changeset 0 ba25891c3a9e
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:ba25891c3a9e
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:   Implementation of OMA DM adapter, allows to configure SW Installer
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include <smldmadapter.h>
    20 #include <data_caging_path_literals.hrh>
    21 #include <centralrepository.h>
    22 #include <SWInstallerInternalCRKeys.h>
    23 #include "cswinstadapter.h"
    25 _LIT8( KIntType, "int" ); // Leaf inputs
    26 _LIT8( KTextType, "text/plain" ); // Leaf inputs
    27 _LIT8( KSWInstDMAdapterVersion, "1.0" ); // Adapter version
    28 _LIT8( KSWInstRootNode, "SWInstaller" ); // root URI
    29 _LIT8( KSWInstRootURI, "SWInstaller" );
    30 _LIT8( KAllowUnsignedNode, "AllowUnsigned" ); // URI postfix
    31 _LIT8( KAllowUnsignedURI, "SWInstaller/AllowUnsigned" );
    32 _LIT8( KAllowUnsignedDescription, "This node tells whether unsigned \
    33     applications are allowed to be installed" ); // Description
    34 static const TUint32 KSizeOfSettingId = 0x8; // Contanst size declaration
    37 // ============================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS  =============================
    39 #ifdef _DEBUG
    40 #define DEBUG( x ) x
    41 #else
    42 #define DEBUG( x )
    43 #endif
    46 // ============================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =============================
    48 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    49 // CSWInstAdapter::NewL
    50 // Symbian 1st phase contructor
    51 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    52 //
    53 CSWInstAdapter* CSWInstAdapter::NewL( MSmlDmCallback* aCallback )
    54     {
    55     CSWInstAdapter* self = NewLC( aCallback );
    56     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    57     return self;
    58     }
    60 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    61 // CSWInstAdapter::NewLC
    62 // Symbian 1st phase contructor. Push object to cleanup-stack
    63 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    64 //
    65 CSWInstAdapter* CSWInstAdapter::NewLC( MSmlDmCallback* aCallback )
    66     {
    67     CSWInstAdapter* self = new ( ELeave ) CSWInstAdapter( aCallback );
    68     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    69     self->ConstructL();
    70     return self;
    71     }
    73 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    74 // CSWInstAdapter::CSWInstAdapter()
    75 // C++ Constructor
    76 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    77 CSWInstAdapter::CSWInstAdapter( TAny* aEcomArguments )
    78     : CSmlDmAdapter::CSmlDmAdapter( aEcomArguments )
    79     {
    80     DEBUG( RDebug::Print( _L( "CSWInstAdapter Constructor" ) ) );
    81     }
    83 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    84 // CSWInstAdapter::ConstructL
    85 // 2nd phase contructor
    86 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    87 //
    88 void CSWInstAdapter::ConstructL()
    89     {
    90     DEBUG( RDebug::Print( _L( "CSWInstAdapter::ConstructL" ) ) );
    91     iSettingsCenRep = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidSWInstallerSettings );
    92     iLocalVarCenRep = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidSWInstallerLV );
    93     }
    95 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    96 // CSWInstAdapter::~CSWInstAdapter()
    97 // C++ Destructor
    98 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    99 //
   100 CSWInstAdapter::~CSWInstAdapter()
   101     {
   102     DEBUG( RDebug::Print( _L( "CSWInstAdapter Destructor" ) ) );
   103     delete iSettingsCenRep;
   104     delete iLocalVarCenRep;
   105     }
   107 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   108 // CSWInstAdapter::DDFVersionL
   109 // Return DM plug-in version
   110 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   111 //
   112 void CSWInstAdapter::DDFVersionL( CBufBase& aDDFVersion )
   113     {
   114     // Insert version information
