changeset 0 ba25891c3a9e
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:ba25891c3a9e
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:   Implements CNcdNodeManagerProxy class
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include <e32err.h>
    21 #include "ncdnodemanagerproxy.h"
    22 #include "ncdnodeproxy.h"
    23 #include "ncdnodefolderproxy.h"
    24 #include "ncdbundlefolderproxy.h"
    25 #include "ncdsearchnodefolderproxy.h"
    26 #include "ncdnodeitemproxy.h"
    27 #include "ncdsearchnodeitemproxy.h"
    28 #include "catalogsclientserver.h"
    29 #include "ncdnodefunctionids.h"
    30 #include "ncdnodeclassids.h"
    31 #include "ncdproviderdefines.h"
    32 #include "ncdnodeidentifier.h"
    33 #include "ncdrootnodeproxy.h"
    34 #include "ncdpurchasedetails.h"
    35 #include "catalogsdebug.h"
    36 #include "ncdoperationmanagerproxy.h"
    37 #include "ncdsearchrootnodeproxy.h"
    38 #include "catalogsconstants.h"
    39 #include "catalogsutils.h"
    40 #include "ncdproviderproxy.h"
    41 #include "ncdexpirednode.h"
    42 #include "ncdnodesupplierproxy.h"
    43 #include "ncdnodeidentifiereditor.h"
    44 #include "ncdsearchnodebundleproxy.h"
    45 #include "ncdfavoritemanagerproxy.h"
    46 #include "ncdpanics.h"
    49 CNcdNodeManagerProxy* CNcdNodeManagerProxy::NewL(
    50     MCatalogsClientServer& aSession, 
    51     TInt aHandle,
    52     CNcdOperationManagerProxy& aOperationManager,
    53     CNcdSubscriptionManagerProxy& aSubscriptionManager,
    54     CNcdProviderProxy& aProvider )
    55     {
    56     CNcdNodeManagerProxy* self = 
    57         CNcdNodeManagerProxy::NewLC( aSession, 
    58                                      aHandle,
    59                                      aOperationManager,
    60                                      aSubscriptionManager,
    61                                      aProvider );
    62     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    63     return self;        
    64     }
    67 CNcdNodeManagerProxy* CNcdNodeManagerProxy::NewLC(
    68     MCatalogsClientServer& aSession, 
    69     TInt aHandle,
    70     CNcdOperationManagerProxy& aOperationManager,
    71     CNcdSubscriptionManagerProxy& aSubscriptionManager,
    72     CNcdProviderProxy& aProvider )
    73     {
    74     CNcdNodeManagerProxy* self = 
    75         new( ELeave ) CNcdNodeManagerProxy( aSession,
    76                                             aHandle,
    77                                             aOperationManager,
    78                                             aSubscriptionManager,
    79                                             aProvider );
    80     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    81     self->ConstructL();
    82     return self;        
    83     }
    86 CNcdNodeManagerProxy::CNcdNodeManagerProxy(
    87     MCatalogsClientServer& aSession, 
    88     TInt aHandle,
    89     CNcdOperationManagerProxy& aOperationManager,
    90     CNcdSubscriptionManagerProxy& aSubscriptionManager,
    91     CNcdProviderProxy& aProvider )
    92 : CNcdBaseProxy( aSession, aHandle ),
    93   iOperationManager( aOperationManager ),
    94   iSubscriptionManager( aSubscriptionManager ),
    95   iFavoriteManager( NULL ),
    96   iProvider( aProvider )
    97     {
    98     }
   101 void CNcdNodeManagerProxy::ConstructL()
   102     {
   103     iOperationManager.SetNodeManager( this );
   105     }
   108 CNcdNodeManagerProxy::~CNcdNodeManagerProxy()
   109     {
   110     DLTRACEIN((""));
   112     if( iSearchRootNode )
   113         {
   114         // release own reference to 
   115         iSearchRootNode->InternalRelease();
   116         }
   118     // Release all nodes without reference count. These nodes have not
   119     // been used after creation.
   120     for ( TInt i = iNodeCache.Count() - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) 
   121         {
   122         if ( iNodeCache[i]->TotalRefCount() == 0 )
   123             {
   124             // During delete, node is removed from the array automatically.
   125             // Notice that it is safe to call delete here instead of Release,
   126             // because we checked the total count above. Release implementation 
   127             // contains DASSERT that would assert if we called Release here.
   128             delete iNodeCache[i];
   129             }
   130         }
   132     // For debugging purposes check if some nodes have been left hanging.
   133     // All the nodes should be released before manager is deleted.
   135     DLINFO(("Cache count: %d", iNodeCache.Count()));
   138         DLINFO(("The following nodes have not been properly released:"));
   139         for ( TInt i = 0; i < iNodeCache.Count(); i++ ) 
   140             {
   141             DLINFO(( _L("MNcdNode: %x, namespace: %S, id: %S, refcount: %d"), 
   142                 static_cast<MNcdNode*>( iNodeCache[i] ),
   143                 &iNodeCache[i]->Namespace(), &iNodeCache[i]->Id(),
   144                 iNodeCache[i]->TotalRefCount() ));
   146             }
   147         DLINFO(("release check end"));        
   148     #endif
   150     DASSERT( iNodeCache.Count() == 0 );           
   152     // Close the cache.
   153     iNodeCache.Close();
   155     // Notice that the root node is also included into the cache.
   156     // So, no need to delete it separately.
   158     DLTRACEOUT((""));
   159     }
   162 CNcdNodeProxy& CNcdNodeManagerProxy::NodeL( const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aNodeIdentifier )
   163     {
   164     DLTRACEIN((_L("Node ID: %S, %S, %d"), 
   165                 &aNodeIdentifier.NodeId(),
   166                 &aNodeIdentifier.NodeNameSpace(),
   167                 aNodeIdentifier.ClientUid()));
   169     // Check if the node proxy already exists in the cache.
