changeset 0 c8830336c852
child 2 1c7bc153c08e
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/eapol/eapol_framework/eapol_symbian/am/include/eapol_am_wlan_authentication_symbian.h	Thu Dec 17 08:47:43 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  EAP and WLAN authentication protocols.
+#include "eap_am_export.h"
+#include "eapol_am_wlan_authentication.h"
+#include "eapol_wlan_database_reference.h"
+#include "eap_am_network_id.h"
+#include "eap_array_algorithms.h"
+#include "abs_eap_configuration_if.h"
+#include "simple_config_credential.h"
+#include "abs_eap_configuration_if.h"
+#endif // #if defined(USE_EAP_SIMPLE_CONFIG)
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <d32dbms.h>
+#include <wdbifwlansettings.h>
+#include <EapType.h> // For TIndexType
+// For EAP TLS, PEAP, TTLS, FAST secure databases.
+// Full path is not needed. The database eaptls.dat will be saved in the 
+// data cage path for DBMS. So it will be in "\private\100012a5\eaptls.dat" in C: drive.
+// The maximum length of database name is 0x40 (KDbMaxName) , which is defined in d32dbms.h.
+_LIT(KFastDatabaseName, "c:eapfast.dat");
+_LIT(KFastDatabaseName, "c:\\system\\data\\eapfast.dat");
+#endif // #ifdef SYMBIAN_SECURE_DBMS
+class CEapType;
+class abs_eapol_am_wlan_authentication_c;
+class abs_eap_am_tools_c;
+class eap_file_config_c;
+const TInt KMaxWPAPSKPasswordLength = 64;
+const TInt KWPAPSKLength = 32;
+// Just to make this different of already existing constant.
+const TUint K_Max_SSID_Length = 32;
+/// This class declares the simulator adaptation module of eapol_am_wlan_authentication_c.
+/// See comments of the functions from eapol_am_wlan_authentication_c.
+class EAP_EXPORT eapol_am_wlan_authentication_symbian_c
+: public CActive
+, public eapol_am_wlan_authentication_c
+, public abs_eap_configuration_if_c
+#endif // #if defined(USE_EAP_SIMPLE_CONFIG)
+	//--------------------------------------------------
+	abs_eapol_am_wlan_authentication_c * m_am_partner;
+	abs_eap_configuration_if_c * m_configuration_if;
+#endif // #if defined(USE_EAP_SIMPLE_CONFIG)
+	abs_eap_am_tools_c * m_am_tools;
+	/// This is object to handle file configuration.
+	eap_file_config_c * m_fileconfig;
+	/// SSID of current network.
+	eap_variable_data_c m_SSID;
+	/// WPA(2)-PSK
+	eap_variable_data_c m_wpa_preshared_key;
+	/// HAHS of WPA(2)-PSK 
+	eap_variable_data_c m_wpa_preshared_key_hash;
+	/// This pointer is abstract interface to reference of WLAN database of the current connection.
+	const abs_eapol_wlan_database_reference_if_c * m_wlan_database_reference;
+	/// Handle of database session.
+	RDbs m_session;
+	/// Handle of database file.
+	RFs m_fs;
+	/// Array for storing the loaded EAP types.
+	RPointerArray<CEapType> m_plugin_if_array;
+	/// Enabled expanded EAP configuration data from CommsDat
+	// This is for the outer most EAP (not tunneled)
+	RExpandedEapTypeArray m_enabled_expanded_eap_array;
+	/// Disabled expanded EAP configuration data from CommsDat
+	// This is for the outer most EAP (not tunneled)
+	RExpandedEapTypeArray m_disabled_expanded_eap_array;
+	/// Array which corresponds with m_plugin_if_array and indicates the types of the loaded EAP types.	
+	eap_array_c<eap_type_value_e> m_eap_type_array;
+	/// EAP configuration data from CommDb
+	TEapArray m_iap_eap_array;
+	/// Array which corresponds with m_plugin_if_array and indicates the types of the loaded EAP types.
+	RArray<eap_type_value_e> m_eap_type_array;	
+#endif //#ifdef USE_EAP_EXPANDED_TYPES
+	/// Network identity of current connection.
+	eap_am_network_id_c m_receive_network_id;
+	/// WLAN security mode as defined in Symbian platform.
+	EWlanSecurityMode m_security_mode;
+	/// WLAN authentication type.
+	eapol_key_authentication_type_e m_selected_eapol_key_authentication_type;
+	/// WPA(2)-PSK override.
+	bool m_WPA_override_enabled;
+	/// This object is client (true).
+	bool m_is_client;
+	/// This object is valid (true).
+	bool m_is_valid;
+	//--------------------------------------------------
+	/// This struct is used in WPA(2)-PSK setting handling.
+	struct TPSKEntry
+	{
+		TIndexType indexType;
+		TUint index;
+		TBuf8<K_Max_SSID_Length> ssid;
+		TBuf8<KMaxWPAPSKPasswordLength> password;
+		TBuf8<KWPAPSKLength> psk;
+	};
+	/// This function tries to initialize database.
+	void TryInitDatabaseL();
+	/// This function tries to initialize database or if it fails
+	/// tries to create new database.
+	void InitDatabaseL();
+	/// Function reads one configuration value from database.
+	void read_configureL(
+		const TDesC& aDbName,
+		const TDesC& aTableName,
+		eap_config_string field,
+		const u32_t /*field_length*/,
+		eap_variable_data_c * const data);
+	/// Control function of this active-object.
+	void RunL();
+	/// Cancel function for active-object.
