changeset 0 ba25891c3a9e
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:ba25891c3a9e
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:   This module contains the implementation of CSWInstSession class 
    15 *                member functions.
    16 *
    17 */
    21 #include <ecom/ecom.h>
    22 #include <w32std.h>
    23 #include <apgtask.h>
    24 #include <s32mem.h> //RDesReadStream 
    26 #include "SWInstSession.h"
    27 #include "SWInstServer.h"
    28 #include "SWInstServerPanic.h"
    29 #include "SWInstInstallRequest.h"
    30 #include "SWInstUninstallRequest.h"
    31 #include "SWInstRequestStore.h"
    32 #include "SWInstPrivateUid.h"
    34 using namespace SwiUI;
    36 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
    38 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    39 // CSWInstSession::CSWInstSession
    40 // C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
    41 // might leave.
    42 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    43 //
    44 CSWInstSession::CSWInstSession()
    45     {
    46     }
    48 // Destructor
    49 CSWInstSession::~CSWInstSession()
    50     {   
    51     if ( iCanceller )
    52         {
    53         iCanceller->Cancel();
    54         delete iCanceller;
    55         }    
    57     delete iRequestStore;    
    58     // Call final close for ecom    
    59     REComSession::FinalClose();  
    61     delete iHeapSourceUrl;   
    62     }
    64 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    65 // CSWInstSession::PrepareForExit
    66 // Prepare the session for exit.
    67 // (other items were commented in a header).
    68 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    69 //
    70 void CSWInstSession::PrepareForExit( MRequestCallback* aExitCallback )
    71     {
    72     iExitCallback = aExitCallback;
    74     // If we have any pending requests, cancel them all
    75     if ( iRequestStore )
    76         {
    77         iRequestStore->CancelAllRequests();
    78         }
    80     if ( iExitCallback )
    81         {
    82         iExitCallback->RequestCompleted( KErrNone ); 
    83         iExitCallback = NULL;        
    84         }    
    85     }
    87 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    88 // CSWInstSession::ServiceL
    89 // Handles the received message.
    90 // (other items were commented in a header).
    91 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    92 //
    93 void CSWInstSession::ServiceL( const RMessage2& aMessage )
    94     {
    95     // Dispatch the message in trap harness.
    96     TRAPD( result, HandleRequestL( aMessage ) );
    98     if ( result == KErrBadDescriptor )
    99         {
   100         PanicClient( aMessage, ESWInstPanicBadDescriptor );
   101         }    
   103     // In case of leave, we need to complete the client request here
   104     else if ( result != KErrNone )
   105         {
   106         if ( iRequestStore )
   107             {
   108             CSWInstRequestObject* req = iRequestStore->GetRequest( aMessage.Function() );
   109             if ( req && req->IsActive() )
   110                 {
   111                 req->Cancel();                
   112                 }            
   113             else 
   114                 {
   115                 // No active request found, we must complete the message manually
   116                 aMessage.Complete( result );
   117                 }            
   118             } 
   119         else
   120             {
   121             aMessage.Complete( result );
   122             }        
   123         }
   124     }
   126 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   127 // CSWInstSession::ServiceError
   128 // Called back by the server framework if this sessions RunL function returns an
   129 // error.
   130 // (other items were commented in a header).
   131 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   132 //
   133 void CSWInstSession::ServiceError( const RMessage2& aMessage, TInt aError )
   134     {
   135     // A bad descriptor error implies a badly programmed client, so panic it;
   136     // otherwise use the default handling (report the error to the client)
   137     if ( aError == KErrBadDescriptor )
   138         {
   139         PanicClient( aMessage, ESWInstPanicBadDescriptor );
   140         }
   141     CAknAppServiceBase::ServiceError( aMessage, aError );    
   142     }
   144 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   145 // CSWInstSession::CreateL
   146 // Completes construction of this server-side client session object.
   147 // (other items were commented in a header).