   170     // Every node has its own namespace and dataid.
   171     // If it does, do not create it.
   173     DLTRACE(("Node cache count: %d", iNodeCache.Count() ));
   175     CNcdNodeProxy* node( NodeExists( aNodeIdentifier ) );
   176     if ( node != NULL )
   177         {
   178         // Node was found. So, return it.
   179         DLTRACEOUT(("Node found"));
   180         return *node;
   181         }
   182     else if ( aNodeIdentifier.NodeNameSpace() 
   183                 == NcdProviderDefines::KRootNodeNameSpace )
   184         {
   185         DLTRACE(("RootNode"));
   186         // Because the node was not found from the cache,
   187         // create a new node.
   188         return RootNodeL();
   189         }
   190     else
   191         {
   192         DLTRACE(("Create a new node"));
   193         // Because the node was not found from the cache,
   194         // create a new node.
   195         return CreateNodeL( aNodeIdentifier );        
   196         }
   197     }
   200 CNcdRootNodeProxy& CNcdNodeManagerProxy::RootNodeL()
   201     {
   202     DLTRACEIN((""));
   204     if( iRootNode == NULL )
   205         {
   206         DLTRACE(("Root did not exist. Create it."));
   208         // Root does not exist. So, create it.
   210         // First get the handle to the node of the server side.
   211         // The handle is gotten from the server side nodemanager.
   212         TInt rootHandle( 0 );
   213         User::LeaveIfError(
   214                 ClientServerSession().
   215                     SendSync( NcdNodeFunctionIds::ENcdRootNodeHandle,
   216                               KNullDesC,
   217                               rootHandle,
   218                               Handle() ) );
   220         DLTRACE(("Root handle: %d", rootHandle ));
   222         // Now we have handle. So, create the actual root proxy. 
   223         // Notice that if the proxy object leaves during the construction
   224         // the destructor automatically releases the handle from the server side.               
   225         iRootNode = 
   226             CNcdRootNodeProxy::NewL( ClientServerSession(), 
   227                                      rootHandle,
   228                                      *this,
   229                                      iOperationManager,
   230                                      *iFavoriteManager );
   232         // Because root node is created now, it is not in the cache yet.
   233         // Put it into the cache. So, users can find the root then also
   234         // by using the NodeL function.
   235         iNodeCache.AppendL( iRootNode );
   236         }
   238     DLTRACEOUT((""));
   240     return *iRootNode;
   241     }
   243 CNcdSearchRootNodeProxy& CNcdNodeManagerProxy::SearchRootNodeL()
   244     {
   245     DLTRACEIN((""));
   247     if( iSearchRootNode == NULL )
   248         {
   249         DLTRACE(("Search root did not exist. Create it."));
   251         // Search root does not exist. So, create it.
   253         // First get the handle to the node of the server side.
   254         // The handle is gotten from the server side nodemanager.
   255         TInt searchRootHandle( 0 );
   256         User::LeaveIfError(
   257                 ClientServerSession().
   258                     SendSync( NcdNodeFunctionIds::ENcdSearchRootNodeHandle,
   259                               KNullDesC,
   260                               searchRootHandle,
   261                               Handle() ) );
   263         DLTRACE(("Search root handle: %d", searchRootHandle ));
   265         // Now we have handle. So, create the actual search root proxy. 
   266         // Notice that if the proxy object leaves during the construction
   267         // the destructor automatically releases the handle from the server side.               
   268         iSearchRootNode = 
   269             CNcdSearchRootNodeProxy::NewL( ClientServerSession(), 
   270                                      searchRootHandle,
   271                                      *this,
   272                                      iOperationManager,
   273                                      *iFavoriteManager );
   274         // call addref to keep search root alive for search ops (search root 
   275         // is set as observer for them)
   276         iSearchRootNode->InternalAddRef();
   277         // Because search root node is created now, it is not in the cache yet.
   278         // Put it into the cache. So, users can find the search root then also
   279         // by using the NodeL function.
   280         iNodeCache.AppendL( iSearchRootNode );
   281         }
   283     DLTRACEOUT((""));
   285     return *iSearchRootNode;
   286     }
   289 CNcdNodeProxy& CNcdNodeManagerProxy::CreateSchemeNodeL(
   290     const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aMetadataIdentifier,
   291     TNcdSchemeNodeType aType,
   292     TBool aRemoveOnDisconnect,
   293     TBool aForceCreate )
   294     {
   295     DLTRACEIN((""));
   297     CNcdNodeProxy* node( NULL );
   299     // Check the favorites for the given metadata and return the node which has
   300     // the metadata if one exists.
   301     node = iFavoriteManager->FavoriteNodeByMetaDataL( aMetadataIdentifier );
   303     if ( node )
   304         {
   305         return *node;
   306         }
   308     // Node was not found from favorites.
   309     if ( aForceCreate )
   310         {
   311         // Creation is forced, create node of correct type.
   312         switch ( aType )
   313             {
   314             case ENcdSchemeItem:
   316                 node = &CreateTemporaryNodeItemL( aMetadataIdentifier, EFalse );
   317                 break;
   319             case ENcdSchemeFolder:
   320                 node = &CreateTemporaryNodeFolderL( aMetadataIdentifier, EFalse );
   321                 break;
   323             case ENcdSchemeBundleFolder:
   324                 node = &CreateTemporaryBundleFolderL( aMetadataIdentifier, EFalse );
   325                 break;
   327             default:
   328                 NCD_ASSERT_ALWAYS( EFalse, ENcdPanicInvalidArgument );
   329                 break;
   330             }
   331         }
   332     else 
   333         {
   334         // Creation not forced, create temporary node item if metadata exists already.
