author mikaruus <>
Thu, 14 Jan 2010 10:44:58 +0200
changeset 5 8ccc39f9d787
parent 0 63b37f68c1ce
child 8 6295dc2169f3
permissions -rw-r--r--
New release based on our 2010wk02 release

* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: 


#include <etelpckt.h>
#include <etelqos.h>
#include "mmmmesshandlerbase.h"
#include "cmmphonetreceiver.h" // for MMmMessageReceiver
#include "cmmpipecontrol.h"
#include "nokiatsy_internal_variation.h"

// Client connection speed rates between 0 and 2097152 bps
const TInt KClientSpeeed0 = 0;
const TInt KClientSpeeed8192 = 8192;
const TInt KClientSpeeed16384 = 16384;
const TInt KClientSpeeed32768 = 32768;
const TInt KClientSpeeed65536 = 65536;
const TInt KClientSpeeed131072 = 131072;
const TInt KClientSpeeed262144 = 262144;
const TInt KClientSpeeed524288 = 524288;
const TInt KClientSpeeed1048576 = 1048576;
const TInt KClientSpeeed2097152 = 2097152;

// The maximum lengths for subblocks
// See: ISI General Packet Data Server Message Descriptions
const TUint16 KMaximumLengthOfGpdsTftInfo = 256;
const TUint8 KMaximumLengthOfGpdsTftAuthTokenInfo = 248;
const TUint8 KMaximumLengthOfGpdsTftFilterInfo = 148;

// Access point buffer 256
const TInt KAccessPointBuffer252 = 252;

// Nuber of bytes to be removed from total length for auth token info
const TInt KAuthTokenInfoChecking = 4;

// Index value 2
const TInt KIndexValue2 = 2;

const TInt KGdpsSharedTftParamIPFlowInfo2 = 2;

const TInt KGdpsSharedTftParamIPFlowInfo3 = 3;

// Maximum length of GDPS_ACTIVATE_REQ sub block
const TInt KMaxLengthOfGdpsActivateReqSB = 20;

// Remove extraordinary bytes from RPacketContext::KMiscProtocolBufferLength
// to get size for DNS buffer
const TInt KRemoveOtherThanDNSBytes = 3;

// DNS Buffer length
const TInt KDNSBufferLength = 16;

// CSCF Buffer length
const TInt KCSCFBufferLength = 16;

// CSCF Buffer length
const TInt KSignallingFlagBuffer = 1;

// Data Length for TLV
const TInt KTLVDataLen = 2;

// PCO Id len
const TInt KPCOIdLen = 1;

// Message data buffer size 1 byte
const TInt KMessageDataBufSize1 = 1;

// Filter array minus value
const TInt KFilterArray = 1;

// Initializing mask to 0x80 = 1000 0000 b
const TInt KInitMask0x80 = 0x80;

// Sub block count 1
const TInt KSubBlockCount1 = 1;

// Buff size for proxy id for channel
const TInt KBuffProxyIdForChannel = 2;

// Byte count for ptr to TLV data
const TInt KPtrToTLVdata = 4;

// Flow id's array index
const TInt KFlowIdsArrayIndex1 = 1;

// Call mode init value
const TInt KCallModeInitValue = 0xFF;

// Filler byte for ISI messages
const TUint8 KCallPadding = 0x00;

// Subbclock length
const TInt KSubBlockLengthOffset1 = 1;

// masks for detailed cause values.
// see 3GPP TS 24.008 V5.16.0 spec
const TUint8 KDiagnosticsOctet2( 0x02 ); // B0000_0100
const TUint8 KDiagnosticsOctet3( 0xC0 ); // B1100_0000
const TUint8 KDiagnosticsOctet4( 0x95 ); // B1001_0101
const TUint8 KDiagnosticsOctet5( 0x82 ); // B1000_0010
const TUint8 KDiagnosticsOctet6( 0x02 ); // B0000_0010

    // None

    // None

    // None

class CMmPhoNetSender;
class CMmPacketContextMesshandlerList;
class TIsiReceiveC;
class CMmPacketQoSMessHandler;
class CMmMessageRouter;
class RPacketContext;
class RPacketContext::CTFTMediaAuthorizationV3;
struct RPacketContext::CTFTMediaAuthorizationV3::TFlowIdentifier;