   148 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   149 //
   150 void CSWInstSession::CreateL()
   151     {
   152     iRequestStore = CSWInstRequestStore::NewL();  
   153     CAknAppServiceBase::CreateL();   
   154     iAppInForeground = ETrue; 
   155     }
   157 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   158 // CSWInstSession::RequestCompleted
   159 // Called when request is completed.
   160 // (other items were commented in a header).
   161 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   162 //
   163 void CSWInstSession::RequestCompleted( TInt /*aResult*/ )
   164     {
   165     // Delete completed requests
   166     iRequestStore->Flush();
   167     TInt pendingRequests = iRequestStore->PendingRequestCount();
   169     // See if we need to notify this completion
   170     if( iExitCallback && !pendingRequests )
   171         {
   172         iExitCallback->RequestCompleted( KErrNone );
   173         iExitCallback = NULL;
   174         }    
   175     }
   177 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   178 // CSWInstSession::Server
   179 // Returns reference to the server.
   180 // (other items were commented in a header).
   181 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   182 //
   183 CSWInstServer& CSWInstSession::Server()
   184     {
   185     return *static_cast<CSWInstServer*>( const_cast<CServer2*>
   186                                          ( CSession2::Server() ) );
   187     }
   189 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   190 // CSWInstSession::HandleRequestL
   191 // Handles the request.
   192 // (other items were commented in a header).
   193 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   194 //
   195 void CSWInstSession::HandleRequestL( const RMessage2& aMessage )
   196     {       
   197     TServerRequest opCode( ( TServerRequest ) aMessage.Function() );  
   199     // Send application to background if installation is silent. This way
   200     // we do not block other apps if installation takes long time.   
   201     if ( opCode == ERequestSilentInstall && iAppInForeground || 
   202          opCode == ERequestSilentInstallParams && iAppInForeground ||
   203          opCode == ERequestSilentInstallHandle && iAppInForeground ||
   204          opCode == ERequestSilentInstallParamsHandle && iAppInForeground )
   205         {        
   206         SendAppToBackgroundL();                                
   207         }      
   209     // Handle requests for the session.
   210     switch ( opCode ) 
   211         {
   212         case ERequestCancelRequest:
   213             {
   214             // We need to cancel and destroy the corresponding request. 
   215             TInt functionToCancel( GetInt( aMessage, KRequestIpcSlot ) );            
   216             CSWInstRequestObject* requestObj = iRequestStore->GetRequest( functionToCancel );
   217             if ( requestObj && requestObj->IsActive() )
   218                 {
   219                 requestObj->Cancel( aMessage );
   220                 }
   221             else
   222                 {                
   223                 // If we are cancelling we may have a dialog waiting. We need to 
   224                 // use this special method to cancel dialog before exit.
   225                 // See error TSW ELBA-78SBTS
   226                 TRAP_IGNORE(
   227                     iCanceller = CommonUI::CCUICancelTimer::NewL( this );
   228                     iCanceller->StartCancelling();            
   229                     );
   231                 aMessage.Complete( KErrNotFound );
   232                 }           
   234             break;                
   235             }                    
   237         case ERequestInstall:
   238         case ERequestInstallParams:
   239         case ERequestSilentInstall:
   240         case ERequestSilentInstallParams:
   241             {          
   242             // Delete completed requests
   243             iRequestStore->Flush();
   245             CSWInstInstallRequest* installRequestObj = CSWInstInstallRequest::NewL( aMessage );
   246             CleanupStack::PushL( installRequestObj );
   247             // If store is full, this leaves with KSWInstErrBusy
   248             iRequestStore->AddRequestL( installRequestObj );  // Ownership transfers to store
   249             CleanupStack::Pop( installRequestObj );