   335         // This leaves with KErrNotFound if metadata does not exist, thus the
   336         // node cannot be created.
   337         node = &CreateTemporaryNodeIfMetadataExistsL( aMetadataIdentifier );
   338         }
   340     DASSERT( node );
   342     // Scheme nodes must be added to favourites.
   343     node->AddToFavoritesL( aRemoveOnDisconnect );
   345     DLTRACEOUT((""));
   347     return *node;
   348     }
   351 CNcdNodeProxy& CNcdNodeManagerProxy::CreateTemporaryNodeL( 
   352     const MNcdPurchaseDetails& aDetails )
   353     {
   354     DLTRACEIN((""));
   356     CNcdNodeProxy* node( NULL );
   358     CNcdNodeIdentifier* identifier( 
   359         CNcdNodeIdentifier::NewLC( aDetails.Namespace(), 
   360                                    aDetails.EntityId(), 
   361                                    aDetails.ServerUri(),
   362                                    aDetails.ClientUid() ) );
   364     if ( aDetails.ItemType() == MNcdPurchaseDetails::EItem )
   365         {
   366         DLINFO(("Item from purchase history"));
   367         node = &CreateTemporaryNodeItemL( *identifier, ETrue );
   368         }
   369     else if ( aDetails.ItemType() == MNcdPurchaseDetails::EFolder )
   370         {
   371         DLINFO(("Folder from purchase history"));
   372         node = &CreateTemporaryNodeFolderL( *identifier, ETrue );
   373         }
   374     else
   375         {
   376         DLINFO(("Unknown from purchase history"));
   377         node = &CreateTemporaryOrSupplierNodeL( *identifier );
   378         }
   380     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( identifier );
   382     DLTRACEOUT((""));
   384     return *node;
   385     }
   387 CNcdNodeProxy& CNcdNodeManagerProxy::CreateTemporaryNodeFolderL( 
   388     const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aMetadataIdentifier, TBool aCreateMetaData )
   389     {
   390     DLTRACEIN((_L("Metadata ID: %S, %S, %S, %d"), 
   391                 &aMetadataIdentifier.NodeId(),
   392                 &aMetadataIdentifier.NodeNameSpace(),
   393                 &aMetadataIdentifier.ServerUri(),
   394                 aMetadataIdentifier.ClientUid()));        
   396     // Check if the node proxy already exists in the cache.
   397     // Every node has its own namespace and dataid.
   398     // If it does exist, do not create it.
   400     // At first, try to find the node from cache by creating the node identifier
   401     // from the metadata identifier.
   402     CNcdNodeIdentifier* tempNodeIdentifier =
   403         NcdNodeIdentifierEditor::CreateTemporaryNodeIdentifierLC( aMetadataIdentifier );
   404     CNcdNodeProxy* node( NodeExists( *tempNodeIdentifier ) );
   406     if ( node ) 
   407         {
   408         // Node was found. So, return it.
   409         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempNodeIdentifier );
   410         DLTRACEOUT(("Node found in cache"));
   411         return *node;
   412         }
   414     // Notice that the actual node identifier is given here, instead of the
   415     // metadata identifier.
   416     HBufC8* nodeIdentifierData( tempNodeIdentifier->NodeIdentifierDataL() );
   417     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempNodeIdentifier );
   418     CleanupStack::PushL( nodeIdentifierData );
   420     DLINFO(("Get node handle"));
   421     // First get the handle to the node of the server side.
   422     // The handle is gotten from the server side nodemanager.
   424     // NOTE: The identifier may contain NULL UID here, but it will
   425     // be replaced by the family id in the server side. And then
   426     // the node proxy will contain the right UID when the created node is
   427     // internalized during its creation.
   428     TInt function = aCreateMetaData ? 
   429         NcdNodeFunctionIds::ENcdTemporaryNodeFolderWithMetaDataHandle : 
   430         NcdNodeFunctionIds::ENcdTemporaryNodeFolderHandle;
   432     TInt nodeHandle( 0 );
   433     User::LeaveIfError(
   434             ClientServerSession().
   435                 SendSync( function,
   436                           *nodeIdentifierData,
   437                           nodeHandle,
   438                           Handle() ) );
   440     DLTRACE(("Node handle: %d", nodeHandle ));
   442     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( nodeIdentifierData );
   444     // No need to check the class id here, because we requested an item
   445     // node above.
   447     node = 
   448         CNcdNodeFolderProxy::NewLC( ClientServerSession(),
   449                                     nodeHandle,
   450                                     *this,
   451                                     iOperationManager,
   452                                     *iFavoriteManager );
   454     // Because we creted a new node, it should be added to the cache.
   455     iNodeCache.AppendL( node );
   457     CleanupStack::Pop( node );
   459     DLTRACEOUT((""));
   461     return *node;
   462     }
   464 CNcdNodeProxy& CNcdNodeManagerProxy::CreateTemporaryBundleFolderL(
   465     const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aMetadataIdentifier, TBool aCreateMetaData )
   466     {
   467     DLTRACEIN((_L("Metadata ID: %S, %S, %S, %d"), 
   468                 &aMetadataIdentifier.NodeId(),
   469                 &aMetadataIdentifier.NodeNameSpace(),
   470                 &aMetadataIdentifier.ServerUri(),
   471                 aMetadataIdentifier.ClientUid()));        
   473     // Check if the node proxy already exists in the cache.
   474     // Every node has its own namespace and dataid.
   475     // If it does exist, do not create it.
   477     // At first, try to find the node from cache by creating the node identifier
   478     // from the metadata identifier.
   479     CNcdNodeIdentifier* tempNodeIdentifier =
   480         NcdNodeIdentifierEditor::CreateTemporaryNodeIdentifierLC( aMetadataIdentifier );
   481     CNcdNodeProxy* node( NodeExists( *tempNodeIdentifier ) );
   483     if ( node ) 
   484         {
   485         // Node was found. So, return it.
