changeset 33 938269283a16
parent 22 093cf0757204
child 34 ad1f037f1ac2
--- a/securitysettings/cpwlansecurityuiplugins/cpwpacmnui/src/cpwpacmnui.cpp	Fri May 14 15:54:13 2010 +0300
+++ b/securitysettings/cpwlansecurityuiplugins/cpwpacmnui/src/cpwpacmnui.cpp	Fri Jun 11 13:40:22 2010 +0300
@@ -17,19 +17,23 @@
- * %version: 17 %
+ * %version: tr1cfwln#22 %
 // System includes
 #include <QStringList>
-#include <eapqtconfiginterface.h>
+#include <cpsettingformitemdata.h>
+#include <cpitemdatahelper.h>
+#include <cpbasesettingview.h>
 #include <cmconnectionmethod_shim.h>
-#include <cmmanagerdefines_shim.h>
+#include <eapqtplugininfo.h>
+#include <eapqtconfiginterface.h>
 // User includes
 #include "cpwpacmnui.h"
-//#include "cpwpacmneapui.h"
+#include "cpwpacmnui_p.h"
+// Trace Definition
 #include "OstTraceDefinitions.h"
 #include "cpwpacmnuiTraces.h"
@@ -42,12 +46,10 @@
  which will allow viewing/editing of WPA/WPA2/802.1x/WPA2 Security Settings.
 //Contructs Common Ui (WPA/WPA2/802.1x/WPA2only) object
-CpWpaCmnUi::CpWpaCmnUi(CMManagerShim::WlanSecMode securityMode, CpItemDataHelper &dataHelpper) :
-    mCmnUi(NULL), mDataHelper(dataHelpper), mPskKeyText(NULL), mEapPlugins(
-            NULL), mWpaEapItem(NULL), mEapEntry(NULL)
+CpWpaCmnUi::CpWpaCmnUi(CMManagerShim::WlanSecMode securityMode, CpItemDataHelper &dataHelpper)
-    mSecurityMode = securityMode;
-    mEnablePskMode = true;
+    d_ptr = new CpWpaCmnUiPrivate(securityMode,dataHelpper);
 //Deletes objects owned by Common Ui
@@ -55,11 +57,9 @@
     //delete all dynamically allocated objects
-    mCmnUi = NULL;
+    delete d_ptr;
-    mConnMethod = NULL;
-    OstTraceFunctionExit1(CPWPACMNUI_CPWPACMNUI_EXIT,this);
+   OstTraceFunctionExit1(CPWPACMNUI_CPWPACMNUI_EXIT,this);
 // ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
@@ -78,371 +78,28 @@
         EapQtConfigInterface *eapQtConfigInterface,
         CmConnectionMethodShim *cmCM)
-    int err;
-    mConnMethod = cmCM;
-    //Read values From CommsDatbase
-    QT_TRYCATCH_ERROR(err, ( readValues()));
-    if(err !=KErrNone) {
-          OstTrace1( TRACE_ERROR, CPWPACMNUI_CREATEUI, "CPWPACMNUI ReadValues returned %d", err );
-    }
-    mCmnUi = new CpSettingFormItemData(HbDataFormModelItem::GroupItem,
-            hbTrId("txt_occ_subhead_security_settings"));
-    mEapQtConfigInterface = eapQtConfigInterface;
-    //mPlugins.append(mEapQtConfigInterface->supportedOuterTypes());
-    //PSK / EAP ?