   251             TFileName fileName;            
   252             TInstallReq params;
   254             // Parse filename
   255             __ASSERT_ALWAYS( aMessage.GetDesLength( KFileNameIpcSlot ) > 0, 
   256                              User::Leave( KErrBadDescriptor ) );
   258             aMessage.ReadL( KFileNameIpcSlot, fileName );                
   260             if ( opCode == ERequestInstall )
   261                 {                
   262                 installRequestObj->Install( fileName, params );                
   263                 }            
   265             else if( opCode == ERequestSilentInstall )
   266                 {            
   267                 __ASSERT_ALWAYS( aMessage.GetDesLength( KOptionsIpcSlot ) > 0, 
   268                                  User::Leave( KErrBadDescriptor ) );
   270                 // Parse install options
   271                 TInstallOptions options;
   272                 TPckg<TInstallOptions> optionsPckg( options );            
   273                 aMessage.ReadL( KOptionsIpcSlot, optionsPckg );
   275                 installRequestObj->SilentInstall( fileName, params, options );
   276                 }
   278             else if ( opCode == ERequestInstallParams )
   279                 {                              
   280                 //TSW JROL-7B8K6H            
   281                 TPckg<TInstallReq> paramsPckg( params );        
   282                 TInt desLength = aMessage.GetDesLength( KParamsIpcSlot );                 				
   283                 __ASSERT_ALWAYS( desLength > 0, 
   284                         User::Leave( KErrBadDescriptor ) );                          
   286                 // If length is more then sizeof TInstallReqPckg, input data 
   287                 // is stored to to heap. Read data to descriptor.                                  
   288                 if ( desLength > sizeof( TInstallReq ) )
   289                     {                       	          	
   290                     HBufC8* paramDescriptor = HBufC8::NewLC( desLength );
   291                     TPtr8 paramDesPtr = paramDescriptor->Des();						                	                                                                
   292                     aMessage.ReadL( KParamsIpcSlot, paramDesPtr );                  	
   293                     // Get install parameters and store URL to heap. 
   294                     GetReqParamsL( *paramDescriptor, params );					
   295                     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( paramDescriptor ); 		
   296                     }
   297                 else
   298                     {             	
   299                     aMessage.ReadL( KParamsIpcSlot, paramsPckg );	
   300                     }	
   302                 installRequestObj->Install( fileName, params );
   303                 }
   305             else if ( opCode == ERequestSilentInstallParams )
   306                 {                            
   307                 __ASSERT_ALWAYS( aMessage.GetDesLength( KParamsIpcSlot ) > 0 && 
   308                                  aMessage.GetDesLength( KOptionsIpcSlot ) > 0, 
   309                                  User::Leave( KErrBadDescriptor ) );
   311                 //TSW JROL-7B8K6H 
   312                 TPckg<TInstallReq> paramsPckg( params );        
   313                 TInt desLength = aMessage.GetDesLength( KParamsIpcSlot );                 
   315                 // If length is more then sizeof TInstallReqPckg, input data 
   316                 // is stored to to heap. Read data to descriptor.                                  
   317                 if ( desLength > sizeof( TInstallReq ) )
   318                     {                       	          	
   319                     HBufC8* paramDescriptor = HBufC8::NewLC( desLength );
   320                     TPtr8 paramDesPtr = paramDescriptor->Des();						                	                                                                
   321                     aMessage.ReadL( KParamsIpcSlot, paramDesPtr );                  	
   322                     // Get install parameters and store URL to heap. 
   323                     GetReqParamsL( *paramDescriptor, params );					
   324                     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( paramDescriptor ); 		
   325                     } 
   326                 // Read params to pckg if lenght is more then 0.	               
