changeset 6 c39a6cfd1fb9
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/example/example_usage.cpp	Tue May 18 17:33:55 2010 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+#include "smfglobal.h"
+#include "smfclient.h"
+#include "smfprovider.h"
+#include "smfgallery.h"
+#include "smfcontact.h"
+#include "smfpostprovider.h"
+#include "smfcontactfetcher.h"
+#include "smfmusic.h"
+#include "smfpicture.h"
+#include "smftrackinfo.h"
+#include "smfmusicprofile.h"
+#include "smflyrics.h"
+#include "smfactions.h"
+#include "smfactivityfetcher.h"
+#include <qalgorithms.h>
+#include "qtcontacts.h"
+#include <qdatastream.h>
+#include <QSharedData>
+#include <smfclientglobal.h>
+using namespace QtMobility;
+class MyAppView //: public QAbstractItemView
+	{
+	void add(QImage pic);
+	void add(SmfTrackInfo trackInfo);
+	void add(QContact qc);
+	void setPicture(QImage image);
+	void setTitle(QString cap);	
+	void setIcon(QImage image);
+	void setDescription(QString desc);
+	void setProvider(SmfProvider p);
+	void setLyricsData(SmfLyrics l);
+	};
+class MyApplication :public QObject
+	{
+public slots:
+	void displayGallery();
+	void showPicsSlot(SmfPictureList* pics, QString err);
+	void uploadPicture(QImage* picture, QList<SmfGallery> galleries);
+	void uploaded(bool success);
+	void displayFriends();
+	void showlist(SmfContactList* friendsList);
+	void postUpdate();
+	void showPosts(SmfPostList* posts, QString err);
+	void getMusic(SmfTrackInfo currTrack);
+	void showTrackSearch(SmfTrackInfoList* songs);
+	void showStore(SmfProviderList* stores);
+	void updateCurrentPlaying(QList<SmfMusicSearch> musicServices, SmfTrackInfo currTrack);
+	void displayLyrics(SmfTrackInfo currTrack);
+	void showLyrics(SmfLyricsList* list);
+	void getActivities();
+	void showActivities(SmfActivityEntryList* entries);
+	MyAppView* m_view;
+	SmfClient client;
+	SmfGallery* m_smfgl;
+	SmfContactFetcher* m_smfcf;
+	SmfMusicService* m_smfms;
+	QList<SmfContact> m_myfrndz;
+	};
+/** 1. Display a gallery on the screen for some remote service.
+ * assume m_view is some gallery view object in the application.*/
+void MyApplication::displayGallery()
+	{
+	// Some common interface for finding implementations.
+	QList<SmfProvider>* galleries = client.GetServices("org.symbian.smf.client.gallery\0.2");
+	// We will use the first one now
+	SmfProvider smfp = galleries->value(0);
+	SmfGallery* myGallery = new SmfGallery(&smfp);
+	// Adjust our view to show where these pictures came from
+	QImage imge = smfp.serviceIcon();
+	QString desc = smfp.description();
+	QString name = smfp.serviceName();
+	m_view->setIcon(imge);
+	m_view->setProvider(smfp);
+	m_view->setDescription(desc);
+	/**
+	 * Asynchrnous request to fetch the pictures.
+	 * The picturesAvailable() signal is emitted 
+	 * with SmfPictureList once the pictures have arrived.
+	 */
+	myGallery->pictures();
+	connect(myGallery,SIGNAL(picturesAvailable(SmfPictureList*, QString, SmfResultPage )),
+			SLOT(showPicsSlot(SmfPictureList*, QString)));
+	m_smfgl = myGallery;
+	}
+void MyApplication::showPicsSlot(SmfPictureList* pics, QString err)
+	{
+	//check err string if there is any error
+	if(err.compare("Err")) return;
+	//if no error
+	foreach(SmfPicture pic, *pics) {
+		m_view->add(pic.picture() ); // do something with the picture in this gallery
+	}
+	}
+/** 2. Upload a picture captured by the user to some selection of galeries.*/
+void MyApplication::uploadPicture(QImage* picture, QList<SmfGallery> galleries)
+	{
+	/**
+	 * When uploading is finished we can check the success of the uploading
+	 */	
+	QObject::connect(m_smfcf,SIGNAL(uploadFinished(bool)),SLOT(uploaded(bool)));
+	SmfPicture*  smfPic = new SmfPicture(*picture);
+	// The list could be from a selection of galleries chosen by the user,
+	// think multiple TweetDeck accounts?
