changeset 0 ca70ae20a155
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/extras/pyrepl/	Tue Feb 16 10:07:05 2010 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,582 @@
+#   Copyright 2000-2004 Michael Hudson
+#                        All Rights Reserved
+# Portions Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation 
+# Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and
+# its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
+# provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
+# that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
+# supporting documentation.
+import types
+    import unicodedata
+except ImportError:
+    import dumbunicodedata as unicodedata
+from pyrepl import commands
+import ascii
+from pyrepl import input
+def _make_unctrl_map():
+    uc_map = {}
+    for c in map(unichr, range(256)):
+        if unicodedata.category(c)[0] <> 'C':
+            uc_map[c] = c
+    for i in range(32):
+        c = unichr(i)
+        uc_map[c] = u'^' + unichr(ord('A') + i - 1)
+    uc_map['\177'] = u'^?'
+    for i in range(256):
+        c = unichr(i)
+        if not uc_map.has_key(c):
+            uc_map[c] = u'\\%03o'%i 
+    return uc_map
+# disp_str proved to be a bottleneck for large inputs, so it's been
+# rewritten in C; it's not required though.
+    raise ImportError # currently it's borked by the unicode support
+    from _pyrepl_utils import disp_str, init_unctrl_map
+    init_unctrl_map(_make_unctrl_map())
+    del init_unctrl_map
+except ImportError:
+    def _my_unctrl(c, u=_make_unctrl_map()):
+#        import unicodedata
+        if c in u:
+            return u[c]
+        else:
+            if unicodedata.category(c).startswith('C'):
+                return '\u%04x'%(ord(c),)
+            else:
+                return c
+    def disp_str(buffer, join=''.join, uc=_my_unctrl):
+        """ disp_str(buffer:string) -> (string, [int])
+        Return the string that should be the printed represenation of
+        |buffer| and a list detailing where the characters of |buffer|
+        get used up.  E.g.:
+        >>> disp_str(chr(3))
+        ('^C', [1, 0])
+        the list always contains 0s or 1s at present; it could conceivably
+        go higher as and when unicode support happens."""
+        s = map(uc, buffer)
+        return (join(s),
+                map(ord, join(map(lambda x:'\001'+(len(x)-1)*'\000', s))))
+    del _my_unctrl
+del _make_unctrl_map
+# syntax classes:
+ SYNTAX_SYMBOL] = range(3)
+def make_default_syntax_table():
+    # XXX perhaps should use some unicodedata here?
+    st = {}
+    for c in map(unichr, range(256)):
+        st[c] = SYNTAX_SYMBOL
+    for c in [a for a in map(unichr, range(256)) if a.isalpha()]:
+        st[c] = SYNTAX_WORD
+    st[u'\n'] = st[u' '] = SYNTAX_WHITESPACE
+    return st
+default_keymap = tuple(
+    [(r'\C-a', 'beginning-of-line'),
+     (r'\C-b', 'left'),
+     (r'\C-c', 'interrupt'),
+     (r'\C-d', 'delete'),
+     (r'\C-e', 'end-of-line'),
+     (r'\C-f', 'right'),
+     (r'\C-g', 'cancel'),
+     (r'\C-h', 'backspace'),
+     (r'\C-j', 'accept'),
+     (r'\<return>', 'accept'),
+     (r'\C-k', 'kill-line'),
+     (r'\C-l', 'clear-screen'),
+     (r'\C-m', 'accept'),
+     (r'\C-q', 'quoted-insert'),
+     (r'\C-t', 'transpose-characters'),
+     (r'\C-u', 'unix-line-discard'),
+     (r'\C-v', 'quoted-insert'),
+     (r'\C-w', 'unix-word-rubout'),
+     (r'\C-x\C-s', 'save-history'),
+     (r'\C-x\C-u', 'upcase-region'),
+     (r'\C-y', 'yank'),
+     (r'\C-z', 'suspend'),
+     (r'\M-b', 'backward-word'),
+     (r'\M-c', 'capitalize-word'),
+     (r'\M-d', 'kill-word'),
+     (r'\M-f', 'forward-word'),
+     (r'\M-l', 'downcase-word'),
+     (r'\M-t', 'transpose-words'),
+     (r'\M-u', 'upcase-word'),
+     (r'\M-y', 'yank-pop'),
+     (r'\M--', 'digit-arg'),
+     (r'\M-0', 'digit-arg'),
+     (r'\M-1', 'digit-arg'),
+     (r'\M-2', 'digit-arg'),
+     (r'\M-3', 'digit-arg'),
+     (r'\M-4', 'digit-arg'),
+     (r'\M-5', 'digit-arg'),
+     (r'\M-6', 'digit-arg'),
+     (r'\M-7', 'digit-arg'),
+     (r'\M-8', 'digit-arg'),
+     (r'\M-9', 'digit-arg'),
+     (r'\M-\n', 'insert-nl'),
+     ('\\\\', 'self-insert')] + \
+    [(c, 'self-insert')
+     for c in map(chr, range(32, 127)) if c <> '\\'] + \
+    [(c, 'self-insert')
+     for c in map(chr, range(128, 256)) if c.isalpha()] + \