   327                 else
   328                     {             	
   329                     aMessage.ReadL( KParamsIpcSlot, paramsPckg );	
   330                     }	
   332                 // Parse install options
   333                 TInstallOptions options;
   334                 TPckg<TInstallOptions> optionsPckg( options );            
   335                 aMessage.ReadL( KOptionsIpcSlot, optionsPckg );                                 
   337                 installRequestObj->SilentInstall( fileName, params, options );
   338                 }
   340             break;            
   341             }
   343         case ERequestInstallHandle:
   344         case ERequestInstallParamsHandle:
   345         case ERequestSilentInstallHandle:
   346         case ERequestSilentInstallParamsHandle:
   347             {
   348             // Delete completed requests
   349             iRequestStore->Flush();
   351             CSWInstInstallRequest* installRequestObj = CSWInstInstallRequest::NewL( aMessage );
   352             CleanupStack::PushL( installRequestObj );
   353             // If store is full, this leaves with KSWInstErrBusy
   354             iRequestStore->AddRequestL( installRequestObj );  // Ownership transfers to store
   355             CleanupStack::Pop( installRequestObj );
   357             RFile file;            
   358             TInstallReq params;
   360             // Get the file handle
   361             User::LeaveIfError( file.AdoptFromClient( aMessage, KFileHandleIpcSlot, KFileSrvSessionIpcSlot ) );
   362             CleanupClosePushL( file );            
   364             if ( opCode == ERequestInstallHandle )
   365                 {                
   366                 installRequestObj->Install( file, params ); // Ownership of file transfers
   367                 CleanupStack::Pop(); // file
   368                 }            
   370             else if( opCode == ERequestSilentInstallHandle )
   371                 {            
   372                 __ASSERT_ALWAYS( aMessage.GetDesLength( KOptionsIpcSlot ) > 0, 
   373                                  User::Leave( KErrBadDescriptor ) );
   375                 // Parse install options
   376                 TInstallOptions options;
   377                 TPckg<TInstallOptions> optionsPckg( options );            
   378                 aMessage.ReadL( KOptionsIpcSlot, optionsPckg );
   380                 installRequestObj->SilentInstall( file, params, options ); // Ownership of file transfers
   381                 CleanupStack::Pop(); // file
   382                 }
   384             else if ( opCode == ERequestInstallParamsHandle )
   385                 {                        
   386                 TPckg<TInstallReq> paramsPckg( params );        
   387                 TInt desLength = aMessage.GetDesLength( KParamsIpcSlot );                 				              
   388                 __ASSERT_ALWAYS( desLength > 0, 
   389                         User::Leave( KErrBadDescriptor ) );                          
   391                 // If length is more then sizeof TInstallReqPckg, input data 
   392                 // is stored to to heap. Read data to descriptor.                                           
   393                 if ( desLength > sizeof( TInstallReq ) )
   394                     {                       	          	
   395                     HBufC8* paramDescriptor = HBufC8::NewLC( desLength );
   396                     TPtr8 paramDesPtr = paramDescriptor->Des();						                	                                                                
   397                     aMessage.ReadL( KParamsIpcSlot, paramDesPtr );                  	
   398                     // Get install parameters and store URL to heap. 
   399                     GetReqParamsL( *paramDescriptor, params );					
   400                     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( paramDescriptor ); 		
   401                     }
   402                 else 
   403                     {             	
   404                     aMessage.ReadL( KParamsIpcSlot, paramsPckg );	
   405                     }	
   407                 installRequestObj->Install( file, params ); // Ownership of file transfers
   408                 CleanupStack::Pop(); // file                
   409                 }
   411             else if ( opCode == ERequestSilentInstallParamsHandle )
   412                 {                          
   413                 __ASSERT_ALWAYS( aMessage.GetDesLength( KParamsIpcSlot ) > 0 && 
   414                                  aMessage.GetDesLength( KOptionsIpcSlot ) > 0, 
   415                                  User::Leave( KErrBadDescriptor ) );
   417                 TPckg<TInstallReq> paramsPckg( params );        
   418                 TInt desLength = aMessage.GetDesLength( KParamsIpcSlot );                 
   420                 // If length is more then sizeof TInstallReqPckg, input data 
   421                 // is stored to to heap. Read data to descriptor.                                  
   422                 if ( desLength > sizeof( TInstallReq ) )
   423                     {                       	          	
   424                     HBufC8* paramDescriptor = HBufC8::NewLC( desLength );
   425                     TPtr8 paramDesPtr = paramDescriptor->Des();						                	                                                                
   426                     aMessage.ReadL( KParamsIpcSlot, paramDesPtr );                  	
   427                     // Get install parameters and store URL to heap. 
