changeset 10 1d94eb8df9c2
parent 9 b85b0c039c14
--- a/example/sampleplugin.cpp	Fri May 21 15:40:57 2010 +0530
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,511 +0,0 @@
-// Include files
-#include "sampleplugin.h"
-#include <QNetworkRequest>
-#include <QNetworkAccessManager>
-#include <qfile.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
- * Constructor with default argument
- * @param aUtil The SmfPluginUtil instance. The plugins can
- * call the method getAuthKeys() of this class, with its pluginID to
- * get the OAuth keys, keys are returned only if this plugin is
- * authorised by Smf franework
- */
-SamplePlugin::SamplePlugin( SmfPluginUtil *aUtil )
-	{
-	m_provider = new SampleProviderBase();
-	m_util = aUtil;
-	}
- * Destructor
- */
-SamplePlugin::~SamplePlugin( )
-	{
-	if(m_provider)
-		delete m_provider;
-	}
- * Method to get a list of pictures
- * @param aRequest [out] The request data to be sent to network
- * @param aPageNum The page to be extracted
- * @param aItemsPerPage Number of items per page
- * @return SmfPluginError Plugin error if any, else SmfPluginErrNone
- */
-SmfPluginError SamplePlugin::pictures( SmfPluginRequestData &aRequest,
-		const int aPageNum,
-		const int aItemsPerPage )
-	{
-	SmfPluginError error = SmfPluginErrInvalidRequest;
-	// invalid arguments
-	if( aPageNum < 0 || aItemsPerPage < 0 )
-		return error;
-	else
-		{
-		// Create a map of the arguments keys and their repective values
-		QMultiMap<QByteArray, QByteArray> params;
-		QString pageNum, itemPerPage;
-		pageNum.number(aPageNum);
-		itemPerPage.number(aItemsPerPage);
-		params.insert("method", "getpictures");
-		params.insert("pagenumber", pageNum.toAscii());
-		params.insert("itemsperpage", itemPerPage.toAscii());
-		QNetworkAccessManager::Operation type = QNetworkAccessManager::GetOperation;
-		SmfSignatureMethod signMethod = HMAC_SHA1;
-		SmfParsingMode mode = ParseForInlineQuery;
-		error = createRequest(aRequest, type, signMethod, params, mode, NULL);
-		}
-	return error;
-	}
- * Method called by plugins to generate a request data
- * @param aRequest [out] The request data to be sent to network
- * @param aOperation The type of http operation
- * @param aSignatureMethod The signature method to be used
- * @param aParams A map of parameters to its values
- * @param aMode The mode of creation of the request
- * @param aPostData The data to be posted (for HTTP POST
- * only, else it will be NULL)
- * @return SmfPluginError Plugin error if any, else SmfPluginErrNone
- */
-SmfPluginError SamplePlugin::createRequest( SmfPluginRequestData &aRequest,
-		const QNetworkAccessManager::Operation aOperation,
-		const SmfSignatureMethod aSignatureMethod,
-		QMultiMap<QByteArray, QByteArray> &aParams,
-		const SmfParsingMode aMode,
-		QBuffer *aPostData )
-	{
-	SmfPluginError error;
-	QString url = m_provider->serviceUrl().toString();
-	// Get the oAuth keys from The Smf Server
-	QMap<QString, QString> keys;
-	QString registrationToken = retrievePrivateRegToken();
-	m_util->getAuthKeys(keys, registrationToken, m_provider->pluginId());
-	// Unable to get the tokens
-	if(keys.isEmpty())
-		error = SmfPluginErrInvalidApplication;
-	else
-		{
-		// Get the token and token secret from keys
-		QByteArray token;
-		QByteArray tokenSecret;
-		token.append(keys.value("oauth_token"));
-		tokenSecret.append(keys.value("oauth_token_secret"));
-		// convert the parameters to string and sign it
-		QByteArray content = m_util->createParameterString(url, aOperation, token, tokenSecret,
-				aSignatureMethod, aParams, aMode );
-		// Unable to create the signed string
-		if(content.isEmpty())
