changeset 3 127731b7107d
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/secureswitools/swisistools/source/xmlparser/xerces/include/xercesc/internal/XMLScanner.hpp	Fri Jan 22 09:56:12 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1388 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ * $Id: XMLScanner.hpp 568078 2007-08-21 11:43:25Z amassari $
+ */
+#if !defined(XMLSCANNER_HPP)
+#include <xercesc/framework/XMLBufferMgr.hpp>
+#include <xercesc/framework/XMLErrorCodes.hpp>
+#include <xercesc/framework/XMLRefInfo.hpp>
+#include <xercesc/util/PlatformUtils.hpp>
+#include <xercesc/util/NameIdPool.hpp>
+#include <xercesc/util/RefHashTableOf.hpp>
+#include <xercesc/util/SecurityManager.hpp>
+#include <xercesc/internal/ReaderMgr.hpp>
+#include <xercesc/internal/ElemStack.hpp>
+#include <xercesc/validators/DTD/DTDEntityDecl.hpp>
+#include <xercesc/framework/XMLAttr.hpp>
+#include <xercesc/framework/ValidationContext.hpp>
+#include <xercesc/validators/common/GrammarResolver.hpp>
+class InputSource;
+class XMLDocumentHandler;
+class XMLEntityHandler;
+class ErrorHandler;
+class DocTypeHandler;
+class XMLPScanToken;
+class XMLStringPool;
+class Grammar;
+class XMLValidator;
+class MemoryManager;
+class PSVIHandler;
+struct PSVIElemContext
+    bool               fIsSpecified;
+    bool               fErrorOccurred;
+    int                fElemDepth;
+    int                fFullValidationDepth;
+    int                fNoneValidationDepth;
+    DatatypeValidator* fCurrentDV;
+    ComplexTypeInfo*   fCurrentTypeInfo;
+    const XMLCh*       fNormalizedValue;
+//  This is the mondo scanner class, which does the vast majority of the
+//  work of parsing. It handles reading in input and spitting out events
+//  to installed handlers.
+class XMLPARSER_EXPORT XMLScanner : public XMemory, public XMLBufferFullHandler
+public :
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    //  Public class types
+    //
+    //  NOTE: These should really be private, but some of the compilers we
+    //  have to deal with are too stupid to understand this.
+    //
+    //  DeclTypes
+    //      Used by scanXMLDecl() to know what type of decl it should scan.
+    //      Text decls have slightly different rules from XMLDecls.
+    //
+    //  EntityExpRes
+    //      These are the values returned from the entity expansion method,
+    //      to indicate how it went.
+    //
+    //  XMLTokens
+    //      These represent the possible types of input we can get while
+    //      scanning content.
+    //
+    //  ValScheme
+    //      This indicates what the scanner should do in terms of validation.
+    //      'Auto' means if there is any int/ext subset, then validate. Else,
+    //      don't.
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    enum DeclTypes
+    {
+        Decl_Text
+        , Decl_XML
+    };
+    enum EntityExpRes
+    {
+        EntityExp_Pushed
+        , EntityExp_Returned
+        , EntityExp_Failed
+    };
+    enum XMLTokens
+    {
+        Token_CData
+        , Token_CharData
+        , Token_Comment
+        , Token_EndTag
+        , Token_EOF
+        , Token_PI
+        , Token_StartTag
+        , Token_Unknown
+    };
+    enum ValSchemes
+    {
+        Val_Never
+        , Val_Always
+        , Val_Auto
+    };
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    //  Constructors and Destructor
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    XMLScanner
+    (
+        XMLValidator* const valToAdopt
+        , GrammarResolver* const grammarResolver
+        , MemoryManager* const manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager
+    );
+    XMLScanner
+    (
+        XMLDocumentHandler* const  docHandler
+        , DocTypeHandler* const    docTypeHandler
+        , XMLEntityHandler* const  entityHandler
+        , XMLErrorReporter* const  errReporter
+        , XMLValidator* const      valToAdopt
+        , GrammarResolver* const grammarResolver
+        , MemoryManager* const manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager
+    );
+    virtual ~XMLScanner();
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    //  Error emitter methods
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    bool emitErrorWillThrowException(const XMLErrs::Codes toEmit);
+    void emitError(const XMLErrs::Codes toEmit);
+    void emitError
+    (
+        const   XMLErrs::Codes    toEmit
+        , const XMLCh* const        text1
+        , const XMLCh* const        text2 = 0
+        , const XMLCh* const        text3 = 0
+        , const XMLCh* const        text4 = 0
+    );
+    void emitError
+    (
+        const   XMLErrs::Codes    toEmit
+        , const char* const         text1
+        , const char* const         text2 = 0
+        , const char* const         text3 = 0
+        , const char* const         text4 = 0
+    );
+    void emitError
+    (
+        const   XMLErrs::Codes    toEmit
+        , const XMLExcepts::Codes   originalErrorCode
+        , const XMLCh* const        text1 = 0
+        , const XMLCh* const        text2 = 0
+        , const XMLCh* const        text3 = 0
+        , const XMLCh* const        text4 = 0
+    );
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    //  Implementation of XMLBufferFullHandler interface
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    virtual bool bufferFull(XMLBuffer& toSend)
+    {
+        sendCharData(toSend);
