First Contribution. Vanilla as it came from Nokia
* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#ifndef DQUEUE_H
#define DQUEUE_H
#include <e32def.h> // For TUint32
#include <e32cmn.h> // For TDesC8
#include <klib.h> // For DBase
#include "iadinternaldefinitions.h" // For EIAD....
class NFastMutex;
// Implemented as ring buffer, syncronization protection by NFastMutex.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( DQueue ) : public DBase
IMPORT_C DQueue( const TInt aSize );
IMPORT_C ~DQueue();
* In case of queue overflow throw kern::fault, REQ: isaaccessdriver should not lose ISI nor data messages.
* Adds the message in the end of the ringbuffer queue.
* @param const TDesC8& aMessage, message to be added.
IMPORT_C void Add( const TDesC8& aMessage );
*Returns the first pointer ( iOutputIndex ) from the ring buffer.
IMPORT_C TUint16 Count();
*Returns the first pointer ( iOutputIndex ) from the ring buffer.
IMPORT_C TDes8& Get();
* Rolls bakc to message given at parameter. Message must be the last message get from the queue.
IMPORT_C void RollBack( const TDesC8& aMsgToRoll );
// Index where to add next message pointer.
TUint16 iInputIndex;
// Index where to get next message pointer.
TUint16 iOutputIndex;
// Count of items in the array.
TUint16 iCount;
// Size of the ring buffer.
TUint16 iSize;
NFastMutex* iQueueMutex;
// The memory allocated for the buffer.
TDes8** iRingBuffer;
TIADReq();// not allowed and not needed
IMPORT_C TIADReq( TIADAsyncRequest aReq, TInt aStat );
// not owned just hold a pointer.
TIADAsyncRequest iRequest;
TInt iCompleteStatus;
// Implemented as ring buffer, syncronization protection by NFastMutex.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( DReqQueue ) : public DBase
IMPORT_C DReqQueue();
IMPORT_C ~DReqQueue();
* In case of queue overflow throw kern::fault, REQ: isaaccessdriver should not lose ISI nor data messages.
* Adds the message in the end of the ringbuffer queue.
* @param const TDesC8& aMessage, message to be added.
IMPORT_C TBool Add( TIADReq aReq );
*Returns the first pointer ( iOutputIndex ) from the ring buffer.
IMPORT_C TBool Empty();
*Returns the first pointer ( iOutputIndex ) from the ring buffer.
* Set req active / deactive. Default deactive.
IMPORT_C void SetReq( TIADAsyncRequest aReqToSet, TRequestStatus* aStatus = NULL );
* Get req. If NULL, request not pending.
IMPORT_C TRequestStatus* GetReq( TIADAsyncRequest aReqToGet );
// Index where to add next message pointer.
TUint16 iInputIndex;
// Index where to get next message pointer.
TUint16 iOutputIndex;
// Count of items in the array.
TUint16 iCount;
// Size of the ring buffer.
TUint16 iSize;
NFastMutex* iQueueMutex;
// Ring buffer must be as big as we have request. TODO: is there a danger to get more request..?
TIADReq iReqRingBuffer[ EIADAsyncLast ];
// Active / Deactive requests are kept in list to make finding easier.
TRequestStatus* iReqList[ EIADAsyncLast ];
#endif /* DQUEUE_H */