-			error = SmfPluginErrInvalidRequest;
-		else
-			{
-			// add the parameter string to the URL
-			url.append(content);
-			// set the url of the request
-			aRequest.iNetworkRequest.setUrl(QUrl(url));
-			// set the type of http operation to be performed
-			aRequest.iHttpOperationType = aOperation;
-			// As it is a GET operation, set iPostData to NULL
-			aRequest.iPostData = aPostData;
-			// For successful creation of request
-			error = SmfPluginErrNone;
-			}
-		}
-	return error;
-	}
- * Method to get a description
- * @param aRequest [out] The request data to be sent to network
- * @param aImage The image abot which the description is required
- * @return SmfPluginError Plugin error if any, else SmfPluginErrNone
- */
-SmfPluginError SamplePlugin::description( SmfPluginRequestData &aRequest,
-		const SmfPicture &aImage )
-	{
-	SmfPluginError error;
-	// Create a map of the arguments keys and their repective values
-	QMultiMap<QByteArray, QByteArray> params;
-	params.insert("method", "getpictureDescription");
-	params.insert("photoId", aImage.id().toAscii());
-	QNetworkAccessManager::Operation type = QNetworkAccessManager::GetOperation;
-	SmfSignatureMethod signMethod = HMAC_SHA1;
-	SmfParsingMode mode = ParseForInlineQuery;
-	error = createRequest(aRequest, type, signMethod, params, mode, NULL);
-	return error;
-	}
- * Method to upload a picture
- * @param aRequest [out] The request data to be sent to network
- * @param aImage The image to be uploaded
- * @return SmfPluginError Plugin error if any, else SmfPluginErrNone
- */
-SmfPluginError SamplePlugin::upload( SmfPluginRequestData &aRequest,
-		const SmfPicture &aImage )
-	{
-	SmfPluginError error = SmfPluginErrInvalidRequest;
-	// Create a map of the arguments keys and their repective values
-	QMultiMap<QByteArray, QByteArray> params;
-	params.insert("method", "upload");
-	params.insert("title", aImage.title().toAscii());
-	params.insert("owner", aImage.owner().toAscii());
-	params.insert("description", aImage.description().toAscii());
-	params.insert("tags", aImage.tags().join(" ").toAscii());
-	switch(aImage.visibility())
-		{
-		case SMFVisibilityFriend:
-			params.insert("isFriend", "true");
-			break;
-		case SMFVisibilityPublic:
-			params.insert("isPublic", "true");
-			break;
-		case SMFVisibilityFamily:
-			params.insert("isFamily", "true");
-			break;
-		case SMFVisibilityGroup:
-			params.insert("isGroup", "true");
-			break;
-		default:// SMFVisibilityPersonal
-			params.insert("isPrivate", "true");
-		}
-	QNetworkAccessManager::Operation type = QNetworkAccessManager::PostOperation;
-	SmfSignatureMethod signMethod = HMAC_SHA1;
-	SmfParsingMode mode = ParseForRequestContent;
-	// Write the image as png format to the buffer
-	QByteArray ba;
-	QBuffer buffer(&ba);
-	buffer.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly);
-	aImage.picture().save(&buffer, "PNG");
-	error = createRequest(aRequest, type, signMethod, params, mode, &buffer);
-	return error;
-	}
- * Method to upload a list of pictures
- * @param aRequest [out] The request data to be sent to network
- * @param aImages The list of images to be uploaded
- * @return SmfPluginError Plugin error if any, else SmfPluginErrNone
- */
-SmfPluginError SamplePlugin::upload( SmfPluginRequestData &aRequest,
-		const QList<SmfPicture> &aImages )
-	{
-	SmfPluginError error;
-	for(int index = 0; index < aImages.count(); index++)
-		{
-		error = upload(aRequest, aImages.value(index));
-		if(SmfPluginErrNone != error)
-			break;
-		}
-	return error;
-	}
- * Method to post comment on a picture is available
- * @param aRequest [out] The request data to be sent to network
