changeset 48 364021cecc90
equal deleted inserted replaced
47:3f419852be07 48:364021cecc90
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *     CADMAppUi implementation
    16 *
    17 *
    18 */
    22 #include <ADM.rsg>
    23 #include <ADM.mbg>
    24 #include <bacline.h>
    25 #include <COEUTILS.H>
    26 #include <mmtsy_names.h>    // Phone information
    27 #include <hal.h>            // Hal::GetData()
    28 #include <PathInfo.h>       // PathInfo::
    29 #include <sysutil.h>        // SysUtil::DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevel(), GetSWVersion()
    30 #include <stringloader.h>   // StringLoader::LoadLC()
    31 #include <aknquerydialog.h>
    32 #include <aknnotewrappers.h>
    33 #include <avkon.rsg>        // Default dialogs
    34 #include <BAUTILS.H>
    35 #include <rconnmon.h>
    36 #include "ADM.hrh"
    37 #include "ADM.pan"
    38 #include "ADMApplication.h"
    39 #include "ADMAppUi.h"
    40 #include "ADMStateMachine.h"
    41 #include "ADMXmlParser.h"
    42 #include "ADMSisParser.h"
    43 #include "ADMPackageInfo.h"
    44 #include "ADMDownloadHandler.h"
    45 #include "ADMInstallManager.h"
    46 #include "networkstatuslistener.h"
    48 #include "debug.h"
    49 #include "globals.h"
    50 #include "config.h"
    51 #include "macros.h"
    52 #include "utils.h"
    54 #ifdef USE_LOGFILE
    55 _LIT(KADMLogDir, "ADM");
    56 _LIT(KADMLogFileName, "log.txt" );
    57 _LIT(KADMLogFile, "?:\\logs\\ADM\\log.txt");
    58 #endif
    60 /**
    61  * Download path for dependency packages
    62  */
    63 _LIT(KADMFolderPath,"?:\\system\\adm\\");
    65 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
    66 void CADMAppUi::ConstructL()
    67 	{
    68 	LOG( "+ CADMAppUi::ConstructL()" );
    70 	// Hide from application task list
    71 	HideApplicationFromFSW();
    73 	// Initialise app UI with standard value.
    74 	BaseConstructL( ENoScreenFurniture /*CAknAppUi::EAknEnableSkin*/);
    75 	StatusPane()->MakeVisible(EFalse);
    77 	// Set download path
    78 	TChar systemDrive;
    79 	RFs::DriveToChar(RFs::GetSystemDrive(), systemDrive);
    80 	HBufC* downloadPath = KADMFolderPath().AllocLC();
    81 	downloadPath->Des()[0] = systemDrive;
    83 	// Create the state machine
    84 	iStateMachine = CStateMachine::NewL(*this, *downloadPath);
    86 	iRfs = iEikonEnv->FsSession();
    88 	iOviStoreRunning = CUtils::OviStoreRunning();
    90 	// Process command line arguments
    91 	ProcessCommandLineArgsL();
    93 	iProgress = CProgressDialog::NewL(*this);
    95 	// If we don't have exit reason set, we can show the progress already
    96 	if (iExitReason == EExitNoError)
    97 		{
    98 		// Show progress bar with little progress already early on
    99 		const TInt waitNoteRes = iResumingInstallation
   102 		ShowGlobalProgressL( waitNoteRes, 1, 10 );
   103 		}
   105 	iSwVersion = HBufC::NewL(KSysUtilVersionTextLength);
   107 	// Initialize the telephone server
   108 	User::LeaveIfError( iTelServer.Connect() );
   109 	User::LeaveIfError( iTelServer.LoadPhoneModule( KMmTsyModuleName ) );
   110 	User::LeaveIfError( iPhone.Open( iTelServer, KMmTsyPhoneName ) );
   112 	// Get device information
   113 	User::LeaveIfError( GetPhoneInformation() );
   115 	// Ignore the return code. Default URL will be used if error happens (leaves if no memory)
   116 	ReadConfigurationL();
   118 	ReadStaticResourcesL();
   120 	// Kick the state machine running
   121 	iStateMachine->Start();
   123 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(downloadPath);
   125 	LOG( "- CADMAppUi::ConstructL()" );
   126 	}
   128 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   129 // CADMAppUi::CADMAppUi()
   130 // C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that might leave.
   131 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   132 //
   133 CADMAppUi::CADMAppUi() :
   134 		iExitReason(EExitNoError),
   135 		iIAP(KInvalidIapId),
   136 		iIsResumeRequired(ETrue)
   137 	{
   138 	// disable possible transition effects
   139 	SetFullScreenApp(EFalse);
   140 	INIT_DEBUG_LOG( KADMLogFile(), KADMLogDir, KADMLogFileName );
   141 	LOG( "CADMAppUi::CADMAppUi()" );
   142 	// Restore our thread priority to normal, we have been launched
   143 	// with EPriorityBackground
   144 //	RThread().SetPriority(EPriorityNormal);
   145 	}
   147 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   148 // CADMAppUi::~CADMAppUi()
   149 // Destructor.
   150 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   151 //
   152 CADMAppUi::~CADMAppUi()
   153 	{
   154 	LOG( "CADMAppUi::~CADMAppUi()" );
   156 	// Stop the state machine
   157 	iStateMachine->Stop();
   159 	// Just be make sure that all global stuff is out from the screen
   160 	CancelProgressBar();
   161 	CancelWaitNote();
   163 	iPhone.Close();
   164 	iTelServer.Close();
   166 	DELETE_IF_NONNULL( iQueryMessage            );
   167 	DELETE_IF_NONNULL( iGlobalConfirmationQuery );
   168 	DELETE_IF_NONNULL( iGlobalQueryObserver     );
   169 	delete iAppIconFilename;
   170 	delete iMainAppName;
   171 	delete iConfigUrl;
   172 	delete iSwVersion;
   173 	delete iProgress;
   174 	delete iDepFileName;
   175 	delete iSisFileName;
   176 	delete iStateMachine;
   179 	}
   181 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   182 // Processes the command line parameters and sets state machine initial
   183 // state according to the parameters.
   184 //
   185 // Requires that the state machine has been instantiated (iStateMachine).
   186 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   187 //
   188 void CADMAppUi::ProcessCommandLineArgsL()
   189 	{
   190 	LOG( "+ ProcessCommandLineArgsL()" );
   191 	CCommandLineArguments* args = CCommandLineArguments::NewLC();
   192 	const TInt count = args->Count();
   195 	// If ADM is launched from the menu, we don't get any command line parameters
   196 	// Need to read the info from the resume info file, if it exists.
