changeset 0 ca70ae20a155
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/tools/	Tue Feb 16 10:07:05 2010 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# This script parses the output of the script and
+# transforms it into the XML format suitable for the CruiseControl web
+# interface.
+import re
+import sys
+import os
+import pprint
+expected_skip_list = ['test_aepack',
+        'test_al',
+        'test_applesingle',
+        'test_cd',
+        'test_cl',
+        'test_cmd_line',
+        'test_commands',
+        'test_crypt',
+        'test_ctypes',
+        'test_hotshot',
+        'test_plistlib',
+        'test_sundry',
+        'test_bsddb',
+        'test_bsddb185',
+        'test_bsddb3',
+        'test_bz2',
+        'test_dbm',
+        'test_gdbm',
+        'test_gl',
+        'test_imageop',
+        'test_rgbimg',
+        'test_audioop',
+        'test_gettext',
+        'test_curses',
+        'test_dl',
+        'test_fork1',
+        'test_grp',
+        'test_imgfile',
+        'test_ioctl',
+        'test_largefile',
+        'test_linuxaudiodev',
+        'test_macfs',
+        'test_macostools',
+        'test_macpath',
+        'test_mhlib',
+        'test_mmap',
+        'test_nis',
+        'test_openpty',
+        'test_ossaudiodev',
+        'test_pep277',
+        'test_poll',
+        'test_popen',
+        'test_popen2',
+        'test_pty',
+        'test_pwd',
+        'test_resource',
+        'test_scriptpackages',
+        'test_signal',
+        'test_startfile',
+        'test_sqlite',
+        'test_subprocess',
+        'test_sunaudiodev',
+        'test_tcl',
+        'test_threadsignals',
+        'test_wait3',
+        'test_wait4',
+        'test_winreg',
+        'test_winsound',
+        'test_zipfile64']
+def replaceXMLentities(s):
+    s = s.replace('&', '&')
+    s = s.replace('<', '&lt;')
+    s = s.replace('>', '&gt;')
+    s = s.replace("'", '&apos;')
+    s = s.replace('"', '&quot;')
+    def replace_non_printable(obj):
+        if ord( > 31 and ord( < 126:
+            return
+        else:
+            return '?'
+    return re.sub('[^ a-zA-Z0-9\n]', replace_non_printable, s)
+# This regexp matches both the plain test start header "test_foo" and
+# the "Re-running test 'test_foo' in verbose mode" header.
+re_run = re.compile("^(Re-running test '|)(test_[^ \n]+)(' in verbose mode|)$")
+# Matches the end of test outputs and beginning of reporting
+re_finish = re.compile("^[0-9]+ tests (OK.|skipped:)$")
+re_unexpected = re.compile("test (test_.*) produced unexpected output:(.*)")
+re_skipped = re.compile("(test_.*) skipped --")
+re_crashed = re.compile("test (test_.*) crashed --")
+re_failed = re.compile("test (test_.*) failed --")
+re_time = re.compile("Ran ([0-9]+) test[s]{0,1} in (.*)s")
+re_unexp_skips = re.compile("(.*) skip[s]{0,1} unexpected on")
+re_sis_build_time = re.compile("Sis build time :(.*)")
+# Build information that has to be displayed on CC should be in the
+# regrtest_emu log in this format
+re_build_info = re.compile("Build Info -- Name : <(.*)>, Value : <(.*)>")
+# A metric should be printed to regrtest log in the format :
+# "Measurement -- Name : <>, Value : <>, Unit : <>, Threshold : <>,
+# higher_is_better : <>"
+# Note : All special characters in the above string are compulsary
+# Threshold should always be a positive number
+# higher_is_better should be either 'yes' or 'no'
+re_measurement = re.compile("Measurement -- Name : <(.*)>, Value : <(.*)>," +
+               " Unit : <(.*)>, Threshold : <(.*)>, higher_is_better : <(.*)>")
+new_state = old_state = {'passed': [],
+                         'failed': [],
+                         'skipped_expected': [],
+                         'skipped_unexpected': []}
+changeset = {}
+results = {}
+current_case = None
+unexp_skips = None
+unexp_skip_list = []
+measurements = {}
+sis_build_time = ''
+dev_metrics_log = None
+build_info = {}
+# Remove 'regrtest_' & '_xxx.log' from the log name
+# Some sample target names : aalto, emulator, merlin
+target_name = sys.argv[1][9:-8]
+# regrtest_xxx.log and the corresponding xml file is placed here.