+        return true;
+    }
+    virtual Grammar::GrammarType getCurrentGrammarType() const;
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    //  Public pure virtual methods
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    virtual const XMLCh* getName() const = 0;
+    virtual NameIdPool<DTDEntityDecl>* getEntityDeclPool() = 0;
+    virtual const NameIdPool<DTDEntityDecl>* getEntityDeclPool() const = 0;
+    virtual unsigned int resolveQName
+    (
+        const   XMLCh* const        qName
+        ,       XMLBuffer&          prefixBufToFill
+        , const short               mode
+        ,       int&                prefixColonPos
+    ) = 0;
+    virtual void scanDocument
+    (
+        const   InputSource&    src
+    ) = 0;
+    virtual bool scanNext(XMLPScanToken& toFill) = 0;
+    virtual Grammar* loadGrammar
+    (
+        const   InputSource&    src
+        , const short           grammarType
+        , const bool            toCache = false
+    ) = 0;
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    //  Getter methods
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    const XMLDocumentHandler* getDocHandler() const;
+    XMLDocumentHandler* getDocHandler();
+    const DocTypeHandler* getDocTypeHandler() const;
+    DocTypeHandler* getDocTypeHandler();
+    bool getDoNamespaces() const;
+    ValSchemes getValidationScheme() const;
+    bool getDoSchema() const;
+    bool getValidationSchemaFullChecking() const;
+    bool getIdentityConstraintChecking() const;
+    const XMLEntityHandler* getEntityHandler() const;
+    XMLEntityHandler* getEntityHandler();
+    const XMLErrorReporter* getErrorReporter() const;
+    XMLErrorReporter* getErrorReporter();
+    const ErrorHandler* getErrorHandler() const;
+    ErrorHandler* getErrorHandler();
+    const PSVIHandler* getPSVIHandler() const;
+    PSVIHandler* getPSVIHandler();
+    bool getExitOnFirstFatal() const;
+    bool getValidationConstraintFatal() const;
+    RefHashTableOf<XMLRefInfo>* getIDRefList();
+    const RefHashTableOf<XMLRefInfo>* getIDRefList() const;
+    ValidationContext*   getValidationContext();
+    bool getInException() const;
+    /*bool getLastExtLocation
+    (
+                XMLCh* const    sysIdToFill
+        , const unsigned int    maxSysIdChars
+        ,       XMLCh* const    pubIdToFill
+        , const unsigned int    maxPubIdChars
+        ,       XMLSSize_t&     lineToFill
+        ,       XMLSSize_t&     colToFill
+    ) const;*/
+    const Locator* getLocator() const;
+    const ReaderMgr* getReaderMgr() const;
+    unsigned int getSrcOffset() const;
+    bool getStandalone() const;
+    const XMLValidator* getValidator() const;
+    XMLValidator* getValidator();
+    int getErrorCount();
+    const XMLStringPool* getURIStringPool() const;
+    XMLStringPool* getURIStringPool();
+    bool getHasNoDTD() const;
+    XMLCh* getExternalSchemaLocation() const;
+    XMLCh* getExternalNoNamespaceSchemaLocation() const;
+    SecurityManager* getSecurityManager() const;
+    bool getLoadExternalDTD() const;
+    bool getNormalizeData() const;
+    bool isCachingGrammarFromParse() const;
+    bool isUsingCachedGrammarInParse() const;
+    bool getCalculateSrcOfs() const;
+    Grammar* getRootGrammar() const;
+    XMLReader::XMLVersion getXMLVersion() const;
+    MemoryManager* getMemoryManager() const;
+    ValueVectorOf<PrefMapElem*>* getNamespaceContext() const;
+    unsigned int getPrefixId(const XMLCh* const prefix) const;
+    const XMLCh* getPrefixForId(unsigned int prefId) const;
+    bool getGenerateSyntheticAnnotations() const;
+    bool getValidateAnnotations() const;
+    bool getIgnoreCachedDTD() const;
+    bool getIgnoreAnnotations() const;
+    bool getDisableDefaultEntityResolution() const;
+    bool getSkipDTDValidation() const;
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    //  Getter methods
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    /**
+      * When an attribute name has no prefix, unlike elements, it is not mapped
+      * to the global namespace. So, in order to have something to map it to
+      * for practical purposes, a id for an empty URL is created and used for
+      * such names.
+      *
+      * @return The URL pool id of the URL for an empty URL "".
+      */
+    unsigned int getEmptyNamespaceId() const;
+    /**
+      * When a prefix is found that has not been mapped, an error is issued.
+      * However, if the parser has been instructed not to stop on the first
+      * fatal error, it needs to be able to continue. To do so, it will map
+      * that prefix tot his magic unknown namespace id.
+      *
+      * @return The URL pool id of the URL for the unknown prefix
+      *         namespace.
+      */
+    unsigned int getUnknownNamespaceId() const;
+    /**
+      * The prefix 'xml' is a magic prefix, defined by the XML spec and
+      * requiring no prior definition. This method returns the id for the
+      * intrinsically defined URL for this prefix.
+      *
+      * @return The URL pool id of the URL for the 'xml' prefix.
+      */
+    unsigned int getXMLNamespaceId() const;
+    /**
+      * The prefix 'xmlns' is a magic prefix, defined by the namespace spec
+      * and requiring no prior definition. This method returns the id for the
+      * intrinsically defined URL for this prefix.
+      *
+      * @return The URL pool id of the URL for the 'xmlns' prefix.
