changeset 7 be09cf1f39dd
equal deleted inserted replaced
6:c39a6cfd1fb9 7:be09cf1f39dd
     1 /**
     2  * Copyright (c) 2010 Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd.
     3  * All rights reserved.
     4  * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5  * under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0" 
     6  * which accompanies  this distribution, and is available
     7  * at the URL ""
     8  *
     9  * Initial Contributors:
    10  * Chandradeep Gandhi, Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd - Initial contribution
    11  *
    12  * Contributors:
    13  * Manasij Roy, Nalina Hariharan
    14  */
    15 #include "smfcontactfetcher_p.h"
    16 #ifdef WRITE_LOG
    17 #include <QFile>
    18 #include <QTextstream>
    19 #endif
    20 #ifdef Q_OS_SYMBIAN
    21 #include "SmfClientSymbian.h"
    22 #else
    23 #include "SmfClientQt.h"
    24 #endif
    25  /**
    26    * Constructs the SmfContactFetcher.
    27    * @param parent base provider info
    28    * @param contact Used for searching friends of the given contact
    29    * Seeing as this is a plug-in implementation, these will realistically
    30    * be generated by SMF factory of some kind
    31    */
    32   SmfContactFetcherPrivate::SmfContactFetcherPrivate(SmfContactFetcher* contactFetcher)
    33   : m_contactFetcher(contactFetcher),m_contactList(0)
    34 	  {
    35 	  //private impl for symbian
    36 	#ifdef Q_OS_SYMBIAN
    37 	m_SmfClientPrivate = CSmfClientSymbian::NewL(this);
    38 	#endif
    39 	  }
    40   SmfContactFetcherPrivate::~SmfContactFetcherPrivate()
    41 	  {
    43 	  }
    45   /**
    46    * Get the friend listing asynchronously. The friendsListAvailable() signal
    47    * is emitted with SmfContactList once data is arrived.
    48    * When the list is big user can specify the page number and per page item data.
    49    * If not supplied by the user default values are used.
    50    * @param pageNum Page number to download, SMF_FIRST_PAGE denotes fresh query.
    51    * @param perPage Item per page, default is SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE
    52    */
    53   bool  SmfContactFetcherPrivate::friends(int pageNum,int perPage)
    54 	  {
    55 	  m_providerSerialized.clear();
    56 	  //We need to pass Opcode and SmfProvider serialized into bytearray 
    58 	  m_baseProvider = m_contactFetcher->getProvider();
    59 	  //serialize start
    60 	  QDataStream write(&m_providerSerialized,QIODevice::WriteOnly);
    61 	  write<<*(m_baseProvider);
    62 	  //serialize end
    65 	  QString intfName(contactFetcherInterface);
    67 	  //call private impl's send method
    68 	  m_SmfClientPrivate->sendRequest(m_providerSerialized,intfName,SmfContactGetFriends);
    69 	  }
    71   /**
    72    * Get the list of followers asynchronously. The followersListAvailable() signal
    73    * is emitted with SmfContactList once data is arrived. Please note that some
    74    * service may not support followers/fans - FALSE is returned if not supported.
    75    * When the list is big user can specify the page number and per page item data.
    76    * If not supplied by the user default values are used.
    77    * @param pageNum Page number to download, SMF_FIRST_PAGE denotes fresh query.
    78    * @param perPage Item per page, default is SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE
    79    */
    80   bool SmfContactFetcherPrivate::followers(int pageNum,int perPage)
    81 	  {
    82 	  //We need to pass Opcode and SmfProvider serialized into bytearray 
    84 	  m_baseProvider = m_contactFetcher->getProvider();
    85 	  //serialize start
    86 	  QDataStream write(&m_providerSerialized,QIODevice::WriteOnly);
    87 	  write<<*(m_baseProvider);
    88 	  //serialize end
    91 	  QString intfName(contactFetcherInterface);
    93 	  //call private impl's send method
    94 	  m_SmfClientPrivate->sendRequest(m_providerSerialized,intfName,SmfContactGetFollowers);
    95 	  }
    96   /**
    97    * Searches for a contact The searchContactFinished() signal
    98    * is emitted with SmfContactList once data is arrived.
    99    * When the list is big user can specify the page number and per page item data.
   100    * If not supplied by the user default values are used.
