changeset 0 ba25891c3a9e
child 15 51c0f5edf5ef
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:ba25891c3a9e
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:   Model implementation
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include "appmngr2model.h"              // CAppMngr2Model
    20 #include "appmngr2modelobserver.h"      // CAppMngr2ModelObserver
    21 #include "appmngr2infomaker.h"          // CAppMngr2InfoMaker
    22 #include "appmngr2appinfomaker.h"       // CAppMngr2AppInfoMaker
    23 #include "appmngr2packageinfomaker.h"   // CAppMngr2PackageInfoMaker
    24 #include "appmngr2appinfoarray.h"       // CAppMngr2AppInfoArray
    25 #include "appmngr2packageinfoarray.h"   // CAppMngr2PackageInfoArray
    26 #include "appmngr2scanner.h"            // CAppMngr2Scanner
    27 #include "appmngr2pluginholder.h"       // CAppMngr2PluginHolder
    28 #include <appmngr2runtime.h>            // CAppMngr2Runtime
    29 #include <appmngr2infobase.h>           // CAppMngrInfoBase
    30 #include <appmngr2appinfo.h>            // CAppMngr2AppInfo
    31 #include <appmngr2packageinfo.h>        // CAppMngr2PackageInfo
    32 #include <appmngr2recognizedfile.h>     // CAppMngr2RecognizedFile
    33 #include <appmngr2cleanuputils.h>       // CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL
    34 #include <appmngr2driveutils.h>         // TAppMngr2DriveUtils
    35 #include <appmngr2common.hrh>           // generic command ids
    36 #include <ecom/implementationinformation.h>  // CImplementationInformation
    37 #include <ecom/ecom.h>                  // REComSession
    38 #include <AknIconArray.h>               // CAknIconArray
    39 #include <gulicon.h>                    // CGulIcon
    40 #include <driveinfo.h>                  // DriveInfo
    41 #include <pathinfo.h>                   // Pathinfo
    42 #include <centralrepository.h>          // CRepository
    43 #include <SWInstallerInternalCRKeys.h>  // KCRUidSWInstallerLV
    44 #include <AknsUtils.h>                  // AknsUtils
    45 #include <appmngr2.mbg>                 // icon IDs
    47 _LIT( KAppMngr2BitmapFile, "appmngr2.mif" );
    48 _LIT( KDriveSpec, "%c:" );
    51 // ======== LOCAL FUNCTIONS =========
    53 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    54 // FindDataType()
    55 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    56 //
    57 TBool FindDataType( const TDataType& aDataType, CDataTypeArray& aArray )
    58     {
    59     TInt count = aArray.Count();
    60     for( TInt index = 0; index < count; index++ )
    61         {
    62         if( aArray[ index ] == aDataType )
    63             {
    64             return ETrue;
    65             }
    66         }
    67     return EFalse;
    68     }
    71 // ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
    73 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    74 // CAppMngr2Model::NewL()
    75 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    76 //
    77 CAppMngr2Model* CAppMngr2Model::NewL( RFs& aFsSession,
    78         MAppMngr2ModelObserver& aObserver )
    79     {
    80     CAppMngr2Model* self = new (ELeave) CAppMngr2Model( aFsSession, aObserver );
    81     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    82     self->ConstructL();
    83     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    84     return self;
    85     }
    87 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    88 // CAppMngr2Model::~CAppMngr2Model()
    89 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    90 //
    91 CAppMngr2Model::~CAppMngr2Model()
    92     {
    93     FLOG( "CAppMngr2Model::~CAppMngr2Model" );
    94     iClosing = ETrue;   // to disable notifications
    96     Cancel();
    97     delete iApaAppListNotifier;
    98     iInfoMakers.ResetAndDestroy();
    99     delete iScanner;
   100     delete iInstalledApps;
   101     delete iInstallationFiles;
   102     iPlugins.ResetAndDestroy();     // unloads plugin DLLs
   103     }
   105 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   106 // CAppMngr2Model::AppInfoCount()
   107 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   108 //
   109 TInt CAppMngr2Model::AppInfoCount() const
   110     {
   111     return iInstalledApps->Count();
   112     }
   114 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   115 // CAppMngr2Model::AppInfo()
   116 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   117 //
   118 CAppMngr2AppInfo& CAppMngr2Model::AppInfo( TInt aIndex ) const
   119     {
   120     return *( reinterpret_cast< CAppMngr2AppInfo* >( iInstalledApps->At( aIndex ) ) );