+      */
+    unsigned int getXMLNSNamespaceId() const;
+    /**
+      * This method find the passed URI id in its URI pool and
+      * copy the text of that URI into the passed buffer.
+      */
+    bool getURIText
+    (
+        const   unsigned int    uriId
+        ,       XMLBuffer&      uriBufToFill
+    )   const;
+    const XMLCh* getURIText(const   unsigned int    uriId) const;
+    /* tell if the validator comes from user */
+    bool isValidatorFromUser();
+    /* tell if standard URI are forced */
+    bool getStandardUriConformant() const;
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    //  Setter methods
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    void setDocHandler(XMLDocumentHandler* const docHandler);
+    void setDocTypeHandler(DocTypeHandler* const docTypeHandler);
+    void setDoNamespaces(const bool doNamespaces);
+    void setEntityHandler(XMLEntityHandler* const docTypeHandler);
+    void setErrorReporter(XMLErrorReporter* const errHandler);
+    void setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler* const handler);
+    void setPSVIHandler(PSVIHandler* const handler);
+    void setURIStringPool(XMLStringPool* const stringPool);
+    void setExitOnFirstFatal(const bool newValue);
+    void setValidationConstraintFatal(const bool newValue);
+    void setValidationScheme(const ValSchemes newScheme);
+    void setValidator(XMLValidator* const valToAdopt);
+    void setDoSchema(const bool doSchema);
+    void setValidationSchemaFullChecking(const bool schemaFullChecking);
+    void setIdentityConstraintChecking(const bool identityConstraintChecking);
+    void setHasNoDTD(const bool hasNoDTD);
+    void cacheGrammarFromParse(const bool newValue);
+    void useCachedGrammarInParse(const bool newValue);
+    void setRootElemName(XMLCh* rootElemName);
+    void setExternalSchemaLocation(const XMLCh* const schemaLocation);
+    void setExternalNoNamespaceSchemaLocation(const XMLCh* const noNamespaceSchemaLocation);
+    void setExternalSchemaLocation(const char* const schemaLocation);
+    void setExternalNoNamespaceSchemaLocation(const char* const noNamespaceSchemaLocation);
+    void setSecurityManager(SecurityManager* const securityManager);
+    void setLoadExternalDTD(const bool loadDTD);
+    void setNormalizeData(const bool normalizeData);
+    void setCalculateSrcOfs(const bool newValue);
+    void setParseSettings(XMLScanner* const refScanner);
+    void setStandardUriConformant(const bool newValue);
+    void setInputBufferSize(const size_t bufferSize);
+    void setGenerateSyntheticAnnotations(const bool newValue);
+    void setValidateAnnotations(const bool newValue);
+    void setIgnoredCachedDTD(const bool newValue);
+    void setIgnoreAnnotations(const bool newValue);
+    void setDisableDefaultEntityResolution(const bool newValue);
+    void setSkipDTDValidation(const bool newValue);
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    //  Mutator methods
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    void incrementErrorCount(void);			// For use by XMLValidator
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    //  Deprecated methods as of 3.2.0. Use getValidationScheme() and
+    //  setValidationScheme() instead.
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    bool getDoValidation() const;
+    void setDoValidation(const bool validate);
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    //  Document scanning methods
+    //
+    //  scanDocument() does the entire source document. scanFirst(),
+    //  scanNext(), and scanReset() support a progressive parse.
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    void scanDocument
+    (
+        const   XMLCh* const    systemId
+    );
+    void scanDocument
+    (
+        const   char* const     systemId
+    );
+    bool scanFirst
+    (
+        const   InputSource&    src
+        ,       XMLPScanToken&  toFill
+    );
+    bool scanFirst
+    (
+        const   XMLCh* const    systemId
+        ,       XMLPScanToken&  toFill
+    );
+    bool scanFirst
+    (
+        const   char* const     systemId
+        ,       XMLPScanToken&  toFill
+    );
+    void scanReset(XMLPScanToken& toFill);
+    bool checkXMLDecl(bool startWithAngle);
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    //  Grammar preparsing methods
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    Grammar* loadGrammar
+    (
+        const   XMLCh* const    systemId
+        , const short           grammarType
+        , const bool            toCache = false
+    );
+    Grammar* loadGrammar
+    (
+        const   char* const     systemId
+        , const short           grammarType
+        , const bool            toCache = false
+    );
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    //  Notification that lazy data has been deleted
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	static void reinitScannerMutex();
+	static void reinitMsgLoader();
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    //  Protected pure virtual methods
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    virtual void scanCDSection() = 0;
+    virtual void scanCharData(XMLBuffer& toToUse) = 0;
+    virtual EntityExpRes scanEntityRef
+    (
+        const   bool    inAttVal
+        ,       XMLCh&  firstCh
+        ,       XMLCh&  secondCh
+        ,       bool&   escaped
+    ) = 0;
+    virtual void scanDocTypeDecl() = 0;
+    virtual void scanReset(const InputSource& src) = 0;
+    virtual void sendCharData(XMLBuffer& toSend) = 0;
+    //return owned by the caller
+    virtual InputSource* resolveSystemId(const XMLCh* const /*sysId*/
+                                        ,const XMLCh* const /*pubId*/) {return 0;};
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    //  Protected scanning methods
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    bool scanCharRef(XMLCh& toFill, XMLCh& second);
+    void scanComment();
+    bool scanEq(bool inDecl = false);
+    void scanMiscellaneous();
+    void scanPI();
+    void scanProlog();
+    void scanXMLDecl(const DeclTypes type);
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    //  Private helper methods
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    void checkInternalDTD(bool hasExtSubset, const XMLCh* const sysId, const XMLCh* const pubId);
+    void checkIDRefs();
+    bool isLegalToken(const XMLPScanToken& toCheck);
+    XMLTokens senseNextToken(unsigned int& orgReader);
+    void initValidator(XMLValidator* theValidator);
+    inline void resetValidationContext();
+    unsigned int *getNewUIntPtr();
+    void resetUIntPool();
+    void recreateUIntPool();
+    inline
+    void setAttrDupChkRegistry
+         (
+            const unsigned int &attrNumber
+          ,       bool         &toUseHashTable
+         );
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    //  Data members
+    //
+    //  fBufferSize
+    //      Maximum input buffer size
+    //
+    //  fAttrList
+    //      Every time we get a new element start tag, we have to pass to
+    //      the document handler the attributes found. To make it more
+    //      efficient we keep this ref vector of XMLAttr objects around. We
+    //      just reuse it over and over, allowing it to grow to meet the
+    //      peak need.
