changeset 3 93fff7023be8
equal deleted inserted replaced
2:e1e28b0273b0 3:93fff7023be8
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors: Juha Kauppinen, Mika Hokkanen
    13 * 
    14 * Description: Photo Browser
    15 *
    16 */
    17 // Include files
    18 #include <hal.h> 
    19 #include "IEBitmapLoader.h"
    20 #include "IEFileLoader.h"
    21 #include "IEEngineUtils.h"
    23 _LIT8(KMimeMbm, "image/x-epoc-mbm");
    24 _LIT8(KMimeJpeg, "image/jpeg");
    26 #define USE_EXIF_TN
    27 #define USE_EXIF_TN_CROP
    28 //#define USE_EXIF_TN_EXT_CROP
    30 #ifdef USE_EXIF_TN
    31 #include <iclextjpegapi.h>  // For CExtJpegDecoder
    32 #endif
    34 const TInt KMemoryThresholdForSuperZoom = 12*1024;
    37 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS =========================== \\
    39 CIEBitmapLoader* CIEBitmapLoader::NewL(RFs& aFileServer, MBitmapLoaderObserver& aBitmapLoaderObserver, RCriticalSection* aCritical)
    40 {
    41  	CIEBitmapLoader* self = new (ELeave) CIEBitmapLoader(aFileServer, aBitmapLoaderObserver, aCritical);
    42 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    43 	self->ConstructL();
    44 	CleanupStack::Pop();
    45 	return self;
    46 }
    48 CIEBitmapLoader::~CIEBitmapLoader()
    49     {
    50     DP0_IMAGIC(_L("CIEBitmapLoader::~CIEBitmapLoader++"));
    51   	if(iImageDecoder)
    52   	    {
    53   	    iImageDecoder->Cancel();
    54 		delete iImageDecoder;
    55 		iImageDecoder = NULL;	
    56         }
    58     if (iExifBitmap)
    59         {
    60         delete iExifBitmap;
    61         iExifBitmap = NULL;
    62         }
    63 #ifdef DECODE_FROM_BUFFER    
    64     if(iSourceData) 
    65         {
    66         delete iSourceData;
    67         iSourceData = NULL;
    68         }
    69 #endif
    70     DP0_IMAGIC(_L("CIEBitmapLoader::~CIEBitmapLoader--"));
    71   	}
    73 CIEBitmapLoader::CIEBitmapLoader(RFs& aFileServer, MBitmapLoaderObserver& aBitmapLoaderObserver, RCriticalSection* aCritical)
    74     //:CActive(EPriorityLow),    
    75     :CActive(EPriorityStandard),
    76     //:CActive(EPriorityUserInput),
    77     //:CActive(CActive::EPriorityHigh),
    78     iFileServer(aFileServer), 
    79     iBitmapLoaderObserver(aBitmapLoaderObserver),
    80 #ifdef DECODE_FROM_BUFFER    
    81     iSourceData(NULL), 
    82 #endif        
    83     iCritical(aCritical)
    84     {
    85     }
    87 void CIEBitmapLoader::ConstructL()
    88     {
    89 	CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
    90 	iExifTn = NULL;
    91 	iImageDecoder = NULL;
    92 	iImageArrayMode = EImages;
    93 	iOutputBitmap = NULL;
    94 	iExifBitmap = NULL;
    95 #ifdef GET_DECODER_UID
    96 	decoderUid = CIEEngineUtils::GetImageDecoderUid();	
    97 #else
    98 	decoderUid = KNullUid;
    99 #endif
   100     }
   102 void CIEBitmapLoader::CropImageL(CFbsBitmap* aOutput, CFbsBitmap* aInput) const
   103     {
   104     const TInt KMaxScanLine = 320 * 3;
   105     TSize inputSize = aInput->SizeInPixels();
   106     TSize outputSize = aOutput->SizeInPixels();
   107     TDisplayMode mode = aOutput->DisplayMode();
   109     // need to have same display mode and output cannot be bigger
   110     if (mode != aInput->DisplayMode() || 
   111         outputSize.iWidth > inputSize.iWidth ||
   112         outputSize.iHeight > inputSize.iHeight)
   113         User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
   115     TInt len = CFbsBitmap::ScanLineLength(outputSize.iWidth, mode);
   116     TBuf8<KMaxScanLine> buf;
   117     if (len > KMaxScanLine)
   118         {
   119         User::Leave(KErrOverflow);
   120         }
   122     TPoint point((inputSize.iWidth - outputSize.iWidth + 1) / 2,