   428                     GetReqParamsL( *paramDescriptor, params );					
   429                     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( paramDescriptor ); 		
   430                     }
   431                 else 
   432                     {             	
   433                     aMessage.ReadL( KParamsIpcSlot, paramsPckg );	
   434                     }	
   436                 // Parse install options
   437                 TInstallOptions options;
   438                 TPckg<TInstallOptions> optionsPckg( options );
   439                 aMessage.ReadL( KOptionsIpcSlot, optionsPckg );
   441                 installRequestObj->SilentInstall( file, params, options ); // Ownership of file transfers
   442                 CleanupStack::Pop(); // file
   443                 }
   445             break;            
   446             }
   448         case ERequestUninstall:
   449         case ERequestSilentUninstall:
   450             {
   451             // Delete completed requests
   452             iRequestStore->Flush();
   454             CSWInstUninstallRequest* uninstRequestObj = CSWInstUninstallRequest::NewL( aMessage );
   455             CleanupStack::PushL( uninstRequestObj );                
   456             // If store is full, this leaves with KSWInstErrBusy
   457             iRequestStore->AddRequestL( uninstRequestObj );  // Ownership transfers to store
   458             CleanupStack::Pop( uninstRequestObj );  
   460             TUid uid;
   461             HBufC8* mime = NULL;
   463             if ( opCode == ERequestUninstall )
   464                 {            
   465                  __ASSERT_ALWAYS( aMessage.GetDesLength( KMimeIpcSlot ) > 0, 
   466                              User::Leave( KErrBadDescriptor ) );
   468                 // Parse Uid            
   469                 uid.iUid = GetInt( aMessage, KUidIpcSlot );                
   471                 // Parse the mime
   472                 mime = HBufC8::NewLC( aMessage.GetDesLength( KMimeIpcSlot ) );
   473                 TPtr8 ptr( mime->Des() );            
   474                 aMessage.ReadL( KMimeIpcSlot, ptr );
   476                 uninstRequestObj->Uninstall( uid, *mime );
   477                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( mime );            
   478                 }
   480             else if ( opCode == ERequestSilentUninstall )
   481                 {            
   482                 __ASSERT_ALWAYS( aMessage.GetDesLength( KOptionsIpcSlot ) > 0 && 
   483                                  aMessage.GetDesLength( KMimeIpcSlot ) > 0, 
   484                                  User::Leave( KErrBadDescriptor ) );
   486                 // Parse Uid                
   487                 uid.iUid = GetInt( aMessage, KUidIpcSlot );                
   489                 TUninstallOptions options;            
   490                 // Parse uninstall options
   491                 TPckg<TUninstallOptions> optionsPckg( options );
   492                 aMessage.ReadL( KOptionsIpcSlot, optionsPckg );
   494                 // Parse the mime
   495                 mime = HBufC8::NewLC( aMessage.GetDesLength( KMimeIpcSlot ) );
   496                 TPtr8 ptr( mime->Des() );            
   497                 aMessage.ReadL( KMimeIpcSlot, ptr );
   499                 uninstRequestObj->SilentUninstall( uid, *mime, options );
   500                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( mime );
   501                 }
   503             break;        
   504             }            
   506         case ERequestCustomUninstall:
   507         case ERequestSilentCustomUninstall:
   508             {
   509             __ASSERT_ALWAYS( aMessage.GetDesLength( KCommonParamsIpcSlot ) > 0 &&
   510                              aMessage.GetDesLength( KMimeIpcSlot ) > 0,
   511                              User::Leave( KErrBadDescriptor ) );
   513              // Get the operation we need to perform
   514             TOperation operation = (TOperation) GetInt( aMessage, KOperationIpcSlot );
   516             // Get the params
   517             HBufC8* params = HBufC8::NewLC( aMessage.GetDesLength( KCommonParamsIpcSlot ) );
   518             TPtr8 paramPtr( params->Des() );            
   519             aMessage.ReadL( KCommonParamsIpcSlot, paramPtr );
   521             // Parse the mime
   522             HBufC8* mime = HBufC8::NewLC( aMessage.GetDesLength( KMimeIpcSlot ) );
   523             TPtr8 mimePtr( mime->Des() );            
