changeset 10 1d94eb8df9c2
parent 9 b85b0c039c14
--- a/smf/smfservermodule/smfclient/common/smfglobal.h	Fri May 21 15:40:57 2010 +0530
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,396 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2010 Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd.
- * All rights reserved.
- * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
- * under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0" 
- * which accompanies  this distribution, and is available
- * at the URL ""
- *
- * Initial Contributors:
- * Chandradeep Gandhi, Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd - Initial contribution
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Manasij Roy, Nalina Hariharan
- * 
- * Description:
- * SMF wide global const and macros, to be shared among SMF components 
- * and SMF clients
- *
- */
-#ifndef SMFGLOBAL_H
-#define SMFGLOBAL_H
-#include <e32cmn.h>
-#include <qglobal.h>
-#include <QBuffer>
-#include <QNetworkRequest>
-#include <QNetworkAccessManager>
- * Server name 
- */
- * Exact definition to be decided later
- */
- * Indicates first page for a web query
- */
-const int SMF_FIRST_PAGE=0;
- * Default value for per page item for web queries
- */
-const int SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE=10;
-class SmfServerSymbianSession;
- * The enumeration used to denote errors reported by plugin
- * Smf can't continue without handling these errors
- */
-enum SmfPluginError
-	{
-	SmfPluginErrNone = 0, 
-	SmfPluginErrTooManyRequest,
-	SmfPluginErrRequestQuotaExceeded,
-	SmfPluginErrInvalidRequest,
-	SmfPluginErrUserNotLoggedIn,
-	SmfPluginErrAuthenticationExpired,
-	SmfPluginErrPermissionDenied,
-	SmfPluginErrInvalidApplication,
-	SmfPluginErrServiceUnavailable,
-	SmfPluginErrServiceTemporaryUnavailable,
-	SmfPluginErrFormatNotSupported, 
-	SmfPluginErrDataSizeExceeded,
-	SmfPluginErrParsingFailed
-	};
- * The enumeration used to track the plugin methods return type
- */
-enum SmfPluginRetType
-	{
-	SmfSendRequestAgain = 0,
-	SmfRequestComplete,
-	SmfRequestError
-	};
- * The enumeration used to indicate the type of network operation done
- */
-enum SmfRequestTypeID
-	{
-	SmfGetService,
-	SmfGetServiceComplete,
-	SmfTest,
-	SmfTestComplete,
-	SmfContactGetFriends,
-	SmfContactGetFollowers,
-	SmfContactSearch,
-	SmfContactSearchNear,
-	SmfContactGetGroups,
-	SmfContactSearchInGroup,
-	SmfContactRetrievePosts,
-	SmfContactPost,
-	SmfContactUpdatePost,
-	SmfContactPostDirected,
-	SmfContactCommentOnAPost,
-	SmfContactPostAppearence,
-	SmfContactSharePost,
-	SmfMusicGetLyrics,
-	SmfMusicGetSubtitle,
-	SmfMusicGetEventsOnLoc,
-	SmfMusicGetVenueOnLoc,
-	SmfMusicGetEventsOnVenue,
-	SmfMusicPostEvents,
-	SmfMusicGetRecommendations,
-	SmfMusicGetTracks,
-	SmfMusicGetTrackInfo,
-	SmfMusicGetStores,
-	SmfMusicPostCurrentPlaying,
-	SmfMusicGetUserInfo,
-	SmfMusicSearchUser,
-	SmfMusicGetPlaylists,
-	SmfMusicGetPlaylistsOfUser,
-	SmfMusicAddToPlaylist,
-	SmfMusicPostCurrentPlayingPlaylist,
-	SmfPictureGetPictures,
-	SmfPictureDescription,
-	SmfPictureUpload,
-	SmfPictureMultiUpload,
-	SmfPicturePostComment,
-	SmfContactGetFriendsComplete,
-	SmfContactGetFollowersComplete,
-	SmfContactSearchComplete,
-	SmfContactSearchNearComplete,
-	SmfContactGetGroupsComplete,
-	SmfContactSearchInGroupComplete,
-	SmfContactRetrievePostsComplete,
