changeset 4 32704c33136d
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 4:32704c33136d
     1 #
     2 # Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 # All rights reserved.
     4 # This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 # under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 # at the URL "".
     8 #
     9 # Initial Contributors:
    10 # Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 #
    12 # Contributors:
    13 #
    14 # Description: 
    15 # Perl script that test Dumpswicertstore tools
    16 #
    18 use File::Basename;
    19 my $scriptdir= dirname $0;
    20 print "Changing dir to $scriptdir\n";
    21 chdir $scriptdir;
    23 $logFile = "\\epoc32\\winscw\\c\\dumpswicertstore_test.txt";
    24 use File::Copy;
    25 use Cwd;
    28 #
    29 #Function to write log into file
    30 #
    31 sub WriteLog 
    32 	{
    33 	my ($log) = @_;
    34 	unless( open($fh, ">> $logFile")) 
    35 		{
    36 		printf STDERR "Can\'t open $logfile:$!\n";
    37 		return;
    38 		}
    39 	printf $fh $log;
    40 	printf $log;
    41 	close $fh;
    42 	}
    44 #
    45 # #
    46 sub CertstoreFile 
    47 	{
    48 	my ($datfile) = @_[0];
    49 	my ($expectedResult) = @_[1];
    50 	$datfile =~ s/\.dat//;
    51 	$neededfolder="";
    52 	$neededfile="";
    53 	$outputDir = "dumpcertstore-output\\";
    54 	if($datfile eq "\\epoc32\\winscw\\c\\resource\\swicertstore\\dat")
    55 		{
    56 		$writable = "writable.log";
    57 		@retval = system("dumpswicertstoretool.exe $datfile > $writable");
    58 		$logMsg = sprintf "Expected code:%5d   result Code:%5d\n", $expectedResult, $?;
    59 		WriteLog( $logMsg);
    60 		$NumberOfTests++;
    62 		if( $? == $expectedResult) 
    63 			{
    64 			$writableoutput = "$outputDir" ."writable.out";
    65 			my $res=`diff "$writableoutput" "writable.log"`;
    66 			if(length($res) == 0)
    67 				{
    68 				$NumberOfPassed++;
    69 				WriteLog("Passed\n\n");
    70 				}
    71 			else
    72 				{
    73 				$NumberOfFailed++;
    74 				WriteLog("Failed: Files $writableoutput and writable.log are not matched\n\n");
    75 				}
    76 			}
    77 		else
    78 			{
    79 			$NumberOfFailed++;
    80 			WriteLog("Failed\n\n");
    81 			}
    82 		unlink("writable.log");
    83 		}
    84 	elsif($datfile eq "somecapabilities.dat \\epoc32\\winscw\\c\\resource\\swicertstore\\dat")
    85 		{
    86 		$both1 = "both1.log";
    87 		@retval = system("dumpswicertstoretool.exe $datfile > $both1");
    88 		$logMsg = sprintf "Expected code:%5d   result Code:%5d\n", $expectedResult, $?;
    89 		WriteLog( $logMsg);
    90 		$NumberOfTests++;
    91 		if( $? == $expectedResult) 
    92 			{
    93 			$both1output = "$outputDir" ."both1.out";
    94 			my $res=`diff "$both1output" "both1.log"`;
    95 			if(length($res) == 0)
    96 				{
    97 				$NumberOfPassed++;
    98 				WriteLog("Passed\n\n");
    99 				}
   100 			else
   101 				{
   102 				$NumberOfFailed++;
   103 				WriteLog("Failed: Files $both1output  and both1.log are not matched\n\n");
   104 				}
   105 			}
   106 		else
   107 			{
   108 			$NumberOfFailed++;
   109 			WriteLog("Failed\n\n");
   110 			}
   111 		 unlink("both1.log");
   112 		}
   113 	elsif($datfile eq "somecapabilities.dat")
   114 		{
   115 		$Yoption = "capdisplay_yoption.log";
   116 		@retval = system("dumpswicertstoretool.exe -y $datfile > $Yoption");
   117 		$logMsg = sprintf "Expected code:%5d   result Code:%5d\n", $expectedResult, $?;
   118 		WriteLog( $logMsg);
   119 		$NumberOfTests++;
   120 		if( $? == $expectedResult) 
   121 			{