   115     DEBUG( RDebug::Print( _L( "CSWInstAdapter::DDFVersionL" ) ) );
   116     aDDFVersion.InsertL( 0, KSWInstDMAdapterVersion );
   117     }
   119 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   120 // CSWInstAdapter::DDFStructureL
   121 // Return DM plug-in structure
   122 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   123 //
   124 void CSWInstAdapter::DDFStructureL( MSmlDmDDFObject& aDDF )
   125     {
   126     // Declare accesses
   127     DEBUG( RDebug::Print( _L( "CSWInstAdapter::DDFStructureL" ) ) );
   128     TSmlDmAccessTypes accessTypes;
   129     accessTypes.SetGet();
   131     // Create root node 
   132     MSmlDmDDFObject& root = aDDF.AddChildObjectL( KSWInstRootNode );
   133     FillNodeInfoL( root,
   134                    accessTypes,
   135                    MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent,
   136                    MSmlDmDDFObject::ENode,
   137                    MSmlDmDDFObject::EOne,
   138                    KNullDesC8(),
   139                    KTextType );
   141     accessTypes.SetReplace();
   143     MSmlDmDDFObject& allowUnsignedNode = root.AddChildObjectL( KAllowUnsignedNode );
   144     FillNodeInfoL( allowUnsignedNode,
   145                    accessTypes,
   146                    MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent,
   147                    MSmlDmDDFObject::EChr,
   148                    MSmlDmDDFObject::EOne,
   149                    KAllowUnsignedDescription,
   150                    KTextType );
   152     DEBUG( RDebug::Print( _L( "CSWInstAdapter::DDFStructureL done" ) ) );
   153     }
   155 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   156 // CSWInstAdapter::StreamingSupport
   157 // Return streaming support status, set supported item size
   158 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   159 //
   160 TBool CSWInstAdapter::StreamingSupport( TInt& /* aItemSize */ )
   161     {
   162     // Not supported
   163     DEBUG( RDebug::Print( _L( "CSWInstAdapter::StreamingSupport" ) ) );
   164     return EFalse;
   165     }
   167 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   168 // CSWInstAdapter::StreamCommittedL
   169 // Commit stream buffer
   170 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   171 //
   172 void CSWInstAdapter::StreamCommittedL()
   173     {        
   174     DEBUG( RDebug::Print( _L( "CSWInstAdapter::StreamCommitted" ) ) );
   175     // Intentionally left empty 
   176     }
   178 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   179 // CSWInstAdapter::CompleteOutstandingCmdsL
   180 // Complete outstanding commands
   181 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   182 //
   183 void CSWInstAdapter::CompleteOutstandingCmdsL()
   184     {
   185     DEBUG( RDebug::Print( _L( "CSWInstAdapter::CompleteOutstandingCmdsL" ) ) );
   186     }
   188 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   189 // CSWInstAdapter::FillNodeInfoL
   190 // Fill node info
   191 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   192 //
   193 void CSWInstAdapter::FillNodeInfoL( MSmlDmDDFObject& aDDFObject, 
   194                                     TSmlDmAccessTypes& aAccessTypes, 
   195                                     MSmlDmDDFObject::TScope aScope,
   196                                     MSmlDmDDFObject::TDFFormat aFormat, 
   197                                     MSmlDmDDFObject::TOccurence aOccurence,
   198                                     const TDesC8& aDescription,
   199                                     const TDesC8& aMIMEType )
   200     {
   201     DEBUG( RDebug::Print( _L( "CSWInstAdapter::FillNodeInfoL" ) ) );
   202     aDDFObject.SetAccessTypesL( aAccessTypes );
   203     aDDFObject.SetScopeL( aScope );
   204     aDDFObject.SetOccurenceL( aOccurence );
   205     aDDFObject.SetDFFormatL( aFormat );
   206     aDDFObject.SetDescriptionL( aDescription );
   207     if ( aFormat != MSmlDmDDFObject::ENode )
   208         {
   209         aDDFObject.AddDFTypeMimeTypeL( aMIMEType );