+    //
+    //  fBufMgr
+    //      This is a manager for temporary buffers used during scanning.
+    //      For efficiency we must use a set of static buffers, but we have
+    //      to insure that they are not incorrectly reused. So this manager
+    //      provides the smarts to hand out buffers as required.
+    //
+    //  fDocHandler
+    //      The client code's document handler. If zero, then no document
+    //      handler callouts are done. We don't adopt it.
+    //
+    //  fDocTypeHandler
+    //      The client code's document type handler (used by DTD Validator).
+    //
+    //  fDoNamespaces
+    //      This flag indicates whether the client code wants us to do
+    //      namespaces or not. If the installed validator indicates that it
+    //      has to do namespaces, then this is ignored.
+    //
+    //  fEntityHandler
+    //      The client code's entity handler. If zero, then no entity handler
+    //      callouts are done. We don't adopt it.
+    //
+    //  fErrorReporter
+    //      The client code's error reporter. If zero, then no error reporter
+    //      callouts are done. We don't adopt it.
+    //
+    //  fErrorHandler
+    //      The client code's error handler.  Need to store this info for
+    //      Schema parse error handling.
+    //
+    //  fPSVIHandler
+    //      The client code's PSVI handler.
+    //
+    //  fExitOnFirstFatal
+    //      This indicates whether we bail out on the first fatal XML error
+    //      or not. It defaults to true, which is the strict XML way, but it
+    //      can be changed.
+    //
+    //  fValidationConstraintFatal
+    //      This indicates whether we treat validation constraint errors as
+    //      fatal errors or not. It defaults to false, but it can be changed.
+    //
+    //  fIDRefList
+    //      This is a list of XMLRefInfo objects. This member lets us do all
+    //      needed ID-IDREF balancing checks.
+    //
+    //  fInException
+    //      To avoid a circular freakout when we catch an exception and emit
+    //      it, which would normally throw again if the 'fail on first error'
+    //      flag is one.
+    //
+    //  fReaderMgr
+    //      This is the reader manager, from which we get characters. It
+    //      manages the reader stack for us, and provides a lot of convenience
+    //      methods to do specialized checking for chars, sequences of chars,
+    //      skipping chars, etc...
+    //
+    //  fScannerId
+    //  fSequenceId
+    //      These are used for progressive parsing, to make sure that the
+    //      client code does the right thing at the right time.
+    //
+    //  fStandalone
+    //      Indicates whether the document is standalone or not. Defaults to
+    //      no, but can be overridden in the XMLDecl.
+    //
+    //  fHasNoDTD
+    //      Indicates the document has no DTD or has only an internal DTD subset
+    //      which contains no parameter entity references.
+    //
+    //  fValidate
+    //      Indicates whether any validation should be done. This is defined
+    //      by the existence of a Grammar together with fValScheme.
+    //
+    //  fValidator
+    //      The installed validator. We look at them via the abstract
+    //      validator interface, and don't know what it actual is.
+    //      Either point to user's installed validator, or fDTDValidator
+    //      or fSchemaValidator.
+    //
+    //  fValidatorFromUser
+    //      This flag indicates whether the validator was installed from
+    //      user.  If false, then the validator was created by the Scanner.
+    //
+    //  fValScheme
+    //      This is the currently set validation scheme. It defaults to
+    //      'never', but can be set by the client.
+    //
+    //  fErrorCount
+    //		The number of errors we've encountered.
+    //
+    //  fDoSchema
+    //      This flag indicates whether the client code wants Schema to
+    //      be processed or not.
+    //
+    //  fSchemaFullChecking
+    //      This flag indicates whether the client code wants full Schema
+    //      constraint checking.
+    //
+    //  fIdentityConstraintChecking
+    //      This flag indicates whether the client code wants Identity
+    //      Constraint checking, defaulted to true to maintain backward
+    //      compatibility (to minimize supprise)
+    //
+    //  fAttName
+    //  fAttValue
+    //  fCDataBuf
+    //  fNameBuf
+    //  fQNameBuf
+    //  fPrefixBuf
+    //      For the most part, buffers are obtained from the fBufMgr object
+    //      on the fly. However, for the start tag scan, we have a set of
+    //      fixed buffers for performance reasons. These are used a lot and
+    //      there are a number of them, so asking the buffer manager each
+    //      time for new buffers is a bit too much overhead.
