changeset 3 93fff7023be8
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/AppSrc/CDrawMagGlass.cpp	Fri Oct 15 10:18:29 2010 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors: Juha Kauppinen, Mika Hokkanen
+* Description: Photo Browser
+#include "CDrawMagGlass.h"
+#include "TextureLoader.h"
+#include "DrawUtility.h"
+#include "ImagicConsts.h"
+GLfixed CDrawMagGlass::iMagGlassVertices[VERTICES_PER_LINE*VERTICES_PER_LINE*3];
+const TInt CDrawMagGlass::iMagGlassTriCount=(VERTICES_PER_LINE-1)*(VERTICES_PER_LINE-1)*2;
+GLushort CDrawMagGlass::iMagGlassIndices[CDrawMagGlass::iMagGlassTriCount*3];
+// Texture coordinate data
+const GLfixed CDrawMagGlass::iGlobalTexCoords[] =
+   {
+   //bitmap has to be flipped over
+   0,       1<<16,
+   1<<16,   1<<16,
+   0,       0,
+   1<<16,   0
+   };
+    {
+    // No implementation required
+    }
+    {
+    }
+CDrawMagGlass* CDrawMagGlass::NewLC(CImagicContainerBrowser* aContainer, CDrawOneByOne* aDrawOneByOne)
+    {
+    CDrawMagGlass* self = new (ELeave) CDrawMagGlass();
+    CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+    self->ConstructL(aContainer,aDrawOneByOne);
+    return self;
+    }
+CDrawMagGlass* CDrawMagGlass::NewL(CImagicContainerBrowser* aContainer, CDrawOneByOne* aDrawOneByOne)
+    {
+    CDrawMagGlass* self = CDrawMagGlass::NewLC(aContainer,aDrawOneByOne);
+    CleanupStack::Pop(); // self;
+    return self;
+    }
+void CDrawMagGlass::ConstructL(CImagicContainerBrowser* aContainer, CDrawOneByOne* aDrawOneByOne)
+    {
+    iContainer = aContainer;
+    iDrawOneByOne = aDrawOneByOne;
+    }
+TReal CDrawMagGlass::GetMagGlassZoomFactor()
+    {
+    DP1_IMAGIC(_L("CDrawMagGlass::GetMagGlassZoomFactor - magGlass: %f"), iMagGlassZoomFactor);
+    return iMagGlassZoomFactor;
+    }
+// Interpolates given value into target value with step
+void CDrawMagGlass::Interpolate(float &aValue, const float aTarget, const float aStep)
+    {
+    //DP0_IMAGIC(_L("CImagicContainerBrowser::Interpolate"));
+    // Calculate new value
+    float diff = aTarget-aValue;
+    aValue += diff * aStep * 0.2/*iTimeDiff*/ * 30; 
+    //float timediff = Min(0.1f, iTimeDiff); // so max value of timediff is 100tick (100ms)
+    //aValue += diff * aStep * timediff * 30; 
+    // Check that value is in range
+    if (aValue > aTarget && diff > 0)
+        aValue = aTarget;
+    if (aValue < aTarget && diff < 0)
+        aValue = aTarget;
+    }
+void CDrawMagGlass::InitDrawMagGlass()
+    {
+    iMagGlassZoomFactor = 1;
+    TInt pos=0;
+    for (TInt y=0; y<VERTICES_PER_LINE-1; y++)
+        {
+        TInt startvert=y*VERTICES_PER_LINE;
+        for (TInt x=0; x<VERTICES_PER_LINE-1; x++, pos+=6)
+            {
+            // First triangle
+            iMagGlassIndices[pos+0]=startvert+x;
+            iMagGlassIndices[pos+1]=startvert+x+1;
+            iMagGlassIndices[pos+2]=startvert+x+VERTICES_PER_LINE;
+            // Second triangle
+            iMagGlassIndices[pos+3]=startvert+x+VERTICES_PER_LINE;
+            iMagGlassIndices[pos+4]=startvert+x+1;
+            iMagGlassIndices[pos+5]=startvert+x+VERTICES_PER_LINE+1;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+void CDrawMagGlass::DrawMagGlass(const TSize &aScreenPhysicalSize, TReal aImageAspectRatio)
+    {
+    TInt pos=0;
+#ifdef __WINS__ 