   122 			$both1output = "$outputDir" ."capdisplay_yoption.out";
   123 			my $res=`diff "$both1output" "capdisplay_yoption.log"`;
   124 			if(length($res) == 0)
   125 				{
   126 				$NumberOfPassed++;
   127 				WriteLog("Passed\n\n");
   128 				}
   129 			else
   130 				{
   131 				$NumberOfFailed++;
   132 				WriteLog("Failed: Files $both1output  and capdisplay_yoption.log are not matched\n\n");
   133 				}
   134 			}
   135 		else
   136 			{
   137 			$NumberOfFailed++;
   138 			WriteLog("Failed\n\n");
   139 			}
   141 		@retval = system("dumpswicertstoretool.exe -d $datfile > $Yoption");
   142 		$logMsg = sprintf "Expected code:%5d   result Code:%5d\n", $expectedResult, $?;
   143 		WriteLog( $logMsg);
   144 		$NumberOfTests++;
   145 		if( $? == $expectedResult) 
   146 			{
   147 			$both1output = "$outputDir" ."capdisplay_doption.out";
   148 			my $res=`diff "$both1output" "capdisplay_doption.log"`;
   149 			if(length($res) == 0)
   150 				{
   151 				$NumberOfPassed++;
   152 				WriteLog("Passed\n\n");
   153 				}
   154 			else
   155 				{
   156 				$NumberOfFailed++;
   157 				WriteLog("Failed: Files $both1output  and capdisplay_doption.log are not matched\n\n");
   158 				}
   159 			}
   160 		else
   161 			{
   162 			$NumberOfFailed++;
   163 			WriteLog("Failed\n\n");
   164 			}
   166 		 unlink("capdisplay_yoption.log");
   167 		}
   169 	elsif($datfile eq "NoMandatory.dat \\epoc32\\winscw\\c\\resource\\swicertstore\\dat")
   170 		{
   171 		$both2 = "both2.log";
   172 		@retval = system("dumpswicertstoretool.exe $datfile > $both2");
   173 		$logMsg = sprintf "Expected code:%5d   result Code:%5d\n", $expectedResult, $?;
   174 		WriteLog( $logMsg);
   175 		$NumberOfTests++;
   176 		if( $? == $expectedResult) 
   177 			{
   178 			$both2output = "$outputDir" ."both2.out";
   179 			my $res=`diff "$both2output" "both2.log"`;
   180 			if(length($res) == 0)
   181 				{
   182 				$NumberOfPassed++;
   183 				WriteLog("Passed\n\n");
   184 				}
   185 			else
   186 				{
   187 				$NumberOfFailed++;
   188 				WriteLog("Failed: Files $both2output and both2.log are not matched\n\n");
   189 				}
   191 			}
   192 		else
   193 			{
   194 			$NumberOfFailed++;
   195 			WriteLog("Failed\n\n");
   196 			}
   197 		unlink("both2.log");
   199 		}
   200 	else
   201 		{
   202 		@retval = system("dumpswicertstoretool.exe $datfile.dat > $datfile.log");
   203 		$logMsg = sprintf "Expected code:%5d   result Code:%5d\n", $expectedResult, $?;
   204 		WriteLog( $logMsg);
   205 		$NumberOfTests++;
   206 		if( $? == $expectedResult) 
   207 			{
   208 			$outputDat = "$outputDir" ."$datfile.out";
   209 			my $res=`diff "$outputDat" "$datfile.log"`;
   210 			if(length($res) == 0)
   211 				{
   212 				$NumberOfPassed++;
   213 				WriteLog("Passed\n\n");
   214 				}
   215 			else
   216 				{
   217 				$NumberOfFailed++;
   218 				WriteLog("Failed: Files $outputDat and $datfile.log are not matched\n\n");
   219 				}
   220 			if("$pkgfile.dat" eq "AllCapabilities.dat")
   221 				{
   222 				WriteLog("Test for Extract Certificate\n");
   223 				@retval = system("dumpswicertstoretool.exe -c $datfile.dat > $datfile.log");
   224 				$logMsg = sprintf "Expected code:%5d   result Code:%5d\n", $expectedResult, $?;
   225 				WriteLog( $logMsg);
   226 				$NumberOfTests++;
   227 				if( $? == $expectedResult) 
   228 					{
   229 					$neededfile = "Root5CA.der";
   230 					if(-e $neededfile && -s $neededfile)
   231 						{
   232 						$NumberOfPassed++;
   233 						WriteLog("Passed\n\n");
   234 						}
   235 					else
   236 						{
   237 						$NumberOfFailed++;