-    mWpaEapItem = new CpSettingFormItemData(
-            HbDataFormModelItem::ComboBoxItem, hbTrId(
-                    "txt_occ_setlabel_wpawpa2"),mCmnUi);
-    QStringList wpatype;
-    //wpatype.append(hbTrId("txt_occ_setlabel_wpawpa2_val_eap"));
-    wpatype.append(hbTrId("txt_occ_setlabel_wpawpa2_val_preshared_key"));
-    mWpaEapItem->setContentWidgetData("items", wpatype);
-    mWpaEapItem->setContentWidgetData("currentIndex",0/*To use mEnablePskMode when both modes are available*/);
-    mDataHelper.addConnection(mWpaEapItem,
-            SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this,
-            SLOT(wpaTypeChanged(int)));
-    //1.Pre-Shared Key
-    mPskKeyText = new CpSettingFormItemData(
-            HbDataFormModelItem::TextItem, hbTrId(
-                    "txt_occ_setlabel_preshared_key"),mCmnUi);
-    mPskKeyText->setContentWidgetData("text", mKeyData);
-    mPskKeyText->setContentWidgetData("echoMode", 2);
-    mPskKeyText->setContentWidgetData("smileysEnabled", "false");
-    mDataHelper.addConnection(mPskKeyText, SIGNAL( editingFinished ()),
-            this, SLOT(pskKeyChanged() ));
-    //2.EAP
-    /*  mEapPlugins = new CpSettingFormItemData(
-                HbDataFormModelItem::ComboBoxItem, hbTrId(
-                        "txt_occ_setlabel_eap_type"));
-        QStringList items;
-        for (int i = 0; i < mPlugins.length(); ++i)
-            {
-            items <<>localizationId();
-            }
-        mPluginCurrent = 0;
-        mEapPlugins->setContentWidgetData("items", items);
-        //Set the last EAP chosen , by reading from CommsDb
-        mDataHelper.addConnection(mEapPlugins,
-                SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this,
-                SLOT(eapTypeChanged(int)));
-        mEapEntry = new EapEntyItemData(this, mDataHelper, hbTrId(
-                "txt_occ_button_eap_type_settings"), QString(""));*/
-    mUnencryptedConnection = new CpSettingFormItemData(
-            HbDataFormModelItem::CheckBoxItem, hbTrId(
-                    "txt_occ_setlabel_unencrypted_connection"),mCmnUi);
-    mUnencryptedConnection->setContentWidgetData("text", hbTrId(
-            "txt_occ_setlabel_unencrypted_connection_val_allowe"));
-    //Kept Unchecked by default , but to be read from Comms DB
-    mUnencryptedConnection->setContentWidgetData("checkState",
-            "Unchecked");
-    mDataHelper.addConnection(mUnencryptedConnection,
-            SIGNAL( stateChanged(int)), this,
-            SLOT(unencryptConnStateChanged(int)));
-    //LoadUi based on the security mode 
-    loadUi();
-    OstTraceFunctionExit1(CPWPACMNUI_CREATEUI_EXIT,this);
-    return mCmnUi;
+    OstTraceFunctionExit1(CPWPACMNUI_CREATEUI_EXIT,this);    
+    return d_ptr->createUi(eapQtConfigInterface,cmCM);
-// ======== LOCAL FUNCTIONS ========
- Load the CpSettingFormItemData components, based on the security 
- mode chosen. Only those components that are required by that security
- mode are loaded
- */
-void CpWpaCmnUi::loadUi()
-    OstTraceFunctionEntry1(CPWPACMNUI_LOADUI_ENTRY,this);
-    int secMode = mSecurityMode;
-    switch (secMode)
-        {
-        case CMManagerShim::WlanSecModeWpa:
-        case CMManagerShim::WlanSecModeWpa2:
-            {
-                if (mEnablePskMode) {
-                    mCmnUi->appendChild(mWpaEapItem);
-                    mCmnUi->appendChild(mPskKeyText);
-                }
-                /*else {
-                    //do nothing, no EAP 
-                    mCmnUi->appendChild(mWpaEapItem);
-                    mCmnUi->appendChild(mEapPlugins);
-                    mCmnUi->appendChild(mEapEntry);
-                }*/
-            }
-            break;
-        /*case CMManagerShim::WlanSecMode802_1x:
-            {
-            mCmnUi->appendChild(mEapPlugins);
-            mCmnUi->appendChild(mEapEntry);