   486         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempNodeIdentifier );
   487         DLTRACEOUT(("Node found in cache"));
   488         return *node;
   489         }
   491     // Notice that the actual node identifier is given here, instead of the
   492     // metadata identifier.
   493     HBufC8* nodeIdentifierData( tempNodeIdentifier->NodeIdentifierDataL() );
   494     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempNodeIdentifier );
   495     CleanupStack::PushL( nodeIdentifierData );
   497     DLINFO(("Get node handle"));
   498     // First get the handle to the node of the server side.
   499     // The handle is gotten from the server side nodemanager.
   501     // NOTE: The identifier may contain NULL UID here, but it will
   502     // be replaced by the family id in the server side. And then
   503     // the node proxy will contain the right UID when the created node is
   504     // internalized during its creation.
   505     TInt function = aCreateMetaData ?
   506         NcdNodeFunctionIds::ENcdTemporaryBundleFolderWithMetaDataHandle :
   507         NcdNodeFunctionIds::ENcdTemporaryBundleFolderHandle;
   509     TInt nodeHandle( 0 );
   510     User::LeaveIfError(
   511             ClientServerSession().
   512                 SendSync( function,
   513                           *nodeIdentifierData,
   514                           nodeHandle,
   515                           Handle() ) );
   517     DLTRACE(("Node handle: %d", nodeHandle ));
   519     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( nodeIdentifierData );
   521     // No need to check the class id here, because we requested a bundle folder
   522     // node above.
   523     node = 
   524         CNcdBundleFolderProxy::NewLC( ClientServerSession(),
   525                                       nodeHandle,
   526                                       *this,
   527                                       iOperationManager,
   528                                       *iFavoriteManager );
   530     // Because we creted a new node, it should be added to the cache.
   531     iNodeCache.AppendL( node );
   533     CleanupStack::Pop( node );
   535     DLTRACEOUT((""));
   537     return *node;
   538     }
   541 CNcdNodeProxy& CNcdNodeManagerProxy::CreateTemporaryNodeItemL(
   542     const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aMetadataIdentifier,
   543     TBool aCreateMetaData )
   544     {
   545     DLTRACEIN((_L("Metadata ID: %S, %S, %S, %d"), 
   546                 &aMetadataIdentifier.NodeId(),
   547                 &aMetadataIdentifier.NodeNameSpace(),
   548                 &aMetadataIdentifier.ServerUri(),
   549                 aMetadataIdentifier.ClientUid()));        
   551     // Check if the node proxy already exists in the cache.
   552     // Every node has its own namespace and dataid.
   553     // If it does exist, do not create it.
   555     // At first, try to find the node from cache by creating the node identifier
   556     // from the metadata identifier.
   557     CNcdNodeIdentifier* tempNodeIdentifier =
   558         NcdNodeIdentifierEditor::CreateTemporaryNodeIdentifierLC( aMetadataIdentifier );
   559     CNcdNodeProxy* node( NodeExists( *tempNodeIdentifier ) );
   561     if ( node ) 
   562         {
   563         // Node was found. So, return it.
   564         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempNodeIdentifier );
   565         DLTRACEOUT(("Node found in cache"));
   566         return *node;
   567         }
   569     // Notice that the actual node identifier is given here, instead of the
   570     // metadata identifier.
   571     HBufC8* nodeIdentifierData( tempNodeIdentifier->NodeIdentifierDataL() );
   572     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempNodeIdentifier );
   573     CleanupStack::PushL( nodeIdentifierData );
   575     DLINFO(("Get node handle"));
   576     // First get the handle to the node of the server side.
   577     // The handle is gotten from the server side nodemanager.
   579     // NOTE: The identifier may contain NULL UID here, but it will
   580     // be replaced by the family id in the server side. And then
   581     // the node proxy will contain the right UID when the created node is
   582     // internalized during its creation.
   583     TInt function = aCreateMetaData ?
   584         NcdNodeFunctionIds::ENcdTemporaryNodeItemWithMetaDataHandle :
   585         NcdNodeFunctionIds::ENcdTemporaryNodeItemHandle;
   587     TInt nodeHandle( 0 );
   588     User::LeaveIfError(
   589             ClientServerSession().
   590                 SendSync( function,
   591                           *nodeIdentifierData,
   592                           nodeHandle,
   593                           Handle() ) );
   595     DLTRACE(("Node handle: %d", nodeHandle ));
   597     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( nodeIdentifierData );
   599     // No need to check the class id here, because we requested an item
   600     // node above.
   602     node = 
   603         CNcdNodeItemProxy::NewLC( ClientServerSession(),
   604                                   nodeHandle,
   605                                   *this,
   606                                   iOperationManager,
   607                                   *iFavoriteManager );
   609     // Because we creted a new node, it should be added to the cache.
   610     iNodeCache.AppendL( node );
   612     CleanupStack::Pop( node );
   614     DLTRACEOUT((""));
   616     return *node;
   617     }
   620 CNcdNodeProxy& CNcdNodeManagerProxy::CreateTemporaryNodeIfMetadataExistsL(
   621     const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aMetadataIdentifier )
   622     {
   623     DLTRACEIN((_L("Metadata ID: %S, %S, %S, %d"), 
   624                 &aMetadataIdentifier.NodeId(),
   625                 &aMetadataIdentifier.NodeNameSpace(),
   626                 &aMetadataIdentifier.ServerUri(),
   627                 aMetadataIdentifier.ClientUid()));
   629     CNcdNodeIdentifier* tempNodeIdentifier =
   630         NcdNodeIdentifierEditor::CreateTemporaryNodeIdentifierLC( aMetadataIdentifier );
   632     // Check if the node proxy already exists in the cache.
