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Added tag PDK_3.0.4 for changeset 04364b20a2b8
2010-11-05, by Dario Sestito
Created TAGS branch
2010-11-05, by Dario Sestito
Rework java stubs as stem_* things, and updated rom_content.csv and static_dependencies.txt accordingly.
2010-11-05, by William Roberts
Add original Java stub MMP files, to break ETEL dependency
2010-11-05, by William Roberts
Split syborg_stem_rom.oby into stem_rom.oby and syborg_stem.oby, and it still works.
2010-11-05, by William Roberts
Build the existing STUB versions of Java so it can safely be removed from the rom (and also reducing the dependency on etel)
2010-11-04, by Tom Pritchard
Remove dependency of MCS on SAT, one step close to removing ETEL: boots but still gives and empty folder.
2010-11-03, by Tom Pritchard
Add a version of the MCS SAT Handler ready for stemming
2010-11-03, by Tom Pritchard
Update rom_content.csv and syborg_stem_rom.oby with the result of the "boot_ktrace_640" reduction
2010-11-02, by William Roberts
Revert to the last fully working syborg_stem_rom.oby (from change fc9981c83de7)
2010-11-02, by William Roberts
Update to handle the optional cmds, which was the key to making the "boot_ktrace_640" reduction work correctly
2010-11-02, by William Roberts
Regenerate static_dependencies.txt from first principles, to original files as well as stem_* versions
2010-11-02, by William Roberts
Added more things in the syborg baseport which are vital to booting the ROM
2010-11-02, by William Roberts
Add cmncustomcmds.dll, which is required for the shutdown list - shutdown wasn't tested in the ktrace log
2010-11-02, by William Roberts
Add some more vital things to make a ROM boot
2010-11-02, by William Roberts
Introduce prefixes "etel", "mm" and "perf" for the etel removal, the devsound removal and the hardware floating point performance optimisations
2010-11-02, by William Roberts
Add --options argument to pass in the (comma separated lists of) prefixes for optional "What" commands
2010-11-02, by William Roberts
Update to report the "minimal ROM" executables
2010-11-02, by William Roberts
Add NOEXPORTLIBRARY, + minor tweaks
2010-11-01, by William Roberts
Add ktrace.oby, as an easy way to add the KPROC+KTHREAD+KDLL tracing - use
2010-11-01, by William Roberts
Use DEBUG_DIR\euser.dll to assist a wider range of debugging, and remove spurious extra kerneltrace statement
2010-11-01, by William Roberts
Update utility for processing kerneltrace output, and add "analysis" directory containing a boot trace and the summary
2010-10-29, by William Roberts
Utility to remove the problematic section of rombuild.log, so that elf4rom can work properly
2010-10-29, by William Roberts
Reinstate startup/customcmds.mmp etc, which fell off by accident
2010-10-29, by William Roberts
Merge william's latest changes before pushing
2010-10-27, by Tom Pritchard
Merge ETEL removal changes
2010-10-27, by Tom Pritchard
Breaking DRM's dependency Etel so that AVKON can start. The ROM now boots, but doesn't seem to have any items in the matrix menu at all.
2010-10-27, by Tom Pritchard
Hack to switch on ECOM server logging
2010-10-27, by Tom Pritchard
Adding parts of the DRM Engine to be rebuilt
2010-10-27, by Tom Pritchard
Remove dependency on etel.dll (and friends) from customcmds.dll and thus cut it from the ROM entirely
2010-10-19, by Tom Pritchard