*  CMmPacketContextMessHandler is used to create and send
*  GSM-specific Packet Context ISI messages to PhoNet via PhoNetSender.
*  It also receives GSM-specific Packet Context ISI messages from Phonet
*  via PhoNetReceiver.
class CMmPacketContextMessHandler : public CBase,
    public MMmMessHandlerBase,
    public MMmMessageReceiver

    public: // Constructors and destructor

        * Creates a new packet context message handler object
        * @param CMmPhoNetSender*: pointer to phonet sender
        * @param CMmPhoNetReceiver*: pointer to phonet receiver
        * @param CMmPacketContextMesshandlerList*: pointer to context list
        * @param CMmPacketQoSMessHandler*: pointer to QoS message handler
        * @param CMmMessageRouter*: pointer to message router
        * @return CMmPacketContextMessHandler*: pointer to the message handler
        static CMmPacketContextMessHandler* NewL(
            CMmPhoNetSender* const aPhoNetSender,
            CMmPhoNetReceiver* aPhoNetReceiver,
            CMmPacketContextMesshandlerList* aMmPacketContextMesshandlerList,
            CMmPacketQoSMessHandler* aMmPacketQoSMessHandler,
            CMmMessageRouter* aMessageRouter );

        * Destructor.

    public: // New functions

        * Isimsg received by PhonetReceiver, interpret if GSM Packet Context
        * specific.
        * @param TIsiReceiveC, reference to the received message.
        * @return void
        void ReceiveMessageL( const TIsiReceiveC& aIsiMessage );

        * This function handles pipe related response messages and
        * completes operations.
        * @param aMessageId: message id
        * @param aTransactionId: transaction id
        * @param aPipeHandle: pipe handle
        * @param aErrorCause: error cause
        void CompletePipeOperation(
            const TInt aMessageId,
            const TUint8 aTransactionId,
            const TUint8 aPipeHandle,
            const TUint8 aErrorCause );

    public: // Functions from base classes

        * From MMmMessHandlerBase. This method is the single entry point for
        * requests coming from the Symbian OS layer to this message handler.
        * ExtFuncL is called by the MessageManager.
        * @param aIpc: IPC number of the request
        * @param aDataPackage: datapackage from CommonTSY
        * @return TInt: KErrNone or error code
        TInt ExtFuncL( TInt aIpc, const CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage );

    protected: // New functions
        // None

    protected: // Functions from base classes
        // None

    private: // Constructors and destructor

        * C++ default constructor.

        * By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
        void ConstructL();
    private: // New functions

        * Create an Isi-message for creating a context id.
        * @param aCreateContextIdTransId: create context id transaction id
        * @return TInt: error code (return value from PhoNetSender)
        TInt GpdsContextIdCreateReq(
            const TUint8 aCreateContextIdTransId ) const;

        * Configure a local link between Context and Pipe.
        * @param aTransactionId: transaction id
        * @param aContextId: context id
        * @param aPipeHandle: pipe handle
        * @return TInt: Error code (return value from PhoNetSender)
        TInt GpdsLlConfigureReq(
            const TUint8 aTransactionId,
            const TUint8 aContextId,
            const TUint8 aPipeHandle ) const;

        * Create an Isi-message for context configuration.
        * @param aTransactionId: ransaction id
        * @param aContextId: context id
        * @param aPdpType: Gpds server's Pdp address type
        * @param aContextType: Context type
        * @param aPrimaryContextId: primary context id
        * @param aDataCompression: data compression flag
        * @param aHeaderCompression: header compression flag
        * @param aAccessPointName: Access point name
        * @param aPacketFilterPtr: packet filter
        * @param aMediaAuthorization: media authorization
        * @param aSignallingIndication: signalling indication
        * @param aPCFCSAddressIndication: PCFCS address request indication
        * @param aDNSAddressRequestIndication: DNS address request indication
        * @return TInt: Error code (return value from PhoNetSender)
        TInt GpdsContextConfigureReq(
            const TUint8 aTransactionId,
            const TUint8 aContextId,
            const TUint8 aPdpType,
            const TUint8 aContextType,
            const TUint8 aPrimaryContextId,
            const TUint8 aDataCompression,
            const TUint8 aHeaderCompression,
            const TBuf8<KAccessPointBuffer252>& aAccessPointName,
            CArrayFixFlat<RPacketContext::TPacketFilterV2>* aPacketFilterPtr,
            RPacketContext::CTFTMediaAuthorizationV3* aMediaAuthorization,
            TBool aSignallingIndication = EFalse,
            TBool aPCFCSAddressIndication = EFalse,
            TBool aDNSAddressRequestIndication = EFalse );

