();
+                break;
+                }
+            case EP2PAsyncConnectionLost:
+                {
+                C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::HandleDfcRequest EP2PAsyncConnectionLost 0x%x 0x%x" ), this, iP2PProtocolId ) );
+                // If the connection is already lost when function is called return immediately.
+                // This might happend in between calls to ::Open and ::NotifyClose
+                if( !iRouterIf->ConnectionExist( iP2PProtocolId ) )
+                    {
+                    EnqueChannelRequestCompleteDfc( EP2PAsyncConnectionLost, KErrNotReady );
+                    ResetQueues();
+                    //Closing( iP2PProtocolId );
+                    }
+                break;
+                }
+            default:
+                {
+                ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( 0, ( EP2PKernelChannelWrongRequest2 | EDP2PKernelChannelId << KClassIdentifierShift ) );
+                break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::HandleDfcRequest 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x<" ), this, iP2PProtocolId, &aMsg ) );
+    }
+TInt DP2PKernelChannel::HandleSyncRequest(
+        TThreadMessage& aMsg
+        )
+    {
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::HandleSyncRequest 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x>" ), this, iP2PProtocolId, &aMsg ) );
+    TThreadMessage& m = ( aMsg );
+    TInt request( m.iValue );
+    ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( m.iArg, ( EP2PKernelChannelNullParam4 | EDP2PKernelChannelId << KClassIdentifierShift ) );
+    TInt returnValue( KErrNone );
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::HandleSyncRequest 0x%x 0x%x handling %d" ), this, iP2PProtocolId, request ) );
+    TUint32* tablePtr = reinterpret_cast<TUint32*>( m.Ptr0() );
+    // NOTE! values depend on the P2P Kernel API parameters
+    switch( request )
+        {
+        case EP2PClose:
+            {
+            C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::HandleSyncRequest EP2PClose 0x%x 0x%x" ), this, iP2PProtocolId ) );
+            Closing( iP2PProtocolId );
+            C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::HandleSyncRequest EP2PClose 0x%x 0x%x" ), this, iP2PProtocolId ) );
+            returnValue = KErrNone;
+            break;
+            }
+        case EP2PAllocateBlock:
+            {
+            const TInt size = *reinterpret_cast<TInt*>( tablePtr[ KFirstParam ] );
+            TDes8*& block = *(reinterpret_cast<TDes8**>( tablePtr[ KSecondParam ] ));
+            C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel:: EP2PAllocateBlock 0x%x 0x%x block 0x%x %d" ), this, iP2PProtocolId, block, size ) );
+            block = ( &MemApi::AllocBlock( size ) );
+            break;
+            }
+        case EP2PDeallocateBlock:
+            {
+            TDes8& block = *reinterpret_cast<TDes8*>( tablePtr[ KFirstParam ] );
+            C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::HandleSyncRequest EP2PAllocateBlock 0x%x 0x%x block 0x%x" ), this, iP2PProtocolId, &block ) );
+            // Needed to ensure that right channel is deleting the right block. (Could it be done otherways too?)