   197 	if (count == 1)
   198 		{
   199 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(args);
   200 		const TInt ret = ReadResumeInfoL();
   201 		if (ret != KErrNone)
   202 			{
   203 			ShowGlobalNoteL(EAknGlobalErrorNote, R_ADM_ERR_NO_PENDING_INSTALLATIONS_TEXT);
   204 			ExitApp();
   205 			}
   206 		iResumingInstallation = ETrue;
   207 		return;
   208 		}
   209 #else
   210 	if (count == 1)
   211 		{
   212 		User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
   213 		}
   216 	// index to the command line args, starting at 1 (0 = executable name)
   217 	TInt index = 1;
   219 #ifdef DO_LOG
   220 	for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
   221 		{
   222 		LOG3( "Arg[%d]='%S'", i, &(args->Arg(i)) );
   223 		}
   224 #endif
   226 	TPtrC arg = args->Arg(index++);
   227 	TLex lex(arg);
   228 	TUint32 protocolVerRaw = 0;
   229 	TUint32 protocolVer = 0;
   230 	TUint32 tmp;
   231 	if ( lex.Val(protocolVerRaw, EDecimal) == 0)
   232 		{
   233 		LOG3( "(cmd) pVer(raw) = %d (%03x)", protocolVerRaw, protocolVerRaw );
   234 		protocolVer = (protocolVerRaw & KCmdLineBitProtocolVerMask);
   235 		}
   236 	else
   237 		{
   238 		LOG( "Invalid P/BVersion, PANIC" );
   239 		Panic(EPanicAdmCmdLineArgs);
   240 		}
   242 	if (protocolVer < 15)
   243 		{
   244 		// assume it's old version without the bit field support
   245 		LOG2( "Using old args %d", protocolVer );
   247 		// Following are the command line args passed in the old version of Bootstrap:
   248 		// arg 0 - ADM.exe
   249 		// arg 1 - Bootstrap Version
   250 		// arg 2 - WrapperUid
   251 		// arg 3 - IAP
   252 		// arg 4 - Sisfilename
   253 		// arg 5 - Depfilename (optional)
   255 		// Get the Bootstrap version
   256 		iBootstrapVersion = protocolVer;
   257 		LOG2("(cmd) BVersion: %x", iBootstrapVersion);
   259 		// Get the Wrapper uid
   260 		TPtrC uidPtr = args->Arg(index++);
   261 		lex.Assign(uidPtr);
   262 		TUint32 uid = 0;
   263 		if ( lex.Val(uid, EDecimal ) == 0)
   264 			{
   265 			LOG2("(cmd) Wrapper Uid: 0x%x", uid);
   267 			iWrapperPackageUid = TUid::Uid(uid);
   268 			}
   270 		// See if at least the minimum options required are provided
   271 		if (count < 5)
   272 			{
   273 			LOG2( "Incorrect # of arguments (%d) passed from bootstrap, PANIC", count );
   274 			Panic(EPanicAdmCmdLineArgs);
   275 			}
   277 		// Get Iap
   278 		TPtrC iapPtr = args->Arg(index++);
   279 		lex.Assign(iapPtr);
   280 		if ( lex.Val(iIAP, EDecimal) == 0 )
   281 			{
   282 			LOG2("(cmd) IAP: %d", iIAP);
   283 			iStateMachine->SetIAP(iIAP);
   284 			}
   286 		switch (iBootstrapVersion)
   287 			{
   288 			case 1:
   289 			case 2:
   290 				{
   291 				if ( count != 6 )
   292 					{
   293 					LOG2( "Incorrect # of arguments (%d) passed from bootstrap, PANIC", count );
   294 					Panic(EPanicAdmCmdLineArgs);
   295 					}
   296 				iDepFileName = args->Arg(index++).AllocL();
   297 				LOG2( "(cmd) DepFile: '%S'", iDepFileName);
   299 				iSisFileName = args->Arg(index++).AllocL();
   300 				LOG2( "(cmd) AppSis: '%S'", iSisFileName);
   301 				break;
   302 				}
   303 			case 3:
   304 				{
   305 				iDepFileName = args->Arg(index++).AllocL();
   306 				LOG2( "(cmd) DepFile: '%S'", iDepFileName);
   307 				break;
   308 				}
   309 			case 4:
   310 				{
   311 				iSisFileName = args->Arg(index++).AllocL();
   312 				LOG2( "(cmd) AppSis: '%S'", iSisFileName);
   313 				break;
   314 				}
   315 			default:
   316 				LOG2( "Invalid BVersion %d, PANIC", iBootstrapVersion );
   317 				Panic(EPanicAdmCmdLineArgs);
   318 				break;
   319 			}
   320 		}
   321 	else if (protocolVer == 15)
   322 		{
   323 		LOG( "Using new args" );
   325 		// Command line arguments, version 15 specification:
   326 		//
   327 		//31               9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0
   328 		// +-------------+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
   329 		// | reserved    |  |  |  |  |  |  |           |
   330 		// +-------------+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
   331 		//
   332 		//      value
   333 		// bits range description
   334 		//  0-3  0-15 Command line parameter protocol version:
   335 		//             0 = not supported
   336 		//             1 = ADM.exe 1 <wrapper_uid> <iap> <depfile> <sisfile>
   337 		//             2 = ADM.exe 2 <wrapper_uid> <iap> <depfile> <sisfile>
   338 		//             3 = ADM.exe 3 <wrapper_uid> <iap> <depfile>
   339 		//             4 = ADM.exe 4 <wrapper_uid> <iap> <sisfile> (this was used in beta1, beta2)
   340 		//            15 = ADM.exe 15 [parameters as specified by other bits]
   341 		//
   342 		//         since
   343 		//  bit  version type command line parameter present
   344 		//    4      4     N  Bootstrap version number
   345 		//    5      4     N  Wrapper UID
   346 		//    6      4     N  IAP
   347 		//    7      4     N  ADM launch condition code:
   348 		//                    KCmdLineCancelAdm: ADM needs to cancel installation
   349 		//                    KCmdLineLaunchAdm: ADM starts normally
   350 		//    8      4     S  Full path to dependency XML file
   351 		//    9      4     S  Full path to application SIS file
   352 		//
   353 		// Types:
   354 		//  N  Natural decimal number (range 0 - 2^32-1, fits to TUint32)
   355 		//  S  UTF-8 string, must NOT contains spaces or other whitespaces
   356 		//
   357 		// Command line parameters appear in the order of the bits set, i.e.
   358 		// if bits 4, 8, 9 are set the command line parameters are:
   359 		// ADM.exe 784 <bootstrap_version> <dep_file> <sis_file>
   360 		//
   361 		// If command line protocol version is less than 15, it is assumed that
   362 		// old version command line parameter format is used.
