--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/newcore/setup.py Tue Feb 16 10:07:05 2010 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,1545 @@
+# Autodetecting setup.py script for building the Python extensions
+__version__ = "$Revision: 66914 $"
+import sys, os, imp, re, optparse
+from distutils import log
+from distutils import sysconfig
+from distutils import text_file
+from distutils.errors import *
+from distutils.core import Extension, setup
+from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext
+from distutils.command.install import install
+from distutils.command.install_lib import install_lib
+# This global variable is used to hold the list of modules to be disabled.
+disabled_module_list = []
+def add_dir_to_list(dirlist, dir):
+ """Add the directory 'dir' to the list 'dirlist' (at the front) if
+ 1) 'dir' is not already in 'dirlist'
+ 2) 'dir' actually exists, and is a directory."""
+ if dir is not None and os.path.isdir(dir) and dir not in dirlist:
+ dirlist.insert(0, dir)
+def find_file(filename, std_dirs, paths):
+ """Searches for the directory where a given file is located,
+ and returns a possibly-empty list of additional directories, or None
+ if the file couldn't be found at all.
+ 'filename' is the name of a file, such as readline.h or libcrypto.a.
+ 'std_dirs' is the list of standard system directories; if the
+ file is found in one of them, no additional directives are needed.
+ 'paths' is a list of additional locations to check; if the file is
+ found in one of them, the resulting list will contain the directory.
+ """
+ # Check the standard locations
+ for dir in std_dirs:
+ f = os.path.join(dir, filename)
+ if os.path.exists(f): return []
+ # Check the additional directories
+ for dir in paths:
+ f = os.path.join(dir, filename)
+ if os.path.exists(f):
+ return [dir]
+ # Not found anywhere
+ return None
+def find_library_file(compiler, libname, std_dirs, paths):
+ result = compiler.find_library_file(std_dirs + paths, libname)
+ if result is None:
+ return None
+ # Check whether the found file is in one of the standard directories
+ dirname = os.path.dirname(result)
+ for p in std_dirs:
+ # Ensure path doesn't end with path separator
+ p = p.rstrip(os.sep)
+ if p == dirname:
+ return [ ]
+ # Otherwise, it must have been in one of the additional directories,
+ # so we have to figure out which one.
+ for p in paths:
+ # Ensure path doesn't end with path separator
+ p = p.rstrip(os.sep)
+ if p == dirname:
+ return [p]
+ else:
+ assert False, "Internal error: Path not found in std_dirs or paths"
+def module_enabled(extlist, modname):
+ """Returns whether the module 'modname' is present in the list
+ of extensions 'extlist'."""
+ extlist = [ext for ext in extlist if ext.name == modname]
+ return len(extlist)
+def find_module_file(module, dirlist):
+ """Find a module in a set of possible folders. If it is not found
+ return the unadorned filename"""
+ list = find_file(module, [], dirlist)
+ if not list:
+ return module
+ if len(list) > 1:
+ log.info("WARNING: multiple copies of %s found"%module)
+ return os.path.join(list[0], module)
+class PyBuildExt(build_ext):
+ def build_extensions(self):
+ # Detect which modules should be compiled
+ self.detect_modules()
+ # Remove modules that are present on the disabled list
+ self.extensions = [ext for ext in self.extensions
+ if ext.name not in disabled_module_list]
+ # Fix up the autodetected modules, prefixing all the source files
+ # with Modules/ and adding Python's include directory to the path.
+ (srcdir,) = sysconfig.get_config_vars('srcdir')
+ if not srcdir:
+ # Maybe running on Windows but not using CYGWIN?
+ raise ValueError("No source directory; cannot proceed.")
+ # Figure out the location of the source code for extension modules
+ moddir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), srcdir, 'Modules')
+ moddir = os.path.normpath(moddir)
+ srcdir, tail = os.path.split(moddir)
+ srcdir = os.path.normpath(srcdir)
+ moddir = os.path.normpath(moddir)
+ moddirlist = [moddir]
+ incdirlist = ['./Include']
+ # Platform-dependent module source and include directories
+ platform = self.get_platform()
+ if platform in ('darwin', 'mac') and ("--disable-toolbox-glue" not in
+ sysconfig.get_config_var("CONFIG_ARGS")):
+ # Mac OS X also includes some mac-specific modules
+ macmoddir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), srcdir, 'Mac/Modules')
+ moddirlist.append(macmoddir)
+ incdirlist.append('./Mac/Include')
+ alldirlist = moddirlist + incdirlist
+ # Fix up the paths for scripts, too
+ self.distribution.scripts = [os.path.join(srcdir, filename)
+ for filename in self.distribution.scripts]
+ for ext in self.extensions[:]:
+ ext.sources = [ find_module_file(filename, moddirlist)
+ for filename in ext.sources ]
+ if ext.depends is not None:
+ ext.depends = [find_module_file(filename, alldirlist)
+ for filename in ext.depends]
+ ext.include_dirs.append( '.' ) # to get config.h
+ for incdir in incdirlist:
+ ext.include_dirs.append( os.path.join(srcdir, incdir) )
+ # If a module has already been built statically,
+ # don't build it here
+ if ext.name in sys.builtin_module_names:
+ self.extensions.remove(ext)
+ if platform != 'mac':
+ # Parse Modules/Setup and Modules/Setup.local to figure out which
+ # modules are turned on in the file.
+ remove_modules = []
+ for filename in ('Modules/Setup', 'Modules/Setup.local'):
+ input = text_file.TextFile(filename, join_lines=1)
+ while 1:
+ line = input.readline()
+ if not line: break
+ line = line.split()
+ remove_modules.append(line[0])
+ input.close()
+ for ext in self.extensions[:]:
+ if ext.name in remove_modules:
+ self.extensions.remove(ext)
+ # When you run "make CC=altcc" or something similar, you really want
+ # those environment variables passed into the setup.py phase. Here's
+ # a small set of useful ones.
+ compiler = os.environ.get('CC')
+ args = {}
+ # unfortunately, distutils doesn't let us provide separate C and C++
+ # compilers
+ if compiler is not None:
+ (ccshared,cflags) = sysconfig.get_config_vars('CCSHARED','CFLAGS')
+ args['compiler_so'] = compiler + ' ' + ccshared + ' ' + cflags
+ self.compiler.set_executables(**args)
+ build_ext.build_extensions(self)
+ def build_extension(self, ext):
+ if ext.name == '_ctypes':
+ if not self.configure_ctypes(ext):
+ return
+ try:
+ build_ext.build_extension(self, ext)
+ except (CCompilerError, DistutilsError), why:
+ self.announce('WARNING: building of extension "%s" failed: %s' %
+ (ext.name, sys.exc_info()[1]))
+ return
+ # Workaround for Mac OS X: The Carbon-based modules cannot be
+ # reliably imported into a command-line Python
+ if 'Carbon' in ext.extra_link_args:
+ self.announce(
+ 'WARNING: skipping import check for Carbon-based "%s"' %
+ ext.name)
+ return
+ # Workaround for Cygwin: Cygwin currently has fork issues when many
+ # modules have been imported
+ if self.get_platform() == 'cygwin':
+ self.announce('WARNING: skipping import check for Cygwin-based "%s"'
+ % ext.name)
+ return
+ ext_filename = os.path.join(
+ self.build_lib,
+ self.get_ext_filename(self.get_ext_fullname(ext.name)))
+ try:
+ imp.load_dynamic(ext.name, ext_filename)
+ except ImportError, why:
+ self.announce('*** WARNING: renaming "%s" since importing it'
+ ' failed: %s' % (ext.name, why), level=3)
+ assert not self.inplace
+ basename, tail = os.path.splitext(ext_filename)
+ newname = basename + "_failed" + tail
+ if os.path.exists(newname):
+ os.remove(newname)
+ os.rename(ext_filename, newname)
+ # XXX -- This relies on a Vile HACK in
+ # distutils.command.build_ext.build_extension(). The
+ # _built_objects attribute is stored there strictly for
+ # use here.