+	foreach(SmfGallery gallery, galleries)
+		{
+		gallery.upload(smfPic);
+		}
+	}
+ * Slot to catch the uploading finished event
+ */
+void MyApplication::uploaded(bool success)
+	{
+	if(!success)
+		{
+	//error occured while uploading
+		}
+	}
+ * 3. This is an example of displaying the friends profile image in a view from one or more
+ * service provider. Note that this service can be provided by any kind of service provider,
+ * e.g. last.fm music service where users maintain profiles and friends.
+ */
+void MyApplication::displayFriends()
+	{
+	// Some common interface for finding implementations.
+	QList<SmfProvider>* contactFetcherList = client.GetServices("org.symbian.smf.cleint.contact.fetcher\0.2");
+	SmfProvider smfp = contactFetcherList->value(0);
+	SmfContactFetcher* smfcf = new SmfContactFetcher(&smfp);
+	//Request friend list, the friendsListAvailable() signal
+	//is emitted with SmfContactList once data is arrived.
+	QObject::connect(smfcf,SIGNAL(friendsListAvailable(SmfContactList*, QString, SmfResultPage )),
+			SLOT(showlist(SmfContactList*)));
+	smfcf->friends();
+	m_smfcf = smfcf;
+	}
+void MyApplication::showlist(SmfContactList* friendsList)
+	{
+	// Adjust our view to show where these pictures came from
+	//display service name description and the logo
+	m_view->setIcon( (m_smfcf->getProvider())->serviceIcon() );
+	m_view->setDescription( (m_smfcf->getProvider())->description() );
+	//now display the images
+	foreach(SmfContact contact, *friendsList) {
+		QVariant data = contact.value("Avatar"); 
+		QImage pic = data.value<QImage>();
+		QContact qc;
+		contact.convert(qc);
+		m_view->add(qc);
+		m_myfrndz.append(contact);
+	}
+	}
+ * 4. This is an example of posting and reading user updates to social netowrking sites
+ */
+void MyApplication::postUpdate()
+	{
+	// Some common interface for finding implementations.
+	QList<SmfProvider>* postServices = client.GetServices("org.symbian.smf.client.contact.posts\0.2");
+	//let us use the first one
+	QString servName = postServices->value(0).serviceName();
+	if(!servName.compare("Facebook.com")) return;
+	SmfProvider smfp = postServices->value(0);
+	SmfPostProvider* myPostServer = new SmfPostProvider(&smfp);
+	//Adjust our view to show where these posts came from (e.g. tweets from twitter)
+	//display service name description and the logo
+	m_view->setIcon((myPostServer->getProvider())->serviceIcon() );
+	m_view->setProvider(myPostServer->getProvider());
+	m_view->setDescription((myPostServer->getProvider())->description() );
+	SmfPost reply("this is a text post", this);
+	//post my udpate to be visible to all, connect to updatePostFinished()
+	// signal of SmfPostProvider to track the success
+	SmfContact frnd(m_myfrndz.value(0));
+	myPostServer->postDirected(reply,frnd);
+	//Asynchronously get all posts to me in my profle (e.g. twits from all friends)
+	//connect to postsAvailable to show the post
+	myPostServer->posts();
+	QObject::connect(myPostServer,
+			SIGNAL(postsAvailable(SmfPostList*, QString, SmfResultPage )),
+			SLOT(showPosts(SmfPostList*, QString)));
+	}
+void MyApplication::showPosts(SmfPostList* posts, QString /*err*/)
+	{
+	//Show the first post  
+	SmfPost post = posts->at(0);
+	m_view->setDescription( post.toPlainText() );
+	}
+ * 5. This is an example of getting song recommendations from a social netowrking sites
+ */
+void MyApplication::getMusic(SmfTrackInfo currTrack)
+	{
+	// Some common interface for finding implementations.