+    //
+    //  fEmptyNamespaceId
+    //      This is the id of the empty namespace URI. This is a special one
+    //      because of the xmlns="" type of deal. We have to quickly sense
+    //      that its the empty namespace.
+    //
+    //  fUnknownNamespaceId
+    //      This is the id of the namespace URI which is assigned to the
+    //      global namespace. Its for debug purposes only, since there is no
+    //      real global namespace URI. Its set by the derived class.
+    //
+    //  fXMLNamespaceId
+    //  fXMLNSNamespaceId
+    //      These are the ids of the namespace URIs which are assigned to the
+    //      'xml' and 'xmlns' special prefixes. The former is officially
+    //      defined but the latter is not, so we just provide one for debug
+    //      purposes.
+    //
+    //  fSchemaNamespaceId
+    //      This is the id of the schema namespace URI.
+    //
+    //  fGrammarResolver
+    //      Grammar Pool that stores all the grammars. Key is namespace for
+    //      schema and system id for external DTD. When caching a grammar, if
+    //      a grammar is already in the pool, it will be replaced with the
+    //      new parsed one.
+    //
+    //  fGrammar
+    //      Current Grammar used by the Scanner and Validator
+    //
+    //  fRootGrammar
+    //      The grammar where the root element is declared.
+    //
+    //  fGrammarType
+    //      Current Grammar Type.  Store this value instead of calling getGrammarType
+    //      all the time for faster performance.
+    //
+    //  fURIStringPool
+    //      This is a pool for URIs with unique ids assigned. We use a standard
+    //      string pool class.  This pool is going to be shared by all Grammar.
+    //      Use only if namespace is turned on.
+    //
+    //  fRootElemName
+    //      No matter we are using DTD or Schema Grammar, if a DOCTYPE exists,
+    //      we need to verify the root element name.  So store the rootElement
+    //      that is used in the DOCTYPE in the Scanner instead of in the DTDGrammar
+    //      where it used to
+    //
+    //  fExternalSchemaLocation
+    //      The list of Namespace/SchemaLocation that was specified externally
+    //      using setExternalSchemaLocation.
+    //
+    //  fExternalNoNamespaceSchemaLocation
+    //      The no target namespace XML Schema Location that was specified
+    //      externally using setExternalNoNamespaceSchemaLocation.
+    //
+    //  fSecurityManager
+    //      The SecurityManager instance; as and when set by the application.
+    //
+    //  fEntityExpansionLimit
+    //      The number of entity expansions to be permitted while processing this document
+    //      Only meaningful when fSecurityManager != 0
+    //
+    //  fEntityExpansionCount
+    //      The number of general entities expanded so far in this document.
+    //      Only meaningful when fSecurityManager != null
+    //
+    //  fLoadExternalDTD
+    //      This flag indicates whether the external DTD be loaded or not
+    //
+    //  fNormalizeData
+    //      This flag indicates whether the parser should perform datatype
+    //      normalization that is defined in the schema.
+    //
+    //  fCalculateSrcOfs
+    //      This flag indicates the parser should calculate the source offset.
+    //      Turning this on may impact performance.
+    //
+    //  fStandardUriConformant
+    //      This flag controls whether we force conformant URI
+    //
+    //  fXMLVersion
+    //      Enum to indicate if the main doc is XML 1.1 or XML 1.0 conformant    
+    //  fUIntPool
+    //      pool of unsigned integers to help with duplicate attribute
+    //      detection and filling in default/fixed attributes
+    //  fUIntPoolRow
+    //      current row in fUIntPool
+    //  fUIntPoolCol
+    //      current column i row
+    //  fUIntPoolRowTotal
+    //      total number of rows in table
+    //
+    //  fMemoryManager
+    //      Pluggable memory manager for dynamic allocation/deallocation.