+ # If there is a failure, _built_objects may not be there,
+ # so catch the AttributeError and move on.
+ try:
+ for filename in self._built_objects:
+ os.remove(filename)
+ except AttributeError:
+ self.announce('unable to remove files (ignored)')
+ except:
+ exc_type, why, tb = sys.exc_info()
+ self.announce('*** WARNING: importing extension "%s" '
+ 'failed with %s: %s' % (ext.name, exc_type, why),
+ level=3)
+ def get_platform(self):
+ # Get value of sys.platform
+ for platform in ['cygwin', 'beos', 'darwin', 'atheos', 'osf1']:
+ if sys.platform.startswith(platform):
+ return platform
+ return sys.platform
+ def detect_modules(self):
+ # Ensure that /usr/local is always used
+ add_dir_to_list(self.compiler.library_dirs, '/usr/local/lib')
+ add_dir_to_list(self.compiler.include_dirs, '/usr/local/include')
+ # Add paths specified in the environment variables LDFLAGS and
+ # CPPFLAGS for header and library files.
+ # We must get the values from the Makefile and not the environment
+ # directly since an inconsistently reproducible issue comes up where
+ # the environment variable is not set even though the value were passed
+ # into configure and stored in the Makefile (issue found on OS X 10.3).
+ for env_var, arg_name, dir_list in (
+ ('LDFLAGS', '-R', self.compiler.runtime_library_dirs),
+ ('LDFLAGS', '-L', self.compiler.library_dirs),
+ ('CPPFLAGS', '-I', self.compiler.include_dirs)):
+ env_val = sysconfig.get_config_var(env_var)
+ if env_val:
+ # To prevent optparse from raising an exception about any
+ # options in env_val that is doesn't know about we strip out
+ # all double dashes and any dashes followed by a character
+ # that is not for the option we are dealing with.
+ #
+ # Please note that order of the regex is important! We must
+ # strip out double-dashes first so that we don't end up with
+ # substituting "--Long" to "-Long" and thus lead to "ong" being
+ # used for a library directory.
+ env_val = re.sub(r'(^|\s+)-(-|(?!%s))' % arg_name[1],
+ ' ', env_val)
+ parser = optparse.OptionParser()
+ # Make sure that allowing args interspersed with options is
+ # allowed
+ parser.allow_interspersed_args = True
+ parser.error = lambda msg: None
+ parser.add_option(arg_name, dest="dirs", action="append")
+ options = parser.parse_args(env_val.split())[0]
+ if options.dirs:
+ for directory in reversed(options.dirs):
+ add_dir_to_list(dir_list, directory)
+ if os.path.normpath(sys.prefix) != '/usr':
+ add_dir_to_list(self.compiler.library_dirs,
+ sysconfig.get_config_var("LIBDIR"))
+ add_dir_to_list(self.compiler.include_dirs,
+ sysconfig.get_config_var("INCLUDEDIR"))
+ try:
+ have_unicode = unicode
+ except NameError:
+ have_unicode = 0
+ # lib_dirs and inc_dirs are used to search for files;
+ # if a file is found in one of those directories, it can
+ # be assumed that no additional -I,-L directives are needed.
+ lib_dirs = self.compiler.library_dirs + [
+ '/lib64', '/usr/lib64',
+ '/lib', '/usr/lib',
+ ]
+ inc_dirs = self.compiler.include_dirs + ['/usr/include']
+ exts = []
+ config_h = sysconfig.get_config_h_filename()
+ config_h_vars = sysconfig.parse_config_h(open(config_h))
+ platform = self.get_platform()
+ (srcdir,) = sysconfig.get_config_vars('srcdir')
+ # Check for AtheOS which has libraries in non-standard locations
+ if platform == 'atheos':
+ lib_dirs += ['/system/libs', '/atheos/autolnk/lib']
+ lib_dirs += os.getenv('LIBRARY_PATH', '').split(os.pathsep)
+ inc_dirs += ['/system/include', '/atheos/autolnk/include']
+ inc_dirs += os.getenv('C_INCLUDE_PATH', '').split(os.pathsep)
+ # OSF/1 and Unixware have some stuff in /usr/ccs/lib (like -ldb)
+ if platform in ['osf1', 'unixware7', 'openunix8']:
+ lib_dirs += ['/usr/ccs/lib']
+ if platform == 'darwin':
+ # This should work on any unixy platform ;-)
+ # If the user has bothered specifying additional -I and -L flags
+ # in OPT and LDFLAGS we might as well use them here.
+ # NOTE: using shlex.split would technically be more correct, but
+ # also gives a bootstrap problem. Let's hope nobody uses directories
+ # with whitespace in the name to store libraries.
+ cflags, ldflags = sysconfig.get_config_vars(
+ for item in cflags.split():
+ if item.startswith('-I'):
+ inc_dirs.append(item[2:])
+ for item in ldflags.split():
+ if item.startswith('-L'):
+ lib_dirs.append(item[2:])
+ # Check for MacOS X, which doesn't need libm.a at all
+ math_libs = ['m']
+ if platform in ['darwin', 'beos', 'mac']:
+ math_libs = []
+ # XXX Omitted modules: gl, pure, dl, SGI-specific modules
+ #
+ # The following modules are all pretty straightforward, and compile
+ # on pretty much any POSIXish platform.
+ #
+ # Some modules that are normally always on:
+ exts.append( Extension('_weakref', ['_weakref.c']) )
+ # array objects
+ exts.append( Extension('array', ['arraymodule.c']) )
+ # complex math library functions
+ exts.append( Extension('cmath', ['cmathmodule.c'],
+ libraries=math_libs) )
+ # math library functions, e.g. sin()
+ exts.append( Extension('math', ['mathmodule.c'],
+ libraries=math_libs) )
+ # fast string operations implemented in C
+ exts.append( Extension('strop', ['stropmodule.c']) )
+ # time operations and variables
+ exts.append( Extension('time', ['timemodule.c'],
+ libraries=math_libs) )
+ exts.append( Extension('datetime', ['datetimemodule.c', 'timemodule.c'],
+ libraries=math_libs) )
+ # random number generator implemented in C
+ exts.append( Extension("_random", ["_randommodule.c"]) )
+ # fast iterator tools implemented in C
+ exts.append( Extension("itertools", ["itertoolsmodule.c"]) )
+ # high-performance collections
+ exts.append( Extension("collections", ["collectionsmodule.c"]) )
+ # bisect
+ exts.append( Extension("_bisect", ["_bisectmodule.c"]) )
+ # heapq
+ exts.append( Extension("_heapq", ["_heapqmodule.c"]) )
+ # operator.add() and similar goodies
+ exts.append( Extension('operator', ['operator.c']) )
+ # _functools
+ exts.append( Extension("_functools", ["_functoolsmodule.c"]) )
+ # Python C API test module
+ exts.append( Extension('_testcapi', ['_testcapimodule.c']) )
+ # profilers (_lsprof is for cProfile.py)
+ exts.append( Extension('_hotshot', ['_hotshot.c']) )
+ exts.append( Extension('_lsprof', ['_lsprof.c', 'rotatingtree.c']) )
+ # static Unicode character database
+ if have_unicode:
+ exts.append( Extension('unicodedata', ['unicodedata.c']) )
+ # access to ISO C locale support
+ data = open('pyconfig.h').read()
+ m = re.search(r"#s*define\s+WITH_LIBINTL\s+1\s*", data)
+ if m is not None:
+ locale_libs = ['intl']
+ else:
+ locale_libs = []
+ if platform == 'darwin':
+ locale_extra_link_args = ['-framework', 'CoreFoundation']
+ else:
+ locale_extra_link_args = []
+ exts.append( Extension('_locale', ['_localemodule.c'],
+ libraries=locale_libs,
+ extra_link_args=locale_extra_link_args) )
+ # Modules with some UNIX dependencies -- on by default:
+ # (If you have a really backward UNIX, select and socket may not be
+ # supported...)
