changeset 0 ba25891c3a9e
child 19 7ca52d38f8c3
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:ba25891c3a9e
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #ifdef _MSC_VER
    20 #pragma warning (disable: 4786)
    21 #endif // _MSC_VER
    23 // System includes
    24 #include <iosfwd>
    25 #include <sstream>
    26 #include <iostream>
    27 #include <fstream>
    28 #include <algorithm>
    30 #ifndef __TOOLS2_LINUX__
    31 #include <windows.h>
    32 #endif
    34 // User includes
    35 #include "commandparser.h"
    36 #include "openssllicense.h"
    37 #include "sisregistry.h"
    38 #include "parameterlist.h"
    39 #include "is_utils.h"
    40 #include "stringutils.h"
    42 // Global/static variables
    43 CCommandParser::WarnMap CCommandParser::KString2Warning;
    46 CCommandParser::CCommandParser():
    47     iWarnLevel( WARN_WARN )
    48     {
    49     }
    51 CCommandParser::~CCommandParser()
    52     {
    53     }
    55 void CCommandParser::DisplayError( int aError )
    56     {
    57 	const wchar_t* msg;
    58     //
    59 	switch( aError )
    60 	{
    61 	case ECmdLineUnknownOption:
    62 		msg = L"Unknown option specified";
    63 		break;
    64 	case ECmdLineMissingParamFile:
    65 		msg = L"Can't open the parameter file specified";
    66 		break;
    67 	case ECmdLineNoDirArgument:
    68 		msg = L"No directory(s) specified";
    69 		break;
    70 	case ECmdLineNoSisArgument:
    71 		msg = L"No SIS file(s) specified";
    72 		break;
    73 	case ECmdLineNoRomRofsLogsArgument:
    74 		msg = L"No ROM/ROFS[BUILD] log file(s) specified";
    75 		break;
    76 	case ECmdLineNoConfigFileArgument:
    77 		msg = L"No configuration file specified";
    78 		break;
    79 	case ECmdLineNoSisStubPathArgument:
    80 		msg = L"No SIS stub directory specified";
    81 		break;
    82 	case ECmdLineMissingParams:
    83 		msg = L"Missing parameters";
    84 		break;
    85     case ECmdLineInvalidLanguage:
    86 		msg = L"Invalid language code";
    87         break;
    88 	case ECmdLineMissingPackageUID:
    89 		msg = L"Package UID not found";
    90         break;
    91 	default:
    92 		msg = L"Unknown error";
    93 		break;
    94 	}
    95     //
    96 	LERROR(msg << std::endl);
    97 	DisplayUsage();
    98     }
   100 void CCommandParser::DisplayOpenSSLCopyright()
   101 	{
   102 	//displays OpenSSL copyright notice.
   103 	for (int index = 0; index < (sizeof(openSSLLicenseString)/sizeof(openSSLLicenseString[0])); ++index)
   104 		{
   105 		std::cout << openSSLLicenseString [index] << std::endl;
   106 		}
   107 	}
   109 void CCommandParser::DisplayUsage()
   110     {
   111 	DisplayVersion();
   113 	std::cout
   115 		<< "Usage: " << CommandName () << " [-z dir] [-c dir] [-e] [-f] [-k [4.0 | 5.0 | 5.1 | 5.2 | 5.3 | 5.4]]\n"
   116 		#else
   117 		<< "Usage: " << CommandName () << " [-z dir] [-c dir] [-e] [-k [4.0 | 5.0 | 5.1 | 5.2 | 5.3 | 5.4]]\n"
   118 		#endif
   119 		<< "\t\t[-s [sisfile | dir] [+drive [+mcard | +mcardnr | +mcardalone | +mcardalonenr] [+sucert]]] [-s ...]\n"
   120 		<< "\t\t[-p param_file] [-d drive] [-r rofsbuild_log_file1,rofsbuild_log_file2,...]\n" 
   121 		<< "\t\t[-t romstubdir] [-n language_code] [-i config_file] \n"
   122 		<< "\t\t[-x pkgUID[,pkgUID2,...]] [-w [off | error | warn | info]] [-l logfile]\n\n"
   123 		<< "Where:\t-h\t\tDisplays help\n"
   124 		<< "\t-c\t\tThe directory representing the system drive on the device\n"
   125 		<< "\t-d\t\tThe system drive letter [default to 'C']\n"
   126 		<< "\t-e\t\tDisable eclipsing and SID checks using Z drive \n"
   127 		<< "\t  \t\t-z or -r not required when this option used \n"
   129 		<< "\t-f\t\tUsed to specify that origin of a component has not been verified during installation.\n"