   210         }
   211     DEBUG( RDebug::Print( _L( "CSWInstAdapter::FillNodeInfoL done" ) ) );
   212     }
   214 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   215 // CSWInstAdapter::CopyCommandL
   216 // Copy object
   217 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   218 //
   219 void CSWInstAdapter::CopyCommandL( const TDesC8& /*aTargetURI*/, 
   220                                const TDesC8& /*aTargetLUID*/,
   221                                const TDesC8& /*aSourceURI*/, 
   222                                const TDesC8& /*aSourceLUID*/,
   223                                const TDesC8& /*aType*/, 
   224                                TInt aStatusRef )
   225     {
   226     // Not supported
   227     DEBUG( RDebug::Print( _L( "CSWInstAdapter::CopyCommandL" ) ) );
   228     Callback().SetStatusL( aStatusRef, CSmlDmAdapter::EError );
   229     }
   231 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   232 // DeleteObjectL
   233 // Delete object
   234 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   235 //
   236 void CSWInstAdapter::DeleteObjectL( const TDesC8& /* aURI */, 
   237                                     const TDesC8& /* aLUID */,
   238                                     TInt aStatusRef )
   240     {
   241     // Not supported
   242     DEBUG( RDebug::Print( _L( "CSWInstAdapter::DeleteObjectL" ) ) );
   243     Callback().SetStatusL( aStatusRef, CSmlDmAdapter::EError );
   244     }
   246 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   247 // CSWInstAdapter::FetchLeafObjectL
   248 // Fetch leaf
   249 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   250 //
   251 void CSWInstAdapter::FetchLeafObjectL( const TDesC8& aURI, 
   252                                    const TDesC8& /* aLUID */,
   253                                    const TDesC8& aType, 
   254                                    TInt aResultsRef,
   255                                    TInt aStatusRef )
   256     {
   257     DEBUG( RDebug::Print( _L( "CSWInstAdapter::FetchLeafObjectL" ) ) );
   258     MSmlDmAdapter::TError retValue = CSmlDmAdapter::EOk;
   260     if ( aURI.Compare( KAllowUnsignedURI ) == 0 )
   261         {
   262         TInt cenRepValue;
   263         TInt ret = iLocalVarCenRep->Get( KSWInstallerHideUntrustedIns, cenRepValue );
   264         DEBUG( RDebug::Print( _L("CSWInstAdapter: CenRep ret = %d, val = %d" ), ret, !cenRepValue ) );
   265         if ( ret == KErrNone )
   266             {
   267             TBuf8<KSizeOfSettingId> buf;
   268             buf.AppendNum( !cenRepValue );
   269             CBufBase* bufBase = CBufFlat::NewL( 1 );
   270             CleanupStack::PushL( bufBase );
   271             bufBase->InsertL( 0, buf );
   272             Callback().SetResultsL( aResultsRef, *bufBase, aType );
   273             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( bufBase );
   274             }
   275         else
   276             {
   277             retValue = CSmlDmAdapter::EError;          
   278             }
   279         }
   280     else
   281         {
   282         retValue = CSmlDmAdapter::EError;
   283         }
   284     // Respond
   285     Callback().SetStatusL( aStatusRef, retValue );
   286     DEBUG( RDebug::Print( _L( "CSWInstAdapter::FetchLeafObjectL done" ) ) );
   287     }    
   289 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   290 // CSWInstAdapter::FetchLeafObjectSizeL
   291 // Calculate leaf object size
   292 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   293 //
   294 void CSWInstAdapter::FetchLeafObjectSizeL( const TDesC8& aURI, 
   295                                            const TDesC8& /* aLUID */,
   296                                            const TDesC8& /* aType */, 
   297                                            TInt aResultsRef,
   298                                            TInt aStatusRef )
   299     {
   300     DEBUG( RDebug::Print( _L( "CSWInstAdapter::FetchLeafObjectSizeL" ) ) );