+            if( iPtrPtrToRxBuf )
+                {
+                if ( &block == *iPtrPtrToRxBuf )
+                    {
+                    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::HandleSyncRequest release 0x%x 0x%x clientRx 0x%x"), iPtrPtrToRxBuf, &iPtrPtrToRxBuf, *iPtrPtrToRxBuf ) );
+                    iPtrPtrToRxBuf = NULL;
+                    }
+                }
+            MemApi::DeallocBlock( block );
+            break;
+            }
+        case EP2PSend:
+            {
+            TDes8& block = *reinterpret_cast<TDes8*>( tablePtr[ KFirstParam ] );
+            C_TRACE( ( _T( "DISAKernelChannel::HandleSyncRequest EP2PSend 0x%x 0x%x block 0x%x" ), this, iP2PProtocolId, &block ) );
+            returnValue = iRouterIf->Send( block, iP2PProtocolId );
+            break;
+            }
+        default:
+            {
+            ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( 0, ( EP2PKernelChannelWrongRequest3 | EDP2PKernelChannelId << KClassIdentifierShift ) );
+            break;
+            }
+        }
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::HandleSyncRequest 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x %d<" ), this, iP2PProtocolId, &aMsg, returnValue ) );
+    return returnValue;
+    }
+void DP2PKernelChannel::DoCancel(
+        TInt aRequest,
+        TInt aMask )
+    {
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::DoCancel 0x%x 0x%x>" ), this, iP2PProtocolId ) );
+    ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( EP2PLastAsyncRequest > ( aMask&aRequest ), EP2PKernelChannelOverTheLimits | EDP2PKernelChannelId << KClassIdentifierShift );
+    if( iRequests->IsPending( aMask&aRequest ) )
+        {
+        switch( aMask&aRequest )
+            {
+            case EP2PAsyncOpen:
+                {
+                C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::DoCancel EP2PAsyncOpen 0x%x 0x%x" ), this, iP2PProtocolId ) );
+                ResetQueues();
+                Close( ~iP2PProtocolId );
+                break;
+                }
+            case EP2PAsyncReceive:
+                {
+                C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::DoCancel EIADAsyncReceive 0x%x 0x%x ptrs 0x%x 0x%x" ), this, iP2PProtocolId, iPtrPtrToRxBuf, &iPtrPtrToRxBuf ) );
+                iPtrPtrToRxBuf = NULL;
+                break;
+                }
+            case EP2PAsyncConnectionLost:
+                {
+                C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::DoCancel EP2PAsyncConnectionLost 0x%x 0x%x" ), this, iP2PProtocolId ) );
+                break;
+                }
+            default:
+                {
+                ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( 0, EP2PKernelChannelWrongRequest | EDP2PKernelChannelId << KClassIdentifierShift );
+                break;
+                }
+            }
+        EnqueChannelRequestCompleteDfc( aMask&aRequest, KErrCancel );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::DoCancel nothing to cancel 0x%x 0x%x" ), this, iP2PProtocolId ) );
+        }
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::DoCancel 0x%x 0x%x<" ), this, iP2PProtocolId ) );
+    }
+void DP2PKernelChannel::Close(
+        const TUint8 aP2PProtocolId
+        )
+    {
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::Close 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x>" ), this, iP2PProtocolId, aP2PProtocolId ) );
+    if( EP2PAmountOfProtocols != iP2PProtocolId )
+        {
+        C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::Close closing 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x>" ), this, iP2PProtocolId, aP2PProtocolId ) );
+        iRouterIf->Close( aP2PProtocolId );
+        }
+    iP2PProtocolId = EP2PAmountOfProtocols;
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::Close 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x<" ), this, iP2PProtocolId, aP2PProtocolId ) );
+    }
+void DP2PKernelChannel::Closing(
+        const TUint8 aP2PProtocolId
+        )
+    {
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::Closing 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x>" ), this, iP2PProtocolId, aP2PProtocolId ) );
+    ResetQueues();
+    for( TInt i( EP2PLastSyncRequest ); i < EP2PLastAsyncRequest; ++i )
+        {
+        C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::CancelRequests req to cancel %d" ), i ) );
+        DoCancel( KMaxTInt, i );
+        }
+    Close( iP2PProtocolId );
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::Closing 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x<" ), this, iP2PProtocolId, aP2PProtocolId ) );
+    }
+void DP2PKernelChannel::ResetQueues(
+        // None
+        )
+    {
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::ResetQueues 0x%x 0x%x>" ), this, iP2PProtocolId ) );
+    // TODO: assert router ext thread context
+    if( iRx )
+        {
+        C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::ResetQueues 0x%x 0x%x iRx 0x%x" ), this, iP2PProtocolId, iRx ) );
+        while( iRx->Count() )
+            {
+            MemApi::DeallocBlock( iRx->Get() );
+            }
+        }
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelChannel::ResetQueues 0x%x 0x%x<" ), this, iP2PProtocolId ) );
+    }
+// Internal functions
+// Internal class
+        const TInt aSize
+        )
+    {
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelAsyncRequests::DP2PKernelAsyncRequests size %d>" ), aSize ) );
+    iRequestLock = new NFastMutex();
+    iShDfcFunctionList = new TDfc*[ aSize ];
+    iShRequestStatusList = new TInt*[ aSize ];
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelAsyncRequests::DP2PKernelAsyncRequests<" ) ) );
+    }
+    {
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelAsyncRequests::~DP2PKernelAsyncRequests>" ) ) );
+    // Delete space reserved for the array not the contents of the array, so mem behind pointers that are not owned are not deleted.