-	SmfContactPostComplete,
-	SmfContactUpdatePostComplete,
-	SmfContactPostDirectedComplete,
-	SmfContactCommentOnAPostComplete,
-	SmfContactPostAppearenceComplete,
-	SmfContactSharePostComplete,
-	SmfMusicGetLyricsComplete,
-	SmfMusicGetSubtitleComplete,
-	SmfMusicGetEventsOnLocComplete,
-	SmfMusicGetVenueOnLocComplete,
-	SmfMusicGetEventsOnVenueComplete,
-	SmfMusicPostEventsComplete,
-	SmfMusicGetRecommendationsComplete,
-	SmfMusicGetTracksComplete,
-	SmfMusicGetTrackInfoComplete,
-	SmfMusicGetStoresComplete,
-	SmfMusicPostCurrentPlayingComplete,
-	SmfMusicGetUserInfoComplete,
-	SmfMusicSearchUserComplete,
-	SmfMusicGetPlaylistsComplete,
-	SmfMusicGetPlaylistsOfUserComplete,
-	SmfMusicAddToPlaylistComplete,
-	SmfMusicPostCurrentPlayingPlaylistComplete,
-	SmfPictureGetPicturesComplete,
-	SmfPictureDescriptionComplete,
-	SmfPictureUploadComplete,
-	SmfPictureMultiUploadComplete,
-	SmfPicturePostCommentComplete
-	};
- * The enumeration used to indicate result of transport to the plugins
- */
-enum SmfTransportResult
-	{
-	SmfTransportOpNoError = 0,
-	SmfTransportOpConnectionRefusedError,
-	SmfTransportOpRemoteHostClosedError,
-	SmfTransportOpHostNotFoundError,
-	SmfTransportOpTimeoutError,
-	SmfTransportOpOperationCanceledError,
-	SmfTransportOpSslHandshakeFailedError,
-	SmfTransportOpProxyConnectionRefusedError,
-	SmfTransportOpProxyConnectionClosedError,
-	SmfTransportOpProxyNotFoundError,
-	SmfTransportOpProxyTimeoutError,
-	SmfTransportOpProxyAuthenticationRequiredError,
-	SmfTransportOpContentAccessDenied,
-	SmfTransportOpContentOperationNotPermittedError,
-	SmfTransportOpContentNotFoundError,
-	SmfTransportOpAuthenticationRequiredError,
-	SmfTransportOpContentReSendError,
-	SmfTransportOpProtocolUnknownError,
-	SmfTransportOpProtocolInvalidOperationError,
-	SmfTransportOpUnknownNetworkError,
-	SmfTransportOpUnknownProxyError,
-	SmfTransportOpUnknownContentError,
-	SmfTransportOpProtocolFailure,
-	SmfTransportOpUnknownError,
-	SmfTransportOpIAPChanged,
-	SmfTransportOpCancelled
-	};
- * The structure used to hold the request created by the plugins
- */
-struct SmfPluginRequestData
-	{
-	/**
-	 * Indicates the type of operation performed, like getting Friends 
-	 * list, upload image etc
-	 */
-	SmfRequestTypeID iRequestType;
-	/**
-	 * The QNetworkRequest that has to be filled up by the plugins
-	 */
-	QNetworkRequest iNetworkRequest;
-	/**
-	 * The data to be posted in case of HTTP POST operation
-	 */
-	QBuffer *iPostData;
-	/**
-	 * The type of HTTP transaction, like GET, POST etc
-	 */
-	QNetworkAccessManager::Operation iHttpOperationType;
-	};
- * The structure used to hold the request created by the plugins
- */
-struct SmfResultPage
-	{
-	/**
-	 * The total number of items
-	 */
-	uint iTotalItems;
-	/**
-	 * The number of items per page
-	 */
-	uint iItemsPerPage;
-	/**
-	 * The total number of pages
-	 */
-	uint iTotalPages;
-	/**
-	 * The current fetched page number
-	 */
-	uint iPageNum;
-	};
-struct SmfClientAuthID
-	{
-#ifdef Q_OS_SYMBIAN
-	TSecureId pid;
-	SmfServerSymbianSession* session;
-	QString pid;
-	SmfServerQtSession* session;
-	};
-/*enum SmfRequestTypeID
-	{
-	ESmfTest,
-	ESmfTestComplete,
-	ESmfGetService,
-	ESmfGetServiceComplete,
-	ESmfGetContact,
-	ESmfGetContactComplete,
-	ESmfGetFriend,
-	ESmfGetFriendComplete,
-	ESmfGetFollower,
-	ESmfGetFollowerComplete,
-	ESmfSearchFriend,