   121     }
   123 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   124 // CAppMngr2Model::PackageInfoCount()
   125 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   126 //
   127 TInt CAppMngr2Model::PackageInfoCount() const
   128     {
   129     return iInstallationFiles->Count();
   130     }
   132 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   133 // CAppMngr2Model::PackageInfo()
   134 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   135 //
   136 CAppMngr2PackageInfo& CAppMngr2Model::PackageInfo( TInt aIndex ) const 
   137     {
   138     return *( reinterpret_cast< CAppMngr2PackageInfo* >( iInstallationFiles->At( aIndex ) ) );
   139     }
   141 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   142 // CAppMngr2Model::LoadIconsL()
   143 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   144 //
   145 void CAppMngr2Model::LoadIconsL( CAknIconArray& aIconArray )
   146     {
   147     LoadDefaultIconsL( aIconArray );
   149     TInt pluginCount = iPlugins.Count();
   150     for( TInt index = 0; index < pluginCount; index++ )
   151         {
   152         iPlugins[ index ]->LoadIconsL( aIconArray );
   153         }
   154     }
   156 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   157 // CAppMngr2Model::GetIconIndexesL()
   158 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   159 //
   160 void CAppMngr2Model::GetIconIndexesL( TUid aUid, TInt& aIconIndexBase, TInt& aIconIndexMax ) const
   161     {
   162     TInt pluginCount = iPlugins.Count();
   163     for( TInt index = 0; index < pluginCount; index++ )
   164         {
   165         if( iPlugins[ index ]->Runtime().RuntimeUid() == aUid )
   166             {
   167             aIconIndexBase = iPlugins[ index ]->IconIndexBase();
   168             aIconIndexMax = iPlugins[ index ]->IconIndexMax();
   169             return;
   170             }
   171         }
   172     User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
   173     }
   175 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   176 // CAppMngr2Model::HandleCommandL()
   177 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   178 //
   179 void CAppMngr2Model::HandleCommandL( CAppMngr2InfoBase& aInfo, TInt aCommand )
   180     {
   181     FLOG( "CAppMngr2Model::HandleCommandL( %d ), IsActive() = %d", aCommand, IsActive() );
   183     if( !IsActive() )
   184         {
   185         // About to start plugin specific command. Note that when the command completes
   186         // we need to call CAppMngr2InfoBase::CommandComplete() function. For this (and
   187         // to indicate that there is a plugin specific command on-going) we take the
   188         // address of CAppMngr2InfoBase item into iActiveItem. Because plugin specific
   189         // command (like delete or uninstall) may trigger new scanning, it is necessary
   190         // to disable iInstalledApps and iInstallationFiles array refreshing temporarily.
   191         // When refreshing is disabled, the item which address is stored in iActiveItem
   192         // is maintained in arrays and we can call iActiveItem->CommandComplete() when
   193         // the command is complete. If arrays could be refreshed during plugin specific
   194         // command, then calling iActiveItem->CommandComplete() would panic.
   195         if( iObs.InstalledAppsDisplayed() )
   196             {
   197             iInstalledApps->DisableRefreshNotificationsL();
   198             }
   199         if( iObs.InstallationFilesDisplayed() )
   200             {
   201             iInstallationFiles->DisableRefreshNotificationsL();
   202             }
   204         iActiveItem = &aInfo;
   205         iActiveCommand = aCommand;
   206         FLOG( "CAppMngr2Model::HandleCommandL, iActiveItem = 0x%08x '%S'",
   207                 iActiveItem, &( iActiveItem->Name() ) ); 
   208         TRAPD( err, iActiveItem->HandleCommandL( aCommand, iStatus ) );
   209         FLOG( "CAppMngr2Model::HandleCommandL, command started, err = %d", err );
   210         SetActive();
   211         if( err )
   212             {
   213             TRequestStatus* statusPtr = &iStatus;
   214             User::RequestComplete( statusPtr, err );
   215             }
   216         }
   217     // Ignore the command silently if already active. This may happen when user
   218     // cancels previous installation command. Because cancelling installation can
   219     // take long time, user may be able to issue new commands while model is still
   220     // active (i.e. previous installation command is being cancalled).
