changeset 25 98b66e4fb0be
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24:84a16765cd86 25:98b66e4fb0be
     1 // Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // Resource reader
    15 // 
    16 //
    17 /** 
    18 * @file BaRsReadImpl.cpp
    19 *
    20 * @internalComponent
    21 * @released
    22 */
    23 #include <iostream>
    24 #include <cassert>
    25 #include <string>
    26 #include "barsreadimpl.h"
    27 #include "barsc2.h"
    29 #define REINTERPRET_CAST(type,exp) (reinterpret_cast<type>(exp))
    31 /** @internalComponent
    32 An error will be issued at compile time if the class size is not KRsReaderImplSize. */
    33 TResourceReaderImpl::TResourceReaderImpl() :
    34     iBuffer(NULL),
    35     iCurrentPtr(NULL)
    36 	{
    37 	//TResourceReaderImpl size. It should be 8 because of the BC reasons.
    38 	//8 is the size of TResourceReader class.
    39 	enum
    40 		{
    41 			KRsReaderImplSize = 8
    42 		};
    43 	assert(sizeof(TResourceReaderImpl) == KRsReaderImplSize);
    44 	}
    46 /** Sets the buffer containing the resource data.
    48 The current position within the buffer is set to the start of the buffer so 
    49 that subsequent calls to the interpreting functions, for example ReadInt8(), 
    50 start at the beginning of this buffer.
    52 @internalComponent
    53 @param aBuffer Pointer to an 8 bit non-modifiable buffer containing 
    54 or representing resource data.
    55 @param aResourceId The numeric id of the resource to be read.
    56 @post Buffer pointer is initialized.
    57 @post Buffer current position pointer is initialized. */
    58 void TResourceReaderImpl::SetBuffer(const Ptr8* aBuffer)
    59 {
    60 	iBuffer=aBuffer;
    61 	iCurrentPtr= (TUint8*)iBuffer->GetPtr();
    62 }
    64 /** Sets the buffer and current position to NULL.
    65 @internalComponent
    66 @post Buffer pointer is set to NULL.
    67 @post Buffer current position pointer is set to NULL. */
    68 void TResourceReaderImpl::ResetBuffer()
    69 	{
    70 	iBuffer=NULL;
    71 	iCurrentPtr=NULL;
    72 	}
    74 /** Returns the current position within the resource buffer. 
    76 The function makes no assumption about the type of data in the buffer at the 
    77 current position.
    79 @internalComponent
    80 @return A pointer to the current position within the resource buffer. */
    81 const TAny* TResourceReaderImpl::Ptr()
    82     {
    83     return(iCurrentPtr);
    84     }
    86 /** Updates iCurrentPtr with a new value.
    88 @internalComponent
    89 @pre iBuffer is not NULL.
    90 @pre aPtr is not NULL.
    91 @param aPtr The new value of iCurrentPtr.
    92 @post iCurrentPtr is updated.
    93 @leave KErrOff The new iCurrentPtr points beyond the buffer end. */
    94 void TResourceReaderImpl::MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr)
    95     {
    96 	assert(iBuffer != NULL);
    97 	assert(aPtr != NULL);
    98 	if(aPtr > ((TUint8*)(  iBuffer->GetPtr() +  iBuffer->GetLength()  )))
    99 	{
   100 		std::string errMsg= "Failed : Trying to access pointer beyond valid range for registrationFile";
   101 		throw CResourceFileException(errMsg);
   102 	}
   104     iCurrentPtr=aPtr;
   105     }
   107 /** Interprets the data at the current buffer position as leading byte count data 
   108 and constructs a 16 bit heap buffer containing a copy of this data.
   110 The data is interpreted as:
   112 a byte value defining the number of 16 bit text characters
   113 (the resource string/binary data length is limited to 255 characters max)
   115 followed by:
   117 the 16 bit text characters.
   119 If the value of the leading byte is zero, the function assumes that no data 
   120 follows the leading byte and returns a NULL pointer.
