changeset 7 be09cf1f39dd
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/smf/smfservermodule/util/qjson/src/Makefile	Tue May 18 17:37:12 2010 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+# ==============================================================================
+# Generated by qmake (2.01a) (Qt 4.6.1) on: Mon May 17 16:06:46 2010
+# This file is generated by qmake and should not be modified by the
+# user.
+#  Name        : Makefile
+#  Description : Wrapper Makefile for calling Symbian build tools
+# ==============================================================================
+MAKEFILE          = Makefile
+QMAKE             = d:\Qt\4.6.1\bin\qmake
+DEL_FILE          = del
+DEL_DIR           = rmdir
+MOVE              = move
+XCOPY             = xcopy /d /f /h /r /y /i
+ABLD              = ABLD.BAT
+DEBUG_PLATFORMS   = winscw gcce armv5 armv6
+RELEASE_PLATFORMS = gcce armv5 armv6
+MAKE              = make
+ifeq (WINS,$(findstring WINS, $(PLATFORM)))
+INCPATH	 =  -I"D:/Qt/4.6.1/include/QtCore" -I"D:/Qt/4.6.1/include/QtCore/tmp" -I"D:/Qt/4.6.1/include" -I"D:/Qt/4.6.1/include/tmp" -I"D:/Qt/4.6.1/mkspecs/common/symbian" -I"D:/Qt/4.6.1/mkspecs/common/symbian/tmp" -I"D:/S60/devices/S60_5th_Edition_SDK_v0.9/epoc32/include" -I"D:/CarbideWorkspace/TestQJson/qjson/src" -I"D:/CarbideWorkspace/TestQJson/qjson/src/tmp" -I"D:/S60/devices/S60_5th_Edition_SDK_v0.9/epoc32/include/stdapis" -I"D:/S60/devices/S60_5th_Edition_SDK_v0.9/epoc32/include/stdapis/sys" -I"D:/S60/devices/S60_5th_Edition_SDK_v0.9/epoc32/include/stdapis/stlport"
+first: default
+default: debug-winscw
+all: debug release
+	$(QMAKE) -spec symbian-abld -o "bld.inf" "D:/CarbideWorkspace/TestQJson/qjson/src/"
+	$(QMAKE)
+$(ABLD): bld.inf
+	bldmake bldfiles
+debug: $(ABLD)
+	$(ABLD) build winscw udeb
+	$(ABLD) build gcce udeb
+	$(ABLD) build armv5 udeb
+	$(ABLD) build armv6 udeb
+release: $(ABLD)
+	$(ABLD) build gcce urel
+	$(ABLD) build armv5 urel
+	$(ABLD) build armv6 urel
+debug-winscw: $(ABLD)
+	$(ABLD) build winscw udeb
+debug-gcce: $(ABLD)
+	$(ABLD) build gcce udeb
+debug-armv5: $(ABLD)
+	$(ABLD) build armv5 udeb
+debug-armv6: $(ABLD)
+	$(ABLD) build armv6 udeb
+release-gcce: $(ABLD)
+	$(ABLD) build gcce urel
+release-armv5: $(ABLD)
+	$(ABLD) build armv5 urel
+release-armv6: $(ABLD)
+	$(ABLD) build armv6 urel
+export: $(ABLD)
+	$(ABLD) export
+cleanexport: $(ABLD)
+	$(ABLD) cleanexport
+	(cd $(QTDIR)/src/tools/moc && $(MAKE))
+mocclean: compiler_moc_header_clean compiler_moc_source_clean
+mocables: compiler_moc_header_make_all compiler_moc_source_make_all
+compiler_moc_header_make_all: moc_parserrunnable.cpp moc_serializerrunnable.cpp
+	-$(DEL_FILE) moc_parserrunnable.cpp moc_serializerrunnable.cpp 2> NUL
+moc_parserrunnable.cpp: qjson_export.h \
+		parserrunnable.h \
+		..\..\..\..\Qt\4.6.1\bin\moc.exe
+	D:\Qt\4.6.1\bin\moc.exe $(DEFINES) $(INCPATH) -DSYMBIAN parserrunnable.h -o moc_parserrunnable.cpp
+moc_serializerrunnable.cpp: qjson_export.h \
+		serializerrunnable.h \
+		..\..\..\..\Qt\4.6.1\bin\moc.exe
+	D:\Qt\4.6.1\bin\moc.exe $(DEFINES) $(INCPATH) -DSYMBIAN serializerrunnable.h -o moc_serializerrunnable.cpp
+compiler_image_collection_make_all: qmake_image_collection.cpp
+	-$(DEL_FILE) qmake_image_collection.cpp 2> NUL
+compiler_clean: compiler_moc_header_clean 
+	-@ if NOT EXIST "D:\Qt\4.6.1\include\QtCore\tmp" mkdir "D:\Qt\4.6.1\include\QtCore\tmp"
+	-@ if NOT EXIST "D:\Qt\4.6.1\include\tmp" mkdir "D:\Qt\4.6.1\include\tmp"
+	-@ if NOT EXIST "D:\Qt\4.6.1\mkspecs\common\symbian\tmp" mkdir "D:\Qt\4.6.1\mkspecs\common\symbian\tmp"
+	-@ if NOT EXIST "D:\CarbideWorkspace\TestQJson\qjson\src\tmp" mkdir "D:\CarbideWorkspace\TestQJson\qjson\src\tmp"
+extension_clean: compiler_clean
+	-@ if EXIST "D:\Qt\4.6.1\include\QtCore\tmp" rmdir  /S /Q  "D:\Qt\4.6.1\include\QtCore\tmp"