   221     }
   223 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   224 // CAppMngr2Model::StartFetchingInstallationFilesL()
   225 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   226 //
   227 void CAppMngr2Model::StartFetchingInstallationFilesL()
   228     {
   229     FLOG( "CAppMngr2Model::StartFetchingInstallationFilesL" );
   230     FLOG_PERF_START( FetchInstallationFiles )
   232     // Installation files cache must be enabled until scanner has completed.
   233     // This ensures that scanner has time to call GetInstallationFilesL() for
   234     // each plugin and for each directory before the first call completes.
   235     // If the first call completes before scanner has made all these requets,
   236     // cache will be turned off and partial results are displayed.
   237     iInstallationFiles->IncrementCacheUseStartingNewRoundL();
   239     iScanner->StartScanningL();
   240     }
   242 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   243 // CAppMngr2Model::StartFetchingInstalledAppsL()
   244 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   245 //
   246 void CAppMngr2Model::StartFetchingInstalledAppsL()
   247     {
   248     FLOG( "CAppMngr2Model::StartFetchingInstalledAppsL" );
   249     FLOG_PERF_START( FetchInstalledApps )
   251     // Additional cache increment to ensure that iInstalledApps cache is
   252     // used until GetInstalledAppsL() function is called for each plugin.
   253     // Without this, the fastest plugin might get it's list complete before
   254     // other IncrementCacheUseL() calls and iInstalledApps would display
   255     // partial list.
   256     iInstalledApps->IncrementCacheUseStartingNewRoundL();
   258     TInt pluginCount = iPlugins.Count();
   259     for( TInt pluginIndex = 0; pluginIndex < pluginCount; pluginIndex++ )
   260         {
   261         CAppMngr2AppInfoMaker* appInfoMaker = CAppMngr2AppInfoMaker::NewLC(
   262                 iPlugins[ pluginIndex ]->Runtime(), *this, iFs );
   264         TRAPD( err, appInfoMaker->StartGettingInstalledAppsL() );
   265         FLOG( "CAppMngr2Model::StartFetchingInstalledAppsL, plugin 0x%08x, err = %d",
   266                 iPlugins[ pluginIndex ]->Runtime().RuntimeUid().iUid, err );
   267         if( err == KErrNone )
   268             {
   269             iInfoMakers.AppendL( appInfoMaker );
   270             CleanupStack::Pop( appInfoMaker );
   271             iInstalledApps->IncrementCacheUseL();
   272             }
   273         else
   274             {
   275             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( appInfoMaker );
   276             }
   277         }
   279     // All GetInstalledAppsL() requests have been issued
   280     iInstalledApps->DecrementCacheUse();
   281     }
   283 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   284 // CAppMngr2Model::DoCancel()
   285 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   286 //
   287 void CAppMngr2Model::DoCancel()
   288     {
   289     FLOG( "CAppMngr2Model::DoCancel, iActiveItem = 0x%08x", iActiveItem );
   291     if( iActiveItem )
   292         {
   293         iActiveItem->CancelCommand();
   294         iActiveItem = NULL;
   295         if( !iClosing )
   296             {
   297             TRAP_IGNORE( iInstalledApps->EnableRefreshNotificationsL() );
   298             TRAP_IGNORE( iInstallationFiles->EnableRefreshNotificationsL() );
   299             }
   300         }
   301     }
   303 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   304 // CAppMngr2Model::RunL()
   305 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   306 //
   307 void CAppMngr2Model::RunL()
   308     {
   309     FLOG( "CAppMngr2Model::RunL, iActiveItem = 0x%08x, iStatus = %d",
   310             iActiveItem, iStatus.Int() );
   312     if( iActiveItem )
   313         {
   314         TInt completionCode = iStatus.Int();
   315         TRAPD( err, iActiveItem->HandleCommandResultL( completionCode ) );
   316         FLOG( "CAppMngr2Model::RunL, HandleCommandResultL err = %d", err );
   317         CAppMngr2InfoBase* itemToDelete = iActiveItem;
   318         iActiveItem = NULL;
   320         // Enable refresh notifications. No need to check which view is active
   321         // because notifications can be enabled even if they were not disabled.
   322         iInstalledApps->EnableRefreshNotificationsL();
   323         iInstallationFiles->EnableRefreshNotificationsL();
   325         // Leave on error. This displays error note (if error notes are enabled).