   633     // Every node has its own namespace and dataid.
   634     // If it does exist, do not create it.
   635     CNcdNodeProxy* node( NodeExists( *tempNodeIdentifier ) );    
   636     if ( node ) 
   637         {
   638         // Node was found. So, return it.
   639         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempNodeIdentifier );
   640         DLTRACEOUT(("Node found in cache"));
   641         return *node;
   642         }
   644     // Node was not found from the cache. So, new node proxy has to be created.
   646     // Notice that the actual node identifier is given here for the server, instead of the
   647     // metadata identifier.
   648     HBufC8* nodeIdentifierData( tempNodeIdentifier->NodeIdentifierDataL() );
   649     CleanupStack::PushL( nodeIdentifierData );
   651     DLINFO(("Create temporary if metadata exists"));
   653     // This is the output value from SendSync. It tells whether the node was created in server side.
   654     // It will be ETrue also when the node existed there already.
   655     TBool isCreated( EFalse );
   657     // NOTE: The identifier may contain NULL UID here, but it will
   658     // be replaced by the family id in the server side. And then
   659     // the node proxy will contain the right UID when the created node is
   660     // internalized during its creation.
   661     // This will create the temporary node in server side if the metadata exists there already.
   662     // So, it can be requested next when the node proxy will be created.
   663     User::LeaveIfError(
   664             ClientServerSession().
   665                 SendSync( NcdNodeFunctionIds::ENcdCreateTemporaryNodeIfMetadataExists,
   666                           *nodeIdentifierData,
   667                           isCreated,
   668                           Handle() ) );
   670     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( nodeIdentifierData );
   672     if ( isCreated ) 
   673         {
   674         // The node was created above in the server side if it did not
   675         // already exist. So, we can be sure that we get the node below.
   676         // NodeL knows how to create the correct node and inserts it to the cache. 
   677         // So, use that function here.
   678         // Notice, that there is no need to use ReplaceCacheNodeL here because the
   679         // supplier node can use it itself when the correct node data has been loaded
   680         // from the web.
   681         node = &NodeL( *tempNodeIdentifier );
   682         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempNodeIdentifier );
   683         }
   684     else 
   685         {
   686         User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
   687         }
   689     DLTRACEOUT(("metadata was found and temporary node created"));
   691     return *node;
   692     }
   695 CNcdNodeProxy& CNcdNodeManagerProxy::CreateTemporaryOrSupplierNodeL(
   696     const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aMetadataIdentifier )
   697     {
   698     DLTRACEIN((_L("Metadata ID: %S, %S, %S, %d"), 
   699                 &aMetadataIdentifier.NodeId(),
   700                 &aMetadataIdentifier.NodeNameSpace(),
   701                 &aMetadataIdentifier.ServerUri(),
   702                 aMetadataIdentifier.ClientUid()));        
   704     // Notice that the supplier node and the temporary node use same identifiers
   705     // but only one version should exist at a time.
   707     CNcdNodeIdentifier* tempNodeIdentifier =
   708         NcdNodeIdentifierEditor::CreateTemporaryNodeIdentifierLC( aMetadataIdentifier );
   710     // Check if the node proxy already exists in the cache.
   711     // Every node has its own namespace and dataid.
   712     // If it does exist, do not create it.
   713     CNcdNodeProxy* node( NodeExists( *tempNodeIdentifier ) );    
   714     if ( node ) 
   715         {
   716         // Node was found. So, return it.
   717         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempNodeIdentifier );
   718         DLTRACEOUT(("Node found in cache"));
   719         return *node;
   720         }
   722     // Node was not found from the cache. So, new node proxy has to be created.
   724     // Notice that the actual node identifier is given here for the server, instead of the
   725     // metadata identifier.
   726     HBufC8* nodeIdentifierData( tempNodeIdentifier->NodeIdentifierDataL() );
   727     CleanupStack::PushL( nodeIdentifierData );
   729     DLINFO(("Create temporary or supplier node proxy"));
   731     // tmpNum is not used for anything, but give the SendSync at least some parameter.    
   732     TInt tmpNum( 0 );
   734     // NOTE: The identifier may contain NULL UID here, but it will
   735     // be replaced by the family id in the server side. And then
   736     // the node proxy will contain the right UID when the created node is
   737     // internalized during its creation.
   738     // This will create the supplier or temporary node in server side. So, it can be
   739     // requested next when the node proxy will be created.
   740     User::LeaveIfError(
   741             ClientServerSession().
   742                 SendSync( NcdNodeFunctionIds::ENcdCreateTemporaryOrSupplierNode,
   743                           *nodeIdentifierData,
   744                           tmpNum,
   745                           Handle() ) );
   747     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( nodeIdentifierData );
   749     // The node was created above in the server side if it did not
   750     // already exist. So, we can be sure that we get the node below.
   751     // NodeL knows how to create the correct node and inserts it to the cache. 
   752     // So, use that function here.
   753     // Notice, that there is no need to use ReplaceCacheNodeL here because the
   754     // supplier node can use it itself when the correct node data has been loaded
   755     // from the web.
   756     node = &NodeL( *tempNodeIdentifier );
   758     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempNodeIdentifier );
   760     DLTRACEOUT((""));
   762     return *node;
   763     }
   766 CNcdNodeProxy& CNcdNodeManagerProxy::ReplaceCacheNodeL( const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aNodeIdentifier )
   767     {
   768     DLTRACEIN((""))
   770     // Remove the node that has the given identifier from the cache.
   771     // Notice, that the node is now left hanging. And, it will be just deleted
   772     // when the user releases it. Also, notice that when the node is deleted,
   773     // CNcdNodeManager::NodeDeleted() will be called but it does not matter because the
   774     // comparisons in that function are done by using pointers, not identifiers.
