changeset 0 ba25891c3a9e
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:ba25891c3a9e
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:   CNcdEntityRefParser implementation
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include "ncd_parser_pp_download.h"
    20 #include "ncd_parser_pp_rights.h"
    21 #include "ncd_parser_cp_query.h"
    22 #include "ncd_pp_download.h"
    23 #include "ncd_pp_downloadimpl.h"
    24 #include "ncd_pp_descriptor.h"
    25 #include "ncd_pp_descriptorimpl.h"
    26 #include "ncd_cp_query.h"
    27 #include "ncd_cp_queryimpl.h"
    28 #include "ncdparserobserverbundleimpl.h"
    29 #include "ncdunknownparser.h"
    30 #include "ncdprotocolwords.h"
    31 #include "ncdprotocolutils.h"
    32 #include "ncdprotocoltypes.h"
    34 #include "catalogsdebug.h"
    37 CNcdPreminetProtocolDownloadParser* CNcdPreminetProtocolDownloadParser::NewL( 
    38     MNcdParserObserverBundle& aObservers,
    39     MNcdSubParserObserver& aSubParserObserver,
    40     TInt aDepth,
    41     const Xml::RTagInfo& aElement,
    42     const Xml::RAttributeArray& aAttributes,
    43     const TDesC& aParentId )
    44     {
    45     CNcdPreminetProtocolDownloadParser* self 
    46         = new(ELeave) CNcdPreminetProtocolDownloadParser( 
    47             aObservers, aSubParserObserver, aDepth );
    48     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    49     self->ConstructL( aElement, aAttributes, aParentId );
    50     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    51     return self;
    52     }
    54 CNcdPreminetProtocolDownloadParser::CNcdPreminetProtocolDownloadParser( 
    55     MNcdParserObserverBundle& aObservers,
    56     MNcdSubParserObserver& aSubParserObserver,
    57     TInt aDepth )
    58     : CNcdSubParser( aObservers, aSubParserObserver, aDepth )
    59     {
    61     }
    63 CNcdPreminetProtocolDownloadParser::~CNcdPreminetProtocolDownloadParser()
    64     {
    65     delete iDownload;
    66     }
    68 void CNcdPreminetProtocolDownloadParser::ConstructL( 
    69     const Xml::RTagInfo& aElement,
    70     const Xml::RAttributeArray& aAttributes,
    71     const TDesC& /*aParentId*/ )
    72     {
    73     CNcdSubParser::ConstructL( aElement );
    75     DLTRACEIN(("depth=%d tag=%S",iDepth,iTag));
    76     //DLINFO((_L("parent=%S"),&aParentId));
    78     if (!iDownload)
    79         {
    80         iDownload = CNcdPreminetProtocolDownloadImpl::NewL();
    81         }
    83     DLTRACE(("Download created"));
    84     // read attributes here
    85     TPtrC8 uri = AttributeValue( KAttrUri, aAttributes );
    86     NcdProtocolUtils::AssignDesL(iDownload->iUri, uri);
    88     DLTRACE((""));
    89     TPtrC8 autoDownload = AttributeValue( KAttrAutoDownload, aAttributes );
    90     if ( autoDownload != KNullDesC8 )
    91         NcdProtocolUtils::DesToBool(iDownload->iAutoDownload, autoDownload);
    93     DLTRACE((""));
    95     TPtrC8 delayDelta = AttributeValue( KAttrDelayDelta, aAttributes );
    96     if ( delayDelta != KNullDesC8 )
    97         iDownload->iDelayDelta = NcdProtocolUtils::DesDecToIntL(delayDelta);
    98     DLTRACE((""));
   100     TPtrC8 validityDelta = AttributeValue( KAttrValidityDelta, aAttributes );
   101     if ( validityDelta != KNullDesC8 )
   102         iDownload->iValidityDelta = NcdProtocolUtils::DesDecToIntL(validityDelta);
   103     DLTRACE((""));
   105     TPtrC8 chunkSize = AttributeValue( KAttrChunkSize, aAttributes );
   106     if ( chunkSize != KNullDesC8 )
   107         iDownload->iChunkSize = NcdProtocolUtils::DesDecToIntL(chunkSize);
   108     DLTRACE((""));