   363 		//
   365 		// new version. bit fields define which parameters are present
   366 		// these has to be processed in the right order: from LSB to MSB
   367 		if (protocolVerRaw & KCmdLineBitBootstrapVersion)
   368 			{
   369 			TPtrC arg = args->Arg(index++);
   370 			lex.Assign(arg);
   371 			if ( lex.Val(iBootstrapVersion) == 0 )
   372 				{
   373 				LOG2( "(cmd) BVersion: %x", iBootstrapVersion );
   374 				}
   375 			else
   376 				{
   377 				LOG( "Invalid BVersion" );
   378 				Panic(EPanicAdmCmdInvalidBootstrap);
   379 				}
   380 			}
   381 		if (protocolVerRaw & KCmdLineBitWrapperUid)
   382 			{
   383 			TPtrC arg = args->Arg(index++);
   384 			lex.Assign(arg);
   385 			if ( lex.Val(tmp, EDecimal) == 0 )
   386 				{
   387 				LOG2("(cmd) Wrapper Uid: 0x%x", tmp);
   388 				iWrapperPackageUid = TUid::Uid(tmp);
   389 				}
   390 			else
   391 				{
   392 				LOG( "Invalid wrapper package UID" );
   393 				Panic(EPanicAdmCmdInvalidWrapperUid);
   394 				}
   395 			}
   396 		if (protocolVerRaw & KCmdLineBitIAP)
   397 			{
   398 			TPtrC arg = args->Arg(index++);
   399 			lex.Assign(arg);
   400 			if ( lex.Val(iIAP, EDecimal) == 0 )
   401 				{
   402 				LOG2("(cmd) IAP: %d", iIAP);
   403 				iStateMachine->SetIAP(iIAP);
   404 				}
   405 			else
   406 				{
   407 				LOG( "Invalid IAP" );
   408 				Panic(EPanicAdmCmdInvalidIAP);
   409 				}
   410 			}
   411 		if (protocolVerRaw & KCmdLineBitADMLaunchControl)
   412 			{
   413 			TPtrC arg = args->Arg(index++);
   414 			lex.Assign(arg);
   415 			if ( lex.Val(tmp, EDecimal) == 0 )
   416 				{
   417 				LOG2("(cmd) LState %d", tmp);
   418 				switch (tmp)
   419 					{
   420 				case KCmdLineLaunchAdm:
   421 					// this is valid, nothing needs to be done
   422 					break;
   423 				case KCmdLineCancelAdmNoResume:
   424 					iIsResumeRequired = EFalse;
   425 					// fall-through
   426 				case KCmdLineCancelAdm:
   427 					iStateMachine->SetStartState(CStateFactory::EStatePrepareExitWithError);
   428 					iStateMachine->SetFailureReason(EUserCancelled);
   429 					break;
   430 				default:
   431 					LOG2( "Invalid LState %d, PANIC", tmp );
   432 					Panic(EPanicAdmCmdInvalidLaunchState2);
   433 					break;
   434 					} // switch
   435 				}
   436 			else
   437 				{
   438 				LOG( "Invalid LState, PANIC" );
   439 				Panic(EPanicAdmCmdInvalidLaunchState);
   440 				}
   441 			}
   442 		if (protocolVerRaw & KCmdLineBitFileDep)
   443 			{
   444 			iDepFileName = args->Arg(index++).AllocL();
   445 			LOG2( "(cmd) DepFile: '%S'", iDepFileName);
   446 			}
   447 		if (protocolVerRaw & KCmdLineBitFileSis)
   448 			{
   449 			iSisFileName = args->Arg(index++).AllocL();
   450 			LOG2( "(cmd) SisFile: '%S'", iSisFileName);
   451 			}
   452 		}
   453 	else
   454 		{
   455 		LOG2( "Invalid PVersion %d, PANIC", protocolVer );
   456 		Panic(EPanicAdmCmdInvalidProtocol);
   457 		}
   458 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(args);
   460 	LOG3( "- ProcessCommandLineArgsL(): %d->%d", count, index );
   461 	}
   463 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   464 // Read the information from the resume info file, if launched from the menu.
   465 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   466 //
   467 TInt CADMAppUi::ReadResumeInfoL()
   468 	{
   469 	LOG( "+ ReadResumeInfo()" );
   470 	RArray< TPtrC > lineBuffer;
   471 	TInt err = 0;
   472 	HBufC* buffer = ReadConfigFile( iRfs, KADMResumeInfoFile, lineBuffer, err );
   474 	if ( buffer && err == KErrNone )
   475 		{
   476 		// Read the main application name
   477 		TPtrC namePtr = GetConfigValue( KRFieldAppName, lineBuffer, err );
   478 		if ( err == KErrNone )
   479 			{
   480 			iMainAppName = namePtr.AllocL();
   481 			LOG2( "Resuming '%S'", iMainAppName );
   482 			}
   484 		// Get BootstrapVersion from the resume info file
   485 		TPtrC bootstrapVersionLine = GetConfigValue( KRFieldBootstrap, lineBuffer, err );
   486 		if ( err == KErrNone )
   487 			{
   488 			TLex lex(bootstrapVersionLine);
   489 			if ( lex.Val(iBootstrapVersion) == 0 )
   490 				{
   491 				LOG2( "(resume) Version: %d", iBootstrapVersion );
   492 				}
   493 			else
   494 				{
   495 				// TODO: Error: Can this ever happen?!
   496 				//LOG( "Incorrect version in the resume info" );
   497 				return KErrNotSupported;
   498 				}
   499 			}
   500 		else
   501 			{
   502 			LOG2( "Failed to read version from the resume info (%d)", err );
   503 			return err;
   504 			}
   505 		}
   506 	else
   507 		{
   508 		LOG( "! No resume information, cannot continue" );
   509 		// Resume information file doesn't exist
   510 		return err;
   511 		}
   513 	// Get the Wrapper uid
   514 	TPtrC uidPtr = GetConfigValue( KRFieldWrapperPkgUid, lineBuffer, err );
   515 	if ( err == KErrNone )
   516 		{
   517 		TLex lex(uidPtr);
   518 		TUint32 uid = 0;
   519 		if ( lex.Val(uid, EDecimal ) == 0)
   520 			{
   521 			LOG2( "Wrapper Uid: 0x%x", uid );
   522 			iWrapperPackageUid = TUid::Uid(uid);
   523 			}
   524 		else
   525 			{
   526 			//LOG( "Incorrect wrapper UID in resume info" );
   527 			return KErrNotSupported;
   528 			}
   529 		}
   530 	else
   531 		{
   532 		LOG2( "Failed to read wrapper UID from the resume info (%d)", err );
   533 		return err;
   534 		}
   536 	switch (iBootstrapVersion)
   537 		{
   538 		case 1:
   539 		case 2:
   540 		case 3:
   541 			{
   542 			// Get AppFileName from the resume information file
   543 			TPtrC depFileNameLine = GetConfigValue( KRFieldDepFileName, lineBuffer, err );
   544 			if ( err == KErrNone )
   545 				{
   546 				iDepFileName = depFileNameLine.AllocL();
   548 				LOG2( "(resume) DepFileName = '%S'", iDepFileName );
   550 				if ( !BaflUtils::FileExists(iRfs, *iDepFileName) )
   551 					{
   552 					LOG2( "(resume) DepFile '%S' missing, cannot continue!", iDepFileName );
   553 					return KErrNotFound;
   554 					}
   555 				}
   556 			else
   557 				{
   558 				LOG2( "Failed to read from the resume info (%d)", err );
   559 				return err;
   560 				}
   561 			}
   562 			break;
   563 		case 4:
   564 		default:
   565 			break;
   566 		}
   568 	switch (iBootstrapVersion)
   569 		{
   570 		case 1:
   571 		case 2:
   572 		case 4:
   573 			{
   574 			// Get AppFileName from the resume info file
   575 			TPtrC appFileNameLine = GetConfigValue( KRFieldAppFileName, lineBuffer, err );
   576 			if ( err == KErrNone )
   577 				{
   578 				iSisFileName = appFileNameLine.AllocL();
   580 				LOG2( "(resume) AppSis = '%S'", iSisFileName );
   582 				if ( !BaflUtils::FileExists(iRfs, *iSisFileName) )
   583 					{
   584 					LOG2( "(resume) AppSis '%S' missing, cannot continue!", iSisFileName );
   585 					return KErrNotFound;
   586 					}
   587 				}
   588 			else
   589 				{
   590 				LOG2( "Failed to read from the resume info (%d)", err );
   591 				return err;
   592 				}
   593 			}
   594 			break;
   595 		case 3:
   596 		default:
   597 			break;
   598 		}
   599 	LOG2( "- ReadResumeInfo(): ret=%d", err );
   600 	return err;
   601 	}
   603 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   604 // Handles WindowServer events. Used to catch 'End Call' key.