        * Create an Isi-message for context activation.
        * @param aTransactionId: transaction id
        * @param aContextId: context id
        * @param aPdpAddress: PDP address
        * @param aPdpType: type of PDP address
        * @return TInt: Error code (return value from PhoNetSender)
        TInt GpdsContextActivateReq(
            const TUint8 aTransactionId,
            const TUint8 aContextId,
            const TDesC8& aPdpAddress,
            const TUint8 aPdpType ) const;

        * Deactivate a Context.
        * @param aDataPackage: data package from CommonTSY
        * @return TInt: Error code (return value from PhoNetSender)
        TInt GpdsContextDeactivateReq(
            const CMmDataPackage& aDataPackage );

        * Request the Context Status info.
        * @param aDataPackage: data package from CommonTSY
        * @return TInt: Error code (return value from PhoNetSender)
        TInt GpdsContextStatusReq(
            const CMmDataPackage& aDataPackage );

        * Modify a Context.
        * @param aDataPackage: data package from CommonTSY
        * @return TInt: Error code (return value from PhoNetSender)
        TInt GpdsContextModifyReq(
            const CMmDataPackage* aPackage );

        * Add packet filter info to GPDS Context Configure or Modify request.
        * @param aPdpType: PDP address type
        * @param aFilter: packet TFT filter
        * @param aBuffer: reference to message buffer
        * @return TUint16: length of PacketFilter
        TUint16 AddPacketFilterInfo(
            const TUint8 aPdpType,
            RPacketContext::TPacketFilterV2* aFilter,
            TDes8& aBuffer ) const;

        * This request is for compound of configuration and authentication.
        * @param aTransactionId: transaction id
        * @param aContextId: context id
        * @param aAuthInfo: authentication info
        * @param aResponse: response information
        * @param aChallenge: challenge information
        * @param aId: TProtocolConfig Id
        * @return TInt: Error code (return value from PhoNetSender)
        TInt SetAuthenticationConfigReq(
            const TUint8 aTransactionId,
            const TUint8 aContextId,
            RPacketContext::TAuthInfo aAuthInfo,
            RPacketContext::TAuthData aResponse,
            RPacketContext::TAuthData aChallenge,
            TUint8  aId );

        * Response for Context Id creation.
        * @param aIsiMsg: received Isi message
        void GpdsContextIdCreateResp(
            const TIsiReceiveC& aIsiMessage );

        * Gpds context id create indication.
        * @param aIsiMsg: received Isi message
        void GpdsContextIdCreateInd(
            const TIsiReceiveC& aIsiMessage );

        * Response for Context Local Link configuration.
        * @param aIsiMsg: received Isi message
        void GpdsLlConfigureResp(
            const TIsiReceiveC& aIsiMessage );

        * Response for Context Configuration.
        * @param aIsiMsg: received Isi message
        void GpdsContextConfigureResp(
            const TIsiReceiveC& aIsiMessage );

        * Response for setting the Context Authentication info.
        * @param aIsiMsg: received Isi message
        void GpdsContextAuthResp(
            const TIsiReceiveC& aIsiMessage );

        * Indicate that Context Activation has been started.
        * @param aIsiMsg: received Isi message
        void GpdsContextActivatingInd(
            const TIsiReceiveC& aIsiMessage );

        * Indicate that Context Activation has succeeded.
        * @param aIsiMsg: received Isi message
        void GpdsContextActivateIndL(
            const TIsiReceiveC& aIsiMessage );

        * Indication that Context Activation has failed.
        * @param aIsiMsg: received Isi message
        void GpdsContextActivateFailInd(
            const TIsiReceiveC& aIsiMessage );