   130 		<< "\t\t\tBy default the origin is verified. This option should not be provided along with registry version information.\n"		
   131 		#endif
   133 		<< "\t-i\t\tConfig file with HAL attribute values for installation \n";
   134 	std::cout
   136 		<< "\t-k\t\tSIS Registry version to generate (default is to generate the db related registry entry) \n"
   137 		#else
   138 		<< "\t-k\t\tSIS Registry version to generate (default v" << SisRegistry::KSisRegistryMajorVersion 
   139 		<< "." << SisRegistry::KSisRegistryMinorVersion << ") \n"
   141 		<< "\t-l\t\tThe file to write diagnostics to (stderr by default)\n"
   142 		<< "\t-n\t\tLanguage code - decimal number as defined in TLanguage enum\n"
   143 		<< "\t-o\t\tOutput licence information\n"
   144 		<< "\t-p\t\tA file to take additional parameters from.\n"
   145 		<< "\t  \t\tCommand line args after the file will override the file contents\n"
   146 		<< "\t-r\t\tList of rom/rofs build log files; should not use with -z option or\n"
   147 		<< "\t	\t\tdefine the Z drive in the config file\n"
   148 		<< "\t-s\t\tThe SIS file(s) to install. Any directory passed in will be searched\n"
   149 		<< "\t\t\tfor SIS files; should not use with -x option\n"
   151 		<< "\t-t\t\tROM Stub sis files directory, must be used with -r option\n"
   152 		<< "\t-v\t\tDisplays the version of the tool\n"
   153 		<< "\t-w\t\tThe level of diagnostics to display- WARN, ERROR, INFO, OFF\n"
   154 		<< "\t  \t\t(warn by default)\n"
   156 		<< "\t-x\t\tRemove the files installed of a package; should not use with -s option\n"
   157 		<< "\t-z\t\tThe directory representing the Z: drive on the device\n"
   158 		<< "\tpkgUID\t\tThe installed package UID either in Hex or Decimal format (e.g. 0x12345678, 305419896)\n"
   159 		<< "\tsisfile\t\tThe SIS file to be installed\n"
   160 		<< "\tdir\t\tThe directory that contains the installing SIS files\n"
   161 		<< "\tdrive\t\tThe drive letter on the device\n"
   162 		<< "\tmcard\t\tOption to generate the stub SIS file for the installing package\n"
   163 		<< "\tmcardnr\t\tOption to generate the non-removable stub SIS file for the installing package\n"
   164 		<< "\tmcardalone\tOption to just create a pre-installed package to the media card\n"
   165 		<< "\tmcardalonenr\tOption to generate the non-removable stub SIS file for the installing" << std::endl
   166 		<< "\t\t\tpackage without generating the SISregistry entry\n"
   167 		<< "\tsucert\t\tTo indicate that the SIS file has been signed with a SU certificate\n\n";
   168     }
   170 void CCommandParser::DisplayVersion()
   171 	{
   172 	std::cout << "\nINTERPRETSIS  " << " Version  2.1.2 ." << std::endl;
   173 	std::cout << "Copyright (c) 2009 Symbian Software Ltd. All rights reserved.\n " << std::endl;
   174 	}
   177 CParameterList* CCommandParser::ParseOptions(int argc, const char**argv)
   178     {
   179 	CParameterList* paramList = new CParameterList();
   180 	bool bAbort = ParseParam(argc, argv, paramList);
   181 	if(bAbort)
   182 		{
   183 		delete paramList;
   184 		paramList = NULL;
   185 		}
   186 	return paramList;
   187     }
   188 bool CCommandParser::ParseParam(int argc, const char**argv, CParameterList* aParamList)
   189 	{
   190 	if (argc < 2)
   191 	    {
   192 		throw CCommandParser::ECmdLineUnknownOption;
   193 	    }
   195 	bool bContinue = true;
   197 	while ((--argc > 0) && bContinue)
   198 	    {
   199 		++argv;
   200 		if (**argv != '-')
   201 			{
   202 			continue;
   203             }
   205 		bool err = false;
   206 		const char* optPtr = *argv;
   208 		switch (toupper(*++optPtr))
   209 		    {
   210 			case 'C':
   211 				{
   212 				if (argc <= 1)