-            mCmnUi->appendChild(mUnencryptedConnection);
-            }
-            break;*/
-        default:
-            break;
-        } 
-    OstTraceFunctionExit1(CPWPACMNUI_LOADUI_EXIT,this);
- Load the CpSettingFormItemData components,for the
- Pre-Shared key mode
- */
-/*void CpWpaCmnUi::loadWPAPskView()
-    OstTraceFunctionEntry1(CPWPACMNUI_LOADWPAPSKVIEW_ENTRY,this);
-    mCmnUi->appendChild(mPskKeyText);
-    OstTraceFunctionExit1(CPWPACMNUI_LOADWPAPSKVIEW_EXIT,this);
- Load the CpSettingFormItemData components,for the
- EAP  mode
- */
-/*void CpWpaCmnUi::loadWPAEapView()
-    OstTraceFunctionEntry1(CPWPACMNUI_LOADWPAEAPVIEW_ENTRY,this);
-    mCmnUi->appendChild(mEapPlugins);
-    mCmnUi->appendChild(mEapEntry);
-    OstTraceFunctionExit1(CPWPACMNUI_LOADWPAEAPVIEW_EXIT,this);
- Load the CpSettingFormItemData components,for the
- EAP  mode
- */
-/*CpBaseSettingView* CpWpaCmnUi::eapUiInstance()
-    OstTraceFunctionEntry1(CPWPACMNUI_EAPUIINSTANCE_ENTRY,this); 
-    OstTraceFunctionExit1(CPWPACMNUI_EAPUIINSTANCE_EXIT,this);
-    return mEapQtConfigInterface->uiInstance(
-  >pluginHandle());
-    return NULL;
- Slot to handle change in wpa mode :- PSK /EAP
- Emits a mode change signal to the  security plugin 
- to indicate the change
- \param pskEnable the current mode chosen
- */
-/*void CpWpaCmnUi::wpaTypeChanged(int pskEnable)
-    OstTraceFunctionEntry1(CPWPACMNUI_WPATYPECHANGED_ENTRY,this);
-    switch (pskEnable)
-        {
-        case 0:
-            {
-            RemovePskView();
-            LoadWPAEapView();
-            }
-            break;
-        case 1:
-            {
-            RemoveEapView();
-            LoadWPAPskView();
-            }
-            break;
-        } //do nothing , only PSK mode, no EAP
-    OstTraceFunctionExit1(CPWPACMNUI_WPATYPECHANGED_EXIT,this);
-    //Emit signal back to plugin
-    emit pskEapModeToggled(pskEnable);
- * Unload components related to Pre-Shared key mode
- */
-/*void CpWpaCmnUi::removePskView()
-    OstTraceFunctionEntry1(CPWPACMNUI_REMOVEPSKVIEW_ENTRY,this);
-    int indexOfPsk = mCmnUi->indexOf(mPskKeyText);
-    mCmnUi->removeChild(indexOfPsk);
-    OstTraceFunctionExit1(CPWPACMNUI_REMOVEPSKVIEW_EXIT,this);
- * Unload components related to EAP mode
- */
-/*void CpWpaCmnUi::removeEapView()
-    OstTraceFunctionEntry1(CPWPACMNUI_REMOVEEAPVIEW_ENTRY,this);
-    int indexOfEapPlugin = mCmnUi->indexOf(mEapPlugins);
-    mCmnUi->removeChild(indexOfEapPlugin);
-    int indexOfEapEntry = mCmnUi->indexOf(mEapEntry);
-    mCmnUi->removeChild(indexOfEapEntry);
-    OstTraceFunctionExit1(CPWPACMNUI_REMOVEEAPVIEW_EXIT,this);
- Slot to handle change in eap method in use.
- Emits signal back to the security plugin to indicate 
- the change
- \param currentplugin plugin number to indicate the
- eap method in use
- */
-/*void CpWpaCmnUi::eapTypeChanged(int eapPlugin)
-    OstTraceFunctionEntry1(CPWPACMNUI_EAPTYPECHANGED_ENTRY,this);
-    mPluginCurrent = eapPlugin;
-    OstTraceFunctionExit1(CPWPACMNUI_EAPTYPECHANGED_EXIT,this);
-    emit eapPluginChanged(mPluginCurrent);
- Slot to handle change in pre-shared key string
- Emits signal back to the security plugin to indicate 
- the change
- */
-void CpWpaCmnUi::pskKeyChanged()
-    OstTraceFunctionEntry1(CPWPACMNUI_PSKKEYCHANGED_ENTRY,this);
-    QVariant keyValue = mPskKeyText->contentWidgetData("text");
-    QString keyString = keyValue.toString();
-    OstTraceFunctionExit1(CPWPACMNUI_PSKKEYCHANGED_EXIT,this);
-    //Emit signal back to plugin
-    emit keyChanged(keyString);
+   Validates current security settings. This function is called whenever
+   user tries to exit from the settings view. If the plugin determines
+   that some settings need editing before considered valid, it shall
+   return false. A dialog will be shown to the user indicating that
+   settings are still incomplete and asking if he/she wishes to exit
+   anyway.
