author Tom Pritchard <>
Mon, 09 Nov 2009 10:31:01 +0000
changeset 3 1972d8c2e329
parent 0 63b37f68c1ce
permissions -rw-r--r--
Tidying up initial files

//* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
//* All rights reserved.
//* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
//* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
//* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
//* at the URL "".
//* Initial Contributors:
//* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
//* Contributors:
//* Description:  

// MOD_0002.001_1_NokiaTSY_[HW Set Network Selection Setting Manual]
// Precondition: 
// -N/A
// Script description:
// -Possible values are: Manual, Automatic and Unknown.
title MOD_0002.001_1_NokiaTSY_[HW Set Network Selection Setting Manual]
create NTT_NWE test
test SetNetworkSelectionSetting Manual
allownextresult 0
waittestclass test
delete test

// MOD_0002.002_1_NokiaTSY_[HW Set Network Selection Setting Automatic]
// Precondition: 
// -N/A
// Script description:
// -Possible values are: Manual, Automatic and Unknown.
title MOD_0002.002_1_NokiaTSY_[HW Set Network Selection Setting Automatic]
create NTT_NWE test
test SetNetworkSelectionSetting Automatic
allownextresult 0
waittestclass test
delete test

// MOD_0002.003_1_NokiaTSY_[HW Get Home Network]
// Precondition: 
// -N/A
// Script description:
// -N/A
title MOD_0002.003_1_NokiaTSY_[HW Get Home Network]
create NTT_NWE test
waittestclass test
delete test

// MOD_0002.004_1_NokiaTSY_[HW GetNetworkRegistrationStatus]
// Precondition: 
// -N/A
// Script description:
// -N/A
title MOD_0002.004_1_NokiaTSY_[HW GetNetworkRegistrationStatus]
create NTT_NWE test
create NTT_Notify notify1
create NTT_Notify notify2
create NTT_Notify notify3
create NTT_Notify notify4
notify1 UseObjectAddress test NotifyNetworkRegistrationStatusChange
notify2 UseObjectAddress test NotifyNetworkSelectionSettingChange
notify3 UseObjectAddress test NotifyCurrentNetworkChange
notify4 UseObjectAddress test NotifyModeChange
test GetNetworkRegistrationStatus DONT_CARE_NETWORK_NAME
//allownextresult 0
//waittestclass notify1
allownextresult 0
waittestclass test
delete test
delete notify1
delete notify2
delete notify3
delete notify4

// MOD_0002.005_1_NokiaTSY_[HW GetCipheringIndicatorStatus]
// Precondition: 
// -Connection between phone and PC must be OK.
// -Phone must be on and SIM card installed.
// -Ciphering indicator status must be enabled in SIM. Could be checked from
//  SIM file EFAD (FileID:6FAD), where first bit of third byte must be 1.
//  Most of SIM cards support ciphering indication status (but e.g. old white
//  colored NTN SIMs don't as default).
// Script description:
// -N/A
title MOD_0002.005_1_NokiaTSY_[HW GetCipheringIndicatorStatus]
create NTT_NWE test
test GetCipheringIndicatorStatus
waittestclass test
delete test

// MOD_0002.006_1_NokiaTSY_[HW CustomGetCipheringInfo]
// Precondition: 
// -N/A
// Script description:
// -N/A
title MOD_0002.006_1_NokiaTSY_[HW CustomGetCipheringInfo]
create NTT_NWE test
test CustomGetCipheringInfo
waittestclass test
delete test

// MOD_0002.007_1_NokiaTSY_[HW CustomNetWakeup]
// Precondition: 
// -N/A
// Script description:
// -N/A
title MOD_0002.007_1_NokiaTSY_[HW CustomNetWakeup]
create NTT_NWE test
test CustomNetWakeup
waittestclass test
delete test

// MOD_0002.008_1_NokiaTSY_[HW CustomGetOperatorName]
// Precondition: 
// -N/A
// Script description:
// -N/A
title MOD_0002.008_1_NokiaTSY_[HW CustomGetOperatorName]
create NTT_NWE test
test CustomGetOperatorName DONT_CARE_NETWORK_NAME
waittestclass test
delete test

// MOD_0002.009_1_NokiaTSY_[HW CustomResetNetworkRegistrationStatus]
// Precondition: 
// -N/A
// Script description:
// -N/A
title MOD_0002.009_1_NokiaTSY_[HW CustomResetNetworkRegistrationStatus]
create NTT_NWE test
test CustomResetNetworkRegistrationStatus
waittestclass test
delete test