   110     TPtrC8 launchable = AttributeValue( KAttrLaunchable, aAttributes );
   111     if ( launchable != KNullDesC8 )
   112         NcdProtocolUtils::DesToBool(iDownload->iLaunchable, launchable);
   113     DLTRACE((""));
   115     TPtrC8 installNotificationUri = AttributeValue( KAttrInstallNotificationUri, aAttributes );
   116     NcdProtocolUtils::AssignDesL(iDownload->iInstallNotificationUri, installNotificationUri);
   118     DLTRACE((""));
   119     TPtrC8 size = AttributeValue( KAttrSize, aAttributes );
   120     if ( size != KNullDesC8 )
   121         iDownload->iSize = NcdProtocolUtils::DesDecToIntL(size);
   122     DLTRACE((""));
   124     TPtrC8 mime = AttributeValue( KAttrMime, aAttributes );
   125     NcdProtocolUtils::AssignDesL(iDownload->iMime, mime);
   126     DLTRACE((""));
   127     TPtrC8 reDownloadable = AttributeValue( KAttrReDownloadable, aAttributes );
   128     NcdProtocolUtils::DesToBool(iDownload->iReDownloadable, reDownloadable);
   129     DLTRACE((""));
   130     TPtrC8 previewType = AttributeValue( KAttrType, aAttributes );
   131     NcdProtocolUtils::AssignDesL(iDownload->iPreviewType, previewType);
   133     DLTRACE((""));
   134     TPtrC8 target = AttributeValue( KAttrTarget, aAttributes );
   135     if ( target == KValueConsumable ) 
   136         {
   137         iDownload->iTarget = EDownloadTargetConsumable;
   138         }
   139     else if ( target == KValueDownloadable ) 
   140         {
   141         iDownload->iTarget = EDownloadTargetDownloadable;
   142         }
   143     DLTRACE((""));
   144     TPtrC8 deliveryMethod = AttributeValue( KAttrDeliveryMethod, aAttributes );
   145     if ( deliveryMethod == KValueWlan ) 
   146         {
   147         iDownload->iDeliveryMethod = EUriDeliveryWlan;
   148         }
   149     else if ( deliveryMethod == KValueGprs ) 
   150         {
   151         iDownload->iDeliveryMethod = EUriDeliveryGprs;
   152         }
   153     else if ( deliveryMethod == KValueBroadband ) 
   154         {
   155         iDownload->iDeliveryMethod = EUriDeliveryBroadband;
   156         }
   157     DLTRACEOUT((""));
   158     }
   161 void CNcdPreminetProtocolDownloadParser::OnStartElementL( 
   162     const Xml::RTagInfo& aElement, 
   163     const Xml::RAttributeArray& aAttributes, 
   164     TInt aErrorCode) 
   165     {
   166     CNcdSubParser::OnStartElementL( aElement, aAttributes, aErrorCode );
   168     DLTRACEIN(("download start tag=%S error=%d depth=%d",
   169         &aElement.LocalName().DesC(),aErrorCode,iDepth));
   171     TPtrC8 tag( aElement.LocalName().DesC() );
   173     if( iSubParser == 0 )
   174         {
   175         if ( tag == KTagMessage )
   176             {
   177             iSubParser = CNcdConfigurationProtocolQueryParser::NewL( 
   178                 *iObservers, *this, iDepth+1, aElement, aAttributes );
   179             }
   180         else if ( tag == KTagRightsDetails )
   181             {
   182             iSubParser = CNcdPreminetProtocolRightsParser::NewL( 
   183                 *iObservers, *this, iDepth+1, aElement, aAttributes, KNullDesC );
   184             }
   185         else if ( tag == KTagDescriptor )
   186             {
   187             CNcdPreminetProtocolDescriptorImpl* descriptor = 
   188                 CNcdPreminetProtocolDescriptorImpl::NewL();
   189             TPtrC8 type = AttributeValue( KAttrType, aAttributes );
   190             NcdProtocolUtils::AssignDesL(descriptor->iType, type);
   191             TPtrC8 name = AttributeValue( KAttrName, aAttributes );
   192             NcdProtocolUtils::AssignDesL(descriptor->iName, name);