        * Indicate the Context Modification.
        * @param aIsiMsg: received Isi message
        void GpdsContextModifyInd(
            const TIsiReceiveC& aIsiMessage );

        * Response for Context Deactivation.
        * @param aIsiMsg: received Isi message
        void GpdsContextDeactivateRespL(
            const TIsiReceiveC& aIsiMessageg );

        * Indicate that Context Deactivation has been started.
        * @param aIsiMsg: received Isi message
        void GpdsContextDeactivatingInd(
            const TIsiReceiveC& aIsiMessage );

        * Indicate that Context Deactivation has succeeded.
        * @param aIsiMsg: received Isi message
        void GpdsContextDeactivateInd(
            const TIsiReceiveC& aIsiMessage );

        * Response for Context Status inquiry.
        * @param aIsiMsg: received Isi message
        void GpdsContextStatusResp(
            const TIsiReceiveC& aIsiMessage );

        * Indicate the final data transferred over the airlink.
        * @param aIsiMsg: received Isi message
        void GpdsContextStatusInd(
            const TIsiReceiveC& aIsiMessage );

        * Indicate that Context Id has been deleted.
        * @param aIsiMsg: received Isi message
        void GpdsContextIdDeleteInd(
            const TIsiReceiveC& aIsiMessage );

        * Response for GPDS modify request.
        * @param aIsiMsg: received Isi message
        void GpdsContextModifyResp(
            const TIsiReceiveC& aIsiMessage );

        * This function starts the three phase context initialisation.
        * @param aDataPackage: data package from CommonTSY
        * @return TInt: KErrNone or error code
        TInt InitialiseContext(
            const CMmDataPackage& aDataPackage );

        * This function starts the second phase of the context initialisation.
        * @param aPipeHandle: pipe handle
        * @return TInt: KErrNone or error code
        TInt InitialiseContextPhase2(
            TUint8 aPipeHandle );

        * This function starts the third phase of the context initialisation.
        * @param aStatus: GPDS Status
        * @param aContextId: Context Id
        void InitialiseContextPhase3(
            const TUint8 aStatus,
            const TUint8 aContextId );

        * Set configuration data for context.
        * @param aDataPackage: data package from CommonTSY
        * @return TInt: KErrNone or error code
        TInt SetConfigL(
            const CMmDataPackage& aDataPackage );

        * Add TFT packet filter for context.
        * @param aDataPackage: data package from CommonTSY
        * @return TInt: KErrNone or error code
        TInt AddPacketFilter(
            const CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage );

        * Delete context related to the network e.g. pipe deletion.
        * @param aDataPackage: data package from CommonTSY
        * @return TInt: KErrNone or error code
        TInt Delete(
            const CMmDataPackage& aDataPackage );

        * This function starts the second phase of the context activation.
        * @param aPipeHandle: pipe handle
        * @param aTransactionId: transaction id
        void ActivatePhase2(
            const TUint8 aPipeHandle,
            const TUint8 aTransactionId );

        * Map the Packet API pdp type to the Gpds server pdp type.
        * @param aPdpTypeServer: server pdp type
        * @param aPdpTypeClient: client pdp type
        * @return TInt: KErrNone or error code
        TInt MapPdpType(
            TUint8& aPdpTypeServer,
            const RPacketContext::TProtocolType aPdpTypeClient );

        * Map the Gpds server speed to the Packet API connection speed.
        * @param aConnectionSpeedServer: server connection speed rate
        * @param aConnectionSpeedClient: client connection speed rate
         void MapConnectionSpeed(
            const TUint8 aConnectionSpeedServer,
            TInt& aConnectionSpeedClient );

        * This function generates transaction id for use of current context.
        * @param contextId
        * @return TUint8: transaction id
         TUint8 GenerateTraId(
            const TUint8 aContextId );

        * Map the Client TFT operation to the Gpds server TFT operation.
        * @param aClientTypeOperation: client operation
        * @param aTftOperation: server operation
        void MapTftOperation(
            const TInt aClientTypeOperation,
            TUint8& aTftOperation );

