changeset 0 ba25891c3a9e
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:ba25891c3a9e
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 * Ported from ucmp.h
    16 * Header for the Standard Compression Scheme for Unicode.
    17 * This code is compiled only in the Unicode build.
    18 *
    19 */
    22 #ifndef __UCMP_H__
    23 #define __UCMP_H__ 1
    25 #include "symbiantypes.h"
    27 class Deserialiser;
    28 class Serialiser;
    30 #define KMaxTInt 0x7FFFFFFF
    31 /**
    32 * @file UCMP.H
    33 *
    34 * @publishedAll
    35 * @released
    36 */
    37 class TUnicodeCompressionState
    38 	{
    39 	public:
    40 	TUnicodeCompressionState();
    41 	void Reset();
    42 	static TInt StaticWindowIndex(TUint16 aCode);
    43 	static TInt DynamicWindowOffsetIndex(TUint16 aCode);
    44 	static TUint32 DynamicWindowBase(TInt aOffsetIndex);
    45 	static TBool EncodeAsIs(TUint16 aCode);
    47 	enum TPanic
    48 		{
    49 		EUnhandledByte,			// expander code fails to handle all possible byte codes
    50 		ENotUnicode,			// expander can't handle Unicode values outside range 0x0..0x10FFFF;
    51 								// that is, 16-bit codes plus 32-bit codes that can be expressed using
    52 								// 16-bit surrogates
    53 		EOutputBufferOverflow	// output buffer is not big enough
    54 		};
    56 	static void Panic(TPanic aPanic);
    58 	protected:
    60 	enum
    61 		{
    62 		EStaticWindows = 8,
    63 		EDynamicWindows = 8,
    64 		ESpecialBases = 7
    65 		};
    67 	TBool iUnicodeMode;									// TRUE if in Unicode mode as opposed to single-byte mode
    68 	TUint32 iActiveWindowBase;							// base of the active window - bases are 32-bit because they
    69 														// can be set to the surrogate area, which represents codes
    70 														// from 0x00010000 to 0x0010FFFF - planes 1-16 of ISO-10646.
    71 	static const TUint32 iStaticWindow[EStaticWindows];	// bases of the static windows
    72 	static const TUint32 iDynamicWindowDefault[EDynamicWindows];	// default bases of the dynamic windows
    73 	static const TUint16 iSpecialBase[ESpecialBases];	// bases for window offsets F9..FF
    75 	TUint32 iDynamicWindow[EDynamicWindows];			// bases of the dynamic windows
    76 	TInt iUnicodeWords;									// Unicode words processed; read by compressor, written by expander
    77 	TInt iMaxUnicodeWords;								// maximum number of Unicode words to read or write
    78 	TInt iCompressedBytes;								// compressed bytes processed: read by expander, written by compressor
    79 	TInt iMaxCompressedBytes;							// maximum number of compressed bytes to read or write
    80 	};
    82 /**
    83  * @publishedAll
    84  * @released
    85  */
    86 class MUnicodeSource
    87 	{
    88 	public:
    89 	virtual TUint16 ReadUnicodeValueL() = 0;
    90 	};
    92 /**
    93  * @publishedAll
    94  * @released
    95  A class to read Unicode values directly from memory.
    96  */
    97 class TMemoryUnicodeSource: public MUnicodeSource
    98 	{
    99 	public:
   100 	inline TMemoryUnicodeSource(const TUint16* aPtr);
   101 	inline TUint16 ReadUnicodeValueL();
   103 	private:
   104 	const TUint16* iPtr;
   105 	};
   107 /**Deserialiser& Deserialiser::
   108  * @publishedAll
   109  * @released
   110  A class to read Unicode values from a stream built on a memory object.
   111  */
   112 class TMemoryStreamUnicodeSource: public MUnicodeSource
   113 	{
   114 	public:
   115 	inline TMemoryStreamUnicodeSource(Deserialiser& aStream);
   116 	inline TUint16 ReadUnicodeValueL();
   118 	private:
   119 	Deserialiser& iStream;
   120 	};
   122 /**
   123  * @publishedAll
   124  * @released
   125  */
   126 class MUnicodeSink
   127 	{
   128 	public:
   129 	virtual void WriteUnicodeValueL(TUint16 aValue) = 0;
   130 	};
   132 /**
   133  * @publishedAll
   134  * @released
   135  A class to write Unicode values directly to memory.
   136  */
   137 class TMemoryUnicodeSink: public MUnicodeSink
   138 	{
   139 	public:
   140 	inline TMemoryUnicodeSink(TUint16* aPtr);
   141 	inline void WriteUnicodeValueL(TUint16 aValue);
   143 	private:
   144 	TUint16* iPtr;
   145 	};
