changeset 4 32704c33136d
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 4:32704c33136d
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:   Native SISX runtime type for AppMngr2
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include "appmngr2sisxruntime.h"        // CAppMngr2SisxRuntime
    20 #include "appmngr2sisxappinfo.h"        // CAppMngr2SisxAppInfo
    21 #include "appmngr2sisxpackageinfo.h"    // CAppMngr2SisxPackageInfo
    22 #include "appmngr2sisxunknownlist.h"    // CAppMngr2SisxUnknownList
    23 #include "appmngr2sisxswimonitor.h"     // CAppMngr2SisxSwiMonitor
    24 #include <appmngr2runtimeobserver.h>    // MAppMngr2RuntimeObserver
    25 #include <appmngr2recognizedfile.h>     // CAppMngr2RecognizedFile
    26 #include <appmngr2cleanuputils.h>       // CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL
    27 #include <appmngr2debugutils.h>         // FLOG macros
    28 #include <swi/sisregistryentry.h>       // RSisRegistryEntry
    29 #include <swi/sisregistrypackage.h>     // CSisRegistryPackage
    30 #include <data_caging_path_literals.hrh> // KDC_APP_BITMAP_DIR
    31 #include <AknIconArray.h>               // CAknIconArray
    32 #include <AknsUtils.h>                  // AknsUtils
    33 #include <gulicon.h>                    // CGulIcon
    34 #include <eikenv.h>                     // CEikonEnv
    35 #include <driveinfo.h>                  // DriveInfo
    36 #include <f32file.h>                    // RFs
    37 #include <SWInstDefs.h>                 // MIME types
    38 #include <appmngr2sisx.mbg>             // icon IDs
    40 _LIT( KAppMngr2SisxIconFileNameMif, "AppMngr2Sisx.mif" );
    41 _LIT( KDriveSpec, "%c:" );
    42 _LIT8( KSisInstallerUidType, "x-epoc/x-app268436505" );
    44 const TInt KUidLength = 8;
    47 // ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
    49 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    50 // CAppMngr2SisxRuntime::NewL()
    51 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    52 //
    53 CAppMngr2SisxRuntime* CAppMngr2SisxRuntime::NewL( MAppMngr2RuntimeObserver &aObserver )
    54     {
    55     CAppMngr2SisxRuntime* self = new (ELeave) CAppMngr2SisxRuntime( aObserver );
    56     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    57     self->ConstructL( aObserver );
    58     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    59     return self;
    60     }
    62 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    63 // CAppMngr2SisxRuntime::~CAppMngr2SisxRuntime()
    64 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    65 //
    66 CAppMngr2SisxRuntime::~CAppMngr2SisxRuntime()
    67     {
    68     delete iSwiMonitor;
    69     iSisRegistrySession.Close();
    70     }
    72 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    73 // CAppMngr2SisxRuntime::LoadIconsL()
    74 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    75 //
    76 void CAppMngr2SisxRuntime::LoadIconsL( CAknIconArray& aIconArray )
    77     {
    78     MAknsSkinInstance* skinInstance = AknsUtils::SkinInstance();
    79     HBufC* iconFilePath = NULL;
    81     iconFilePath = FullBitmapFileNameLC( KAppMngr2SisxIconFileNameMif );
    83     // Icon loading order in must be the same in which SISX icons
    84     // are defined in TAppMngr2SisxIcons enum in appmngr2sisx.hrh.
    86     // Icon 0: SIS application icon, EQgnMenuAmSis
    87     CGulIcon* icon = AknsUtils::CreateGulIconL( skinInstance,
    88             KAknsIIDQgnMenuAmSis, *iconFilePath,
    89             EMbmAppmngr2sisxQgn_menu_am_sis,
    90             EMbmAppmngr2sisxQgn_menu_am_sis_mask );
    91     CleanupStack::PushL( icon );
    92     aIconArray.AppendL( icon );
    93     CleanupStack::Pop( icon );
    95     // Icon 1: DRM expired rights icon, EQgnPropDrmExpLarge
    96     icon = AknsUtils::CreateGulIconL( skinInstance,
    97             KAknsIIDQgnPropDrmRightsExpLarge, *iconFilePath,
    98             EMbmAppmngr2sisxQgn_prop_drm_exp_large,
    99             EMbmAppmngr2sisxQgn_prop_drm_exp_large_mask );
   100     CleanupStack::PushL( icon );
   101     aIconArray.AppendL( icon );
   102     CleanupStack::Pop( icon );                                                
   104     // Icon 2: untrusted SIS application, EQgnIndiAmInstNoAdd
   105     // Indicator icons are color-skinned as normal icons are
   106     // graphically-skinned. CreateColorIconL() must be used to
   107     // create color-skinned icon.