   238 						WriteLog("Failed\n\n");
   239 						}
   240 					}
   241 				else
   242 					{
   243 					$NumberOfFailed++;
   244 					WriteLog("Failed\n\n");
   245 					}
   246 				}
   249 			}
   250 		else
   251 			{
   252 			$NumberOfFailed++;
   253 			WriteLog("Failed\n\n");
   254 			}
   255 	   unlink("$datfile.log");
   256 		}
   258 	}
   260 #
   261 # Main
   262 #
   263 # Create environment and control test flow to testing Dumpswicertstoretool.EXE 
   264 #
   266 unlink($logFile);
   267 WriteLog("DumpSWICertstoreTool test.\n\n");
   269 #
   270 # Counters for results
   271 #
   272 $NumberOfTests  = 0;
   273 $NUmberOfPassed = 0;
   274 $NumberOfFailed = 0;
   277 #                file name,   			expected , expected log,            Title
   278 #						result     message
   279 #               ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   280 @TestItems = (	["somecapabilities.dat", 	0,    , "Created",		"Test for certstore with certificates having some capablities"],
   281 		["AllCapabilities.dat", 	0,    , "Created",		"Test for certstore with some certificates granting  all capabilities, some granting no capabilities and some granting few capabilities"],
   282 		["somecapabilities.dat", 	0,    , "Created",		"Test for certstore with some certificate (few mandatory flag set and few not set)"],
   283 		["\\epoc32\\winscw\\c\\resource\\swicertstore\\dat", 0,    , "Created",		"Test for writable certstore with multiple files(having corrupt file/files)"],
   284 		["somecapabilities.dat.dat \\epoc32\\winscw\\c\\resource\\swicertstore\\dat", 0,    , "Created", "Test for certstore with Certificates in C: and not in Z: (Merge)"],
   285 		["NoMandatory.dat.dat \\epoc32\\winscw\\c\\resource\\swicertstore\\dat", 0,    , "Created",	"Test for certstore with Certificates in Z: and not in C: (Merge)"],
   286 		["somecapabilities.dat.dat \\epoc32\\winscw\\c\\resource\\swicertstore\\dat", 0,    , "Created", "Test for Certificates in both certstore with different settings (capability and mandatory)(Merge))"],
   287 		["corrupted.dat", 		1024,    , "Verification failed",		"Corrupted certstore"],
   288 		["unicodecertificatename.dat", 	0,    , "Created",		"Test for unicode certificate names"],
   289 		["somecapabilities.dat.dat", 	0,    , "Created",		"Test of tool with y and d option for capabilities having text information "],
   290 		["suflagsupport.dat", 	0,    , "Created",		"Test for certstore with certificates having su flag set"],
   291 	     );
   296 #
   297 # Do test for each elements of TestItems array
   298 #
   299 for my $Test ( @TestItems )  
   300 	{
   301 	$testid = sprintf "SEC-SWI-I-CERTSTORE-000%d\n",$NumberOfTests+1;
   302 	WriteLog($testid);
   303 	$logMsg = sprintf "%s\n", $Test->[3];
   304 	WriteLog($logMsg);
   305 	CertstoreFile($Test->[0], $Test->[1]);
   306 	}
   308 opendir(DIR, ".");
   309 while (defined($file=readdir(DIR)))
   310 	{
   311 	$datfile = $file;
   312 	$file =~ s/\.der//;
   313 	$datfile= ~ s/\.dat//;
   314 	if(-e "$file.der")
   315 		{
   316 		unlink("$file.der");
   317 		}
   318 	close(DIR);
   319 	}
   321 opendir(DIR, ".");
   322 while (defined($file=readdir(DIR)))
   323 	{
   324 	$file =~ s/\.dat//;
   325 	if(-e "$file.dat")
   326 		{
   327 		unlink("$file.dat");
   328 		}
   329 	close(DIR);
   330 	}
   331 #
   332 # Display the result
   333 #
   334 WriteLog("\n\nTests completed OK\n");
   335 WriteLog(sprintf "Run: %d\n", $NumberOfTests );
   336 WriteLog(sprintf "Passed: %d\n", $NumberOfPassed );
   337 WriteLog(sprintf "%d tests failed out of %d\n", $NumberOfFailed, $NumberOfTests );