   326         User::LeaveIfError( err );
   328         // If the command is EAppMngr2CmdUninstall or EAppMngr2CmdRemove, and it
   329         // completed without errors, then we remove the current item immediatelty
   330         // from the displayed list. Otherwise it may take quite long time until
   331         // the item is removed from the UI, and in worst case it may not be removed
   332         // at all.
   333         // For example when an installation file is deleted, scanner notices change
   334         // in directories and re-scans everything. UI is updated when the scanning
   335         // completes. Delay between delete command and UI update (deleted item is
   336         // removed from UI) depends on how quickly scanning completes.
   337         if( completionCode == KErrNone )
   338             {
   339             if( iActiveCommand == EAppMngr2CmdUninstall && iObs.InstalledAppsDisplayed() )
   340                 {
   341                 iInstalledApps->ImmediateDelete( itemToDelete );
   342                 }
   343             if( iActiveCommand == EAppMngr2CmdRemove && iObs.InstallationFilesDisplayed() )
   344                 {
   345                 iInstallationFiles->ImmediateDelete( itemToDelete );
   346                 }
   347             }
   348         }
   349     }
   351 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   352 // CAppMngr2Model::RefreshInstalledApps()
   353 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   354 //
   355 void CAppMngr2Model::RefreshInstalledApps()
   356     {
   357     FLOG( "CAppMngr2Model::RefreshInstalledApps" );
   359     TRAP_IGNORE( StartFetchingInstalledAppsL() );
   360     }
   362 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   363 // CAppMngr2Model::RefreshInstallationFiles()
   364 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   365 //
   366 void CAppMngr2Model::RefreshInstallationFiles()
   367     {
   368     FLOG( "CAppMngr2Model::RefreshInstallationFiles" );
   370     TRAP_IGNORE( StartFetchingInstallationFilesL() );
   371     }
   373 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   374 // CAppMngr2Model::ScanningResultL()
   375 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   376 //
   377 void CAppMngr2Model::ScanningResultL( RPointerArray<CAppMngr2RecognizedFile>& aResult )
   378     {
   379     FLOG( "CAppMngr2Model::ScanningResultL, begin: aResult.Count() = %d", aResult.Count() );
   381     // Split recognition result array into smaller (plugin specific) arrays. Plugin
   382     // specific arrays are maintained by CAppMngr2PackageInfoMaker objects, so one
   383     // CAppMngr2PackageInfoMaker object is needed for each plugin that has recognized
   384     // files.
   385     TInt pluginCount = iPlugins.Count();
   386     for( TInt pluginIndex = 0; pluginIndex < pluginCount; pluginIndex++ )
   387         {
   388         CAppMngr2PackageInfoMaker* packageInfoMaker = CAppMngr2PackageInfoMaker::NewLC(
   389                 iPlugins[ pluginIndex ]->Runtime(), *this, iFs );
   391         TInt fileCount = 0;
   392         TInt resultCount = aResult.Count();
   393         for( TInt resultIndex = resultCount - 1; resultIndex >= 0; resultIndex-- )
   394             {
   395             CAppMngr2RecognizedFile* recFile = aResult[ resultIndex ];
   396             if( FindDataType( recFile->DataType(), iPlugins[ pluginIndex ]->DataTypes() ) )
   397                 {
   398                 packageInfoMaker->AddFileL( recFile );  // takes ownership
   399                 aResult.Remove( resultIndex );
   400                 fileCount++;
   401                 }
   402             }
   404         FLOG( "CAppMngr2Model::ScanningResultL, plugin 0x%08x: fileCount = %d",
   405                 iPlugins[ pluginIndex ]->Runtime().RuntimeUid().iUid, fileCount );
   406         if( fileCount > 0 )
   407             {
   408             packageInfoMaker->StartGettingInstallationFilesL();
   409             iInfoMakers.AppendL( packageInfoMaker );
   410             CleanupStack::Pop( packageInfoMaker );
   411             iInstallationFiles->IncrementCacheUseL();
   412             }
   413         else
   414             {
   415             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( packageInfoMaker );
   416             }
   417         }
   418     }
   420 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   421 // CAppMngr2Model::ScanningComplete()
   422 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   423 //
   424 void CAppMngr2Model::ScanningComplete()
   425     {
   426     FLOG( "CAppMngr2Model::ScanningComplete" );
   428     iInstallationFiles->DecrementCacheUse();
   429     }
   431 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   432 // CAppMngr2Model::DirectoryChangedL()
   433 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   434 //
   435 void CAppMngr2Model::DirectoryChangedL( const TDesC& /*aChangedDir*/ )
   436     {
   437     FLOG( "CAppMngr2Model::DirectoryChangedL" );
   439     // This might be improved by scanning the changed directory only. Model
   440     // could record which items are got from which directory, so that it could
   441     // remove those items that were created from the changed directory and
   442     // re-scan only the changed directory. Scanner should also support
   443     // scanning one directory only. Now, we just scan all again.