        * Makes request for media authorization params for specific context
        * @param aDataPackage: data package from CommonTSY
        * @return TInt: KErrNone or error code
        TInt AddMediaAuthorizationL(
            const CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage );

        * Creates subblocks to GpdsContextConfigureOrModifyReq.
        * @param aMediaAuthorizationArray: media authorization array
        * @param aBuffer: reference to message buffer
        * @param aNumOfSbs: number of subblocks
        * @return TInt: KErrNone or error code
        TInt AddMediaAuthorizationInfo(
            TDes8& aBuffer,
            TUint8& aNumOfSbs ) const;

        * Appends one media authorization unit.
        * @param aMediaAuthorization: media authorization data
        * @param aBuffer: reference to message buffer
        * @param aNumOfSbs: number of subblocks appended
        * @return TInt: KErrNone or KErrTooBig if buffer is not big enough to
        * fit all the information
        * @note method does not reset aNumOfSbs on entry
        TInt AppendMediaAuthorizationUnit(
                const RPacketContext::CTFTMediaAuthorizationV3&
                TDes8& aBuffer,
                TUint8& aNumOfSbs ) const;

        * This methods checks if secondary contexts needs to be deactivated
        * and allows incoming call.
        * (for allow incoming call feature).
        void AllowIncomingCallActivationL();

        * Appends GPDS_SHARED_TFT_PARAMETER_AUTH_TOKEN_INFO to the buffer
        * @param aAuthorizationToken: authorization token to be appended
        * @param aBuffer: destination buffer
        * @param aNumOfSbs: number of subblocks appended
        * @note aNumOfSbs is not reset on entry
        * @return TInt: KErrNone or KErrTooBig if passed buffer is
        * not big enough to fit the subblock
        TInt AppendGpdsSharedTFTParameterAuthTokenInfo(
             const TDesC8& aAuthorizationToken,
             TDes8& aBuffer,
             TUint8& aNumOfSbs ) const;

        * Appends GPDS_SHARED_TFT_PARAMETER_IP_FLOW_INFO to the buffer
        * @param aFlowIdentifier: data to be appended
        * @param aBuffer: destination buffer
        * @param aNumOfSbs: number of subblocks appended
        * @note aNumOfSbs is not reset on entry
        * @return TInt: KErrNone or KErrTooBig if passed buffer is
        * not big enough to fit the subblock
        TInt AppendGpdsSharedTFTParameterIPFlowInfo(
             const RPacketContext::CTFTMediaAuthorizationV3::TFlowIdentifier&
             TDes8& aBuffer,
             TUint8& aNumOfSbs ) const;

        * Fills the buffer as GPDS_TFT_INFO complex subblock.
        * Caller passes in buffer big enough to hold GPDS_TFT_INFO subblock
        * @param aOperation: desired operation (constants starting with GPDS_TFT_)
        * @param aMediaAuthorization: media authorization
        * @note aMediaAuthorization can be NULL
        * @param aPacketFilter: packet filters array
        * @note aPacketFilter can be NULL
        * @note both aMediaAuthorization and aPacketFilter can not be NULL at
        * the same time
        * @param aPdpType: type
        * @param aBuffer: buffer to be filled
        * @return TInt: KErrNone or KErrTooBig if any of the subblocks doesnt
        * fit into the buffer
        TInt FillGpdsTFTInfo( TUint8 aOperation,
             RPacketContext::CTFTMediaAuthorizationV3* aMediaAuthorization,
             CArrayFixFlat<RPacketContext::TPacketFilterV2>* aPacketFilterPtr,
             TUint8 aPdpType,
             TDes8& aBuffer) const;

        * Fills the buffer as GPDS_QOS99_REQ_INFO subblock.
        * Caller passes in buffer big enough to hold GPDS_QOS99_REQ_INFO subblock
        * @param aQos99Params: Qos99 parameters
        * @param aBuffer: buffer to be filled
        * @return KErrNone or system-wide error
        TInt FillGpdsQos99ReqInfo(
             const RPacketQoS::TQoSR99_R4Requested& aQos99Params,
             TDes8& aBuffer );