+    [(r'\<up>', 'up'),
+     (r'\<down>', 'down'),
+     (r'\<left>', 'left'),
+     (r'\<right>', 'right'),
+     (r'\<insert>', 'quoted-insert'),
+     (r'\<delete>', 'delete'),
+     (r'\<backspace>', 'backspace'),
+     (r'\M-\<backspace>', 'backward-kill-word'),
+     (r'\<end>', 'end'),
+     (r'\<home>', 'home'),
+     (r'\<f1>', 'help'),
+     (r'\EOF', 'end'),  # the entries in the terminfo database for xterms
+     (r'\EOH', 'home'), # seem to be wrong.  this is a less than ideal
+                        # workaround
+     ])
+del c # from the listcomps
+class Reader(object):
+    """The Reader class implements the bare bones of a command reader,
+    handling such details as editing and cursor motion.  What it does
+    not support are such things as completion or history support -
+    these are implemented elsewhere.
+    Instance variables of note include:
+      * buffer:
+        A *list* (*not* a string at the moment :-) containing all the
+        characters that have been entered.
+      * console:
+        Hopefully encapsulates the OS dependent stuff.
+      * pos:
+        A 0-based index into `buffer' for where the insertion point
+        is.
+      * screeninfo:
+        Ahem.  This list contains some info needed to move the
+        insertion point around reasonably efficiently.  I'd like to
+        get rid of it, because its contents are obtuse (to put it
+        mildly) but I haven't worked out if that is possible yet.
+      * cxy, lxy:
+        the position of the insertion point in screen ... XXX
+      * syntax_table:
+        Dictionary mapping characters to `syntax class'; read the
+        emacs docs to see what this means :-)
+      * commands:
+        Dictionary mapping command names to command classes.
+      * arg:
+        The emacs-style prefix argument.  It will be None if no such
+        argument has been provided.
+      * dirty:
+        True if we need to refresh the display.
+      * kill_ring:
+        The emacs-style kill-ring; manipulated with yank & yank-pop
+      * ps1, ps2, ps3, ps4:
+        prompts.  ps1 is the prompt for a one-line input; for a
+        multiline input it looks like:
+            ps2> first line of input goes here
+            ps3> second and further
+            ps3> lines get ps3
+            ...
+            ps4> and the last one gets ps4
+        As with the usual top-level, you can set these to instances if
+        you like; str() will be called on them (once) at the beginning
+        of each command.  Don't put really long or newline containing
+        strings here, please!
+        This is just the default policy; you can change it freely by
+        overriding get_prompt() (and indeed some standard subclasses
+        do).
+      * finished:
+        handle1 will set this to a true value if a command signals
+        that we're done.
+    """
+    help_text = """\
+This is pyrepl.  Hear my roar.
+Helpful text may appear here at some point in the future when I'm
+feeling more loquacious than I am now."""
+    def __init__(self, console):
+        self.buffer = []
+        self.ps1 = "->> "
+        self.ps2 = "/>> "
+        self.ps3 = "|.. "
+        self.ps4 = "\__ "
+        self.kill_ring = []
+        self.arg = None
+        self.finished = 0
+        self.console = console
+        self.commands = {}
+        self.msg = ''
+        for v in vars(commands).values():
+            if  ( isinstance(v, type)
+                  and issubclass(v, commands.Command)
+                  and v.__name__[0].islower() ):
+                self.commands[v.__name__] = v
+                self.commands[v.__name__.replace('_', '-')] = v
+        self.syntax_table = make_default_syntax_table()
+        self.input_trans_stack = []
+        self.keymap = self.collect_keymap()
+        self.input_trans = input.KeymapTranslator(
+            self.keymap,
+            invalid_cls='invalid-key',
+            character_cls='self-insert')
+    def collect_keymap(self):
+        return default_keymap
+    def calc_screen(self):
+        """The purpose of this method is to translate changes in
+        self.buffer into changes in self.screen.  Currently it rips
+        everything down and starts from scratch, which whilst not
+        especially efficient is certainly simple(r).