   444     StartFetchingInstallationFilesL();
   445     }
   447 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   448 // CAppMngr2Model::HandleAppListEvent()
   449 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   450 //
   451 void CAppMngr2Model::HandleAppListEvent( TInt /*aEvent*/ )
   452     {
   453     FLOG( "CAppMngr2Model::HandleAppListEvent" );
   455     TRAP_IGNORE( StartFetchingInstalledAppsL() );
   456     }
   458 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   459 // CAppMngr2Model::NewAppsCreatedL()
   460 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   461 //
   462 void CAppMngr2Model::NewAppsCreatedL( const CAppMngr2InfoMaker& aMaker,
   463         RPointerArray<CAppMngr2AppInfo>& aAppInfos )
   464     {
   465     FLOG( "CAppMngr2Model::NewAppsCreatedL, plugin 0x%08x: packageCount = %d",
   466             aMaker.RuntimeUid().iUid, aAppInfos.Count() );
   468     iInstalledApps->AddItemsInOrderL( aAppInfos );
   469     iInstalledApps->DecrementCacheUse();
   470     CloseInfoMaker( aMaker );
   471     }
   473 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   474 // CAppMngr2Model::ErrorInCreatingAppsL()
   475 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   476 //
   477 void CAppMngr2Model::ErrorInCreatingAppsL( const CAppMngr2InfoMaker& aMaker,
   478 #ifdef FLOG_DEBUG_TRACES
   479         TInt aError )
   480 #else
   481         TInt /*aError*/ )
   482 #endif
   483     {
   484     FLOG( "CAppMngr2Model::ErrorInCreatingAppsL, plugin 0x%08x: error = %d",
   485             aMaker.RuntimeUid().iUid, aError );
   487     iInstalledApps->DecrementCacheUse();
   488     CloseInfoMaker( aMaker );
   489     }
   491 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   492 // CAppMngr2Model::NewPackagesCreatedL()
   493 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   494 //
   495 void CAppMngr2Model::NewPackagesCreatedL( const CAppMngr2InfoMaker& aMaker,
   496             RPointerArray<CAppMngr2PackageInfo>& aPackageInfos )
   497     {
   498     FLOG( "CAppMngr2Model::NewPackagesCreatedL, plugin 0x%08x: packageCount = %d",
   499             aMaker.RuntimeUid().iUid, aPackageInfos.Count() );
   501     iInstallationFiles->AddItemsInOrderL( aPackageInfos );
   502     iInstallationFiles->DecrementCacheUse();
   503     CloseInfoMaker( aMaker );
   504     }
   506 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   507 // CAppMngr2Model::ErrorInCreatingPackagesL()
   508 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   509 //
   510 void CAppMngr2Model::ErrorInCreatingPackagesL( const CAppMngr2InfoMaker& aMaker,
   511 #ifdef FLOG_DEBUG_TRACES
   512         TInt aError )
   513 #else
   514         TInt /*aError*/ )
   515 #endif
   516     {
   517     FLOG( "CAppMngr2Model::ErrorInCreatingPackagesL, plugin 0x%08x: error = %d",
   518             aMaker.RuntimeUid().iUid, aError );
   520     iInstallationFiles->DecrementCacheUse();
   521     CloseInfoMaker( aMaker );
   522     }
   524 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   525 // CAppMngr2Model::ArrayContentChanged()
   526 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   527 //
   528 void CAppMngr2Model::ArrayContentChanged( CAppMngr2InfoArray* aArray,
   529         TInt aMoreRefreshesExpected )
   530     {
   531     if( aArray == iInstalledApps )
   532         {
   533         FLOG_PERF_STOP( FetchInstalledApps )
   534         FLOG_PERF_PRINT( FetchInstalledApps )
   535         iObs.InstalledAppsChanged( aMoreRefreshesExpected );
   536         }
   537     if( aArray == iInstallationFiles )
   538         {
   539         FLOG_PERF_STOP( FetchInstallationFiles )
   540         FLOG_PERF_PRINT( FetchInstallationFiles )
   541         iObs.InstallationFilesChanged( aMoreRefreshesExpected );
   542         }
   543     }
   545 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   546 // CAppMngr2Model::CAppMngr2Model()
   547 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   548 //
   549 CAppMngr2Model::CAppMngr2Model( RFs& aFsSession, MAppMngr2ModelObserver& aObserver )
   550         : CActive( CActive::EPriorityStandard ), iFs( aFsSession ), iObs( aObserver )
   551     {