- * @param aImage The image on which comment is to be posted
- * @param aComment The comment to be posted
- * @return SmfPluginError Plugin error if any, else SmfPluginErrNone
- */
-SmfPluginError SamplePlugin::postComment( SmfPluginRequestData &aRequest,
-		const SmfPicture &aImage,
-		const SmfComment &aComment )
-	{
-	SmfPluginError error = SmfPluginErrInvalidRequest;
-	// Create a map of the arguments keys and their repective values
-	QMultiMap<QByteArray, QByteArray> params;
-	params.insert("method", "postComment");
-	params.insert("photoId", aImage.id().toAscii());
-	params.insert("comment", "excellent Himalaya");
-	QNetworkAccessManager::Operation type = QNetworkAccessManager::GetOperation;
-	SmfSignatureMethod signMethod = HMAC_SHA1;
-	SmfParsingMode mode = ParseForInlineQuery;
-	error = createRequest(aRequest, type, signMethod, params, mode, NULL);
-	return error;
-	}
- * This function retrieves the registration token that was provided to Authentication App
- * while authenticatiing user with the service
- * 
- * Plugin source codes are not open source - so free to use anything they like
- */
-QString SamplePlugin::retrievePrivateRegToken()
-	{
-	/**
-	 * This is a private implementation - 
-	 * implementer might choose to use registry to store/retrieve this token
-	 * or to write encrypted (symmetric) token to a file kept at known dir
-	 */
-	QFile qf("/resource/data/sampleplugindata.dat"); 
-	qf.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly);
-	QByteArray qba = qf.read(20); 
-	qba.chop(5);
-	QString rs(qba.toBase64());
-	return rs;
-	}
- * Method to get the provider information
- * @return Instance of SmfProviderBase
- */
-SmfProviderBase* SamplePlugin::getProviderInfo( )
-	{
-	return m_provider;
-	}
- * Method to get the result for a network request.
- * @param aTransportResult The result of transport operation
- * @param aReply The QNetworkReply instance for the request
- * @param aResult [out] An output parameter to the plugin manager.If the
- * return value is SmfSendRequestAgain, QVariant will be of type
- * SmfPluginRequestData.
- * For SmfGalleryPlugin: If last operation was pictures(), aResult will
- * be of type QList<SmfPicture>. If last operation was description(),
- * aResult will be of type QString. If last operation was upload() or
- * postComment(), aResult will be of type bool.
- * @param aRetType [out] SmfPluginRetType
- * @param aPageResult [out] The SmfResultPage structure variable
- */
-SmfPluginError SamplePlugin::responseAvailable(
-		const SmfTransportResult &aTransportResult,
-		QNetworkReply *aReply,
-		QVariant* aResult,
-		SmfPluginRetType &aRetType,
-		SmfResultPage &aPageResult )
-	{
-	SmfPluginError error;
-	if(SmfTransportOpNoError == aTransportResult)
-		{
-		// Assuming a JSON response, parse the response
-		QByteArray response = aReply->readAll();
-		m_provider->updateDataUsage(0, aReply->readBufferSize());
-		bool parseResult = false;
-		QVariant *result = new QVariant();
-		/** see http://qjson.sourceforge.net/usage.html for more details */
-		parseResult = m_util->getJsonHandle()->parse(response, &parseResult);
-		// For parsing error
-		if(!parseResult)
-			{
-			aRetType = SmfRequestError;
-			error = SmfPluginErrInvalidRequest;
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			// The plugins should convert the result to suitable format,
-			// like if last operation was pictures(), result should be converted to the
-			// type QList<SmfPicture>. If last operation was description(), result should
-			// be converted to the type QString. If last operation was upload() or
-			// postComment(), result should be converted to the type bool.
