author William Roberts <>
Thu, 18 Nov 2010 11:35:56 +0000
changeset 134 79169c91b472
parent 79 26cde9838d22
permissions -rw-r--r--
Add commdb and related ethernetced.xml file, and use it in the generic stem_rom.oby file Note that this doesn't seem to make ethernet networking work, and it's probably necessary to run the ipconnmgmt dbcreator.exe as well to get a fully working commdb.

// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// Name        : backend.mmp
// Part of     : backend specific include MMP file
// This is a project specific include file for building the 
// backend library.
// Modified to build stem_backend.dll to break dependency on bluetooth.dll
// Assumes that the sf/os/ossrv package is accessible, and adjusts the paths
// to refer back to /sf/os/ossrv/genericopenlibs/openenvcore/backend where needed


TARGET            stem_backend.dll
TARGETTYPE        dll
UID               0x1000008d  0x102828D5

LANG            SC
VENDORID        0x70000001
VERSION 				1.1
// Macro defs
#include "/sf/os/ossrv/genericopenlibs/openenvcore/libc/group/libcflags.mmpi"
#ifdef GCCXML
MACRO __wchar_t_defined
#endif //GCCXML

USERINCLUDE			/sf/os/ossrv/genericopenlibs/openenvcore/backend/inc
USERINCLUDE			/sf/os/ossrv/genericopenlibs/openenvcore/libc/inc 
USERINCLUDE			/sf/os/ossrv/genericopenlibs/openenvcore/ewsd/inc
USERINCLUDE			/sf/os/ossrv/genericopenlibs/openenvcore/backend/ipcserver/ipccli/inc
USERINCLUDE			/sf/os/ossrv/genericopenlibs/openenvcore/backend/ipcserver/ipcsrv/inc

// Illegal dependancy on tz.h in MW layer. Needs fixing

//backend without signals and librt support
#error We are not going to bother with this scenario
#ifdef WINSCW
DEFFILE			/sf/os/ossrv/genericopenlibs/openenvcore/backend/bwins/old_backend.def
DEFFILE			/sf/os/ossrv/genericopenlibs/openenvcore/backend/eabi/old_backend.def

//backend without librt support
#error We are not going to bother with this scenario either
#ifdef WINSCW
DEFFILE			/sf/os/ossrv/genericopenlibs/openenvcore/backend/bwins/backendwolibrt.def 
DEFFILE			/sf/os/ossrv/genericopenlibs/openenvcore/backend/eabi/backendwolibrt.def

DEFFILE			/sf/os/ossrv/genericopenlibs/openenvcore/backend/~/backend.def

SOURCEPATH   	/sf/os/ossrv/genericopenlibs/openenvcore/backend/inc
DOCUMENT     	base.dosc
DOCUMENT     	consolestream.dosc
DOCUMENT     	fdesc.dosc
DOCUMENT     	fdtransfermsg.dosc
DOCUMENT     	fdtransfer_cli.dosc
DOCUMENT     	fdtransfer_srv.dosc
DOCUMENT     	filestream.dosc
DOCUMENT     	link.dosc
DOCUMENT     	lposix.dosc
DOCUMENT     	ltime.dosc
DOCUMENT     	netdb_r.dosc
DOCUMENT     	readrequesthandler.dosc
DOCUMENT     	serialstream.dosc
DOCUMENT     	shutdown.dosc
DOCUMENT     	spawn_r.dosc
DOCUMENT     	stdioclient.dosc
DOCUMENT     	stdioserver.dosc
DOCUMENT     	stdiosession.dosc
DOCUMENT     	streambase.dosc
DOCUMENT     	sysif.dosc
DOCUMENT     	sysreent.dosc
DOCUMENT     	systemspecialfilercg.dosc
DOCUMENT 		mmap.dosc
DOCUMENT 		mmapcontrollernode.dosc
DOCUMENT    	mmapmemorynode.dosc
DOCUMENT    	stdio_r.dosc
DOCUMENT    	stdlib_r.dosc
DOCUMENT		sysusrinclude.dosc

SOURCEPATH   	/sf/os/ossrv/genericopenlibs/openenvcore/backend/ipcserver/ipccli/inc
DOCUMENT    	ipcclient.dosc

#ifndef WINSCW
#endif //WINSCW

//Main Backend codes
SOURCEPATH	/sf/os/ossrv/genericopenlibs/openenvcore/backend/src/corebackend

SOURCE		localif.cpp posixfs.cpp
SOURCE		ftable.cpp fdesc.cpp uconsole.cpp 

SOURCE usocket.cpp

SOURCEPATH	/sf/os/ossrv/genericopenlibs/openenvcore/backend/src/corebackend

SOURCE		userial.cpp upipedesc.cpp uredirdesc.cpp udirectorydesc.cpp 
SOURCE		utilityfuns.cpp systemspecialfilercg.cpp conv.cpp
SOURCE		fdtransfer_srv.cpp fdtransfer_cli.cpp
SOURCE		ufilesocket.cpp
SOURCE      usocketbase.cpp

//Syscall code
SOURCEPATH /sf/os/ossrv/genericopenlibs/openenvcore/backend/src/syscall

SOURCE handlefms.cpp handlenms.cpp handlepms.cpp
SOURCE handlesms.cpp
SOURCE handleipc.cpp handlemmap.cpp
SOURCE mmapcontroller.cpp mmapmemorynode.cpp
SOURCE handlestringfuncs.cpp

//ipcserver-client code
SOURCEPATH /sf/os/ossrv/genericopenlibs/openenvcore/backend/ipcserver/ipccli/src
SOURCE ipcclient.cpp

//StdioServer-Client Code
SOURCEPATH 	/sf/os/ossrv/genericopenlibs/openenvcore/backend/src/StdioRedir/Client
SOURCE		StdioClient.cpp

//signal server client code
SOURCEPATH 	/sf/os/ossrv/genericopenlibs/openenvcore/backend/src/signalserver/client
SOURCE		signalclient.cpp

//Backend dependent Libraries

LIBRARY 	euser.lib
LIBRARY		commdb.lib
LIBRARY 	efsrv.lib
LIBRARY		esock.lib
LIBRARY		c32.lib
LIBRARY 	insock.lib 
LIBRARY		rpipe.lib
LIBRARY		charconv.lib
LIBRARY     estor.lib 
LIBRARY     tzclient.lib 

#ifdef WINSCW
//wsd solution
LIBRARY		ewsd.lib

// End of File