   108     CFbsBitmap* bitmap = NULL;
   109     CFbsBitmap* mask = NULL;
   110     AknsUtils::CreateColorIconLC( skinInstance,
   111             KAknsIIDQgnIndiAmInstNoAdd,
   112             KAknsIIDQsnIconColors, EAknsCIQsnIconColorsCG13,
   113             bitmap, mask, *iconFilePath,
   114             EMbmAppmngr2sisxQgn_indi_am_inst_no_add,
   115             EMbmAppmngr2sisxQgn_indi_am_inst_no_add_mask,
   116             KRgbBlack );
   117     icon = CGulIcon::NewL( bitmap, mask );
   118     icon->SetBitmapsOwnedExternally( EFalse );
   119     CleanupStack::Pop( 2 );   // bitmap and mask, order may vary
   120     CleanupStack::PushL( icon );
   121     aIconArray.AppendL( icon );
   122     CleanupStack::Pop( icon );
   124     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( iconFilePath );
   125     }
   127 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   128 // CAppMngr2SisxRuntime::GetSupportedDataTypesL()
   129 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   130 //
   131 void CAppMngr2SisxRuntime::GetSupportedDataTypesL(
   132         CDataTypeArray& aDataTypeArray )
   133     {
   134     TDataType sisxType( SwiUI::KSisxMimeType );
   135     aDataTypeArray.AppendL( sisxType );
   136     TDataType sisType( SwiUI::KSisMimeType );
   137     aDataTypeArray.AppendL( sisType );
   138     TDataType pipType( SwiUI::KPipMimeType );
   139     aDataTypeArray.AppendL( pipType );
   140     TDataType installedUidType( KSisInstallerUidType );
   141     aDataTypeArray.AppendL( installedUidType );
   142     }
   144 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   145 // CAppMngr2SisxRuntime::GetAdditionalDirsToScanL()
   146 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   147 //
   148 void CAppMngr2SisxRuntime::GetAdditionalDirsToScanL( RFs& aFsSession,
   149         RPointerArray<HBufC>& aDirs )
   150     {
   151     // Return KAppMngr2DaemonPrivateFolder directories that may contain
   152     // untrusted applications. Untrusted application is partially installed
   153     // and user needs to install it's SISX from KAppMngr2DaemonPrivateFolder
   154     // to complete it's installation. For example, when memory card is inserted
   155     // in mobile phone, installer processes applications installed in the memory
   156     // card. If some memory card application requires user-granted capabilities,
   157     // installer creates SISX in KAppMngr2DaemonPrivateFolder. The SISX must be
   158     // installed to grant the capabilities to the application.
   159     TDriveList driveList;
   160     TInt driveCount = 0;
   161     User::LeaveIfError( DriveInfo::GetUserVisibleDrives( aFsSession, driveList, driveCount ) );
   163     TInt driveListLength = driveList.Length();
   164     for( TInt driveNumber = 0; driveNumber < driveListLength; driveNumber++ )
   165         {
   166         if( driveList[ driveNumber ] )
   167             {
   168             // Internal and remote drives are not listed. Internal drives cannot
   169             // be removed/replaced, so there are no untrusted applications either.
   170             // Remote drives cannot be used to install applications at all.
   171             TUint driveStatus = 0;
   172             TInt err = DriveInfo::GetDriveStatus( aFsSession, driveNumber, driveStatus );
   173             if( err == KErrNone && !( driveStatus & DriveInfo::EDriveRemote ) &&
   174                     !( driveStatus & DriveInfo::EDriveInternal ) )
   175                 {
   176                 TChar driveLetter;
   177                 if( RFs::DriveToChar( driveNumber, driveLetter ) == KErrNone )
   178                     {
   179                     const TInt dirLength = KDriveSpec().Length() +
   180                             KAppMngr2DaemonPrivateFolder().Length(); 
   181                     HBufC* dir = HBufC::NewLC( dirLength );
   182                     TPtr dirPtr = dir->Des();
   183                     dirPtr.Format( KDriveSpec, static_cast<TUint>( driveLetter ) );
   184                     dirPtr.Append( KAppMngr2DaemonPrivateFolder );
   185                     aDirs.AppendL( dir );
   186                     FLOG( "CAppMngr2SisxRuntime::GetAdditionalDirsToScanL: adding %S", dir );
   187                     CleanupStack::Pop( dir );
   188                     }
   189                 }
   190             }
   191         }
   192     }
   194 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   195 // CAppMngr2SisxRuntime::GetInstallationFilesL()
   196 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   197 //
   198 void CAppMngr2SisxRuntime::GetInstallationFilesL(
   199         RPointerArray<CAppMngr2PackageInfo>& aPackageInfos,
   200         const RPointerArray<CAppMngr2RecognizedFile>& aFileList,
   201         RFs& aFsSession, TRequestStatus& aStatus )
   202     {
   203     TInt fileCount = aFileList.Count();
   204     FLOG( "CAppMngr2SisxRuntime::GetInstallationFilesL: fileCount = %d", fileCount );
   205     if( fileCount )
   206         {
   207         // Check if this is the memory card installer daemon private folder.
