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Resolve ROM linking issues (via use of NOEXPORTLIBRARY in MMP files) and update rom content and static dependencies.
2010-10-20, by markw
Build OpenVG reference implementation for VFPv2.
2010-10-20, by markw
Modify MMP files to build OpenVG ref. impl. from stemkit and add to bld.inf.
2010-10-20, by markw
Add original MMP files to build the OpenVG reference implementation.
2010-10-20, by markw
Add __SOFTFP decorators to OpenVG APIs in line with header file. This allows us to build as softvfp or vfpv2.
2010-10-20, by markw
Add API wrapper files for OpenVG reference implementation.
2010-10-20, by markw
We now rebuild the Timezone Localization resources so the TZServer doesn't fall over on subsequent boots
2010-10-19, by Tom Pritchard
Add weatherinfo demo to syborg_stem_rom.oby
2010-10-18, by William Roberts
Chucked out a few more things from the start-up
2010-10-18, by Tom Pritchard
Mark eiksrvui.dll as "stem", and update static_dependencies.txt
2010-10-15, by William Roberts
Create stem_avkon.dll, to break dependency on phoneclient.dll
2010-10-15, by William Roberts
Original files from sf/mw/classicui/uifw/AvKon which will be modified to break avkon.dll dependency on phoneclient.dll
2010-10-15, by William Roberts
Break Eiksrvui.dll dependency on MediaClientAudio.dll
2010-10-15, by markw
Add files to break eiksrvui.dll dependency on MediaClientAudio.dll
2010-10-15, by markw
Update working symborg_stem_rom.oby with the improved patchdata lines.
2010-10-15, by William Roberts
Update original with the imaker output produced from the revised, and the revised syborg_stem_rom.oby from
2010-10-15, by William Roberts
Update to keep better information for patchdata, with corresponding changes in and
2010-10-15, by William Roberts
Create stem_SVGEngine.dll, which breaks the dependency on mediaclientaudio.dll
2010-10-15, by William Roberts
Create stem_cone.dll, breaking dependency on mediaclientaudio.dll and mediaclient.dll
2010-10-15, by William Roberts
Original source files from mw/svgt and mw/classicui for stem_cone.dll and stem_SVGEngine.dll
2010-10-15, by William Roberts
Mark USB as out, mark cone.dll and SVGEngine.dll as Stem, add stem_cone.dll and stem_SVGEngine.dll static dependencies.
2010-10-15, by William Roberts
Catch the "no cpp.exe" problem before it triggers an "Unknown arg: -fm" message.
2010-10-15, by William Roberts
Merge SVGEngine dependency change to tip.
2010-10-15, by markw
Break SVGEngine dependency on MediaClientAudio.dll.
2010-10-15, by markw
Add support for -D_DEBUG to turn on debugging in syborg_stem_rom.oby, and remove debug_stem_rom.oby
2010-10-15, by William Roberts
Adding files needed to break SVGEngine dependency on MediaClientAudio.dll.
2010-10-15, by markw
Merge with Mark's CONE changes
2010-10-14, by Tom Pritchard
Merging working startup config changes back to the default branch
2010-10-14, by Tom Pritchard
Updating the default syborg_stem_rom.oby (and making a copy of the original in the originals folder)
2010-10-14, by Tom Pritchard
Removing spurious extra kerneltrace statement
2010-10-14, by Tom Pritchard
Updated the rom_content.csv & dependency list for the minimal startup config
2010-10-14, by Tom Pritchard
Break CONE dependency on MediaClient.dll and MediaClientAudio.dll
2010-10-14, by markw
Fix up the to make it not double "stem_" things
2010-10-14, by Tom Pritchard
Fix up def file for backend.dll
2010-10-14, by Tom Pritchard
Removed "startup.exe" from startup as it seems to hog the foreground and prevent the matrix menu from showing.
2010-10-14, by Tom Pritchard
Catch-up to latest
2010-10-14, by Tom Pritchard
Adding "Profiling Starter" app so we can see what's going on during boot
2010-10-14, by Tom Pritchard
Catch-up with latest changes
2010-10-13, by Tom Pritchard
Mark most of the non-QT applications as "Out", hoping to reduce some of the clutter
2010-10-13, by William Roberts
Add "application" to all of the rom_content.csv lines for applications (i.e. executables with a matching _reg.rsc file)
2010-10-13, by William Roberts
Use UDEB system starter in debug_stem_rom.oby, and add tools\ to filter out most of the kerneltracing detail
2010-10-13, by William Roberts
Add a "hacks" directory, seeded with the Syborg F10 KeyOfDeath change
2010-10-13, by William Roberts
Catch-up changes from default branch
2010-10-13, by Tom Pritchard
First pass at stripping down the system startup (currently boots to a white screen responding to key input, but at least doesn't panic or go into shutdown)
2010-10-13, by Tom Pritchard
Add udeb_stem_rom.oby, which is syborg_stem_rom.oby with a UDEB version of ekern.exe and a kerneltrace statement to enable KPANIC and KPROC tracing
2010-10-13, by William Roberts
Add matrixmenu.exe as "In", and tried to remove 4 multimedia DLLs but only managed 1 because of bad dependencies on MediaClientAudio.dll
2010-10-12, by William Roberts
Add -l filter.log and -d filtered.oby options, to capture details of the deletions
2010-10-12, by William Roberts
Regenerate static_dependencies.txt, adding dependencies for the startup scripts
2010-10-12, by William Roberts
Add -u option to, to support merging information from an existing file with new dependencies
2010-10-12, by William Roberts
Update rom_content.csv to use stem_backend.dll, finally allowing us to remove bluetooth.dll!
2010-10-11, by William Roberts
Remove the inverted table, and add dependencies for stem_backend.dll
2010-10-11, by William Roberts
Calculate the inverted dependency table in, and make it optional (-i) in
2010-10-11, by William Roberts
Add stem_backend.dll to the stemkit build, to break the bluetooth.dll dependency
2010-10-11, by William Roberts
Start breaking the dependency of backend.dll on bluetooth.dll - commit copies of the original ossrv files from PDK 3.0.2
2010-10-11, by William Roberts
Update to support the "In" command, which detects conflicts with the scope of removals
2010-10-11, by William Roberts
More updates to, now copes properly with aliases
2010-10-10, by William Roberts
Update to handle patchdata and some more alias cases.
2010-10-10, by William Roberts
Update to handle dlls with interesting version numbers (e.g. backend.dll)
2010-10-10, by William Roberts now handles deletions including ECOM plugins and aliases
2010-10-10, by William Roberts
Add first version of tools\, which uses rom_content.csv to select "stem_" versions of files.
2010-10-10, by William Roberts