   552     CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
   553     }
   555 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   556 // CAppMngr2Model::ConstructL()
   557 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   558 //
   559 void CAppMngr2Model::ConstructL()
   560     {
   561     FLOG( "CAppMngr2Model::ConstructL" );
   562     iClosing = EFalse;
   564     iInstalledApps = CAppMngr2AppInfoArray::NewL( *this );
   565     iInstallationFiles = CAppMngr2PackageInfoArray::NewL( *this );
   567     FLOG_PERF_STATIC_BEGIN( LoadPluginsL )
   568     LoadPluginsL();
   569     FLOG_PERF_STATIC_END( LoadPluginsL )
   570     FLOG_PERF_STATIC_BEGIN( CreateScannerL )
   571     CreateScannerL();
   572     FLOG_PERF_STATIC_END( CreateScannerL )
   573     FLOG_PERF_STATIC_BEGIN( FetchDataTypesL )
   574     FetchDataTypesL();
   575     FLOG_PERF_STATIC_END( FetchDataTypesL )
   577     // start monitoring changes in applications list
   578     iApaAppListNotifier = CApaAppListNotifier::NewL( this, CActive::EPriorityStandard );
   579     }
   581 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   582 // CAppMngr2Model::LoadDefaultIconsL()
   583 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   584 //
   585 void CAppMngr2Model::LoadDefaultIconsL( CAknIconArray& aIconArray )
   586     {
   587     FLOG( "CAppMngr2Model::LoadDefaultIconsL" );
   589     MAknsSkinInstance* skinInstance = AknsUtils::SkinInstance();
   590     HBufC* bitmapFile = TAppMngr2DriveUtils::FullBitmapFileNameLC( KAppMngr2BitmapFile, iFs );
   591     CFbsBitmap* bitmap = NULL;
   592     CFbsBitmap* mask = NULL;
   593     CGulIcon* icon = NULL;
   595     // Note that icons can be graphically-skinned (icon graphic defined in theme)
   596     // or color-skinned (icon colors change depending on background color defined
   597     // in theme). Normal icons are graphically-skinned and indicator icons are
   598     // color-skinned. AknsUtils::CreateGulIconL() creates graphically-skinned icons,
   599     // and AknsUtils::CreateColorIconL() creates color-skinned icons. Hence both
   600     // of these functions are used below.
   602     // Icon 0: EAppMngr2IconIndex_QgnIndiAmInstMmcAdd
   603     // Indicator icon for items stored/installed in memory card
   604     AknsUtils::CreateColorIconLC( skinInstance, 
   605             KAknsIIDQgnIndiMmcAdd, KAknsIIDQsnIconColors, EAknsCIQsnIconColorsCG13,
   606             bitmap, mask, *bitmapFile, 
   607             EMbmAppmngr2Qgn_indi_mmc_add,
   608             EMbmAppmngr2Qgn_indi_mmc_add_mask,
   609             KRgbBlack );
   610     icon = CGulIcon::NewL( bitmap, mask );
   611     icon->SetBitmapsOwnedExternally( EFalse );
   612     CleanupStack::Pop( 2 );   // bitmap and mask, order is varying
   613     CleanupStack::PushL( icon );
   614     aIconArray.AppendL( icon );
   615     CleanupStack::Pop( icon );
   617     // Icon 1: EAppMngr2IconIndex_QgnIndiFmgrMsAdd
   618     // Indicator icon for items stored/installed in mass memory
   619     AknsUtils::CreateColorIconLC( skinInstance, 
   620             KAknsIIDQgnIndiFmgrMsAdd, KAknsIIDQsnIconColors, EAknsCIQsnIconColorsCG13,
   621             bitmap, mask, *bitmapFile, 
   622             EMbmAppmngr2Qgn_indi_fmgr_ms_add,
   623             EMbmAppmngr2Qgn_indi_fmgr_ms_add_mask,
   624             KRgbBlack );
   625     icon = CGulIcon::NewL( bitmap, mask );
   626     icon->SetBitmapsOwnedExternally( EFalse );
   627     CleanupStack::Pop( 2 );   // bitmap and mask, order may vary
   628     CleanupStack::PushL( icon );
   629     aIconArray.AppendL( icon );
   630     CleanupStack::Pop( icon );
   632     // Icon 2: EAppMngr2IconIndex_QgnPropUnknown
   633     // List icon for items that are not known
   634     icon = AknsUtils::CreateGulIconL( skinInstance,
   635             KAknsIIDQgnPropUnknown, *bitmapFile,
   636             EMbmAppmngr2Qgn_prop_unknown, 
   637             EMbmAppmngr2Qgn_prop_unknown_mask );
   638     CleanupStack::PushL( icon );
   639     aIconArray.AppendL( icon );
   640     CleanupStack::Pop( icon );
   642     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( bitmapFile );
   644     // Additionally some unknown indicator icon could be defined.