// MOD_0002.010_1_NokiaTSY_[HW CustomGetSystemNetworkModes]
// Precondition: 
// -N/A
// Script description:
// -N/A
title MOD_0002.010_1_NokiaTSY_[HW CustomGetSystemNetworkModes]
create NTT_NWE test
test CustomGetSystemNetworkModes
waittestclass test
delete test

// MOD_0002.011_1_NokiaTSY_[HW CustomSetSystemNetworkMode_GSM]
// Precondition: 
// -N/A
// Script description:
// -N/A
title MOD_0002.011_1_NokiaTSY_[HW CustomSetSystemNetworkMode_GSM]
create NTT_NWE test
create NTT_Notify notify1
notify1 UseObjectAddress test NotifySignalStrengthChange
test CustomSetSystemNetworkMode NetworkGsm
waittestclass test
delete test
delete notify1

// MOD_0002.012_1_NokiaTSY_[HW CustomSetSystemNetworkMode_UMTS]
// Precondition: 
// -N/A
// Script description:
// -N/A
title MOD_0002.012_1_NokiaTSY_[HW CustomSetSystemNetworkMode_UMTS]
create NTT_NWE test
create NTT_Notify notify1
notify1 UseObjectAddress test NotifySignalStrengthChange
test CustomSetSystemNetworkMode NetworkUmts
waittestclass test
delete test
delete notify1

// MOD_0002.013_1_NokiaTSY_[HW CustomSetSystemNetworkMode_DUAL]
// Precondition: 
// -N/A
// Script description:
// -N/A
title MOD_0002.013_1_NokiaTSY_[HW CustomSetSystemNetworkMode_DUAL]
create NTT_NWE test
create NTT_Notify notify1
notify1 UseObjectAddress test NotifySignalStrengthChange
test CustomSetSystemNetworkMode NetworkDual
waittestclass test
delete test
delete notify1

// MOD_0002.014_1_NokiaTSY_[HW CustomGetCurrentSystemNetworkModes]
// Precondition: 
// -N/A
// Script description:
// -N/A
title MOD_0002.014_1_NokiaTSY_[HW CustomGetCurrentSystemNetworkModes]
create NTT_NWE test
test CustomGetCurrentSystemNetworkModes
waittestclass test
delete test

// MOD_0002.015_1_NokiaTSY_[HW NotifyNITZInfoChange]
// Precondition: 
// - Phone has to be flashed with normal image.
// Script description:
// - NOTE: Phone has to be flashed with normal image. 
//   When testcase is started, user must manually change 
//   "Settings -> Date and time settings -> Network time -> ON
//   Then testcase is executed properly.
title MOD_0002.015_1_NokiaTSY_[HW NotifyNITZInfoChange]
create NTT_NWE test
create NTT_Notify notify1
notify1 UseObjectAddress test NotifyNITZInfoChange
waittestclass test
delete test
delete notify1

// MOD_0002.016_1_NokiaTSY_[HW NotifyNetworkSecurityLevelChange]
// Precondition: 
// - Phone has to be flashed with normal image.
// Script description:
// - NOTE: When testcase is started, user must manually make MO voice call.
//   Then testcase is executed properly.
title MOD_0002.016_1_NokiaTSY_[HW NotifyNetworkSecurityLevelChange]
create NTT_NWE test
create NTT_Notify notify1
notify1 UseObjectAddress test NotifyNetworkSecurityLevelChange
waittestclass test
delete test
delete notify1

// MOD_0002.017_1_NokiaTSY_[HW ManualNetworkSearch]
// Precondition: 
// -N/A
// Script description:
// -N/A
title MOD_0002.017_1_NokiaTSY_[HW ManualNetworkSearch]
create NTT_NWE test
waittestclass test
delete test

// MOD_0002.018_1_NokiaTSY_[HW ManualNetworkSearchCancel]
// Precondition: 
// -N/A
// Script description:
// -N/A
title MOD_0002.018_1_NokiaTSY_[HW ManualNetworkSearchCancel]
create NTT_NWE test
test ManualNetworkSearchCancel
waittestclass test
delete test