+ # fcntl(2) and ioctl(2)
+ exts.append( Extension('fcntl', ['fcntlmodule.c']) )
+ if platform not in ['mac']:
+ # pwd(3)
+ exts.append( Extension('pwd', ['pwdmodule.c']) )
+ # grp(3)
+ exts.append( Extension('grp', ['grpmodule.c']) )
+ # spwd, shadow passwords
+ if (config_h_vars.get('HAVE_GETSPNAM', False) or
+ config_h_vars.get('HAVE_GETSPENT', False)):
+ exts.append( Extension('spwd', ['spwdmodule.c']) )
+ # select(2); not on ancient System V
+ exts.append( Extension('select', ['selectmodule.c']) )
+ # Helper module for various ascii-encoders
+ exts.append( Extension('binascii', ['binascii.c']) )
+ # Fred Drake's interface to the Python parser
+ exts.append( Extension('parser', ['parsermodule.c']) )
+ # cStringIO and cPickle
+ exts.append( Extension('cStringIO', ['cStringIO.c']) )
+ exts.append( Extension('cPickle', ['cPickle.c']) )
+ # Memory-mapped files (also works on Win32).
+ if platform not in ['atheos', 'mac']:
+ exts.append( Extension('mmap', ['mmapmodule.c']) )
+ # Lance Ellinghaus's syslog module
+ if platform not in ['mac']:
+ # syslog daemon interface
+ exts.append( Extension('syslog', ['syslogmodule.c']) )
+ # George Neville-Neil's timing module:
+ # Deprecated in PEP 4 http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0004.html
+ # http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2006-January/060023.html
+ #exts.append( Extension('timing', ['timingmodule.c']) )
+ #
+ # Here ends the simple stuff. From here on, modules need certain
+ # libraries, are platform-specific, or present other surprises.
+ #
+ # Multimedia modules
+ # These don't work for 64-bit platforms!!!
+ # These represent audio samples or images as strings:
+ # Operations on audio samples
+ # According to #993173, this one should actually work fine on
+ # 64-bit platforms.
+ exts.append( Extension('audioop', ['audioop.c']) )
+ # Disabled on 64-bit platforms
+ if sys.maxint != 9223372036854775807L:
+ # Operations on images
+ exts.append( Extension('imageop', ['imageop.c']) )
+ # Read SGI RGB image files (but coded portably)
+ exts.append( Extension('rgbimg', ['rgbimgmodule.c']) )
+ # readline
+ do_readline = self.compiler.find_library_file(lib_dirs, 'readline')
+ if platform == 'darwin':
+ # MacOSX 10.4 has a broken readline. Don't try to build
+ # the readline module unless the user has installed a fixed
+ # readline package
+ if find_file('readline/rlconf.h', inc_dirs, []) is None:
+ do_readline = False
+ if do_readline:
+ if sys.platform == 'darwin':
+ # In every directory on the search path search for a dynamic
+ # library and then a static library, instead of first looking
+ # for dynamic libraries on the entiry path.
+ # This way a staticly linked custom readline gets picked up
+ # before the (broken) dynamic library in /usr/lib.
+ readline_extra_link_args = ('-Wl,-search_paths_first',)
+ else:
+ readline_extra_link_args = ()
+ readline_libs = ['readline']
+ if self.compiler.find_library_file(lib_dirs,
+ 'ncursesw'):
+ readline_libs.append('ncursesw')
+ elif self.compiler.find_library_file(lib_dirs,
+ 'ncurses'):
+ readline_libs.append('ncurses')
+ elif self.compiler.find_library_file(lib_dirs, 'curses'):
+ readline_libs.append('curses')
+ elif self.compiler.find_library_file(lib_dirs +
+ ['/usr/lib/termcap'],
+ 'termcap'):
+ readline_libs.append('termcap')
+ exts.append( Extension('readline', ['readline.c'],
+ library_dirs=['/usr/lib/termcap'],
+ extra_link_args=readline_extra_link_args,
+ libraries=readline_libs) )
+ if platform not in ['mac']:
+ # crypt module.
+ if self.compiler.find_library_file(lib_dirs, 'crypt'):
+ libs = ['crypt']
+ else:
+ libs = []
+ exts.append( Extension('crypt', ['cryptmodule.c'], libraries=libs) )
+ # CSV files
+ exts.append( Extension('_csv', ['_csv.c']) )
+ # socket(2)
+ exts.append( Extension('_socket', ['socketmodule.c'],
+ depends = ['socketmodule.h']) )
+ # Detect SSL support for the socket module (via _ssl)
+ search_for_ssl_incs_in = [
+ '/usr/local/ssl/include',
+ '/usr/contrib/ssl/include/'
+ ]
+ ssl_incs = find_file('openssl/ssl.h', inc_dirs,
+ search_for_ssl_incs_in
+ )
+ if ssl_incs is not None:
+ krb5_h = find_file('krb5.h', inc_dirs,
+ ['/usr/kerberos/include'])
+ if krb5_h:
+ ssl_incs += krb5_h
+ ssl_libs = find_library_file(self.compiler, 'ssl',lib_dirs,
+ ['/usr/local/ssl/lib',
+ '/usr/contrib/ssl/lib/'
+ ] )
+ if (ssl_incs is not None and
+ ssl_libs is not None):
+ exts.append( Extension('_ssl', ['_ssl.c'],
+ include_dirs = ssl_incs,
+ library_dirs = ssl_libs,
+ libraries = ['ssl', 'crypto'],
+ depends = ['socketmodule.h']), )
+ # find out which version of OpenSSL we have
+ openssl_ver = 0
+ openssl_ver_re = re.compile(
+ '^\s*#\s*define\s+OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER\s+(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)' )
+ for ssl_inc_dir in inc_dirs + search_for_ssl_incs_in:
+ name = os.path.join(ssl_inc_dir, 'openssl', 'opensslv.h')
+ if os.path.isfile(name):
+ try:
+ incfile = open(name, 'r')
+ for line in incfile:
+ m = openssl_ver_re.match(line)
+ if m:
+ openssl_ver = eval(m.group(1))
+ break
+ except IOError:
+ pass
+ # first version found is what we'll use (as the compiler should)
+ if openssl_ver:
+ break
+ #print 'openssl_ver = 0x%08x' % openssl_ver
+ if (ssl_incs is not None and
+ ssl_libs is not None and
+ openssl_ver >= 0x00907000):
+ # The _hashlib module wraps optimized implementations
+ # of hash functions from the OpenSSL library.
+ exts.append( Extension('_hashlib', ['_hashopenssl.c'],
+ include_dirs = ssl_incs,
+ library_dirs = ssl_libs,
+ libraries = ['ssl', 'crypto']) )
+ else:
+ # The _sha module implements the SHA1 hash algorithm.
+ exts.append( Extension('_sha', ['shamodule.c']) )
+ # The _md5 module implements the RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5
+ # Message-Digest Algorithm, described in RFC 1321. The
+ # necessary files md5.c and md5.h are included here.
+ exts.append( Extension('_md5',
+ sources = ['md5module.c', 'md5.c'],
+ depends = ['md5.h']) )
+ if (openssl_ver < 0x00908000):
+ # OpenSSL doesn't do these until 0.9.8 so we'll bring our own hash
+ exts.append( Extension('_sha256', ['sha256module.c']) )
+ exts.append( Extension('_sha512', ['sha512module.c']) )
+ # Modules that provide persistent dictionary-like semantics. You will
+ # probably want to arrange for at least one of them to be available on
+ # your machine, though none are defined by default because of library
+ # dependencies. The Python module anydbm.py provides an
+ # implementation independent wrapper for these; dumbdbm.py provides
+ # similar functionality (but slower of course) implemented in Python.
+ # Sleepycat^WOracle Berkeley DB interface.