   101    * @param pageNum Page number to download, SMF_FIRST_PAGE denotes fresh query.
   102    * @param perPage Item per page, default is SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE
   103    */
   104   void  SmfContactFetcherPrivate::search(SmfContact* contact,int pageNum,int perPage) 
   105 	  {
   106 	  //We need to pass Opcode and SmfProvider+SmfContact serialized into bytearray 
   108 	  m_baseProvider = m_contactFetcher->getProvider();
   109 	  m_contact = contact;
   110 	  //serialize start
   111 	  QDataStream write(&m_providerSerialized,QIODevice::WriteOnly);
   112 	  write<<*(m_baseProvider);
   113 	  //now serialize SmfContact 
   114 	  write<<*(m_contact);
   115 	  //serialize end
   118 	  QString intfName(contactFetcherInterface);
   120 	  //call private impl's send method
   121 	  m_SmfClientPrivate->sendRequest(m_providerSerialized,intfName,SmfContactSearch);
   122 	  }
   124   /**
   125    * Searches for a contacts (friends) who are near the user.
   126    * Signal searchNearFinished() is emitted with SmfContactList once data is arrived.
   127    * Proximity defines accuracy level
   128    * When the list is big user can specify the page number and per page item data.
   129    * If not supplied by the user default values are used.
   130    * @param pageNum Page number to download, SMF_FIRST_PAGE denotes fresh query.
   131    * @param perPage Item per page, default is SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE
   132    */
   133   //TODO:-implement
   134 //   bool  SmfContactFetcherPrivate::searchNear(SmfPlace* location,SmfLocationSearchBoundary proximity,int pageNum,int perPage) 
   135 //	   {
   136 //	   
   137 //	   }
   140   /**
   141    * Get the list of groups. The groupListAvailable() signal
   142    * is emitted with SmfGroupList once data is arrived. False might be returned
   143    * if this service doesn't support any mode of grouping (very rare).
   144    * When the list is big user can specify the page number and per page item data.
   145    * If not supplied by the user default values are used.
   146    * @param pageNum Page number to download, SMF_FIRST_PAGE denotes fresh query.
   147    * @param perPage Item per page, default is SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE
   148    */
   149    bool SmfContactFetcherPrivate::groups(int pageNum,int perPage) 
   150 	   {
   151 		  //We need to pass Opcode and SmfProvider serialized into bytearray 
   153 		  m_baseProvider = m_contactFetcher->getProvider();
   154 		  //serialize start
   155 		  QDataStream write(&m_providerSerialized,QIODevice::WriteOnly);
   156 		  write<<*(m_baseProvider);
   157 		  //serialize end
   160 		  QString intfName(contactFetcherInterface);
   162 		  //call private impl's send method
   163 		  m_SmfClientPrivate->sendRequest(m_providerSerialized,intfName,SmfContactGetGroups);
   164 	   }
   166   /**
   167    * Searches for Smf Contacts in an Smf group.
   168    * When the list is big user can specify the page number and per page item data.
   169    * If not supplied by the user default values are used.
   170    * @param pageNum Page number to download, SMF_FIRST_PAGE denotes fresh query.