   123                  (inputSize.iHeight - outputSize.iHeight + 1) / 2);
   124     for (TInt i = 0;i < outputSize.iHeight;i++, point.iY++)
   125         {
   126         aInput->GetScanLine(buf, point, outputSize.iWidth, mode);
   127         aOutput->SetScanLine(buf, i);
   128         }
   129     }
   131 void CIEBitmapLoader::RunL()
   132     {
   133     DP0_IMAGIC(_L("CIEBitmapLoader::RunL++"));
   135     SetPriority(EPriorityStandard);
   136     iThumbRes = ENotDefined;
   137 	TInt error = iStatus.Int();
   139 	DP1_IMAGIC(_L("CIEBitmapLoader::RunL - Error: %d"),error);
   141 	if(iImageDecoder)
   142 	    {
   143         delete iImageDecoder;
   144         iImageDecoder = NULL;   
   145 	    }
   147 #ifdef DECODE_FROM_BUFFER    
   148     if(iSourceData) 
   149         {
   150         delete iSourceData;
   151         iSourceData = NULL;
   152         }
   153 #endif
   155 #ifdef USE_EXIF_TN
   156     if (iExifTn)
   157         {
   158         delete iExifTn;
   159         iExifTn = NULL;
   160         }   
   162 	if(iUseExifTn && iImageData && error == KErrNone) 
   163 	    {
   164 	    iImageData->SetImageReady(EExifThumb, ETrue);
   166 	    // Crop exif thumbnail
   167 	    if (iExifBitmap && iOutputBitmap)
   168 	        {
   169 	        TRAP(error, CropImageL(iOutputBitmap, iExifBitmap));
   170 	        }
   171 	    }
   173 	if (iExifBitmap)
   174 	    {
   175 	    delete iExifBitmap;
   176 	    iExifBitmap = NULL;
   177 	    }
   179     iOutputBitmap = NULL;
   180 #endif
   182 	iBitmapLoaderObserver.BitmapsLoadedL(error);
   184 	DP0_IMAGIC(_L("CIEBitmapLoader::RunL--"));
   185     }
   187 void CIEBitmapLoader::DoCancel()
   188     {
   189     }
   191 TInt CIEBitmapLoader::RunError(TInt aError)
   192     {
   193     DP1_IMAGIC(_L("CIEBitmapLoader::RunError - Error: %d"),aError);
   195     return KErrNone;
   196     }
   198 void CIEBitmapLoader::GetOneBitmapL(CImageData* aImageData, CFbsBitmap* aBitmap, TThumbSize aThumbRes)
   199     {
   200     DP0_IMAGIC(_L("CIEBitmapLoader::GetOneBitmapL++"));
   201     DP1_IMAGIC(_L("CIEBitmapLoader::GetOneBitmapL - TN res: %d"), aThumbRes);
   203     ASSERT(iImageDecoder == NULL);    
   205     iThumbRes = aThumbRes;
   206     TBool thumbnailExists = ETrue;
   207     //TBool isFileJpg = ETrue;
   208     iUseExifTn = EFalse;
   209     iImageData = aImageData;
   210     iOutputBitmap = aBitmap;
   212 #ifdef USE_EXIF_TN    
   213     CExtJpegDecoder* extImageDecoder = NULL;
   214 #endif    
   216     TFileName fileName;
   217     if(aThumbRes == EFullSize)
   218         {
   219         if(iImageData->IsImageReady(EFullSize))
   220             {
   221             //SetPriority(EPriorityUserInput);
   222             iImageData->GetFileName(fileName, EFullSize);
   223             DP1_IMAGIC(_L("CIEBitmapLoader::GetOneBitmapL - filename: %S"), &fileName);
   224             }
   225         else
   226             {
   227             //If TN is not ready we just return
   228             DP1_IMAGIC(_L("CIEBitmapLoader::GetOneBitmapL - TN res: %d, not found"), aThumbRes);
   229             thumbnailExists = EFalse;
   230             //iBitmapLoaderObserver.BitmapsLoadedL(KErrNotFound);
   231             User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
   232             return;
   233             }
   234         }
   235     else if(aThumbRes == ESize128x128)
   236         {
   237 #ifdef USE_64X64_BITMAP_TN
   238         //isFileJpg = EFalse;
   239         iImageData->GetFileName(fileName, ESize128x128);
   240         DP1_IMAGIC(_L("CIEBitmapLoader::GetOneBitmapL - filename: %S"), &fileName);
   241         TInt error = aBitmap->Load(fileName);