   775     for ( TInt i = 0; i < iNodeCache.Count(); ++i )
   776         {
   777         // Because the UID may be set NULL for an identifier and because the
   778         // UID should always be same for all the nodes in this application,
   779         // the UID is not included when comparing node identifiers here.
   780         if ( iNodeCache[ i ]->NodeIdentifier().
   781                 Equals( aNodeIdentifier, ETrue, ETrue, EFalse, EFalse ) ) 
   782             {
   783             iNodeCache.Remove( i );
   784             }
   785         }        
   787     DLTRACEOUT((""));
   789     // This will also insert the new node into the cache.
   790     // Let the node call leave if something goes wrong. Actually, 
   791     // at least some node should be found if one version of the node with the
   792     // given identifier alreay exists in the server side.
   793     // This call may also leave if we are out of memory. In that case just leave.
   794     // Do not try to set the removed node back to the array. When memory is released.
   795     // It can be requested from the server side normally later.
   796     return NodeL( aNodeIdentifier );
   797     }
   800 CNcdNodeProxy* CNcdNodeManagerProxy::NodeExists( const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aNodeIdentifier ) const
   801     {
   802     DLTRACEIN((""));
   803     for ( TInt i = 0; i < iNodeCache.Count(); ++i )
   804         {
   805         // Because the UID may be set NULL for an identifier and because the
   806         // UID should always be same for all the nodes in this application,
   807         // the UID is not included when comparing node identifiers here.
   808         if ( iNodeCache[ i ]->NodeIdentifier().
   809                 Equals( aNodeIdentifier, ETrue, ETrue, EFalse, EFalse ) ) 
   810             {
   811             // The node has already been created 
   812             // because the link ids matched.
   813             // Return the old node.
   814             DLTRACE(("node found"));
   815             return iNodeCache[ i ];
   816             }
   817         }
   818     DLTRACE(("node not found"));
   819     return NULL;
   820     }
   823 void CNcdNodeManagerProxy::NodeDeleted( CNcdNodeProxy* aNode )
   824     {
   825     DLTRACEIN(("Node Deleted"));
   827     CNcdNodeProxy* root( iRootNode );
   828     CNcdNodeProxy* searchRoot( iSearchRootNode );
   829     if( root == aNode )
   830         {
   831         DLTRACE(("Deleted root node"));
   832         // Because the root node is deleted. Set the pointer value to null.
   833         iRootNode = NULL;        
   834         }
   835     else if( searchRoot == aNode )
   836         {
   837         DLTRACE(("Deleted search node"));
   838         // Because the search root node is deleted. Set the pointer value to
   839         // null.
   840         iSearchRootNode = NULL;
   841         }
   843     // Remove node from the cache because it will be or has been deleted.
   844     for ( TInt i = 0; i < iNodeCache.Count(); ++i )
   845         {
   846         if( aNode == iNodeCache[ i ] )
   847             {
   848             DLTRACE(("Removing from cache"));
   849             // Remove node from the array.
   850             iNodeCache.Remove( i );
   851             break;
   852             }
   853         }
   854     }
   857 void CNcdNodeManagerProxy::InternalizeRelatedNodesL( CNcdNodeProxy& aNode ) const
   858     {
   859     DLTRACEIN((""));
   861     // First internalize the given node
   862     aNode.InternalizeL();
   864     // Then check if there is some other nodes to internalize.
   866     // Get the metadata identifier of the given node.
   867     CNcdNodeIdentifier* paramMetaIdentifier( 
   868         NcdNodeIdentifierEditor::CreateMetaDataIdentifierLC( 
   869             aNode.NodeIdentifier() ) );
   870     CNcdNodeIdentifier* metaIdentifier( NULL );
   871     CNcdNodeProxy* node( NULL );
   873     // Check if related nodes are found from the cache. 
   874     for ( TInt i = 0; i < iNodeCache.Count(); ++i )
   875         {
   876         node = iNodeCache[ i ];
   877         metaIdentifier = 
   878             NcdNodeIdentifierEditor::CreateMetaDataIdentifierLC( 
   879                 node->NodeIdentifier() );
   881         // Because given node has already been internalized, there is no need to redo it
   882         // here. But, internalize all related nodes.
   883         // When identifiers are compared, compare only id and namespace. Omit comparison
   884         // of URI and UID. UID may be NULL if the node has not been internalized before.