+ # http://www.oracle.com/database/berkeley-db/db/index.html
+ #
+ # This requires the Sleepycat^WOracle DB code. The supported versions
+ # are set below. Visit the URL above to download
+ # a release. Most open source OSes come with one or more
+ # versions of BerkeleyDB already installed.
+ max_db_ver = (4, 5)
+ # NOTE: while the _bsddb.c code links against BerkeleyDB 4.6.x
+ # we leave that version disabled by default as it has proven to be
+ # quite a buggy library release on many platforms.
+ min_db_ver = (3, 3)
+ db_setup_debug = False # verbose debug prints from this script?
+ # construct a list of paths to look for the header file in on
+ # top of the normal inc_dirs.
+ db_inc_paths = [
+ '/usr/include/db4',
+ '/usr/local/include/db4',
+ '/opt/sfw/include/db4',
+ '/sw/include/db4',
+ '/usr/include/db3',
+ '/usr/local/include/db3',
+ '/opt/sfw/include/db3',
+ '/sw/include/db3',
+ ]
+ # 4.x minor number specific paths
+ for x in range(max_db_ver[1]+1):
+ db_inc_paths.append('/usr/include/db4%d' % x)
+ db_inc_paths.append('/usr/include/db4.%d' % x)
+ db_inc_paths.append('/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.%d/include' % x)
+ db_inc_paths.append('/usr/local/include/db4%d' % x)
+ db_inc_paths.append('/pkg/db-4.%d/include' % x)
+ db_inc_paths.append('/opt/db-4.%d/include' % x)
+ # 3.x minor number specific paths
+ for x in (3,):
+ db_inc_paths.append('/usr/include/db3%d' % x)
+ db_inc_paths.append('/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.3.%d/include' % x)
+ db_inc_paths.append('/usr/local/include/db3%d' % x)
+ db_inc_paths.append('/pkg/db-3.%d/include' % x)
+ db_inc_paths.append('/opt/db-3.%d/include' % x)
+ # Add some common subdirectories for Sleepycat DB to the list,
+ # based on the standard include directories. This way DB3/4 gets
+ # picked up when it is installed in a non-standard prefix and
+ # the user has added that prefix into inc_dirs.
+ std_variants = []
+ for dn in inc_dirs:
+ std_variants.append(os.path.join(dn, 'db3'))
+ std_variants.append(os.path.join(dn, 'db4'))
+ for x in range(max_db_ver[1]+1):
+ std_variants.append(os.path.join(dn, "db4%d"%x))
+ std_variants.append(os.path.join(dn, "db4.%d"%x))
+ for x in (2,3):
+ std_variants.append(os.path.join(dn, "db3%d"%x))
+ std_variants.append(os.path.join(dn, "db3.%d"%x))
+ db_inc_paths = std_variants + db_inc_paths
+ db_ver_inc_map = {}
+ class db_found(Exception): pass
+ try:
+ # See whether there is a Sleepycat header in the standard
+ # search path.
+ for d in inc_dirs + db_inc_paths:
+ f = os.path.join(d, "db.h")
+ if db_setup_debug: print "db: looking for db.h in", f
+ if os.path.exists(f):
+ f = open(f).read()
+ m = re.search(r"#define\WDB_VERSION_MAJOR\W(\d+)", f)
+ if m:
+ db_major = int(m.group(1))
+ m = re.search(r"#define\WDB_VERSION_MINOR\W(\d+)", f)
+ db_minor = int(m.group(1))
+ db_ver = (db_major, db_minor)
+ # Avoid 4.6 prior to 4.6.21 due to a BerkeleyDB bug
+ if db_ver == (4, 6):
+ m = re.search(r"#define\WDB_VERSION_PATCH\W(\d+)", f)
+ db_patch = int(m.group(1))
+ if db_patch < 21:
+ print "db.h:", db_ver, "patch", db_patch,
+ print "being ignored (4.6.x must be >= 4.6.21)"
+ continue
+ if ( (not db_ver_inc_map.has_key(db_ver)) and
+ (db_ver <= max_db_ver and db_ver >= min_db_ver) ):
+ # save the include directory with the db.h version
+ # (first occurrance only)
+ db_ver_inc_map[db_ver] = d
+ print "db.h: found", db_ver, "in", d
+ else:
+ # we already found a header for this library version
+ if db_setup_debug: print "db.h: ignoring", d
+ else:
+ # ignore this header, it didn't contain a version number
+ if db_setup_debug: print "db.h: unsupported version", db_ver, "in", d
+ db_found_vers = db_ver_inc_map.keys()
+ db_found_vers.sort()
+ while db_found_vers:
+ db_ver = db_found_vers.pop()
+ db_incdir = db_ver_inc_map[db_ver]
+ # check lib directories parallel to the location of the header
+ db_dirs_to_check = [
+ os.path.join(db_incdir, '..', 'lib64'),
+ os.path.join(db_incdir, '..', 'lib'),
+ os.path.join(db_incdir, '..', '..', 'lib64'),
+ os.path.join(db_incdir, '..', '..', 'lib'),
+ ]
+ db_dirs_to_check = filter(os.path.isdir, db_dirs_to_check)
+ # Look for a version specific db-X.Y before an ambiguoius dbX
+ # XXX should we -ever- look for a dbX name? Do any
+ # systems really not name their library by version and
+ # symlink to more general names?
+ for dblib in (('db-%d.%d' % db_ver),
+ ('db%d%d' % db_ver),
+ ('db%d' % db_ver[0])):
+ dblib_file = self.compiler.find_library_file(
+ db_dirs_to_check + lib_dirs, dblib )
+ if dblib_file:
+ dblib_dir = [ os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(dblib_file)) ]
+ raise db_found
+ else:
+ if db_setup_debug: print "db lib: ", dblib, "not found"
+ except db_found:
+ print "db lib: using", db_ver, dblib
+ if db_setup_debug: print "db: lib dir", dblib_dir, "inc dir", db_incdir
+ db_incs = [db_incdir]
+ dblibs = [dblib]
+ # We add the runtime_library_dirs argument because the
+ # BerkeleyDB lib we're linking against often isn't in the
+ # system dynamic library search path. This is usually
+ # correct and most trouble free, but may cause problems in
+ # some unusual system configurations (e.g. the directory
+ # is on an NFS server that goes away).
+ exts.append(Extension('_bsddb', ['_bsddb.c'],
+ library_dirs=dblib_dir,
+ runtime_library_dirs=dblib_dir,
+ include_dirs=db_incs,
+ libraries=dblibs))
+ else:
+ if db_setup_debug: print "db: no appropriate library found"
+ db_incs = None
+ dblibs = []
+ dblib_dir = None
+ # The sqlite interface
+ sqlite_setup_debug = False # verbose debug prints from this script?
+ # We hunt for #define SQLITE_VERSION "n.n.n"
+ # We need to find >= sqlite version 3.0.8
+ sqlite_incdir = sqlite_libdir = None
+ sqlite_inc_paths = [ '/usr/include',
+ '/usr/include/sqlite',
+ '/usr/include/sqlite3',
+ '/usr/local/include',
+ '/usr/local/include/sqlite',
+ '/usr/local/include/sqlite3',
+ ]
+ MIN_SQLITE_VERSION = ".".join([str(x)
+ # Scan the default include directories before the SQLite specific
+ # ones. This allows one to override the copy of sqlite on OSX,
+ # where /usr/include contains an old version of sqlite.
+ for d in inc_dirs + sqlite_inc_paths:
+ f = os.path.join(d, "sqlite3.h")
+ if os.path.exists(f):
+ if sqlite_setup_debug: print "sqlite: found %s"%f
+ incf = open(f).read()
+ m = re.search(
+ r'\s*.*#\s*.*define\s.*SQLITE_VERSION\W*"(.*)"', incf)
+ if m:
+ sqlite_version = m.group(1)
+ sqlite_version_tuple = tuple([int(x)
+ for x in sqlite_version.split(".")])