   242         if (error == KErrNone)
   243             {
   244             SetPriority(EPriorityUserInput);
   245             SetActive();
   246             TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
   247             User::RequestComplete(status, KErrNone);
   248             return;
   249             }
   251 #ifdef USE_EXIF_TN
   252         else if(iImageData->IsImageReady(EFullSize))
   253             {
   254             iUseExifTn = ETrue;
   255             iImageData->GetFileName(fileName, EFullSize);
   256             DP1_IMAGIC(_L("CIEBitmapLoader::GetOneBitmapL - filename: %S"), &fileName);
   257             }
   258 #endif
   259         else
   260             {
   261             //If TN is not ready we just return
   262             DP1_IMAGIC(_L("CIEBitmapLoader::GetOneBitmapL - TN res: %d, not found"), aThumbRes);
   263             thumbnailExists = EFalse;     
   264             iImageData->SetImageReady(EExifThumb, EFalse);
   265             User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
   266             return;
   267             }
   268 #else
   269         if(iImageData->IsImageReady(ESize128x128))
   270             {
   271             SetPriority(EPriorityUserInput);
   272             //isFileJpg = EFalse;
   273             iImageData->GetFileName(fileName, ESize128x128);
   274             DP1_IMAGIC(_L("CIEBitmapLoader::GetOneBitmapL - filename: %S"), &fileName);
   275             }
   276 #ifdef USE_EXIF_TN
   277         //else if(iImageData->IsImageReady((TThumbSize)(EFullSize|EExifThumb)))
   278         else if(iImageData->IsImageReady(EExifThumb))
   279             {
   280             SetPriority(EPriorityUserInput);
   281             iUseExifTn = ETrue;
   282             iImageData->GetFileName(fileName, EFullSize);
   283             DP1_IMAGIC(_L("CIEBitmapLoader::GetOneBitmapL - filename: %S"), &fileName);
   284             }
   285 #endif
   286         else
   287             {
   288             //If TN is not ready we just return
   289             DP1_IMAGIC(_L("CIEBitmapLoader::GetOneBitmapL - TN res: %d, not found"), aThumbRes);
   291             thumbnailExists = EFalse;
   292             iImageData->SetImageReady(EExifThumb, EFalse);
   293             //iBitmapLoaderObserver.BitmapsLoadedL(KErrNotFound);
   294             User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
   295             return;
   296             }
   297 #endif
   298         }
   300     else if(aThumbRes == ESize512x512)
   301         {
   302         if(iImageData->IsImageReady(ESize512x512))
   303             {
   304             iImageData->GetFileName(fileName, ESize512x512);
   305             DP1_IMAGIC(_L("CIEBitmapLoader::GetOneBitmapL - filename: %S"), &fileName);
   306             }
   307         else
   308             {
   309             //If TN is not ready we just return
   310             DP1_IMAGIC(_L("CIEBitmapLoader::GetOneBitmapL - TN res: %d, not found"), aThumbRes);
   311             thumbnailExists = EFalse;
   312             iImageData->SetImageReady(EExifThumb, EFalse);
   313             User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
   314             return;
   315             }
   316         }
   317     else if(aThumbRes == ESize32x32)
   318         {
   319         if(iImageData->IsImageReady(ESize32x32))
   320             {
   321             //isFileJpg = EFalse;
   322             iImageData->GetFileName(fileName, ESize32x32);
   323             DP1_IMAGIC(_L("CIEBitmapLoader::GetOneBitmapL - filename: %S"), &fileName);
   324             TInt error = aBitmap->Load(fileName);
   325             if (error == KErrNone)
   326                 {
