William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org> [Sun, 10 Oct 2010 17:40:25 +0100] rev 14
Add first version of tools\filter_obyfile.pl, which uses rom_content.csv to select "stem_" versions of files.
Updated rom_content.csv to request the stem_ versions of the startup resource files
William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org> [Sun, 10 Oct 2010 16:22:15 +0100] rev 13
Added group & startup directories, which build "stem_" versions of the myriad ssmcmdlist resources in private\2000d75b
This has a USERINCLUDE into sf\os\devicesrv to get some unpublished header files.
William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org> [Sun, 10 Oct 2010 13:45:56 +0100] rev 12
Add tools\static_dependencies.pl which processes rom_contents.csv calculates static dependency information
The static_dependencies.txt file has two sections
- the first shows what each rom file depends on,
- the second (lines beginning with x), shows the things which directly depend on this file (in sys\bin)
The aim will be to use this file to calculate the ripple effect of removing selected executables.