-			// After conversion, assign the value os result to aResult
-			aResult = result;
-			// if the request is complete
-			aRetType = SmfRequestComplete;
-			// if request need to be sent again
-			aRetType = SmfSendRequestAgain;
-			error = SmfPluginErrNone;
-			}
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		error = SmfPluginErrInvalidRequest;
-		aRetType = SmfRequestError;
-		}
-	return error;
-	}
- * Constructor with default argument
- * @param aParent The parent object
- */
-SampleProviderBase::SampleProviderBase( QObject* aParent )
-	: SmfProviderBase(aParent)
-	{
-	}
- * Copy Constructor
- * @param aOther The reference object
- */
-SampleProviderBase::SampleProviderBase( const SampleProviderBase &aOther )
-	{
-	}
- * Destructor
- */
-SampleProviderBase::~SampleProviderBase( )
-	{
-	}
- * Method to get the Localisable name of the service.
- * @return The Localisable name of the service.
- */
-QString SampleProviderBase::serviceName( ) const
-	{
-	return m_serviceName;
-	}
- * Method to get the Logo of the service
- * @return The Logo of the service
- */
-QImage SampleProviderBase::serviceIcon( ) const
-	{
-	return m_serviceIcon;
-	}
- * Method to get the Readable service description
- * @return The Readable service description
- */
-QString SampleProviderBase::description( ) const
-	{
-	return m_description;
-	}
- * Method to get the Website of the service
- * @return The Website of the service
- */
-QUrl SampleProviderBase::serviceUrl( ) const
-	{
-	return m_serviceUrl;
-	}
- * Method to get the URL of the Application providing this service
- * @return The URL of the Application providing this service
- */
-QUrl SampleProviderBase::applicationUrl( ) const
-	{
-	return m_applicationUrl;
-	}
- * Method to get the Icon of the application
- * @return The Icon of the application
- */
-QImage SampleProviderBase::applicationIcon( ) const
-	{
-	return m_applicationIcon;
-	}
- * Method to get the Plugin specific ID
- * @return The Plugin specific ID
- */
-QString SampleProviderBase::pluginId( ) const
-	{
-	return m_pluginId;
-	}
- * Method to get the ID of the authentication application
- * for this service
- * @param aProgram The authentication application name
- * @param aArguments List of arguments required for authentication app
- * @param aMode Strting mode for authentication application
- * @return The ID of the authentication application
- */
-QString SampleProviderBase::authenticationApp( QString &aProgram,
-		QStringList & aArguments,
-		QIODevice::OpenModeFlag aMode ) const
-	{
-	return m_authAppId;
-	}
- * Method to get the unique registration ID provided by the
- * Smf for authorised plugins
- * @return The unique registration ID/token provided by the Smf for
- * authorised plugins
- */
-QString SampleProviderBase::smfRegistrationId( ) const
-	{
-	return m_smfRegToken;
-	}
- * Method to get the data usage of each plugin
- * @return The data usage structure
- */
-SmfPluginDataUsage SampleProviderBase::getDataUsage( ) const
-	{
-	return m_dataUsage;
-	}
- * Method to update the data usage of this plugin. This method is called
- * after the plugin sends request to Plugin manager and after it receives
- * data from plugin manager.
- * @param aBytesSent The number of bytes sent, when this argument has
- * some value other than 1, aBytesReceived should be zero.
- * @param aBytesReceived The number of bytes received, when this argument
- * has some value other than 1, aBytesSent  should be zero.
- * @return Returns true if success else returns false
- */
-bool SampleProviderBase::updateDataUsage( const uint &aBytesSent,
-		const uint &aBytesReceived )
-	{
-	bool ret = true;
-	if( aBytesSent && !aBytesReceived )
-		m_dataUsage.iBytesSent += aBytesSent;
-	else if( !aBytesSent && aBytesReceived )
-		m_dataUsage.iBytesReceived += aBytesReceived;
-	else
-		// don't update m_dataUsage, error in arguments
-		ret = false;
-	return ret;
-	}
- * Export Macro
- * plugin name : sampleplugin
- * plugin class : SamplePlugin
- */
-//Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2( sampleplugin, SamplePlugin )