+        """
+        lines = self.get_unicode().split("\n")
+        screen = []
+        screeninfo = []
+        w = self.console.width - 1
+        p = self.pos
+        for ln, line in zip(range(len(lines)), lines):
+            ll = len(line)
+            if 0 <= p <= ll:
+                if self.msg:
+                    for mline in self.msg.split("\n"):
+                        screen.append(mline)
+                        screeninfo.append((0, []))
+                self.lxy = p, ln
+            prompt = self.get_prompt(ln, ll >= p >= 0)
+            p -= ll + 1
+            lp = len(prompt)
+            l, l2 = disp_str(line)
+            wrapcount = (len(l) + lp) / w
+            if wrapcount == 0:
+                screen.append(prompt + l)
+                screeninfo.append((lp, l2+[1]))
+            else:
+                screen.append(prompt + l[:w-lp] + "\\")
+                screeninfo.append((lp, l2[:w-lp]))
+                for i in range(-lp + w, -lp + wrapcount*w, w):
+                    screen.append(l[i:i+w] +  "\\")
+                    screeninfo.append((0, l2[i:i + w]))
+                screen.append(l[wrapcount*w - lp:])
+                screeninfo.append((0, l2[wrapcount*w - lp:]+[1]))
+        self.screeninfo = screeninfo
+        self.cxy = self.pos2xy(self.pos)
+        return screen
+    def bow(self, p=None):
+        """Return the 0-based index of the word break preceding p most
+        immediately.
+        p defaults to self.pos; word boundaries are determined using
+        self.syntax_table."""
+        if p is None:
+            p = self.pos
+        st = self.syntax_table
+        b = self.buffer
+        p -= 1
+        while p >= 0 and st.get(b[p], SYNTAX_WORD) <> SYNTAX_WORD:
+            p -= 1
+        while p >= 0 and st.get(b[p], SYNTAX_WORD) == SYNTAX_WORD:
+            p -= 1
+        return p + 1
+    def eow(self, p=None):
+        """Return the 0-based index of the word break following p most
+        immediately.
+        p defaults to self.pos; word boundaries are determined using
+        self.syntax_table."""
+        if p is None:
+            p = self.pos
+        st = self.syntax_table
+        b = self.buffer
+        while p < len(b) and st.get(b[p], SYNTAX_WORD) <> SYNTAX_WORD:
+            p += 1
+        while p < len(b) and st.get(b[p], SYNTAX_WORD) == SYNTAX_WORD:
+            p += 1
+        return p
+    def bol(self, p=None):
+        """Return the 0-based index of the line break preceding p most
+        immediately.
+        p defaults to self.pos."""
+        # XXX there are problems here.
+        if p is None:
+            p = self.pos
+        b = self.buffer
+        p -= 1
+        while p >= 0 and b[p] <> '\n':
+            p -= 1
+        return p + 1
+    def eol(self, p=None):
+        """Return the 0-based index of the line break following p most
+        immediately.
+        p defaults to self.pos."""
+        if p is None:
+            p = self.pos
+        b = self.buffer
+        while p < len(b) and b[p] <> '\n':
+            p += 1
+        return p
+    def get_arg(self, default=1):
+        """Return any prefix argument that the user has supplied,
+        returning `default' if there is None.  `default' defaults
+        (groan) to 1."""
+        if self.arg is None:
+            return default
+        else:
+            return self.arg
+    def get_prompt(self, lineno, cursor_on_line):
+        """Return what should be in the left-hand margin for line
+        `lineno'."""
+        if self.arg is not None and cursor_on_line:
+            return "(arg: %s) "%self.arg
+        if "\n" in self.buffer:
+            if lineno == 0:
+                return self._ps2
+            elif lineno == self.buffer.count("\n"):
+                return self._ps4
+            else:
+                return self._ps3
+        else:
+            return self._ps1
+    def push_input_trans(self, itrans):
+        self.input_trans_stack.append(self.input_trans)
+        self.input_trans = itrans
+    def pop_input_trans(self):
+        self.input_trans = self.input_trans_stack.pop()
+    def pos2xy(self, pos):
+        """Return the x, y coordinates of position 'pos'."""
+        # this *is* incomprehensible, yes.
+        y = 0
+        assert 0 <= pos <= len(self.buffer)
+        if pos == len(self.buffer):
+            y = len(self.screeninfo) - 1
+            p, l2 = self.screeninfo[y]
+            return p + len(l2) - 1, y
+        else:
+            for p, l2 in self.screeninfo:
+                l = l2.count(1)
+                if l > pos:
+                    break
+                else:
+                    pos -= l
+                    y += 1
+            c = 0
+            i = 0
+            while c < pos:
+                c += l2[i]
+                i += 1
+            while l2[i] == 0:
+                i += 1
+            return p + i, y
+    def insert(self, text):
+        """Insert 'text' at the insertion point."""