        * Fills the buffer as GPDS_QOS_REQ_INFO subblock.
        * Caller passes in buffer big enough to hold GPDS_QOS99_REQ_INFO subblock
        * @param aQos97Params: Qos97 parameters
        * @param aBuffer: buffer to be filled
        * @return KErrNone or system-wide error
        TInt FillGpdsQosReqInfo(
             const RPacketQoS::TQoSGPRSRequested& aQos97Params,
             TDes8& aBuffer );

        * Appends GPDS_FILT_FLOW_LABEL_INFO subblock to the passed buffer.
        * @param aFilter: filter instance
        * @param aBuffer: destination buffer
        * @param aNumOfSbs: number of subblocks added
        * @note aNumOfSbs is not reset on entry
        * @return TInt: KErrNone or KErrTooBig if destination cant fit the subblock
        TInt AppendGpdsFilterFlowLabelInfo(
             const RPacketContext::TPacketFilterV2& aFilter,
             TDes8& aBuffer,
             TUint8& aNumOfSbs ) const;

        * Appends GPDS_FILT_TOS_INFO subblock to the passed buffer.
        * @param aFilter: filter instance
        * @param aBuffer: destination buffer
        * @param aNumOfSbs: number of subblocks added
        * @note aNumOfSbs is not reset on entry
        * @return TInt: KErrNone or KErrTooBig if destination cant fit the subblock
        TInt AppendGpdsFilterTosInfo(
             const RPacketContext::TPacketFilterV2& aFilter,
             TDes8& aBuffer,
             TUint8& aNumOfSbs ) const;

        * Appends GPDS_FILT_SPI_INFO subblock to the passed buffer.
        * @param aFilter: filter instance
        * @param aBuffer: destination buffer
        * @param aNumOfSbs: number of subblocks added
        * @note aNumOfSbs is not reset on entry
        * @return TInt: KErrNone or KErrTooBig if destination cant fit the subblock
        TInt AppendGpdsFilterSpiInfo(
             const RPacketContext::TPacketFilterV2& aFilter,
             TDes8& aBuffer,
             TUint8& aNumOfSbs ) const;

        * Appends GPDS_FILT_SRC_PORT_RANGE_INFO subblock to the passed buffer.
        * @param aFilter: filter instance
        * @param aBuffer: destination buffer
        * @param aNumOfSbs: number of subblocks added
        * @note aNumOfSbs is not reset on entry
        * @return TInt: KErrNone or KErrTooBig if destination cant fit the subblock
        TInt AppendGpdsFilterSrcPortRangeInfo(
             const RPacketContext::TPacketFilterV2& aFilter,
             TDes8& aBuffer,
             TUint8& aNumOfSbs ) const;

        * Appends GPDS_FILT_DST_PORT_RANGE_INFO subblock to the passed buffer.
        * @param aFilter: filter instance
        * @param aBuffer: destination buffer
        * @param aNumOfSbs: number of subblocks added
        * @note aNumOfSbs is not reset on entry
        * @return TInt: KErrNone or KErrTooBig if destination cant fit the subblock
        TInt AppendGpdsFilterDstPortRangeInfo(
             const RPacketContext::TPacketFilterV2& aFilter,
             TDes8& aBuffer,
             TUint8& aNumOfSbs ) const;

        * Appends GPDS_FILT_PROTOCOL_INFO subblock to the passed buffer.
        * @param aFilter: filter instance
        * @param aBuffer: destination buffer
        * @param aNumOfSbs: number of subblocks added
        * @note aNumOfSbs is not reset on entry
        * @return TInt: KErrNone or KErrTooBig if destination cant fit the subblock
        TInt AppendGpdsFilterProtocolInfo(
             const RPacketContext::TPacketFilterV2& aFilter,
             TDes8& aBuffer,
             TUint8& aNumOfSbs ) const;

        * Appends GPDS_FILT_SRC_IPV4_ADDR_INFO subblock to the passed buffer.
        * @param aFilter: filter instance
        * @param aBuffer: destination buffer
        * @param aNumOfSbs: number of subblocks added
        * @note aNumOfSbs is not reset on entry
        * @return TInt: KErrNone or KErrTooBig if destination cant fit the subblock
        TInt AppendGpdsFilterSrcIPv4AddressInfo(
             const RPacketContext::TPacketFilterV2& aFilter,
             TDes8& aBuffer,
             TUint8& aNumOfSbs ) const;

