syborg_stem = massaged input file which gives matching rombuild.log (see notes.txt)
original = files from generating syborg rom using iMaker
iMaker --file=/epoc32/rom/config/sf_refhw/syborg/ flash
files generated into epoc32\rombuild\syborg\core
copy \epoc32\rom\include\featuredatabase.xml
copy the syborg.rom.oby to syborg.stem_rom.oby
Put back
define ROMDATE ##TODAY##
convert mbm_rom statements back into source form
-> s/data="(.*mbm)_rom"(\s+)"(.*)"/auto-bitmap=$1$2$3/
Fix to leave aliases to .RSC files alone (and not move them into sys\bin)
buildrom syborg_stem_rom.oby -fm=featuredatabase.xml -k -nosymbols -loglevel1 -v