   208         // All files are from the same directory, 
   209         CAppMngr2RecognizedFile* firstFile = aFileList[ 0 ];
   210         if( firstFile->FileName().Find( KAppMngr2DaemonPrivateFolder ) == KErrNotFound )
   211             {
   212             // No, it isn't. Process all files in aFileList and create package info objects.
   213             FLOG( "CAppMngr2SisxRuntime::GetInstallationFilesL: normal folder" );
   214             for( TInt index = 0; index < fileCount; index++ )
   215                 {
   216                 CAppMngr2RecognizedFile* file = aFileList[ index ];
   218                 TPtrC fileName = file->FileName();
   219                 FLOG( "CAppMngr2SisxRuntime::GetInstallationFilesL: file %S", &fileName );
   220                 CreateNewPackageL( fileName, aPackageInfos, aFsSession );
   221                 }
   222             }
   223         else
   224             {
   225             // It is. Process only those files that are not installed.
   226             FLOG( "CAppMngr2SisxRuntime::GetInstallationFilesL: swidaemon private folder" );
   227             RArray<TUid> uids;
   228             CleanupClosePushL( uids );
   229             iSisRegistrySession.InstalledUidsL( uids );
   231             for( TInt index = 0; index < fileCount; index++ )
   232                 {
   233                 CAppMngr2RecognizedFile* recFile = aFileList[ index ];
   235                 TPtrC fileName = recFile->FileName();
   236                 FLOG( "CAppMngr2SisxRuntime::GetInstallationFilesL: file %S", &fileName );
   238                 // extract UID name from full path name
   239                 TParsePtrC parse( fileName );
   240                 TPtrC uidName = parse.Name().Left( KUidLength );
   241                 FLOG( "CAppMngr2SisxRuntime::GetInstallationFilesL: uidName %S", &uidName );
   243                 // convert UID name to numerical form
   244                 TLex lex( uidName );
   245                 TUint32 uidValue;
   246                 TInt lexError = lex.Val( uidValue, EHex );
   247                 if( lexError == KErrNone )
   248                     {
   249                     // It's an UID name, try to display package name instead
   250                     FLOG( "CAppMngr2SisxRuntime::GetInstallationFilesL: value %08x", uidValue );
   252                     // check if this UID is already installed
   253                     TUid fileUid;
   254                     fileUid.iUid = uidValue;
   255                     if( uids.Find( fileUid ) == KErrNotFound )
   256                         {
   257                         FLOG( "CAppMngr2SisxRuntime::GetInstallationFilesL: not installed" );
   258                         // Not installed, must be displayed. 
   259                         CreateNewPackageL( fileName, aPackageInfos, aFsSession );
   260                         }
   261                     else
   262                         {
   263                         FLOG( "CAppMngr2SisxRuntime::GetInstallationFilesL: is installed" );
   264                         // Installed, two possible cases here. The package is in the
   265                         // SWI daemon private folder in memory card because:
   266                         // 1) memory card application is installed in use normally, or
   267                         // 2) the same application is already in ROM/internal drive.
   268                         // In case 1) this item MAY NOT be displayed here as it is already
   269                         // displayed in "Installed apps" side. In case of 2) it MUST be
   270                         // displayed, so that user can remove it from memory card. Cases
   271                         // 1) and 2) can be identified by checking the memory card's
   272                         // "unknown" list. If the sis package is unknown, it is case 2),
   273                         // as applications that are installed in use, are always known.
   274                         TChar driveLetter = parse.Drive()[ 0 ];
   275                         TInt driveNumber = 0;
   276                         User::LeaveIfError( RFs::CharToDrive( driveLetter, driveNumber ) );
   277                         CAppMngr2SisxUnknownList* unknownSisx = CAppMngr2SisxUnknownList::NewLC(
   278                                 driveNumber );
   279                         TInt unknownIndex = unknownSisx->FindPkgWithUID( fileUid );
   280                         FLOG( "CAppMngr2SisxRuntime::GetInstallationFilesL: unknownIndex %d",
   281                                 unknownIndex );
   282                         if( unknownIndex >= 0 && unknownIndex < unknownSisx->PkgCount() )
   283                             {
   284                             // It is unknown package after all, add it to the list.
   285                             CreateNewPackageL( fileName, aPackageInfos, aFsSession );
   286                             }
   287                         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( unknownSisx );
   288                         }
   289                     }
   290                 else
   291                     {
   292                     // Not an UID name, must be displayed.