+    // Fake touhcpoint for emulator
+    iContainer->iLastTouchPoint.iX=320/2;
+    iContainer->iLastTouchPoint.iY=240/2;
+    // Calculate finger position on screen
+    // First calculate position on 0-1 range
+    GLfixed xFinger;
+    GLfixed yFinger;
+    if(iContainer->GetScreenOrientation())
+        {
+        const TInt fingerOffset = 100;
+        xFinger=iContainer->iLastTouchPoint.iX*(1<<16) / aScreenPhysicalSize.iWidth;
+        yFinger=(iContainer->iLastTouchPoint.iY-fingerOffset)*(1<<16) / aScreenPhysicalSize.iHeight;
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        const TInt fingerOffset = 100;
+        xFinger=(iContainer->iLastTouchPoint.iX-fingerOffset)*(1<<16) / aScreenPhysicalSize.iWidth;
+        yFinger=(iContainer->iLastTouchPoint.iY)*(1<<16) / aScreenPhysicalSize.iHeight;
+        }
+    // Move center to match OpenGL center
+    xFinger=-(0.5*(1<<16)-xFinger);
+    yFinger=0.5*(1<<16)-yFinger;
+    // Then scale it to opengl window size
+    /*xFinger=xFinger*iContainer->iDrawOnebyOneW*2;
+    yFinger=yFinger*iContainer->iDrawOnebyOneH*2;*/
+    xFinger=xFinger*iDrawOneByOne->GetDrawOneByOneWidth()*2;
+    yFinger=yFinger*iDrawOneByOne->GetDrawOneByOneHeight()*2;
+    CImageData* data=iContainer->iIEngine->GetImageData(iContainer->GetCurrentIndex());
+    if((data->GetOrientation() == 0 || data->GetOrientation() == 180) && !iContainer->GetScreenOrientation())
+        {
+        GLfixed tmpX=xFinger;
+        GLfixed tmpY=yFinger;
+        xFinger = tmpY;
+        yFinger = tmpX * -1;
+        }
+    else if(data->GetOrientation() == 0)
+        ;
+    else if((data->GetOrientation() == 90 || data->GetOrientation() == 270) && iContainer->GetScreenOrientation())
+        {
+        GLfixed tmpX=xFinger;
+        GLfixed tmpY=yFinger;
+        xFinger = tmpY;
+        yFinger = tmpX * -1;
+        }
+    else if((data->GetOrientation() == 90 || data->GetOrientation() == 270) && !iContainer->GetScreenOrientation())
+        {
+        xFinger = xFinger * -1;
+        yFinger = yFinger * -1;
+        }
+    //Interpolate(iMagGlassZoomFactor, 1.8, 0.05);
+    //const float step=0.3; 
+    //const float step=0.2;
+    /*
+    if (iMagGlassZoomFactor < CDrawOneByOne::KMaxMagGlassZoomFactor-step)
+        //iDrawOneByOne->IncMagGlassZoomFactor(step);
+        iMagGlassZoomFactor += step;
+    else
+        //iDrawOneByOne->SetMagGlassZoomFactor(CDrawOneByOne::KMaxMagGlassZoomFactor);
+        iMagGlassZoomFactor = CDrawOneByOne::KMaxMagGlassZoomFactor;
+    */
+    Interpolate(iMagGlassZoomFactor, CDrawOneByOne::KMaxMagGlassZoomFactor, 0.1);
+    DP1_IMAGIC(_L("CDrawMagGlass::DrawMagGlass - magGlass: %f"), iMagGlassZoomFactor);
+    /*CImageData* data=iIEngine->GetImageData(iCurrentIndex, iImagicAppUi->GetUIDrawMode());
+    if(data->GetOrientation() == 90 || data->GetOrientation() == 270)
+        aImageAspectRatio = 1/aImageAspectRatio;*/
+    // Create vertices
+    pos=0;
+    TInt texPos=0;
+    for (TInt y=0; y<VERTICES_PER_LINE; y++)
+        for (TInt x=0; x<VERTICES_PER_LINE; x++,pos+=3,texPos+=2)
+            {
+            // Calculate new vertex coordinates
+            // First, calculate center
+            GLfixed xCoord= x;
+            GLfixed yCoord=-y;
+            GLfixed zCoord= 0;
+            // Then convert to fixed point