   147 /**
   148  * @publishedAll
   149  * @released
   150  A class to write Unicode values to a stream built on a memory object.
   151  */
   152 class TMemoryStreamUnicodeSink: public MUnicodeSink
   153 	{
   154 	public:
   155 	inline TMemoryStreamUnicodeSink(Serialiser& aStream);
   156 	inline void WriteUnicodeValueL(TUint16 aValue);
   158 	private:
   159 	Serialiser& iStream;
   160 	};
   162 /**
   163  * @publishedAll
   164  * @released
   166 A class to hold functions to compress text using the Standard Compression Scheme for Unicode.
   168 A note on error handling and leaving.
   170 Although all the public functions except the constructor can leave, it is possible to guarantee success: that is,
   171 guarantee that a call will not leave, and that compression will be completed. To do this, (i) supply a MUnicodeSource
   172 object with a non-leaving ReadUnicodeValueL function, such as a TMemoryUnicodeSource; (ii) write output to a
   173 Serialiser with a non-leaving WriteL function, or to a buffer that you already know to be big enough, which can be
   174 found out using CompressedSizeL.
   176 This guarantee of success is particularly useful when compressing from one memory buffer to another.
   177 */
   178 class TUnicodeCompressor: public TUnicodeCompressionState
   179 	{
   180 	public:
   181 	TUnicodeCompressor();
   182 	void CompressL(Serialiser& aOutput,MUnicodeSource& aInput,
   183 							TInt aMaxOutputBytes = KMaxTInt,TInt aMaxInputWords = KMaxTInt,
   184 							TInt* aOutputBytes = 0,TInt* aInputWords = 0);
   185 	void CompressL(TUint8* aOutput,MUnicodeSource& aInput,
   186 							TInt aMaxOutputBytes = KMaxTInt,TInt aMaxInputWords = KMaxTInt,
   187 							TInt* aOutputBytes = 0,TInt* aInputWords = 0);
   188 	TInt FlushL(Serialiser& aOutput,TInt aMaxOutputBytes,TInt& aOutputBytes);
   189 	TInt FlushL(TUint8* aOutput,TInt aMaxOutputBytes,TInt& aOutputBytes);
   190 	static TInt CompressedSizeL(MUnicodeSource& aInput,TInt aInputWords);
   192 	private:
   194 	 // A structure to store a character and its treatment code
   195 	struct TAction
   196 		{
   197 		// Treatment codes: static and dynamic window numbers, plain ASCII or plain Unicode
   198 		enum
   199 			{
   200 			EPlainUnicode = -2,	// character cannot be expressed as ASCII or using static or dynamic windows
   201 			EPlainASCII = -1,	// character can be emitted as an ASCII code
   202 			EFirstDynamic = 0,	// values 0..255 are for dynamic windows with offsets at these places in the offset table
   203 			ELastDynamic = 255,
   204 			EFirstStatic = 256,	// values 256..263 are for static windows 0..7
   205 			ELastStatic = 263
   206 			};
   208 		inline TAction();
   209 		TAction(TUint16 aCode);
   211 		TUint16 iCode;		// Unicode value of the character
   212 		TInt iTreatment;	// treatment code: see above
   213 		};
   215 	void DoCompressL(Serialiser* aOutputStream,TUint8* aOutputPointer,MUnicodeSource* aInput,
   216 					 TInt aMaxCompressedBytes,TInt aMaxUnicodeWords,
   217 					 TInt* aCompressedBytes,TInt* aUnicodeWords);
   218 	void FlushInputBufferL();
   219 	void FlushOutputBufferL();
   220 	void WriteRunL();
   221 	void WriteCharacter(const TAction& aAction);
   222 	void WriteSCharacter( const TAction& aAction);
   223 	void WriteUCharacter(TUint16 aCode);
   224 	void WriteByte(TUint32 aByte);
   225 	void WriteCharacterFromBuffer();
   226 	void SelectTreatment(TInt aTreatment);
   228 	enum
   229 		{
   230 		EMaxInputBufferSize = 4,
   231 		EMaxOutputBufferSize = EMaxInputBufferSize * 3	// no Unicode character can be encoded as more than three bytes
   232 		};
   233 	TAction iInputBuffer[EMaxInputBufferSize];			// circular buffer; queue of Unicode characters to be processed
   234 	TInt iInputBufferStart;								// position of first Unicode character to be processed
   235 	TInt iInputBufferSize;								// characters in the input buffer
   236 	TUint8 iOutputBuffer[EMaxOutputBufferSize];			// circular buffer; queue of compressed bytes to be output
   237 	TInt iOutputBufferStart;							// position of first compressed byte to be output
   238 	TInt iOutputBufferSize;								// characters in the output buffer
   239 	TInt iDynamicWindowIndex;							// index of the current dynamic window
   240 	Serialiser* iOutputStream;						// if non-null, output is to this stream
   241 	TUint8* iOutputPointer;								// if non-null, output is to memory
   242 	MUnicodeSource* iInput;								// input object
   243 	};
   245 /**
   246  * @publishedAll
   247  * @released
   249 A class to hold functions to expand text using the Standard Compression Scheme for Unicode.
   251 A note on error handling and leaving.
   253 Although all the puTUnicodeExpanderblic functions except the constructor can leave, it is possible to guarantee success: that is,
   254 guarantee that a call will not leave, and that expansion will be completed. To do this, (i) supply a MUnicodeSink
   255 object with a non-leaving WriteUnicodeValueL function, such as a TMemoryUnicodeSink; (ii) read input from a Deserialiser
   256 with a non-leaving ReadL function; (iii) supply a big enough buffer to write the ouput; you can find out how big by
   257 calling ExpandedSizeL, using methods (i) and (ii) to guarantee success.