   122 The current position within the resource buffer is updated.
   124 Do not use this explicit 16 bit variant when the resource contains binary 
   125 data; use the explicit 8 bit variant instead. If the resource contains text, 
   126 use the build independent variant ReadHBufCL().
   128 @internalComponent
   129 @pre The same as for ReadTPtrC16L().
   130 @return Pointer to the 16bit heap buffer containing a
   131 copy of the data following the leading byte count at
   132 the current position within the resource buffer. The
   133 pointer can be NULL.
   134 @post iCurrentPtr is updated.
   135 @leave The same as ReadTPtrC16L(). 
   136 @see ReadTPtrC16L() */
   138 Ptr16* TResourceReaderImpl::ReadHBufCL()
   139 	{
   141 		PtrC16* ucode = ReadTPtrC16L();
   142 		if(NULL==ucode)
   143 			return NULL;
   144 		Ptr16* unicode = new Ptr16(ucode->iMaxLength);
   145 		memcpy(unicode->GetPtr(),ucode->iPtr,ucode->iMaxLength*2);
   146 		unicode->UpdateLength(ucode->iMaxLength);
   147 		return unicode;
   148 	}
   151 /** Interprets the data at the current buffer position as leading byte count data 
   152 and constructs an 8 bit non modifiable pointer to represent this data.
   154 The data is interpreted as:
   156 a byte value defining the number of text characters or the length of binary 
   157 data (the resource string/binary data length is limited to 255 characters max)
   159 followed by:
   161 the 8 bit text characters or binary data.
   163 If the value of the leading byte is zero, calling Length() on the returned 
   164 TPtrC8 returns zero.
   166 The current position within the resource buffer is updated.
   168 Use this explicit 8 bit variant when the resource contains binary data. If 
   169 the resource contains text, then use the build independent variant ReadTPtrC().
   171 In general, this type of resource data corresponds to one of the following:
   173 a LTEXT type in a resource STRUCT declaration.
   175 a variable length array within a STRUCT declaration which includes the LEN 
   176 BYTE keywords.
   178 @internalComponent
   179 @pre iCurrentPtr != NULL.
   180 @pre The same as MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr).
   181 @return 8bit non modifiable pointer representing
   182 the data following the leading byte count at the
   183 current position within the resource buffer.
   184 @post iCurrentPtr is updated.
   185 @leave The same as MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr).
   186 @see MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr) */
   187 PtrC8* TResourceReaderImpl::ReadTPtrC8L()
   188 	{
   189 	assert(iCurrentPtr != NULL);
   190 	const TUint8* currentPtr=iCurrentPtr;//TUint8 pointer is used, which means that the 
   191 	//resource string length is limited to 255 characters max.
   192 	const TInt strLen=*currentPtr;
   193 	++currentPtr;
   195 	PtrC8* unicode = new PtrC8;
   197 	if(!strLen)
   198 		unicode = NULL;
   199 	else
   200 	{
   201 		unicode ->iMaxLength = strLen;
   202 		unicode ->iPtr = currentPtr;
   203 	}
   204 	MovePtrL(currentPtr+strLen);
   205 	return unicode;
   206 	}
   208 /** Interprets the data at the current buffer position as leading byte count data 
   209 and constructs a 16 bit non modifiable pointer to represent this data.
   211 The data is interpreted as:
   213 a byte value defining the number of 16 bit text characters 
   214 (the resource string/binary data length is limited to 255 characters max)
   216 followed by:
   218 the 16 bit text characters.
   220 If the value of the leading byte is zero, calling Length() on the returned 
   221 TPtrC16 returns zero.
   223 The current position within the resource buffer is updated.
   225 Do not use this explicit 16 bit variant when the resource contains binary 
   226 data; use the explicit 8 bit variant instead. If the resource contains text, 
   227 use the build independent variant ReadTPtrC().
   229 @internalComponent
   230 @pre iCurrentPtr != NULL.