+    delete iShDfcFunctionList;
+    delete iShRequestStatusList;
+    // Deletes lock
+    delete iRequestLock;
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelAsyncRequests::~DP2PKernelAsyncRequests<" ) ) );
+    }
+void DP2PKernelChannel::DP2PKernelAsyncRequests::SetPending(
+        const TUint aRequest,
+        TDfc* aDfc,
+        TInt* aStatus
+        )
+    {
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelAsyncRequests::SetPending %d 0x%x 0x%x>" ), aRequest, aDfc, aStatus ) );
+    ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( aDfc, ( EP2PKernelChannelNullParam5 | EDP2PKernelChannelId << KClassIdentifierShift ) );
+    ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( aStatus, ( EP2PKernelChannelNullParam5 | EDP2PKernelChannelId << KClassIdentifierShift ) );
+    ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( ( EP2PLastAsyncRequest > aRequest && EP2PAsyncReceive <= aRequest ), ( EP2PKernelChannelOverTheLimits2 | EDP2PKernelChannelId << KClassIdentifierShift ) );
+    // Note asserts must be done before holding the lock.
+    NKern::FMWait( iRequestLock );
+    iShDfcFunctionList[ aRequest ] = aDfc;
+    iShRequestStatusList[ aRequest ] = aStatus;
+    *iShRequestStatusList[ aRequest ] = KRequestPending;
+    NKern::FMSignal( iRequestLock );
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelAsyncRequests::SetPending %d 0x%x 0x%x<" ), aRequest, aDfc, aStatus ) );
+    }
+TBool DP2PKernelChannel::DP2PKernelAsyncRequests::IsPending(
+        const TUint aRequest
+        )
+    {
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelAsyncRequests::IsPending %d>" ), aRequest ) );
+    ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( ( EP2PLastAsyncRequest > aRequest && EP2PAsyncReceive <= aRequest ), ( EP2PKernelChannelOverTheLimits3 | EDP2PKernelChannelId << KClassIdentifierShift ) );
+    TBool ret( EFalse );
+    NKern::FMWait( iRequestLock );
+    ret = ( iShDfcFunctionList[ aRequest ] && iShRequestStatusList[ aRequest ] ) ? ETrue : EFalse;
+    NKern::FMSignal( iRequestLock );
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelAsyncRequests::IsPending %d %d<" ), aRequest, ret ) );
+    return ret;
+    }
+void DP2PKernelChannel::DP2PKernelAsyncRequests::Complete(
+        const TUint aRequest,
+        const TInt aStatusToComplete
+        )
+    {
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelAsyncRequests::Complete %d>" ), aRequest ) );
+    // Check that request is legal.
+    ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( ( EP2PLastAsyncRequest > aRequest && EP2PAsyncReceive <= aRequest ), ( EP2PKernelChannelOverTheLimits4 | EDP2PKernelChannelId << KClassIdentifierShift ) );
+    NKern::FMWait( iRequestLock );
+    TDfc* completeDfc = iShDfcFunctionList[ aRequest ];
+    if( ( completeDfc && iShRequestStatusList[ aRequest ] ) )
+        {
+        // Writing straight to clients pointer. There is a risk that malfunctioning client can mess up it's own pointer, if used out side of rx dfc, but what can you do..
+        *iShRequestStatusList[ aRequest ] = aStatusToComplete;
+        ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( !completeDfc->Queued(), ( EP2PKernelChannelDfcAlreadyQueued | EDP2PKernelChannelId << KClassIdentifierShift ) );
+        completeDfc->Enque();
+        iShDfcFunctionList[ aRequest ] = NULL;
+        }
+    NKern::FMSignal( iRequestLock );
+    C_TRACE( ( _T( "DP2PKernelAsyncRequests::Complete %d<" ), aRequest ) );
+    }
+// Internal class
+// End of file.