+	void DoCancel();
+	/// This function reads WPA(2)-PSK from database.
+	void RetrievePSKL(TPSKEntry& entry);
+	/// This function saves WPA(2)-PSK to database.
+	void SavePSKL(TPSKEntry& entry);
+	/// This function reads EAP-settings from database.
+	void ReadEAPSettingsL();
+	/// This function set the EAP-type to highest in priority.
+	void SetToTopPriorityL(const eap_type_value_e aEapType);
+#else // For normal EAP types.
+	/// This function set the EAP-type to highest in priority.
+	void SetToTopPriorityL(const TEap* const aEapType);
+#endif // #ifdef USE_EAP_EXPANDED_TYPES
+	/// THis function reads the references to active Internet Access Point (IAP).
+	eap_status_e read_database_reference_values(
+		TIndexType * const type,
+		TUint * const index);
+	/// This function resets all EAP-plugings.
+	eap_status_e reset_eap_plugins();
+	/// This function sends error notification to partner object.
+	void send_error_notification(const eap_status_e error);
+	//--------------------------------------------------
+	//--------------------------------------------------
+	// 
+	EAP_FUNC_IMPORT virtual ~eapol_am_wlan_authentication_symbian_c();
+	// 
+	EAP_FUNC_IMPORT eapol_am_wlan_authentication_symbian_c(
+		abs_eap_am_tools_c * const tools,
+		const bool is_client_when_true,
+		const abs_eapol_wlan_database_reference_if_c * const wlan_database_reference);
+	/// See comments of the functions from eapol_am_wlan_authentication_c.
+	EAP_FUNC_IMPORT bool get_is_valid();
+	EAP_FUNC_IMPORT eap_status_e configure();
+	EAP_FUNC_IMPORT eap_status_e shutdown();
+	EAP_FUNC_IMPORT eap_status_e set_am_partner(
+		abs_eapol_am_wlan_authentication_c * am_partner
+		, abs_eap_configuration_if_c * const configuration_if
+#endif // #if defined(USE_EAP_SIMPLE_CONFIG)
+		);
+	EAP_FUNC_IMPORT eap_status_e reset_eap_configuration();
+	EAP_FUNC_IMPORT eap_status_e set_wlan_parameters(
+		const eap_variable_data_c * const SSID,
+		const bool WPA_override_enabled,
+		const eap_variable_data_c * const wpa_preshared_key,
+		const eapol_key_authentication_type_e selected_eapol_key_authentication_type);
+	EAP_FUNC_IMPORT eap_status_e association(
+		const eap_am_network_id_c * const receive_network_id);
+	EAP_FUNC_IMPORT eap_status_e disassociation(
+		const eap_am_network_id_c * const receive_network_id ///< source includes remote address, destination includes local address.
+		);
+	EAP_FUNC_IMPORT eap_status_e get_selected_eap_types(
+		eap_array_c<eap_type_selection_c> * const selected_eap_types);
+	EAP_FUNC_IMPORT eap_status_e get_wlan_configuration(
+		eap_variable_data_c * const wpa_preshared_key_hash);
+	EAP_FUNC_IMPORT eap_status_e authentication_finished(
+		const bool when_true_successfull,
+		const eap_type_value_e eap_type,
+		const eapol_key_authentication_type_e authentication_type);
+	EAP_FUNC_IMPORT eap_status_e load_module(
+		const eap_type_value_e type,
+		const eap_type_value_e tunneling_type,
+		abs_eap_base_type_c * const partner,
+		eap_base_type_c ** const eap_type_if,
+		const bool is_client_when_true,
+		const eap_am_network_id_c * const receive_network_id ///< source includes remote address, destination includes local address.
+		);
+	EAP_FUNC_IMPORT eap_status_e unload_module(
+		const eap_type_value_e type);
+	EAP_FUNC_IMPORT eap_status_e read_configure(
+		const eap_configuration_field_c * const field,
+		eap_variable_data_c * const data);
+	EAP_FUNC_IMPORT eap_status_e write_configure(
+		const eap_configuration_field_c * const field,
+		eap_variable_data_c * const data);
+	EAP_FUNC_IMPORT eap_status_e set_timer(
+		abs_eap_base_timer_c * const initializer, 
+		const u32_t id, 
+		void * const data,
+		const u32_t p_time_ms);
+	EAP_FUNC_IMPORT eap_status_e cancel_timer(
+		abs_eap_base_timer_c * const initializer, 
+		const u32_t id);
+	EAP_FUNC_IMPORT eap_status_e cancel_all_timers();
+	EAP_FUNC_IMPORT eap_status_e check_is_valid_eap_type(const eap_type_value_e eap_type);
+	EAP_FUNC_IMPORT eap_status_e get_eap_type_list(
+		eap_array_c<eap_type_value_e> * const eap_type_list);
+	EAP_FUNC_IMPORT void state_notification(
+		const abs_eap_state_notification_c * const state);
+	EAP_FUNC_EXPORT eap_status_e save_simple_config_session(
+		const simple_config_state_e state,
+		EAP_TEMPLATE_CONST eap_array_c<simple_config_credential_c> * const credential_array,
+		const eap_variable_data_c * const new_password,
+		const simple_config_Device_Password_ID_e Device_Password_ID,
+		const simple_config_payloads_c * const other_configuration);	
+#endif // #if defined(USE_EAP_SIMPLE_CONFIG)
+	//--------------------------------------------------
+}; // class eapol_am_wlan_authentication_symbian_c
+// End.