   231 @pre The same as MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr).
   232 @return Pointer to an 8bit variant flat array.
   233 @post iCurrentPtr is updated.
   234 @leave KErrCorrupt The resource is a unicode string and it is not properly aligned.
   235 @leave The same as MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr).
   236 @see MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr) */
   238 PtrC16* TResourceReaderImpl::ReadTPtrC16L()
   239 	{
   240 	assert(iCurrentPtr != NULL);
   241 	const TUint8* currentPtr=iCurrentPtr;//TUint8 pointer is used, which means that the 
   243 	//resource string length is limited to 255 characters max.
   244 	const TInt unicodeLength=*currentPtr;
   245 	++currentPtr;
   246 	if (unicodeLength!=0)
   247 		{
   248 		if (REINTERPRET_CAST(TUint,currentPtr)&0x1)
   249 			{
   250 			// The resource compiler puts out a padding byte (arbitrarily 0xab)
   251 			// to ensure the alignment of Unicode strings within each resource.
   252 				if(*currentPtr!=0xab)
   253 				{
   254 					std::string errMsg= "Failed : Trying to access invalid registrationFile";
   255 					throw CResourceFileException(errMsg);
   256 				}
   257 			++currentPtr;
   258 			}
   259 		}
   261 	if (unicodeLength ==0)
   262 	{
   263 		MovePtrL(currentPtr);
   264 		return NULL;
   265 	}
   266 	else
   267 	{
   268 		PtrC16* unicode = new PtrC16;
   269 		unicode ->iMaxLength = unicodeLength;
   270 		unicode ->iPtr = (TUint16*) currentPtr;
   272 		currentPtr+=unicodeLength*sizeof(TText16);
   273 		MovePtrL(currentPtr);
   274 		return unicode;
   275 	}
   276 }
   279 /** Interprets the data at the current buffer position as a TInt8 type and returns 
   280 the value as a TInt.
   282 The current position within the resource buffer is updated.
   284 In general, a TInt8 corresponds to a BYTE type in a resource STRUCT declaration.
   286 Note that in Symbian OS, a TInt is at least as big as a TInt8.
   288 @internalComponent
   289 @pre iCurrentPtr != NULL.
   290 @pre The same as MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr).
   291 @return The TInt8 value taken from the resource buffer.
   292 @post The same as MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr).
   293 @leave The same as MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr).
   294 @see MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr) */
   295 TInt TResourceReaderImpl::ReadInt8L()
   296     {
   297 	assert(iCurrentPtr != NULL);
   298     const TUint8* currentPtr=iCurrentPtr;
   299     MovePtrL(currentPtr+sizeof(TInt8));
   300     return(*(TInt8*)currentPtr);
   301     }
   303 /** Interprets the data at the current buffer position as a TUint8 type and returns 
   304 the value as a TUint.
   306 The current position within the resource buffer is updated.
   308 In general, a TUint8 corresponds to a BYTE type in a resource STRUCT declaration.
   310 Note that in Symbian OS, a TUint is at least as big as a TUint8.
   312 @internalComponent
   313 @pre iCurrentPtr != NULL.
   314 @pre The same as MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr).
   315 @return The TUint8 value taken from the resource buffer.
   316 @post The same as MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr).
   317 @leave The same as MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr).
   318 @see MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr) */
   319 TUint32 TResourceReaderImpl::ReadUint8L()
   320     {
   321 	assert(iCurrentPtr != NULL);
   322     const TUint8* currentPtr=iCurrentPtr;
   323     MovePtrL(currentPtr+sizeof(TUint8));
   324     return(*(TUint8*)currentPtr);
   325     }
   327 /** Interprets the data at the current buffer position as a TInt16 type and returns 
   328 the value as a TInt.
   330 The current position within the resource buffer is updated.
   332 In general, a TInt16 corresponds to a WORD type in a resource STRUCT declaration.
   334 Note that in Symbian OS, a TInt is at least as big as a TInt16.
   336 @internalComponent
   337 @pre iCurrentPtr != NULL.
