Add __SOFTFP decorators to OpenVG APIs in line with header file. This allows us to build as softvfp or vfpv2.
Fix to leave aliases to .RSC files alone (and not move them into sys\bin), and other things
copy tools\ \epoc32\tools\
iMaker --file=/epoc32/rom/config/sf_refhw/syborg/ flash
files generated into epoc32\rombuild\syborg\core
copy \epoc32\rom\include\featuredatabase.xml syborg_stem\featuredatabase.xml
findstr FEATURES original\syborg.tmp1.oby >syborg_stem_features.iby
perl tools\ original\syborg.rom.oby >syborg_stem\syborg_stem_rom.oby
dir /s/b \build_info\logs\releaseables | perl tools\ original\syborg.dir >syborg_stem\rom_content.csv
perl tools\ syborg_stem\rom_content.csv >syborg_stem\static_dependencies.txt
buildrom syborg_stem_rom.oby -fm=featuredatabase.xml -k -nosymbols -loglevel1 -v