+ if sqlite_version_tuple >= MIN_SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER:
+ # we win!
+ print "%s/sqlite3.h: version %s"%(d, sqlite_version)
+ sqlite_incdir = d
+ break
+ else:
+ if sqlite_setup_debug:
+ print "%s: version %r is too old, need >= %r"%(d,
+ sqlite_version, MIN_SQLITE_VERSION)
+ elif sqlite_setup_debug:
+ print "sqlite: %s had no SQLITE_VERSION"%(f,)
+ if sqlite_incdir:
+ sqlite_dirs_to_check = [
+ os.path.join(sqlite_incdir, '..', 'lib64'),
+ os.path.join(sqlite_incdir, '..', 'lib'),
+ os.path.join(sqlite_incdir, '..', '..', 'lib64'),
+ os.path.join(sqlite_incdir, '..', '..', 'lib'),
+ ]
+ sqlite_libfile = self.compiler.find_library_file(
+ sqlite_dirs_to_check + lib_dirs, 'sqlite3')
+ sqlite_libdir = [os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sqlite_libfile))]
+ if sqlite_incdir and sqlite_libdir:
+ sqlite_srcs = ['_sqlite/cache.c',
+ '_sqlite/connection.c',
+ '_sqlite/cursor.c',
+ '_sqlite/microprotocols.c',
+ '_sqlite/module.c',
+ '_sqlite/prepare_protocol.c',
+ '_sqlite/row.c',
+ '_sqlite/statement.c',
+ '_sqlite/util.c', ]
+ sqlite_defines = []
+ if sys.platform != "win32":
+ sqlite_defines.append(('MODULE_NAME', '"sqlite3"'))
+ else:
+ sqlite_defines.append(('MODULE_NAME', '\\"sqlite3\\"'))
+ if sys.platform == 'darwin':
+ # In every directory on the search path search for a dynamic
+ # library and then a static library, instead of first looking
+ # for dynamic libraries on the entiry path.
+ # This way a staticly linked custom sqlite gets picked up
+ # before the dynamic library in /usr/lib.
+ sqlite_extra_link_args = ('-Wl,-search_paths_first',)
+ else:
+ sqlite_extra_link_args = ()
+ exts.append(Extension('_sqlite3', sqlite_srcs,
+ define_macros=sqlite_defines,
+ include_dirs=["Modules/_sqlite",
+ sqlite_incdir],
+ library_dirs=sqlite_libdir,
+ runtime_library_dirs=sqlite_libdir,
+ extra_link_args=sqlite_extra_link_args,
+ libraries=["sqlite3",]))
+ # Look for Berkeley db 1.85. Note that it is built as a different
+ # module name so it can be included even when later versions are
+ # available. A very restrictive search is performed to avoid
+ # accidentally building this module with a later version of the
+ # underlying db library. May BSD-ish Unixes incorporate db 1.85
+ # symbols into libc and place the include file in /usr/include.
+ #
+ # If the better bsddb library can be built (db_incs is defined)
+ # we do not build this one. Otherwise this build will pick up
+ # the more recent berkeleydb's db.h file first in the include path
+ # when attempting to compile and it will fail.
+ f = "/usr/include/db.h"
+ if os.path.exists(f) and not db_incs:
+ data = open(f).read()
+ m = re.search(r"#s*define\s+HASHVERSION\s+2\s*", data)
+ if m is not None:
+ # bingo - old version used hash file format version 2
+ ### XXX this should be fixed to not be platform-dependent
+ ### but I don't have direct access to an osf1 platform and
+ ### seemed to be muffing the search somehow
+ libraries = platform == "osf1" and ['db'] or None
+ if libraries is not None:
+ exts.append(Extension('bsddb185', ['bsddbmodule.c'],
+ libraries=libraries))
+ else:
+ exts.append(Extension('bsddb185', ['bsddbmodule.c']))
+ # The standard Unix dbm module:
+ if platform not in ['cygwin']:
+ if find_file("ndbm.h", inc_dirs, []) is not None:
+ # Some systems have -lndbm, others don't
+ if self.compiler.find_library_file(lib_dirs, 'ndbm'):
+ ndbm_libs = ['ndbm']
+ else:
+ ndbm_libs = []
+ exts.append( Extension('dbm', ['dbmmodule.c'],
+ define_macros=[('HAVE_NDBM_H',None)],
+ libraries = ndbm_libs ) )
+ elif (self.compiler.find_library_file(lib_dirs, 'gdbm')
+ and find_file("gdbm/ndbm.h", inc_dirs, []) is not None):
+ exts.append( Extension('dbm', ['dbmmodule.c'],
+ define_macros=[('HAVE_GDBM_NDBM_H',None)],
+ libraries = ['gdbm'] ) )
+ elif db_incs is not None:
+ exts.append( Extension('dbm', ['dbmmodule.c'],
+ library_dirs=dblib_dir,
+ runtime_library_dirs=dblib_dir,
+ include_dirs=db_incs,
+ define_macros=[('HAVE_BERKDB_H',None),
+ ('DB_DBM_HSEARCH',None)],
+ libraries=dblibs))
+ # Anthony Baxter's gdbm module. GNU dbm(3) will require -lgdbm:
+ if (self.compiler.find_library_file(lib_dirs, 'gdbm')):
+ exts.append( Extension('gdbm', ['gdbmmodule.c'],
+ libraries = ['gdbm'] ) )
+ # Unix-only modules
+ if platform not in ['mac', 'win32']:
+ # Steen Lumholt's termios module
+ exts.append( Extension('termios', ['termios.c']) )
+ # Jeremy Hylton's rlimit interface
+ if platform not in ['atheos']:
+ exts.append( Extension('resource', ['resource.c']) )
+ # Sun yellow pages. Some systems have the functions in libc.
+ if platform not in ['cygwin', 'atheos']:
+ if (self.compiler.find_library_file(lib_dirs, 'nsl')):
+ libs = ['nsl']
+ else:
+ libs = []
+ exts.append( Extension('nis', ['nismodule.c'],
+ libraries = libs) )
+# # Curses support, requiring the System V version of curses, often
+# # provided by the ncurses library.
+# panel_library = 'panel'
+# if (self.compiler.find_library_file(lib_dirs, 'ncursesw')):
+# curses_libs = ['ncursesw']
+# # Bug 1464056: If _curses.so links with ncursesw,
+# # _curses_panel.so must link with panelw.
+# panel_library = 'panelw'
+# exts.append( Extension('_curses', ['_cursesmodule.c'],
+# libraries = curses_libs) )
+# elif (self.compiler.find_library_file(lib_dirs, 'ncurses')):
+# curses_libs = ['ncurses']
+# exts.append( Extension('_curses', ['_cursesmodule.c'],
+# libraries = curses_libs) )
+# elif (self.compiler.find_library_file(lib_dirs, 'curses')
+# and platform != 'darwin'):
+# # OSX has an old Berkeley curses, not good enough for
+# # the _curses module.
+# if (self.compiler.find_library_file(lib_dirs, 'terminfo')):
+# curses_libs = ['curses', 'terminfo']
+# elif (self.compiler.find_library_file(lib_dirs, 'termcap')):
+# curses_libs = ['curses', 'termcap']
+# else:
+# curses_libs = ['curses']
+# exts.append( Extension('_curses', ['_cursesmodule.c'],
+# libraries = curses_libs) )
+# # If the curses module is enabled, check for the panel module
+# if (module_enabled(exts, '_curses') and
+# self.compiler.find_library_file(lib_dirs, panel_library)):
+# exts.append( Extension('_curses_panel', ['_curses_panel.c'],
+# libraries = [panel_library] + curses_libs) )
+ # Andrew Kuchling's zlib module. Note that some versions of zlib
+ # 1.1.3 have security problems. See CERT Advisory CA-2002-07:
+ # http://www.cert.org/advisories/CA-2002-07.html
+ #
+ # zlib 1.1.4 is fixed, but at least one vendor (RedHat) has decided to
+ # patch its zlib 1.1.3 package instead of upgrading to 1.1.4. For
+ # now, we still accept 1.1.3, because we think it's difficult to
+ # exploit this in Python, and we'd rather make it RedHat's problem
+ # than our problem <wink>.