   524             aMessage.ReadL( KMimeIpcSlot, mimePtr );
   526             // Delete completed requests
   527             iRequestStore->Flush();
   529             CSWInstUninstallRequest* uninstRequestObj = CSWInstUninstallRequest::NewL( aMessage );
   530             CleanupStack::PushL( uninstRequestObj );                
   531             // If store is full, this leaves with KSWInstErrBusy
   532             iRequestStore->AddRequestL( uninstRequestObj );  // Ownership transfers to store
   533             CleanupStack::Pop( uninstRequestObj );  
   535             if ( opCode == ERequestSilentCustomUninstall )
   536                 {
   537                 __ASSERT_ALWAYS( aMessage.GetDesLength( KOptionsIpcSlot ) > 0,
   538                                  User::Leave( KErrBadDescriptor ) );
   540                 TUninstallOptions options;            
   541                 // Parse uninstall options
   542                 TPckg<TUninstallOptions> optionsPckg( options );
   543                 aMessage.ReadL( KOptionsIpcSlot, optionsPckg );
   545                 uninstRequestObj->SilentCustomUninstall( operation, options, *params, *mime );
   546                 }
   547             else
   548                 {                
   549                 uninstRequestObj->CustomUninstall( operation, *params, *mime );
   550                 }            
   552             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, params );            
   553             }
   555             break;          
   557         default:
   558             CAknAppServiceBase::ServiceL( aMessage );
   559             break;            
   560         }
   562     }    
   564 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   565 // CSWInstSession::SecurityCheckL
   566 // Virtual framework function that is called on receipt of a message from the 
   567 // client. This allows the service implementation to define a security policy 
   568 // for messages from the client. 
   569 // (other items were commented in a header).
   570 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   571 //
   572 CPolicyServer::TCustomResult CSWInstSession::SecurityCheckL( const RMessage2& aMsg, 
   573                                                              TInt& aAction, 
   574                                                              TSecurityInfo& aMissing )
   575     {
   576     switch ( aMsg.Function() )
   577         {
   578         case ERequestSilentInstall:
   579         case ERequestSilentInstallParams:
   580         case ERequestSilentUninstall:
   581         case ERequestSilentInstallHandle:
   582         case ERequestSilentInstallParamsHandle:
   584             if ( aMsg.HasCapability( TCapability( ECapabilityTrustedUI ) ) )
   585                 {
   586                 // AllFiles capability required to install untrusted SW silently.
   587                 if( aMsg.Function() != ERequestSilentUninstall )
   588                     {
   589                     TInstallOptions options;
   590                     TPckg<TInstallOptions> optionsPckg( options );
   591                     aMsg.ReadL( KOptionsIpcSlot, optionsPckg );
   592                     if( options.iUntrusted == EPolicyAllowed )
   593                         {
   594                         if( !aMsg.HasCapability( TCapability( ECapabilityAllFiles ) ) )
   595                             {
   596                             return CPolicyServer::EFail;
   597                             }
   598                         }
   599                     }
   601                 return CPolicyServer::EPass;
   602                 }
   603             else
   604                 {
   605                 return CPolicyServer::EFail;
   606                 }            
   608         case ERequestInstall:
   609         case ERequestInstallParams:
   610         case ERequestUninstall:
   611         case ERequestInstallHandle:
   612         case ERequestInstallParamsHandle:
   613         case ERequestCancelRequest:
   614             // No capabilities needed for these
   615             return CPolicyServer::EPass;            
   617         default:
   618             // Not recognized message, pass to CAknAppServiceBase
   619             return CAknAppServiceBase::SecurityCheckL( aMsg, aAction, aMissing );            
   620         }    
   621     }
   623 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   624 // CSWInstSession::GetInt
   625 // Helper to retrieve an int parameter from message.