+base_dir = 'build\\test'
+log_directory = 'C:\\Program Files\\CruiseControl\\logs'
+if not os.path.exists(log_directory):
+    os.makedirs(log_directory)
+dev_metrics_log_file = os.path.join(log_directory, 'ngopy_metrics.log')
+# sys.argv[1] is the log filename passed when calling this script
+# Eg: regrtest_aino_3_1.log, regrtest_merlin_3_2.log
+regrtest_log = open(os.path.join(base_dir, sys.argv[1]), 'rt')
+# XML filenames will be -- aalto_resuls.xml, merlin_results.xml etc.
+regrtest_xml = open(os.path.join(base_dir, target_name + '_results.xml'), 'w')
+# state_file contains the state (passed/failed/skipped) of each test case
+# in the previous build
+    state_file = open(os.path.join(log_directory, 'state_' +
+                                         target_name + '.txt'), 'rt')
+except IOError:
+    state_file = None
+# Logging of metrics not required for emulator and linux builds
+if target_name not in ['linux', 'emulator']:
+    dev_metrics_log = open(dev_metrics_log_file, 'a+')
+# First split output file based on the case names
+for line in regrtest_log:
+    if re_finish.match(line):
+        current_case=None
+        continue
+    m = re_run.match(line)
+    if m:
+        # beginning of processing for new case
+        case_name =
+        assert case_name
+        if case_name != 'test_pystone':
+            current_case = {'time': "1", 'output': []}
+            results[case_name] = current_case
+    else:
+        x1 = re_time.match(line)
+        if x1:
+            current_case['time'] =
+        if current_case:
+            current_case['output'].append(line)
+    sis_build_time_match = re_sis_build_time.match(line)
+    if sis_build_time_match:
+        sis_build_time =
+        continue
+    re_build_info_match = re_build_info.match(line)
+    if re_build_info_match:
+        build_info[] = \
+        continue
+    re_measurement_match = re_measurement.match(line)
+    if re_measurement_match:
+        measurements[] = {}
+        measurements[]['value'] = \
+                                           float(
+        measurements[]['unit'] = \
+        measurements[]['threshold'] = \
+                                           float(
+        measurements[]['higher_is_better'] = \
+        measurements[]['direction'] = 'Neutral'
+        measurements[]['delta'] = 0
+        continue
+    # For linux we believe regrtest, but for emu and devices we decide what is
+    # expected and unexpected skip (refer : expected_skip_list)
+    if target_name == 'linux':
+        if unexp_skips:
+            unexp_skip_list.extend(line.strip().rsplit(' '))
+            unexp_skips=None
+        unexp_skips = re_unexp_skips.match(line)
+# Analyze further to determine result from the test
+count_unexpected = 0
+count_skipped = 0
+count_crashed = 0
+count_failed = 0
+count_passed = 0
+count_skipped_unexpected = 0
+count_skipped_expected = 0
+for case_name, result in results.items():
+    out = ''.join(result['output'])
+    result['output'] = out
+    # if others don't match, the case is assumed to be passed
+    if
+        result['state'] = 'unexpected_output'
+        count_unexpected += 1
+    elif
+        result['state'] = 'skipped'
+        count_skipped += 1
+    elif
+        result['state'] = 'crashed'
+        count_crashed += 1
+    elif
+        result['state'] = 'failed'
+        count_failed += 1
+    else:
+        result['state'] = 'passed'
+        count_passed += 1
+# Report results
+print "Full results:"
+states = set(results[x]['state'] for x in results)
+print "Summary:"
+for state in states:
+    cases = [x for x in results if results[x]['state'] == state]
+    print "%d %s: %s" % (len(cases), state, ' '.join(cases))
+total_cases = count_unexpected + count_skipped + count_crashed + \
+                                                count_failed + count_passed
+failed_testcases = count_unexpected + count_crashed + count_failed
+testcase_metric_names = ['Number of Failed Test Cases',
+'Number of Skipped Test Cases - Unexpected',
+'Number of Successful Test Cases',
+'Number of Skipped Test Cases - Expected']
+# Initialize the 'measurements' dictionary related data for test case counts
+# and then dump values. skipped_expected_count and skipped_unexpected_count
+# are assigned later as our expected and unexpected list is not the same as the
+# one calculated by regrtest in the log.