+            xCoord*=(1<<16)/(VERTICES_PER_LINE-1);
+            yCoord*=(1<<16)/(VERTICES_PER_LINE-1);
+            // shift 0.5 to locate image center at (0,0) 
+            xCoord -= (1<<15);
+            yCoord += (1<<15);
+            // Set aspect ratio
+            if (aImageAspectRatio > 1)
+                yCoord *= (1/aImageAspectRatio);
+            else
+                xCoord *= (1*aImageAspectRatio);
+            // Zoom ball sizes
+            const float ballSize=0.35;      // Zoom ball size
+            const float zoomSize=0.2;     // Sharp zoom size, has to be at least 0.1 smaller bigger than ball size
+            // Calculate squared values
+            const GLfixed ballSizeSquared=(ballSize*(1<<8))*(ballSize*(1<<8));
+            const GLfixed zoomSizeSquared=(zoomSize*(1<<8))*(zoomSize*(1<<8));
+            // Calculate distance to finger with both axis
+            GLfixed xDist=xFinger-xCoord;
+            GLfixed yDist=yFinger-yCoord;
+            // Calculate squared distance with phytagoras
+            GLfixed dist=(xDist/(1<<8))*(xDist/(1<<8)) + (yDist/(1<<8))*(yDist/(1<<8));
+            // Are we close enough
+            if (dist < ballSizeSquared)
+                {
+                // Zoom factor
+                //const float iMagGlassZoomFactor=1.8;
+                // Determine proper zoom for this vertex
+                //float zoom=iContainer->iMagGlassZoomFactor;
+                float zoom=iMagGlassZoomFactor;
+                if (dist > zoomSizeSquared)
+                    {
+                    // We are between sharp zoom and ball edge
+                    // Calculat escale factor for zoom
+                    float scale=((float)(dist-zoomSizeSquared))/(ballSizeSquared-zoomSizeSquared);
+                    zoom=(zoom-1)*(1.0-scale)+1;
+                    }
+                // Calculate new axis distances with zoom
+                xDist*=zoom;
+                yDist*=zoom;
+                // Calculate new coordinates based on distances
+                xCoord=xFinger-xDist;
+                yCoord=yFinger-yDist;
+                zCoord=128;     // Set coordinate a bit above of original picture
+                }
+            // Store vertex data
+            iMagGlassVertices[pos+0]=xCoord;
+            iMagGlassVertices[pos+1]=yCoord;
+            iMagGlassVertices[pos+2]=zCoord;
+            // Set texture coodrinates
+            iMagGlassTex[texPos+0]=x*(1<<16)/(VERTICES_PER_LINE-1);
+            iMagGlassTex[texPos+1]=y*(1<<16)/(VERTICES_PER_LINE-1);
+            }
+    glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
+    glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE);
+    glCullFace(GL_FRONT);
+    // Set vertex and texture coordinates and draw
+    glVertexPointer(3, GL_FIXED, 0, iMagGlassVertices);
+    glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FIXED, 0, iMagGlassTex);
+    glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES,iMagGlassTriCount*3,GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT,iMagGlassIndices);
+    //glDrawElements(GL_LINES,triCount*3,GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT,indices);
+    glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);
+    glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
+    }