changeset 0 ca70ae20a155
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:ca70ae20a155
     1 # Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation
     2 #
     3 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6 #
     7 #
     8 #
     9 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13 # limitations under the License.
    15 import os
    17 excluded_modules = []
    18 module_paths = []
    19 pyd_path_name = []
    22 def get_mod_list(arg, dirname, names):
    23     for name in names:
    24         # This check is done for not including the test_ files for modules
    25         if not name.startswith('test_') and name.endswith('.py'):
    26             path = os.path.join(dirname, name)
    27             path = path.replace(lib_path + '\\', '')
    28             # This check for 'test' is done to remove those files which fall
    29             # under test or crashers
    30             if not 'test' in path:
    31                 module_paths.append(path)
    34 def gen_excluded_list():
    35     global excluded_modules
    36     py_module = []
    37     module_type = []
    38     pyd_modules = []
    39     builtin_modules = []
    40     modules_cfg_path = \
    41             os.path.abspath('..\\newcore\\Symbian\\src\\modules.cfg')
    42     config_file = open(modules_cfg_path, 'r')
    43     for line in config_file:
    44         line = line.strip()
    45         if line in ['PYD', 'PY_MODULES', 'BUILTIN', 'EXT-MODULES',
    46                     'EXT-PYD', 'EXT-MOD-CFGS']:
    47             module_type = line
    48             continue
    49         if line and line[0] != '#':
    50             if module_type == 'PYD':
    51                 pyd_modules.append(line.split(',')[0])
    52             elif module_type == 'BUILTIN':
    53                 builtin_modules.append(line.split('=')[0])
    54             elif module_type == 'PY_MODULES':
    55                 py_module.append(line.split(':')[1])
    56     excluded_modules = py_module + builtin_modules + pyd_modules
    59 def get_pyd_list(arg, dirname, names):
    60     for name in names:
    61         if name.endswith('.c'):
    62             path = os.path.join(dirname, name)
    63             buf = open(path, 'r').read()
    64             if "Py_InitModule" in buf:
    65                 pyd_path_name.append(path)
    68 def add_pyd():
    69     pyd_name = []
    70     for pyd in pyd_path_name:
    71         fp = open(pyd, 'r')
    72         file_name = os.path.basename(pyd)
    73         for line in fp:
    74             if "Py_InitModule" in line:
    75                 try:
    76                     pyd_name.append(line.split('"')[1])
    77                 except:
    78                     # Some files do not have their pyd names in Py_InitModule,
    79                     # a split on these files would not yield the names so their
    80                     # names are hard coded
    81                     if file_name == 'unicodedata.c':
    82                         pyd_name.append('unicodedata')
    83                     elif file_name == 'posixmodule.c':
    84                         pyd_name.append('posix')
    85                     elif file_name == 'pyexpat.c':
    86                         pyd_name.append('pyexpat')
    87                     elif file_name == 'socketmodule.c':
    88                         pyd_name.append('_socket')
    89                     elif file_name == '_bsddb.c':
    90                         pyd_name.append('_bsddb')
    91                     continue
    92         fp.close()                             
    93     module_paths.extend(pyd_name)
    96 def gen_mod_dep_cfg_template():
    97     # These are the module dependency map for modules that are not
    98     # found by the module_config_parser and hence they need an explicit mention
    99     additional_modules = {'__main__': {'type': 'base', 'deps': []},
   100                           '__builtin__': {'type': 'base', 'deps': []},
   101                           'sys': {'type': 'base', 'deps': []},
   102                           'nt': {'type': 'excluded', 'deps': []},
   103                           'win32evtlogutil':{'type': 'excluded', 'deps': []},
   104                           'win32evtlog': {'type': 'excluded', 'deps': []}}
   106     for module in excluded_modules:
   107         if module in module_paths:
   108             module_paths.remove(module)
   110     # The exclude py_files() are parsed here
   111     dep_map = {}
   112     mod_dep_cfg_template_path = \
   113     os.path.abspath(
   114                 '..\\newcore\\Symbian\\src\\module_dependency.cfg.template')
   115     dep_map = eval(open(mod_dep_cfg_template_path, 'r').read())
   116     dep_map.update(additional_modules)
   117     mod_map = {}
   118     for mod in module_paths:
   119         mod_map['type'] = 'excluded'
   120         mod_map['deps'] = []
   121         mod_name = os.path.splitext(mod)[0].replace('\\', '.')
   122         dep_map[mod_name] = mod_map
   123     open(mod_dep_cfg_template_path, 'w').write(str(dep_map))
   125     fp = open(mod_dep_cfg_template_path, 'r')
   126     buf =
   127     buf = buf.replace("}, '", "}, \n'")
   128     fp.close()
   129     open(mod_dep_cfg_template_path, 'w').write(buf)
   131 if __name__ == "__main__":
   132     # Walk through the Lib path for inbuilt modules
   133     lib_path = os.path.abspath("..\\newcore\\Lib")
   134     os.path.walk(lib_path, get_mod_list, None)
   135     gen_excluded_list()
   136     os.path.walk(os.path.abspath("..\\newcore\\Modules"), get_pyd_list, None)
   137     add_pyd()
   138     gen_mod_dep_cfg_template()