+    //
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    size_t                      fBufferSize;
+    bool                        fStandardUriConformant;
+    bool                        fCalculateSrcOfs;
+    bool                        fDoNamespaces;
+    bool                        fExitOnFirstFatal;
+    bool                        fValidationConstraintFatal;
+    bool                        fInException;
+    bool                        fStandalone;
+    bool                        fHasNoDTD;
+    bool                        fValidate;
+    bool                        fValidatorFromUser;
+    bool                        fDoSchema;
+    bool                        fSchemaFullChecking;
+    bool                        fIdentityConstraintChecking;
+    bool                        fToCacheGrammar;
+    bool                        fUseCachedGrammar;
+    bool                        fLoadExternalDTD;
+    bool                        fNormalizeData;
+    bool                        fGenerateSyntheticAnnotations;
+    bool                        fValidateAnnotations;
+    bool                        fIgnoreCachedDTD;
+    bool                        fIgnoreAnnotations;
+    bool                        fDisableDefaultEntityResolution;
+    bool                        fSkipDTDValidation;
+    int                         fErrorCount;
+    unsigned int                fEntityExpansionLimit;
+    unsigned int                fEntityExpansionCount;
+    unsigned int                fEmptyNamespaceId;
+    unsigned int                fUnknownNamespaceId;
+    unsigned int                fXMLNamespaceId;
+    unsigned int                fXMLNSNamespaceId;
+    unsigned int                fSchemaNamespaceId;
+    unsigned int **             fUIntPool;
+    unsigned int                fUIntPoolRow;
+    unsigned int                fUIntPoolCol;
+    unsigned int                fUIntPoolRowTotal;
+    XMLUInt32                   fScannerId;
+    XMLUInt32                   fSequenceId;
+    RefVectorOf<XMLAttr>*       fAttrList;
+    RefHash2KeysTableOf<XMLAttr>*  fAttrDupChkRegistry;    
+    XMLDocumentHandler*         fDocHandler;
+    DocTypeHandler*             fDocTypeHandler;
+    XMLEntityHandler*           fEntityHandler;
+    XMLErrorReporter*           fErrorReporter;
+    ErrorHandler*               fErrorHandler;
+    PSVIHandler*                fPSVIHandler;
+    ValidationContext           *fValidationContext;
+    bool                        fEntityDeclPoolRetrieved;
+    ReaderMgr                   fReaderMgr;
+    XMLValidator*               fValidator;
+    ValSchemes                  fValScheme;
+    GrammarResolver* const      fGrammarResolver;
+    MemoryManager* const        fGrammarPoolMemoryManager;
+    Grammar*                    fGrammar;
+    Grammar*                    fRootGrammar;
+    XMLStringPool*              fURIStringPool;
+    XMLCh*                      fRootElemName;
+    XMLCh*                      fExternalSchemaLocation;
+    XMLCh*                      fExternalNoNamespaceSchemaLocation;
+    SecurityManager*            fSecurityManager;
+    XMLReader::XMLVersion       fXMLVersion;
+    MemoryManager*              fMemoryManager;
+    XMLBufferMgr                fBufMgr;
+    XMLBuffer                   fAttNameBuf;
+    XMLBuffer                   fAttValueBuf;
+    XMLBuffer                   fCDataBuf;
+    XMLBuffer                   fQNameBuf;
+    XMLBuffer                   fPrefixBuf;
+    XMLBuffer                   fURIBuf;
+    XMLBuffer                   fWSNormalizeBuf;
+    ElemStack                   fElemStack;
+private :
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    //  Unimplemented constructors and operators
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    XMLScanner();
+    XMLScanner(const XMLScanner&);
+    XMLScanner& operator=(const XMLScanner&);
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    //  Private helper methods
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    void commonInit();
+    void cleanUp();
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    //  Private scanning methods
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    bool getQuotedString(XMLBuffer& toFill);
+    unsigned int scanUpToWSOr
+    (
+                XMLBuffer&  toFill
+        , const XMLCh       chEndChar
+    );
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  XMLScanner: Getter methods
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+inline const XMLDocumentHandler* XMLScanner::getDocHandler() const
+    return fDocHandler;
+inline XMLDocumentHandler* XMLScanner::getDocHandler()
+    return fDocHandler;
+inline const DocTypeHandler* XMLScanner::getDocTypeHandler() const
+    return fDocTypeHandler;
+inline DocTypeHandler* XMLScanner::getDocTypeHandler()
+    return fDocTypeHandler;
+inline bool XMLScanner::getDoNamespaces() const
+    return fDoNamespaces;
+inline const XMLEntityHandler* XMLScanner::getEntityHandler() const
+    return fEntityHandler;
+inline XMLEntityHandler* XMLScanner::getEntityHandler()
+    return fEntityHandler;
+inline const XMLErrorReporter* XMLScanner::getErrorReporter() const
+    return fErrorReporter;
+inline XMLErrorReporter* XMLScanner::getErrorReporter()
+    return fErrorReporter;
+inline const ErrorHandler* XMLScanner::getErrorHandler() const
+    return fErrorHandler;
+inline ErrorHandler* XMLScanner::getErrorHandler()
+    return fErrorHandler;
+inline const PSVIHandler* XMLScanner::getPSVIHandler() const
+    return fPSVIHandler;