        * Appends GPDS_FILT_SRC_IPV6_ADDR_INFO subblock to the passed buffer.
        * @param aFilter: filter instance
        * @param aBuffer: destination buffer
        * @param aNumOfSbs: number of subblocks added
        * @note aNumOfSbs is not reset on entry
        * @return TInt: KErrNone or KErrTooBig if destination cant fit
        * the subblock
        TInt AppendGpdsFilterSrcIPv6AddressInfo(
             const RPacketContext::TPacketFilterV2& aFilter,
             TDes8& aBuffer,
             TUint8& aNumOfSbs ) const;

        * Appends GPDS IP source address information to the buffer.
        * Buffer should be prepared by the caller before sending it here.
        * Only amount of masked bits and IP address themselves are appended
        * @param aInputIpAddress: input IP address
        * @param aInputIpAddressMask: input IP address mask
        * @param aBuffer: destination buffer
        * @return TInt: KErrNone or KErrArgument in case invalid IP (black hole)
        * is specified
        TInt AppendIpAddressInfo(
             const TDesC8& aInputIpAddress,
             const TDesC8& aInputIpAddressMask,
             TDes8& aBuffer ) const;

        * Appends GPDS_TFT_FILTER_INFO subblock.
        * @param aFilterId: filter id
        * @param aBuffer: destination buffer
        * @param aNumOfSbs: destination buffer
        * @note aNumOfSbs is not reset on entry
        * @return TInt: KErrNone or KErrTooBig if destination cant fit the subblock
        TInt AppendGpdsTftFilterInfo(
             TUint8 aFilterId,
             TDes8& aBuffer,
             TUint8& aNumOfSbs ) const;

        * Breaks received CallModemResourceInd ISI message.
        * @param aIsiMessage: received Isi message.
        void CallModemResourceIndL( const TIsiReceiveC &aIsiMessage );

        * Creates CallModemResourceReq ISI message to modem call server.
        * @param isiMessage
        * @return None
        void CallModemResourceReqAllowed();

        * Breaks received CallModemResourceResp ISI message.
        * @param aIsiMessage: received Isi message.
        void CallModemResourceResp( const TIsiReceiveC &aIsiMessage );
        * Creates SendCallmodemResourceDenied ISI message to modem call server.
        * @param aDatapackage
        * @return None
        void CallModemResourceReqDenied();
        * This method completes drive mode functions, if drive mode flag 
        * is enabled
        * @param aDataPackage: data package
        * @return TInt: KErrNone 
        void CompleteDCMdrivemodeFunctionalityL();

    public: // Data
        // None

    protected: // Data
        // None

    private: // Data

        // Pointer to the PhonetSender
        CMmPhoNetSender* iPhoNetSender;

        // A pointer to the PhonetReceiver.
        CMmPhoNetReceiver* iPhoNetReceiver;

        // Pointer to list of opened contexts
        CMmPacketContextMesshandlerList* iContextList;

        // Pointer to the CMmPacketQoSMessHandler
        CMmPacketQoSMessHandler* iMmPacketQoSMessHandler;

        // Pointer to the message router
        CMmMessageRouter* iMessageRouter;

        // Pointer to the pipe controller, created and owned.
        CMmPipeControl* iMmPipeController;

        // Primary context id
        TUint8 iPrimaryContextId;

        // Context id
        TUint8 iDialUpContextId;

        // Dial-up context name
        TInfoName iDialUpContextName;

        // Error code used for context id creating
        TInt iInitialiseError;

        // Helps creating transaction id for pipe creation for eacf contexts
        // before context id available
        TInt iTransIdForProxies;

        // Call id for incoming call (for allow incoming call feature)
        TUint8 iCallModemResourceCallId;

        // List of contexts to be deactivated (for allow incoming call feature)
        CArrayFixFlat<TUint8>* iDeactivateContextList;

        // Buffer for isimessage. Used in resource control
        HBufC8* iResourceControlMsg;
        //drive mode flag 
        TBool iDriveModeFlag;



// End of File