   605 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   606 //
   607 void CADMAppUi::HandleWsEventL( const TWsEvent& aEvent, CCoeControl* aDestination )
   608 	{
   609 	if ( aEvent.Key()->iCode == EKeyPhoneEnd )
   610 		{
   611 		iStateMachine->HandleUserResponse( EKeyPhoneEnd );
   612 		}
   613 	else
   614 		{
   615 		CEikAppUi::HandleWsEventL( aEvent, aDestination );
   616 		}
   617 	}
   619 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   620 // CADMAppUi::HandleCommandL()
   621 // Takes care of command handling.
   622 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   623 //
   624 void CADMAppUi::HandleCommandL(TInt aCommand)
   625 	{
   626 	switch (aCommand)
   627 		{
   628 		case EEikCmdExit:
   629 		case EAknSoftkeyExit:
   630 			Exit();
   631 			break;
   633 		default:
   634 			Panic(EPanicAdmUi);
   635 			break;
   636 		}
   637 	}
   639 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   640 // Callback CGlobalWaitNote
   641 //
   642 // Called when global wait note was cancelled
   643 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   644 //
   645 void CADMAppUi::WaitNoteCancelled()
   646 	{
   647 	LOG2( "! Wait note cancelled (%d)", iStateMachine->StateIndex() );
   648 	iStateMachine->HandleUserResponse( EAknSoftkeyCancel );
   649 	}
   651 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   652 // Callback CProgressDialog
   653 //
   654 // Called when progress dialog was cancelled
   655 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   656 //
   657 void CADMAppUi::ProgressDialogCancelled()
   658 	{
   659 	LOG2( "! Progress dialog cancelled (%d)", iStateMachine->StateIndex() );
   660 	iStateMachine->HandleUserResponse( EAknSoftkeyCancel );
   661 	}
   663 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   664 //
   665 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   666 //
   667 void CADMAppUi::HandleGlobalQueryResponseL(const TInt aResponse)
   668 	{
   669 	LOG2( "+ HandleGlobalQueryResponseL(): %d", aResponse );
   670 	iStateMachine->HandleUserResponse( aResponse );
   671 	}
   673 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   674 //
   675 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   676 //
   677 void CADMAppUi::ShowDownloadQueryL(const TInt aResourceId, const TInt aInfoResourceId)
   678 	{
   679 	const TInt KMaxDownloadSizeMsg = 32;
   681 	if ( iGlobalQueryObserver )
   682 		{
   683 		iGlobalQueryObserver->Cancel();
   684 		delete iGlobalQueryObserver;
   685 		iGlobalQueryObserver = NULL;
   686 		}
   687 	iGlobalQueryObserver = CGlobalQueryObserver::NewL(this, EFalse);
   689 	DELETE_IF_NONNULL( iGlobalConfirmationQuery );
   690 	DELETE_IF_NONNULL( iQueryMessage );
   691 	iGlobalConfirmationQuery = CAknGlobalConfirmationQuery::NewL();
   693 	TBuf<KMaxDownloadSizeMsg> dlSizeDescr;
   694 	PrettyPrint( iStateMachine->TotalDownloadSize(), dlSizeDescr );
   696 	CDesCArrayFlat* strings = new (ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat(3);
   697 	CleanupStack::PushL(strings);
   698 	HBufC* msg = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_ADM_SW_UPDATE_REQUIRED_TEXT, iEikonEnv );
   699 	HBufC* info;
   700 	if (aInfoResourceId != -1)
   701 		{
   702 		info = StringLoader::LoadLC( aInfoResourceId, iEikonEnv );
   703 		}
   704 	else
   705 		{
   706 		info = KNullDesC().AllocLC();
   707 		}
   708 	strings->AppendL(*msg);
   709 	strings->AppendL(*info);
   710 	strings->AppendL(dlSizeDescr);
   711 	iQueryMessage = StringLoader::LoadL( aResourceId, *strings, iEikonEnv );
   712 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3, strings); // strings, msg, info
   714 	// Cancel the progress dialog just before querying the user to reduce flicker
   715 	CancelProgressBar();
   717 	iGlobalConfirmationQuery->ShowConfirmationQueryL(
   718 		iGlobalQueryObserver->iStatus,
   719 		*iQueryMessage,
   720 		0
   721 		);
   722 	iGlobalQueryObserver->Start();
   723 #if 0
   724 	const TInt KMaxDownloadSizeMsg = 32;
   725 	TBuf<KMaxDownloadSizeMsg> dlSizeDescr;
   726 	PrettyPrint( iDepTree->GetTotalDownloadSize(), dlSizeDescr );
   727 	HBufC* string = StringLoader::LoadLC( aResourceId, dlSizeDescr, iEikonEnv );
   729 	CAknQueryDialog* dlg = CAknQueryDialog::NewL();
   730 	const TInt ret = dlg->ExecuteLD( R_AVKON_DIALOG_EMPTY_MENUBAR, *string );
   732 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // string
   734 	return ret;
   735 #endif
   736 	}
   738 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   739 // Shows the application launch query dialog
   740 // @param aAppName Application name, caption, to be shown to the user
   741 // @param aIconFilename Full path to the application icon, KNullDesC if none.
   742 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   743 //
   744 void CADMAppUi::ShowLaunchPromptL(const TDesC& aAppName, const TDesC& aIconFilename)
   745 	{
   746 	if ( iGlobalQueryObserver )
   747 		{
   748 		iGlobalQueryObserver->Cancel();
   749 		delete iGlobalQueryObserver;
   750 		iGlobalQueryObserver = NULL;
   751 		}
   752 	iGlobalQueryObserver = CGlobalQueryObserver::NewL(this, EFalse);
   754 	DELETE_IF_NONNULL( iGlobalConfirmationQuery );
   755 	DELETE_IF_NONNULL( iQueryMessage );
   756 	iGlobalConfirmationQuery = CAknGlobalConfirmationQuery::NewL();
   757 	iQueryMessage = StringLoader::LoadL( R_ADM_LAUNCH_APP_TEXT, aAppName, iEikonEnv );
   758 	iGlobalConfirmationQuery->ShowConfirmationQueryL(
   759 		iGlobalQueryObserver->iStatus,
   760 		*iQueryMessage,
   761 		0, // Softkeys
   762 		0, // Animation
   763 		aIconFilename,
   764 		EMbmAdmAdm,      // BitmapId
   765 		EMbmAdmAdm_mask  // MaskId
   766 		);
   767 	iGlobalQueryObserver->Start();
   768 	// Cancel the progress dialog and notes after creating the note to reduce flicker
   769 	CancelProgressBar();
   770 	CancelWaitNote();
   771 	}
   773 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   774 // @param aType Global note type.