-	ESmfSearchFriendComplete,
-	ESmfGetGroup,
-	ESmfGetGroupComplete,
-	ESmfSearchGroup,
-	ESmfSearchGroupComplete,
-	ESmfGetPost,
-	ESmfGetPostComplete,
-	ESmfGetPicture,	//required for SmfGallery interface implementation
-	ESmfGetPictureComplete,
-	ESmfUploadPicture,
-	ESmfUploadPictureComplete,
-	ESmfPostComments,
-	ESmfPostCommentsComplete,
-	ESmfGetLyrics,	//required for music related implementations
-	ESmfGetLyricsComplete,
-	ESmfGetSubtitles,
-	ESmfGetSubtitlesComplete,
-	ESmfGetPlayList,
-	ESmfGetPlayListComplete,
-	ESmfaddToPlayList,
-	ESmfaddToPlayListComplete,
-	ESmfGetEvents,
-	ESmfGetEventsComplete,
-	ESmfGetVenues,
-	ESmfGetVenuesComplete,
-	ESmfPostEvent,
-	ESmfPostEventComplete,
-	ESmfGetMusicRecommendation,
-	ESmfGetMusicRecommendationComplete,
-	ESmfGetTrack,
-	ESmfGetTrackComplete,
-	ESmfSearchMusicUser,
-	ESmfSearchMusicUserComplete,
-	ESmfQueryAuthKeys,
-	ESmfQueryAuthKeysComplete,
-	ESmfAuthKeyExpired,
-	ESmfAuthKeyExpiredComplete
-	};*/
- * Smf wide errors
- */
-enum SmfError
-	{
-	SmfNoError,
-	SmfInvalidInterface,
-	SmfNoAuthorizedPlugin,
-	SmfClientAuthFailed,
-	SmfPluginErrorTooManyRequest,
-	SmfPluginErrorRequestQuotaExceeded,
-	SmfPluginErrorInvalidRequest,
-	SmfPluginErrorUserNotLoggedIn,
-	SmfPluginErrorAuthenticationExpired,
-	SmfPluginErrorPermissionDenied,
-	SmfPluginErrorInvalidApplication,
-	SmfPluginErrorServiceUnavailable,
-	SmfPluginErrorServiceTemporaryUnavailable,
-	SmfPluginErrorFormatNotSupported, 
-	SmfPluginErrorDataSizeExceeded ,
-	SmfpluginNotFound,
-	SmfpluginNotLoaded,
-	SmfpluginLoaded,
-	SmfpluginLoadError,
-	SmfpluginAuthorised,
-	SmfpluginNotAuthorised,
-	SmfpluginRequestCreated,
-	SmfpluginRequestCreationFailed,
-	SmfpluginUnknownService,
-	SmfpluginRequestSendingFailed,
-	SmfpluginSOPCheckFailed,
-	SmfpluginServiceError,
-	SmfpluginResponseParsed,
-	SmfpluginResponseParseFailure,
-	SmfpluginSendRequestAgain,
-	SmfpluginUnknownError,
-	SmftransportOpConnectionRefusedError,
-	SmftransportOpRemoteHostClosedError,
-	SmftransportOpHostNotFoundError,
-	SmftransportOpTimeoutError,
-	SmftransportOpOperationCanceledError,
-	SmftransportOpSslHandshakeFailedError,
-	SmftransportOpProxyConnectionRefusedError,
-	SmftransportOpProxyConnectionClosedError,
-	SmftransportOpProxyNotFoundError,
-	SmftransportOpProxyTimeoutError,
-	SmftransportOpProxyAuthenticationRequiredError,
-	SmftransportOpContentAccessDenied,
-	SmftransportOpContentOperationNotPermittedError,
-	SmftransportOpContentNotFoundError,
-	SmftransportOpAuthenticationRequiredError,
-	SmftransportOpContentReSendError,
-	SmftransportOpProtocolUnknownError,
-	SmftransportOpProtocolInvalidOperationError,
-	SmftransportOpUnknownNetworkError,
-	SmftransportOpUnknownProxyError,
-	SmftransportOpUnknownContentError,
-	SmftransportOpProtocolFailure,
-	SmftransportOpUnknownError,
-	SmftransportOpIAPChanged,
-	SmftransportOpCancelled,
-	SmftransportInitNetworkNotAvailable ,
-	SmftransportInitRoamingNetworkUsageNotEnabled	
-	};
- * Smf wide panics
- */
-enum SmfPanic
-	{
-	SmfRequestPending//to allow one outstanding request per session
-	};
-//interface names
-const QString contactFetcherInterface("");
-//TODO:- changed to match PM for the time being, PM must change later
-const QString postProviderInterface("posts");
-//const QString postProviderInterface("");
-const QString galleryInterface("");
-#endif /* SMFGLOBAL_H_ */