   645     // Now, if some plugin gives incorrect index fox indicator icon,
   646     // then no indicator icon is displayed.
   647     }
   649 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   650 // CAppMngr2Model::LoadPluginsL()
   651 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   652 //
   653 void CAppMngr2Model::LoadPluginsL()
   654     {
   655     FLOG( "CAppMngr2Model::LoadPluginsL" );
   657     RImplInfoPtrArray implInfoArray;
   658     CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL( implInfoArray  );
   659     REComSession::ListImplementationsL( KAppMngr2PluginInterface, implInfoArray );
   661     CAppMngr2PluginHolder* pluginHolder = NULL;
   662     CImplementationInformation* implInfo;
   663     TInt count = implInfoArray.Count();
   664     for( TInt index = 0; index < count; index++ )
   665         {
   666         implInfo = implInfoArray[ index ];
   667         FLOG( "CAppMngr2Model::LoadPluginsL, loading %S", &( implInfo->DisplayName() ) );
   668         FLOG_PERF_STATIC_BEGIN( DoLoadPluginL );
   669         TRAPD( err, pluginHolder = DoLoadPluginL( implInfo->ImplementationUid() ) );
   670         FLOG_PERF_STATIC_END( DoLoadPluginL );
   671         FLOG( "CAppMngr2Model::DoLoadPluginL( 0x%08x ), err = %d",
   672                 implInfo->ImplementationUid().iUid, err );
   673         if( err == KErrNone )
   674             {
   675             CleanupStack::PushL( pluginHolder );
   676             iPlugins.AppendL( pluginHolder );
   677             CleanupStack::Pop( pluginHolder );
   678             }
   679         }
   681     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &implInfoArray );
   682     REComSession::FinalClose();
   683     }
   685 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   686 // CAppMngr2Model::DoLoadPluginL()
   687 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   688 //
   689 CAppMngr2PluginHolder* CAppMngr2Model::DoLoadPluginL( TUid aUid )
   690     {
   691     CAppMngr2Runtime* plugin = CAppMngr2Runtime::NewL( aUid, *this );
   692     CleanupStack::PushL( plugin );
   693     CAppMngr2PluginHolder* holder = new (ELeave) CAppMngr2PluginHolder( plugin );
   694     CleanupStack::Pop( plugin );
   695     return holder;
   696     }
   698 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   699 // CAppMngr2Model::CreateScannerL()
   700 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   701 //
   702 void CAppMngr2Model::CreateScannerL()
   703     {
   704     iScanner = CAppMngr2Scanner::NewL( *this );
   706     TDriveList driveList;
   707     TInt driveCount = 0;
   708     TInt err = DriveInfo::GetUserVisibleDrives( iFs, driveList, driveCount );
   709     User::LeaveIfError( err );
   711     // Default directories
   712     TFileName path;
   713     TInt driveListLength = driveList.Length();
   714     for( TInt driveNumber = 0; driveNumber < driveListLength; driveNumber++ )
   715         {
   716         if( driveList[ driveNumber ] )
   717             {
   718             TUint driveStatus = 0;
   719             err = DriveInfo::GetDriveStatus( iFs, driveNumber, driveStatus );
   720             User::LeaveIfError( err );
   722             if( !( driveStatus & DriveInfo::EDriveRemote ) )
   723                 {
   724                 err = PathInfo::GetFullPath( path, driveNumber, PathInfo::EInstallsPath );
   725                 User::LeaveIfError( err );
   726                 iScanner->AddDirectoryL( path );
   727                 }
   728             }
   729         }
   731     // Additional plug-in specific directories
   732     TInt pluginCount = iPlugins.Count();
   733     for( TInt pluginIndex = 0; pluginIndex < pluginCount; pluginIndex++ )
   734         {
   735         RPointerArray<HBufC> dirsToScan;
   736         CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL( dirsToScan );
   737         TRAPD( err, iPlugins[ pluginIndex ]->Runtime().GetAdditionalDirsToScanL( iFs,
   738                 dirsToScan ) );
   739         if( err == KErrNone )
   740             {
   741             TInt dirCount = dirsToScan.Count();