   213 					throw CCommandParser::ECmdLineNoDirArgument;
   215 				--argc;
   216 				aParamList->SetSystemDrive(*(++argv));
   217 				break;
   218 				}
   219 			case 'D':
   220 				{	
   221 				--argc;
   222 				wchar_t buf[2048];
   223 				ConvertMultiByteToWideChar(*++argv,-1, buf, 2048);
   224 				aParamList->SetSystemDriveLetter(tolower(buf[0]));
   225 				break;
   226 				}
   227 			case 'E':
   228 				{
   229 				aParamList->SetFlag(CParameterList::EFlagsDisableZDriveChecksSet);
   230 				break;
   231 				}
   233 			case 'F':
   234 				{				
   235 				aParamList->SetOriginVerificationStatus(false);
   236 				break;
   237 				}
   238 			#endif
   239 			case 'H':
   240 			case '?':
   241 				{
   242 				DisplayUsage();
   243 				bContinue = false;
   244 				break;
   245 				}
   246 			case 'I':
   247 				{
   248 				if (argc <= 1)
   249 					throw CCommandParser::ECmdLineNoConfigFileArgument;
   251 				--argc;
   252 				aParamList->SetConfigFile(*(++argv));
   253 				break;
   254 				}
   255 			case 'K':
   256 				{
   257 				// Last command
   258 				if (argc == 1)
   259 					{
   260 					aParamList->SetSisRegistryVersion(SisRegistry::KRegistryV40string);
   261 					}
   262 				else
   263 					{
   264 					// Check that the next arg is valid
   265 					std::string versionStr = *(++argv);
   267 					if (**argv == '-')
   268 						{
   269 						aParamList->SetSisRegistryVersion(SisRegistry::KRegistryV40string);
   270 						--argv;
   271 						}
   272 					else
   273 						{
   274 						--argc;
   275 						aParamList->SetSisRegistryVersion(versionStr);
   276 						}
   277 					}
   278 				break;
   279 				}
   280 			case 'L':
   281 				{
   282 				if (argc > 1)
   283 					{
   284 					--argc;
   285 					wchar_t buf[2048];
   286 					ConvertMultiByteToWideChar(*++argv,-1, buf, 2048);
   287 					iLogFile = buf;
   288 					}
   289 				break;
   290 				}
   291 			case 'N':
   292 				{
   293 				if (argc <= 1)
   294 					throw CCommandParser::ECmdLineInvalidLanguage;
   296 				--argc;
   297 				aParamList->SetLanguage(static_cast< CSISLanguage::TLanguage >( String2Language( *(++argv) ) ));
   298 				break;
   299 				}
   300 			case 'O':
   301 				{
   302 				DisplayOpenSSLCopyright();
   303 				bContinue = false;
   304 				break;
   305 				}
   306 			case 'P':
   307 				{
   308 				if (!(err = argc <= 1))
   309 					{
   310 					--argc;
   311 					std::string paramFile = *(++argv);
   312 					ParseParam(argc, paramFile, aParamList);
   313 					}
   314 				break;
   315 				}
   316 			case 'R':
   317 				{
   318 				if (argc <= 1)
   319 					throw CCommandParser::ECmdLineNoRomRofsLogsArgument;
   321 				--argc;
   322 				aParamList->EmptyRomLogFiles();
   323 #ifdef _MSC_VER
   324 				FilePtr funtionPtr = aParamList->AddRomLogFile;
   325 #else
   326 				FilePtr funtionPtr = &(aParamList->AddRomLogFile);
   327 #endif // _MSC_VER	
   328 				String2List(*aParamList, funtionPtr, *(++argv) );
   329 				break;
   330 				}
   331 			case 'S':
   332 				{
   333 				if (argc <= 1)
   334 					throw CCommandParser::ECmdLineNoSisArgument;
   336 				--argc;
   338 				String2SISFileList(*aParamList, argc, ++argv);
   339 				break;
   340 				}
   341 			case 'T':
   342 				{
   343 				if (argc <= 1)
   344 					throw CCommandParser::ECmdLineNoSisStubPathArgument;
   346 				--argc;
   347 				aParamList->SetStubDir(*(++argv));
   348 				break;
   349 				}
   350 			case 'V':
   351 				{
   352 				DisplayVersion();
   353 				bContinue = false;
   354 				break;
   355 				}
   356 			case 'W':
   357 				{
   358 				--argc;
   359 				iWarnLevel = String2Warn(*(++argv));