   885         if ( &aNode != node
   886              && paramMetaIdentifier->Equals( *metaIdentifier, 
   887                                              ETrue, ETrue, EFalse, EFalse ) )
   888             {
   889             DLINFO(("Related node found. Internalize."));
   890             node->InternalizeL();
   891             }
   893         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( metaIdentifier );
   894         metaIdentifier = NULL;
   895         }
   897     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( paramMetaIdentifier );    
   898     DLTRACEOUT((""));
   899     }
   902 CNcdSubscriptionManagerProxy&
   903     CNcdNodeManagerProxy::SubscriptionManager() const
   904     {
   905     return iSubscriptionManager;
   906     }
   908 void CNcdNodeManagerProxy::SetFavoriteManager(
   909     CNcdFavoriteManagerProxy& aFavoriteManager ) 
   910     {
   911     iFavoriteManager = &aFavoriteManager;
   912     }
   914 void CNcdNodeManagerProxy::ClearSearchResultsL()
   915     {
   916     DLTRACEIN((""));
   917     TInt err = KErrNone;
   918     User::LeaveIfError( ClientServerSession().SendSync(
   919         NcdNodeFunctionIds::ENcdClearSearchResults,
   920         KNullDesC,
   921         err,
   922         Handle() ) );
   923     DLTRACEOUT(( "err = %d", err ));
   924     }
   927 TBool CNcdNodeManagerProxy::IsCapabilitySupportedL( const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aNode, 
   928     const TDesC& aCapability )
   929     {
   930     DLTRACEIN((""));
   931     CBufBase* sendBuffer = CBufFlat::NewL( KBufExpandSize );
   932     CleanupStack::PushL( sendBuffer );
   933     RBufWriteStream stream( *sendBuffer );
   934     CleanupClosePushL( stream );
   936     aNode.ExternalizeL( stream );
   937     ExternalizeDesL( aCapability, stream );
   939     TPtrC8 sendPtr( sendBuffer->Ptr( 0 ) );
   941     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stream );
   942     TBool isCapabilitySupported = EFalse;
   944     User::LeaveIfError( ClientServerSession().SendSync(
   945         NcdNodeFunctionIds::ENcdIsCapabilitySupported,
   946         sendPtr,
   947         isCapabilitySupported,
   948         Handle() ) );
   950     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( sendBuffer );
   951     return isCapabilitySupported;
   952     }
   955 void CNcdNodeManagerProxy::HandleExpiredNodesL(
   956     RPointerArray< CNcdExpiredNode >& aExpiredNodes )
   957     {
   958     DLTRACEIN((""));
   959     RCatalogsArray<MNcdNode> expiredNodeArray;
   960     CleanupClosePushL( expiredNodeArray );
   961     for( TInt i = 0 ; i < aExpiredNodes.Count() ; i++ )
   962         {
   963         CNcdNodeProxy* node = NodeExists( aExpiredNodes[i]->NodeIdentifier() );
   964         if( node )
   965             {
   966             DLTRACE(("Node existed"));
   967             // Perhaps errors should not be ignored?
   968             TRAP_IGNORE( node->InternalizeL() );
   969             if ( aExpiredNodes[i]->ForceUpdate() )
   970                 {
   971                 DLTRACE(("Force update set, add to array"));
   972                 node->AddRef();
   973                 expiredNodeArray.AppendL( node );
   974                 }
   975             }
   976         }
   977     if( expiredNodeArray.Count() > 0 )
   978         {
   979         DLTRACE(("Send force update nodes to provider"));
   980         iProvider.ExpirationCallback( expiredNodeArray );
   981         }
   982     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &expiredNodeArray );
   983     }
   986 CNcdProviderProxy& CNcdNodeManagerProxy::Provider() const
   987     {
   988     return iProvider;
   989     }
   991 /*
   992 CNcdNodeProxy& CNcdNodeManagerProxy::CreateSchemeNodeL( 
   993     const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aMetadataIdentifier,
   994     TInt aFunctionId )
   995     {
   996     DLTRACEIN((_L("ID: %S, %S, %d"), 
   997                 &aMetadataIdentifier.NodeId(),
   998                 &aMetadataIdentifier.NodeNameSpace(),
   999                 aMetadataIdentifier.ClientUid()));        
  1001     // Check that the root is not in an unitialized state.
  1002     // Scheme should be created only if the root has been initialized before.
  1003     // Because the root is only used here internally, there is no need to increase
  1004     // the reference count.
  1005     CNcdRootNodeProxy& root( RootNodeL() );
  1006     if ( root.State() == MNcdNode::EStateNotInitialized )
  1007         {
  1008         DLERROR(("Root was not initialized before creation of scheme!"));
  1009         DASSERT( EFalse );
  1010         User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
  1011         }
  1013     CNcdNodeIdentifier* nodeIdentifier =
  1014         NcdNodeIdentifierEditor::CreateNodeIdentifierLC(
  1015             RootNodeL().NodeIdentifier(),
  1016             aMetadataIdentifier );
  1018     // Check if the node proxy already exists in the cache.
  1019     // Every node has its own namespace and dataid.
  1020     // If it does exist, do not create it.
  1022     CNcdNodeProxy* node( NodeExists( *nodeIdentifier ) );
  1023     if ( node != NULL )
  1024         {
  1025         // Node was found. So, return it.
  1026         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( nodeIdentifier );
  1027         DLTRACEOUT(("Node found"));
  1028         return *node;
  1029         }
  1031     HBufC8* nodeIdentifierData( nodeIdentifier->NodeIdentifierDataL() );    
  1032     CleanupStack::PushL( nodeIdentifierData );
  1034     // NOTE: The identifier may contain NULL UID here, but it will
  1035     // be replaced by the family id in the server side. And then
  1036     // the node proxy will contain the right UID when the created node is
  1037     // internalized during its creation.
  1039     // tmpNum will not be used for anything. It is just given as a dummy parameter for
  1040     // the session request.
  1041     TInt tmpNum( 0 );
  1042     User::LeaveIfError(
  1043             ClientServerSession().
  1044                 SendSync( aFunctionId,
  1045                           *nodeIdentifierData,
  1046                           tmpNum,
  1047                           Handle() ) );
  1049     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( nodeIdentifierData );
  1051     // The node was created above in the server side if it did not
  1052     // already exist. So, we can be sure that we get the node below.
  1053     // NodeL knows how to create the correct node and inserts it to the cache. 
  1054     // So, use that function here.
  1055     node = &NodeL( *nodeIdentifier );
  1057     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( nodeIdentifier );
  1059     // Update root node by calling internalization because scheme nodes will
  1060     // be added to the root node also.
  1061     RootNodeL().InternalizeL();
  1063     DLTRACEOUT((""));
  1065     return *node;
  1066     }
  1067 */
  1069  CNcdNodeProxy& CNcdNodeManagerProxy::CreateNodeL( const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aNodeIdentifier )
  1070     {
  1071     DLTRACEIN((""));
  1073     CNcdNodeProxy* node( NULL );
  1075     HBufC8* nodeIdentifierData( aNodeIdentifier.NodeIdentifierDataL() );
  1076     CleanupStack::PushL( nodeIdentifierData );
  1078     DLINFO(("Get node handle"));
  1079     // First get the handle to the node of the server side.