   301     MSmlDmAdapter::TError retValue = CSmlDmAdapter::EOk;
   303     if ( aURI.Compare( KAllowUnsignedURI ) == 0 )
   304         {
   305         TBuf8<KSizeOfSettingId> buf;
   306         CBufBase* bufBase = CBufFlat::NewL( KSizeOfSettingId );
   307         CleanupStack::PushL( bufBase );
   308         buf.AppendNum( sizeof(TInt) );
   309         bufBase->InsertL( 0, buf );
   310         Callback().SetResultsL( aResultsRef, *bufBase, KIntType );
   311         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( bufBase );
   312         }
   313     else
   314         {
   315         retValue = CSmlDmAdapter::ENotFound;
   316         }
   317     // Respond
   318     Callback().SetStatusL( aStatusRef, retValue );
   319     DEBUG( RDebug::Print( _L( "CSWInstAdapter::FetchLeafObjectSizeL done" ) ) );
   320     }    
   322 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   323 // CSWInstAdapter::ChildURIListL
   324 // Create child URI list
   325 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   326 //
   327 void CSWInstAdapter::ChildURIListL( const TDesC8& aURI, 
   328                                 const TDesC8& /* aLUID */,
   329                                 const CArrayFix<TSmlDmMappingInfo>& /* aPreviousURISegmentList */,
   330                                 TInt aResultsRef, 
   331                                 TInt aStatusRef )
   332     {
   333     DEBUG( RDebug::Print( _L( "CSWInstAdapter::ChildURIListL" ) ) );
   334     MSmlDmAdapter::TError retValue = CSmlDmAdapter::EOk;
   336     if ( aURI.Compare( KSWInstRootURI ) == 0)
   337         {
   338         CBufBase* buf = CBufFlat::NewL( 1 );
   339         CleanupStack::PushL( buf );
   340         buf->InsertL( 0, KAllowUnsignedNode );
   341         Callback().SetResultsL( aResultsRef, *buf, KNullDesC8 );
   342         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf );
   343         }
   344     else
   345         {
   346         retValue = CSmlDmAdapter::ENotFound;
   347         }
   349     // Respond
   350     Callback().SetStatusL( aStatusRef, retValue );
   351     DEBUG( RDebug::Print( _L( "CSWInstAdapter::ChildURIListL done" ) ) );
   352     }    
   354 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   355 // CSWInstAdapter::AddNodeObjectL
   356 // Add node
   357 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   358 //
   359 void CSWInstAdapter::AddNodeObjectL( const TDesC8& /* aURI */,
   360                                      const TDesC8& /* aParentLUID */,
   361                                      TInt aStatusRef )
   362     {
   363     // Not supported
   364     DEBUG( RDebug::Print( _L( "CSWInstAdapter::AddNodeObjectL" ) ) );
   365     Callback().SetStatusL( aStatusRef, CSmlDmAdapter::EError );
   366     }    
   368 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   369 // CSWInstAdapter::ExecuteCommandL
   370 // Execute command
   371 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   372 //
   373 void CSWInstAdapter::ExecuteCommandL( const TDesC8& /* aURI */, 
   374                                       const TDesC8& /* aLUID */,
   375                                       const TDesC8& /* aArgument */, 
   376                                       const TDesC8& /* aType */,
   377                                       TInt aStatusRef )
   378     {
   379     // Not supported
   380     DEBUG( RDebug::Print( _L( "CSWInstAdapter::ExecuteCommandL" ) ) );
   381     Callback().SetStatusL( aStatusRef, CSmlDmAdapter::EError );
   382     }    
   384 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   385 // CSWInstAdapter::ExecuteCommandL
   386 // Execute command, streaming enabled
   387 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   388 //
   389 void CSWInstAdapter::ExecuteCommandL( const TDesC8& /* aURI */, 
   390                                       const TDesC8& /* aLUID */,
   391                                       RWriteStream*& /* aStream */,
   392                                       const TDesC8& /* aType */,
   393                                       TInt aStatusRef )
