changeset 0 ba25891c3a9e
equal deleted inserted replaced
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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:   MNCDParserObserver declaration
    15 *
    16 */
    22 #include <e32base.h>
    25 class MNcdConfigurationProtocolActionRequest;
    26 class MNcdConfigurationProtocolClientConfiguration;
    27 class MNcdConfigurationProtocolDetail;
    28 class MNcdConfigurationProtocolError;
    29 class MNcdConfigurationProtocolError;
    30 class MNcdConfigurationProtocolQuery;
    31 class MNcdConfigurationProtocolServerDetails;
    32 class MNcdPreminetProtocolCookie;
    33 class MNcdPreminetProtocolDataBlock;
    34 class MNcdPreminetProtocolDataEntity;
    35 class MNcdPreminetProtocolDataEntity;
    36 class MNcdPreminetProtocolError;
    37 class MNcdPreminetProtocolFolderRef;
    38 class MNcdPreminetProtocolInformation;
    39 class MNcdPreminetProtocolItemRef;
    40 class MNcdPreminetProtocolPurchaseInformation;
    41 class MNcdPreminetProtocolPurchaseProcessed;
    42 class MNcdPreminetProtocolSubscription;
    44 /**
    45  * Main parser observer interface for watching parser events.
    46  */
    47 class MNcdParserObserver
    48     {
    49 public:
    50     /**
    51     * Called when an error occurs during parsing. The parsing
    52     * will not continue after this.
    53     * The error code should tell things such as:
    54     * - syntax error
    55     * - protocol error
    56     */
    57     virtual void ParseError( TInt aErrorCode ) = 0;
    59     /**
    60      * This method is called after the user has called MNCDParser::EndL()
    61      * and all data has been processed. 
    62      */
    63     virtual void ParseCompleteL( TInt aError ) = 0;
    64     };
    67 /**
    68  * Observer for entities received from the parser.
    69  */
    70 class MNcdParserEntityObserver
    71     {
    72 public:
    73     /**
    74      * Folder ref entity.
    75      * @param aData Ownership is transfered.
    76      */
    77     virtual void FolderRefL( MNcdPreminetProtocolFolderRef* aData ) = 0;
    78     /**
    79      * Folder metadata entity.
    80      * @param aData Ownership is transfered.
    81      */
    82     virtual void FolderDataL( MNcdPreminetProtocolDataEntity* aData ) = 0;
    83     /**
    84      * Item ref entity.
    85      * @param aData Ownership is transfered.
    86      */
    87     virtual void ItemRefL( MNcdPreminetProtocolItemRef* aData ) = 0;
    88     /**
    89      * Item metadata entity.
    90      * @param aData Ownership is transfered.
    91      */
    92     virtual void ItemDataL( MNcdPreminetProtocolDataEntity* aData ) = 0;
    93     };
    95 /**
    96  * Observer for purchase information received from the parser.
    97  */
    98 class MNcdParserPurchaseObserver
    99     {
   100 public:
   101     /**
   102      * Purchase information.
   103      * @param aData Ownership is transfered.
   104      */
   105     virtual void InformationL( 
   106         MNcdPreminetProtocolPurchaseInformation* aData ) = 0;
   108     /**
   109      * Processed purchase data.
   110      * @param aData Ownership is transfered.
   111      */
   112     virtual void ProcessedL( 
   113         MNcdPreminetProtocolPurchaseProcessed* aData ) = 0;
   114     };
   116 /**
   117  * Observer for subscription information received from the parser.
   118  */
   119 class MNcdParserSubscriptionObserver
   120     {
   121 public:
   122     /**
   123      * Purchase information.
   124      * @param aData Ownership is transfered.
   125      */
   126     virtual void ValidSubscriptionL( 
   127         MNcdPreminetProtocolSubscription* aData ) = 0;
   129     /**
   130      * Processed purchase data.
   131      * @param aData Ownership is transfered.
   132      */
   133     virtual void OldSubscriptionL( 
   134         MNcdPreminetProtocolSubscription* aData ) = 0;
   135     };
   137 /**
   138  * Observer for session information.
   139  */ 
   140 class MNcdParserSessionObserver
   141     {
   142 public:
   143     /**
   144      * Session with an id has been received.
   145      * @param aSessionId
   146      * @param aServerURI Server where this session originated.
   147      * @param aNameSpace
   148      */
   149     virtual void SessionL( const TDesC& aSessionId,
   150                            const TDesC& aServerURI,
   151                            const TDesC& aNameSpace ) = 0;
   152     };
   154 class MNcdParserInformationObserver
   155     {
   156 public:
   157     virtual void InformationL( 
   158         MNcdPreminetProtocolInformation* aData ) = 0;
   159     };
   161 class MNcdParserDataBlocksObserver
   162     {
   163 public:
   164     virtual void DataBlocksL( 
   165         CArrayPtr<MNcdPreminetProtocolDataBlock>* aData ) = 0;
   166     };
   168 class MNcdParserErrorObserver
   169     {
   170 public:
   171     virtual void ErrorL( 
   172         MNcdPreminetProtocolError* aData ) = 0;
   173     };
   175 class MNcdParserQueryObserver
   176     {
   177 public:
   178     virtual void QueryL( 
   179         MNcdConfigurationProtocolQuery* aData ) = 0;
   180     };
   183 /**
   184  * Observer for configuration protocol information.