   338 @pre The same as MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr).
   339 @return The TInt16 value taken from the resource buffer.
   340 @post The same as MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr).
   341 @leave The same as MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr).
   342 @see MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr) */
   343 TInt TResourceReaderImpl::ReadInt16L()
   344     {
   345 	assert(iCurrentPtr != NULL);
   346     if (((TUint32)iCurrentPtr)%2)
   347         {
   348         TInt16 ret;
   349         ReadL(&ret,sizeof(ret));
   350         return(ret);
   351         }
   352     const TUint8* currentPtr=iCurrentPtr;
   353     MovePtrL(currentPtr+sizeof(TInt16));
   354     return(*(TInt16*)currentPtr);
   355     }
   357 /** Interprets the data at the current buffer position as a TInt32 type and returns 
   358 the value as a TInt.
   360 The current position within the resource buffer is updated.
   362 In general, a TInt32 corresponds to a LONG type in a resource STRUCT declaration.
   364 Note that in Symbian OS, TInt and TInt32 are the same size.
   366 @internalComponent
   367 @pre iCurrentPtr != NULL.
   368 @pre The same as MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr).
   369 @return The TInt32 value taken from the resource buffer.
   370 @post The same as MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr).
   371 @leave The same as MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr).
   372 @see MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr) */
   373 TInt TResourceReaderImpl::ReadInt32L()
   374     {
   375 	assert(iCurrentPtr != NULL);
   376     if (((TUint)iCurrentPtr)%4)
   377         {
   378         TInt32 ret;
   379         ReadL(&ret,sizeof(ret));
   380         return(ret);
   381         }
   382     const TUint8* currentPtr=iCurrentPtr;
   383     MovePtrL(currentPtr+sizeof(TInt32));
   384 	return(*(TInt32*)currentPtr);
   385     }
   388 /** Interprets the data at the current buffer position as a TUint32 type and returns 
   389 the value as a TUint.
   391 The current position within the resource buffer is updated.
   393 In general, a TUint32 corresponds to a LONG type in a resource STRUCT declaration.
   395 Note that in Symbian OS a TUint is the same size as a TUint32.
   397 @internalComponent
   398 @pre iCurrentPtr != NULL.
   399 @pre The same as MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr).
   400 @return The TUint32 value taken from the resource buffer.
   401 @post The same as MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr).
   402 @leave The same as MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr).
   403 @see MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr) */
   404 TUint32 TResourceReaderImpl::ReadUint32L()
   405     {
   406 	assert(iCurrentPtr != NULL);
   407     if (((TUint32)iCurrentPtr)%4)
   408         {
   409         TUint32 ret;
   410         ReadL(&ret,sizeof(ret));
   411         return(ret);
   412         }
   413     const TUint8* currentPtr=iCurrentPtr;
   414     MovePtrL(currentPtr+sizeof(TUint32));
   415     return(*(TUint32*)currentPtr);
   416     }
   418 /** Copies a specified length of data from the resource buffer, starting at the 
   419 current position within the buffer, into the location pointed to by a specified 
   420 pointer. No assumption is made about the type of data at being read.
   422 The current position within the resource buffer is updated.
   424 @internalComponent
   425 @pre iCurrentPtr != NULL.
   426 @pre The same as MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr).
   427 @param aPtr Pointer to the target location for data copied from the resource buffer.
   428 @param  aLength The length of data to be copied from the resource buffer.
   429 @post The same as MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr).
   430 @leave The same as MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr).
   431 @see MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr) */
   432 void TResourceReaderImpl::ReadL(TAny* aPtr,TInt aLength)
   433     {
   434 	assert(iCurrentPtr != NULL);
   435     const TUint8* currentPtr=iCurrentPtr;
   436     MovePtrL(currentPtr+aLength);
   437     memcpy(aPtr,currentPtr,aLength);
   438     }