   775 // @param aResourceId Resource ID to text to be displayed.
   776 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   777 //
   778 TInt CADMAppUi::ShowGlobalNoteL( const TAknGlobalNoteType aType, const TInt aResourceId )
   779 	{
   780 	// Allocate TBuf with constant length.
   781 	TBuf<KMaxMsgSize> text( NULL );
   783 	// Do we have a valid resource ID for the note?
   784 	if (aResourceId != -1)
   785 		{
   786 		// Reads a resource into a descriptor.
   787 		iEikonEnv->ReadResourceL( text, aResourceId );
   789 		if ( iStateMachine->FailedState() == CStateFactory::EStateLast &&
   790 				iExitReason != EExitNoError)
   791 			{
   792 			const TInt error = iStateMachine->FailedState() * 100 + iExitReason;
   793 			text.Append('\n');
   794 			text.AppendNum( error );
   795 			}
   797 		// Cancel any progress dialog
   798 		CancelProgressBar();
   799 		// Cancel any wait notes
   800 		CancelWaitNote();
   802 		if (aType == EAknGlobalErrorNote )
   803 			{
   804 			CAknQueryDialog* dlg = CAknQueryDialog::NewL( CAknQueryDialog::EErrorTone );
   805 			return dlg->ExecuteLD( R_ADM_EXIT_QUERY, text );
   806 			}
   807 		else
   808 			{
   809 			// Create new CAknGlobalNote instance.
   810 			CAknGlobalNote* globalNote = CAknGlobalNote::NewLC();
   811 			globalNote->ShowNoteL( aType, text );
   812 			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(globalNote);
   813 			}
   814 		}
   815 	return KErrNone;
   816 	}
   818 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   819 // Shows the exit note with information, how the interrupted/cancelled installation
   820 // can be continued.
   821 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   822 //
   823 TInt CADMAppUi::ShowExitNoteL()
   824 	{
   825 	TInt ret = KErrNone;
   826 	// The order of this table must match TExitReason order
   827 	static const TInt errorNotes[ELastExitState] = {
   828 /* EExitNoError           0 */  -1,
   829 /* EUserCancelled         1 */  -1, //R_ADM_INST_CAN_BE_RESUMED_TEXT,
   830 /* EDownloadFailed        2 */  R_ADM_ERR_DOWNLOAD_FAILED_TEXT,
   831 /* EInsufficientMemory    3 */  R_ADM_ERR_INSTALLATION_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_TEXT,
   833 /* EInstallationFailed    5 */  R_ADM_ERR_INSTALLATION_FAILED_TEXT,
   834 /* ERootInstallationFailed  */  -1
   835 	};
   837 	// First, show an error note describing what went wrong
   838 	if (errorNotes[iExitReason] > 0)
   839 		{
   840 		CAknErrorNote* note = new (ELeave) CAknErrorNote( ETrue );
   841 		HBufC* msg = StringLoader::LoadLC( errorNotes[iExitReason], iEikonEnv );
   842 		note->ExecuteLD( *msg );
   843 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // msg
   844 		}
   846 	if (iExitReason != EDeviceNotSupported)
   847 		{
   848 		// Then show the "installation can be continued later" information
   849 		// but only if the device is a supported one.
   850 		CAknQueryDialog* dlg = CAknQueryDialog::NewL( CAknQueryDialog::EErrorTone );
   851 		HBufC* oviMsg = NULL;
   852 		if (iOviStoreRunning)
   853 			{
   854 			// TODO: Change ADM so root node would always contain the main application sis information
   855 			HBufC* caption = iStateMachine->LaunchCaption();
   856 			if (!caption)
   857 				{
   858 				caption = KNullDesC().AllocL();
   859 				}
   860 			oviMsg = StringLoader::LoadLC(
   862 					*caption,
   863 					iEikonEnv
   864 					);
   865 			}
   866 		else
   867 			{
   868 			oviMsg = KNullDesC().AllocLC();
   869 			}
   870 		HBufC* mainMsg = StringLoader::LoadLC(
   872 				*oviMsg,
   873 				iEikonEnv
   874 				);
   875 		ret = dlg->ExecuteLD( R_ADM_EXIT_QUERY, *mainMsg );
   876 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, oviMsg);
   877 		}
   878 	return ret;
   879 	}
   881 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   882 // Creates a wait note displaying given resource ID.
   883 // @param aResourceId Resource ID to be shown
   884 // @param aCancellable ETrue, if wait note is cancellable
   885 // @param aDetailedResourceId Additional resource ID to be shown, -1 if none
   886 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   887 //
   888 void CADMAppUi::ShowWaitNoteL( const TInt aResourceId,
   889 		const TBool aCancellable,
   890 		const TInt aDetailedResourceId
   891 		)
   892 	{
   893 	TBuf<KMaxMsgSize> resourceMsg;
   894 	CancelWaitNote();
   896 	if (aDetailedResourceId != -1)
   897 		{
   898 		iEikonEnv->ReadResourceL( resourceMsg, aDetailedResourceId );
   899 		HBufC* msg = StringLoader::LoadL( aResourceId, resourceMsg, iEikonEnv );
   900 		resourceMsg.Copy( *msg );
   901 		delete msg;
   902 		}
   903 	else
   904 		{
   905 		iEikonEnv->ReadResourceL( resourceMsg, aResourceId );
   906 		}
   908 	iWaitNote = CGlobalWaitNote::NewL(*this, aCancellable );
   909 	iWaitNote->ShowNoteL( resourceMsg );
   910 	}
   912 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   913 //
   914 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   915 //
   916 void CADMAppUi::ShowWaitNoteNumL( const TInt aResourceId, const TInt aCurrent, const TInt aLast)
   917 	{
   918 	CancelWaitNote();
   920 	CArrayFix<TInt>* vals = new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TInt>(2);
   921 	CleanupStack::PushL(vals);
   922 	vals->AppendL(aCurrent);
   923 	vals->AppendL(aLast);
   924 	HBufC* msg = StringLoader::LoadLC( aResourceId, *vals, iEikonEnv );
   926 	iWaitNote = CGlobalWaitNote::NewL( *this, ETrue );
   927 	iWaitNote->ShowNoteL( *msg );
   929 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, vals);
   930 	}
   932 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   933 // Removes currently shown wait note.
   934 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------//
   935 //
   936 void CADMAppUi::CancelWaitNote()
   937 	{
   938 	if ( iWaitNote )
   939 		{
   940 		TRAP_IGNORE( iWaitNote->CancelNoteL() );
   941 		delete iWaitNote;
   942 		iWaitNote = NULL;
   943 		}
   944 	}
   946 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   947 // Removes currently shown progress bar.