   360 				break;
   361 				}
   362 			case 'X':
   363 				{
   364 				if (argc <= 1)
   365 					throw CCommandParser::ECmdLineMissingPackageUID;
   367 				--argc;
   368 				aParamList->EmptyPkgUids();
   369 #ifdef _MSC_VER
   370 				FilePtr funtionPtr = (aParamList->AddPkgUid);
   371 #else
   372 				FilePtr funtionPtr = &(aParamList->AddPkgUid);
   373 #endif // _MSC_VER	
   374 				String2List(*aParamList, funtionPtr, *(++argv) );
   375 				break;
   376 				}
   377 			case 'Z':
   378 				{
   379 				if (argc <= 1)
   380 					throw CCommandParser::ECmdLineNoDirArgument;
   382 				--argc;
   383 				aParamList->SetZDrive(*(++argv));
   384 				break;
   385 				}
   386 			default:
   387 				{
   388 				LERROR(Utf8ToUcs2(std::string(optPtr)));
   389 				throw CCommandParser::ECmdLineUnknownOption;
   390 				}
   391 			}
   393 		if (err)
   394 			{
   395 			throw CCommandParser::ECmdLineUnknownOption;
   396 			}
   397 		} // Finished parsing all the command line options
   399 	return !bContinue; 
   400     }
   403 void CCommandParser::ParseParam(int argc, const std::string& paramFile, CParameterList* aParamList)
   404     {
   405 	if (paramFile.size() > 0)
   406 	    {
   407 		std::ifstream params;
   408, std::ios::in);
   410 		if (!params.good())
   411             {
   412 			throw CCommandParser::ECmdLineMissingParamFile;
   413             }
   415 		std::vector<std::string> tokens;
   416 		argc = 0;
   417 		while (params.good())
   418 		    {
   419 			std::string token;
   420 			params >> token;
   421 			if(token != "")
   422 				{
   423 				argc++;
   424 				tokens.push_back(token);
   425 				}
   426 		    }
   428 		const char** newArgv = new const char*[tokens.size()+1];
   429 		for (int i = 0 ; i < tokens.size() ; ++i)
   430             {
   431 			newArgv[i+1] = tokens[i].c_str();
   432             }
   434         ParseParam(argc+1, newArgv, aParamList);
   435 		delete [] newArgv;
   436         params.close();
   437 	    }
   438     }
   440 void CCommandParser::String2List(CParameterList& aParamList, FilePtr& aFilePtr, const std::string& aOptionsString)
   441     {
   442 	std::string::const_iterator it = aOptionsString.begin();
   443 	std::string::const_iterator end = aOptionsString.end();
   444 	std::string::const_iterator currentPos = it;
   445     //
   446 	while (currentPos != end)
   447 	    {
   448 		currentPos = std::find(it, end, ',');
   449 		std::wstring x;
   450 		Utf8ToUcs2(std::string(it,(currentPos-it)), x);
   451 		//aOptionsList.push_back(x);
   452 		(aParamList.*aFilePtr)(x);
   454 		if (currentPos == end)
   455 			{
   456 			return;
   457 			}
   459 		it = currentPos;
   460 		++it;
   461 	    }
   462     }
   464 void CCommandParser::String2SISFileList(CParameterList& aParamList, int aArgc, const char**aArgv)
   465     {
   466 	std::string sisFileOption(*aArgv);
   468 	std::string::const_iterator it = sisFileOption.begin();
   469 	std::string::const_iterator end = sisFileOption.end();
   470 	std::string::const_iterator currentPos = it;
   472 	currentPos = std::find(it, end, ',');
   474 	while (currentPos != end)
   475 	    {
   476 		currentPos = std::find(it, end, ',');
   477 		std::wstring x;
   478 		Utf8ToUcs2(std::string(it,(currentPos-it)), x);
   480 		InstallSISFile sisFileName(x, '$', false);
   481 		aParamList.AddSISFile(sisFileName);
   483 		if (currentPos == end)
   484 			{
   485 			return;
   486 			}
   488 		it = currentPos;
   489 		++it;
   490 	    }
   492 	// At this stage, aArgv could be something like: file.sis +e +mcard +sucert
   493 	// As the sisfile attributes are predetermined input, therefore we can just
   494 	// parse according to the predetermined inputs.