   327                 SetPriority(EPriorityUserInput);
   328                 SetActive();
   329                 TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
   330                 User::RequestComplete(status, KErrNone);
   331                 return;
   332                 }
   333             }
   334 #ifdef USE_EXIF_TN
   335         else if(iImageData->IsImageReady(EFullSize))
   336             {
   337             iUseExifTn = ETrue;
   338             iImageData->GetFileName(fileName, EFullSize);
   339             DP1_IMAGIC(_L("CIEBitmapLoader::GetOneBitmapL - filename: %S"), &fileName);
   340             }
   341 #endif
   342         else
   343             {
   344             //If TN is not ready we just return
   345             DP1_IMAGIC(_L("CIEBitmapLoader::GetOneBitmapL - TN res: %d, not found"), aThumbRes);
   346             thumbnailExists = EFalse;     
   347             iImageData->SetImageReady(EExifThumb, EFalse);
   348             User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
   349             return;
   350             }
   351         }
   353     if(thumbnailExists)
   354         {
   355         TInt error = KErrNone;
   357 #ifdef USE_EXIF_TN
   358         if (iUseExifTn)
   359             {
   360             ASSERT(iExifTn == NULL);
   361             TRAP(error, iExifTn = CIEEngineUtils::ReadExifThumbnailL(iFileServer, fileName));
   363             DP0_IMAGIC(_L("CIEBitmapLoader::GetOneBitmapL - create decoder"));
   364             if (error == KErrNone)
   365                 {
   366                 DP1_IMAGIC(_L("CIEBitmapLoader::GetOneBitmapL data size: %d"), iExifTn->Length());
   367                 TRAP(error, extImageDecoder = CExtJpegDecoder::DataNewL(iFileServer, *iExifTn, /*KMimeJpeg,*/ CImageDecoder::EOptionNone));
   368                 iImageDecoder = extImageDecoder;
   369                 }
   370             else
   371                 {
   372                 DP0_IMAGIC(_L("CIEBitmapLoader::GetOneBitmapL - no exif thumb"));
   373                 iImageData->SetImageReady(EExifThumb, EFalse);
   374                 }
   376             DP2_IMAGIC(_L("CIEBitmapLoader::GetOneBitmapL - Image exif thumb decoder - TN res: %d, error: %d"), aThumbRes, error);
   377             }
   378         else
   379 #endif
   380             {
   381             DP0_IMAGIC(_L("CIEBitmapLoader::GetOneBitmapL - create decoder"));
   382             /*CExtJpegDecoder * extImageDecoder;
   383             TRAP(error, iImageDecoder = extImageDecoder = CExtJpegDecoder::FileNewL(
   384                     CExtJpegDecoder::EHwImplementation,
   385                     iFileServer, 
   386                     fileName,
   387                     CImageDecoder::EPreferFastDecode));*/
   388 #ifdef DECODE_FROM_BUFFER    
   389             if(iSourceData) 
   390                 {
   391                 delete iSourceData;
   392                 iSourceData = NULL;
   393                 }
   395             RFile jpgFile;
   396             TInt fileSize;
   398             User::LeaveIfError(jpgFile.Open(iFileServer, fileName, EFileRead));
   399             jpgFile.Size(fileSize);
   400             iSourceData = HBufC8::NewL(fileSize);
   402             TPtr8 buffer = iSourceData->Des();
   404             jpgFile.Read(buffer, fileSize);
   406             jpgFile.Close();
   408             iImageDecoder = CImageDecoder::DataNewL(
   409                     iFileServer, 
   410                     *iSourceData, 
   411                     //CImageDecoder::EOptionNone,
   412                     CImageDecoder::TOptions(CImageDecoder::EPreferFastDecode|CImageDecoder::EOptionAlwaysThread),
   413                     KNullUid, 