   948 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------//
   949 //
   950 void CADMAppUi::CancelProgressBar()
   951 	{
   952 	if ( iProgress )
   953 		{
   954 		iProgress->Cancel();
   955 		}
   956 	}
   958 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   959 // ShowGlobalProgressL()
   960 //
   961 // aResourceId  Resource ID of the text to be shown on the progress bar
   962 // aStartValue  Progress bar start value
   963 // aEndValue    Progress bar end value
   964 // aCurrent     Resource string value0
   965 // aLast        Resource string value1
   966 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   967 //
   968 void CADMAppUi::ShowGlobalProgressL(const TInt aResourceId,
   969 		const TInt aStartValue, const TInt aEndValue,
   970 		const TInt aCurrent, const TInt aLast)
   971 	{
   972 	HBufC *msg = NULL;
   973 	CArrayFix<TInt>* vals = new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TInt>(2);
   974 	CleanupStack::PushL(vals);
   976 	if (aCurrent != -1)
   977 		{
   978 		vals->AppendL(aCurrent);
   979 		vals->AppendL(aLast);
   981 		// Read the resource
   982 		msg = StringLoader::LoadLC( aResourceId, *vals, iEikonEnv );
   983 		}
   984 	else
   985 		{
   986 		// Read the resource
   987 		msg = iEikonEnv->AllocReadResourceLC( aResourceId );
   989 		// Special case: append the application name to the string
   990 		if (aResourceId == R_ADM_CONTINUING_INST_TEXT)
   991 			{
   992 			if (iMainAppName && iMainAppName->Length() > 0)
   993 				{
   994 				HBufC* newmsg = HBufC::NewL(msg->Length() + iMainAppName->Length() + 3);
   995 				newmsg->Des().Copy(*msg);
   996 				newmsg->Des().Append('\n');
   997 				newmsg->Des().Append('\'');
   998 				newmsg->Des().Append(*iMainAppName);
   999 				newmsg->Des().Append('\'');
  1000 				CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(msg);
  1001 				msg = newmsg;
  1002 				CleanupStack::PushL(msg);
  1003 				}
  1004 			}
  1005 		}
  1007 	iProgress->Cancel();
  1008 	iProgress->StartL( *msg, aEndValue );
  1009 	iProgress->Update(aStartValue, aEndValue);
  1011 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, vals); // msg, vals
  1012 	}
  1014 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1015 // Shows a proper wait note before the cleanup starts.
  1016 //
  1017 // This function MUST NOT LEAVE.
  1018 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1019 //
  1020 void CADMAppUi::HandleFailure()
  1021 	{
  1022 	LOG3( "+ CADMAppUi::HandleFailure(): %d. err=%d", iStateMachine->StateIndex(), iExitReason);
  1023 	// Disable wait note and progress bar, if any
  1024 	CancelProgressBar();
  1025 	CancelWaitNote();
  1027 	// Delete the dep file
  1028 	if ( iDepFileName )
  1029 		{
  1030 		// We need to ignore, if delete leaves as we are currently already
  1031 		// handling an error case.
  1032 		// TODO: Remove if(), DeleteFile() copes with NULL filenames.
  1033 		DeleteFile( *iDepFileName );
  1034 		// TODO: Should we 'delete iDepFileName;' and set it to NULL?
  1035 		}
  1036 	TInt err = KErrNone;
  1037 	TInt waitNoteResource;
  1038 	TInt detailedInfoResource = -1;
  1040 	switch (iExitReason)
  1041 		{
  1042 		case EDownloadFailed:
  1044 			detailedInfoResource = R_ADM_ERR_CONN_LOST_TEXT;
  1045 			break;
  1046 		case EUserCancelled:
  1047 		case EInstallationFailed:
  1049 			break;
  1050 		default:
  1051 			waitNoteResource = R_ADM_REVERTING_CHANGES_WAIT_TEXT;
  1052 			break;
  1053 		}
  1055 	// Do the cleanup depending on the state that experienced failure
  1056 	if ( iStateMachine->FailedState() >= CStateFactory::EStateDownloadChangesFile )
  1057 		{
  1058 		TRAP(err, ShowWaitNoteL( waitNoteResource, EFalse, detailedInfoResource ));
  1059 		}
  1061 	LOG2( "- CADMAppUi::HandleFailure(): %d", err );
  1062 	}
  1064 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1065 // Shows the final error message and exits application
  1066 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1067 //
  1068 void CADMAppUi::ExitApp()
  1069 	{
  1070 	LOG3( "+ CADMAppUi::ExitApp(): %d, %d", iExitReason, iAppLaunch );
  1072 	// Remove any progress bar
  1073 	CancelProgressBar();
  1074 	// Remove any wait note
  1075 	CancelWaitNote();
  1077 	// Just checking that iExitReason is in the proper range
  1078 	if ( iExitReason >= 0 && iExitReason < ELastExitState )
  1079 		{
  1080 		// If we have an additional note to display, show it. We need to
  1081 		// trap any leaves.
  1082 		TRAP_IGNORE(
  1083 				{
  1084 				if ( iSilentInstallationOk && iExitReason == EExitNoError )
  1085 					{
  1086 					// If we used non-silent installation, the "Installation complete" note
  1087 					// was already shown by S60 Installer. Don't show it here again.
  1088 					// If the user has launched the application, don't show the note
  1089 					if (!iNonSilentInstallation && !iAppLaunch)
  1090 						{
  1091 						ShowGlobalNoteL( EAknGlobalConfirmationNote, R_ADM_INSTALLATION_OK_TEXT );
  1092 						// We need to wait 350ms to show the note as the call to Exit() below would kill
  1093 						// the AppUi and also the note.
  1094 						User::After(350000);
  1095 						}
  1096 					}
  1097 				else
  1098 					{
  1099 					if (!iNonSilentInstallation)
  1100 						{
  1101 						// Show ADM again in task list. This is because we're using
  1102 						// CAknQueryDialog: we don't want that to get hidden.
  1103 						HideApplicationFromFSW(EFalse);
  1104 						// This call returns after user has dismissed the error dialog
  1105 						ShowExitNoteL();
  1106 						}
  1107 					}
  1108 				}
  1109 			);
  1110 		}
  1111 #ifdef _DEBUG
  1112 	else
  1113 		{
  1114 		LOG2( "Invalid exit reason %d", iExitReason );
  1115 		User::Invariant();
  1116 		}
  1117 #endif
  1119 	// Set the ADM icon hidden, if everything went smoothly or any resume info file exists.
  1120 	const TBool hideAdm = !( (iExitReason != EExitNoError || iExitReason == EDeviceNotSupported) && iIsResumeRequired );
  1121 	const TInt err = CUtils::HideApplicationFromMenu( KUidADMApp.iUid, hideAdm );
  1122 	LOG3( "ADM icon hidden: %d (%d)", hideAdm, err );
  1124 	RunAppShutter();
  1125 	Exit();
  1127 	LOG( "- CADMAppUi::ExitApp()" );
  1128 	}
  1130 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1131 // Delete a file pointed by aFilename.