   185  */ 
   186 class MNcdParserConfigurationProtocolObserver
   187     {
   188 public:
   189     virtual void ConfigurationBeginL( const TDesC& version, 
   190                                       TInt expirationdelta ) = 0;
   191     virtual void ConfigurationQueryL( MNcdConfigurationProtocolQuery* aQuery ) = 0;
   193     virtual void ClientConfigurationL(
   194         MNcdConfigurationProtocolClientConfiguration* aConfiguration ) = 0;
   195     virtual void ConfigurationDetailsL( CArrayPtr<MNcdConfigurationProtocolDetail>* aDetails ) = 0;
   196     virtual void ConfigurationActionRequestL( MNcdConfigurationProtocolActionRequest* aActionRequest ) = 0;
   197     virtual void ConfigurationErrorL( MNcdConfigurationProtocolError* aError ) = 0;
   198     virtual void ConfigurationServerDetailsL( MNcdConfigurationProtocolServerDetails* aServerDetails ) = 0;
   199     virtual void ConfigurationEndL() = 0;
   200     };
   202 class MNcdParserObserverBundle
   203     {
   204 public:
   205     virtual ~MNcdParserObserverBundle() {}
   207     /**
   208      * Sets the main observer. 
   209      * This is mandatory prior to beginning the parsing!
   210      * @param aObserver
   211      */ 
   212     virtual void SetParserObserver( MNcdParserObserver* aObserver ) = 0;
   213     /**
   214      * Retrieves the observer pointer.
   215      * @return Observer pointer or null.
   216      */
   217     virtual MNcdParserObserver* ParserObserver() const = 0;
   219     /**
   220      * Sets the entity observer.
   221      * @param aObserver
   222      */
   223     virtual void SetEntityObserver( MNcdParserEntityObserver* aObserver ) = 0;
   224     /**
   225      * Retrieves the entity observer.
   226      * @return Observer pointer or null.
   227      */
   228     virtual MNcdParserEntityObserver* EntityObserver() const = 0;
   230     /**
   231      * Sets the purchase observer.
   232      * @param aObserver
   233      */
   234     virtual void SetPurchaseObserver( MNcdParserPurchaseObserver* aObserver ) = 0;
   235     /**
   236      * Retrieves the purchase observer.
   237      * @return Observer pointer or null.
   238      */
   239     virtual MNcdParserPurchaseObserver* PurchaseObserver() const = 0;
   241     /**
   242      * Sets the subscription observer.
   243      * @param aObserver
   244      */
   245     virtual void SetSubscriptionObserver( MNcdParserSubscriptionObserver* aObserver ) = 0;
   246     /**
   247      * Retrieves the subscription observer.
   248      * @return Observer pointer or null.
   249      */
   250     virtual MNcdParserSubscriptionObserver* SubscriptionObserver() const = 0;
   252     /**
   253      * Sets the session observer.
   254      * @param aObserver
   255      */
   256     virtual void SetSessionObserver( MNcdParserSessionObserver* aObserver ) = 0;
   258     /**
   259      * Retrieves the observer.
   260      * @return Observer pointer or null.
   261      */
   262     virtual MNcdParserSessionObserver* SessionObserver() const = 0;
   264     /**
   265      * Sets the information observer.
   266      * @param aObserver
   267      */
   268     virtual void SetInformationObserver( MNcdParserInformationObserver* aObserver ) = 0;
   270     /**
   271      * Retrieves the observer.
   272      * @return Observer pointer or null.
   273      */
   274     virtual MNcdParserInformationObserver* InformationObserver() const = 0;
   276     /**
   277      * Sets the data blocks observer.
   278      * @param aObserver
   279      */
   280     virtual void SetDataBlocksObserver( MNcdParserDataBlocksObserver* aObserver ) = 0;
   282     /**
   283      * Retrieves the observer.
   284      * @return Observer pointer or null.
   285      */
   286     virtual MNcdParserDataBlocksObserver* DataBlocksObserver() const = 0;
   288     /**
   289      * Sets the configuration protocol observer.
   290      * @param aObserver
   291      */
   292     virtual void SetConfigurationProtocolObserver( MNcdParserConfigurationProtocolObserver* aObserver ) = 0;
   293     /**
   294      * Retrieves the observer.
   295      * @return Observer pointer or null.
   296      */
   297     virtual MNcdParserConfigurationProtocolObserver* ConfigurationProtocolObserver() const = 0;
   299     /**
   300      * Sets the error observer.
   301      * @param aObserver
   302      */
   303     virtual void SetErrorObserver( MNcdParserErrorObserver* aObserver ) = 0;
   304     /**
   305      * Retrieves the observer.
   306      * @return Observer pointer or null.
   307      */
   308     virtual MNcdParserErrorObserver* ErrorObserver() const = 0;
   310     /**
   311      * Sets the query observer.
   312      * @param aObserver
   313      */
   314     virtual void SetQueryObserver( MNcdParserQueryObserver* aObserver ) = 0;
   315     /**
   316      * Retrieves the observer.
   317      * @return Observer pointer or null.
   318      */
   319     virtual MNcdParserQueryObserver* QueryObserver() const = 0;
   321     /**
   322      * Retrieves the origin of the current session.
   323      * @return Server URI or KNullDesC if not available.
   324      */
   325     virtual const TDesC& SessionOrigin() const = 0;
   326     };
   328 #endif