   742             for( TInt dirIndex = 0; dirIndex < dirCount; dirIndex++ )
   743                 {
   744                 TPtrC dirName = *( dirsToScan[ dirIndex ] );
   745                 iScanner->AddDirectoryL( dirName );
   746                 }
   747             }
   748         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &dirsToScan );
   749         }
   751     // KSWInstallerPackageFolder directory if defined in CenRep
   752     CRepository* cenrep = CRepository::NewLC( KCRUidSWInstallerLV );
   753     err = cenrep->Get( KSWInstallerPackageFolder, path );
   754     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cenrep );
   755     if( err == KErrNone )
   756         {
   757         TParsePtr parse( path );
   758         if( parse.DrivePresent() )
   759             {
   760             iScanner->AddDirectoryL( path );
   761             }
   762         else if( parse.PathPresent() )
   763             {
   764             TDriveList driveList;
   765             TInt driveCount = 0;
   766             err = DriveInfo::GetUserVisibleDrives( iFs, driveList, driveCount );
   767             if( err == KErrNone )
   768                 {
   769                 TInt driveListLength = driveList.Length();
   770                 for( TInt driveNumber = 0; driveNumber < driveListLength; driveNumber++ )
   771                     {
   772                     if( driveList[ driveNumber ] )
   773                         {
   774                         TUint driveStatus = 0;
   775                         err = DriveInfo::GetDriveStatus( iFs, driveNumber, driveStatus );
   776                         if( err == KErrNone && !( driveStatus & DriveInfo::EDriveRemote ) )
   777                             {
   778                             TChar driveLetter;
   779                             if( RFs::DriveToChar( driveNumber, driveLetter ) == KErrNone )
   780                                 {
   781                                 TFileName fullPath;
   782                                 fullPath.Format( KDriveSpec, static_cast<TUint>( driveLetter ) );
   783                                 fullPath.Append( path ); 
   784                                 iScanner->AddDirectoryL( fullPath );
   785                                 }
   786                             }
   787                         }
   788                     }
   789                 }
   790             }
   791         else
   792             {
   793             // ignore empty values, and values that does not contain valid path
   794             }
   795         }
   796     else
   797         {
   798         if( err != KErrNotFound )
   799             {
   800             User::Leave( err );
   801             }
   802         }
   803     }
   805 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   806 // CAppMngr2Model::FetchDataTypesL()
   807 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   808 //
   809 void CAppMngr2Model::FetchDataTypesL()
   810     {
   811     FLOG( "CAppMngr2Model::FetchDataTypesL" );
   813     TInt pluginCount = iPlugins.Count();
   814     for( TInt pluginIndex = 0; pluginIndex < pluginCount; pluginIndex++ )
   815         {
   816         FLOG( "CAppMngr2Model::FetchDataTypesL: pluginIndex = %d", pluginIndex );
   817         TRAP_IGNORE( iPlugins[ pluginIndex ]->FetchDataTypesL() );
   818         }
   819     }
   821 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   822 // CAppMngr2Model::CloseInfoMaker()
   823 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   824 //
   825 void CAppMngr2Model::CloseInfoMaker( const CAppMngr2InfoMaker& aMaker )
   826     {
   827     const CAppMngr2InfoMaker* makerToClose = &aMaker;
   828     for( TInt index = iInfoMakers.Count() - 1; index >= 0; index-- )
   829         {
   830         CAppMngr2InfoMaker* maker = iInfoMakers[ index ]; 
   831         if( maker == makerToClose )
   832             {
   833             iInfoMakers.Remove( index );
   834             delete maker;
   835             break;
   836             }
   837         }
   838     }