   414                     KNullUid, 
   415                     decoderUid);
   416 #else
   417             TRAP(error, iImageDecoder = CImageDecoder::FileNewL(
   418                     iFileServer, 
   419                     fileName,
   420                     //CImageDecoder::EPreferFastDecode,
   421                     CImageDecoder::TOptions(CImageDecoder::EPreferFastDecode|CImageDecoder::EOptionAlwaysThread),
   422                     KNullUid,
   423                     KNullUid,
   424                     decoderUid));
   425 #endif
   426             }
   428         if(error != KErrNone)
   429             {
   430             DP2_IMAGIC(_L("CIEBitmapLoader::GetOneBitmapL - Image Decoder - TN res: %d, error: %d"), aThumbRes, error);
   431             delete iImageDecoder;
   432             iImageDecoder = NULL; 
   434 #ifdef USE_EXIF_TN
   435             if (iExifTn)
   436                 {
   437                 delete iExifTn;
   438                 iExifTn = NULL;
   439                 }
   440 #endif
   441 //            iBitmapLoaderObserver.BitmapsLoadedL(error);
   442             User::Leave(error);
   443             return;
   444             }
   446         TFrameInfo frameInfo = iImageDecoder->FrameInfo();
   447         if(aThumbRes == ESize128x128)
   448             iImageDecoder->SetDecoderThreadPriority(/*EPriorityNormal*/EPriorityMuchMore);
   449         else
   450             iImageDecoder->SetDecoderThreadPriority(EPriorityLess);
   453 #ifdef _IMAGIC_DEBUG
   454         TInt mem = 0;
   455         TInt ret = HAL::Get(HALData::EMemoryRAMFree, mem);
   456 #endif
   457         DP0_IMAGIC(_L("CIEBitmapLoader::GetOneBitmapL - #1"));        
   458         TSize frameSize = frameInfo.iFrameCoordsInPixels.Size();
   459         //If we are loading full resolution image, we have to create smaller target bitmap 
   460         //to save memory and to improve speed of further image processing
   461         if(aThumbRes == EFullSize)
   462             {
   463             TInt mem = 0;
   464             TInt ret = HAL::Get(HALData::EMemoryRAMFree, mem);
   465             if(mem < KMemoryThresholdForSuperZoom*1024)
   466                 {
   467                 //User::Leave(KErrNoMemory);
   468 #ifdef USE_OOM            	
   469                 ROomMonitorSession oomMonitor;
   470                 oomMonitor.Connect();
   471                 TInt errorCode = oomMonitor.RequestFreeMemory( 1024*KMemoryThresholdForSuperZoom );
   473                 if ( errorCode != KErrNone )
   474                     {
   475                     // try one more time 
   476                     errorCode = oomMonitor.RequestFreeMemory( 1024*KMemoryThresholdForSuperZoom );
   477                     }
   478                 oomMonitor.Close();
   479 #endif                
   480                 }
   483             //TSize tgtSize(1024, 1024);
   484             //DP0_IMAGIC(_L("CIEBitmapLoader::GetOneBitmapL - #3"));
   485             //TargetDecodingSize(tgtSize, frameSizue);
   486             if(frameSize.iHeight >= 1024 || frameSize.iWidth >= 1024)
   487                 {
   488                 frameSize.iHeight = Min(1024, iBitmapLoaderObserver.GetGleMaxRes());
   489                 frameSize.iWidth = Min(1024, iBitmapLoaderObserver.GetGleMaxRes());
   490                 }
   491             else
   492                 {
   493                 frameSize.iHeight=512;
   494                 frameSize.iWidth=512;
   495                 }
   496             }   
   498         // Crop thumbnail if aspect ratio is not same as full size image
   499 #ifdef USE_EXIF_TN
   500 #ifdef USE_EXIF_TN_CROP
   501         if (iUseExifTn)
   502             {
