changeset 4 32704c33136d
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 4:32704c33136d
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include <iostream>
    20 #include "options.h"
    21 #include "utility.h"
    22 #include "symbiantypes.h"
    23 #include "utility_interface.h"
    25 void Options::DisplayError (CmdLineException err)
    26 	{
    27 	const char* msg;
    28 	switch (err)
    29 		{
    30 		case ECmdLineUnknownOption:
    31 			msg = "unknown option specified";
    32 			break;
    33 		case ECmdLineMissingSIS:
    34 			msg = "no SIS file specified";
    35 			break;
    36 		case ECmdLineMultipleSIS:
    37 			msg = "too many SIS files specified";
    38 			break;
    39 		case ECmdLineNoDirArgument:
    40 			msg = "No argument supplied with the -d flag";
    41 			break;
    42 		case ECmdLineDirIsFile:
    43 			msg = "Directory specified with the -d flag is a file";
    44 			break;
    45 		case ECmdLineNoPermission:
    46 			msg = "Permission was denied when using directory specified with -d";
    47 			break;
    48 		case ECmdLineOtherDirFailure:
    49 			msg = "Operation failed when accessing directory specified with -d";
    50 			break;
    51 		case ECmdLineInvalidDir:
    52 			msg = "Directory name specified with -d could not be created, invalid name";
    53 			break;
    54 		default:
    55 			msg = "unknown error";
    56 			break;
    57 		}
    58 	std::cerr << CommandName () << ": Error in command: " << msg << std::endl;
    59 	DisplayUsage ();
    60 	}
    62 void Options::DisplayUsage ()
    63 	{
    64 	std::cout << "Usage: " << CommandName () << " [-v] [-h] [-x] [-l[-y]][-d directory] filename.sis" << std::endl;
    65 	std::cout << "Where:\t-i\tdisplays verbose output" << std::endl;
    66 	std::cout << "\t-v\tdisplays version" << std::endl;
    67 	std::cout << "\t-h\tdisplays this message" << std::endl;
    68 	std::cout << "\t-x\textracts the files" << std::endl;
    69 	std::cout << "\t-d\tspecifies where you wish to extract the files to" << std::endl; 
    70 	std::cout << "\t-p\tpauses when finishing" << std::endl;
    71 	std::cout << "\t-l\tlist the executable against their capablities. " << std::endl;
    72 	std::cout << "\t\tAlso verifies capablities with executable header" << std::endl;
    73 	std::cout << "\t-y\tlist the executable against their capablities, " << std::endl;
    74 	std::cout << "\t\tin the format supported by DumpInstallFileStatus" << std::endl;
    75 	std::cout << "\t\tThis option has to be given along with -l option" << std::endl;
    77 	}
    79 /**
    80 *This is a new function added to provide version information
    81 */
    83 void Options::DisplayVersion()
    84 {
    85 	std::cout << "\nDUMPSIS  Version  " << MajorVersion << '.' << MinorVersion << std::endl;
    86 	std::cout << "A utility for decompiling Software Installation (SIS) files" << std::endl;
    87 	std::cout <<"Copyright (c) Symbian Software Limited 2004-2008. All rights reserved.\n\n" << std::flush;
    88 }
    90 Options::Options (int argc, wchar_t** argv)
    91 	: iVerboseFlag (false),
    92 	iVersion (false),
    93 	iHelpFlag (false),
    94 	iExtractFilesFlag (false),
    95 	iPauseOnExit (false),
    96 	iList(false),
    97 	iCreateECI(false)
    98 	{
    99 	while (--argc)
   100 		{
   101 		argv++;
   102 		if ((**argv == '-') || (**argv == '/'))
   103 			{
   104 			const wchar_t* optPtr = *argv;
   106 			while (*++optPtr)
   107 				{
   108 				switch (*optPtr)
   109 					{
   110 					case 'd':
   111 					case 'D':
   112 						if (argc > 1)
   113 							{
   114 							argc--;
   115 							iExtractDirectory = *(++argv);
   116 							}
   117 						else
   118 							{
   120 							throw ECmdLineNoDirArgument;
   122 							}
   123 						break;
   125 					case 'h':
   126 					case 'H':
   127 					case '?':
   128 						iHelpFlag = true;
   129 						break;
   130 					case 'v':
   131 					case 'V':
   132 						iVersion = true;
   133 						break;
   135 					case 'p':
   136 					case 'P':
   137 						iPauseOnExit = true;
   138 						break;
   139 					case 'i':
   140 					case 'I':
   141 						iVerboseFlag = true;
   142 						break;
   143 					case 'x':
   144 					case 'X':
   145 						iExtractFilesFlag = true;
   146 						break;
   148 					case 'l':
   149 					case 'L':
   150 						iList = true;
   151 						break;
   152 					case 'y':
   153 					case 'Y':
   154 						iCreateECI = true;
   155 						break;
   158 					default:
   159 						throw ECmdLineUnknownOption;
   160 					}
   161 				}
   162 			}
   163 		else
   164 			{
   165 			if (iSISFileName != L"")
   166 				{
   167 				throw ECmdLineMultipleSIS;
   168 				}
   169 			else
   170 				{
   171 				iSISFileName = *argv;
   172 				}
   173 			}
   174 		}
   176 	if (iHelpFlag)
   177 		{
   178 		DisplayUsage ();
   179 		if (iSISFileName == L"")	// If we were asked for help then we shouldn't
   180 			{				// complain that there's no SIS file specified,
   181 			exit (0);		// just exit quietly.
   182 			}
   183 		}
   185 	if (iVersion)
   186 		{
   187 		DisplayVersion ();
   188 		if (iSISFileName == L"")
   189 			{
   190 			exit (0);		
   191 			}
   192 		}
   194 	if (iSISFileName == L"")
   195 		{
   196 		throw ECmdLineMissingSIS;	
   197 		}
   199 	// Sanity check the directory argument
   200 	// If directory name is not provided then
   201 	// generate a directory name.
   202 	GetExtractDir();
   203 	}
   205 void Options::GetExtractDir()
   206 	{
   207 	iExtractDirectory = FixPathDelimiters(iExtractDirectory);
   209 	if(iExtractDirectory != L"")
   210 		{
   211 		return;
   212 		}
   214 	int pos = iSISFileName.rfind(L".sis");
   215 	if(std::wstring::npos == pos)
   216 		{
   217 		pos = iSISFileName.rfind(L".ctl");
   218 		}
   220 	if(std::wstring::npos == pos)
   221 		{
   222 		iExtractDirectory = L".";
   223 		}
   224 	else
   225 		{
   226 		iExtractDirectory = FixPathDelimiters(iSISFileName);
   227 		pos = iExtractDirectory.find_last_of(L"/");
   228 		if (std::wstring::npos == pos)
   229 			{
   230 			pos = 0;
   231 			}
   232 		else
   233 			{
   234 			pos += 1; // Discard "/"
   235 			}
   237 		// Discard the extension
   238 		int dirLength = iExtractDirectory.length() - 4 - pos;
   239 		iExtractDirectory = iExtractDirectory.substr(pos, dirLength);
   240 		}
   241 	}