+        self.buffer[self.pos:self.pos] = list(text)
+        self.pos += len(text)
+        self.dirty = 1
+    def update_cursor(self):
+        """Move the cursor to reflect changes in self.pos"""
+        self.cxy = self.pos2xy(self.pos)
+        self.console.move_cursor(*self.cxy)
+    def after_command(self, cmd):
+        """This function is called to allow post command cleanup."""
+        if getattr(cmd, "kills_digit_arg", 1):
+            if self.arg is not None:
+                self.dirty = 1                
+            self.arg = None
+    def prepare(self):
+        """Get ready to run.  Call restore when finished.  You must not
+        write to the console in between the calls to prepare and
+        restore."""
+        try:
+            self.console.prepare()
+            self.arg = None
+            self.screeninfo = []
+            self.finished = 0
+            del self.buffer[:]
+            self.pos = 0
+            self.dirty = 1
+            self.last_command = None
+            self._ps1, self._ps2, self._ps3, self._ps4 = \
+                           map(str, [self.ps1, self.ps2, self.ps3, self.ps4])
+        except:
+            self.restore()
+            raise
+    def last_command_is(self, klass):
+        if not self.last_command:
+            return 0
+        return issubclass(klass, self.last_command)
+    def restore(self):
+        """Clean up after a run."""
+        self.console.restore()
+    def finish(self):
+        """Called when a command signals that we're finished."""
+        pass
+    def message(self, msg="none"):
+        self.msg = "[ "+msg+" ] "
+        self.dirty = 1
+    def error(self, msg="none"):
+        self.msg = "! " + msg + " "
+        self.dirty = 1
+        self.console.beep()
+    def refresh(self):
+        """Recalculate and refresh the screen."""
+        if self.console.isbusy():
+            return
+        # this call sets up self.cxy, so call it first.
+        screen = self.calc_screen()
+        self.console.refresh(screen, self.cxy)
+        self.dirty = 0 # forgot this for a while (blush)
+    def do_cmd(self, cmd):
+        if isinstance(cmd[0], str):
+            cmd = self.commands.get(cmd[0],
+                                    commands.invalid_command)(self, cmd)
+        elif isinstance(cmd[0], type):
+            cmd = cmd[0](self, cmd)
+        else:
+            cmd=cmd[0]
+        self.after_command(cmd)
+        if self.dirty:
+            self.refresh()
+        else:
+            self.update_cursor()
+        if not isinstance(cmd, commands.digit_arg):
+            self.last_command = cmd.__class__
+        self.finished = cmd.finish
+        if self.finished:
+            self.console.finish()
+            self.finish()
+    def handle1(self, block=1):
+        """Handle a single event.  Wait as long as it takes if block
+        is true (the default), otherwise return None if no event is
+        pending."""
+        if self.msg:
+            self.msg = ''
+            self.dirty = 1
+        while 1:
+            event = self.console.get_event(block)
+            if not event: # can only happen if we're not blocking
+                return None
+            if event.evt == 'key':
+                self.input_trans.push(event)
+            elif event.evt == 'scroll':
+                self.refresh()
+            elif event.evt == 'resize':
+                self.refresh()
+            else:
+                pass
+            cmd = self.input_trans.get()
+            if cmd is None:
+                if block:
+                    continue
+                else:
+                    return None
+            self.do_cmd(cmd)
+            return 1
+    def readline(self):
+        """Read a line.  The implementation of this method also shows
+        how to drive Reader if you want more control over the event
+        loop."""
+        self.prepare()
+        try:
+            self.refresh()
+            while not self.finished:
+                self.handle1()
+            return self.get_buffer()
+        finally:
+            self.restore()
+    def bind(self, spec, command):
+        self.keymap = self.keymap + ((spec, command),)
+        self.input_trans = input.KeymapTranslator(
+            self.keymap,
+            invalid_cls='invalid-key',
+            character_cls='self-insert')
+    def get_buffer(self, encoding=None):
+        if encoding is None:
+            encoding = self.console.encoding
+        return u''.join(self.buffer).encode(self.console.encoding)
+    def get_unicode(self):
+        """Return the current buffer as a unicode string."""
+        return u''.join(self.buffer)
+def test():
+    from pyrepl.unix_console import UnixConsole
+    reader = Reader(UnixConsole())
+    reader.ps1 = "**> "
+    reader.ps2 = "/*> "
+    reader.ps3 = "|*> "
+    reader.ps4 = "\*> "
+    while reader.readline():
+        pass
+if __name__=='__main__':
+    test()