- Slot to handle change in the state of unencrypted connection;
- to indicate if such a connection is allowed.
- Emits signal back to the security plugin to indicate 
- the change
- \param state checked-Allowed / Unchecked-Not allowed 
- */
-/*void CpWpaCmnUi::unencryptConnStateChanged(int state)
-    connectionStateChanged(state);
- * Reads the wlan security fields from CommsDb 
- */
-void CpWpaCmnUi::readValues()
-    OstTraceFunctionEntry1(CPWPACMNUI_READVALUES_ENTRY,this);
-    switch (mSecurityMode)
-        {
-        case CMManagerShim::WlanSecModeWpa:
-        case CMManagerShim::WlanSecModeWpa2:
-            {
-            loadWPA_WPA2Fields();
-            }
-            break;
-       /* case CMManagerShim::WlanSecMode802_1x:
-            {
-            load802Dot1xFields();
-            }
-            break;*/
-        default:
-            break;
-        } 
-    OstTraceFunctionExit1(CPWPACMNUI_READVALUES_EXIT,this);
- * Reads the wlan security wpa/wpa2 related fields from CommsDb 
- */
-void CpWpaCmnUi::loadWPA_WPA2Fields()
-    OstTraceFunctionEntry1(CPWPACMNUI_LOADWPAFIELDS_ENTRY,this);
-    /*mEnablePskMode = mConnMethod->getIntAttribute(
-            CMManagerShim::WlanEnableWpaPsk);*/
-	 //only PSK mode enabled(temporary);to be read from Comms later
-    mEnablePskMode = true ; 		
-    //set the same to Comms(temporary) ; the mode to be set , depends on what user chooses 
-    //between PSK & EAP
-     mConnMethod->setBoolAttribute(CMManagerShim::WlanEnableWpaPsk,mEnablePskMode);
-    if (mEnablePskMode) {
-        mKeyData = mConnMethod->getString8Attribute(
-                CMManagerShim::WlanWpaPreSharedKey);
-    }
-   /* else {
-        //mcurrentEapPlugin = mCMExtShim->GetIntAttribute( use appropriate enum to get the eap plugin index );
-    } */
-    OstTraceFunctionExit1(CPWPACMNUI_LOADWPAFIELDS_EXIT,this);
- * Reads the wlan security eap related fields from CommsDb 
- */
-/*void CpWpaCmnUi::load802Dot1xFields()
-    OstTraceFunctionEntry1(CPWPACMNUI_LOAD802DOT1XFIELDS_ENTRY,this);
-    //mcurrentEapPlugin = mCMExtShim->GetIntAttribute(use appropriate enum to get the eap plugin index);
-    //unencryptStateChanged = mConnMethod->getIntAttribute(CMManagerShim::EWlan802_1xAllowUnencrypted);
-    OstTraceFunctionExit1(CPWPACMNUI_LOAD802DOT1XFIELDS_EXIT,this);
- * Reset the values on the corresponding Ui elements
- */
-void CpWpaCmnUi::reset()
+   \return True if security settings are valid, false if not.
+bool CpWpaCmnUi::validateSettings()
-    OstTraceFunctionEntry1(CPWPACMNUI_RESET_ENTRY,this);
-    //Read values from Comms and update the Ui items
-    readValues();
-    switch (mSecurityMode)
-          {
-          case CMManagerShim::WlanSecModeWpa:
-          case CMManagerShim::WlanSecModeWpa2:
-              {
-                  if(mEnablePskMode) {
-                      mPskKeyText->setContentWidgetData("text", mKeyData);
-                  }
-              }
-              break;
-          /*case CMManagerShim::WlanSecMode802_1x:
-              {
-              //Set appropriate value in widget for 802.1x
-              if(mEnablePskMode) {
-              mPskKeyText->setContentWidgetData("checkState", mKeyData);
-              }
-              break;*/
-          default:
-              break;
-          }
-    OstTraceFunctionExit1(CPWPACMNUI_RESET_EXIT,this);
+    return d_ptr->validateSettings();