+	-@ if EXIST "D:\Qt\4.6.1\include\tmp" rmdir  /S /Q  "D:\Qt\4.6.1\include\tmp"
+	-@ if EXIST "D:\Qt\4.6.1\mkspecs\common\symbian\tmp" rmdir  /S /Q  "D:\Qt\4.6.1\mkspecs\common\symbian\tmp"
+	-@ if EXIST "D:\CarbideWorkspace\TestQJson\qjson\src\tmp" rmdir  /S /Q  "D:\CarbideWorkspace\TestQJson\qjson\src\tmp"
+pre_targetdeps: \
+	generated_sources \
+	all_source_deps
+generated_sources: \
+	moc_parserrunnable.cpp \
+	moc_serializerrunnable.cpp
+all_source_deps: \
+	json_parser.hh \
+	stack.hh \
+	parser_p.h \
+	parser.h \
+	qjson_export.h \
+	json_scanner.h \
+	qjson_debug.h \
+	location.hh \
+	position.hh \
+	parserrunnable.h \
+	qobjecthelper.h \
+	serializer.h \
+	serializerrunnable.h
+sis: restore_build
+	$(if $(wildcard qjson_template.pkg),$(if $(wildcard .make.cache),$(MAKE) -s -f $(MAKEFILE) ok_sis,$(if $(QT_SIS_TARGET),$(MAKE) -s -f $(MAKEFILE) ok_sis,$(MAKE) -s -f $(MAKEFILE) fail_sis_nocache)),$(MAKE) -s -f $(MAKEFILE) fail_sis_nopkg)
+	createpackage.bat $(QT_SIS_OPTIONS) qjson_template.pkg $(QT_SIS_TARGET) $(QT_SIS_CERTIFICATE) $(QT_SIS_KEY) $(QT_SIS_PASSPHRASE)
+	$(error PKG file does not exist, 'SIS' target is only supported for executables or projects with DEPLOYMENT statement)
+	$(error Project has to be built or QT_SIS_TARGET environment variable has to be set before calling 'SIS' target)
+-include .make.cache
+	@echo # ============================================================================== > .make.cache
+	@echo # This file is generated by make and should not be modified by the user >> .make.cache
+	@echo #  Name        : .make.cache >> .make.cache
+	@echo #  Part of     : qjson >> .make.cache
+	@echo #  Description : This file is used to cache last build target for >> .make.cache
+	@echo #                make sis target. >> .make.cache
+	@echo #  Version     :  >> .make.cache
+	@echo # >> .make.cache
+	@echo # ============================================================================== >> .make.cache
+	@echo. >> .make.cache
+	@echo QT_SIS_TARGET ?= $(QT_SIS_TARGET) >> .make.cache
+	-@ if EXIST "d:\CarbideWorkspace\TestQJson\qjson\src\qjson_template.pkg" $(DEL_FILE)  "d:\CarbideWorkspace\TestQJson\qjson\src\qjson_template.pkg"
+	-@ if EXIST "d:\CarbideWorkspace\TestQJson\qjson\src\Makefile" $(DEL_FILE)  "d:\CarbideWorkspace\TestQJson\qjson\src\Makefile"
+	-@ if EXIST "d:\CarbideWorkspace\TestQJson\qjson\src\" $(DEL_FILE)  "d:\CarbideWorkspace\TestQJson\qjson\src\"
+	-@ if EXIST "d:\CarbideWorkspace\TestQJson\qjson\src\src_0xEe29a5ee.mmp" $(DEL_FILE)  "d:\CarbideWorkspace\TestQJson\qjson\src\src_0xEe29a5ee.mmp"
+	-@ if EXIST "d:\CarbideWorkspace\TestQJson\qjson\src\.make.cache" $(DEL_FILE)  "d:\CarbideWorkspace\TestQJson\qjson\src\.make.cache"
+	-@ if EXIST "d:\CarbideWorkspace\TestQJson\qjson\src\bld.inf" $(DEL_FILE)  "d:\CarbideWorkspace\TestQJson\qjson\src\bld.inf"
+	-@ if EXIST "d:\CarbideWorkspace\TestQJson\qjson\lib\qjson.prl" $(DEL_FILE)  "d:\CarbideWorkspace\TestQJson\qjson\lib\qjson.prl"
+distclean: clean dodistclean
+clean: $(ABLD)
+	-$(ABLD) reallyclean
+	-bldmake clean
+clean-debug: $(ABLD)
+	$(ABLD) reallyclean winscw udeb
+	$(ABLD) reallyclean gcce udeb
+	$(ABLD) reallyclean armv5 udeb
+	$(ABLD) reallyclean armv6 udeb
+clean-release: $(ABLD)
+	$(ABLD) reallyclean gcce urel
+	$(ABLD) reallyclean armv5 urel
+	$(ABLD) reallyclean armv6 urel
+clean-debug-winscw: $(ABLD)
+	$(ABLD) reallyclean winscw udeb
+clean-debug-gcce: $(ABLD)
+	$(ABLD) reallyclean gcce udeb
+clean-debug-armv5: $(ABLD)
+	$(ABLD) reallyclean armv5 udeb
+clean-debug-armv6: $(ABLD)
+	$(ABLD) reallyclean armv6 udeb
+clean-release-gcce: $(ABLD)
+	$(ABLD) reallyclean gcce urel
+clean-release-armv5: $(ABLD)
+	$(ABLD) reallyclean armv5 urel
+clean-release-armv6: $(ABLD)
+	$(ABLD) reallyclean armv6 urel