changeset 0 ca70ae20a155
equal deleted inserted replaced
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     1 /**
     2  * ====================================================================
     3  * telephone.h
     4  *
     5  * Copyright (c) 2005 - 2007 Nokia Corporation
     6  *
     7  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     8  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     9  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
    10  *
    11  *
    12  *
    13  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    14  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    15  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    16  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    17  * limitations under the License.
    18  * ====================================================================
    19  */
    20 #include "Python.h"
    21 #include "symbian_python_ext_util.h"
    22 #include <e32std.h>
    24 #ifndef EKA2 
    25 #include <etel.h>
    26 _LIT(KTsyName,"phonetsy.tsy");
    27 #else
    28 #include <Etel3rdParty.h>
    29 #endif /* EKA2 */
    31 #define MaxTelephoneNumberLength 30
    33 #ifdef EKA2
    34 class TPyPhoneCallBack
    35   {
    36   public:
    37     TInt IncomingCall(TInt aStatus, TDesC& aNumber);
    38   public:
    39     PyObject* iCb; // Not owned.
    40   };
    41 #endif
    43 //Safe to use also from emulator.
    44 #ifndef EKA2
    45 class CPhoneCall : public CActive
    46 #else
    47 NONSHARABLE_CLASS (CPhoneCall) : public CActive
    48 #endif
    49   {
    50 public:
    51   static CPhoneCall* NewL();
    52   static CPhoneCall* NewLC();
    53   ~CPhoneCall();
    54 public: 
    55   CPhoneCall();
    56   void ConstructL();
    58   TInt Initialise();
    59   TInt UnInitialise();
    60   TInt Dial();
    61   void SetNumber(TDes& aNumber);
    62   TInt HangUp();
    63 #ifdef EKA2
    64   TInt Answer();
    65   void SetIncomingCallBack(TPyPhoneCallBack &aCb);
    66 #endif
    67   /*
    68   ENotCalling The initial (un-initialised) state
    69   EInitialised After Initialise() call, ready to Dial()
    70   ECalling A dial request has been issued
    71   ECallInProgress A call is ongoing
    72   */
    73 	enum TCallState 
    74 	  {
    75  #ifdef EKA2
    76     EHangingUp,
    77  #endif /* EKA2 */
    78 		ENotCalling,
    79 		EInitialised,
    80     ECalling,
    81     ECallInProgress
    82 	  };  
    83 	//These are returned to avoid ETel server panics:
    84 	enum TPhoneCallErrors
    85 	  {
    86 		ENumberNotSet = 0x7D0,
    87 		ENotInitialised,
    88 		ENotCallInProgress,
    89 		EInitialiseCalledAlready,
    90 		EAlreadyCalling,
    91 	  };  
    92 public: //from CActive:
    93   void RunL();
    94   void DoCancel();
    95 private:
    96 #ifndef EKA2
    97   RTelServer iServer;
    98   RTelServer::TPhoneInfo iInfo;
    99   RPhone iPhone;
   100   RPhone::TLineInfo iLineInfo;
   101   RLine iLine;
   102   TBuf<100> iNewCallName;
   103   RCall iCall;
   104 #else
   105   CTelephony* iTelephony;
   106   CTelephony::TCallId iCallId;
   107   CTelephony::TCallStatusV1Pckg iCallStatusV1Pckg;
   108   CTelephony::TCallStatusV1 iCallStatusV1;
   110   TPyPhoneCallBack iCallMe;
   111   TBool iCallBackSet;  
   112   TBool iWaitingForCall;
   113   TBool iAnswering;
   114 #endif /* EKA2 */
   115   TCallState iCallState;
   116   TBuf<MaxTelephoneNumberLength> iNumber;
   117   TBool iNumberSet;
   118   };
   120 //////////////TYPE DEFINITION
   122 #define PHO_type ((PyTypeObject*)SPyGetGlobalString("PHOType"))
   124 struct PHO_object {
   125   PyObject_VAR_HEAD
   126   CPhoneCall* phone;
   127 #ifdef EKA2
   128   TPyPhoneCallBack myCallBack;
   129   TBool callBackSet;
   130 #endif
   131 };