+for item in testcase_metric_names:
+    measurements[item] = {}
+    measurements[item]['value'] = 0
+    measurements[item]['threshold'] = 1
+    if item == 'Number of Successful Test Cases':
+        measurements[item]['higher_is_better'] = 'yes'
+    else:
+        measurements[item]['higher_is_better'] = 'no'
+    measurements[item]['delta'] = 0
+    measurements[item]['direction'] = 'Neutral'
+    measurements[item]['unit'] = ''
+measurements['Number of Failed Test Cases']['value'] = failed_testcases
+measurements['Number of Successful Test Cases']['value'] = count_passed
+regrtest_xml.write('    <testsuite_%(target)s name="testcases_%(target)s"\
+ tests="%(total_cases)s" time="%(time)s" >\n' % {'target': target_name,
+ 'total_cases': total_cases, 'time': sis_build_time})
+if state_file:
+    old_state = eval(
+    state_file.close()
+def check_state_change(testcase, state):
+    if testcase not in old_state[state]:
+        return 'yes'
+    else:
+        return 'no'
+# Each testcase has a 'new' attribute to indicate if it moved to this
+# state in this build
+for i in sorted(results.keys()):
+    if ((results[i]['state'] == 'failed') or
+        (results[i]['state'] == 'unexpected') or
+        (results[i]['state'] == 'crashed')):
+        state_changed = check_state_change(i, 'failed')
+        regrtest_xml.write('        <testcase name="' + i + '" time="1" ' +
+            'new="' + state_changed + '"> <failure>' +
+            replaceXMLentities(results[i]['output']) +
+            '</failure></testcase>\n')
+        new_state['failed'].append(i)
+for i in sorted(results.keys()):
+    if (results[i]['state'] == 'skipped'):
+        if i not in expected_skip_list and target_name != 'linux':
+            unexp_skip_list.append(i)
+        if i in unexp_skip_list:
+            state_changed = check_state_change(i, 'skipped_unexpected')
+            regrtest_xml.write('        <testcase name="' + i + '" time="1" ' +
+                'new="' + state_changed + '"> <skipped_unexpected>' +
+                replaceXMLentities(results[i]['output']) +
+                '</skipped_unexpected></testcase>\n')
+            new_state['skipped_unexpected'].append(i)
+            count_skipped_unexpected += 1
+for i in sorted(results.keys()):
+    if (results[i]['state'] == 'passed'):
+        state_changed = check_state_change(i, 'passed')
+        regrtest_xml.write('        <testcase name="' + i + '" time="1" ' +
+                'new="' + state_changed + '"> <success>' +
+                replaceXMLentities(results[i]['output']) +
+                '</success></testcase>\n')
+        new_state['passed'].append(i)
+for i in sorted(results.keys()):
+    if (results[i]['state'] == 'skipped'):
+        if i not in unexp_skip_list:
+            state_changed = check_state_change(i, 'skipped_expected')
+            regrtest_xml.write('        <testcase name="' + i + '" time="1" ' +
+                'new="' + state_changed + '"> <skipped_expected>' +
+                replaceXMLentities(results[i]['output']) +
+                '</skipped_expected></testcase>\n')
+            new_state['skipped_expected'].append(i)
+            count_skipped_expected += 1
+measurements['Number of Skipped Test Cases - Expected']['value'] = \
+                                                       count_skipped_expected
+measurements['Number of Skipped Test Cases - Unexpected']['value'] = \
+                                                       count_skipped_unexpected
+# 'measurements' dictionary's 'delta' will contain the difference in metrics
+# w.r.t the previous run. 'delta' can be positive or negative
+for item in measurements.keys():
+    new_state[item] = measurements[item]['value']
+    if item in old_state:
+        measurements[item]['delta'] = new_state[item] - old_state[item]
+# Identify the test cases which have changed states (Eg. Failed->Passed )
+for state in ['failed', 'passed', 'skipped_expected', 'skipped_unexpected']:
+    s1 = set(new_state[state])
+    s2 = set(old_state[state])
+    s1.difference_update(s2)
+    changeset[state] = list(s1)
+# Adding the test cases that have changed states as a measurement and also in
+# state_changes tag. 'threshold' and 'direction' are omitted as color coding
+# in CC is not necessary.