   259 This guarantee of success is particularly useful when expanding from one memory buffer to another.
   260 */
   261 class TUnicodeExpander: public TUnicodeCompressionState
   262 	{
   263 	public:
   264 	TUnicodeExpander();
   265 	void ExpandL(MUnicodeSink& aOutput,Deserialiser& aInput,
   266 						  TInt aMaxOutputWords = KMaxTInt,TInt aMaxInputBytes = KMaxTInt,
   267 						  TInt* aOutputWords = 0,TInt* aInputBytes = 0);
   268 	void ExpandL(MUnicodeSink& aOutput,const TUint8* aInput,
   269 						  TInt aMaxOutputWords = KMaxTInt,TInt aMaxInputBytes = KMaxTInt,
   270 						  TInt* aOutputWords = 0,TInt* aInputBytes = 0);
   271 	TInt FlushL(MUnicodeSink& aOutput,TInt aMaxOutputWords,TInt& aOutputWords);
   272 	static TInt ExpandedSizeL(Deserialiser& aInput,TInt aInputBytes);
   273 	static TInt ExpandedSizeL(const TUint8* aInput,TInt aInputBytes);
   275 	private:
   276 	void DoExpandL(MUnicodeSink* aOutput,Deserialiser* aInputStream,const TUint8* aInputPointer,
   277 				   TInt aMaxOutputWords,TInt aMaxInputBytes,
   278 				   TInt* aOutputWords,TInt* aInputBytes);
   279 	void HandleByteL();
   280 	void FlushOutputBufferL();
   281 	TBool HandleSByteL(TUint8 aByte);
   282 	TBool HandleUByteL(TUint8 aByte);
   283 	TBool ReadByteL(TUint8& aByte);
   284 	TBool QuoteUnicodeL();
   285 	TBool DefineWindowL(TInt aIndex);
   286 	TBool DefineExpansionWindowL();
   287 	void WriteChar(TUint16 aChar);
   288 	void WriteChar32(TUint32 aChar);
   290 	enum
   291 		{
   292 		EMaxInputBufferSize = 3,		 				// no Unicode character can be encoded as more than 3 bytes
   293 		EMaxOutputBufferSize = 2						// no byte can be expanded into more than 2 Unicode characters
   294 		};
   295 	TUint8 iInputBuffer[EMaxInputBufferSize];			// buffer containing a group of compressed bytes representing
   296 														// a single operation; when an input source ends in the
   297 														// middle of an operation, this buffer enables the next
   298 														// expansion to start in the correct state
   299 	TInt iInputBufferStart;								// next read position in the input buffer
   300 	TInt iInputBufferSize;								// bytes in the input buffer
   301 	TUint16 iOutputBuffer[EMaxOutputBufferSize];		// circular buffer; queue of Unicode characters to be output
   302 	TInt iOutputBufferStart;							// position of first Unicode character to be output
   303 	TInt iOutputBufferSize;								// characters in the output buffer
   304 	MUnicodeSink* iOutput;								// output object
   305 	Deserialiser* iInputStream;							// if non-null, input is from this stream
   306 	const TUint8* iInputPointer;						// if non-null, input is from memory
   307 	};
   309 // inline functions start here
   311 inline TMemoryUnicodeSource::TMemoryUnicodeSource(const TUint16* aPtr):
   312 	iPtr(aPtr)
   313 	{
   314 	}
   316 inline TUint16 TMemoryUnicodeSource::ReadUnicodeValueL()
   317 	{
   318 	return *iPtr++;
   319 	}
   321 inline TMemoryStreamUnicodeSource::TMemoryStreamUnicodeSource(Deserialiser& aStream):
   322 	iStream(aStream)
   323 	{
   324 	}
   326 inline TMemoryUnicodeSink::TMemoryUnicodeSink(TUint16* aPtr):
   327 	iPtr(aPtr)
   328 	{
   329 	}
   331 inline void TMemoryUnicodeSink::WriteUnicodeValueL(TUint16 aValue)
   332 	{
   333 	*iPtr++ = aValue;
   334 	}
   336 inline TMemoryStreamUnicodeSink::TMemoryStreamUnicodeSink(Serialiser& aStream):
   337 	iStream(aStream)
   338 	{
   339 	}
   341 inline TUnicodeCompressor::TAction::TAction():
   342 	iCode(0),
   343 	iTreatment(EPlainUnicode)
   344 	{
   345 	}
   347 #endif // __UCMP_H__