   503 #ifdef USE_EXIF_TN_EXT_CROP              
   504             TInt cap;
   505             TRAP(error, cap = extImageDecoder->CapabilitiesL());
   506             if (error == KErrNone && cap & CExtJpegDecoder::ECapCropping)
   507 #endif                
   508                 {
   509                 TReal aspectRatio = aImageData->GetAspectRatio();
   510                 TReal thumbAspectRatio = TReal(frameSize.iWidth) / frameSize.iHeight; 
   512                 // calculate final frame size
   513                 //if (frameSize.iWidth / frameSize.iHeight != size.iWidth / size.iHeight)
   514                 if (thumbAspectRatio != aspectRatio)
   515                     {
   516                     TRect finalFrameRect;
   517                     finalFrameRect.SetSize(frameSize);
   518                     if (thumbAspectRatio < aspectRatio)
   519                         {
   520                         TInt h = frameSize.iWidth / aspectRatio;
   521                         h += h & 1;
   522                         finalFrameRect.SetHeight(h);
   523                         }
   524                     else
   525                         {
   526                         TInt w = frameSize.iHeight * aspectRatio;
   527                         w += w & 1;
   528                         finalFrameRect.SetWidth(w);
   529                         }
   531                     finalFrameRect.Move(
   532                             (frameSize.iWidth - finalFrameRect.Width() + 1) / 2,
   533                             (frameSize.iHeight - finalFrameRect.Height() + 1) / 2);
   534 #ifdef USE_EXIF_TN_EXT_CROP                    
   535                     TRAP(error, extImageDecoder->SetCroppingL(finalFrameRect));
   536 #else         
   537                     // Create temporal bitmap
   538                     iExifBitmap = new CFbsBitmap;
   539                     if (iExifBitmap == NULL)
   540                         error = KErrGeneral;
   541                     else
   542                         error = iExifBitmap->Create(frameSize, frameInfo.iFrameDisplayMode);
   543                     aBitmap = iExifBitmap;                 
   544 #endif
   545                     // Reduce final image size
   546                     if (error == KErrNone)
   547                         {
   548                         frameSize.iWidth = finalFrameRect.Width();
   549                         frameSize.iHeight = finalFrameRect.Height();
   550                         }                    
   551                     }
   552                 }
   553             }
   554 #endif        
   555 #endif        
   557         if (error == KErrNone)
   558             {
   559 #ifdef USE_RGBA
   560             error = iOutputBitmap->Create(frameSize, EColor16MU);
   561 #else
   562             error = iOutputBitmap->Create(frameSize, frameInfo.iFrameDisplayMode);
   563 #endif
   564             }
   566         if (error == KErrNone)
   567             {
   568 #ifdef USE_EXIF_TN
   569             /*if(iUseExifTn)
   570                 {
   571                 TRAP(error, iExifDecoder->Convert(&iStatus, *aBitmap));
   572                 }
   573             else*/
   574 #endif
   575                 {
   576                 TRAP(error, iImageDecoder->Convert(&iStatus, *aBitmap));
   577                 }
   578             }
   580         if(error != KErrNone)
   581             {
   582             DP2_IMAGIC(_L("CIEBitmapLoader::GetOneBitmapL - Image Decoder convert - TN res: %d, error: %d"), aThumbRes, error);
   583             delete iImageDecoder;
   584             iImageDecoder = NULL; 
   585             //aImageData->iGridData.iCorrupted = ETrue;//mika. added 03.06. maybe not good idea????????