+ #
+ # You can upgrade zlib to version 1.1.4 yourself by going to
+ # http://www.gzip.org/zlib/
+ zlib_inc = find_file('zlib.h', [], inc_dirs)
+ if zlib_inc is not None:
+ zlib_h = zlib_inc[0] + '/zlib.h'
+ version = '"0.0.0"'
+ version_req = '"1.1.3"'
+ fp = open(zlib_h)
+ while 1:
+ line = fp.readline()
+ if not line:
+ break
+ if line.startswith('#define ZLIB_VERSION'):
+ version = line.split()[2]
+ break
+ if version >= version_req:
+ if (self.compiler.find_library_file(lib_dirs, 'z')):
+ if sys.platform == "darwin":
+ zlib_extra_link_args = ('-Wl,-search_paths_first',)
+ else:
+ zlib_extra_link_args = ()
+ exts.append( Extension('zlib', ['zlibmodule.c'],
+ libraries = ['z'],
+ extra_link_args = zlib_extra_link_args))
+ # Gustavo Niemeyer's bz2 module.
+ if (self.compiler.find_library_file(lib_dirs, 'bz2')):
+ if sys.platform == "darwin":
+ bz2_extra_link_args = ('-Wl,-search_paths_first',)
+ else:
+ bz2_extra_link_args = ()
+ exts.append( Extension('bz2', ['bz2module.c'],
+ libraries = ['bz2'],
+ extra_link_args = bz2_extra_link_args) )
+ # Interface to the Expat XML parser
+ #
+ # Expat was written by James Clark and is now maintained by a
+ # group of developers on SourceForge; see www.libexpat.org for
+ # more information. The pyexpat module was written by Paul
+ # Prescod after a prototype by Jack Jansen. The Expat source
+ # is included in Modules/expat/. Usage of a system
+ # shared libexpat.so/expat.dll is not advised.
+ #
+ # More information on Expat can be found at www.libexpat.org.
+ #
+ expatinc = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), srcdir, 'Modules', 'expat')
+ define_macros = [
+ ]
+ exts.append(Extension('pyexpat',
+ define_macros = define_macros,
+ include_dirs = [expatinc],
+ sources = ['pyexpat.c',
+ 'expat/xmlparse.c',
+ 'expat/xmlrole.c',
+ 'expat/xmltok.c',
+ ],
+ ))
+ # Fredrik Lundh's cElementTree module. Note that this also
+ # uses expat (via the CAPI hook in pyexpat).
+ if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(srcdir, 'Modules', '_elementtree.c')):
+ define_macros.append(('USE_PYEXPAT_CAPI', None))
+ exts.append(Extension('_elementtree',
+ define_macros = define_macros,
+ include_dirs = [expatinc],
+ sources = ['_elementtree.c'],
+ ))
+ # Hye-Shik Chang's CJKCodecs modules.
+ if have_unicode:
+ exts.append(Extension('_multibytecodec',
+ ['cjkcodecs/multibytecodec.c']))
+ for loc in ('kr', 'jp', 'cn', 'tw', 'hk', 'iso2022'):
+ exts.append(Extension('_codecs_' + loc,
+ ['cjkcodecs/_codecs_%s.c' % loc]))
+ # Dynamic loading module
+ if sys.maxint == 0x7fffffff:
+ # This requires sizeof(int) == sizeof(long) == sizeof(char*)
+ dl_inc = find_file('dlfcn.h', [], inc_dirs)
+ if (dl_inc is not None) and (platform not in ['atheos']):
+ exts.append( Extension('dl', ['dlmodule.c']) )
+ # Thomas Heller's _ctypes module
+ self.detect_ctypes(inc_dirs, lib_dirs)
+ # Platform-specific libraries
+ if platform == 'linux2':
+ # Linux-specific modules
+ exts.append( Extension('linuxaudiodev', ['linuxaudiodev.c']) )
+ if platform in ('linux2', 'freebsd4', 'freebsd5', 'freebsd6',
+ 'freebsd7'):
+ exts.append( Extension('ossaudiodev', ['ossaudiodev.c']) )
+ if platform == 'sunos5':
+ # SunOS specific modules
+ exts.append( Extension('sunaudiodev', ['sunaudiodev.c']) )
+ if platform == 'darwin' and ("--disable-toolbox-glue" not in
+ sysconfig.get_config_var("CONFIG_ARGS")):
+ if os.uname()[2] > '8.':
+ # We're on Mac OS X 10.4 or later, the compiler should
+ # support '-Wno-deprecated-declarations'. This will
+ # surpress deprecation warnings for the Carbon extensions,
+ # these extensions wrap the Carbon APIs and even those
+ # parts that are deprecated.
+ carbon_extra_compile_args = ['-Wno-deprecated-declarations']
+ else:
+ carbon_extra_compile_args = []
+ # Mac OS X specific modules.
+ def macSrcExists(name1, name2=''):
+ if not name1:
+ return None
+ names = (name1,)
+ if name2:
+ names = (name1, name2)
+ path = os.path.join(srcdir, 'Mac', 'Modules', *names)
+ return os.path.exists(path)
+ def addMacExtension(name, kwds, extra_srcs=[]):
+ dirname = ''
+ if name[0] == '_':
+ dirname = name[1:].lower()
+ cname = name + '.c'
+ cmodulename = name + 'module.c'
+ # Check for NNN.c, NNNmodule.c, _nnn/NNN.c, _nnn/NNNmodule.c
+ if macSrcExists(cname):
+ srcs = [cname]
+ elif macSrcExists(cmodulename):
+ srcs = [cmodulename]
+ elif macSrcExists(dirname, cname):
+ # XXX(nnorwitz): If all the names ended with module, we
+ # wouldn't need this condition. ibcarbon is the only one.
+ srcs = [os.path.join(dirname, cname)]
+ elif macSrcExists(dirname, cmodulename):
+ srcs = [os.path.join(dirname, cmodulename)]
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError("%s not found" % name)
+ # Here's the whole point: add the extension with sources
+ exts.append(Extension(name, srcs + extra_srcs, **kwds))
+ # Core Foundation
+ core_kwds = {'extra_compile_args': carbon_extra_compile_args,
+ 'extra_link_args': ['-framework', 'CoreFoundation'],
+ }
+ addMacExtension('_CF', core_kwds, ['cf/pycfbridge.c'])
+ addMacExtension('autoGIL', core_kwds)
+ # Carbon
+ carbon_kwds = {'extra_compile_args': carbon_extra_compile_args,
+ 'extra_link_args': ['-framework', 'Carbon'],
+ }
+ CARBON_EXTS = ['ColorPicker', 'gestalt', 'MacOS', 'Nav',
+ 'OSATerminology', 'icglue',
+ # All these are in subdirs
+ '_AE', '_AH', '_App', '_CarbonEvt', '_Cm', '_Ctl',
+ '_Dlg', '_Drag', '_Evt', '_File', '_Folder', '_Fm',
+ '_Help', '_Icn', '_IBCarbon', '_List',
+ '_Menu', '_Mlte', '_OSA', '_Res', '_Qd', '_Qdoffs',
+ '_Scrap', '_Snd', '_TE', '_Win',
+ ]
+ for name in CARBON_EXTS:
+ addMacExtension(name, carbon_kwds)
+ # Application Services & QuickTime
+ app_kwds = {'extra_compile_args': carbon_extra_compile_args,
+ 'extra_link_args': ['-framework','ApplicationServices'],
+ }
+ addMacExtension('_Launch', app_kwds)
+ addMacExtension('_CG', app_kwds)
+ exts.append( Extension('_Qt', ['qt/_Qtmodule.c'],
+ extra_compile_args=carbon_extra_compile_args,
+ extra_link_args=['-framework', 'QuickTime',
+ '-framework', 'Carbon']) )
+ self.extensions.extend(exts)
+ # Call the method for detecting whether _tkinter can be compiled
+ self.detect_tkinter(inc_dirs, lib_dirs)
+ def detect_tkinter_darwin(self, inc_dirs, lib_dirs):
+ # The _tkinter module, using frameworks. Since frameworks are quite
+ # different the UNIX search logic is not sharable.