  1132 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1133 //
  1134 void CADMAppUi::DeleteFile(const TDesC& aFilename)
  1135 	{
  1136 	iRfs.Delete(aFilename);
  1137 	}
  1139 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1140 // Pretty prints number as text string using KiB, MiB and GiB prefixes when needed.
  1141 //
  1142 // aSize    Number to pretty print. Only positive integers supported.
  1143 // aDescr   Descriptor holding the pretty printed number string.
  1144 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1145 //
  1146 void CADMAppUi::PrettyPrint(const TUint32 aSize, TDes& aDescr)
  1147 	{
  1148 	_LIT(KFmtDecimals,  "%02d");
  1149 	TLocale locale;
  1150 	TUint32 size = aSize, rem;
  1151 	TPtrC sizePrefix( iPrefixKb );
  1153 	// We don't pretty print bytes because "bytes" would a new string
  1154 	// to localize. This is just to minimize that work.
  1155 	if (aSize < 1024*1024)
  1156 		{
  1157 		size /= 1024;
  1158 		rem = (aSize * 100 / 1024) % 100;
  1159 		}
  1160 	else if (aSize < 1024*1024*1024)
  1161 		{
  1162 		size /= 1024*1024;
  1163 		rem = (aSize * 100 / (1024*1024)) % 100;
  1164 		sizePrefix.Set( iPrefixMb );
  1165 		}
  1166 	else
  1167 		{
  1168 		// TInt64 is needed, because aSize*100 will overflow on big values of aSize
  1169 		TInt64 remBig( aSize );
  1170 		remBig = ((remBig * 100) / (1024*1024*1024)) % 100;
  1171 		rem = remBig;
  1172 		size /= 1024*1024*1024;
  1173 		sizePrefix.Set( iPrefixGb );
  1174 		}
  1176 	aDescr.Num(size);
  1177 	// Add decimals only if they != .00
  1178 	if (rem)
  1179 		{
  1180 		aDescr.Append(locale.DecimalSeparator());
  1181 		aDescr.AppendFormat(KFmtDecimals, rem);
  1182 		}
  1183 //    if (aSize > 999)
  1184 //        aDescr.Insert(aDescr.Length() - 6, iLocale.ThousandsSeparator());
  1185 	aDescr.Append(sizePrefix);
  1186 }
  1188 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1189 // Gets detailed phone information and stores it internally.
  1190 //
  1191 // Returns KErrNone, if fetching of machine UID was succesful
  1192 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1193 //
  1194 TInt CADMAppUi::GetPhoneInformation()
  1195 	{
  1196 	LOG( "+ GetPhoneInformation()" );
  1198 	//TODO: Remove unnecessary information, currently MachineUid is only needed
  1199 	TInt r = HAL::Get(HALData::EMachineUid, iMachineUid);
  1200 #if _DEBUG
  1201 	HAL::Get(HALData::EManufacturer, iManufacturer);
  1202 	HAL::Get(HALData::EManufacturerHardwareRev, iHardwareRev);
  1203 	HAL::Get(HALData::EManufacturerSoftwareRev, iSoftwareRev);
  1204 	HAL::Get(HALData::EModel, iModel);
  1205 	HAL::Get(HALData::EDeviceFamily, iDeviceFamily);
  1206 	HAL::Get(HALData::EDeviceFamilyRev, iDeviceFamilyRev);
  1207 	HAL::Get(HALData::ECPUArch, iCpuArch);
  1208 	HAL::Get(HALData::ECPUABI, iCpuABI );
  1209 	HAL::Get(HALData::ECPUSpeed, iCpuSpeed );
  1210 #endif
  1211 	TPtr swVer(iSwVersion->Des());
  1212 	SysUtil::GetSWVersion(swVer);
  1214 	LOG8_2( "  machine uid = 0x%08x",       iMachineUid);
  1215 #if _DEBUG
  1216 	LOG8_2( "  model = 0x%08x",             iModel);
  1217 	LOG8_2(	"  manufacturer	= %d",			iManufacturer);
  1218 	LOG8_2(	"  hardware	rev	= %d",			iHardwareRev);
  1219 	LOG8_2(	"  software	rev	= %d",			iSoftwareRev);
  1220 	LOG8_2(	"  device family = %d",			iDeviceFamily);
  1221 	LOG8_2(	"  device family rev = %d",		iDeviceFamilyRev);
  1222 	LOG8_2(	"  CPU architecture	= 0x%08x",	iCpuArch);
  1223 	LOG8_2(	"  CPU ABI = %d",				iCpuABI);
  1224 	LOG8_2(	"  CPU speed = %d",				iCpuSpeed);
  1225 #endif
  1226 	LOG2("	Sw Ver = %S",					iSwVersion);
  1228 	LOG8_2( "- GetPhoneInformation (%d)", r);
  1230 	return r;
  1231 	}
  1233 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1234 // Returns true if the phone is roaming
  1235 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1236 //
  1237 TBool CADMAppUi::RegisteredRoaming()
  1238 	{
  1239 	LOG( "+ RegisteredRoaming()" );
  1240 	// Get registeration status
  1241 	TRequestStatus status;
  1242 	TInt ret = EFalse; // Default to not roaming
  1244 	RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneRegistrationStatus regStatus(
  1245 		RMobilePhone::ERegistrationUnknown );
  1246 	iPhone.GetNetworkRegistrationStatus( status, regStatus );
  1247 	User::WaitForRequest( status );
  1249 	if ( RMobilePhone::ERegisteredRoaming == regStatus )
  1250 		{
  1251 		ret = ETrue;
  1252 		}
  1254 	LOG2( "- RegisteredRoaming: %d", ret );
  1256 	return ret;
  1257 	}
  1258 #if 0
  1259 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1260 // CADMAppUi::PhoneMemoryDrive
  1261 //
  1262 // @return Drive number for phone memory.
  1263 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1264 //
  1265 TInt CADMAppUi::PhoneMemoryDrive()
  1266 	{
  1267 	TInt res = 0;
  1268 	TInt err = RFs::CharToDrive( PathInfo::PhoneMemoryRootPath()[0], res );
  1269 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( !err, Panic( EPanicAdmFileSystemAccess ) );
  1271 	return res;
  1272 	}
  1274 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1275 // CADMAppUi::MemoryCardDrive
  1276 //
  1277 // @return Drive number for memory card.