   496 	std::wstring fileName;
   497 	Utf8ToUcs2(sisFileOption, fileName);
   499 	InstallSISFile sisFileName(fileName, '$', false);
   501 	while (--aArgc > 0)
   502 		{ // Process associated SIS file attributes
   503 		++aArgv;
   505 		if (**aArgv == '-')
   506 			{ // No more attribute to process
   507 			aParamList.AddSISFile(sisFileName);
   509 			--aArgv;
   510 			++aArgc;
   511 			return;
   512 			}
   514 		if (**aArgv == '+')
   515 			{
   516 			std::string versionStr;
   518 			// Check that the next arg is valid
   519 			versionStr = *(aArgv);
   521 			if (versionStr.size() == 2)
   522 				{
   523 				// Found the associated SIS file drive; e.g. +e
   524 				const char* optPtr = *aArgv;
   526 				char drive = tolower(*++optPtr);
   528 				if (drive < 'a' || drive > 'y')
   529 					throw CCommandParser::ECmdLineInvalidSISFileAttribute;
   531 				// Set target drive
   532 				sisFileName.iTargetDrive = drive;
   534 				continue;
   535 				}
   537 			versionStr = StringUtils::ToUpper( versionStr );
   539 			if (versionStr == "+MCARD")
   540 				{
   541 				sisFileName.iGenerateStub = true;
   542 				}
   543 			else if (versionStr == "+MCARDNR")
   544 				{
   545 				sisFileName.iGenerateStub = true;
   546 				sisFileName.iNonRemovable = true;
   547 				}
   548 			else if (versionStr == "+MCARDALONE")
   549 				{
   550 				sisFileName.iGenerateStub = true;
   551 				sisFileName.iNotRegister = true;
   552 				}
   553 			else if (versionStr == "+MCARDALONENR")
   554 				{
   555 				sisFileName.iGenerateStub = true;
   556 				sisFileName.iNotRegister = true;
   557 				sisFileName.iNonRemovable = true;
   558 				}
   559 			else if (versionStr == "+SUCERT")
   560 				{
   561 				sisFileName.iSUFlag = true;
   562 				}
   563 			else
   564 				throw CCommandParser::ECmdLineInvalidSISFileAttribute;
   565 			}
   566 			else
   567 			{
   568 			throw CCommandParser::ECmdLineInvalidSISFileAttribute;
   569 			}
   570 		}
   571 	aParamList.AddSISFile(sisFileName);
   572 	}
   575 WarnLevel CCommandParser::String2Warn(const std::string& level)
   576     {
   577 	std::string l(level);
   578 	std::transform(l.begin(),l.end(),l.begin(), toupper);
   579     //
   580 	if (KString2Warning.size() == 0)
   581 	    {
   582 		KString2Warning["OFF"] = WARN_OFF;
   583 		KString2Warning["WARN"] = WARN_WARN;
   584 		KString2Warning["ERROR"] = WARN_ERROR;
   585 		KString2Warning["INFO"] = WARN_INFO;
   586 	    }
   587     //
   588 	WarnMap::const_iterator result = KString2Warning.find(l);
   589 	if (result == KString2Warning.end())
   590 	    {
   591 		throw CCommandParser::ECmdLineUnknownOption;
   592 	    }
   593     //
   594 	return result->second;
   595     }
   598 int CCommandParser::String2Language( const std::string& aLanguage )
   599     {
   600 	std::istringstream stringStream( aLanguage );
   601     int language = 1;
   602     //
   603     if ( stringStream >> language )
   604         {
   605         }
   606     else
   607         {
   608         throw CCommandParser::ECmdLineInvalidLanguage;
   609         }
   610     //
   611     return language;
   612     }