   171    * @param perPage Item per page, default is SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE
   172    * @param  group The group to be searcged in
   173    */
   174 bool  SmfContactFetcherPrivate::searchInGroup(SmfGroup group,int pageNum,int perPage) 
   175    {
   176 	  //We need to pass Opcode and SmfProvider+SmfGroup serialized into bytearray 
   178 	  m_baseProvider = m_contactFetcher->getProvider();
   179 	  m_grp = group;
   180 	  //serialize start
   181 	  QDataStream write(&m_providerSerialized,QIODevice::WriteOnly);
   182 	  write<<*(m_baseProvider);
   183 	  //now serialize SmfGroup 
   184 	  write<<m_grp;
   185 	  //serialize end
   188 	  QString intfName(contactFetcherInterface);
   190 	  //call private impl's send method
   191 	  m_SmfClientPrivate->sendRequest(m_providerSerialized,intfName,SmfContactSearch);
   192    }
   195 void SmfContactFetcherPrivate::resultsAvailable(QByteArray result,SmfRequestTypeID opcode,SmfError error)
   196    	{
   197 	writeLog("SmfContactFetcherPrivate::resultsAvailable");
   199 	//note:- "result" is serialized and we need to de-serialize it as per opcode
   200 	//TODO:- order of serialization Error value followed by data
   202    	QDataStream reader(&result,QIODevice::ReadOnly);
   204    	//Now de-serialize it based on opcode
   205    	switch(opcode)
   206    		{
   207    		case SmfContactGetFriendsComplete:
   208    			{
   210    			if(m_contactList)
   211    				{
   212 				delete m_contactList;
   213 				m_contactList = NULL;
   214    				}
   215    			m_contactList = new SmfContactList;
   216    			//TODO
   217 //   			SmfError error;
   218 //   			reader>>error;
   219 //   			writeLog("Error=");
   220 //   			writeLog(QString::number(error));
   221 //   			SmfError err = (SmfError)error;
   222    			m_frndist.clear();
   223    			reader>>m_frndist;
   224    			writeLog("m_frndist.count=");
   225    			writeLog(QString::number(m_frndist.count()));
   226    			//not incorporating paging now
   227    			SmfResultPage page;
   229    			emit m_contactFetcher->friendsListAvailable(&m_frndist,SmfNoError,page);
   231    			}
   232    			break;
   233    		case SmfContactGetFollowersComplete:
   234    			{
   235    			if(m_contactList)
   236    				{
   237 				delete m_contactList;
   238 				m_contactList = NULL;
   239    				}
   240    			m_contactList = new SmfContactList;
   241    			quint32 error;
   242    			reader>>error;
   243    			SmfError err = (SmfError)error;
   244    			reader>>*(m_contactList);
   245    			//not incorporating paging now
   246    			SmfResultPage page;
   248    			emit m_contactFetcher->followersListAvailable(m_contactList,err,page);
   250    			}
   251    			break;
   252    		case SmfContactGetGroupsComplete:
   253    			{
   254    			writeLog("Before m_grpList.clear=");
   255    			m_grpList.clear();
   256    			writeLog("Before reader>>m_grpList=");
   257    			reader>>m_grpList ;
   258    			//not incorporating paging now
   259    			SmfResultPage page;
   260    			writeLog("m_grpList.count=");
   261    			writeLog(QString::number(m_grpList.count()));
   262    			emit m_contactFetcher->groupListAvailable(&m_grpList,SmfNoError,page);
   264    			}
   265    			break;
   266    		case SmfContactSearchComplete:
   267    			{
   268    			if(m_contactList)
   269    				{
   270 				delete m_contactList;
   271 				m_contactList = NULL;
   272    				}
   273    			m_contactList = new SmfContactList;
   274    			quint32 error;
   275    			reader>>error;
   276    			SmfError err = (SmfError)error;
   277    			reader>>*(m_contactList);
   278    			//not incorporating paging now
   279    			SmfResultPage page;
   280    			//searchContactFinished
   281    			emit m_contactFetcher->searchContactFinished(m_contactList,err,page);
   282    			}
   283    			break;
   284    		default:
   285    			writeLog("Before m_grpList.clear=");
   286    			m_grpList.clear();
   287    			writeLog("Before reader>>m_grpList=");
   288    			reader>>m_grpList ;
   289    			//not incorporating paging now
   290    			SmfResultPage page;
   291    			writeLog("m_grpList.count=");
   292    			writeLog(QString::number(m_grpList.count()));
   293    			emit m_contactFetcher->groupListAvailable(&m_grpList,SmfNoError,page);
   294    		}
   296    	}
   297 void SmfContactFetcherPrivate::writeLog(QString log) const
   298 	{
   299 	QFile file("c:\\data\\SmfClientLogs.txt");
   300     if (! | QIODevice::Text))
   301 	         return;
   302     QTextStream out(&file);
   303     out << log << "\n";
   304     file.close();
   306 	}
   307 QDataStream &operator<<( QDataStream &aDataStream, 
   308 		const SmfError &err )
   309 	{
   310 	quint32 errInt = (quint32)err;
   311 	aDataStream<<errInt;
   312 	return aDataStream;
   313 	}
   316 QDataStream &operator>>( QDataStream &aDataStream, 
   317 		SmfError &err )
   318 	{
   319 	quint32 errInt;
   320 	aDataStream>>errInt;
   321 	err = (SmfError)errInt;
   322 	return aDataStream;
   323 	}