  1278 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1279 //
  1280 TInt CADMAppUi::MemoryCardDrive()
  1281 	{
  1282 	TInt res = 0;
  1283 	TInt err = RFs::CharToDrive( PathInfo::MemoryCardRootPath()[0], res );
  1284 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( !err, Panic( EPanicAdmFileSystemAccess ) );
  1286 	return res;
  1287 	}
  1288 #endif
  1289 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1290 // CADMAppUi::ReadStaticResourcesL
  1291 //
  1292 // @return KErrNone if configuration was read correctly, error code otherwise
  1293 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1294 //
  1295 void CADMAppUi::ReadStaticResourcesL()
  1296 	{
  1297 	iEikonEnv->ReadResourceL( iPrefixKb, R_KB );
  1298 	iEikonEnv->ReadResourceL( iPrefixMb, R_MB );
  1299 	iEikonEnv->ReadResourceL( iPrefixGb, R_GB );
  1300 	}
  1302 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1303 // CADMAppUi::UsingWLAN
  1304 //
  1305 // @return ETrue, if selected bearer is WLAN
  1306 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1307 //
  1308 TBool CADMAppUi::UsingWLAN()
  1309 	{
  1310 	return BearerType() == EBearerWLAN;
  1311 	}
  1313 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1314 // CADMAppUi::CheckBearerTypeL
  1315 //
  1316 // @return Bearer type
  1317 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1318 //
  1319 TInt CADMAppUi::BearerType()
  1320 	{
  1321 	LOG2( "+ BearerType(): IAP=%d", iIAP );
  1322 	RConnectionMonitor monitor;
  1323 	TRequestStatus status = KRequestPending;
  1324 	TUint iapId(0);
  1325 	TInt bearer( 0 );
  1326 	TUint count;
  1327 	TUint ids[ 15 ];
  1329 	TRAPD( err, monitor.ConnectL() );
  1330 	if (err != KErrNone )
  1331 		{
  1332 		LOG2( "BearerType: Connect to RConnMon failed. %d", err );
  1333 		return err;
  1334 		}
  1336 	// Get the connection count
  1337 	monitor.GetConnectionCount( count, status );
  1338 	User::WaitForRequest( status );
  1339 	if ( status.Int() != KErrNone )
  1340 		{
  1341 		LOG2( "GetConnCount failed. %d", status.Int() );
  1342 		monitor.Close();
  1343 		return status.Int();
  1344 		}
  1345 #ifdef DO_LOG
  1346 	else
  1347 		{
  1348 		LOG2( "BearerType: %d connections:", count);
  1349 		}
  1350 #endif
  1352 	// Get the connection info for each connection
  1353 	TUint numSubConnections;
  1354 	TInt i;
  1356 	for ( i = 1; i <= count; i++ )
  1357 		{
  1358 		TInt ret = monitor.GetConnectionInfo( i, ids[ i-1 ], numSubConnections );
  1359 		if ( ret == KErrNone )
  1360 			{
  1361 			LOG3( "BearerType: ConnID[%d] = %d" , i, ids[ i-1 ] );
  1362 			// Get the IAP Id of the connection
  1363 			monitor.GetUintAttribute( ids[ i-1 ], 0, KIAPId, iapId, status );
  1364 			User::WaitForRequest( status );
  1365 			if ( status.Int() != KErrNone )
  1366 				{
  1367 				LOG2( "GetIapId failed. %d", status.Int() );
  1368 				// try next connection
  1369 				continue;
  1370 				}
  1371 #ifdef DO_LOG
  1372 			else
  1373 				{
  1374 				LOG3( "BearerType: IapId = %d, IAP = %d", iapId, iIAP );
  1375 				}
  1376 #endif
  1377 			// If the IAP matches with the one set in ADM
  1378 			// iIAP is initialized to KInvalidIapId
  1379 			if ( iapId == iIAP || iIAP == KInvalidIapId )
  1380 				{
  1381 #ifdef DO_LOG
  1382 				LOG2( "BearerType: Getting bearer for IapId %d", iapId );
  1383 #endif
  1384 				// Get the Bearer of the IAP Id.
  1385 				monitor.GetIntAttribute( ids[ i-1 ], 0, KBearer, bearer, status );
  1386 				User::WaitForRequest( status );
  1387 				if ( status.Int() != KErrNone )
  1388 					{
  1389 					LOG2( "BearerType: GetBearerType failed. %d", status.Int() );
  1390 					// try next connection
  1391 					continue;
  1392 					}
  1393 #ifdef DO_LOG
  1394 				else
  1395 					{
  1396 					LOG3( "BearerType: IapId %d: bearer = %d", iapId, bearer );
  1397 					}
  1398 #endif
  1399 				// we found matching IAP ID, break out of the loop
  1400 				break;
  1401 				}
  1402 			}
  1403 		else
  1404 			{
  1405 			LOG2( "GetConnInfo failed. %d", ret );
  1406 			return ret;
  1407 			}
  1408 		}
  1409 	TBuf<KConnMonMaxStringAttributeLength> iapName;
  1411 	// Get the string attrib of the IAP Id
  1412 	monitor.GetStringAttribute( ids[ i-1 ], 0, KIAPName, iapName, status );
  1413 	User::WaitForRequest( status );
  1414 	if ( status.Int() != KErrNone )
  1415 		{
  1416 		LOG2( "BearerType: GetStrAttr failed. %d", status.Int() );
  1417 		}
  1418 	else
  1419 		{
  1420 		LOG5( "* Selected IAP %d (%d), conn %d '%S'", iapId, bearer, ids[i-1], &iapName );
  1421 		}
  1423 	// Close the RConnMon object
  1424 	monitor.Close();
  1426 	LOG2( "- BearerType(): %d", bearer );
  1428 	return bearer;
  1429 	}
  1431 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1432 // CADMAppUi::ReadConfiguration
  1433 //
  1434 // @return KErrNone if configuration was read correctly, error code otherwise
  1435 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1436 //
  1437 TInt CADMAppUi::ReadConfigurationL()
  1438 	{
  1439 	TFileName configFile;
  1440 	RArray< TPtrC > lineBuffer;
  1441 	TInt ret( KErrNone );
  1443 	// Find the configuration file from the private directory
  1444 	ret = iRfs.PrivatePath(configFile);
  1445 	if (ret == KErrNone)
  1446 		{
  1447 		TBuf<2> appDrive;
  1448 		// Insert the drive of the running application
  1449 		appDrive.Copy(Application()->AppFullName().Left(2));
  1450 		configFile.Insert(0, appDrive);
  1451 		// Append the configuration file name
  1452 		configFile.Append(KConfigFile);
  1454 		LOG2( "configFile = %S", &configFile );
  1456 		HBufC* buffer = ReadConfigFile(iRfs, configFile, lineBuffer, ret );
  1458 		if ( buffer && ret == KErrNone )
  1459 			{
  1460 			TPtrC line = GetConfigValue( KCfgTagUrl, lineBuffer, ret );
  1461 			if ( ret == KErrNone )
  1462 				{
  1463 				iConfigUrl = HBufC8::NewL(line.Length());
  1464 				iConfigUrl->Des().Copy(line);
  1465 				LOG8_2( "configUrl = %S", iConfigUrl );
  1466 				}
  1467 			delete buffer;
  1468 			}
  1469 		}
  1470 		if ( !iConfigUrl )
  1471 			{
  1472 			// Error occured while reading the configuration, use default URL
  1473 			iConfigUrl = HBufC8::NewL(KDefaultDepServerUrl().Length());
  1474 			*iConfigUrl = KDefaultDepServerUrl;
  1475 			LOG8_2( "configUrl = %S (default)", iConfigUrl );
  1476 			}
  1478 	lineBuffer.Close();
  1480 	return ret;
  1481 	}
  1483 // End of File