   586             User::Leave(error);
   587             return;
   588             }
   589         else
   590             {
   591             DP1_IMAGIC(_L("CIEBitmapLoader::GetOneBitmapL - Decoding started TN res: %d"), aThumbRes);
   593             if(!IsActive())
   594                 SetActive();
   595             }
   596         }
   598     DP0_IMAGIC(_L("CIEBitmapLoader::GetOneBitmapL--"));
   599     }
   601 /**
   602 Opens file and creates file pointer
   603 @param aFileName The specified file to open
   604 @return imageInMemoryPtr A Pointer to iImageInMemory
   605 @leave System-wide error codes
   606 */  
   607 /*TPtr8 CIEBitmapLoader::LoadImageIntoMemoryLC(const TDesC& aFileName)
   608     {
   609     RFile file;
   610     TInt fileSize = 0;
   612     // Open the file for decoding
   613     User::LeaveIfError(file.Open(iFileServer, aFileName, EFileRead));
   614     file.Size(fileSize);    
   616     //HBufC8* imageInMemory = HBufC8::NewMaxLC(fileSize);
   617     HBufC8* imageInMemory = HBufC8::NewMaxL(fileSize);
   618     TPtr8 imageInMemoryPtr = imageInMemory->Des();
   619     if(file.SubSessionHandle())
   620         {
   621         User::LeaveIfError(file.Read(imageInMemoryPtr));    
   622         }
   624     file.Close();
   626     return imageInMemoryPtr;
   627     }*/
   629 void CIEBitmapLoader::TargetDecodingSize(TSize aTgtSize, TSize& aSrcSize)
   630     {
   631     DP0_IMAGIC(_L("CIEBitmapLoader::TargetDecodingSize++"));
   633     DP2_IMAGIC(_L("CIEBitmapLoader::TargetDecodingSize - Tgt size.iHeigth: %d, Tgt size.iWidth: %d"),aTgtSize.iHeight, aTgtSize.iWidth);
   634     DP2_IMAGIC(_L("CIEBitmapLoader::TargetDecodingSize - Src size.iHeigth: %d, Src size.iWidth: %d"),aSrcSize.iHeight, aSrcSize.iWidth);
   636     // up to 32 times downscale in scaler
   637     for (TInt i = 0;i < 5;i++)
   638         {
   639         if (aSrcSize.iWidth < aTgtSize.iWidth * 2 ||
   640             aSrcSize.iHeight < aTgtSize.iHeight * 2) 
   641             {
   642             break;
   643             }
   645             aSrcSize.iWidth >>= 1;
   646             aSrcSize.iHeight >>= 1;
   647         }
   649     // Check that we do not create odd resolution size thumbnail
   650     if(aSrcSize.iHeight & 1)
   651         aSrcSize.iHeight++;
   652     if(aSrcSize.iWidth & 1)
   653         aSrcSize.iWidth++;
   655     DP2_IMAGIC(_L("CIEBitmapLoader::TargetDecodingSize - Src size.iHeigth: %d, Src size.iWidth: %d"),aSrcSize.iHeight, aSrcSize.iWidth);
   657     DP0_IMAGIC((_L("CIEBitmapLoader::TargetDecodingSize--")));
   658     }
   661 void CIEBitmapLoader::CancelFullSizeLoading()
   662     {
   663     //Cancel only if full resolution loading was on
   664     DP0_IMAGIC(_L("CIEBitmapLoader::CancelFullSizeLoading++"));
   665     if(iThumbRes == EFullSize)
   666         {
   667         DP0_IMAGIC(_L("CIEBitmapLoader::CancelFullSizeLoading 1"));        
   668         if(iImageDecoder)
   669             {
   670             iImageDecoder->Cancel();
   671             delete iImageDecoder;
   672             iImageDecoder = NULL;   
   673             }
   674         DP0_IMAGIC(_L("CIEBitmapLoader::CancelFullSizeLoading 2"));
   675         if(IsActive())
   676             {
   677             Cancel();
   678             DP0_IMAGIC(_L("CIEBitmapLoader::CancelFullSizeLoading 21"));
   679             iBitmapLoaderObserver.BitmapsLoadedL(KErrCancel);
   680             }
   681 #ifdef DECODE_FROM_BUFFER    
   682         if(iSourceData) 
   683             {
   684             DP0_IMAGIC(_L("CIEBitmapLoader::CancelFullSizeLoading 3"));
   685             delete iSourceData;
   686             iSourceData = NULL;
   687             }
   688 #endif
   689         DP0_IMAGIC(_L("CIEBitmapLoader::CancelFullSizeLoading 4"));
   690         }
   691         DP0_IMAGIC(_L("CIEBitmapLoader::CancelFullSizeLoading--"));
   692     }
   694 void CIEBitmapLoader::SetImageDataMode(TImageArrayMode aMode)
   695     {
   696     iImageArrayMode = aMode;
   697     }
   700 // EOF