author William Roberts <>
Fri, 15 Oct 2010 14:46:27 +0100
changeset 54 dcd1a22c2899
parent 25 f213623e3c86
child 80 3ab0df073c86
permissions -rw-r--r--
Original source files from mw/svgt and mw/classicui for stem_cone.dll and stem_SVGEngine.dll

# Copyright (c) 2010 Symbian Foundation Ltd.
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Symbian Foundation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description: 
# This script generates a list of static dependencies for files in a ROM

use strict;
use Getopt::Long;

my $inverted_table = 0;
my $existing_file;
  "i|invert" => \$inverted_table,   # add the inverted table
  "u|update=s" => \$existing_file,  # update existing file

my @existinglines;
if ($existing_file)
	open EXISTING, "<$existing_file" or die("Cannot open $existing_file: $!\n");
	print STDERR "Reading existing dependencies from $existing_file\n";
	@existinglines = <EXISTING>;
	close EXISTING;

my %romfiles;
my @contents;

my $line;
while ($line = <>)
  my ($romfile,$hostfile,$ibyfile,$package,$cmd,@columns) = split /,/, $line;		# first 5 fields are guaranteed to be simple
	next if (!defined $hostfile);
	next if ($romfile eq "ROM file");		# skip header line
	if (lc $cmd eq "stem")
		$hostfile =~ s/(\/|\\)([^\\\/]+)$/$1stem_$2/;			# use stem version instead
	push @contents, "$romfile\t$hostfile";
	$romfiles{lc $romfile} = $romfile;

sub canonical_romfile($)
	my ($romfile) = @_;
	my $canonical = $romfiles{lc $romfile};
	return $canonical if (defined $canonical);

	# New romfile not seen before - add to table
	$romfiles{lc $romfile} = $romfile;	# set the standard for others!
	return $romfile;	

my %outputlines;
foreach my $existingline (@existinglines)
	chomp $existingline;
	my ($romfile, $hostfile, $deps) = split /\t/, $existingline;
	if (defined $deps)
		$romfile = canonical_romfile($romfile);
		$outputlines{$romfile} = "$romfile\t$hostfile\t$deps";

my %dependents;

sub print_dependency($$@)
	my ($romfile,$hostfile,@dependencies) = @_;
	$outputlines{$romfile} = "$romfile\t$hostfile\t". join(":",@dependencies);
	next unless $inverted_table;
	# Create inverted table 
	foreach my $dependent (@dependencies)
		next if ($dependent =~ /^sid=/);
		$dependent = lc $dependent;
		$dependent =~ s/^sys\\bin\\//;	# no directory => sys\bin anyway
		$dependent =~ s/\[\S+\]//;	# ignore the UIDs for now
		if (!defined $dependents{$dependent})
			$dependents{$dependent} = $romfile;
			$dependents{$dependent} .= "\t$romfile";

sub generate_elftran_dependencies($$)
	my ($romfile,$hostfile) = @_;
	return if ($hostfile =~ /\/z\//); 	# data files in armv5\urel\z
	return if ($hostfile =~ /\.sis$/);	# not an e32 image file

	my @elftran = `elftran $hostfile`;
	my $sid;
	my @imports;
	foreach my $line (@elftran)
		# 2 imports from backend{00010001}[102828d5].dll
		# 17 imports from dfpaeabi{000a0000}.dll
		if ($line =~ /imports from (\S+)\{.{8}\}(\S+)$/)
			push @imports, $1.$2;
		if ($line =~ /^Secure ID: (\S+)$/)
			$sid = $1; 	# presumably owns private/$sid  and various $sid.etxn files

sub find_exe_names_dependencies($$)
	my ($romfile,$hostfile) = @_;
	my @strings = `$ENV{"SBS_HOME"}\\win32\\mingw\\bin\\strings $hostfile`;
	my %executables;
	foreach my $string (@strings)
		if ($string =~ /^(.*\\)?([^-\\]+\.(exe|dll))$/i)
			my $exename = $2;
			$exename =~ s/^\s+//;		# strip off leading whitespace (e.g.length byte before "clock.exe")
			$exename = canonical_romfile("sys\\bin\\$exename");	# get the exact capitalisation
			# print STDERR "Found $exename in $string";
			$executables{$exename} = 1;
	if (%executables)
		print_dependency($romfile,$hostfile,sort keys %executables);
		print STDERR "No executable names found in system statup resource $hostfile\n";

sub find_dependency_in_sys_bin($$$)
	my ($romfile,$hostfile,$basename) = @_;
	$basename = lc $basename;
	foreach my $extension (".exe",".dll")
		my $dependency = "sys\\bin\\$basename$extension";
		if (defined $romfiles{$dependency})
	# grep in the contents list?
	# print_dependency($romfile,$hostfile,"unmatched sys\\bin\\$basename");

foreach $line (@contents)
	my ($romfile,$hostfile) = split /\t/, $line;
	if ($hostfile =~ /epoc32.release.arm/i)
	# App registration files
	if ($romfile =~ /private.10003a3f.*apps\\(.*)_reg\.rsc$/i)
		my $dependency = "sys\\bin\\$1.exe";
	# app resources
	if ($romfile =~ /resource.apps\\(.*)(\.mif|\.mbm|\.rsc)$/)
		my $executable = $1;
		$executable =~ s/_aif$//; 	# xxx_aif.mif
		$executable =~ s/_loc$//; 	# xxx_loc.rsc

	# System state manager resource files
	if ($romfile =~ /private.2000d75b\\.*\.rsc$/i)
	# Assume that the rest don't depend on anything, and leave them out.

foreach my $romfile ( sort keys %outputlines)
	print $outputlines{$romfile}, "\n";

if ($inverted_table)
	print "\n";
	foreach my $inverted (sort keys %dependents)
		print "x\t$inverted\t$dependents{$inverted}\n";