// MOD_0002.019_1_NokiaTSY_[HW ManualNetworkSelection_ManualSelection]
// Precondition: 
// - Use NTN SIM card when testing this case
// Script description:
// -N/A
title MOD_0002.019_1_NokiaTSY_[HW ManualNetworkSelection_ManualSelection]
create NTT_NWE test
create NTT_Notify notify1
create NTT_Notify notify2
create NTT_Notify notify3
create NTT_Notify notify4
notify1 UseObjectAddress test NotifyNetworkRegistrationStatusChange
notify2 UseObjectAddress test NotifyNetworkSelectionSettingChange
notify3 UseObjectAddress test NotifyCurrentNetworkChange
notify4 UseObjectAddress test NotifyModeChange
test ManualNetworkSelection DONT_CARE_NETWORK_NAME
waittestclass test
delete test
delete notify1
delete notify2
delete notify3
delete notify4

// [Test]
// //
// // NOTE: Use NTN SIM card when testing this case
// //
// title MOD_0002.020_1_NokiaTSY_[HW ManualNetworkSelectionCancel_ManualSelection]
// create NTT_NWE test
// test ManualNetworkSelection DONT_CARE_NETWORK_NAME
// test ManualNetworkSelectionCancel
// waittestclass test
// delete test
// [Endtest]

// MOD_0002.023_1_NokiaTSY_[HW Verify WCDMA Cell_DCH state info]
// Precondition: 
// - No special preconditions
// Script description:
// - GetNetworkInfo
//   params:
//    function to test
//      NetworkMode
//      LocationArea
//    wanted mode (in NetworkMode)
//      NetworkModeUnknown
//      NetworkModeUnregistered
//      NetworkModeGsm
//      NetworkModeAmps
//      NetworkModeCdma95
//      NetworkModeCdma2000
//      NetworkModeWcdma
//    wanted mode (in LocationArea)
//      True
//      False
// - WaitForCallStatusChange
//   params:
//    none
// NOTE: If error -1111 is received it means that the received values
//       didn't match with the expected ones. Not a real error code.
title MOD_0002.023_1_NokiaTSY_[HW Verify WCDMA Cell_DCH state info]
create NTT_NWE test

test CustomSetSystemNetworkMode NetworkUmts
waittestclass test

test GetNetworkInfo NetworkMode NetworkModeWcdma
waittestclass test

test GetNetworkInfo LocationArea True
waittestclass test

//-------- make a manual call somewhere and answer to it -----

test WaitForCallStatusChange
waittestclass test

test GetNetworkInfo NetworkMode NetworkModeWcdma
waittestclass test

test GetNetworkInfo LocationArea False
waittestclass test

//-------- disconnect call from callers phone -----------------

test WaitForCallStatusChange

allownextresult -8071
waittestclass test

//make sure CellMo is idle again
pause 2000

test GetNetworkInfo NetworkMode NetworkModeWcdma
waittestclass test

test GetNetworkInfo LocationArea True
waittestclass test

delete test

// not suppoted for S60 ver 3.2

// MOD_0002.024_1_NokiaTSY_[HW CustomSetBandSelection_UMTS850]
// Precondition: 
// -N/A
// Script description:
// -N/A
title MOD_0002.024_1_NokiaTSY_[HW CustomSetBandSelection_UMTS850]
create NTT_NWE test

test CustomSetBandSelection NetworkUmts Band850
allownextresult 0
waittestclass test

delete test

// MOD_0002.025_1_NokiaTSY_[HW CustomSetBandSelection_UMTS2100]
// Precondition: 
// -N/A
// Script description:
// -N/A
title MOD_0002.025_1_NokiaTSY_[HW CustomSetBandSelection_UMTS2100]
create NTT_NWE test

test CustomSetBandSelection NetworkUmts Band2100
allownextresult 0
waittestclass test

delete test

// MOD_0002.026_1_NokiaTSY_[HW CustomGetBandSelection]
// Precondition: 
// -N/A
// Script description:
// -N/A
title MOD_0002.026_1_NokiaTSY_[HW CustomGetBandSelection]
create NTT_NWE test

test CustomGetBandSelection
allownextresult 0
waittestclass test

delete test

// MOD_0002.027_1_NokiaTSY_[HW CustomSetBandSelection_ANY]
// Precondition: 
// -N/A
// Script description:
// -N/A
title MOD_0002.027_1_NokiaTSY_[HW CustomSetBandSelection_ANY]
create NTT_NWE test

test CustomSetBandSelection NetworkDual BandAny
allownextresult 0
waittestclass test

delete test