  1080     // The handle is gotten from the server side nodemanager.
  1082     // NOTE: The identifier may contain NULL UID here, but it will
  1083     // be replaced by the family id in the server side. And then
  1084     // the node proxy will contain the right UID when the created node is
  1085     // internalized during its creation.
  1087     TInt nodeHandle( 0 );
  1088     User::LeaveIfError(
  1089             ClientServerSession().
  1090                 SendSync( NcdNodeFunctionIds::ENcdNodeHandle,
  1091                           *nodeIdentifierData,
  1092                           nodeHandle,
  1093                           Handle() ) );
  1095     DLTRACE(("Node handle: %d", nodeHandle ));
  1097     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( nodeIdentifierData );
  1100     // Next, check the type of the node. So, we can create
  1101     // right type of the proxy.
  1102     TInt classId( 0 );    
  1103     TInt classIdError = 
  1104             ClientServerSession().
  1105                 SendSync( NcdNodeFunctionIds::ENcdClassId,
  1106                           KNullDesC,
  1107                           classId,
  1108                           nodeHandle );
  1109     if ( classIdError != KErrNone )
  1110         {
  1111         // Because we can not create the proxy object for some reason,
  1112         // release the handle.
  1113         TInt tmpNum( 0 );
  1114         ClientServerSession().
  1115             SendSync( NcdNodeFunctionIds::ENcdRelease,
  1116                       KNullDesC,
  1117                       tmpNum,
  1118                       Handle() );
  1120         // For debuggin reasons.
  1121         DLERROR(("Class id error"));
  1122         DASSERT( EFalse );
  1124         User::Leave( classIdError );
  1125         }
  1127     // Create the node according to the class id
  1128     // Notice that if the proxy object leaves during the construction
  1129     // the destructor automatically releases the handle from the server side.               
  1130     switch( classId )
  1131         {
  1132         case NcdNodeClassIds::ENcdFolderNodeClassId:
  1133             node = 
  1134                 CNcdNodeFolderProxy::NewLC( ClientServerSession(), 
  1135                                             nodeHandle,
  1136                                             *this,
  1137                                             iOperationManager,
  1138                                             *iFavoriteManager );
  1139             break;
  1141         case NcdNodeClassIds::ENcdTransparentFolderNodeClassId:
  1142             // The transparent folder is handled in the proxy
  1143             // side as a normal folder.
  1144             node = 
  1145                 CNcdNodeFolderProxy::NewLC( ClientServerSession(), 
  1146                                             nodeHandle,
  1147                                             *this,
  1148                                             iOperationManager,
  1149                                             *iFavoriteManager );
  1150             break;
  1152         case NcdNodeClassIds::ENcdBundleFolderNodeClassId:
  1153             node =
  1154                 CNcdBundleFolderProxy::NewLC( ClientServerSession(),
  1155                                               nodeHandle,
  1156                                               *this,
  1157                                               iOperationManager,
  1158                                               *iFavoriteManager );
  1159             break;
  1161         case NcdNodeClassIds::ENcdSearchFolderNodeClassId:
  1162             node = 
  1163                 CNcdSearchNodeFolderProxy::NewLC( ClientServerSession(), 
  1164                                             nodeHandle,
  1165                                             *this,
  1166                                             iOperationManager,
  1167                                             *iFavoriteManager );
  1168             break;
  1170         case NcdNodeClassIds::ENcdItemNodeClassId:
  1171             node = 
  1172                 CNcdNodeItemProxy::NewLC( ClientServerSession(),
  1173                                           nodeHandle,
  1174                                           *this,
  1175                                           iOperationManager,
  1176                                           *iFavoriteManager );
  1177             break;
  1179         case NcdNodeClassIds::ENcdSearchItemNodeClassId:
  1180             node = 
  1181                 CNcdSearchNodeItemProxy::NewLC( ClientServerSession(),
  1182                                           nodeHandle,
  1183                                           *this,
  1184                                           iOperationManager,
  1185                                           *iFavoriteManager );
  1186             break;
  1188         case NcdNodeClassIds::ENcdSearchRootNodeClassId:
  1189             node = 
  1190                 CNcdSearchRootNodeProxy::NewLC( ClientServerSession(),
  1191                                           nodeHandle,
  1192                                           *this,
  1193                                           iOperationManager,
  1194                                           *iFavoriteManager );
  1195             break;
  1198         case NcdNodeClassIds::ENcdSupplierNodeClassId:
  1199             {
  1200             node = CNcdNodeSupplierProxy::NewLC( ClientServerSession(),
  1201                                                  nodeHandle,
  1202                                                  *this,
  1203                                                  iOperationManager,
  1204                                                  *iFavoriteManager );
  1206             break;
  1207             }
  1209         case NcdNodeClassIds::ENcdSearchBundleNodeClassId:
  1210             {
  1211             node = 
  1212                 CNcdSearchNodeBundleProxy::NewLC( ClientServerSession(), 
  1213                                             nodeHandle,
  1214                                             *this,
  1215                                             iOperationManager,
  1216                                             *iFavoriteManager );
  1217             break;
  1218             }            
  1220         default:
  1221             // classId is not recognized
  1222             // So, node is left NULL
  1223             DLERROR(("Node class type was not recognized!"));
  1224             // For testing purposes assert here
  1225             DASSERT( EFalse );
  1226             break;
  1227         }
  1229     // Because we creted a new node, it should be added to the cache.
  1230     iNodeCache.AppendL( node );
  1232     CleanupStack::Pop( node );
  1233     DLTRACEOUT((""));
  1234     return *node;
  1235     }