   626 // (other items were commented in a header).
   627 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   628 //
   629 TInt CSWInstSession::GetInt( const RMessage2& aMessage, TInt aIpcSlot )
   630     {
   631     switch ( aIpcSlot )
   632         {
   633         case 0:
   634             return aMessage.Int0();
   635         case 1:
   636             return aMessage.Int1();
   637         case 2:
   638             return aMessage.Int2();
   639         case 3:
   640             return aMessage.Int3();              
   641         default:
   642             return 0;            
   643         }    
   644     }
   646 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   647 // CSWInstSession::SendAppToBackgroundL
   648 // Sends application to background. This is used in silent install to prevent
   649 // blocking of other applications UI.
   650 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   651 //
   652 void CSWInstSession::SendAppToBackgroundL()
   653     {    	                                                
   654     RWsSession ws;   
   656     if ( ws.Connect() == KErrNone )
   657         {
   658         CleanupClosePushL(ws);        
   659         TApaTaskList tasklist(ws);   
   661         TApaTask task = tasklist.FindApp( TUid::Uid(KSWInstSvrUid) );
   663         if ( task.Exists() )
   664             {                                       
   665             task.SendToBackground();              
   666             // Set to false, so we do not do this again.            
   667             iAppInForeground = EFalse;                                                      
   668             } 
   670         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //ws       
   671         }                           
   672     }
   675 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   676 // CSWInstSession::IsShowingDialog()
   677 // From MCUICancellable. Function returns always ETrue so StartCancelling() 
   678 // function will start cancelling the dialog.
   679 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   680 //
   681 TBool CSWInstSession::IsShowingDialog()
   682     {
   683     return ETrue;
   684     }
   686 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   687 // CSWInstSession::CancelEngine()
   688 // From MCUICancellable. 
   689 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   690 //
   691 void CSWInstSession::CancelEngine()
   692     {    
   693     }
   695 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   696 // CSWInstSession::ForceCancel()
   697 // From MCUICancellable. 
   698 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   699 //          
   700 void CSWInstSession::ForceCancel()
   701     {        
   702     }
   704 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   705 // CSWInstSession::StartedCancellingL()
   706 // From MCUICancellable. 
   707 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   708 //
   709 void CSWInstSession::StartedCancellingL()
   710     {    
   711     }
   713 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   714 // CSWInstSession::GetReqParamsL
   715 // Reads parameters from descriptor to TInstallReg and buffer.
   716 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   717 //    
   718 void CSWInstSession::GetReqParamsL( TDesC8& aParamsDes, TInstallReq& aParams )	
   719     {   
   720     // Delete previous URL.
   721     delete iHeapSourceUrl;
   722     iHeapSourceUrl = NULL; 
   724     RDesReadStream paramStream( aParamsDes );
   725     CleanupClosePushL( paramStream );
   727     TPckg<TInstallReq> paramsPckg( aParams );
   728     // Read install parameters to pckg.
   729     paramStream.ReadL( paramsPckg );
   730     // Get length of url
   731     TInt urlLength = paramStream.ReadInt32L();
   734     // Check the url lenght. 
   735     // Note that given url length may be zero in some cases.
   736     if( urlLength )
   737         {         
   738         iHeapSourceUrl = HBufC::NewL( urlLength );	
   739         TPtr urlPtr = iHeapSourceUrl->Des();        
   740         // Get url to heap descriptor
   741         paramStream.ReadL( urlPtr, urlLength );        	
   742         // Set url's pointer.		
   743         TInstallReqHeapURL heapURL;                                           								                                                                                        
   744         heapURL.iSourcePtr = iHeapSourceUrl;            
   746         TInstallReqURLPckg heapPckg( heapURL );         	
   747         // Copy url pointer to TInstallReg params.     	         	            
   748         aParams.iSourceURL.Copy( heapPckg );            
   749         }
   751     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &paramStream );              				
   752     }        
   754 //  End of File