+ from os.path import join, exists
+ framework_dirs = [
+ '/System/Library/Frameworks/',
+ '/Library/Frameworks',
+ join(os.getenv('HOME'), '/Library/Frameworks')
+ ]
+ # Find the directory that contains the Tcl.framework and Tk.framework
+ # bundles.
+ # XXX distutils should support -F!
+ for F in framework_dirs:
+ # both Tcl.framework and Tk.framework should be present
+ for fw in 'Tcl', 'Tk':
+ if not exists(join(F, fw + '.framework')):
+ break
+ else:
+ # ok, F is now directory with both frameworks. Continure
+ # building
+ break
+ else:
+ # Tk and Tcl frameworks not found. Normal "unix" tkinter search
+ # will now resume.
+ return 0
+ # For 8.4a2, we must add -I options that point inside the Tcl and Tk
+ # frameworks. In later release we should hopefully be able to pass
+ # the -F option to gcc, which specifies a framework lookup path.
+ #
+ include_dirs = [
+ join(F, fw + '.framework', H)
+ for fw in 'Tcl', 'Tk'
+ for H in 'Headers', 'Versions/Current/PrivateHeaders'
+ ]
+ # For 8.4a2, the X11 headers are not included. Rather than include a
+ # complicated search, this is a hard-coded path. It could bail out
+ # if X11 libs are not found...
+ include_dirs.append('/usr/X11R6/include')
+ frameworks = ['-framework', 'Tcl', '-framework', 'Tk']
+ ext = Extension('_tkinter', ['_tkinter.c', 'tkappinit.c'],
+ define_macros=[('WITH_APPINIT', 1)],
+ include_dirs = include_dirs,
+ libraries = [],
+ extra_compile_args = frameworks,
+ extra_link_args = frameworks,
+ )
+ self.extensions.append(ext)
+ return 1
+ def detect_tkinter(self, inc_dirs, lib_dirs):
+ # The _tkinter module.
+ # Rather than complicate the code below, detecting and building
+ # AquaTk is a separate method. Only one Tkinter will be built on
+ # Darwin - either AquaTk, if it is found, or X11 based Tk.
+ platform = self.get_platform()
+ if (platform == 'darwin' and
+ self.detect_tkinter_darwin(inc_dirs, lib_dirs)):
+ return
+ # Assume we haven't found any of the libraries or include files
+ # The versions with dots are used on Unix, and the versions without
+ # dots on Windows, for detection by cygwin.
+ tcllib = tklib = tcl_includes = tk_includes = None
+ for version in ['8.5', '85', '8.4', '84', '8.3', '83', '8.2',
+ '82', '8.1', '81', '8.0', '80']:
+ tklib = self.compiler.find_library_file(lib_dirs, 'tk' + version)
+ tcllib = self.compiler.find_library_file(lib_dirs, 'tcl' + version)
+ if tklib and tcllib:
+ # Exit the loop when we've found the Tcl/Tk libraries
+ break
+ # Now check for the header files
+ if tklib and tcllib:
+ # Check for the include files on Debian and {Free,Open}BSD, where
+ # they're put in /usr/include/{tcl,tk}X.Y
+ dotversion = version
+ if '.' not in dotversion and "bsd" in sys.platform.lower():
+ # OpenBSD and FreeBSD use Tcl/Tk library names like libtcl83.a,
+ # but the include subdirs are named like .../include/tcl8.3.
+ dotversion = dotversion[:-1] + '.' + dotversion[-1]
+ tcl_include_sub = []
+ tk_include_sub = []
+ for dir in inc_dirs:
+ tcl_include_sub += [dir + os.sep + "tcl" + dotversion]
+ tk_include_sub += [dir + os.sep + "tk" + dotversion]
+ tk_include_sub += tcl_include_sub
+ tcl_includes = find_file('tcl.h', inc_dirs, tcl_include_sub)
+ tk_includes = find_file('tk.h', inc_dirs, tk_include_sub)
+ if (tcllib is None or tklib is None or
+ tcl_includes is None or tk_includes is None):
+ self.announce("INFO: Can't locate Tcl/Tk libs and/or headers", 2)
+ return
+ # OK... everything seems to be present for Tcl/Tk.
+ include_dirs = [] ; libs = [] ; defs = [] ; added_lib_dirs = []
+ for dir in tcl_includes + tk_includes:
+ if dir not in include_dirs:
+ include_dirs.append(dir)
+ # Check for various platform-specific directories
+ if platform == 'sunos5':
+ include_dirs.append('/usr/openwin/include')
+ added_lib_dirs.append('/usr/openwin/lib')
+ elif os.path.exists('/usr/X11R6/include'):
+ include_dirs.append('/usr/X11R6/include')
+ added_lib_dirs.append('/usr/X11R6/lib64')
+ added_lib_dirs.append('/usr/X11R6/lib')
+ elif os.path.exists('/usr/X11R5/include'):
+ include_dirs.append('/usr/X11R5/include')
+ added_lib_dirs.append('/usr/X11R5/lib')
+ else:
+ # Assume default location for X11
+ include_dirs.append('/usr/X11/include')
+ added_lib_dirs.append('/usr/X11/lib')
+ # If Cygwin, then verify that X is installed before proceeding
+ if platform == 'cygwin':
+ x11_inc = find_file('X11/Xlib.h', [], include_dirs)
+ if x11_inc is None:
+ return
+ # Check for BLT extension
+ if self.compiler.find_library_file(lib_dirs + added_lib_dirs,
+ 'BLT8.0'):
+ defs.append( ('WITH_BLT', 1) )
+ libs.append('BLT8.0')
+ elif self.compiler.find_library_file(lib_dirs + added_lib_dirs,
+ 'BLT'):
+ defs.append( ('WITH_BLT', 1) )
+ libs.append('BLT')
+ # Add the Tcl/Tk libraries
+ libs.append('tk'+ version)
+ libs.append('tcl'+ version)
+ if platform in ['aix3', 'aix4']:
+ libs.append('ld')
+ # Finally, link with the X11 libraries (not appropriate on cygwin)
+ if platform != "cygwin":
+ libs.append('X11')
+ ext = Extension('_tkinter', ['_tkinter.c', 'tkappinit.c'],
+ define_macros=[('WITH_APPINIT', 1)] + defs,
+ include_dirs = include_dirs,
+ libraries = libs,
+ library_dirs = added_lib_dirs,
+ )
+ self.extensions.append(ext)
+## # Uncomment these lines if you want to play with xxmodule.c
+## ext = Extension('xx', ['xxmodule.c'])
+## self.extensions.append(ext)
+ # XXX handle these, but how to detect?
+ # *** Uncomment and edit for PIL (TkImaging) extension only:
+ # -DWITH_PIL -I../Extensions/Imaging/libImaging tkImaging.c \
+ # *** Uncomment and edit for TOGL extension only:
+ # -DWITH_TOGL togl.c \
+ # *** Uncomment these for TOGL extension only:
+ # -lGL -lGLU -lXext -lXmu \
+ def configure_ctypes(self, ext):
+ if not self.use_system_libffi:
+ (srcdir,) = sysconfig.get_config_vars('srcdir')
+ ffi_builddir = os.path.join(self.build_temp, 'libffi')
+ ffi_srcdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(srcdir, 'Modules',
+ '_ctypes', 'libffi'))
+ ffi_configfile = os.path.join(ffi_builddir, 'fficonfig.py')
+ from distutils.dep_util import newer_group
+ config_sources = [os.path.join(ffi_srcdir, fname)
+ for fname in os.listdir(ffi_srcdir)
+ if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(ffi_srcdir, fname))]
+ if self.force or newer_group(config_sources,
+ ffi_configfile):
+ from distutils.dir_util import mkpath
+ mkpath(ffi_builddir)
+ config_args = []
+ # Pass empty CFLAGS because we'll just append the resulting
+ # CFLAGS to Python's; -g or -O2 is to be avoided.