   394     {
   395     // Not supported
   396     DEBUG( RDebug::Print( _L( "CSWInstAdapter::ExecuteCommandL (streaming)" ) ) );
   397     Callback().SetStatusL( aStatusRef, CSmlDmAdapter::EError );
   398     }    
   400 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   401 // CSWInstAdapter::UpdateLeafObjectL
   402 // Update leaf object
   403 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   404 //
   405 void CSWInstAdapter::UpdateLeafObjectL( const TDesC8& aURI, 
   406                                         const TDesC8& /* aLUID */,
   407                                         const TDesC8& aObject,
   408                                         const TDesC8& /* aType */,
   409                                         TInt aStatusRef )
   410     {
   411     DEBUG( RDebug::Print( _L( "CSWInstAdapter::UpdateLeafObjectL" ) ) );
   412     MSmlDmAdapter::TError retValue = CSmlDmAdapter::EOk;
   414     if ( aURI.Compare( KAllowUnsignedURI ) == 0 )
   415         {
   416         TLex8 lex( aObject );
   417         TInt value;
   418         TInt ret;
   419         if ( lex.Val( value ) != KErrNone )
   420             {
   421             DEBUG( RDebug::Print( _L( "CSWInstAdapter: lex.Val failed" ) ) );
   422             retValue = CSmlDmAdapter::EInvalidObject;
   423             }
   424         else
   425             {
   426             TInt allow = !!value; // make sure it's 0 or 1
   427             TInt hide  = !value;
   428             ret = iSettingsCenRep->Set( KSWInstallerAllowUntrusted, allow );
   429             DEBUG( RDebug::Print( _L( "CSWInstAdapter: KSWInstallerAllowUntrusted set to %d, ret %d" ), allow, ret ) );
   430             ret |= iLocalVarCenRep->Set( KSWInstallerHideUntrustedIns, hide );
   431             DEBUG( RDebug::Print( _L( "CSWInstAdapter: KSWInstallerHideUntrustedIns set to %d, ret %d" ), hide, ret ) );
   432             if ( ret != KErrNone )
   433                 {
   434                 retValue = CSmlDmAdapter::EError;
   435                 }
   436             }
   437         }
   438     else
   439         {
   440         retValue = CSmlDmAdapter::ENotFound;
   441         }
   442     // Respond
   443     Callback().SetStatusL( aStatusRef, retValue );
   444     DEBUG( RDebug::Print( _L( "CSWInstAdapter::UpdateLeafObjectL done" ) ) );
   445     }
   447 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   448 // CSWInstAdapter::UpdateLeafObjectL
   449 // Update leaf object, streaming enabled
   450 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   451 //
   452 void CSWInstAdapter::UpdateLeafObjectL( const TDesC8& /* aURI */, 
   453                                     const TDesC8& /* aLUID */,
   454                                     RWriteStream*& /* aStream */, 
   455                                     const TDesC8& /* aType */,
   456                                     TInt aStatusRef
   457                                   )
   458     {
   459     // Not supported
   460     DEBUG( RDebug::Print( _L( "CSWInstAdapter::UpdateLeafObjectL (streaming)" ) ) );
   461     Callback().SetStatusL( aStatusRef, CSmlDmAdapter::EError );
   462     }
   464 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   465 // CSWInstAdapter::StartAtomicL
   466 // Start atomic
   467 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   468 //
   469 void CSWInstAdapter::StartAtomicL()
   470     {
   471     }
   473 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   474 // CSWInstAdapter::CommitAtomicL
   475 // Commit atomic commands
   476 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   477 //
   478 void CSWInstAdapter::CommitAtomicL()
   479     {
   480     }
   482 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   483 // CSWInstAdapter::RollbackAtomicL
   484 // Lose all modifications after 'StartAtomicL' command
   485 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   486 //
   487 void CSWInstAdapter::RollbackAtomicL()
   488     {
   489     }    
   491 // End of File