author William Roberts <>
Mon, 18 Oct 2010 12:30:30 +0100
changeset 66 fc9981c83de7
parent 33 900525f287f9
child 95 aad950cacc2b
permissions -rw-r--r--
Add weatherinfo demo to syborg_stem_rom.oby Removed "Out" from etel.dll because it's too severe and kills the startup scripts Didn't add "In" to weatherinfo.exe because we are currently losing QtGui.dll due to dependency on MediaClientAudio.dll

# Copyright (c) 2010 Symbian Foundation Ltd.
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Symbian Foundation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description: 
# This script filters kernel trace output to the bare essentials

use strict;

my %processes;
my %threadcount;
my %instancecount;
my %originalname;
my @deathlist;

my $line;
while ($line = <>)
	# AddThread ekern.exe::NVMem-ecc10dce to ekern.exe
	# Process FLogSvr.exe Die: 0 0 Kill
	# DLibrary domainSrv.exe::domainpolicy2.dll Close m=-1
	# Thread MTMInit::Via Infrared Via Infrared   Panic MTMInit 5
	# DProcess::Rename MSexe.exe to !MsvServer
	if ( $line =~ /^(AddThread |Process \S+ Die: |DLibrary |Thread |DProcess::Rename )/o)
		if ($line =~ /^DProcess::Rename (\S+) to (\S+)/o)
			my $oldname = $1;
			my $process = $2;
		printf "Renaming %s (%d,%d) to %s\n", $oldname, $processes{$oldname}, $threadcount{$oldname}, $process;
			$processes{$process} = $processes{$oldname};
			$threadcount{$process} = $threadcount{$oldname};
			$instancecount{$process} = $instancecount{$oldname};

			$originalname{$process} = $oldname;
			delete $processes{$oldname};
			delete $threadcount{$oldname};
		if ($line =~ /^AddThread (\S+)::(\S+) to (\S+)$/o)
			my $process = $1;
			my $thread = $2;
			if ($thread eq "Main" || $thread eq "Null")
				# New process created
				$processes{$process} = $.;
				$threadcount{$process} = 0;
			$threadcount{$process} += 1;
			if (!defined $instancecount{$process})
				$instancecount{$process} = 0;
			$instancecount{$process} += 1;
		print "$.: $line";

		if ($line =~ /^Process (\S+) Die: (.*)$/o)
			my $process = $1;
			my $details = $2;
			my $summary = sprintf "#%d, %d threads, lifetime %d-%d",
			print "\t$process: $summary\n";
			delete $processes{$process};
			delete $threadcount{$process};

			chomp $line;	
			push @deathlist, sprintf "%7d\t%-20s %s, died %s", $., $process, $summary, $details;

	# Initiating transition to state 0000.ffff.
	# R:\sf\os\devicesrv\sysstatemgmt\systemstatemgr\cmd\src\ssmcommandbase.cpp 135: Completing command with errorcode 0
	# ***** Execute cmd no. 11 without a delay
	# Starting : Z:\sys\bin\splashscreen.exe with arguments :  and Execution behaviour : 1
	if ( $line =~ /^(Initiating transition |\*\*\*\*\* |Starting : )/o)
		print "SSM: $line";

	if ($line =~ /^(MODE_USR:)/o)
		# it's crashed
		print $line, <>;

printf "\n\nActive processes (%d):\n", scalar keys %processes;
foreach my $process (sort keys %processes)
	printf "%-25s\t%d threads, created at line %d\n", $process, $threadcount{$process}, $processes{$process};

printf "\n\nDead processes (%d)\n", scalar @deathlist;
print join("\n", sort @deathlist, "");