+ cmd = "cd %s && env CFLAGS='' '%s/configure' %s" \
+ % (ffi_builddir, ffi_srcdir, " ".join(config_args))
+ res = os.system(cmd)
+ if res or not os.path.exists(ffi_configfile):
+ print "Failed to configure _ctypes module"
+ return False
+ fficonfig = {}
+ execfile(ffi_configfile, globals(), fficonfig)
+ ffi_srcdir = os.path.join(fficonfig['ffi_srcdir'], 'src')
+ # Add .S (preprocessed assembly) to C compiler source extensions.
+ self.compiler.src_extensions.append('.S')
+ include_dirs = [os.path.join(ffi_builddir, 'include'),
+ ffi_builddir, ffi_srcdir]
+ extra_compile_args = fficonfig['ffi_cflags'].split()
+ ext.sources.extend(fficonfig['ffi_sources'])
+ ext.include_dirs.extend(include_dirs)
+ ext.extra_compile_args.extend(extra_compile_args)
+ return True
+ def detect_ctypes(self, inc_dirs, lib_dirs):
+ self.use_system_libffi = False
+ include_dirs = []
+ extra_compile_args = []
+ extra_link_args = []
+ sources = ['_ctypes/_ctypes.c',
+ '_ctypes/callbacks.c',
+ '_ctypes/callproc.c',
+ '_ctypes/stgdict.c',
+ '_ctypes/cfield.c',
+ '_ctypes/malloc_closure.c']
+ depends = ['_ctypes/ctypes.h']
+ if sys.platform == 'darwin':
+ sources.append('_ctypes/darwin/dlfcn_simple.c')
+ include_dirs.append('_ctypes/darwin')
+# XXX Is this still needed?
+## extra_link_args.extend(['-read_only_relocs', 'warning'])
+ elif sys.platform == 'sunos5':
+ # XXX This shouldn't be necessary; it appears that some
+ # of the assembler code is non-PIC (i.e. it has relocations
+ # when it shouldn't. The proper fix would be to rewrite
+ # the assembler code to be PIC.
+ # This only works with GCC; the Sun compiler likely refuses
+ # this option. If you want to compile ctypes with the Sun
+ # compiler, please research a proper solution, instead of
+ # finding some -z option for the Sun compiler.
+ extra_link_args.append('-mimpure-text')
+ ext = Extension('_ctypes',
+ include_dirs=include_dirs,
+ extra_compile_args=extra_compile_args,
+ extra_link_args=extra_link_args,
+ libraries=[],
+ sources=sources,
+ depends=depends)
+ ext_test = Extension('_ctypes_test',
+ sources=['_ctypes/_ctypes_test.c'])
+ self.extensions.extend([ext, ext_test])
+ if not '--with-system-ffi' in sysconfig.get_config_var("CONFIG_ARGS"):
+ return
+ ffi_inc = find_file('ffi.h', [], inc_dirs)
+ if ffi_inc is not None:
+ ffi_h = ffi_inc[0] + '/ffi.h'
+ fp = open(ffi_h)
+ while 1:
+ line = fp.readline()
+ if not line:
+ ffi_inc = None
+ break
+ if line.startswith('#define LIBFFI_H'):
+ break
+ ffi_lib = None
+ if ffi_inc is not None:
+ for lib_name in ('ffi_convenience', 'ffi_pic', 'ffi'):
+ if (self.compiler.find_library_file(lib_dirs, lib_name)):
+ ffi_lib = lib_name
+ break
+ if ffi_inc and ffi_lib:
+ ext.include_dirs.extend(ffi_inc)
+ ext.libraries.append(ffi_lib)
+ self.use_system_libffi = True
+class PyBuildInstall(install):
+ # Suppress the warning about installation into the lib_dynload
+ # directory, which is not in sys.path when running Python during
+ # installation:
+ def initialize_options (self):
+ install.initialize_options(self)
+ self.warn_dir=0
+class PyBuildInstallLib(install_lib):
+ # Do exactly what install_lib does but make sure correct access modes get
+ # set on installed directories and files. All installed files with get
+ # mode 644 unless they are a shared library in which case they will get
+ # mode 755. All installed directories will get mode 755.
+ so_ext = sysconfig.get_config_var("SO")
+ def install(self):
+ outfiles = install_lib.install(self)
+ self.set_file_modes(outfiles, 0644, 0755)
+ self.set_dir_modes(self.install_dir, 0755)
+ return outfiles
+ def set_file_modes(self, files, defaultMode, sharedLibMode):
+ if not self.is_chmod_supported(): return
+ if not files: return
+ for filename in files:
+ if os.path.islink(filename): continue
+ mode = defaultMode
+ if filename.endswith(self.so_ext): mode = sharedLibMode
+ log.info("changing mode of %s to %o", filename, mode)
+ if not self.dry_run: os.chmod(filename, mode)
+ def set_dir_modes(self, dirname, mode):
+ if not self.is_chmod_supported(): return
+ os.path.walk(dirname, self.set_dir_modes_visitor, mode)
+ def set_dir_modes_visitor(self, mode, dirname, names):
+ if os.path.islink(dirname): return
+ log.info("changing mode of %s to %o", dirname, mode)
+ if not self.dry_run: os.chmod(dirname, mode)
+ def is_chmod_supported(self):
+ return hasattr(os, 'chmod')
+SUMMARY = """
+Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming
+language. It is often compared to Tcl, Perl, Scheme or Java.
+Python combines remarkable power with very clear syntax. It has
+modules, classes, exceptions, very high level dynamic data types, and
+dynamic typing. There are interfaces to many system calls and
+libraries, as well as to various windowing systems (X11, Motif, Tk,
+Mac, MFC). New built-in modules are easily written in C or C++. Python
+is also usable as an extension language for applications that need a
+programmable interface.
+The Python implementation is portable: it runs on many brands of UNIX,
+on Windows, DOS, OS/2, Mac, Amiga... If your favorite system isn't
+listed here, it may still be supported, if there's a C compiler for
+it. Ask around on comp.lang.python -- or just try compiling Python
+Development Status :: 3 - Alpha
+Development Status :: 6 - Mature
+License :: OSI Approved :: Python Software Foundation License
+Natural Language :: English
+Programming Language :: C
+Programming Language :: Python
+Topic :: Software Development
+def main():
+ # turn off warnings when deprecated modules are imported
+ import warnings
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore",category=DeprecationWarning)
+ setup(# PyPI Metadata (PEP 301)
+ name = "Python",
+ version = sys.version.split()[0],
+ url = "http://www.python.org/%s" % sys.version[:3],
+ maintainer = "Guido van Rossum and the Python community",
+ maintainer_email = "python-dev@python.org",
+ description = "A high-level object-oriented programming language",
+ long_description = SUMMARY.strip(),
+ license = "PSF license",
+ classifiers = filter(None, CLASSIFIERS.split("\n")),
+ platforms = ["Many"],
+ # Build info
+ cmdclass = {'build_ext':PyBuildExt, 'install':PyBuildInstall,
+ 'install_lib':PyBuildInstallLib},
+ # The struct module is defined here, because build_ext won't be
+ # called unless there's at least one extension module defined.
+ ext_modules=[Extension('_struct', ['_struct.c'])],
+ # Scripts to install
+ scripts = ['Tools/scripts/pydoc', 'Tools/scripts/idle',
+ 'Lib/smtpd.py']
+ )
+# --install-platlib
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()