   193             TPtrC8 uri = AttributeValue( KAttrUri, aAttributes );
   194             NcdProtocolUtils::AssignDesL(descriptor->iUri, uri);
   195             iDownload->iDescriptor = descriptor;
   196             // data saved in OnEndElementL
   197             }
   198         else
   199             {
   200             iSubParser = CNcdUnknownParser::NewL( 
   201                 *iObservers, *this, iDepth+1, aElement, aAttributes );
   202             }
   203         }
   204     else
   205         {
   206         iSubParser->OnStartElementL( aElement, aAttributes, aErrorCode );
   207         }
   208     }
   212 void CNcdPreminetProtocolDownloadParser::OnEndElementL(
   213     const Xml::RTagInfo& aElement, TInt aErrorCode) 
   214     {
   215     DLTRACEIN((""));
   216     TPtrC8 tag( aElement.LocalName().DesC() );
   218     if ( iBuffer )
   219         {
   220         if ( tag == KTagDescriptor && iDownload && iDownload->iDescriptor ) 
   221             {
   222             NcdProtocolUtils::AssignDesL(iDownload->iDescriptor->iData, 
   223                 *NcdProtocolUtils::DecodeBase64L(*iBuffer));
   224             }
   225         delete iBuffer;
   226         iBuffer = 0;
   227         }
   229     if( iSubParser == 0 && iTag && *iTag == aElement.LocalName().DesC() )
   230         {
   231         DLTRACE(("end tag=%S",&aElement.LocalName().DesC()));
   232         // Should store finished entity, or let the parent do it with some function?
   233         iSubParserObserver->SubParserFinishedL( aElement.LocalName().DesC(), aErrorCode );
   234         }
   235     else if( iSubParser )
   236         {
   237         iSubParser->OnEndElementL( aElement, aErrorCode );
   238         }
   239     else
   240         {
   241         DLWARNING(("end tag ignored, tag=%S",&aElement.LocalName().DesC()));
   242         }
   243     }
   246 void CNcdPreminetProtocolDownloadParser::SubParserFinishedL( const TDesC8& aTag, 
   247                                                               TInt /*aErrorCode*/ )
   248     {
   249     DLTRACEIN(("tag=%S subparser=%X",&aTag,iSubParser));
   250     (void) aTag; // suppresses compiler warning
   252     // : child entity has been finished. store it as a 
   253     // a childen to the node this parser is parsing.
   254     // Needs nodemanager.
   255     if( iSubParser->Tag() == KTagMessage )
   256         {
   257         // A subentity is now ready. Report it.
   258         MNcdConfigurationProtocolQuery* message =
   259             static_cast<CNcdConfigurationProtocolQueryParser*>( iSubParser )->Query();
   260         DLINFO(("subparser message=%X",message));
   261         if( message && iDownload )
   262             {
   263             iDownload->iMessage = message;
   264             }
   265         }
   266     else if( iSubParser->Tag() == KTagRightsDetails )
   267         {
   268         // A subentity is now ready. Report it.
   269         MNcdPreminetProtocolRights* rights =
   270             static_cast<CNcdPreminetProtocolRightsParser*>( iSubParser )->Rights();
   271         DLINFO(("subparser rights=%X",rights));
   272         if( rights && iDownload )
   273             {
   274             iDownload->iRights = rights;
   275             }
   276         }
   278     delete iSubParser;
   279     iSubParser = 0;
   280     }
   282 MNcdPreminetProtocolDownload*
   283 CNcdPreminetProtocolDownloadParser::Download()
   284     {
   285     DLTRACEIN((""));
   286     MNcdPreminetProtocolDownload* download = iDownload;
   287     iDownload = 0;
   288     return download;
   289     }