+	QList<SmfProvider>* smfProList = client.GetServices("org.symbian.smf.client.music\0.2");
+	SmfProvider smfp = smfProList->value(0);
+	SmfMusicSearch* mServer = new SmfMusicSearch(&smfp);
+	QObject::connect(mServer,SIGNAL(trackSearchAvailable(SmfTrackInfoList*, QString,SmfResultPage )),this,SLOT(showTrackSearch(SmfTrackInfoList*)));
+	QObject::connect(mServer,SIGNAL(storeSearchAvailable(SmfProviderList*, QString,SmfResultPage )),this,SLOT(showStoreSearch(SmfProviderList*)));
+	//search songs similar to currently playing,
+	//connect to trackSearchAvailable signal to get the result
+	mServer->recommendations(currTrack);
+	//display to the user
+	m_view->setIcon( mServer->getProvider()->serviceIcon() );
+	m_view->setProvider( mServer->getProvider());
+	m_view->setDescription( mServer->getProvider()->description() );
+	}
+void MyApplication::showTrackSearch(SmfTrackInfoList* songs)
+	{
+	foreach(SmfTrackInfo track, *songs){
+		m_view->add(track);
+	}
+	QList<SmfProvider>* smfProList = client.GetServices("org.symbian.smf.client.music.search\0.2");
+	SmfProvider smfp = smfProList->value(0);
+	SmfMusicSearch* mServer = new SmfMusicSearch(&smfp);
+	//allow user to select a track and get purchase links
+	//connect to showStoreSearch signal to display the stores for that track
+	mServer->stores(songs->value(0));
+	}
+void MyApplication::showStore(SmfProviderList* /*stores*/)
+	{
+	//show stores
+	}
+void MyApplication::updateCurrentPlaying(QList<SmfMusicSearch> musicServices, SmfTrackInfo currTrack)
+	{
+	//after purchasing and downloading is over, user plays the track
+	//now post the current platying track to all service providers
+	//postFinished() signal of SmfMusicSearch can be tracked to check the success of the posts
+	foreach(SmfMusicSearch provider, musicServices) {
+		provider.postCurrentPlaying(currTrack);
+	}
+	//postCurrentPlaying is also a slot funtion, may be application can use connect
+	}
+void MyApplication::displayLyrics(SmfTrackInfo currTrack)
+	{
+	// Some common interface for finding implementations.
+	QList<SmfProvider>* smfProList = client.GetServices("org.symbian.smf.client.music.lyrics\0.2","lyricsfly.com");
+	SmfProvider smfp = smfProList->value(0);
+	SmfLyricsService* lyricsService = new SmfLyricsService(&smfp);
+	QObject::connect(lyricsService,SIGNAL(lyricsAvailable(SmfLyricsList*, QString, SmfResultPage )),this,SLOT(showLyrics(SmfLyricsList*)));
+	//Request to get the lyrics
+	//lyricsAvailable() signal of SmfLyricsService is emitted when lyrics is available
+	lyricsService->lyrics(currTrack);
+	}
+void MyApplication::showLyrics(SmfLyricsList* list)
+	{
+	//now display the latest edited lyrics
+	//qSort(list->begin(),list->end(),caseInsensitiveLessThan);
+	m_view->setLyricsData(list->at(0));
+	}
+void MyApplication::getActivities()
+	{
+	// Some common interface for finding implementations.
+	QList<SmfProvider>* activityServices = client.GetServices("org.symbian.smf.client.activity.fetcher\0.2");
+	//let us use the Facebook one
+	QString servName = activityServices->value(0).serviceName();
+	if(!servName.compare("Facebook.com")) return;
+	SmfProvider smfp = activityServices->value(0);
+	SmfActivityFetcher* myActivityServer = new SmfActivityFetcher(&smfp);
+	//Adjust our view to show where these posts came from (e.g. streams from Facebook)
+	//display service name description and the logo
+	m_view->setIcon((myActivityServer->getProvider())->serviceIcon() );
+	m_view->setProvider(myActivityServer->getProvider());
+	m_view->setDescription((myActivityServer->getProvider())->description() );
+	QObject::connect(myActivityServer,
+			SIGNAL(resultsAvailable(SmfActivityEntryList*,QString,SmfResultPage)),
+			this,SLOT(showActivities(SmfActivityEntryList*)));	
+	//get a list of updates to my wall
+	myActivityServer->selfActivities();
+	}
+void MyApplication::showActivities(SmfActivityEntryList* entries)
+	{
+	foreach(SmfActivityEntry entry, *entries) {
+		SmfContact sc = entry.author();
+		QString desc = (sc.value("Name")).toString();
+		SmfPost details = entry.details();
+		QList<SmfActivityObject> aol = entry.activities();
+		SmfActivityObject sao = aol.value(0);
+		if(SmfActivityMarkAsFavorite == entry.actionName() )
+			{
+			desc.append("  has marked  ");
+			QVariant qv = sao.objData();
+			SmfActivityObjectType otype = sao.type();
+			if((SmfActivityObjTypePhoto == otype ) && (qv.canConvert<SmfPicture>()))
+				{
+				SmfPicture pic = qv.value<SmfPicture>();
+				desc.append( pic.description() );
+				}
+			desc.append("  as Favorite at");
+			QDateTime qdt = sao.time();
+			desc.append(qdt.toString("h:m:s ap"));
+			}
+	}
+	}