   293                     FLOG( "CAppMngr2SisxRuntime::GetInstallationFilesL: not UID name (lexErr %d)",
   294                             lexError );
   295                     CreateNewPackageL( fileName, aPackageInfos, aFsSession );
   296                     }
   297                 }
   299             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &uids );
   300             }
   301         }
   302     TRequestStatus* status = &aStatus;
   303     User::RequestComplete( status, KErrNone );
   304     }
   306 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   307 // CAppMngr2SisxRuntime::CancelGetInstallationFiles()
   308 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   309 //
   310 void CAppMngr2SisxRuntime::CancelGetInstallationFiles()
   311     {
   312     }
   314 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   315 // CAppMngr2SisxRuntime::GetInstalledAppsL()
   316 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   317 //
   318 void CAppMngr2SisxRuntime::GetInstalledAppsL(
   319         RPointerArray<CAppMngr2AppInfo>& aApps,
   320         RFs& aFsSession, TRequestStatus& aStatus )
   321     {
   322     FLOG( "CAppMngr2SisxRuntime::GetInstalledAppsL" );
   324     RPointerArray<Swi::CSisRegistryPackage> removablePackages;
   325     CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL( removablePackages );
   326     iSisRegistrySession.RemovablePackagesL( removablePackages );
   328     TInt appCount = removablePackages.Count();
   329     FLOG( "CAppMngr2SisxRuntime::GetInstalledAppsL, appCount %d", appCount );
   330     for( TInt index = 0; index < appCount; index++ )
   331         {
   332         Swi::RSisRegistryEntry entry;
   333         CleanupClosePushL( entry );
   334         FLOG( "CAppMngr2SisxRuntime::GetInstalledAppsL, uid 0x%08x, name %S",
   335                 removablePackages[ index ]->Uid().Uid,
   336                 &( removablePackages[ index ]->Name() ) );
   337         entry.OpenL( iSisRegistrySession, *( removablePackages[ index ] ) );
   339         FLOG( "CAppMngr2SisxRuntime::GetInstalledAppsL, IsPresentL = %d",
   340                 entry.IsPresentL() );        
   341         // Check that sis entry is present. We should not show applications 
   342         // installed to memory card if card is not found.        
   343         if ( entry.IsPresentL() )
   344             {
   345             FLOG( "CAppMngr2SisxRuntime::GetInstalledAppsL, Sis is present." );
   347             CAppMngr2SisxAppInfo* appObj = NULL;
   348             TRAPD( err, appObj = CAppMngr2SisxAppInfo::NewL( *this, entry, aFsSession ) );
   349             FLOG( "CAppMngr2SisxRuntime::GetInstalledAppsL, err %d", err );
   350             if( err == KErrNone )
   351                 {
   352                 CleanupStack::PushL( appObj );
   353                 aApps.AppendL( appObj );
   354                 CleanupStack::Pop( appObj );
   355                 }
   356             }
   358         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &entry );
   359         }
   361     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &removablePackages );
   363     TRequestStatus* status = &aStatus;
   364     User::RequestComplete( status, KErrNone );
   365     }
   367 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   368 // CAppMngr2SisxRuntime::CancelGetInstalledApps()
   369 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   370 //
   371 void CAppMngr2SisxRuntime::CancelGetInstalledApps()
   372     {
   373     }
   375 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   376 // CAppMngr2SisxRuntime::CAppMngr2SisxRuntime()
   377 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   378 //
   379 CAppMngr2SisxRuntime::CAppMngr2SisxRuntime( MAppMngr2RuntimeObserver &aObserver )
   380         : CAppMngr2Runtime( aObserver ) 
   381     {
   382     }
   384 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   385 // CAppMngr2SisxRuntime::ConstructL()
   386 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   387 //
   388 void CAppMngr2SisxRuntime::ConstructL( MAppMngr2RuntimeObserver& aObserver )
   389     {
   390     User::LeaveIfError( iSisRegistrySession.Connect() );
   391     iSwiMonitor = CAppMngr2SisxSwiMonitor::NewL( aObserver );
   392     }
   394 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   395 // CAppMngr2SisxRuntime::ConstructL()
   396 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   397 //
   398 void CAppMngr2SisxRuntime::CreateNewPackageL( const TDesC& aFileName,
   399         RPointerArray<CAppMngr2PackageInfo>& aPackageInfos, RFs& aFs )
   400     {
   401     CAppMngr2SisxPackageInfo* packageInfo = NULL;
   402     TRAPD( err, packageInfo = CAppMngr2SisxPackageInfo::NewL( *this, aFileName, aFs ) );
   403     FLOG( "CAppMngr2SisxRuntime::CreateNewPackageL: file %S, err %d", &aFileName, err );
   404     if( err == KErrNone )
   405         {
   406         CleanupStack::PushL( packageInfo );
   407         aPackageInfos.AppendL( packageInfo );
   408         CleanupStack::Pop( packageInfo );
   409         }
   410     }