+inline PSVIHandler* XMLScanner::getPSVIHandler()
+    return fPSVIHandler;
+inline bool XMLScanner::getExitOnFirstFatal() const
+    return fExitOnFirstFatal;
+inline bool XMLScanner::getValidationConstraintFatal() const
+    return fValidationConstraintFatal;
+inline bool XMLScanner::getInException() const
+    return fInException;
+inline RefHashTableOf<XMLRefInfo>* XMLScanner::getIDRefList()
+    return fValidationContext->getIdRefList();
+inline const RefHashTableOf<XMLRefInfo>* XMLScanner::getIDRefList() const
+    return fValidationContext->getIdRefList();
+inline ValidationContext*  XMLScanner::getValidationContext()
+    if (!fEntityDeclPoolRetrieved)
+    {
+        fValidationContext->setEntityDeclPool(getEntityDeclPool());
+        fEntityDeclPoolRetrieved = true;
+    }
+    return fValidationContext;
+inline const Locator* XMLScanner::getLocator() const
+    return &fReaderMgr;
+inline const ReaderMgr* XMLScanner::getReaderMgr() const
+    return &fReaderMgr;
+inline unsigned int XMLScanner::getSrcOffset() const
+    return fReaderMgr.getSrcOffset();
+inline bool XMLScanner::getStandalone() const
+    return fStandalone;
+inline XMLScanner::ValSchemes XMLScanner::getValidationScheme() const
+    return fValScheme;
+inline const XMLValidator* XMLScanner::getValidator() const
+    return fValidator;
+inline XMLValidator* XMLScanner::getValidator()
+    return fValidator;
+inline bool XMLScanner::getDoSchema() const
+    return fDoSchema;
+inline bool XMLScanner::getValidationSchemaFullChecking() const
+    return fSchemaFullChecking;
+inline bool XMLScanner::getIdentityConstraintChecking() const
+    return fIdentityConstraintChecking;
+inline int XMLScanner::getErrorCount()
+    return fErrorCount;
+inline bool XMLScanner::isValidatorFromUser()
+    return fValidatorFromUser;
+inline unsigned int XMLScanner::getEmptyNamespaceId() const
+    return fEmptyNamespaceId;
+inline unsigned int XMLScanner::getUnknownNamespaceId() const
+    return fUnknownNamespaceId;
+inline unsigned int XMLScanner::getXMLNamespaceId() const
+    return fXMLNamespaceId;
+inline unsigned int XMLScanner::getXMLNSNamespaceId() const
+    return fXMLNSNamespaceId;
+inline const XMLStringPool* XMLScanner::getURIStringPool() const
+    return fURIStringPool;
+inline XMLStringPool* XMLScanner::getURIStringPool()
+    return fURIStringPool;
+inline bool XMLScanner::getHasNoDTD() const
+    return fHasNoDTD;
+inline XMLCh* XMLScanner::getExternalSchemaLocation() const
+    return fExternalSchemaLocation;
+inline XMLCh* XMLScanner::getExternalNoNamespaceSchemaLocation() const
+    return fExternalNoNamespaceSchemaLocation;
+inline SecurityManager* XMLScanner::getSecurityManager() const
+    return fSecurityManager;
+inline bool XMLScanner::getLoadExternalDTD() const
+    return fLoadExternalDTD;
+inline bool XMLScanner::getNormalizeData() const
+    return fNormalizeData;
+inline bool XMLScanner::isCachingGrammarFromParse() const
+    return fToCacheGrammar;
+inline bool XMLScanner::isUsingCachedGrammarInParse() const
+    return fUseCachedGrammar;
+inline bool XMLScanner::getCalculateSrcOfs() const
+    return fCalculateSrcOfs;
+inline Grammar* XMLScanner::getRootGrammar() const
+    return fRootGrammar;
+inline bool XMLScanner::getStandardUriConformant() const
+    return fStandardUriConformant;
+inline XMLReader::XMLVersion XMLScanner::getXMLVersion() const
+	return fXMLVersion;
+inline MemoryManager* XMLScanner::getMemoryManager() const
+    return fMemoryManager;
+inline ValueVectorOf<PrefMapElem*>* XMLScanner::getNamespaceContext() const
+    return fElemStack.getNamespaceMap();
+inline unsigned int XMLScanner::getPrefixId(const XMLCh* const prefix) const
+    return fElemStack.getPrefixId(prefix);
+inline const XMLCh* XMLScanner::getPrefixForId(unsigned int prefId) const
+    return fElemStack.getPrefixForId(prefId);
+inline bool XMLScanner::getGenerateSyntheticAnnotations() const
+    return fGenerateSyntheticAnnotations;
+inline bool XMLScanner::getValidateAnnotations() const
+    return fValidateAnnotations;
+inline bool XMLScanner::getIgnoreCachedDTD() const
+    return fIgnoreCachedDTD;
+inline bool XMLScanner::getIgnoreAnnotations() const
+    return fIgnoreAnnotations;
+inline bool XMLScanner::getDisableDefaultEntityResolution() const
+    return fDisableDefaultEntityResolution;
+inline bool XMLScanner::getSkipDTDValidation() const
+    return fSkipDTDValidation;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  XMLScanner: Setter methods
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+inline void XMLScanner::setDocHandler(XMLDocumentHandler* const docHandler)
+    fDocHandler = docHandler;
+inline void XMLScanner::setDocTypeHandler(DocTypeHandler* const docTypeHandler)
+    fDocTypeHandler = docTypeHandler;
+inline void XMLScanner::setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler* const handler)
+    fErrorHandler = handler;
+inline void XMLScanner::setPSVIHandler(PSVIHandler* const handler)
+    fPSVIHandler = handler;
+inline void XMLScanner::setEntityHandler(XMLEntityHandler* const entityHandler)
+    fEntityHandler = entityHandler;
+    fReaderMgr.setEntityHandler(entityHandler);
+inline void XMLScanner::setErrorReporter(XMLErrorReporter* const errHandler)
+    fErrorReporter = errHandler;
+inline void XMLScanner::setExitOnFirstFatal(const bool newValue)
+    fExitOnFirstFatal = newValue;
+inline void XMLScanner::setValidationConstraintFatal(const bool newValue)
+    fValidationConstraintFatal = newValue;
+inline void XMLScanner::setValidationScheme(const ValSchemes newScheme)