+regrtest_xml.write('        <state_changes>\n')
+for state in ['failed', 'passed', 'skipped_expected', 'skipped_unexpected']:
+    regrtest_xml.write('          <' + state + ' count="' +
+                                           str(len(changeset[state])) + '">\n')
+    regrtest_xml.write(repr(changeset[state]))
+    regrtest_xml.write('          </' + state + '>\n')
+    if changeset[state]:
+        measurements[state.capitalize() + ' - New'] = {}
+        measurements[state.capitalize() + ' - New']['value'] = \
+                                                         repr(changeset[state])
+        measurements[state.capitalize() + ' - New']['delta'] = 0
+        measurements[state.capitalize() + ' - New']['unit'] = ''
+regrtest_xml.write('        </state_changes>\n')
+regrtest_xml.write('    <measurements>\n')
+# direction - dictates the color coding in CruiseControl. it will be set only
+# when the delta crosses threshold. direction can be 'Good', 'Bad', 'Neutral'
+for item in measurements.keys():
+    if measurements[item]['delta'] == 0:
+        measurements[item]['direction'] = 'Neutral'
+    elif measurements[item]['higher_is_better'] == 'yes':
+        if measurements[item]['delta'] >= measurements[item]['threshold']:
+            measurements[item]['direction'] = 'Good'
+        elif measurements[item]['delta'] <= -(measurements[item]['threshold']):
+            measurements[item]['direction'] = 'Bad'
+    else:
+        if measurements[item]['delta'] >= measurements[item]['threshold']:
+            measurements[item]['direction'] = 'Bad'
+        elif measurements[item]['delta'] <= -(measurements[item]['threshold']):
+            measurements[item]['direction'] = 'Good'
+def write_measurement(item, log_metrics=False):
+    regrtest_xml.write('       <measurement>\n')
+    regrtest_xml.write('           <name>' + item + '</name>\n')
+    regrtest_xml.write('           <value>' +
+                       str(measurements[item]['value']) + ' ' +
+                       str(measurements[item]['unit']) + '</value>\n')
+    regrtest_xml.write('           <direction>' +
+                       measurements[item]['direction'] + '</direction>\n')
+    if measurements[item]['delta']:
+        regrtest_xml.write('           <delta>' +
+                           str(measurements[item]['delta']) + '</delta>\n')
+    regrtest_xml.write('       </measurement>\n')
+    # Update the device specific log file, which is used to draw metrics graph
+    if dev_metrics_log and log_metrics:
+        dev_metrics_log.write(',%s=%s' %
+                              (item, str(measurements[item]['value'])))
+# Write the testcase related metrics first and then the memory/time benchmark
+# related data so that CC also displays in that order
+s = set(measurements.keys())
+for item in testcase_metric_names:
+    write_measurement(item)
+if dev_metrics_log:
+    dev_metrics_log.write('Device=' + target_name)
+    dev_metrics_log.write(',Time=' + sis_build_time)
+for item in s:
+    write_measurement(item, True)
+regrtest_xml.write('    </measurements>\n')
+regrtest_xml.write('    <build_info>\n')
+for item in build_info.keys():
+    regrtest_xml.write('    <item>\n')
+    regrtest_xml.write('        <name>\n')
+    regrtest_xml.write(item)
+    regrtest_xml.write('        </name>\n')
+    regrtest_xml.write('        <value>\n')
+    regrtest_xml.write(str(build_info[item]) + '\n')
+    regrtest_xml.write('        </value>\n')
+    regrtest_xml.write('    </item>\n')
+regrtest_xml.write('    </build_info>\n')
+if dev_metrics_log:
+    dev_metrics_log.write('\n')
+    dev_metrics_log.close()
+regrtest_xml.write('    </testsuite_' + target_name + '>\n')
+state_file = open(os.path.join(log_directory, 'state_' +
+                                            target_name + '.txt'), 'wt')