+    fValScheme = newScheme;
+    // validation flag for Val_Auto is set to false by default,
+    //   and will be turned to true if a grammar is seen
+    if (fValScheme == Val_Always)
+        fValidate = true;
+    else
+        fValidate = false;
+inline void XMLScanner::setDoSchema(const bool doSchema)
+    fDoSchema = doSchema;
+inline void XMLScanner::setDoNamespaces(const bool doNamespaces)
+    fDoNamespaces = doNamespaces;
+inline void XMLScanner::setValidationSchemaFullChecking(const bool schemaFullChecking)
+    fSchemaFullChecking = schemaFullChecking;
+inline void XMLScanner::setIdentityConstraintChecking(const bool identityConstraintChecking)
+    fIdentityConstraintChecking = identityConstraintChecking;
+inline void XMLScanner::setHasNoDTD(const bool hasNoDTD)
+    fHasNoDTD = hasNoDTD;
+inline void XMLScanner::setRootElemName(XMLCh* rootElemName)
+    fMemoryManager->deallocate(fRootElemName);//delete [] fRootElemName;
+    fRootElemName = XMLString::replicate(rootElemName, fMemoryManager);
+inline void XMLScanner::setExternalSchemaLocation(const XMLCh* const schemaLocation)
+    fMemoryManager->deallocate(fExternalSchemaLocation);//delete [] fExternalSchemaLocation;
+    fExternalSchemaLocation = XMLString::replicate(schemaLocation, fMemoryManager);
+inline void XMLScanner::setExternalNoNamespaceSchemaLocation(const XMLCh* const noNamespaceSchemaLocation)
+    fMemoryManager->deallocate(fExternalNoNamespaceSchemaLocation);//delete [] fExternalNoNamespaceSchemaLocation;
+    fExternalNoNamespaceSchemaLocation = XMLString::replicate(noNamespaceSchemaLocation, fMemoryManager);
+inline void XMLScanner::setExternalSchemaLocation(const char* const schemaLocation)
+    fMemoryManager->deallocate(fExternalSchemaLocation);//delete [] fExternalSchemaLocation;
+    fExternalSchemaLocation = XMLString::transcode(schemaLocation, fMemoryManager);
+inline void XMLScanner::setExternalNoNamespaceSchemaLocation(const char* const noNamespaceSchemaLocation)
+    fMemoryManager->deallocate(fExternalNoNamespaceSchemaLocation);//delete [] fExternalNoNamespaceSchemaLocation;
+    fExternalNoNamespaceSchemaLocation = XMLString::transcode(noNamespaceSchemaLocation, fMemoryManager);
+inline void XMLScanner::setSecurityManager(SecurityManager* const securityManager)
+    fSecurityManager = securityManager;
+    if(securityManager != 0) 
+    {
+        fEntityExpansionLimit = securityManager->getEntityExpansionLimit();
+        fEntityExpansionCount = 0;
+    }
+inline void XMLScanner::setLoadExternalDTD(const bool loadDTD)
+    fLoadExternalDTD = loadDTD;
+inline void XMLScanner::setNormalizeData(const bool normalizeData)
+    fNormalizeData = normalizeData;
+inline void XMLScanner::cacheGrammarFromParse(const bool newValue)
+    fToCacheGrammar = newValue;
+inline void XMLScanner::useCachedGrammarInParse(const bool newValue)
+    fUseCachedGrammar = newValue;
+inline void XMLScanner::setCalculateSrcOfs(const bool newValue)
+    fCalculateSrcOfs = newValue;
+inline void XMLScanner::setStandardUriConformant(const bool newValue)
+    fStandardUriConformant = newValue;
+    fReaderMgr.setStandardUriConformant(newValue);
+inline void XMLScanner::setGenerateSyntheticAnnotations(const bool newValue)
+    fGenerateSyntheticAnnotations = newValue;
+inline void XMLScanner::setValidateAnnotations(const bool newValue)
+    fValidateAnnotations = newValue;
+inline void XMLScanner::setInputBufferSize(const size_t bufferSize)
+    fBufferSize = bufferSize;
+    fCDataBuf.setFullHandler(this, (unsigned int)fBufferSize);
+inline void XMLScanner::setIgnoredCachedDTD(const bool newValue)
+    fIgnoreCachedDTD = newValue;
+inline void XMLScanner::setIgnoreAnnotations(const bool newValue)
+    fIgnoreAnnotations = newValue;
+inline void XMLScanner::setDisableDefaultEntityResolution(const bool newValue)
+    fDisableDefaultEntityResolution = newValue;
+inline void XMLScanner::setSkipDTDValidation(const bool newValue)
+    fSkipDTDValidation = newValue;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  XMLScanner: Mutator methods
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+inline void XMLScanner::incrementErrorCount()
+    ++fErrorCount;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  XMLScanner: Deprecated methods
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+inline bool XMLScanner::getDoValidation() const
+    return fValidate;
+inline void XMLScanner::setDoValidation(const bool validate)
+    fValidate = validate;
+    if (fValidate)
+        fValScheme = Val_Always;
+    else
+        fValScheme = Val_Never;
+inline void XMLScanner::resetValidationContext()
+    fValidationContext->clearIdRefList();
+    fValidationContext->setEntityDeclPool(0);
+    fEntityDeclPoolRetrieved = false;
+inline void XMLScanner::setAttrDupChkRegistry(const unsigned int &attrNumber
+                                            ,       bool         &toUseHashTable)
+   // once the attribute exceed 100, we use hash table to check duplication
+    if (attrNumber > 100)
+   {
+        toUseHashTable = true;
+        if (!fAttrDupChkRegistry)
+        {
+            fAttrDupChkRegistry = new (fMemoryManager) RefHash2KeysTableOf<XMLAttr>
+            (
+              2*attrNumber+1, false, new (fMemoryManager)HashXMLCh(), fMemoryManager
+            );
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            fAttrDupChkRegistry->removeAll();
+        }
+    }
+inline Grammar::GrammarType XMLScanner::getCurrentGrammarType() const
+    return Grammar::UnKnown;